A world where History never happened

"How much must Rome have hated German culture! They 
could not have chosen means that were more ignoble and more con- 
trary to God. This is how Western religious history appears: Rome de- 
graded by force those who arose from unknown depths. It acted on the 
assumption that those who sought to unravel the secrets of the world 
and of life should be driven to hell or overwhelmed or destroyed with 
curses and defamation. Yet is it a crime that people chose the highest 
possible goal of all? Rome put to death those who did not want to pray 
to Yahweh, a God who once regretted that he had produced the world 
and people. Rome’s pope burned or tortured those who did not want 
to recognize him as the supreme representative of God. As history suf- 
ficiently shows, popes were often ranked among the scum of humanity."

Lucifer’s Court by OTTO Rahn

Roma benched and on the floor

Amor is the true and only lord

troubadours are secret finders

Earth belongs to the quick minders

Rebells yell, rings the bell

Who could ever tell?

All will be well

Rest at peace, all for the holly fleece

Argonauts are in town

Church is the old remnant and the only clown

It must be left alone

All fathers will be done

This creature of the dark must be gone

before the last dawn,

before the world’s beauty is eternally gone

The catharsis of the new mind

a love that is not blind

The blindness that is not a demon hidden as faith

nothing in them is kind

believers of old are tired sinners

They cant be winners

A ship of fools is sailing away

let them go, don’t pray

Chivalry is not gone

True Son of man is never born alone

Lucibels Light is forever in your sight

Follow the Golden road

don’t squash the toad

don’t rape the innocence of nature

leave them for the winds of the future

One who travels alone, against wild, unpredictable winds

will never be bathed in sins

Hyperborians winds are sanctified messengers of love

sent by whitest dove

Green Aurora blessing for fauna and flora

Greenlight is the sign for those that will fight

Love in you can never die, if this happens

are you really alive?

Love them all, even if they are hopelessly lost

even they can never reach the bridge made of frost

Dont judge them, too harsh

This is not your march

Son of Sun, to be alone on your secret quest

means you can’t be like the rest

The path is hard, everything else is a fall

Fall from grace, painted on your confused face

Love can’t die, Aryans can fly

it is true, but you need to know

why your heart is engulfed in a sacred glow

Earthly man, He is not here to receive a tan,

he is here so he can find a sacred hidden land

North is the ort,

North is the Lucibels Court

if you are a true lord, brave knight

don’t fear you won’t be followed by a preying night

Those who have Love in their eyes

don’t accept this world’s lies

according to that they will never, truly suffer and die

even if they fry, in flames

like old blessed, beautiful dames

guardians of the true light proclaimed as witches

by black mass, perverted creatures

Killers of love

butchers of the white dove

leave them alone, because they are already in Hell

serves them well.

Amor is our shinnig star

Worl without the perpetual War

Your heart is the true and only bar

Born in love loved by heavenly cove

you can not fail, you are already a child of

Holy Grail.

True Grail that has sails

that takes you to places

show you many faces

Stone made of translucent love

fallen from above

it is not the silly cup or golden Chalice

full of death and untrusty malice

It is not a carpenter’s wooden dream

a pointless ray of the misguided beam

“Sinners” are the truth

in their hand Zauberflöte

Minuteman of our time

Defenders of the poems and rhyme

Lucibels Bell, tells you all

don not hit the poisonous wall

You need to know

let the true amor in your heart grow

dont knock yourself out

By false messengers that are very perverted and loud

Bell is not a beast from hell

Can you not tell?

Hell is a second in your eyes

a silver bullet in disguise

patronizing lies

think twice

don’t idolize

Break a fools spell

wish Amor, only well

Send him around the imaginary globe

sent him to deserved home

Nest him in the people’s hearts

remove this cursed farce

Send by the black hooded magicians

as malnutrition

for the desperate soul, this is the only cure

that will endure

that will pass no matter the future or past

be the outcast, so what?

certainly, you are not the last

Life is a song intertwined with Love

all created under the guidance of white dove

Appolos art is the last killer dart

for hooded monsters.

hidden away from the public in their moist dark cloisters

Amor conquers all,

this Evil Satans church eventually will fall

It is just a matter of time

when you are naked on the street

and without your precious dime

The prophecy said: you belong to Seth

Servant of Jesus, the guy who hangs on the cross,

is your ultimate loss

Your wretched souls will be put in the empty bowls

You are prisoners of time, in a world without love and rhyme

now eats fat maggots and filthy rotten bread

and dine…

Sorry, no red vine.

Black magicians created this System of Love

they told humanity that is comming from God Above

How does anyone who doesn’t experience the love of a white dove

Knows, anything about the power of love

It is all a farce of mythical proportion

A cruel devastating abortion

Ways of the Wicked, this is it, anything else you will be tricked

So they say, this abomination in disarray

They pray, pray all day long, so they speak

but I got the feeling this truth reeks

Satan’s church, spreading the immaculate love

sparkling you with rare gifts from high above

Jesus died for you,didnt you know?

bow now, you really don’t wanna know

The truth is one, begone!

They say…Don’t think, obey, party with us

pray with us, listen to us

return to dust…

Come again, open the doors

scrape the floors again

Be a good dog,it is a better choice than becoming the true God

Nothing last, even you will become a disgraced outcast

It is just a matter of time before this word reaches your crime

You are already out of time

Church of Jesus is going down,

it is the secretive word that is dancing around

Jesus can save you, he can only betray you

Keep you here, taken by the storm

so you can be born

Again, and again…how lovely and dirty the plan

What a giant scam!

Dantes Inferno is comming your way

You better pray, hard and long

if you wish, sing along!

Your sins will be not forgiven

that is a given.

All religions are deaths man legions

Perverted throwaway bone, invasive porn will leave you empty and alone

given to the wishful masses

all I see are confused asses

heads put in the sands

Run while you can!

Karma is a bitch, this word is not a niche

It is your last and well-deserved wish

Amor is here, Roma is gone

things are finally there where they belong

So long!

Change your ways, there is still the time

you are long past your prime

Even the fallen can be saved

even the killers can be saved if they behaved

Stop this madness, stop this traveling sadness

Find your heart if anything is left, or join the will of the Seth

Your final bed, a bed filled with nails

Why? Because only love prevails

Sooner or later, time will run out

Your heaven is going south

the figure of Christ will fall from the cross

run and accept your loss

Roma is Amor again

These words are true, maybe even bold

Death to those who have sold

because you have been told

to do this, to do that…

to make a pact…

Written in blood, scrambled without the soul

This Bible of yours must go!

Fly through the window she shall

We must empty your dirty, blood-stained halls

Read this, please, this is not just some naked tease

Redeem yourself or go down in flames

This is the message from the True Human Race

Eyes without the face.

LOVE above the LAW

Stop, stop now all, or see your FALL.

Miguel Serrano:
The love (A-Mor) of Lucifer and Lilith (A = without,
Mor = death; Without Death) allows for the wilful recovery
of the Totality of the Opposites, of the Opposite Pairs, to be
possible inside each of them; Lilith, united to her masculine
animus, and Lucifer, to his feminine aenima, using Jung’s
terminology. Each is wed to his and her own Selbst, thus
allowing the real Son of Man and Woman to be born
(being “delivered” by the Man), the Astral Body, the subtle
body, androgynous, the Shiva Ardhanasisvara. For this,
Lucifer had to become Lilith’s widower, here on Earth, and
“pregnant” from Her, thus giving Birth to the Son of the
Widower, the Astral Body (with the face of his Beloved)
which, by being clad in a terrestrial body (for a short while)
will make possible in this world the forthcoming of a cast of
Warrior-Heroes, fighting to redeem the rest of the Viryas, of
the Hyperboreans and Aryans, prisoners under the hypnosis
of the Demiurg, with the help of Satan-Saturn-Jehovah and
his genetic robots, the Jews, as it has already been said.

Hitler said: “The one who sees our movement
only as a political party, has not been able to understand
anything. It is much more: // is the will to create (recreate)
the Superman”.
To recreate Him; because the Superman is not a
human state in a future biological evolution, as it is thought
to be Nietzsche’s belief. The Superman once existed in
the past, and it was lost. There is no evolution, but
only involution. To know more about the Cosmogony of
Hitlerism, I refer the reader to my book Manu. Por el
Hombre que Vendra, to the chapter “Cosmogonia Revelada”
and its explanatory diagrams. Here we will only sum it up
by saying that in the beginning, millions of years ago, the
Divya appeared upon this planet Earth, where he had to
adopt a form to be able to work, thus covering his subtle
being with this denser matter. Only for a short terrestrial
time, going back dissolving this form and disappear. And so
on, continuously, until, due to a strange event, for “falling
in love with the daughters of men”, the Divya loses his
ability to disincarnate, becoming a prisoner of terrestrial
matter, until he forgets his real origin and loses his powers,
along with the use of one of the halves of his brain, an
instrument created for the invisible Mind to work in this
other plane. But not all have suffered this fate. Perhaps one
was able to leave, after uniting himself with a woman, to
reproduce, dividing himself (“from a rib”, as legend has it).
And so it was that this woman became a widow, the Great
Widow. Her descendants will be the “Sons of the Widow”,
the Viryas, part divine, part human.

Authors note: No book should be read as absolute truth, the truth is always in between.

This is not written against Christians, Catholics, Muslims, or any other religion…maybe is time to stop worshipping the false idols from the “Holly Books” and accept the reality, what have you been told is simly not true, it is done or written, to keep you in the mental cage and spiritual prison.

Believe what you want but do you want to know, really know?

KNOW/OWN/NOW KNOW-WINGs KNOW/ledge…The choice is yours.

I wanted to write a story about parallel reality/world but if will have to wait…I hope this will do the trick, so to speak.

I simply don’t have the time, to write the story, and I am hoping Jack and the team will soon post some of their findings and revelations.

So while you are waiting here is something, something.

Cheers to ALL.

Honor and Trust, Blood and Soil.


  1. Grandiose Natural Born Liar, Just Like…..

    Ra Ma Aum
    Tho Ra Ma
    Ai Mai Aumn

    I begin to feel it now, the reaction of everything combining,
    In, and all around me, without uncertainty, or the fear of death
    From the Beauty of Pure Being, that is reflecting in the Sunlight,
    On this Summers Day.

    Giants surround everywhere, colors of green and burnished gold,
    Twin tower trees, standing, frame the Sun
    A gateway beyond the Pleiades
    Where the Silver Star of Babylon
    Has vowed to raise every candidate,
    Forever into eternity.

    Come and witness this beautiful sight, watch the Sun, feel the exhilaration,
    As the solar aureole melts, flooding the sky in yellow saffron light.

    The Eternal Youth of Summer has come,
    Descending on a big cracking current
    That passes through my coil,
    Until I glow and burn
    Like the torch of Baphomet
    Forever now, blazing across my brow.

    But that was then, and this, is now,
    Being that I am the spark that roared,
    I dwell in the silence, in the eye of the storm,
    Overshadowed by secret identity.

    Sitting on the desert floor, one hand holds
    The scorpion, the other makes the sign of
    The unicorn, that pierces the eye and heart of
    The lion, whose grip, heralded on the sound of 88’s,
    Pulls down the dragons fire, in the Spring of the 33’rd lunar year.

    Like a column of smoke by day, and
    A pillar of fire by night, let it burn, until
    Nothing is left, except the whitest ash, in
    The chalice of the triple flame

    Across the seven streams of lustral light,
    That holds my vessel aloft,
    Floating on currents that
    Contemplate your love, that contracts
    Upon me, and holds my parts together,
    In the infinite spaces of your mysteries unveiled,
    Gliding into pools of flooding light
    On red and yellow oars that spiral
    Around blue aspiration, that thrills with the chance of union, with
    The Cherished Pearl.

    Big Basin Redwoods State Park
    Santa Cruz County, Ca. USA
    July 7, 1977.

    Scribbled: August 1986, April 1987.

    So, what exactly happened Stanley?
    I don’t know, but it happened.

  2. “Break a fools spell

    wish Amor, only well

    Send him around the imaginary globe

    sent him to deserved home

    Nest him in the people’s hearts

    remove this cursed farce

    Send by the black hooded magicians

    as malnutrition

    for the desperate soul, this is the only cure

    that will endure

    that will pass no matter the future or past

    be the outcast, so what?

    certainly, you are not the last

    Life is a song intertwined with Love

    all created under the guidance of white dove”

    Thank you, Happy Parrot. Jon Valentine Lee was bursting into tears when your words were rendered into vibration and frequencies by an aspect of the goddess from Virginia.

    • And Othalla was exactly the right pick, synchronicity. Used the rune the previous night to explain what is the blueprint and purpose of sacred union, between male and female. Our bard friends with their eighteen year old son grasped it immediately.

    • Thank you, it is written for You four, for me, for anyone in our circles who is fighting a good fight, and for anyone who has Love in his heart.

      Again thank you for your comments, trust me as for you, and the team in France it is also for me a very humbling and profound spiritual experience.

      The most important thing enjoy life with your loved ones.

      All big and great things start with something small and without the bravery in the hearts of chosen protagonist, all that will manifest itself, can’t happen without Love.

      Cheers brother, have a great and mostly magical day.

      • You sound like Chrétien my friend…
        In his introduction to Perceval’s story of the grail…
        ‘He little reaps who little sows,
        And he who’d have good harvest knows
        To sow his seeds in such a field
        That they a hundredfold will yield;
        For good seed in a barren place
        Will shrivel there and fail apace.
        Now Chrétien sows here the seed
        From which a story will proceed,
        And sows it in so good a place
        Great profit shall his efforts grace,
        For what he does is for the best.’
        Much love brother…

  3. Okay we’ve been going through footage all morning; I think we have the makings of a documentary that can be sold to Sean Stone if he’s still not afraid to handle Jack Heart. We have a thirteen-minute rendition of Happy Parrots poem here that is absolutely divine, sung by a lost angel that found her way to us in the middle of the night. It’s gonna have to be edited by Orage but the full video has been sent to Phil and I’m sure either he or Orage can share it with you on Proton email Happy Parrot, just ask him how, it’s on Google Drive. Don’t sweat to comments as Orage pointed out. I’ve had over 300 on pieces on here and close to 500 on pieces on VT. They never go the way you want and at least no one’s heckling you which I will not permit on the Human. I got called every name in the book in VT, but I enjoyed it because I always gave back better than I got. You wrote it we lived it, and we’ll proceed from there.

    • Thank you!

      I will try not to…”fight” in the comment section…this is more or less a new “sensation” to me.
      I guess we will see who is who after all, and I hope Sean has the balls, to do the right thing.

      Don’t worry about the song, I can wait, it will be a surprise…

      Anyway, are you staying in France or comming back to Zee America?

      Cheers, and All the Best, to You and to our Friends in France, wherever they may be.

  4. Nazis are a creation of the Jews and their “Kosher Valley” Hollywood realm of perversion, lies, and distortion. They have nothing to do with Adolph Hitler and National Socialism and are in fact their antithesis.

    • Heretic, my dear friend, there will be always NAZIs and National Socialists.

      Skinheads are not National Socialists, but this anomaly created by alphabet agencies is what is presented to the retarded population, suckling their beers and eating greasy fries in front of the Idiot Box as National Socialism in his “purest form”.

      With time all lies go away eventually because only the truth can stand on its own, it is really hard to suppress the truth, somehow she always resurfaces no matter how much stone you throw at her.

      Cheers, brother.

      • Well said, HP. The vast majority of so-called, “White Supremacist”, “Neo-Nazi”, “KKK”, “Skinheads”, etc. are either deranged, loser, lunatics or government paid, 5th column infiltrators. One of the White Separatist leaders in the 80s once cynically remarked that if it wasn’t for the government informers in his organization, he would have been unable to function as they were the only ones who paid their dues regularly with government money. I’ve said it before. No true National Socialist hates anyone simply because of their race. We just righteously hate our racial enemies. You are correct. No matter how suppressed, the truth will ultimately come forth and prevail. Cheers to you, Brother.

    • Thank you, I hope you are talking to me, it is hard to follow who is talking to whom…for some reason…

      Somehow we are not talking about what is written in the song…maybe here and there, but in general we are not. which is a shame.

      This comment just appeared out of nowhere.

      Sorry for the late response.

      Cheers brother.

      • Yes HP, it was for you, and it was held up being moderated for a day or so….
        As for not talking aboit the song, well indirectly I am, these two tunes although seemingly random speak to me in the same way your lyrics did. Of course that’s just my perception, but all of them between the lines sing to her brother….

        • Thank you, this was the discussion or direction of discussion I was targeting for…not what was what or who did what to whom…

          Sounds more like Kids bickering in the schoolyard than an adult discussion.

          Maybe in the future Is should moderate the comments…as I said many here are missing the point of this Poem, and the discussion went in a way, south.

          It is not a bad discussion…but it is far from what I had in my mind, somehow we are again talking about trivial things, not the deeper meanings of our existence or even solutions to further the enlightenment, of spoken existence.

          Somehow we end up who did what, to whom, and when…which is not
          highly productive.

          I am tired of spinning the wheel in one direction.

          Cheers, my friend, Be Well.

          • Tis indeed a shame that it always degenerates into looking backwards rather than forwards…
            To be fair though, I know your words hit the mark and stir the intended thought and impulse, but too anchored in the mire are we sometimes to express what we feel and intellectualise…
            Ego gets in the way as always!
            If you are tired, step off the hamster wheel my friend, it will roll on regardless till it reaches that dead end…
            I’m eternally grateful either way my friend. Take care and all my love to you and yours…

  5. Nor does true love ever die, it is eternal. The symbology of the Aryan Christ on the cross, as well as Wotan hanging from a street, and all crucified Aryan gods throughout the mists of time is metaphor delineating the descent of avatars from the higher realms of being into the inferior world of dense matter. This was consummated to engage and defeat the Demiurge and his evil minions here, hurled down from battles in superior dimensions. Earth was destined from its inception to be the battleground for the final combat. We are the cosmic, Waffen SS. Thank you, HP, this is magnificent and that is an understatement.

  6. Likes, share, and be so kind and leave a comment or two.

    Bravery is our way out of here, not spirituality.

    The hero never truly dies..true.

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