Growing up in New York City and spending summers in Montauk mating for my father and his friends I acquired an aversion to tourism. To me there is no sillier a creature than a tourist, Asians with cameras, Europeans in Bermuda shorts and Midwesterners gawking up at skyscrapers. That’s no way to see the world. Fortunately, as Jack Heart I am delegated quests to seek out the secret places of the sublime and bring them to my select group of readers. I have not failed yet and the Cathar Caves at Ornolac in the Ariege region of Southern France were no exception. Together with Orage, Joe and Jon Valentine-Lee, I found them, photographed and explored them much to the consternation of the locals. But hell, those caves are more mine than theirs. I fought for them. They hid in them. The Goddess was not about to let them deny me. The Goddess loves the warrior not subterranean cockroaches. Maybe they will learn something from this, Australia’s aborigines certainly didn’t. I will post some links that suddenly appeared after our “initiation” to the caves. The first two both Orage and I object to, particularly the first which in my estimate is pretentious nonsense. But in the interest of inclusivity, I include them. The third is golden. I will post the pictures in chronological order. When I get back to Tennessee, I will crunch the information and write an essay worthy of Her…

Cathar Initiation Caves – the Eglise | Gnostic Mind | Anaiya Sophia

Les Amis du Sabarthez – DĂ©couvrez l’Occitanie Cathare (

Parzifal, der Gral und die Katharer – eine Entdeckungsreise in das Land der Bonhommes und Bonnefemmes | Transinformation

A coincidence?

Christian is Gadals successor.
Perhaps the rock will fall on the unworthy
cave leading to the abyss
The abyss in the first cave as photographed by Jon Valetine Lee
Descent from the first cave
Ascent to the second Cave
Enter Jack Heart
The altar
The green bough
During the winter solstice the sunlight illuminates the altar
Cross on the altar
Gemstones placed in a vulvic portal
The Third cave, the one they show to the tourists
No doubt built by the same people who scribbled their names all over the cave walls…
I will knock down the Gates of the Netherworld, I will smash the door posts, and leave the doors flat down, and will let the dead go up to eat the living! And the dead will outnumber the living! – Ishtar

France, in the Footsteps of Otto Rahn by Jack Heart with special thanks to Orage, Jon Valentine Lee & Joe – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Jack live from MontsĂ©gur, France – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Below are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make more, I actually make the most from Amazon E books, but because you will avoid giving Amazon any money. Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.

Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® ( Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god: 9781736288016: Heart, Jack: Books

Selected Works of Jack Heart & Orage

Collected Poems of Jack Heart – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Twin Peaks & the Return of the White Queen by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Titthakara by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Shadow of Nemesis 4: NASA and The Prophet of Ascensionism by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Shadow of Nemesis 5, Weird Scenes Inside the Goldmine by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Otto Rahn, Hidden Master or Madman by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

The Cross, the Rabbi & the Skin Walker by Jack Heart – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

The Blood of Christ – Hemorrhagic Fever, Expendable Humans and Bacteria Gone BeZerk, Paint It Blue… by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

MK Ultra – Cybernetic Mutation, Remote Controlled Slaves, Dragon Soldiers and a Zombie Empire; Paint it Blue by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Black Sun Rising VI, the Black Madonna and the Swastika by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Black Sun Rising V By Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Black Sun Rising IV by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Black Sun Rising III by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Black Sun Rising II By Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Black Sun Rising I By Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Montauk – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

I, Montauk Project – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Peter Pan Meets Pyramid Head by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Peter Pan Meets Pyramid Head II by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Peter Pan meets Pyramid Head III by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Silent Hill Silent Scream… – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Aleister Crowley, Loki’s Brood & the Fury of Hell I by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Aleister Crowley, Loki’s Brood & the Fury of Hell… II by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Ragnarök I – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Ragnarök II – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Ragnarök III Loki’s Revenge by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Ragnarök III Loki’s Revenge II by Jack Heart & Orage  – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

LUCIFER in the Temple of the Dog I by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

LUCIFER in the Temple of the Dog II by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Lucifer, the Last Word… – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Of Freyja and Lilith, Goddesses and Demons & the Lie of Judeo-Christianity I by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Of Freyja and Lilith, Goddesses and Demons & the Lie of Judeo-Christianity II by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Esoteric Evolution by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Chaioth ha-Qadosh – Tookie Memorial Post, SÄ«rius Calling I by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Chaioth ha-Qadosh – Tookie Memorial Post, SÄ«rius Calling II By Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (


  1. I would very much like to read Romains translation, but it seems I have no access to it. Still, the premise appears to be somewhat iconoclastic.
    I doubt anyone alive today is prepared to go public with an explanation for the spiral and the hand, or for that matter with the ministry of the Magdalene. I am quite certain that the entertainment value of such an action would be large, and the circus machine would crank into high gear, as has been done with Fatima. Yet just like with Fatima, the true essence would be so easily forgotten.
    Today stupid hybrids carve their names on everything, so shallow is their identity. Identity is the item that makes them believe they are unique, but are they? Well, they are a big part of the reason that some things remain unavailable.
    There are facets to a crystal, and sides to a story. How can one be so certain that the Cathars entered the caves to hide? Well, almost no one remembers anymore. Scholars want to cancel the Cathars. Pundits want to make them Christian. Middlemen want to make them their next circus act.
    An image is worth a thousand words, and the photos were well chosen.

    • Well Mike we can’t very well do unauthorized translations and put them up on the open internet. Please contact Phil with the email of your choice at and he will fix it for you. Leave a comment, Dr. Bramhall is the only one who had anything pertinent to say about it besides yours truly and be sure to hit the like button. Romain is working his ass off on this…

      • The Control Complex lives. We can’t have people openly sharing information now can we? Why, it might mean that some could get a taste of the truth, and what would that mean for all the hard work that went into cobbling together official narratives???
        I will write to Phil.

  2. Jack, I agree with everything you have said in your video…but mostly with this, I am paraphrasing it:
    Stop hiding like little bitches(cockroaches) and start telling the truth.

    It is Time, or…..finish this sentence yourself…

    Serrano, LOL… You can’t make this shit up., you just can’t…

    Great pictures, and fine, exquisite work…

    Enjoy your stay in France, all of you definitely deserved it!.

  3. I don’t know l anyone else has noticed, but this trip seems to have taken years off of you Jack. You are looking fit, healthy and years younger. Maybe the magic of the caves?…..

    • Romain, thank you for your recent translation work, and sorry I haven’t commented… I unsubscribed to Jack’s paid substack, and have yet to upgrade to paid here… So please don’t take it personally, great job, much appreciated. Be well my friend.

      • Thank you for your kind words, I’m only doing this for the benefit of this community.
        I noticed that I also didn’t have access to the article even though I have a monthly subscription. There may be a problem but Jack or Phil will tell us if that’s the case.

          • Good to hear from you Phil.
            Sorry to go off topic a bit…
            Further to our previous correspondence on the looming dates in the US of A, some new developments were brought to my attention today…
            It looks like there is a massive financial crash on the card as hurricane hillary has been scheduled to crash into California, quite possibly a national bank is about to fall judging by today’s charts.
            Aquarius is also suggesting that this will invoke electronic technology in some way (like the wildfires erupting everywhere). Could even be to do with the satellite industry…
            I’ve got a number of heads working through scenarios this weekend, but thought I’d share, and see if your watchful eye had identified anything along the same vein…
            Take care and I’ll update you soon once I have concrete guidance.

          • Further to my previous comment I’ve narrowed down the potential bank collapse to one of these countries, Australia, Holland, Ireland, Ecuador, Israel, or Japan…
            I’m guessing any American turmoil will be later next week, once we pass the 3 degree mark…
            To all of those reading from California, I wish you well and hope the clouds subside.

    • And on top of that, you manage to put together a band to put HP’s lyrics into song with a woman. Just wow. Can’t wait to hear this!

    • So much dribble has been connected to this by people like Christian Koenig (Orage says Koenig is Jewish) and his merry little band of flute aficionados that it will now fall on us to separate the myth from the reality. I do hope you continue with your translations because outside of Otto Rahn himself, Serrano and Baigent and Leigh you have provided the only material I deem worth reading thus far. Funny that bough is supposed to turn green on the day of awakening. It was green when we got there. Also, the gate that barred the back cave was torn off and cast into the bushes. I will add the picture at the bottom of this post. When Jon and I came down and had a pint in the tavern the waitress was immediately exceedingly rude. She went inside to get our beer and came rushing out with the rest of the occupants, all of them choking for some unknown reason. No one knew why and the father of the children inside immediately gathered his brood and left, perplexed. Jon went in and opened all the windows for them, he was unaffected. When we ordered another tap we were informed they were closed…

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