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France, in the Footsteps of Otto Rahn by Jack Heart with special thanks to Orage, Jon Valentine Lee & Joe

I'd been in New York City for most of July, swimming from the Hamptons to Long Beach in an endless summer party. I'd gone back to Tennessee for a few days at the end of the month, but I was back to catch a 787 out of Kennedy to Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris. Technically the flight was August 3 but it was at midnight and it was still August 2 when my cousin dropped me off at the airport around ten o'clock.I was tentative but there was never any question that I must go to...

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Reach (for the Sky) by Happy Parrot

I have my share of problems with Evola, but...

Do British Veterans Regret Fighting World War 2? by Happy Parrot“The idea that fighting World War 2 was a...

Jack Heart’s Conversations from the porch – Episode 53, noncompliance, empathy and ethics… are two links where you can purchase Those Who...

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I am the Magician Changing metal into gold Water that is...

Silent Hill Silent Scream…

In an opening scene from the movie Silent Hill...

Peter Pan Meets Pyramid Head II by Jack Heart & Orage

Without the benefit of the modern internet, or at...

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LUCIFER in the Temple of the Dog II by Jack Heart & Orage

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