Reading A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century shared by a friend which also was reposted by presidential candidate Bobby Kennedy Jr. connects a lot of dots. Over morning coffee the article brought many things about the world today into clearer focus. My fictional account which follows may put some perspective into the thoughts of former intelligence or special operators when they are asked “Why didn’t you see that coming and do something?”

Bobby Kennedy reposting this article made it clear that he and others around him are well aware of the issues that we face as a nation and as individuals. Free thought is not something the totalitarianism can abide. And the totalitarianism we are experiencing in this day and time is because there is such a threat from we the people to those believing themselves the ruling class. Sounds like something out of the ’60s and early ’70s yet just as true today.

A guide to understanding the hoax of the century.

The question as to who would use directed energy weapons, weather weapons, extreme censorship against our own people remains unanswered except for knowing the class of society such men and women, the maniacal monsters, must come from. We are in a battle. A battle that’s been being waged since time immemorial to control the free thoughts of every individual. Now with the information, opinions, and ideas of billions of individuals available electronically at our fingertips, those who believe that theirs’ is the only way to move the human condition forward and it’s only the way of control that saves them, well they’re running scared.

In a comment to a recent video one of my friends stated that the biggest takeaway from that video was not the facts and the first hand accounts of a man-made disastrous catastrophe nor was it the facts from the incident, it was the way the three totally different speakers in the video with certainly different religious and social backgrounds and viewpoints came together in the end stating that the 99% can (when we come together) overcome the 1% that have such an iron grip upon freethinking and free speech.

So let’s come together.

A Tale of Overcoming Woe

When the contractors bring in a new system, a new electronics wizardry, to help detect the actions of the bad guys the operators are of two minds. It is just more to take up their time for those who don’t see the end result of their works and those who see the benefit but not necessarily the double-edged sword that the new technology brings. The Sergeant First Class, Gunnery Sergeant, Chief or Master Sergeant sees the great utility of such a new program, or new hardware, in bringing down the adversary. The leader of the team pushes his team through testing and fielding of the new technology.

“Today’s new technology has a way of combining disparate facts into a recognizable picture for anyone with the analytic skills to see it. The database overflows with numbers, pictures, and names all there for you the analyst to connect the dots” he says to his team.

The leader stands in front of a section, a battalion, a division, or a ships company as the citation for the Joint Services Meritorious Service Medal is read. The citation is signed by the former director of the CIA, now director of the NSA, soon to be director of DHS. Those watching such accolade giving ceremonies have no idea what went on in the darkened spaces where their mates did their jobs. The signatory of the award document knows very well the use to which the agencies and the senior executives of those agencies will put the new technology.

Years later when that team leader begins to see the technology turned upon his own his team. The people worked with, the brothers and sisters deployed with, all being considered domestic terrorists for having dissenting opinions. As always the unwitting minions, those told and believing they are serving the greater good of the nation, have no idea.

The technician, analyst, computer wizard, former member of the military services of the nation look at what’s going on around them. Many questions are asked. What happened to free speech? Why did Charlie get locked up for his website? Why can’t I say what I think on Facebook and Twitter? Why is it all my news sources people have trusted for years to provide an objective view of things they’re seeing are censored to the point of not being able to be found?

Ask the questions, seek the answers, share with friends, come together, we will share freedom with the generations who follow, if they can keep it. We first have to take our freedom back to be able to bequeath it to them! Say “I do not Comply!”


  1. A couple of important understandings…
    1) If the grid stars could mine your energy to power their A.I., there would be no need for their grid. If you look, you see the grid, so statements that you are their host, are unleashed to secure a sense of hopelessness and suicide in you. Please realize the kind of enemy you are dealing with.
    2) The latest piece I wrote, which I will send here once I can access my email, discusses the raiding of sacred knowledge. If you don’t want to wait, type my name into a substack search.(yes, my account is being blocked, for security purposes of course).
    3) Your energy is not from this place. It derives from a much higher source. The goblins want to understand it, but they are only now comprehending this exists. DO NOT GIVE THEM POWER OVER WHO YOU ARE. Yes, this is an act of will.
    Finally, you are at war. The enemy has already categorized, analysed, and devised their strategy to neutralize you. They have their magic, you saw it in Maui. They use your desire for a wholesome society as a weapon against you. They will give you images of puppies as they plead with you to give them your babies. The world you thought you lived in is nothing but a fiction.
    Stop feeding the parasites.

  2. George B we also have to consider Greece, Canada and islands all over that have fires of questionable origin. Then take into account the hundreds of fires in agricultural storage facilities be they stockyards, grain silos etc. and then there are chemical spills train derailments. Some see these all connected.

    Demigods are making offerings to their Gods while communicating a message to the rest of the demigods while we sit in the middle is one take on this time and place.

    Yes, time to take out the trash. We must stand together and say “We will not comply”!

    • I have been watching the videos coming from Hawaii taken from the shell garage , no sign of fires yet massive explosions all down the street Phil it must be the outside smart meters, aluminium wheels and engine blocks melting and running yet the plastic and tar road untouched much like 9-11 and the vehicles 2 streets away burned out , a row of cars with no doors open and everyone burned to death inside yet the sea is 30 foot away , yet all the blue stuff untouched,

      I saw this in a magazine around 2006 time a mountain in Afghanistan the flat top of it stretching for miles was dotted with what looked like dots and commas ? Wonder what the world’s thinking about all this ! .

      During the lockdown they seemed desperate to install all this LCD street lights everywhere both the UK and the USA Inc everyone was commenting on it wow and were they fast nobody even saw them do it including me and I wa rarely inside at all I was walking my dog stupid as the law stated and unmasked , Charles Leiber and his patents are vanishing from the net so I think they will move soon with what ever is planned as the dollar is toast soon and gold brokers etc are getting their bank accounts closed along with all their families accounts , that warning from Bill cooper about the holiday season is ringing bells for me .

      Contracts are going out for PPE and for a new updated lethal shot signed by dementia Biden And the WHO can now mandate a shot lol and new laws on publishing are rolling out and very very few people even know about this

  3. Who indeed Phil , who would burn thousands of people to death for 5 billion dollars of land,yet hand 200 billion dollars to Ukraine and 5 billion a month for government wages and pensions, this is not their first rodeo playing with that Dew toy paradise really was lost in LA years ago .

    Time to take the trash out or invading armies will

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