Hello Everyone,

It is Tuesday and today we are adding more printed references from authors who we have highlighted, published, and whom have been active on the site. You can help Jack and the authors through your purchases. – Phil

Coevolution: The True Story of a Man Taken for Ten Days to an Extraterrestrial Civilization – by Alec Newald

The author recounts his abduction by a UFO while driving from Rotorua to Auckland, New Zealand and describes the extraterrestrial civilization he was shown during the ten days he was “missing” Used versions available at the Read More link

The Valediction: Resurrection – by Elizabeth Gould, Paul Fitzgerald

The Valediction-Resurrection combines the esoteric qualities of The Ninth Gate and Field of Dreams as Paul Fitzgerald’s mind is opened to the unexplored role that the mysticism of Afghanistan played in drawing him into its vortex. That investigation begins with his search into his Fitzgerald family’s participation in the 12th century Norman invasion of Ireland. The story comes full circle…

More new titles from Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould added to!

More titles in Jack’s Bookstore


  1. Phil… It might be me as usual being completely illiterate where IT is concerned, but the Bookstore link doesn’t seem to be working…
    Sorry if it is, in which case just ignore this message…

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