1. What he wears is not germane to what he says, and most of what he says is the unadulterated truth.

  2. Thank you, Jack. It’s easy enough to get torched by this evil legal system without giving the slime more ammunition to use against you if you foolishly employ Patriot Mythology. More examples of it are the gold fringes on the American flag in the courtroom means we are under martial law, the robes the judges wear (I concede that the black robes have a sinister, Freemasonic significance but they have absolutely nothing to do with the Court’s authority to adjudicate a given case), your name in all capital letters on charging documents, whether an information charge scripted by the prosecutors and the cops or a formal, Grand Jury Indictment, is a “corporate fiction” and not the real you, etc., ad nauseum. It’s all baseless bullshit. It doesn’t matter if there is a washrag hanging from a flagpole in a courtroom, the judge is wearing a ballerina’s tutu, and your name on charging documents is written in fucking Chinese, those things are not what give the courts jurisdiction of the subject matter or authority to adjudicate. Perhaps I’ll elaborate with a prime example in another comment. Jack, if I’m not mistaken the cops tagged Casolero’s death as a suicide. So typical of the boys in blue who serve the Jew, obedient to their Hebraic matrix masters. As a rule, the Bulls are just interested in closing cases, not solving crimes.

    • It’s always a suicide Heretic, his counterpart Gary Webb killed himself by shooting himself twice in the head. Outside of plane crashes can you name me one of Hilery’s victims that did not commit suicide. They were using reservation laws to duck any prying that not yet totally corrupted Feds might initiate. When a leading tribe member got wise and tried to kick them off the reservation, they killed him and his two best friends, crime never solved, they never are. These people are psychopathic killers and the only thing they Understand is a better psychopathic killer: https://youtu.be/PCdr0y3cccw

      • Very true, Jack. You cannot reason with monsters. It’s exclusively a kill or be killed situation. As they have the overwhelming firepower, think Vietcong, and lone wolf, leaderless resistance, asymmetrical, guerrilla warfare. Go Che!

  3. I’ve been hoping this interview show between Mike & Juxtaposition would happen for some time now. I have the utmost respect and admiration for both men. As I’ve just started watching it and I must do it in segments because of interruptions, I want to get this comment out of the way though more may ensue. Juxtaposition and Mike posit that a key to our oppression in this matrix is the fact that we are under Admiralty/Maritime law, the law of the sea, which by the nature of ship life makes it a much more dictatorial regimen than what transpires on land. With all respect to Mike & “J”, this is a gravely erroneous notion. It has been many years, but I used to litigate Pro Se (without a lawyer) extensively and I was mentored by one of the best Pro Se litigants this country ever produced. Before connecting with him, I was taken in by the charlatans and snake oil, silver bullet salesmen of the legal industry. Simply put, the assertion that all U.S. courts, state & federal, civil & criminal, operate under Admiralty/Maritime jurisdiction is, “Patriot Mythology.” Admiralty/Maritime is the sole province of the federal courts. This was challenged by a state court and resolved in favor of the Feds. There are exceptional cases wherein there can be a concurrent jurisdiction but they are exceedingly rare. So the Patriot Mythologists seized on and distorted this decision which maintained that only federal courts adjudicate Admiralty/Maritime cases and declared that all cases, extrapolating to include state courts, operate under Admiralty/Maritime. It is errant nonsense and has no basis in fact. The only time a land lubber gets involved in an Admiralty/Maritime case is if he is an insurer of navigable vessels. The real reason the legal racketeers oppress us is very simple. We call it the, “Can Law”. They do it because they can. They control the goons with the guns, batons, tear gas, handcuffs, and keys to the cages and will capriciously unleash them on you if you invoke their displeasure, your civility and soundness of arguments grounded in facts and law notwithstanding. The scumbags call it, “Contempt of court.” Not to belabor the point but I know this from first hand experience and extensive networking with other Pro Se litigants. Pardon my French, but believe me, these cock-sucking sons and daughters of pox riddled whores who run the legal industry, the judges, lawyers, and prosecutors, do not need to hide behind some esoteric jurisdiction to rationalize grinding us into the dust. They do it quite openly, and revel in it like the swine they are. Black robed wind chimes, anyone?

    • I really appreciate you leaving this comment on here Heretic. I’ve heard this Maritime law stuff so many times from Mike and many of the other big name alternative guys I always took it for granted that it was correct…, until I read your comment about it on Happy Parrots blog. Your argument and you’re reasoning particularly, “they don’t need no stinking badges man” to trample all over due process just look at them now, are both sound. I don’t know anymore and I’m glad you’ve made that argument here for the rest of our readers. Juxtaposition is one of the few in my cousin’s staple, besides himself, that is not on my pay no mind list. I’d really like Juxt to look into a new movie on Netflix; ‘An American Conspiracy The Octopus Murders.’ I just seen it and I read about it a long time ago in a piece in ‘The Secret Parts of Fortune,’ a book I still have written by Ron Rosenbaum. There’s a piece about Babylon in there too, I just noticed but the piece in question is ‘The Strange Death of Danny Casolaro.’ Our friends in the intelligence community apparently got their start with the surveillance state in the early eighty’s when the Justice Department ripped off the company that wired their computers and stole their revolutionary software which could easily be backdoored which they did and promptly sold it to their enemy’s and ally’s alike and commenced spying on everybody ever turned on one of these things. This investigative reporter Casolaro nearly had them until they found him all carved up like a turkey dinner in a hotel in West Virginia right before he met with a crucial IRS whistle blower. It’s the usual suspects as we now know them but it’s focused around San Francisco (Booz Allen Hamilton but nobody got that far yet), that’s Juxts stomping ground.

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