I am not shiting here on Americans, many, many Americans don’t deserve this treatment, they are decent and good law-abiding people, and still many, many good things are coming from America.

Americans, nonetheless, despite all the troubles that surround them can be heroes, but the act of saving must be done without voting…it is too late for any form of civilized discussion or voting…it never worked, maybe partially, here and there, more as a fluke than as an established reality, but never as you have been told on mainstream media.

Let’s go for a moment back to the year 2016…if you believe the best candidates in your country are Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump, sorry you are a demented moron…these two, pitiful actors are the best and brightest minds that country of 300 + million people can produce, offer to you…these are the best and brightest minds available to you as a legal citizen of your country?.

These two meager choices, these two irreparable liars and well-trained, dishonest marionettes of the chosen few are your political options…

It is interesting to observe how people always want the best when they need surgery, the best doctor available, when they are looking for education for their children, the best school, and the best teachers available will do, etc, etc… we can go on and on here with examples.

But when the entire life, your way of living, quality of existence of you and your family is at stake, meh,f it!… anybody will do…give me what you got!

Are you naturally insane or just mentally challenged?

If democracy was real, by now a country like the USA, should have 20-30 big political parties, not two, highly, streamlined beggar choices.

Every American must ask himself one honest question: what did I do when my taxpaying money has been destroying, lives, families, and countries around the world…did you do something or it was, f them, this is happening far away from us…it is not my business…well soon this may be your business.

Never, never put all your trust in one man, and never bet on just one horse…ever heard of that expression?

Trump, as an obvious choice served to the public between two fierce political competitors/opponents.
Operation Warp Speed guy and CGI Joe

Again, you have two pairs of extraordinary thinkers of the 21st century at your disposal, who to choose, who to choose!!!

It’s not an easy decision…sarcasm, level 9000

So if you know this is a lacking bet, a bad investment of your hard-earned money, then why do you keep practicing something that can be empirically proven that it does not work?

You are either a wolf or the sheep, the choice as always is yours.

I guess it’s never too late to become an important tool in the loving hands of the WEF.
A twenty-first century collage of the Chosen People



  1. I remember reading on the internet around 15 years ago about a lady who turned in her departed husbands WWII souvenir, a German SS Assault Rifle, to the local police department, as part of a weapons turn in program. The thing was that this rifle was valued at $50,000.00 Dolleros. I have a small collection of German military WWII regalia daggers from my father. I am thinking about putting them on Ukrainian e-Bay for $250,000.00. Maybe some billionaire neo-nazi jew will go for it. Then I will have The Money to fix my motorcycle and some other impending planned endeavors still in suspension.

    • As I remember the story as told to me in Germany Stan the woman was arrested for owning and transporting a firearm when she brought it to the police station…

  2. As the sun sets on the West it rises in the East. Behold eastern Europe and Asia and you will see us for what we are, the Ugly Americans. At this point I’m sorry to say the only thing worse than having to look at Americans is to live with them…

    • I should combine this with what I have written today, but I guess I was a little bit, trigger-happy.

      Anyway, thx for posting this.

      Cheers brother!

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