World Health Organization, WEF, and DC get the middle finger. If you live in a country with representative government it is time to tell your representatives “We will not comply!” Some people do get it. This article shows what I think the term think global:act local is about.

The globalists must be shut down.

World Health Organization gets the middle finger!
Think Global Act Local

You can read more of our thoughts about health by clicking on this link to the Health section of Jack’s archive => Health


  1. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, or whatever the F%^& his name really is has no medical training, he is a card-carrying terrorist from Ethiopia by trade. Bill Gates has hired him to kill you, a job for which I have no doubt he is eminently qualified to do. Guys like Gates only hire the very best. The fact that there are people in DC that entertain ideas of doing anything other than killing him with a drone strike just goes to show that there is no future for the American people if they continue to allow DC to exist.

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