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Shadow of Nemesis 3 Tales of secret chambers, Hawass, AEC, ARE and SRI


Shadow of Nemesis-3: Tales of Zahi Hawass, Chaigidiel & Satharial

By Jack Heart on August 12, 2015

The Shadow of Nemesis-2; Tales of Zahi Hawass, Chaigidiel & Satharial
(Black Sun Rising 66 part 3)
By Jack Heart & Orage

Editor’s Note: To understand these seemingly strange interconnections between mystics, high level research, secret services, industry and secret societies one would have to look up the meaning of the word Synarchism. Synarchism, the rule by secret society, was thought out as a counter to revolutions and emancipations of common people. From its beginning around 1860, it interwove mystics with its elite clientele with secret service, with those very same mystic thinkers being on the payroll as secret agents. To do the subject justice would take another series, in this article you just see the Seilschaften at work on the Giza plateau. What should become clear too is that these self proclaimed keepers of Ancient Egyptian Knowledge are frantically seeking just that, drilling here, there and operating with mere fragments of what was once known.  – Orage

Sphinx2As early as 1993, in reaction to Mystery of the Sphinx, Chief Inspector Hawass demonstrated that he would now be the sole arbiter of what was science in Egypt. He expelled West’s crew from Giza and saw to it that they would never work there again. 
He later explained that their work was without “scientific basis” and fueled by “American hallucinations.”[39]
In 2002 as the newly minted Secretary General of the SCA, the now officially deified Hawass pushed through a law forbidding excavation in Upper Egypt. Ostensibly all archaeological scientific inquiry in Egypt ceased right then and there and remains that way until this day.
Nothing new of value would ever be published mainstream again, nothing would ever again move on the Giza plateau, not even a lizard, without the approval of Zahi Hawass. He would now be the sole proprietor of everything ancient Egypt. Academia swooned and the mainstream media, led by Nat-Geo, lauded him as a messianic figure in archaeology.
In 2008, Abdel Hamid Qutb, the right hand man of Hawass in the SCA, was jailed for ten years and ordered to pay fines of between LE 200,000 and LE 550,000 by the Egyptian Court. Qutb was pedaling millions of dollars worth of restoration contracts — contracts that could not have been awarded without the approval of Hawass. Hawass was never questioned, even after publicly stating to the British Broadcasting Companies Arabic Service that Qutb did not have decision-making capabilities.
In a report that he issued in April of 2009 Hawass announces to the world that under his “direction, the Supreme Council of Antiquities is working to reduce the groundwater level around antiquities sites throughout Egypt.” He boasts of success in developing “a system to prevent the Great Sphinx at Giza from getting its paws wet!”
Zahi Hawass
Zahi Hawass
Hawass then sets the hook on the more credulous amongst his audience. “Perhaps the most important result of the groundwater project was that it enabled us to put to rest speculation about mysterious underground tunnels and chambers carved below the Sphinx by ‘ancient civilizations’. For years, I have debated people like John Anthony West, Robert Bauval, and Graham Hancock, who say that survivors of a lost civilization 10,000 years ago left secrets buried beneath the Sphinx.”
Hawass ever the tormented scientist forced to contend with the impulses of superstitious savages adds “their supporters have insisted that we should drill holes to try and find these hidden chambers.”
Hawass then launches into his decree by stating that since there is no scientific basis for doing so he has always been against drilling in the vicinity of the Sphinx but in the course of the conservation effort it was necessary. Hawass the visionary vindicated by coincidental circumstances now delivers his theme “we found that there were no hidden passages or chambers there.”[40]
Problems with Hawass’s statement arise immediately for anyone bothering to familiarize themselves with the “system” he is using to keep the Sphinx “from getting its paws wet!” According to a separate scientific report they are pumping well over a million and half gallons of water a day from beneath the Giza plateau. There has to be a hollow chamber to tap into, a subterranean reservoir to drain, in order to collect that volume of water.
The same scientific report states that thirty-three movement sensors to monitor the Sphinx for a month during pumping operations showed that it was stable. The fact that the stability of the Sphinx is a concern indicates the hollow chamber is almost certainly beneath it, and the authorities are well aware of it. They know there is an engineering danger of the foundation of the Sphinx being undermined by the draining operation.[41]
The low-energy seismic refraction readings done by Schoch and Dobecki back in 1991 “found clear evidence of a possible void or chamber under the left paw of the Sphinx.”[42] The existence of a large rectangular chamber under the front paws of the Sphinx was confirmed in seismographic and radar tests run during May of 1996 by the Schor Foundation in collaboration with Florida State University. With the blessing of Hawass and the SCA they would return in November of 1997, February of 1998, then in September of 1998.
The results of the Schor team’s research has never been completely revealed due to contractual obligations with the SCA. But in a 2000 meeting with Bauval at the Schor Foundations Third Avenue headquarters in New York City, Dr. Joseph Schor was adamant that his seismic radar survey around the Sphinx virtually confirms the existence of a subterranean network of passages and chambers.[43]
Pyramid banner2
On Art Bell’s radio show in July of 1996, Hancock had announced to the world that Schor had found no less than nine hollow chambers beneath the Sphinx, some of which contained metal objects.
Bauval would repeat this at ‘The Incident’ conference in London in October. By November both had successfully lobbied the SCA to temporarily pull Schor’s permit much to the chagrin of NBC television network which had planned to cover the opening of the chambers live in late 1996 or early 1997. But by 2000, both Bauval and Hancock were insisting that no such chambers had been found and publicly ridiculing anyone who suggested they had been.[first link 44]
Schor is the founder and president of the Schor Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to finding evidence of the lost Atlantean civilization and its Hall of Records that Edgar Cayce, Americas ‘Sleeping Prophet,’ predicted would be found beneath the Sphinx. He’s a lifetime Member of the Edgar Cayce Foundation, also known as the Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE), and one of their principal donors.[45]
With the EAO’s blessing, under the presidency of the seemingly implacable foe of the west Gamal Abdel Nasser, the ARE was drilling holes beneath the Sphinx all the way back in 1957, operating through a woman named Marjorie Hansen. It turns out that no less a power broker in modern Egyptology than Mark Lehner was scooped into the loving arms of the ARE in 1971 by Hugh Lynn Cayce, the son and heir of Edgar Cayce.
Lambert Dolphin, retired physicist
Lambert Dolphin, retired physicist
In his memoirs, Hugh Lyn recounts how Lehner as a young radical from Berkeley showed up at one of his meditation classes attempting to impress a girl. Raised from boyhood by his parents on the prophecies of Edgar Cayce, Lehner instead impressed Hugh Lyn.
He ended up adopting Lehner as a protégé, putting him through school in Cairo and then placing him in the Nag Hammadi Project for some post graduate work. When Lehner returned to Cairo in 1976, he was introduced to one of the ARE’s fellow puppet masters, Dr. Lambert Dolphin.
In a 1983 article in the Jerusalem Post with the self explanatory title Slouching Towards Armageddon, Links With the Evangelicals, author Louis Rappaport explains to the about to be co-opted Israelis that “Lambert Dolphin, heads a key-section of the world’s most massive research conglomerate, the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), a $200-million a year concern, whose main clients are the US government and corporations like Bechtel.”
Rappaport was reporting on an incident in which an SRI team led by Dr. Dolphin, a fanatical Christian millennialist, had been picked up by the Jerusalem police poking around in the Rabbinical tunnel underneath the Dome on the Rock. He was there at the behest of his equally fanatical Zionist Jewish colleagues from the Jerusalem Temple Foundation.
The SRI team had been smuggled into Israel replete with high-frequency seismic sounders, high resolution resistivity electrodes and cart mounted ground-penetrating radar. Dolphin’s team were given a stop work order by the Jerusalem police and sent on their way.
The Jerusalem Post wasn’t exaggerating either. The word Spook as a label for covert operatives may very well have been coined as an allusion to the SRI. It was ‘they’ that added Remote Viewing to America’s Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) spy arsenal in the early seventies.
At the same time, the SRI was introducing psychic front men like Israeli; Uri Geller and New York artist; Ingo Swan to the boys in the trench coats their radio-physics division was hunting for hidden chambers beneath the bedrock of Giza using ground-penetrating radar.
Ostensibly the SRI project had begun in 1974 funded by the National Science Foundation and overseen in Egypt by the Ain Shams University in Cairo. But Ain Shams University together with the University of California, Berkeley had overseen the ‘Joint U.A.R.-U.S.A. Pyramid Project’ an earlier cooperative effort by the Egyptian and American governments, under the direction of Dr. Luis F. Alvarez, to probe beneath the middle pyramid using cosmic rays.[46]
Luis Alvarez, 1954
Luis Alvarez, 1954
Dr. Alvarez, it will be recalled from BSR part 4, was in all probability the mysterious Commodore Alvarez, the man who accompanied Dr. Heinz Schlicke and screened the questions during a briefing Schlicke gave the Naval Department after disembarking from “captured” National Socialist submarine U234 in May of 1945.
As is pointed out in BSR part 4 according to a memo dated December 28, 1944, calculations by chief metallurgist for Los Alamos, Eric Jette, show America would not have half the uranium required to achieve critical mass by August 6, 1945, the day they dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
They also lacked the infrared fuses necessary to detonate the plutonium bomb they dropped on Nagasaki three days later. Declassified intelligence memorandums in the National Archives put the infrared fuses, whose last minute discovery is now credited to Dr. Alvarez, in the hands of Schlicke, who actually had to return to the submarine escorted by three American intelligence officers to get them.
There were other things on that submarine. Things that would make triggering your brand new plutonium bomb seem trivial. Things that some might say were the seeds of the breakaway civilization. Schlicke was the caretaker and Alvarez the heir.
Schlicke was repatriated back to Germany in 1946. He would return to America to work on stealth technology under Operation Paperclip at the Office of Naval Research in Sands Point, New York. Alvarez would go on to succeed his mentors Dr. Arthur Compton and Dr. Ernest Lawrence as America’s most brilliant homegrown scientist. He would be awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1968.
Like the Disintegrance and Ex-Disintegrance rays in Shavers metaphorical science fiction tale, recounted in Return of the Titans, cosmic rays are a radiation that permeates the universe. They penetrate the earth’s surface down to great depths, but just like Shaver’s disintegrance rays, they accumulate in everything they touch, causing the rays to dissipate the deeper they go. Although not fully understood until 1962, cosmic rays were known to exist by the beginning of the 20th century.
In 1933, while still in his early twenties, Alvarez had been involved in crucial experiments with Compton proving cosmic rays to have a predominantly positive charge.[47] By 1965, technology had advanced far enough to be able to measure the dissipation of the rays as they arrived in a digital “spark chamber” after passing through a solid object. By properly calculating the fluctuations of the incoming rays, a facsimile of the solids’ interior could be surmised.
Plans began two years in advance to examine the middle pyramid for hidden chambers. No expenses were spared for the exploration scheduled to take place in June of 1967. The Smithsonian paid the travel expenses, and the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) footed the bill for the state of the art detection equipment developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Egypt threw in a building right next to the pyramids to be used as a lab, and the Department of Antiquities stumbled over themselves cooperating. But due to the Six Day War, it had to be put off until early 1968. Interestingly enough, outside of 1968 being the same year Alvarez was awarded the Nobel Prize, of the fourteen multinational scientists heading up the project, only Ahmed Fakhry was an archaeologist. Although over a million readings were taken, only “19 percent of the pyramid’s volume” was probed and “no unexpected features were discernible.”[48]
Xaver Dorsch
Xaver Dorsch
This was not the AEC’s first foray into the subterranean abyss. In BSR part 5, when the astonished Third Army first breached National Socialism’s hypogeum citadel in Ohrdruf; Colonel Robert S. Allen, General Patton’s go-to Intelligence officer described a technologically impossible underground construction that confounded the Americans.
The man who built it, mostly with slave labor, Franz Xaver Dorsch, a survivor of the original beer hall putsch and a founding member of the National Socialist Party, was never charged with war crimes at Nuremberg. He would continue on for the next forty years as a titan in the suddenly resurgent German industry.
The company he founded, Dorsch Gruppe is currently Germany’s largest independent planning and consulting company. Dorsch Gruppe and its affiliated company Dorsch Qatar LLC recently “won” the contract to build the futuristic Lusail City on a piece of desert wasteland.
The brand new city will come complete with an absurdly ostentatious stadium so Qatar can host the 2022 World Cup in style. In their CEO Statement Dorsch Gruppe boasts to shareholders that “the project, designed for 450,000 inhabitants, will cost approximately 45 billion US dollars, which is around 12 percent of the total construction volume of Germany in 2012.”[49]
Third Army at Ohrdruf

By April 17 of 1945, the AEC had inspected what lay beneath Ohrdruf, removed unspecified technical equipment and blown up the entrances. Nobody would ever go down there again. American authorities have since classified all 1945 documents relating to Ohrdruf for a minimum of a hundred years.[50] General Patton would be dead by the end of 1945.

John McCone and Stephen Bechtel Sr. built ships together during WWII and were later investigated for war profiteering. McCone became chairman of the AEC in 1958 where he remained until 1961, when President Kennedy tapped him to be the director of the CIA in hopes that he would check the growing nuclear threat of Israel. Kennedy would not live to be reelected.
During McCone’s three year tenure as Chairman of the AEC, classified nuclear secrets were freely exchanged with Bechtel. Four prominent AEC officials left their government positions to work for them and Bechtel was chosen in 1959 to build the first nuclear power plant in America. They would build many more, and since then some have labeled the AEC’s relationship with Bechtel as incestuous.
Even before McCone became its director, Bechtel was closely affiliated with the CIA. Their financial adviser John Simpson had close relationships with the CIA’s first civilian director Alan Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles, who was Secretary of State from 1953-1959. Since then, CIA and Bechtel personnel have been largely interchangeable.[51]
Other Bechtel alumni who became CIA directors are Richard Helms under Nixon and William Casey under Reagan. As an officer in the OSS, the CIA’s predecessor, Casey had been instrumental in transplanting National Socialism to America under the aegis of Operation Paperclip after WWII.
William Casey
William Casey
Aside from being responsible for the construction of most of the present day American military’s infrastructure, Bechtel specializes in underground construction. Its most famous project was the tunnel beneath the English Channel connecting Great Britain to the European mainland.
They also built the NORAD base inside the Cheyenne Mountain, along with untold above top secret bases like Area 51 in Groom Lake. It was Bechtel that built Saddam Hussein’s underground bunker system when he was still America’s ally.
Dubya was not yet even done laying waste to Iraq when from behind closed doors he awarded Bechtel a no-bid contract estimated to be worth six-hundred and eighty million dollars to rebuild it. How Bechtel collected on the other hundred billion the contract would eventually be worth is impossible to trace.
Bechtel family members frequently own the majority of shares in ‘other’ companies such as the Fremont Group; a San Francisco-based Investment Corporation, formally known as Bechtel Investments. The Freemont Group is partially owned by the bin Laden family, who also own a massive Saudi Arabia-based Construction Company.
Unlike Dorsch Gruppe, Bechtel doesn’t have to report to shareholders. It’s the largest privately-owned corporation in the world. Riley Bechtel, a close personal friend of George W Bush, runs it and it’s owned by the Bechtel family, whose home base is in the San Francisco area. The Bechtels are rumored to run the Bohemian Grove, whose host, the Bohemian Club, is coincidentally also based in San Francisco.[52]
In all likelihood, nobody but Riley and a few close personal friends know what Bechtel is really up too. But in 2014 under the name of Consolidated Nuclear Security LLC (CNS), Bechtel, over the official objections of the then current manager, Nuclear Production Partners LLC, began its transitional takeover of the management of Pantex and Y-12, a manufacturing operation and a storage facility run by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). The contract is estimated to be worth $22.8 billion, and there is an option for CNS to manage the NNSA’s Savannah River Tritium Operation.[53]
Alvarez always maintained that he found nothing in 1968. But in an interview with the London Times Dr. Amr El Goneid of Ain Shams University let out that the pyramid was permeated with a mysterious energy that “defied all known laws of Physics.” Alvarez vehemently denied it and accused the London Times of making the whole thing up. In his writings, Dolphin credits Alvarez for “suggesting” that he and the SRI bring their resources to bear and develop the ground penetrating radar technology necessary to further explore the pyramids and subsurface Giza.
By early 1977, Dolphin and the SRI were doing the initial resistivity work on the bedrock of the Sphinx for Lehner and the ARE. The ARE was convinced that the entrance to the hall of records would be found beneath the right front paw of the Sphinx as Edgar Cayce had predicted. Sure enough Dolphin located anomalies there. He would publish those results in a brief report titled “Application of Modern Sensing Techniques to Egyptology.” But of the “much more thorough” resistivity work done in seventy-eight Dolphin says “none of us has been able to locate our logs and print outs…”
It wasn’t until 1999 that Dolphin would write a brief account of the 1978 expedition and post it to his web site. Hugh Lynn has a far more detailed and slightly different recollection of the expedition in his memoirs. It would turn out the ARE had shot six hours of sequences from the expedition in eight millimeter color film. Of course “copies and full transcripts of the sound tapes” somehow turned up in Bauval’s hands along with Lehner’s “personal account of what went on at Giza in 1978.”[54]
Screen capture Searching for the Hall of Records of Atlantis

Excerpts have been spliced together and appear in the beginning of Bauval’s film montage; Searching for The Hall of Records of Atlantis. They verify much of Hugh Lynn’s account and leave little room to doubt the rest.

The 1978 expedition was financed by the ARE. Mark Lehner was the ARE’s on site supervisor with Hugh Lynn personally overseeing the whole thing. Holes were drilled and a camera lowered into the bore holes, all with the blessing of the EAO.
On the film, a young Hawass and Lehner can be seen mugging for the cameras as Hugh Lynn narrates. At the base of the sphinx, in an improvised desert lab, SRI technicians merrily operate what looks to be suitcase versions of today’s laptops.
At one point, Hawass and Lehner are shown holding court over the drill in matching psychedelic sports jackets and early Mod Squad hairdos flirting with ARE coeds. Hawass, in a preview of things to come, leans on the drill like he is James Dean.
The film excerpts end with Hugh Lynn lamenting that work was halted after drilling only one hole under the Sphinx’s front paw. “I had understood that we would be able to drill from the other side and try to cross to pick up the anomaly that the instruments indicated was here.”[55]
Everybody involved seems to have a different reason why the 1978 expedition was halted. But an internal memorandum issued by the ARE states “toward the end of the season, serious problems began to develop between the SRI team and the other major patron who contracted for the survey of the pyramids and who was, at the same time, the party heading the drilling operations.”[56]
The other major patron could only have been Recovery Systems International, a company founded by Dr Joseph Jahoda specifically for the purpose of drilling beneath the Sphinx. Jahoda is just one more fabulously wealthy lifetime member of the ARE with important links to Americas military industrial complex.
His company the Astron Corporation is a major contractor of the Department of Defense and NASA. It specializes in producing radio communication system.
Sixty feet down, Jahoda’s team had struck granite. According to Jahoda, his team had been halted from drilling further by the Egyptian military at gunpoint. Granite is not indigenous to the Giza Plateau; the nearest source for it is Aswan six hundred miles to the south.
The only way it would be present beneath the Giza Plateau was if it had been used in the construction of a subterranean edifice.[first link 57]
Regardless, as would become his modus operandi, Hawass wasn’t done yet. He started new drilling operations, this time at the foot of the Sphinx Temple for the Institute of Underground Water of the Egyptian Ministry of Irrigation. Fifty-five feet down, he struck red granite.

Hugh Lynn wanted to excavate the granite but he would die in 1982. In his memoirs, he says he would need Hawass to advance in the Egyptian government in order to obtain the necessary permits to do it. He felt the best way to do that would be to move Hawass along in the ranks by getting him a doctorate from an ivory league school.

In the memoirs Hugh Lynn states “I got him a scholarship at the University of Pennsylvania in Egyptology, to get his Ph.D. I got the scholarship through an ARE person who happened to be on the Fulbright scholarship board.” And of Mark Lehner and the ARCE Hugh Lynn says “I gave them a little money and Mark got attached.”[58]

This solemn looking III Dynasty statue of King Djsoer peers out of one of the two peepholes to the Circumpolar stars
This III Dynasty statue of King Djsoer gazes through
one of the two peepholes to the Circumpolar stars

At the turn of the 21st century, the ARE remained firmly entrenched on the Giza Plateau as testified to by the Schor expeditions. Dr. Bakr, the man whose job Hawass took in ninety-four, wasn’t exaggerating when he said the Giza plateau was run by a mafia. The ARE, the ARCE and the SCA are all fiercely loyal to each other. No one talks to the media, not since Hugh Lynn died, except when Hawass tells their official lies. But someone did break the Omertà.

Thomas Danley, an acoustic engineer and consultant for NASA as part of the 1996 Schor expedition, was doing acoustical experiments in the Great Pyramid that were being recorded by a film crew led by American documentary producer Boris Said. Said had produced Mystery of the Sphinx in 1993. The SCA had given them permission to stay inside the pyramid for four days.
Danley took the opportunity to climb up into Davidson’s Chamber and have a look. He couldn’t help but notice Hawass had extended an old excavation by Caviglia, who had already tunneled ten feet, some thirty feet down on a course to intersect Gantenbrink’s door.
He made the news public on both the internet and radio. When questioned by the press about it in his office in July of 1997, Hawass produced a statement signed by Said that he had seen no tunnel.
But by early 1998, Said was doing radio interviews admitting there was a tunnel and claiming he saw no harm in the SCA burrowing around the world’s most important structure in secret. After all the pyramids belong to Egypt, he added “they are tunneling all over the plateau.”[first link 59]

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[39] Hancock, Graham. “Tunnels and Chambers Underthe Great Sphinx” Information on the Great Pyramid and Sphinx. The Modern Riddle of the Sphinx. Web.28 Apr. 2015.
[40] Coppens, Phillip. “The Egyptologist, the Sphinx and the cover-up.” (2009): n. page. Web. 13 May. 2015.
[41] Ibid
[42] Schoch, Dr. Robert M. “Geological Evidence Pertaining to the Age of the Great Sphinx.” The Official Website of Robert M. Schoch. Web. 2015.
[43] Bauval, Robert G. “A meeting with Dr. Joseph Schor in New York.” PE 2000. n. page. Web. 15 May. 2015.
[44] Picknett, Lynn, and Clive Prince. “Secrets in the sand.” The Stargate Conspiracy. (1999): n. page. Web. 4 Jun. 2015. First link.
[45] Bauval, Robert G. “A meeting with Dr. Joseph Schor in New York.” PE 2000. n. page. Web. 15 May. 2015.
[46] Bauval, Robert G. “Chapter 9 .” Secret Chamber. (2002): n. page. Web. 23 May. 2015.
[47] “International Space Science Institute.” Spatium11. (November 2003): n. page 4. Web. 23 May. 2015.
[48] Alvarez, Luis W and others. “Search for Hidden Chambers in the Pyramids.” (Feb, 1970): n. page. Web. 23 May. 2015.
[49] Röder, Jürgen, and Olaf Hoffmann. “CEO Statement.” Dorsch Gruppe. n. page. Web. 24 May. 2015.
[50] Arndt, Rob. ” The Mysteries of Ohrdruf .” Paper Panzers and Wonder Weapons of the Third Reich. n. page. Web. 23 May. 2015.
[51] “Bechtel’s Dubious Connections.” n. page. Web. 25 May. 2015.
[52] “BECHTEL UNVEILED .” n. page. Web. 26 May. 2015.
[53] Mcbride, Jim. “New contractor gets started at Pantex Plant.” . (2014): n. page. Web. 29 May. 2015.
[54] Bauval, Robert G. “Chapter 9 .” Secret Chamber. (2002): n. page. Web. 23 May. 2015.
[55] “Searching for The Hall Of Records of Atlantis.” Capricorn Radio & TV. n. page. Web. 31 May. 2015.
[56] Bauval, Robert G. “Chapter 9 .” Secret Chamber. (2002): n. page. Web. 23 May. 2015.
[57] Picknett, Lynn, and Clive Prince. ” Secrets in the Sand.” The Stargate Conspiracy. (1999): n. page. Web.4 Jun. 2015. First link.
[58] Bauval, Robert G. “Chapter 9 .” Secret Chamber. (2002): n. page. Web. 23 May. 2015.
[59] Picknett, Lynn, and Clive Prince. “Tunnel Vision.” The Stargate Conspiracy. (1999): n. page. Web. 4 Jun. 2015. First link.

Shadow of Nemesis II: Tales of Zahi Hawass by Jack Heart & Orage


It was R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz who first pointed out the water erosion on the Sphinx in the nineteen-fifties, but it wouldn’t be until 1979 that John Anthony West would strike the first great media blow with Serpent in the Sky.

In 1980, Zecharia Sitchin quickly followed up with The Stairway to Heaven, and within a span of two years, the temple of academic Egyptology began to topple. A “New Age” cottage industry of ancient Egyptian speculation based on Sitchin’s and West’s books arose in its place.

Typically, the sixties-addled theorists pointed to the Sphinx’s appearance of obvious greater antiquity compared to other Egyptian edifices.

Mustering its bottomless economic and political resources, the empire struck back. Strangely enough, operating on a grant from the Edgar Cayce Foundation, academic hatchet man Dr. K Lal Gauri, Director of the Stone Conservation Laboratory at Louisville, Kentucky and Mark Lehner, Field Director for the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE), undertook a geological survey of the Sphinx. Lehner would publish the results in an American Research Center newsletter in 1984.

In the publication, Gauri maintained that the Sphinx’s appearance of great age is the result of Giza’s subterranean water table being wicked up to the surface, where under the influence of a capillary process, it enters the pores of the sphinx as a concentrated salt solution in the cool of the night. At sunrise, as the temperature rises, the water evaporates, and salt crystallization occurs within the pores. The pressure produced by the crystallization results in cracking and flaking off of the limestone surface. Based on this, Gauri concludes that the Sphinx was constructed no earlier than Egypt’s fourth dynasty. [21]

See the source image

In the aftermath of the geological survey, West suggested that for the sake of preserving the “accepted chronology of the evolution of human civilization,” Gauri was ignoring his own evidence.

According to calculations made by Lehner and published with the survey, using the orthodox timeframe, there was only a five-hundred-year window in which the erosion could have taken place. That leaves nowhere near enough time for salt damage to have caused the two-foot-deep vertical gullies seen on the Sphinx enclosures walls.

West went on to accuse Gauri of inventing a fictional process where, for five hundred years during and after the reign of Khafrep, water was magically pulled up to the Sphinx from fifty feet lower than its present subsurface level. And again, by magic it suddenly ceased four thousand years ago, even as the water table has continuously risen since then. [22]

West, without a doctorate, publicly was ignored; but by 1986, Gauri had revised his wicking process in favor of the desert’s evening dew. He would clarify his salt “exfoliation” theory, embraced by academia to this day, by saying “the source of this water is the atmosphere, and not the subsurface, because the water table lies many meters below the surfaces under consideration.

Therefore, during the long burial of the Sphinx, the rock must have become wet to a considerable depth, and as it dried when exposed to the sun, the salts must have become concentrated in the surface layers.” [23]

Exasperated, in 1989 West introduced Dr. Robert M. Schoch to the fray. Schoch, a Yale educated geologist with an impressive list of credentials, made his first scientific expedition to the Giza plateau in 1990. Over the next ten years he would make several more.

See the source image
Robert M. Schoch

Schoch found no other reason to believe that the undulating vertical profile seen on the Sphinx and the walls of its enclosure, prominent vertical crevices that follow joints and faults in the bedrock, as well as cross cutting diffusion fronts, all telltale signs of water runoff, are anything other than just what they appear to be, water runoff.

Since the erosion also occurs on the back of the Sphinx the water runoff would have to have been caused by rainfall. The most recent sustained rainfall on the Giza plateau where that kind of erosion could have occurred was during the “Nabtian Pluvial;” a period of relatively heavy precipitation that occurred in Egypt from about 10,000 BCE to 3,000 BCE.

In the spring of 1991, with permission of the Egyptian Antiquities Organization, Schoch and Dr. Thomas L. Dobecki, a seismologist, took low-energy seismic refraction readings of the Sphinx enclosures floor. They were determining subsurface water penetration.

According to Gauri’s own classification system for the various hardness levels in the strata of the limestone the entire floor of the enclosure is the same hardness level; Rosetau Member or Member I. Yet Schoch and Dobecki’s seismic refraction readings showed water penetrating into the floor of the enclosure at a depth of six to eight feet around the head and sides of the Sphinx and only four feet around the rump on the western side of its enclosure.

The south wall of the enclosure runs in a straight line along the causeway but where it abuts the western wall there is another tier about eleven and half feet up from the floor of the enclosure. Schoch admits that they ran the line for their readings close to the lower wall and says he would like to take more readings closer to the rear of the Sphinx. But according to the data they collected the rear portion of the Sphinx must have been carved much later than the front portion.

Water penetration rate is non-linear, the deeper the penetration into the rock the greater the insulation from the exterior of the rock. Accordingly, Schoch speculates that during renovations by Khafre in 2,500 BCE, the narrow western end of the enclosure was widened, or the lower rump of the Sphinx was carved from the bedrock which had been left intact to serve as a pedestal for the original statue. Schoch calculated by the extra water penetration in front that, if Khafre was responsible for the renovations to its rear, the original Sphinx was at very least seven thousand years old, perhaps much older.

Schoch notes that the vast majority of the weathering and erosion occurred to the Sphinx prior to 1400 BCE when repairs were made during the New Kingdom. He quotes Lehner, chiding him for his willingness to ignore his own data. “To seek agreement with known historical facts we should probably expect the earliest restoration to have been done in the New Kingdom.”

Map showing ancient repairs to the Sphinx body

He scoffs at the notion that the three to over six feet of erosion exhibited by the enclosure walls, within the nine-hundred-year span between Khafre’s alleged construction of the Sphinx and the New Kingdom, buried in sand for half that time, could be due to migrating salts.

He points out that structures on the Giza Plateau immediately to the south of the Sphinx, carved from the same limestone and at the same elevation or lower, do not exhibit the extreme weathering patterns the Sphinx does. Nor do they exhibit any sign of Gauri’s “capillary weathering.”

Schoch maintains that weathering from salt exfoliation can be seen in various structures carved into the bedrock at Giza, particularly on tombs directly north of the Sphinx. It leaves the unmistakable “appearance of slightly melted wax, at times covered with a very fine coat of mineral crystals.”

He calls “the dissolution and recrystallization of calcite” and the “efflorescing of dissolved and recrystallized minerals” the “most minor component of weathering observed on the Giza Plateau.” Schoch feels they only recently made relevant by the construction of the Aswan Dam. The dam prevents the natural and ebb and flow of the Nile from flushing the rocks clean of salt drastically accelerating its corrosive effects.

Added to the detrimental effects of the dam are the rapid industrialization of Cairo, air pollution, acid rain, rising water tables due to encroaching settlement, tourism, and automobile and bus traffic, all making it impossible to extrapolate the present rate of the Sphinx’s deterioration into the past. Schoch points out that “Gauri has documented the modern deterioration, as opposed to ancient weathering, of the Sphinx.” He cites a previous publication by Gauri from 1981 that illustrates, using comparative photographs from 1925-26 and 1980-81, just how rapid the deterioration of the sphinx has been over the last few decades. [24]

The Sphinx Temple, and possibly the core of the Valley Temple, were constructed with the same titanic limestone blocks that were quarried from the Sphinx enclosure. Later, perhaps thousands of years later, the temples were encased in Aswan granite which can be dated by inscriptions on it to at least the fourth dynasty.

Based on his observations of both the limestone and the granite blocks still left on the site, Schoch postulates that the Valley Temple was partially reconstructed in dynastic times. He notes that the limestone core of the temples exhibits the same telltale signs of precipitation induced weathering as the Sphinx and its enclosure.

He also notes that the backs of the granite casing stones were cut in an undulating pattern mimicking the weathered limestone in order to fit flush against it. He concludes that the weathering on the limestone was already there for a long time before the limestone was covered with granite. The implications being that the original Sphinx temples are of predynastic origins just like the Sphinx itself. [25]

In 1993, perhaps trying to atone for all the damage he had done with his Hollywood hero portrayal of the legendary Old Testament thug; Moses, Charlton Heston narrated a documentary titled Mystery of the Sphinx. The Emmy award winning film aired on NBC television to massive audiences. It highlighted some of the discrepancies Egyptology has with hard science. As the Chief Inspector of the Giza Pyramid Plateau, Zahi Hawass would later remark “If geologists prove what Schoch is saying, still in my opinion, as an Egyptologist, the date of the Sphinx is clear to us.” [26]

Hawass had already assumed his dictatorial powers over Giza when in March of that very same year he would be relieved of his title by the President of the EAO; Dr Muhammad Bakr, ostensibly Hawass’s boss. A priceless statue had disappeared while in the custody of Hawass. No worries though. Bakr would be fired in June under allegations against him of malpractice and fraud.

He muttered to anyone listening about a “mafia” which had controlled the Giza plateau for “the last twenty years.” Probably wisely Bakr refused to give names. He maintained “I wanted the whole matter investigated by the prosecution authorities, but my request was refused.” [27]

By early 1994, Hawass would have both his title and his power back. The Egyptian Antiquities Organization (EAO) would be revamped into the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) and henceforth, according to Wikipedia “Foreign archaeologists working in Egypt were required to report all discoveries and finds to the SCA before publication.”

That now had to be very clear because in the vacuum created by the temporary removal of Hawass, German Engineer Rudolf Gantenbrink had committed the ultimate blasphemy. He had bypassed Egyptology’s bureaucracy and went directly to the public with his discovery.

In 1991 Gantenbrink, one of those engineering prodigy’s that Germany seems to produce on an assembly line, agreed to embark on a joint venture to explore the shafts of the Great Pyramid with Dr. Rainer Stadelmann; Director of the German Archeological Institute (GAI) in Cairo. Robots would be used and constructed by Gantenbrink specifically for that purpose.

See the source image

There are four narrow shafts found in no other pyramids but the Great Pyramid. Two, discussed in literature since the early seventeenth century, extend upwards from the Kings Chamber and exit the pyramid on the south and north side.

The southern shaft rises at an angle of about 45 degrees, is about a hundred and seventy-five feet long and narrows to eight inches wide and twelve inches high for most of that way. The northern shaft meanders up at an angle of about thirty-one degrees, is two hundred and thirty-five feet long, seven inches wide and five inches high. [28]

The shafts in the “Queens Chamber;” located below and slightly to the north of the Kings chamber, were walled up since time out of mind. They were only discovered in 1872 when a crack was noticed in the southern wall by British engineer Waynman Dixon and Dr. James Grant, known in Egypt as Grant Bey.

The title of Bey was the Khedive’s equivalent to knighthood. Grant Bey was the son of a Scottish banker and a close personnel friend of Sir Petrie. Grant and Dixon were checking on some measurements in the Great Pyramid at the behest of the brilliant Scottish astronomer Charles Piazzi Smyth. Smyth was most famous for his theory that the Great Pyramid was built by the Israelites, whom were in reality the Hyskos, on the instruction of God through the Melchizedek.

Both Smyth and Petrie were prominent academic proponents of British Israelism; a belief that the British are the lineal descendants of the Israelites and that the throne of England can be traced back to the House of David.

According to the account given by Smyth, a void was detected when a wire was pushed through the crack to what he called an “unconscionable depth.” When a hole was chiseled out of the crack, an eight by eight-and-a-half-inch channel was revealed. It led seven feet straight into the pyramid, before inclining at an average angle of a little less than forty degrees up to unknown depths. Aware of the two shafts in the Kings Chamber, Dixon calculated the corresponding position on the northern wall of the Queens chamber where the other shaft might be. After a minimal amount of chiseling, he found it.

Fires were lit inside the shafts to see where the smoke went. It stagnated in the northern shaft, but it disappeared into the southern shaft. No smoke was observed outside the pyramid. A granite sphere, a chunk of wood and a piece of copper referred to as a grappling hook by academia were recovered from the shafts, but no one specified which shaft.

The artifacts were brought back to England and given to Smyth by John Dixon, Waynman’s brother. Smyth dutifully described them in his diaries, and then they promptly disappeared, until 1993, when Bauval with the help of Dr. Mary Bruck traced them to the British Museum depository; minus, of course, the chunk of wood which could be carbon dated.

The wood was described in the British Press at the time of its discovery by Henry Williams Chrisholm, England’s Warden of the Standards. “The fragment of the cedar rod is 5 inches in length, with rectangular section of 0.5 inch by 0.4 inch. Its sides are not accurately planed, and they bear parallel lines like file marks. It may possibly have formed part of a measure length.” [29]

In his first attempt in March of 1992, due to various glitches, Gantenbrink found that his camera-equipped robot could not pass through any of the four shafts. He did, however, manage to get the robot almost forty feet into the shafts of the Queens Chamber, disproving the academic assertion that those shafts are just a few feet long and acted only symbolically as escape routes for the ‘pharaoh’s’ soul.

The other three shafts would eventually yield their secrets to late twentieth century technology, but the northern shaft of the Queens Chamber veers westward at a forty-five-degree angle that would prove to be too sharp for any of Gantenbrink’s robots to negotiate. The robot camera revealed the threaded end of a hexagonal iron rod that is jammed into the bend. The rod can only be part of the tool Dixon used to pry loose the artifacts now in the British Museum.

See the source image

A second attempt was made in May with a new robot. While Hawass reluctantly closed the pyramid for a week losing the tourism revenue the Germans installed a ventilation system. Work on the outlet of the northern shaft of the Kings Chamber was performed at over two hundred and fifty feet directly above the main entrance to the pyramid. With the installation completed and running at 30% capacity, the system reduced the humidity inside the pyramid to the same as that outside of it, a huge benefit for the preservation of the iconic edifice.

Later in the same expedition, Gantenbrink finally managed to push a robotic camera through the shafts in the Kings Chamber, producing a video recording of their interior and allowing the human race to see a cross sectional view of the Great Pyramid for the first time in recorded history. Before his victorious departure from Egypt, a scheduled last day press conference where Gantenbrink could take a bow for his achievements was canceled without explanation.

Gantenbrink’s third attempt to find the destination of the shafts in the Queens Chamber took place in March of 1993 with the less than enthusiastic support of the GAI and Stadelmann. The GAI had none of the paperwork ready, and Stadelmann would drop by the operation only once. He would eventually pull the GAI photogrammeter Ulrich Kapp from the expedition.

Gantenbrink refers to Kapp as his “most important companion on all three campaigns.” Gantenbrink was treated no better by the Egyptians. In spite of all his accomplishments for both science and Egypt, Hawass warned him that his paperwork was not in order before even allowing him to proceed.

On March 20, Hawass “resigned.” On March 22, and after numerous engineering adjustments to his newest robot, improvised on site by Gantenbrink, the robot’s path was blocked by an ornate slab of limestone, 188-feet into the southern shaft of the Queens Chamber. The slab had two corroded copper fittings side by side, as if once providing some kind of handle for a tiny door.

As the camera panned in on what looked to be a round white chalk mark over each of the completely rusted fittings, Gantenbrink describes the Inspector for the EAO as turning chalk white himself and shouting “these are seals, these are seals!” He then exclaimed, visibly shaken, “we must stop work immediately and inform our chairman.” [30]

Work was halted. Over the next few days Stadelmann haggled with Gantenbrink over what would be said in the press release. Stadelmann finally insisted that there should be no press release, at least until May and probably not till the next expedition.

Disgusted Gantenbrink resigned from his “joint project” with the GAI and went back to Germany. [31] In April, news of his discovery was leaked to the British press. Gantenbrink was banned from the Giza plateau by the EAO and publicly denounced for the press release by Stadelmann.

Gantenbrink would never again be allowed in the Great Pyramid, and even his offer to train their technicians and let them use his robots was rejected by the Egyptians, who maintained his discovery was nothing. Bakr actually called it a “hoax” saying “the orifice of the shaft is too small for the robot to go through.” After redefining the nature of the orifice and shaft for Bakr the resurrected Hawass said “I do not think this is a door, and there is nothing behind it.”

By 1996, Hawass would be shamelessly promoting a “mission” by the Amtex Corporation of Canada to open “the door.” While soliciting the ten million dollars necessary for the venture, Amtex president Peter Zuuring was telling investors that he was working with a “personal friend of Hawass.” Zuuring was telling people “Whatever the event we are going to stage, it will be televised live.” [32]

Lost in the hoopla over the door are the pictures that Gantenbrink’s robot took of what looks to be a builder’s line painted in the space where blocks 16 and 17 of the lower southern shaft are slightly offset. Block 26 of the same shaft shows a cutting grove, and blocks 8 and 9 were set unfinished. Other engineering mistakes in the pyramid’s construction show up in the crosscut sectional views provided from inside the shafts.

There can no longer be any question that the Great Pyramid was built by corporeal and fallible entities. Only what entities, why and when? In all likelihood Gantenbrink found the answer to the latter question in the lower northern shaft, and it was the real reason that he became anathema in Egypt.

There is another rod at the bend of the northern shaft in the Queens Chamber. It is underneath the north end of Dixon’s hexagonal iron rod. Its fractured end extends out from the inaccessible part of the shaft. When Gantenbrink tried to push his robot around the sharp turn, he couldn’t, but he did get pictures of the unidentified rod extending well into the shaft where the robots couldn’t go. In those pictures, there appears to be the blurry image at the far end of the unidentified rod. In Gantenbrink’s own words “at its end, there is what seems to be a rectangular structure. Unfortunately, it is so far from the camera that, at this resolution, no further details can be clearly perceived.”

But the pictures he took of the other end were much better. In clear resolution protruding from the bend in the shaft Gantenbrink captured on film what appears to be a “cedar rod,” with a height and width of about “0.5 inch by 0.4 inch.” Its end is clearly fractured. No doubt broken off by Dixon, who mentions in his notes about a “bit of wood, broken off from a larger part, measuring 5 inches, nearby, + accidental fractured end …” He also notes that the grappling hook was “once riveted on to a wooden handle.” [33]

Dixon recovered the artifacts by poking at the shaft with his sectioned hexagonal iron rod. He doesn’t say so outright because, although looting Egypt was still encouraged and supported, by 1872 it would have been jolly bad form to boast about it. Posterity now only knows for sure because they jammed there, no doubt, 1872 secret state-of-the-art technology custom-made iron rod into the bend and couldn’t get it out. Perhaps it was the curse of the Pharaohs that was just a little too strong for the empire’s Magick tricks.

The wood and the grappling hook were broken off from an ancient wooden rod that should still be in the shaft, waiting to be carbon dated. In the lower northern shaft of the Great Pyramid lay the long-sought answer to exactly when it was built. But just as with the actual date of the Sphinx’s construction, Hawass was having none of it. Egyptology is having none of it. The empire is not amused.

In 1998, Hawass was given a new title, Director of the Giza Plateau. The now modified and improved ‘Director’ would close the Great Pyramid down in April. According to Hawass, the humidity levels in it were still too high, and a new ventilation system, which would be donated this time by a French company, was required. Other reasons given for closing the pyramid were to remove graffiti left inside by visitors; clean the salt residue left from human perspiration; clean the walls of the first and second chamber; and repair cracks to the wall of the Great Chamber. [34]

Many feel Hawass may have interpreted his mission statement to clean up the graffiti too broadly. Seems Vyse never really did get it right, at least in his notes. For his hieroglyphic representation of the Kh in Khufu’s cartouche Vyse has a circle around a badly smudged ink blotch. It should be a circle around three crossbars.

The hieroglyph for Kh as it appears in the cartouche on the website of Hawass
Khufu’s cartouche as it was discovered in Campbell’s Chamber and drawn (physically recorded) in Col. Vyse’s journal on MAY 27, 1837.
See the source image
Actual Hawass forgery, “after cleaning…”

In Campbell’s Chamber, it’s now indeed three crossbars, but the lumpy horizontal lines look like they may have been doctored with a chisel and paint brush out of something similar to the ink blotch in Vyse’s notes.

They certainly aren’t the three clean horizontal lines that Hawass shows in his depiction of Khufu’s cartouche on his web site. [35]

In 2002, Hawass was appointed Secretary General of the SCA. By the end of the year, he would finally be ready to stage the media event he and his business partners had been promising the world since 1996.

National Geographic (“Nat-Geo”) would supply the robot, basically a knockoff of Gantenbrink’s with the addition of impact-echo analysis capabilities to see how thick the “door” is, a drill to go through it and an extendable fiber optic camera to look inside.

Nat-Geo and FOX – TV would supply the airwaves. As over a billion people, a half billion in China alone, watched breathlessly, Hawass discovered that seven inches behind Gantenbrink’s door there is another blocking stone. It’s almost a shame Porky Pig isn’t under contract to Nat-Geo. He could have burst on to the television screen through the image of the blocking door and ended for Hawass by saying “Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-… That’s all, folks!”

But Hawass was only done for the cameras. A few days later, away from the world’s prying eyes, Hawass somehow managed to push a robot past Dixons rod and the angle that had stopped Gantenbrink in the lower northern shaft. After negotiating two more sharp angles where the builders maneuvered the shaft around the Grand Gallery, at a little over eighty-eight feet in, Hawass found his way blocked by two more metal rods. The rods look to be the same type as the one that was presumably used by Dixon and stuck in the first bend of the shaft.

Hawass also claims to have discovered a plain paper wrapper and a ticket to see the pyramids and Sphinx at sixty and sixty-eight feet into the shaft. How those rods or any of the other objects got to where Hawass claims to have found them may be a greater mystery than even how the Pyramid was built. At 206-feet in, the intrepid Hawass and his suddenly unstoppable knockoff robot were finally halted for good. They had come to another blocking stone that was a replica of the one Gantenbrink had found a decade earlier in the lower southern chamber. [36]

Eventually, Hawass would deploy a more technically advanced robot, designed by Hong Kong dentist; Ng “TC” Tze Chuen, a man nobody ever heard of.

When the collage of pictures taken by the new robot of the seven-inch wide and eight inch square compartment between the two blocking stones are assembled, they show a builder’s line resembling the one photographed by Gantenbrink between blocks 16 and 17 further back in the shaft. This one’s painted on the floor to the right of the hole drilled by the knockoff. On the floor above the line, between it and the right wall of the compartment, are three tiny paint smudges — each about a half inch square. Some Egyptologists are claiming, naturally, that it’s the numbers for one hundred and twenty one cubits; the overall length of the shaft, written in hieratic script of course.[37]

Hawass did have plans to drill through the door in the lower northern shaft, and possibly another international TV extravaganza but he was interrupted by Egypt’s January 2011 revolution which put an end to his antics, hopefully for good. Getting a piece of that wooden rod for carbon dating is the patent priority of any sane, if not even competent, scientist.

Hawass used a flimsy excuse to ignore it saying “some suggest that carbon dating the wood would allow accurate dating of the Pyramid because wood must have been left in the shaft when the Pyramid was constructed (given that the shaft was sealed), but I contend that this is not absolute. Wood may been placed in the shaft after construction via the shaft’s exit, if one exists.” [38]

Outside of what should be obvious to even the most stupefied Hawass sycophant: if the wood is carbon dated to be older than the Fourth Dynasty, then the entire pseudoscience of Egyptology is invalidated. There is also the inconvenient fact that there is no exit. If there is an exit only the builders have ever seen it, leastways if we are to believe Zahi Hawass.

Shadow of Nemesis – the Pyramids of Giza and Lies of Empire by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

The Shadow of Nemesis- III, Tales of Zahi Hawass II by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Shadow of Nemesis IV: NASA and The Prophet of Ascensionism by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Shadow of Nemesis V, Weird Scenes Inside the Goldmine by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (


[21] Gauri, K., 1984, Geologic study of the Sphinx. American Research Center in Egypt Newsletter, Number 127, pp. 24-43.
[22] West, John Anthony. “Appendix I: The Gauri/Lehner Survey.” Serpent In The Sky. Google Books, 1 Jan. 1993. Web. 1 Jan. 2015.
[23] Gauri, K. Lal, G. C. Holdren, and W. C. Vaughan, 1986, Cleaning Efflorescences from Masonry, in Cleaning Stone and Masonry (J. R. Clifton, ed.), American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, pp. 3-13.
[24] Gauri, K., and G. C. Holdren, 1981, Deterioration of the stone of the Great Sphinx. American Research Center in Egypt Newsletter, Number 114, pp. 35-47.
[25] Schoch, Dr. Robert M. “Geological Evidence Pertaining to the Age of the Great Sphinx.” The Official Website of Robert M. Schoch. Web. 2015.
[26] Milson, Peter (ed.), Age of the Sphinx: A Transcript of the program transmitted 27 November 1994, Broadcasting Support Services, London 1994, p 20.
[27] Hancock, Graham. “The “Door” in the Great Pyramid.” Information on the Great Pyramid and Sphinx. The Modern Riddle of the Sphinx. Web. 28 Apr. 2015.
[28] Orcutt, Larry. “The Great Pyramid’s ‘Air Shafts’” Catchpenny Mysteries Of Ancient Egypt Explained. 1 Jan. 2000. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.
[29] Bauval, Robert G. “Grant Bey and the Missing Pyramid Relic.” Carbon 14 Dating the Great Pyramid. (2002): n. page. Web. 5 May. 2015.
[30] Gantenbrink, Rudolph. “The Upuaut Project Official Web Site.” 1 Jan. 1999. Web. 2 May 2015.
[31] Ibid.
[32] Hancock, Graham. “The “Door” in the Great Pyramid.” Information on the Great Pyramid and Sphinx. The Modern Riddle of the Sphinx. Web. 28 Apr. 2015.
[33] Gantenbrink, Rudolph. “The Findings, the Lower Northern Shaft.” The Upuaut Project Official Web Site. (1999): n. page. Web. 6 May. 2015.
[34] Hawass, Zahi. “The Restoration of The Great Pyramid of Khufu.” n. page. Web. 8 May. 2015.
[35] “The Smoking Gun.” The Great Pyramid Forgery?. n. page. Web. 8 May. 2015.
[36] Sesen , Shemsu. “The Pyramid Shafts: From Dixon to Pyramid Rover.” Em Hotep. (2012): n. page. Web. 8 May. 2015.
[37] Sesen , Shemsu. “The Djedi Project: The Next Generation in Robotic Archaeology.” Em Hotep. . (2012): n. page. Web. 8 May. 2015.
[38] Hawass, Zahi. “The Secret Doors Inside the Great Pyramid.” n. page. Web. 10 May. 2015.

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Shadow of Nemesis – the Pyramids of Giza and Lies of Empire by Jack Heart & Orage


There is a shadow over this world, a pall of darkness and impending doom. It extends over land and sea, creeping through the hallowed corridors of power and extending into the rooms where little children play. 

Every still sentient being feels the caress of its cold dead fingers, and every nation cowers before it. Internet pundits struggle with information overload in vain attempts to determine its point of origin, while the mainstream media paints smiley faces on the corpses of murdered dreams.

When “American Airlines Flight 11″ punched its way into the upper floors of the World Trade Center’s north tower, people in the south tower were told by the public address system to remain in the building and go back to work, even as the north tower burned. Fourteen hundred people ignored the announcement and fled the building to safety. Six hundred stayed and went back to work. They all died horribly.

“The birthplace of human civilization… is being destroyed,” said Kino Gabriel, a Christian militia commander, during a telephone interview with the Guardian in late February 2015 from Hassakeh in north-eastern Syria. He was commenting on the seemingly senseless vandalism by the rebels of civilization’s heirlooms in the Mosul Museum, the second largest museum in Iraq.

“In front of something like this, we are speechless,” said Gabriel. “Murder of people and destruction is not enough, so even our civilization and the culture of our people is being destroyed.”[1] Tragically for the human race, this is nothing new. When a domesticated beast remembers where it came from, it goes feral, and at best is of no more use to its keeper. At worst, it becomes vermin to be hunted down and exterminated.

About twenty-five hundred years ago, the Greek entertainer Herodotus wrote that the Great Pyramid of Giza was naught but an over the top mausoleum built for and by Khufu, an Egyptian king in the Fourth Dynasty who reigned from 2609 BCE – 2554 BCE. Khufu is only known to legitimate historians by his three-inch tall statue found in Abydos and some passages in the Westcar Papyrus depicting him as good-natured ruler, amiable and interested in the nature of human existence and Magick. [2]

Herodotus, known since his own times as “The Father of Lies,” gives an account in “The Histories” of ants that are larger than foxes. These giant ants mine gold in the deserts of Northern India.

Wikipedia, who frequently uses Herodotus as an ancient source, tries to explain this away by presenting the theory that Herodotus had confused the Persian word for marmot with the one for mountain ant. The alibi is plausible because the Himalayan marmot does sometimes dig up gold during its incessant excavations, which in turn is harvested by some Indo-European tribes.

But Wikipedia’s excuses quickly fall apart as Herodotus continues his account — describing in great detail how the Indians must steal the ants’ gold only during the middle of the day, when the ants are dormant in the heat, specially mounted on the swiftest of camels. Because when the ants awaken they will pursue the Indians by scent, and if they should catch up, not one Indian would be left alive. [3]

Herodotus is known for using some of the most dubious of sources. He was a man who would frequently base his accounts of civilizations on what he was being paid to say about them. [4] 

Even Smithsonian and National Geographic (Nat-Geo), with their legions of Zombie archaeologists, don’t buy the story of Herodotus that Khufu used slaves to build the pyramid. His little detail about the king of Egypt pimping out his own daughter when he ran short of funding for the Great Pyramid gives Herodotus’ entire account all the credibility of his tale of giant gold-mining ants.

It was 1837. Andrew Jackson was stepping down as president of the United States, and America would begin its long journey back to the status of colony. A tiny island nation now exercised almost unimpeded hegemony over the entire world. Rome had risen again as she had done in Constantinople then in Venice and now off the Atlantic coast of Europe like some eternal White whale breaching in a deathless sea. It would take another generation or two, but eventually the “British Empire” would control all of North America and with it the prolific race of warriors she herself had sired.

Richard William Howard Vyse.png
Colonel Howard Vyse

Colonel Howard Vyse, born of British nobility, had been forged in the fires of the Napoleonic Wars. Finesse was not in his repertoire, nor perhaps fair play. As early as 1807 he had been formally accused of launching his parliamentary career through electoral fraud. [5]

The Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx that acted as their silent sentinel had for untold millennia defied the entire world to solve the riddle of their existence. Now they were defying Vyse. So he did what any good son of the empire would do. He attacked them with complete abandon.

Vyse had arrived in Egypt seeking his place in history early in 1835 and quickly became enamored with the work of Giovanni Battista Caviglia. The Italian sea captain had been digging up the Giza plateau, in the service of empire, for twenty years already. Early on he had discovered the descending corridor in the great pyramid and in 1817 he was put to work clearing the sand that had been enveloping the Sphinx since the last days of the first Rome.

Overhead view of Giza Plateau North is at the bottom

Through the twenty year process of all this Caviglia had unearthed a wealth of artifacts and inscriptions: Greek, Roman and Egyptian. Somewhere in the fall of 1836, Vyse enlisted the help of J. R. Hill, a well connected hustler working the booming Egyptian antiquities business. Hill managed to attain an edict from the Egyptian government for Vyse, called a Firman, to sole excavation rights on the Giza plateau.

According to the Firman Vyse’s partners would be a “Mr. Sloane” in all likelihood a pseudonym for Hill and Patrick Campbell the British Consul General in Egypt. Caviglia was designated the work supervisor. Vyse was disgusted with the fact that he would have partners and actually have to pay Caviglia. But he kept a stiff upper lip and carried on in the finest British tradition in the face of adversity. He took a long sightseeing tour of Upper Egypt. But upon returning to Giza on January 24, 1837, Vyse became furious.

Inside the great pyramid what, by 1837, had already been labeled the King’s Chamber is encased entirely in granite. From east to west it is 34.4 feet. From north to south it is 17.17 feet and it is 19.60 feet in height. The ceiling is comprised of nine huge granite slabs laid east to west. The slabs are smooth on the sides where they are fitted together and on the exposed bottoms that act as the ceiling for the King’s Chamber. They have been left rough on top where they act as a floor for a hollow compartment above the Colonel Howard Vyse; discovered by Nathaniel Davison in the eightieth century.

Spanning the length and the width of the King’s chamber below it, Davison’s Chamber is big enough to crawl through. The floor is extremely uneven due to the granite slabs being left rough on the side where they provide its floor. The ceiling in turn is provided by eight more granite slabs smooth on the same three sides as the nine below them.

Caviglia had suspected that there was another hollow chamber on the other side of the eight slabs and that is where Vyse had expected him to concentrate his efforts. Vyse had even written in his journal, “I am determined to carry on the excavations above the roof of (Davison’s) Chamber, where I expect to find a sepulchral apartment.”

Instead the crafty Italian had been digging up every mummy on the Giza plateau. Apparently he, Campbell and presumably Hill, had been cleaning up on the high prices they were fetching with the insatiable demand for them by European museums. Caviglia in gratitude to the scion of empire who had made him rich even named a particularly lucrative site Campbell’s Tomb.

A seething Vyse left the comforts of Cairo and moved on site in Giza to keep a better eye on the Italian. On February 11, they argued violently. On February 12, Caviglia, obviously still ignoring Vyse, struck pay dirt in Campbell’s Tomb. A sarcophagus inscribed with hieroglyphs and masons markings written in red ochre paint on the stone walls of the tomb were found. That night Vyse held a clandestine meeting in Davison’s Chamber with an engineer from the Egyptian Public Works Department named John Perring, whom he had met through Hill. On February 13, Caviglia was banished from the site, and he would only return once on the fifteenth to pick up his belongings. Perring was given his job.

British aristocracy began arriving at the Giza plateau to gawk at the sarcophagus and masons markings in Campbell’s Tomb. Unable to show them anything new that he had discovered, Vyse entertained them by boring a sixteen foot hole into the shoulder of the Sphinx, attempting in a vain, to find its masons markings. [6] Apparently during the course of this vandalism he used explosives and giggled like a schoolgirl when he blew the back part of the sphinx’s head off. [7]

By the middle of March, Vyse had decided that he would blow the pyramids up too. They tunneled upwards through the soft limestone encasing the granite slabs at the eastern end of Davison’s Chamber. After forcing a small hole laterally towards the west, the expected hollow chamber was breached. Vyse records in his journal that he “inserted a candle at the end of a rod” and laments “I had the mortification of finding that it was a chamber of construction like that below it.”

The mad bomber of Giza then blew a man-sized hole through the eastern wall of what he immediately dubbed Wellington’s Chamber after the Duke of Wellington, who had defeated Napoleon for the empire in the decisive Battle of Waterloo. On March 30, Vyse and Hill entered Wellington’s Chamber becoming the first to do so in untold millennia.

They found it completely empty except for a mysterious black dust coating the floor. The floor itself was extremely uneven due to the eight granite slabs being left rough on the sides that comprised its floor. Its height ranges wildly from one foot four inches at the third slab from Vyse’s improvised entrance to four feet five inches at the fifth.

That very same night in Vyse’s own words,“Mr. Perring and Mr. Mash having arrived, we went into Wellington’s Chamber and took various measurements, and in doing so we found the quarry marks.”Mr. Mash, just like Perring, was a civil engineer. He was there because Vyse had requested him to be. There were four witnesses. It was a complete reversal of fortune and no doubt a jolly good stroke of luck for both Vyse and the empire. Even more so considering the quarry marks were on the western side of Wellington’s Chamber and Vyse hadn’t blown them to bits.

There are no quarry marks in Davison’s Chamber which is practically identical too and right below Wellington’s Chamber. No other quarry marks had ever been found in the pyramids of Giza. Outside of Vyse no more ever would be found until Zahi Hawass commandeered the entire Giza plateau on behalf of a pathologically corrupt Egyptian government in the last decade of the twentieth century. Only the Vyse expedition ever found quarry marks and only after he inexplicably fired his foreman; another Italian named Paulo, on March 27 right after Paulo opened up the starter hole into Wellington’s Chamber.

Vyse would fire his other foreman on April 4; yet another Italian named Giachino. The nine granite slabs composing the ceiling of Wellington’s Chamber are smooth on the three discernible sides just as the eight comprising the ceiling of Davison’s Chamber. Vyse continued upwards forcing a passageway through the limestone on the east side of the granite. On April 25, he got above the slabs acting as a ceiling for Wellington’s Chamber and again blew open a hole laterally to the west and found another almost identical chamber. This one he named Nelson’s Chamber after Admiral Nelson, perhaps the empire’s greatest war hero.

The floor of Nelson’s Chamber was coated with the same black dust as the floor of Wellington’s Chamber. The fact that the dust wasn’t preserved to be analyzed by twenty-first century science may just be the most deplorable part of the whole sordid affair. Vyse, now on a role, writes “several quarry marks inscribed in red upon the blocks, particularly on the west side.” Vyse’s journals make it clear that Hill was going in and out of each chamber, red paint and paint brush in hand, [8] ostensibly to inscribe the names of the empire’s war heroes as Vyse rattled them off.

In his ponderous three volume felony, The Pyramids of Gizeh published in 1839 and 1842, a smug Perring quips “such is the state of preservation of the marks in the quarries, that it is difficult to distinguish the mark of yesterday from one of three thousand years.” It’s hard to believe that he wasn’t snickering when he wrote the paints “composition of red ochre called by the Arab’s moghrah is still in use.”

The explosions continued as the intrepid Vyse forged his way up through the limestone and into the history books. Continuing the forced passageway on the east side of the granite, he worked his way above the nine slabs comprising the roof of Nelson’s Chamber. On May 7, he turned his neolithic pyrotechnical display westward and blew out the eastern wall of yet another chamber. This one he named Lady Arbuthnot’s Chamber after the wife of Sir Robert Keith Arbuthnot, one of his well-placed mentors in the empire.

Although Lady Arbuthnot’s Chamber is practically wallpapered with “quarry marks”, Vyse fails to mention any marks in his journal entry for that day. Nevertheless, he says on May 18 that a Dr. Walni “applied for copies of the characters found in the great pyramid, in order to send them to Mr. Rosellini.” Italian Ippolito Rosellini — after the death five years earlier of Frenchmen Jean-François Champollion, his close friend and colleague and the man who actually deciphered the Rosetta stone — was the preeminent authority on hieroglyphics in 1837. Dr. Walni was of course rebuffed.

The very next day, Vyse entered the chamber with Robert Keith Arbuthnot, a Mr. Raven and a Mr. Brethel. There they “compared Mr. Hill’s drawings with the quarry marks in the Great Pyramid; and we afterward signed an attestation to their accuracy.” Seems Hill was quite the artist. Not only was it his job to mar the archaeological site forever by painting the names of the empire’s war heroes on each newly discovered chamber, like some inner city gang banger spray painting gang signs on an abandoned subway car, but he had also been assigned by Vyse to copy the quarry marks to paper.

Why not? It was he who drew them on the chamber walls. The alleged quarry marks look like the stick people drawings of a seven-year-old child. The cartouches, many over two and half feet long and a foot wide, are oversized and violate every known sense of both proportion and aesthetics in hieroglyphics. Most have been drawn either upside down or vertical, presumably to give them the appearance of authentic quarry marks. But why would anybody use a cartouche, which is how the Egyptians inscribed the names of their king, as a quarry mark that would never see the light of day after placement? Did the builders need to know the name of their king? Would not simple numbers or arrows have sufficed?

What sentient being would actually believe these are authentic hieroglyphics? By May 27, Vyse had completed the most destructive act of vandalism since the library of Alexandria was burned. More explosions, and he burst into the final chamber on its east side right above the eight granite slabs comprising the roof of Lady Arbuthnot’s Chamber. Those slabs are finished in the exact same way as all the others; smooth on three sides and left rough where they act as a floor for the new chamber.

The new chamber had a cantilevered limestone ceiling in order to relieve the weight of all the limestone on top of it. It was the end of the road for Vyse. There would be no more granite chambers above it. The final chamber was named after Patrick Campbell the man who had made Vyse’s crime against humanity possible. It was in Campbell’s Chamber that Vyse would produce Khufu’s cartouche and finally validate the yarn spun by Herodotus so many years ago.

See the source image

The discrepancies in Vyse’s discoveries were legion. But nothing the academic weasel Samuel Birch, who validated them for the British Museum of London, could not ignore. As long as he pointed them out and did not appear as a complete imbecile for posterity. He began by remarking that the hieroglyphics were “not very legible, owing to their having been written in semi-hieratic or linear-hieroglyphic characters, they possess points of considerable interest.”

Those points of interest, aside from the fact that they incorporate “semi-hieratic or linear-hieroglyphic” writing styles that in some cases wouldn’t appear till hundreds of years after Khufu’s reign, also include “a curious sequence of symbols.” The symbols in question appear in the uppermost corner of Campbell’s Chamber where Khufu’s cartouche also appeared. They are now said to represent a cardinal point of the compass through some mysterious linguistic permutation that no Egyptologist can clearly explain. The symbols are in fact, as noted by Birch, the hieroglyphic representation of “good gracious.”

Good gracious indeed! Birch also expresses bewilderment to the symbols following Khufu’s cartouche. He writes “The meaning of the hieroglyphics following the prenomen in the same linear hand as the cartouche is not very obvious…. The symbols following the name are very indistinct.” Pointing out the presence of yet another ancient Egyptian form of writing, Birch notes that they are “written in characters very nearly hieratic.” He assumes the symbols are the title “Mighty in Upper and Lower Egypt.” He points out that they are similar to “a title that appears on the coffin of the queen of Amasis.” But he qualifies the assumption by saying the Saite dynasty, in which the queen of Amasis reigned, revived many of the old titles. He has to qualify that assumption. The Saite dynasty was two thousand years after the reign of Khufu.

Unable to anticipate the hordes of academic hacks the empire would raise up over the next hundred and fifty years to perpetuate its fraud, Birch seems to be apologizing when he writes “the presence of this name, as a quarry-mark, in the Great Pyramid, is an additional embarrassment.” Birch is of course referring to the now infamous ram cartouches of Khnem-khuf, a king who reigned after Khufu, which appeared in Wellington’s Chamber and Lady Arbuthnot’s Chamber. The opening verses unmistakably identify Khufu by his cartouche.

Since Khufu’s cartouche appears in Campbell’s Chamber which had to have been built after Wellington’s and Arbuthnot’s chambers and there are written records that Khnem-khuf reigned after Khufu academics cannot even claim Khnem-khuf began the pyramid and Khufu finished it. The Khnem-khuf cartouche features a ram or in the case of the ones found in Wellington’s and Arbuthnot’s chambers a stick people drawing of a ram. Khufu’s cartouche has no ram and appears exclusively in Campbell’s Chamber which was discovered only at the very end of Vyse’s ransacking of the pyramid.

Since Khufu’s cartouche appears in Campbell’s Chamber which had to have been built after Wellington’s and Arbuthnot’s chambers and there are written records that Khnem-khuf reigned after Khufu academics cannot even claim Khnem-khuf began the pyramid and Khufu finished it.

The Khnem-khuf cartouche features a ram or in the case of the ones found in Wellington’s and Arbuthnot’s chambers a stick people drawing of a ram. Khufu’s cartouche has no ram and appears exclusively in Campbell’s Chamber which was discovered only at the very end of Vyse’s ransacking of the pyramid.

Earlier on in his firework display, Vyse had written “a cartouche, similar to that which first occurs in Wellington’s Chamber, had been published by Mr. Wilkinson Mater. Hieroglyph.” The book Vyse alludes too and which he no doubt used as a reference for his larceny; John Gardner Wilkinson’s Materia Hieroglyphica published in 1828, was rife with mistakes and incomprehensibly formatted. Wilkinson had erroneously attributed the Khnem-khuf cartouche to Khufu and Vyse had of course followed suit.

By 1837 Wilkinson an aristocratic son of empire just like Vyse had realized his mistake. He corrected it in his three-volume magnum opus Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians published that year. Somewhere between May 7 and May 27 Vyse or one of his co-conspirators must have gotten hold of a copy. By May 27 the correct cartouche for Khufu had appeared in the final chamber.

Over a half century after Vyse poisoned the fledgling science one of the few Egyptologists worth mentioning, outside of E. A. Wallis Budge, Gaston Maspero would echo Birch’s sentiments in his definitive book on the entire subject, The Dawn of Civilization, published in 1894. “The existence of the two cartouches Khufui and Khnem-Khufui on the same monuments has caused much embarrassment to Egyptologists.” [9]

Vyse wasn’t done yet either. He would go on to “prove” Herodotus tale that the third pyramid was built by Mycerinus whom Herodotus claimed was the son of Khufu but archaeologists now know was his grandson. Vyse would do this by riddling the third pyramid with the obligatory explosions and finding a stone sarcophagus decorated in the style of the palace facade inside it.

In another room, a coffin coffer with the cartouche of Mycerinus along with a mummy was found. Vyse claimed he wasn’t present for these discoveries. But Mr. Raven coincidentally, yet again, was. It would be Mr. Raven, who refers to himself as Vyse’s most obedient servant; who would write the detailed affidavit of one more historical breakthrough by the empire’s Vyse squad.

The only problem is the mummy has recently been carbon dated to be from early Christian times. Two and a half millennia after the reign of Mycerinus and archaeologists, even from early on, unanimously concur that the coffin coffer is no older than a millennium and a half after Mycerinus. The “sarcophagus” was lost at sea when it was taken on a ship bound for England, no doubt scuttled, separately from Vyse’s improvised mummy and coffin coffer props.

Although the empire would promote Vyse to general for this one, the props themselves would end up being rejected by even Birch and Wilkinson. Birch expressed reservations about the coffin coffer and Wilkinson the mummy. None of this has prevented Egyptologists from referring to the third pyramid as the Pyramid of Menkaure, the Egyptian pronunciation of the Hellenized Mycerinus, to this very day. Vyse’s stick people cartouche of Khufu has in turn been used as validation for a Victorian pseudoscience more suitable to the dark ages than the twenty-first century.[10]

In 1850, a Frenchmen named Auguste Mariette would discover the Serapeum of Saqqara, where kings actually were interred, about ten miles south of Giza. In 1858 he would establish a new Egyptian Museum of Antiquities at Bulaq in Cairo after all the antiquities of the old one had been relocated to the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna three years earlier. That same year the Khedive or Viceroy of Egypt would make him Egypt’s Director of Antiquities.

In 1878 he would hand pick his successor; fellow Frenchman Gaston Maspero, assuring Frances preeminence over England in Egyptian antiquities till the empire would break the back of the Ottoman’s once and for all in WWI.

Egyptologists perform academic back flips attempting to convince the casual viewers of their TV shows and readers of their books that their “science” is based on archaeological evidence. But the truth is they systematically ignore both facts and artifacts that contradict their dogmatic conclusions, conclusions based on a fraud.

What is now called the Inventory Stele was discovered in 1858 by Mariette in a little temple, dated by Egyptologists to the twenty-first dynasty, situated on the east side of the Great Pyramid. Mariette was excavating the site on a commission from the Duke of Luynes to find evidence as to how the sphinx was built.

The stele clearly states that both the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx were already there when Khufu commenced his restoration of the temple for Isis; “Mistress of the pyramid.” In the stele the only things Khufu takes credit for actually building, for his own and his daughter’s interment, is two of the three small satellite pyramids flanking it.*[11]

Outside of Wallace Budge British Egyptologists predictably screamed almost in unison that it was fraud perpetrated by the priesthood of the twenty-first dynasty. They were led by Budges arch rival, loyal son of the Christian Brethren and rabid White supremacist; Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie.

In Petrie’s view of the world the pyramids of Giza had to be built by an unknown “Dynastic Race,” a “fine” lighter-complexioned race that invaded Egypt from the south in late predynastic times conquering the “inferior” and “exhausted” indigenous dark-skinned savages. The Aryan race of White supermen then slowly introduced dynastic civilization through interbreeding with the local “mulatto” race. This imaginary process of Darwinian eugenics culminated from the fourth dynasty on with the building of all the great edifices in Egypt. [12]

Temple of ISIS at the eastern foot of the most southerly satellite pyramid

This baseless Eurocentric dribble was the prevailing view of Egyptology at the time. Petrie was the principal and most influential proponent. He wasn’t about to acknowledge any evidence that might validate Budges contention that the religion of the ancient Egyptians was essentially identical to the religions of northeastern and central Africa. [13]

James Henry Breasted was America’s first Professor of Egyptology and a product of Yale. He was schooled in the language of ancient Egypt by the German master Adolf Erman and is credited with the English translation of the Inventory Stele. Breasted’s connections to the empire defy belief.

His list of friends included Gertrude Bell a British master spy who along with Lawrence of Arabia would establish the Hashemite dynasties, Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon the men charged with looting the Tomb of Tutankhamen, Lord Allenby the man who would wrest control of the middle east from the Ottomans and the Arab leader Faisal whom the empire would eventually crown king of Iraq.

No doubt Breasted was mindful of all this when he pays homage to the empire’s anointed bigot Sir Petrie and denounces the Inventory Stele as a fraud in his seminal work on hieroglyphic inscriptions; Ancient Records of Egypt, published in 1906. But that does not stop him from using it to begin his chapter on the Reign of Khufu. Tacitly he is giving the Inventory Stele its proper place in his scholastic legacy as the most important known inscription of the Fourth Dynasty. [14]

But Maspero a Frenchman by way of Italy was considerably less tactful. He makes it quite clear in the Dawn of Civilization that it was his mentor Mariette who found the Inventory Stele, and it is he who is currently in possession of it at the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities.

“It was not a work entirely of the XXIst dynasty as Mr. Petrie asserts (Pyramids of Giza, pp. 49, 65, et seq.), but the inscription barely readable, engraved on the face of the plinth, indicates that it was remade by a king of the Saite period, perhaps by Sabaco, in order to replace an ancient Stele of the same import which had fallen into decay.”

Perhaps it was karmic law, the curse of the kings, or just good judgment but when Petrie died he would donate his head to science, and science would lose it.

In America, the National Academy of Sciences was slow to recognize archaeology as a real science. It wasn’t until 1923 when Breasted became the first archaeologist to be inducted that it was somewhat legitimized. Real scientists were well aware of all the falsification and ignoring of evidence that was going on in the field.

They were already using the term Pharaonic Dynasty’s regardless of the fact that there was no such word as Pharaoh in ancient Egypt. That word is courtesy of the Hebrew book of lies; the Septuagint Bible, wherein a malicious fable about an exodus and obscure Aramaic town named Mizraim and its village chieftain are transubstantiated into dynastic Egypt and its king.

Pharaoh is the Greek pronunciation of the Egyptian compound word ‘pe-ro’ or ‘pr –aa’ meaning palace of the king or great house.

Egyptian kings usually had five titles or names; the prenomen and nomen in a cartouche, the Golden Horus or Golden Falcon name symbolic of Horus conquering Set, the Nebty name linking the king to the names of the Goddess in upper and lower Egypt, the Horus name adopted when the king took the throne and the Nesw Bity name by which kings were often recorded in the later annals and king lists.

The common opening, invoking Horus and proclaiming long life for the king, then packs explosive statements
The common opening, invoking Horus and proclaiming long life for the king, then packs explosive statements

Pharaoh was never a title for the king of Egypt. The well known and respected Egyptologist; Dr. Ashraf Ezzat maintains that in rare instances where the word Pr-aa does appear in a cartouche, such as in the Kalabsha temple, it is a fraud. The Kalabsha temple was renovated by the same Ptolemaic dynasty that employed the Hebrew scribes who perpetrated the Septuagint Bible. [15]

Carved from a single limestone ridge the Sphinx of Giza stares past the Sphinx Temple in front of it and vacantly eastward at the encroaching urban sprawl of Cairo only a few hundred yards away. With the body of a crouching animal and the undersized head of a drag queen the two hundred and forty-one foot long, sixty-three foot wide and a little over sixty-six-foot-tall Sphinx is the largest monolithic statue in the world.

About a thousand yards south of the second pyramid the Sphinx is enclosed in a depression at a depth almost to its neck. The depression was excavated when immense blocks of limestone were quarried from around its base and used in the construction of the Sphinx Temple directly east of it and the Valley Temple on the south side of the Sphinx Temple.

In academic Egyptology, empirical science goes right out the window in order to make room for scholastic dogma. Caviglia, a sea captain by trade, decided in the second decade of the nineteenth century that because an ancient road on the south side of the sphinx leads to the foot of the second pyramid, the Sphinx and the second pyramid must be a matched pair. Vyse’s criminal antics in Giza a few years later lends all the validity university pedants need to legitimize Herodotus’ entire tale about the construction of the Giza pyramids.

Herodotus, “The Father of Lies,” has been proven correct that Khufu built the Great Pyramid by evidence that no competent and impartial investigator would ever accept. He attributed the second pyramid to Khafre therefore that must also be so, same for Mycerinus building the third pyramid. Herodotus inexplicably never even mentions the sphinx but it only follows suit that Khafre also built it because it is on the same road as his pyramid. Just for good measure Khafre built the sphinx in his own image to guard his pyramid. This is science?

Any attempt to say otherwise, especially by another scholar, will bring the full weight of the academic establishment crashing down upon the theorist like the hammer of Thor. Zecharia Sitchin, acknowledged as one of the twenty foremost experts alive on Sumerian cuneiform, saw himself marginalized into the category of an Erich von Däniken and his scholastic career ruined for daring to write The Stairway to Heaven, the 1980 book that did say otherwise and exposed Vyse as a fraud.

Even Selim Hassan, author of the sixteen volume, Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, considered the bible of conventional Egyptology, admits “there is not one single contemporary inscription which connects the Sphinx with Khafre.” [16] The Inventory Stele goes on to tell how Khufu excavated and renovated the sphinx which it simply calls the statue, buried then in sand just like it would be again by the nineteenth century. But these passages have been arbitrarily dismissed by academia as Late Period historical revisionism.

See the source image

The Dream Stele or Sphinx Stele, usually dated to 1401 Before the Common Era (BCE), purports to tell the story of how Thutmose IV through a dream he had while sleeping under the sphinx usurped his older brother and became king of Egypt by restoring it to its former grandeur.

The Stele is left prominently between the paws of the sphinx, where it was found, for tourists to gawk at. Presumably because it is desirable ‘Late Period historical revisionism’ and is frequently cited by academia as evidence that Khafre built the sphinx.

Henry Salt was a ruthless and prolific collector of Egyptian artifacts which he sold to both the British Museum and the Louvre. He was the British Consul General in Egypt from 1815 till his death in 1827. It was he who had tasked Caviglia with clearing the sand from the sphinx. He was proficient enough in deciphering hieroglyphics as to have earned the praise of Champollion.

It was Salt, a trained and prodigiously talented artist, who copied the original facsimile of the Dream Stele. It was this facsimile which Thomas Young, the British Egyptologist who insisted he was just as responsible for the deciphering of the Rosetta stone as Champollion, would supposedly base his interpretation.

Salts facsimile purportedly reads “… which we bring for him: oxen … and all the young vegetables; and we shall give praise to Wenofer … Khaf … the statue made for Atum-Hor-em-Akhet.” The last line, the thirteenth line, allegedly bears the syllable of Khaf which is no longer found on the Dream Stele itself because according to Wikipedia it flaked off “when the Stele was re-excavated” in 1925. Young had his own copy of Salts facsimile from which he did his translation. Setting the precedent that would precipitate the likes of Vyse Young simply inserted the glyph for Ra to complete Khafra’s name.

Over eighty years later, when Breasted got a hold of Young’s copy, it had the Khaf syllable but no partial cartouche around it. He concluded that “The mention of King Khafre has been understood to indicate that the Sphinx was the work of this king–a conclusion which does not follow; Young has no trace of a cartouche.” When Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval pointed out in their 1996 book, Message of the Sphinx, that an Egyptologist of Breasted’s stature had said this, the very foundations of academia shook.

The British Museum somehow proved to Bauval that they did have a copy of Salts original 1820 facsimile, and it showed a rising sun (Kh) and a slug (f) inside a partial cartouche. [17] That proves exactly nothing except Vyse wasn’t the only one who lacked integrity. Thomas Young was the empire’s most accomplished scientist of his generation. His notable scientific contributions span the gamut from light to solid mechanics, energy, physiology, language, musical harmony and Egyptology. Only a complete idiot would believe he was given a flawed copy to do his historical translation with.

Even if it was not another of the empire’s forgeries just as Maspero said Khafre’s cartouche on line thirteen of the Dream Stele only validated the Inventory Stele “that the Sphinx was already buried in sand by the time of Khafre and his predecessors” and that Khafre had excavated it. Hassan is on record as saying of the “mutilated line” that “it proves nothing.”

Budge felt the Sphinx was “in existence in the days of Khafre, or Khephren, and it is probable that it is a very great deal older than his reign.” [18] Yet the podium of orthodox academia has inexplicably been given to archaeologists of far lesser accomplishments who continue to dogmatically attribute the Sphinx to Khafre.

In the latter part of the twentieth century, John Anthony West an American author, lecturer and Egyptian antiquities tour guide posed the first serious challenge to academia’s account of the Sphinx’s construction. As if paving the way for Sitchin’s ruthless 1980 scholastic attack on conventional Egyptology, West published Serpent in the Sky in 1979. West’s book pays homage to the revelations of R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz.

Schwaller was born in 1881. He was a French mystic and luminary who, in 1919 along with other theosophists, founded Les Veilleursa, a forerunner of the Sturmabteilung or the SA which provided the muscle for Hitler’s rise to power. Les Veilleursa is alleged by historian Pierre Mariel to have included a young Rudolf Hess in its membership.

By the end of that year, writing under the name of Aor, which means inscrutable light in the Qabalah, Schwaller would be a vital component in the delivery of Les Veilleursa’s manifesto which would lay the groundwork for National Socialism in Germany. In a series of letters, called “Appeals,” published in their journal Veilleur, Aor addresses one “To The Jews” in which he advises them to “go back home.”

As a token of his admiration and gratitude Schwaller was given the title “de Lubicz” in 1919 by the great French writer and exiled Lithuanian prince; Oscar Milosz who studied mysticism at Schwaller’s feet. By the twenties Schwaller was already an accepted master occultist and was guru to many of the elite of Europe.

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With his wife Isha he established Station Scientifique Suhalia in Switzerland. The research centre was and still is a study community for influential artists, writers and artisans.

It provided laboratories and an astronomical observatory for the study of physics; chemistry and homeopathic medicine. Theater was studied and there were well equipped shops where craftsmanship was perfected by artisans.

It was during this period that Schwaller is said to have alchemically produced a stained-glass with colors that duplicated the stained glass of Chartres Cathedral, a feat no other chemist had accomplished in the six hundred years of the cathedral’s existence.

In the thirties, Schwaller along with Isha, an academically acknowledged expert in Egyptian hieroglyphics and his stepdaughter took up residence in a small hotel near the Temple of Luxor. Together they would spend fifteen years intensively studying and surveying the temple.

In 1949 Lubicz would publish his first book on ancient Egypt; Le Temple dans l’Homme or The Temple in Man. He would follow it up with over a half dozen more including his magnum opus Le Temple de l’Homme or The Temple of Man.

See the source image

Lubicz was an accomplished Alchemist, Qabalist, Mathematician and Philosopher. He was able to follow the evidence in front of him to conclusions that Egyptologists, mired in the intellectual quagmire of the empire’s pseudo-scientific rationalism and convinced of their own evolutionary superiority over all that preceded them, were unable to see or even entertain if they did.

Egyptologists are very good at digging up things and cataloguing them, but because the shoemaker makes such splendid sneakers it does not make him Michael Jordan.

To Lubicz it was apparent that the Temple of Luxor was a flawless expression of the expansion and contraction that is the foundation of esoteric mysticism, all that is, the entire universe contracted into the human body, the macrocosm within the microcosm. In his writings he produced the mathematical correspondences to prove it, and many of France’s leading Egyptologists became converts.

Schwaller de Lubicz
R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz

Lubicz maintained that hieroglyphics were not mere expressions of phonetic sounds, but symbols for the building blocks of existence. He writes in Le Temple dans l’Homme that “to conform to the true meaning of the symbol in ancient Egypt, we ought to use the Egyptian term Medu-Neteru, the Greek translation of which, “hieroglyphs,” distorts the Egyptian meaning. Medu-Neteru is the Neters, or the principles conveyed by a sign.” [19]

To the abyssal horror of anglophiles such as “Sir” Petrie, the truth is Medu-Neter is the language of ancient Africa and the great kingdom of Khemet. So old in fact Maspero admonished academia almost a hundred and fifty years ago that nobody really knows what Neter means. [20]

The fabrics from which the tapestries of existence are woven remain fixed. There are templates to which everything that is must conform. Over and over again the human race plays out the same dramas. Some are set in offices and some in the streets, some in battlefields and some on as grandiose a stage as the Trojan War, but the themes always remain vaguely familiar.

C J Jung called them archetypes and defined them as autonomous immutable forms that constitute the collective unconscious of man and are manifested in human behavior, images, art, myths, religions and dreams. Joseph Campbell dedicated his life to studying them. Fredrick Nietzsche called them the eternal recurrence. He saw them clearly and it drove him mad.

To Lubicz, ancient Egyptian civilization and all its edifices are the heirloom of a civilization far superior to twentieth century man. The door was now wide open for Atlantis, but Victorian science was having none of it. Since Lubicz could not be refuted, outside of France he was ignored until he died in 1961. But instead of passing mercifully into obscurity as had been hoped, through the writings of John Anthony West, just like Osiris and the ancient Egyptian kings, Lubicz made a resurrection.

* – “Live the Horus: Mezer (MD[r]), King of Upper and Lower Egypt: Khufu, who is given life. He found the house of Isis, Mistress of the Pyramid, beside the house of the Sphinx of [Harmakhis] on the north-west of the house of Osiris, Lord of Rosta (Rc-sTcw). He built his pyramid beside the temple of this goddess, and he built a pyramid for the king’s daughter Henutsen (Hnwt-sn) beside this temple.”

Shadow of Nemesis II: Tales of Zahi Hawass by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

The Shadow of Nemesis- III, Tales of Zahi Hawass II by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Shadow of Nemesis 4: NASA and The Prophet of Ascensionism by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Shadow of Nemesis 5, Weird Scenes Inside the Goldmine by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (


[1] Shaheen, Kareem, in Beirut, “Isis Fighters Destroy Ancient Artefacts at Mosul Museum,” The Guardian, Islamic State sec. Web. 
[2] “Khufu (2609 BC – 2584 BC),” History. BBC. Web. 2015.
[3] “Herodotus: Giant Gold-mining Ants of India,” Herodotus’ The Histories, 3. 102-5. Web. 2015.
[4] “Herodotus – Biography,” The European Graduate School. Web.
[5] Abovetopsecret. Web.
[6] Sitchin, Zecharia, “Forging the Pharaoh’s Name,” The Stairway To Heaven. 1 Jan. 1980. Web. 2015.
[7] Kollerstrom, Nick, “Against an Egyptian Origin of the Giza Pyramids (cont.),” Part 5. Web.
[8] Sitchin, Zecharia, “Journeys to the Mythical Past,” Pages 26-27. 2007. Web. 2015.
[9] Maspero, Gaston, “Kheops, Khephren, and Mykerinos,” The Dawn of Civilization, Page 363, footnote 4. 1894. Web. 2015.
[10] Sitchin, Zecharia, “Forging the Pharaoh’s Name,” The Stairway To Heaven. 1 Jan. 1980. 2015.
[11] Breasted, J. H., “Inventory Stela,” Fourth Dynasty: Khufu. Ancient Records of Egypt, 1906. 2015.
[12] Silberman, Neil Asher, “Petrie’s Head: Eugenics and Near Eastern Archaeology”, in Alice B. Kehoe and Mary Beth Emmerichs, Assembling the Past (Albuquerque, NM, 1999).
[13] Trigger, Bruce G., “Paradigms in Sudan Archaeology”, International Journal of African Historical Studies, vol. 27, no. 2 (1994).
[14] Breasted, J. H., “Inventory Stela,” Fourth Dynasty: Khufu. Ancient Records of Egypt, 1906. 2015.
[15] Ezzat, Ashraf, “Egypt Knew No Pharaohs nor Israelites,” 2015. Web. 2015.
[16] Hassan, Selim, The Sphinx: Its history in the light of recent excavations (Cairo: Government Press, 1949).
[17] Colavito, Jason, “Who Built the Sphinx?” Lost Civilizations Uncovered. 2001. Web. 2015.
[18] “The Sphinx – Some History,” Spirit & Stone. Global Education Project. Web. 2015.
[19] Schwaller De Lubicz, R. A., “The Temple In Man,” 1949. Web. 2015.
[20] In the Journal de Paris, 15 Mars, 1871; and in the Academy, Aug. 1, No. 29, p. 386, 1871.

Below are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make more, I actually make the most from Amazon E books, but because you will avoid giving Amazon any money. Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.

Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® ( Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god: 9781736288016: Heart, Jack: Books

Footprints of Evil by Jack Heart


This one here’s a great little piece of writing about a very interesting topic, in its day it had well over a hundred thousand reads. Unfortunately, Paulides did nothing but harass Gordon Duff and I when VT ran it and it looks to me like all the Youtube references have been taken down, making the citations useless , much like Paulides… – Jack

Cullen Finnerty

Hundreds of people had been looking for him — friends, family, and emergency service personnel. Helicopters had braved the driving rain, which seemingly came from nowhere, almost thwarting the rescue attempt. The rural community of Baldwin, Michigan, worked side by side with people bused in from all over the state to participate in the search.

All of them groped for answers as to how something like this could happen.

A call to the sheriff’s department by one local had even asserted that the man was being chased through the forest by Bigfoot. He was finally found by his friends face down and dead in a thickly-wooded area less than forty-eight hours after and not far from where he seemingly disappeared into thin air. His waders were askew and a trickle of blood ran down his nose.

An autopsy done the next day determined that he had a “slightly enlarged heart and slightly cloudy lungs”, but “no trauma to the body at all”. Months later, the initial autopsy, which found no reason for the man to be dead, would be redacted to speculate that he had died of pneumonia caused by inhaling his own vomit, in combination with a half dozen other absurdities. (1) The case was closed, just like a thousand other cases like it have been closed before.

Cullen Finnerty was the type of big robust Irishman that the Midwest seems to grow like corn. He was a man who lived for physical confrontation, and he was so good at it that, after a sterling college career he ended up for a while, as a backup quarterback in the National Football League. The New York Times would eulogize that he was “perhaps the most successful quarterback in college football history”. (2)

At six foot two and two hundred and forty pounds of solid muscle, by all accounts, the staunchly Catholic Finnerty ran over defensive lineman and to fights — not away from them. By all accounts, Finnerty had taken one too many shots to the head. He was suffering from a mild case of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a degenerative brain disease prevalent in ex-football players.

Back in December of 2011, he had been in Detroit with some coworkers, when he had phoned his brother Tim claiming he was being followed. In that paranoid episode, the only time Tim had ever seen Cullen afraid of anything, Cullen drove 150 miles to Tim’s house in Grand Rapids in an effort to evade the FBI, whom he imagined being following him. (3)

By the time he went fishing on the evening of May 26, 2013, in the Baldwin River beneath the green canopy of Manistee National Forest Park, Cullen’s football career was behind him. He was thirty years old, married with two small children, and had a good job in medical sales. His carefully-concealed oxycodone habit was a memento from his playing days. His paranoid episode over a year ago had been an isolated incident, perhaps more likely attributed to overindulgence in Detroit’s thriving cocaine industry, than his imperceptible brain damage and medically-managed addiction to pain medication.

Cullen’s wife and friends had agreed to pick him up from the boat launching area at about 9.30 PM and bring him back to their rented cabin. At 9.27 she received a phone call from him in which he frantically described being followed by two men — one of which was twenty feet behind him, and neither of whom responded when he tried to talk to them. He then inexplicably stated that he was getting out of the river and taking off his clothes. He then hung up.(4 – 21:07)

His wife described him as sounding scared. Two more calls were made at 9.34 and 9.36 with Cullen again saying that he was being followed and he was nervous then hanging up. At 9.36 his friend, who was on the camping trip, asked where he was. Cullen replied that he’s not sure, but it’s getting a little rough. I think a couple of guys are following me. He then hung up again. During the last call, his wife was able to have him give her the coordinates from his iPhone. But when they went to the location, Cullen was not there.

At 10:37, a deputy responded, and it is at this point that the five-page long exercise in sentimental propaganda appearing in the June 8, 2013 edition of the New York Times makes a mockery of both journalism and the mysterious circumstances surrounding Cullen Finnerty’s death. The Times glibly states that the deputy “had a phone company ping his cellphone, and the results came back as far as three miles south and five miles north. Still no answers. Only questions.”(5)

Without missing a beat to even consider the cell phone evidence, the whitewash goes on to insinuate that Cullen died of a heart attack, mentioning pain in the left arm that a professional football player with too many miles on the odometer had been experiencing the week prior. The autopsy never even mentions a heart attack, not even the redacted autopsy.

Cullen Finnerty had with him an iPhone, which contains a Global Positioning System (GPS) transmitter that links to a ground station and then to several satellites. The margin for error on a GPS transmitter is fifty to one hundred feet. When the cell phone company pinged Finnerty’s iPhone, the coordinates that came back were for four different locations. Although the pings were within minutes of each other, the locations were 4.37 miles apart.(6 – 32:40)

The pings that the NY Times seems to find so mundane would ordinarily be good enough to get a murder conviction in any court of law in the western world. (7) Perhaps the NY Times just takes for granted that Cullen was traveling by rocket pack?

In order to get to any one of the four locations, Cullen would have to have crossed a paved road. If he had gone north from the campground where his boat was found, as is indicated by where his body was discovered, he would have traveled through heavily-posted and fenced land.

The area Cullen disappeared in is not so isolated. It is inconceivable that he could have eluded the hundreds of people searching for him — many of them seasoned woodsmen with dog teams — even if he was trying, for two days. Speculative hyperbole aside, the forensic and technological evidence indicates Cullen Finnerty, a man renowned for his physical courage, had been lost in limbo and scared to death.

Amber Rose Smith

In early October a few miles to the southeast, the summer of 2013 would end on a much happier note when two-year-old Amber Rose Smith vanished from in front of her home on East 13 Mile Road and Cottonwood Avenue. Her father was watching her and had just stepped inside to use the bathroom. When he came back out, Amber and their two dogs that she had been playing with were gone. When he called to them, the dogs slunk back out of the woods, but there was no sign of Amber.

After a frantic 24-hour search by over two hundred volunteers and a hundred emergency service personnel, she was found the next day, almost two miles southeast of her home, standing in the middle of a two-track road and staring blankly into space. She was unharmed except for some superficial cuts and scrapes on her body and face. How a barefoot, two and a half foot tall girl wearing nothing but a tank top had managed to traverse almost two miles of some of the most ruggedly-forested land in the lower forty-eight almost unscathed and without being discovered by all those people searching for her was never explained.

Newaygo County Undersheriff Brian Boyd said, “It’s hard to imagine how a 2 1/2-year-old can survive that distance through the woods with that kind of temperature.” Temperatures had plunged down to forty-five degrees during the night. (8) He went on to say “there’s some that aren’t convinced she walked that entire distance. Maybe she was dropped off. Those are things we might have to determine in the future.”(9 – 48:04)

Richard Shaver’s Return of the Titans

In Return of the Titans, evidence was produced that Richard Shaver, who along with his publisher Ray Palmer introduced the UFO phenomena to the world, had learned his extensive knowledge of forbidden science from National Socialism. If the pun on the acronym of his name, Sharpe Shaver, and the Bolshevik Zionists’ panicked efforts to silence him is not enough, then his use of the SS religion — Welteislehre or World Ice Theory — to explain his art certainly should be.

The SS, Shaver, and Hitler himself believed everything Victorian science expounds upon about the history of the earth and man is a lie. They believed that the moon periodically breaks free from its orbit and collides with the earth decimating whatever civilization is on the surface and leaving the earth a barren orb of ice. Shaver said that these past civilizations have all left imprints on the faces of rocks, and he developed a process that he called rock art to clarify those images. Posthumously, Shaver’s rock art has made him an internationally acclaimed artist.

Shaver was an agent of the SS. He was no serendipitous prodigy, as he pretended to be. But there is reason to believe he may not have falsified his story about having been taken down into the hypogean world of the Dero against his will. He grew up in Pennsylvania during the early twentieth century. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has had more children disappear than anywhere else on earth. Missing children were endemic to Pennsylvania from the early to mid-twentieth century.(10 – 57:46)

Raymond Howe, Jr.

On July 16, 1946, nine-year-old Raymond Howe Jr. went with his three sisters and brother to a park just outside of Pittsburgh for a lazy summer’s day fishing and swimming. Raymond went off by himself to fish in a secluded lake and didn’t return that night. A hundred and fifty emergency service personnel scoured the park for him in the ensuing days and found no sign of him. On August 9, another huge search was launched with the same result.

Forty-one days after he disappeared, twenty miles southeast of the park, a man exercising his dogs came upon Raymond’s body at the end of a trail near a bridge. The coroner fixed the time of death at no more than a month and could find no cause for it.

Raymond had somehow managed to wander twenty miles in ten days through a populated area with half of Pittsburgh looking for him. (11 – 47:03)

At the time, Raymond’s disappearance was a major media event, even bigger than the disappearance of Cullen Finnerty. All kinds of questions were asked. No answers were ever given.

Missing 411

The strange disappearances of Cullen Finnerty, Amber Rose Smith, and Raymond Howe Jr. are covered in David Paulides’ four-volume work, Missing 411, wherein the inordinate amount of people who inexplicably vanish in and around America’s national parks is given long-overdue scrutiny.

Paulides, a noted Big Foot author and a police officer for twenty years, has gathered around him a cadre of retired police officers, search and rescue experts, and other professionals.

Together they have logged over 9,000 hours in research and examined over 4,000 missing person cases after Paulides was tipped off over four years ago by some park rangers as to what might be the most insidious cover-up ever perpetrated against the human race. Paulides’ group calls themselves The CanAm Missing Project. (12)

The only consistency as to where the disappearances occur appears to be a lonely place with granite rock in the vicinity (13 – 24:46). In the cases Paulides cites, those that go missing either turn up dead in a place where they are not supposed to be; alive but unable to describe how they got there; or they are never found at all.

Daming Xu and Jake Dutton

In November of 2007, University of Oregon mathematics professor Daming Xu, an experienced woodsman, walked into Willamette National Forest carrying only a bottle of water on a day excursion. His body was never found. In 2012, nine miles away thirty-two-year-old physical fitness and outdoor buff James “Jake” Dutton walked in at the trailhead near Cougar Reservoir for a three-day hike. His body has never been found.

“There is a mystery here,” Dutton’s mother Cynthia Boucher is quoted as saying. “Both Jake and the professor were experienced hikers on wilderness trails. Two grown men can’t simply disappear from the mountains five years apart.”

Since 1997, 189 men and 51 women remain listed as missing after trekking into the Oregon wilderness. (14)

In his April 2012 interview with famed paranormal researcher Whitley Strieber, Paulides relates an anecdote about two-year-old Keith Parkins, who vanished in April 1952 from his grandparent’s ranch near Umatilla National Forest in eastern Oregon. Nineteen hours later and over two thickly-forested mountains, twelve miles north of his grandparent’s ranch, Keith was found by rescue workers unconscious in a riverbed. His clothes were torn to shreds, and he was suffering from severe exposure.

In the interview with Strieber, Paulides asks the now unanswerable question of why rescue workers were looking for Parkins that far away from where he went missing.(15)

It may not always be a round trip

In Paulides latest book, The Devil’s in the Details on page 362, he recounts how a seven-year-old boy was found alive and well two days after and fifty miles from where he had been lost. Another eleven children, some alive others dead, were found twenty or more miles away from their vanishing points. Others were found in areas that had been repeatedly searched before. Two-year-old Arthur Leo Ivey was found the next day sleeping in a ditch by his neighbor within a half-mile of the home he disappeared from, after two hundred and fifty searchers had spent the night scouring the same area where he was found.(16)

Dr. James McGrogan disappearance

On Friday, March 14, 2014, thirty-nine-year-old Dr. James C. McGrogan disappeared while hiking with some friends north of Vail Colorado. He had a cell phone, food, water, medical supplies, GPS, and other tools. A fellow physician who was with McGrogan at the time told his father he couldn’t understand how his son had just disappeared from the trail. They had been close together the whole time (17). After a thousand hours of combined effort, search parties gave up looking for him on Tuesday, March 18, when high winds made it too dangerous to continue.

Three weeks later, Vail Mountain Rescue pulled Dr. McGrogan’s body from the bottom of an icefall four and a half miles away from the trail he had gone missing on. The area had already been searched multiple times. The press reported blandly that Dr. McGrogan had fallen off a cliff, but Paulides’ group using Colorado’s mandatory disclosure laws filed against the county sheriff and coroner for their post mortem reports on the incident.

Dr. McGrogan’s body had been found without any boots on. His boots in fact, although searched for, have never been found. Without any boots on he had somehow managed travel four and a half miles out of his way, on a route his equipment rental company would later describe to Paulides as insane, in twenty to thirty-foot drifts of snow in spite of having a cell phone and a GPS.(18 – 1:12:32)

When people are recovered, dead or alive, missing articles of clothing, with footwear being the most frequent (19 – 20.04), are a constant. The dead are almost always found face down. (20 – 24:18)

Violent storms seem to arise out of nowhere, with the calculated intention of stymieing the rescuers (21 – 14:00). Search dogs are useless, and in some cases, have even laid down refusing to follow scent trails (22 – 28:53). Those that are recovered alive are invariably in a dazed state and cannot recount coherently what happened to them.

Most report blacking out right before the vanishing event, with some not even remembering how they left the house. In his September 2012 interview with Strieber, Paulides relates tales told by women who were chased by men on the Appalachian Trail. They are not clear in their descriptions, but one woman said she was chased for three days. She dumped her backpack and consistently hid in order to avoid them. For days, she saw no one else on the trail but her pursuers. She was unable to provide a detailed description of the men, nor give any real details of how she managed to evade them.(23 – 1:08:39)

Arteaga and Huff in the Ozarks

Right after that interview, on Saturday, September 22, 2012, 53-year-old Linda Arteaga and her 56-year-old brother Eddie Huff walked into the woods surrounding the tiny town of St. Joe in the Arkansas Ozarks. Huff was going to teach his sister backwoods survival techniques. Huff walked out of the woods on Monday and told their niece Shelly Friend that he had seen Arteaga safe on the porch of a relative’s house. It wasn’t until Wednesday that Friend and Huff realized Arteaga was still in the woods. On Thursday morning, about 75 volunteers on foot, horseback, and all-terrain vehicles started searching the area for Arteaga. They found her on the same day. (24)

Arteaga was unable to explain how she and her brother had become separated on Monday, saying “I thought he was hurt or something, so what I did, I tried to find help for him, but I didn’t know there was nothing wrong with him.” According to Arteaga, she wasn’t alone out there. She said “I would see people. I’d ask for help, and they’d act like they didn’t even hear me.” She described herself as being very scared and her plight as freaky, saying “These people were hiding in bushes. They were weird people, very weird people.”(25)

Some tried to rationalize her story by saying she was hallucinating from the berries she was eating to survive.

The internet media giant Daily Mail neglected to even mention any of the strange circumstances involved in Arteaga’s ordeal. Instead, they give the medical opinion of backwoods deputy Dewayne Pierce, who said that when she came out of the woods “she wasn’t quiet about her head.”(26)

The distinguished deputy’s diagnosis aside, Dr. John Sorg of North Arkansas Regional Medical Center (NARMC) said: “I suppose she could have had some toxic ingestion that may have caused, a hallucinogen, in other words; but you know, she’s been very consistent with that story, and today in her mental examination, she seems very oriented and appropriate in conversation.”

The Medical Director of NARMC’s Hospitalist Program went on to say “Whatever she experienced, whether or not it was real or hallucinatory, she clearly did experience that.”(27)

Reports of Large Bears

In 1868, a three-year-old girl disappeared from her father’s lumber camp in Northern Michigan. After enlisting the help of a pair of professional hunters, who happened on the hysterical search scene by chance, the men traced the little girl’s feeble cries to a dense stand of brush. When the men advanced on the thicket, they saw what they said looked like a giant bear burst from it and run across the river, heading for the distant horizon.

The men recovered the girl unharmed from the brush. She later told them that “Mr. Wolf” would not let her leave, and had eaten her hat from right off her head; although, he had also gathered berries and fed them to her. (28 – 16:42)

On the night of July 2, 1955, Mrs. Curtis, summoned by her distraught older children, arrived just in time to see what she and the children said was a was a huge bear cradling her 2-year-old daughter Ida Mae Curtis in its front paw as it scurried off on three legs from their tent in a lumber camp at the wild Kootenai National Forrest in Montana (29). On July 4, after a search by 350 backwoodsmen in heavy rain, Ida was found dry and safe in a crudely built shelter across a river, just 300 yards away from where she was taken.

Ida would later relate, to the best of a 2-year-old’s ability, being cuddled and comforted by the bear during the time she was missing. The Sheriff became so angry that he actually paid the Curtises three separate visits demanding that they stop telling their story of a bear abducting and caring for their little girl. He told them “quit telling that story. It could never happen. It didn’t happen and don’t say it anymore.”(30 – 54:27)

It was late in the afternoon on June 14, 1969, when six-year-old Dennis Martin ducked into a stand of woods on Spence Field; a boulder-strewn and windswept meadow high up in Great Smokey Mountain National Park. Intersected by the Appalachian Trail, the scenic tourist destination straddles the Tennessee and North Carolina border. Dennis’s bright red tee-shirt made him easy to spot in the dazzling sunlight as he circled behind the densely-tangled thickets of mountain laurel and rhododendron, all laden with pink and lavender flowers. The men shared a knowing smile as the boy tried to “sneak” upon them.

His father, grandfather, brother, some friends, and their father had lost sight of him for no more than 3 minutes before the search for him began. Within an hour, the mountain was crawling with rangers. The sky opened up that evening and dumped two and a half inches of rain on the park. The torrential downpours would continue on and off for the rest of the week, dropping three more inches.

Park rangers, dog teams, firefighters and police, students, boy scouts and hunters, all worked side by side with military personnel. By June 21, 1,400 people were scouring that park on their hands and knees desperately seeking signs of little “Denny”.

About a week later, they were joined by a contingent of 60 battle-hardened Green Berets, seemingly pulled right out of the jungles of Southeast Asia.

Special Forces. Choppered in to search for a lost child?

When the search officially ended in September, over 13,000 man-hours had been logged and helicopters had spent almost two hundred hours in the air. But a washed-out footprint halfway down the Tennessee side of the mountain, found in the early stage of the search but ignored, is all that would ever be found of Dennis Martin.

Late in the afternoon of Martin’s disappearance, Harold Key was less than five miles to the northwest of Spence Field and unaware of the growing search or the lost boy. He was sightseeing with his family on the Tennessee side of the park when they heard the ear-piercing shriek of a distressed child. Looking up the mountain, in the area where the scream had come, the family saw something bipedal and moving stealthily along the wood line. Then it melted back into the darkness of the forest. (31)

The incident was reported the next day and the Keys were interviewed by a park service agent and an FBI agent. It was then arbitrarily dismissed, with the FBI saying there was no way a man could carry a child and cover the distance from Spence Field to the Keys sighting from the time of Denny’s disappearance. (32 – video 2:40)

The footprint which was en route to the Key sighting was also disregarded because there were indications that other searchers had been in the area before it was found. But there were no children with them and the experienced trackers who found the print measured it and identified it as being made by the oxford shoe of a “little boy”. Dennis Martin was wearing oxford shoes at the time of his disappearance. (33 – video 3:53)

As did everyone else who recently covered the story, Paulides interviewed renowned man tracker Dwight McCarter who participated in the search as a young park ranger. But Paulides is the only investigative journalist ever to get an interview with Bill Martin, Dennis Martin’s father. Bill Martin has steadfastly refused all attempts by the media to talk to him since the time of the incident. He blames them for helping to cover up his son’s abduction.

Bill Martin’s revelations to Paulides make it quite clear that the disappearance of Dennis Martin was officially whitewashed. The FBI agent who had participated in and seemingly directed the Martin search ended up committing suicide. What the Key family had sighted moving along the wood line, and was originally mistaken for a bear by Key’s nine-year-old son, had something slung over its shoulder.

In his interview with Paulides, Dwight McCarter confirmed that what the Keys had sighted was carrying something. Paulides quotes him as saying “they buried that information. The press would never talk about it and the park service would never talk about it.”(34 – 1:44:17 – 1:47:09)

At the time, Bill Martin, contrary to a deal he had made with the Park Service to be kept informed of any leads on his son, only learned about the Key sighting from the press days after the federal agents had met with the Keys in private outside of the park. Martin then went to McCarter, and when McCarter asked questions, he was told by the FBI agent that the distance was too great and the time to short to travel it. Putting the agent’s reasoning to the test, McCarter and Martin walked from where the boy disappeared to where the Key sighting had occurred with plenty of time to spare from what was allotted.

McCarter also remarked in his interview with Paulides about how strange the arrival on the scene of the Green Berets was. They were supposedly training in the area, but no one could confirm where, and no one in the Park Service admitted to knowing anything about their deployment in the search. They just showed up in choppers about a week into it, carrying their own equipment and their own communication systems.

They searched on their own and refused a supervising rangers request that they work with the other emergency service personnel. They stayed for four or five days searching but never coordinating their efforts with the rescue workers.

Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), orders for military units can be requested. Paulides filed three such requests inquiring as to the Green Berets mission in the Martin search. He never got an answer not even a denial of the request.(35 – 14:02 – 19:53)

When Paulides sent the park service an FOIA request for their files on the Martin case the package they sent him in compliance made no mention of the Key sighting. When Paulides sent a secondary request asking for the file they had on the Keys the park service replied that there was no such file. (36 – 10:08)

Paulides carefully restrained law enforcement demeanor cracks a bit when he describes the media, as exemplified in Knoxville Tennessee, as being absolutely “corrupt and worthless.” Shortly before the Missing, 411 books were released Paulides group held a press conference on the Dennis martin case in Knoxville. It was attended by regional representatives of NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX.

Graphs and charts were produced and the presentation was lauded by all in attendance (37 – 1:47:20). Yet till this day the official story of what WBIR, Knoxville’s primary news channel, recently called the “biggest search in the history of the Great Smoky Mountains” has not changed one word since 1969.(38)

The corporate Medias obfuscation of the facts may just be the least disconcerting element of Paulides investigation. The Park rangers who originally tipped him off did so because they had seen a pattern of what appeared to be a premeditated dereliction of duty with the National Park Service (NPS).

Both rangers had been rotated to several different parks during their careers and each of the parks they had served in had made much ado whenever someone disappeared. But as soon as the attention generated by the disappearance subsided it was treated as a non-event with follow up investigations almost never done. Information, particularly about the frequency of disappearances and in many cases the strange circumstances they occurred in, was routinely withheld from the public.

The vanishings occur in clusters throughout eastern and western park systems and all around the Great Lakes. America’s central corridor is practically unscathed. Paulides initial investigation revealed that the highest number of incidents occurred in Yosemite.

People vanish with what can only be described as astonishing regularity in its sparsely forested boulder-strewn landscape seemingly devoid of cover for anything larger than a rattlesnake.

“photograph of the map by David Paulides removed at his request.  as for why he made such a request when this is only a photo of his map used well within “free use” guidelines is another story, what does he have to hide and who has gotten to him?

Toward that end, we will begin sending the ferrets out to look into Paulides proverbial “underwear drawer” for what is hidden there.” – Gordon Duff
Missing 411 Map

Working in concert with four other retired law enforcement personnel, Paulides filed an FOIA request with the park service asking for a list of people that have gone missing in Yosemite. The park service replied that they kept no such lists. As ex-law enforcement officers; Paulides and the company immediately grasped the breathtaking level of negligence required for the park service not to keep such lists and the unlikelihood of such incompetence existing in a federal agency of the NPS’s stature.

They filed their FOIA again, rewording it in case it was a question of semantics. The chilling response of the NPS western regional director was blanket denial of such a list existing at either the park level or the national level. Paulides quotes her as saying “we rely on the institutional memory of our employees to help us on missing people and to understand the magnitude of it at different parks.”

Paulides then sent her a letter stating that he was a published author that had requested an exemption. He was entitled by law to a list utilizing the resources she had just quoted. The park service responded that his books were not carried in enough libraries to get an author’s exemption and they would have to go into the archives and formulate a list and that would cost him thirty-four thousand dollars. That would be for a list of missing people in Yosemite. For the entire park system, Paulides was told he would have to pay 1.4 million dollars. (39 – 7:00 – 9:58)

There are rooms in coroners offices all across America filled with bodies and bones that cannot be identified. More than one in five physicians working in America’s busiest morgues is not even board certified in forensic pathology. In sixteen hundred rural counties where coroners are appointed or elected the only qualification necessary is a high school diploma.(40)

There is no centralized registry or database of persons who have gone missing in America’s national parks and forests or on land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The NPS, the United States Park Police, and the Department of the Interior will not put on their web sites any information about missing people other than for the first seven to ten days after their initial disappearance.

After that period those that have vanished usually fall into the category of Missing Presumed Dead. There is no recorded account of their disappearance. The situation virtually assures that those who go missing on land under the jurisdiction of the NPS or the BLM will never be identified if their remains are not found in the area they went missing in.(41 – 56:52 – 58:48)

Yosemite National Park

Stacy Anne Arras disappeared on July 17, 1981. She was fourteen years old and on the trip of her lifetime horseback riding into the backcountry of Yosemite with her father and his party of a half dozen. In front of witnesses, to get a better angle for a picture she was taking, she walked into a stand of trees by their Sunrise High Sierra Camp. She was never seen again. After an intensive two week search, only the lens cover from her camera was ever found, still in the stand of trees.

After the NPS denied Paulides first FOIA request for the Arras case, he appealed and was denied again. He then got a call from the NPS asking why he wanted the files. Paulides asked whether Arras was a missing person case or a criminal investigation, to which the NPS agent replied she was a missing person case. The agent then confirmed that there were no suspects, and no one has even looked at the case in twenty years. Nevertheless, he told Paulides that he will never see the case.(42 – 6:49 – 9:48)

The Park Service answered Paulides’ FOIA request in the same manner concerning the case of 30-year-old George Penca (43 – 33:20). Penca seemingly vanished into thin air on June 20, 2011, when, after tiring, he fell behind his church group as they were descending the Upper Yosemite Falls Trail.

The three and half-mile long trail winds its way 2,500 feet up an almost vertical cliff ending at the tallest waterfall in North America. It may very well be Yosemite’s biggest tourist attraction. It is heavily-trafficked and is in full view of Yosemite village. Outside of plunging to one’s death on the rocks below, there is no way off it. A dozen helicopters, seventy-four ground teams, and six search dogs failed to produce Penca’s body, or any other sign of him. (44)

Jaryd Atadero and Bobby Bizup

Three-year-old Jaryd Atadero vanished from the Big South trail in Poudre Canyon, Colorado on October 2, 1999. He was hiking with a Christian singles group that was staying at his father’s lodge; a well known Christian retreat.

Somehow Jaryd got ahead of the party of twelve, and the last people to see him alive were two men fishing in the Cache la Poudre River. The fishermen claim he was still within sight of his group when he asked them if they had seen any bears in the area. They told him to get back with his group and kept fishing. Four teams of tracking dogs could find no trace of him, and during the search, an Air Force helicopter crashed, injuring its five occupants.

His remains wouldn’t be found until four years later and over five hundred feet above the trail he disappeared on, in a place only accessible by scrambling on all fours up a steep incline most adults couldn’t climb. It was tentatively blamed on a mountain lion, but multiple cougar experts brought in by the boy’s father said that wasn’t likely, based on the absence of damage to the sweater near the stomach and neck.

Strange scratches were found on the cranium. The forensic experts consulted by Paulides are unable to identify their source, but unanimously concur that they were not made by any animal (45 – 45:46 – 49:37). Many of the children who are found have been severely scratched on their skin.(46 – 1:14:47)

The search for little Jaryd was a media event right from the start. But according to Allyn Atadero, Jaryd’s father who wrote the book Missing which recounts it, it was bad, if not deliberately, botched. Jaryd had disappeared in forestland under the jurisdiction of the federal government. Inconsistent with the past policy in the thousands of cases investigated by Paulides the FBI refused to get involved or even to send an observer.

During the search, the Atadero family was inexplicably threatened with arrest by the sheriff if they set foot on the Big South Trail. A sheriff’s official saw fit to tell the already distraught Allyn that his son’s body was beneath the freezing waters of the river and wouldn’t be found for four years.

When Allyn checked what the dog handlers were using as an example of Jaryd’s scent he found it was a pair of his own shorts. When he asked how they could mistake a grown man’s shorts for a three-year-olds the man in charge of the search and rescue operation became annoyed and threatened to call it off right then and there. Throughout, the sheriff and rescue workers maintained that the Big South Trail was the only way in and out of the valley. Allyn would find out later that there were several other routes.


Jaryd’s remains were found on June 4, 2003, by some hikers. They were lying out in the open. Allyn suspects they had been placed there to be found. The colors of the sneakers were still vibrant and his tooth was on top of a decaying log when it should have been submerged in humus accumulated in over four years in the wilderness. The sweat pants had been found inside out yet when the sheriff held his press conference they had been turned right side out for display to the media. When Allyn objected he was ignored and the sweat pants left that way.

The tooth could have been placed there by a rodent.

But there is no logical explanation for this sneaker appearing like this after being exposed to the elements nine thousand feet up in the Rockies for four years.

The tooth, cranium, and clothes were sent to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for DNA analysis. No blood was found on the clothing and the CBI claimed the degraded cranium only allowed for an 85% return. The identification of the tooth was also inconclusive because testing showed the DNA was mixed with other DNA. A DNA expert from Ohio privately enlisted by Allyn later told him the tooth was contaminated with more than one person’s DNA. All items undergoing DNA tests are supposed to be routinely cleaned prior to testing to avoid just such contamination.

Hair fibers that were found on the boy’s sweater were also analyzed, but no test results were ever released. All Allyn has ever been told was that the hairs were non-human, not a Mountain lion and that he shouldn’t worry about it. (47)

Many of Paulides’ readers have remarked that the phenomenon seems to target Christians (“religious” people) and military personnel. (48 – 1:12:18)

About twenty miles south of the Jaryd Atadero tragedy, a generation before it, and again in Rocky Mountain State Park, 10-year-old Bobby Bizup vanished on the evening of August 15, 1958. He was staying at Camp Saint-Malo, a Roman Catholic boys retreat at the foot of Mount Meeker. He was the only son of master sergeant Joseph Bizup, who was stationed at Lowry Air Force Base in Denver at the time.

In spite of a massive search, including bloodhounds and airplanes, the only sign of Bobby found that year was his bait box about a mile from the creek where he was last seen by his counselor, fishing (49). The following year, some of his bones and his hearing aid were found three miles up Mount Meeker, all the way at the timberline. (50)

On Friday, August 13, before his Sunday mass in Denver celebrating World Youth Day on August 15, 1993, Pope John Paul II visited the St. Malo Retreat Center (51). He was helicoptered in and spent two hours alone on the trail that Bobby Bizup disappeared on. (52 – 1:14:29)

Only on Long Island could a handful of well to do politically-connected dilettantes simply appropriate for themselves the choicest part of a legendarily scenic state park, mar it with McMansions that were certain to erode the ecological system of a bay vital to an entire nation’s food supply, then erect gates and use the state police to privatize their commandeered land.

I was there. I worked for Bob Matheson who owned the Oak Beach Inn (OBI) South when they forced him to shut it down because it was a “nuisance” having all those young people on the beach bordering “their property.”

To young people living on the west end of Long Island, the OBI South was the place to go on a Sunday afternoon or on an evening where you felt the need to see or be seen while having a beer or sipping a pina colada by the seaside. Thousands would throng its expansive dock, tailgate on its cavernous parking lot and mill around the beach it was built on, just to watch the sunset over Fire Island Inlet.

The Mystery of Shannan Gilbert

Long Island was different then, thirty years ago. Oak Beach was the personification of its seaside innocence and yearning for life. It wasn’t, in the words of Shannan Gilbert’s mother, “an evil dirty place.” Now, “It’s isolated. It’s desolate. It’s a rich community. You’ve got doctors and cops and very very wealthy people who live there. No one’s ever going to think that that’s a bad dangerous area. But it is.”(53 – 0:16)

Sometime around midnight of Walpurgis Eve 2010, Shannan Gilbert, a twenty-four-year-old call girl, left Manhattan and took the last ride of her life in Michael Pak’s SUV. They would have got off Ocean Parkway where the OBI south once stood and gone left about a half-mile down the pitch-black Oak Beach Road till they got to the gate and someone let them in. Pak, her regular driver to escort appointments, says it was Oak Beach resident Joseph Brewer and they followed his car to his house (54 – 2:32). Brewer admits to hiring her but says it was not for sex (55 – 27:28). Brewer and Pak’s stories collaborate and they both passed lie detector tests but sociopaths laugh at lie detector tests.

At 4:51 AM Shannan made a terrifying 911 call from her cell phone that for reasons that are unclear to this day was transferred to the state police who no longer have jurisdiction in Oak Beach (56 – 9:02). Although she was on the phone twenty-three minutes screaming “their trying to kill me” the 911 operator was unable to get her location. Two male voices that have been identified as Pak and Brewer can be heard in the background.

Shannan then showed up banging on the door of Oak Beach resident of over thirty years Gus Colletti. Colletti, perhaps not coincidentally, comes across as the only witness in the CBS 48 Hours news investigation who is not being disingenuous. According to Colletti, he opened the door. “And I said to her … ‘What’s the matter?’ She wouldn’t answer me. She just kept staring at me and going, ‘Help me, help me, help me.’ I reached over and grabbed that phone, dialed 911. When I said to her, ‘I called the police. Sit down in that chair. They’re on their way.’ She just looked at me and she ran right out the door.”

When Colletti followed her outside he saw her cowering under his boat in the driveway. He says “I could see a car coming down the road very slowly … would stop and then go a little bit. Stop, go a little bit.” Colletti ran up to the car and confronted the driver; Michael Pak, asking him ‘Where do you think you’re going?’ Pak replied that he was looking for Shannan and Colletti told him ‘Well, I called the police … they are on their way to bring her back,’ to which Pak replied ‘You shouldn’t have done that.’ Colletti answered ‘Well, I did.’ At this point, Shannan bolted from under the boat and into the darkness. Pak drove off after her ignoring Colletti’s shouts for him to stop.(57 – 7:07)

Pak claims that they had been at Brewer’s house for about three hours when Brewer came out and got him. When he went in Shannon was “freaking out” and accused them both of trying to kill her. She then went behind the couch and crouched down. Pak says he followed her and asked her if she had seen the movie Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas. She replied coherently and at that point, he says he realized she wasn’t high.

It was then he heard the 911 operator on her phone and he thought Shannan might be trying to set him up. So he left. When he was outside he saw her run out of the house and tried to follow her. From there his story match’s Colletti’s. With him giving up and leaving when he couldn’t find her after pursuing her from Colletti’s house.(58 – 56:39)

The next 911 call came from Oak Beach resident Barbara Brennan, who says Shannan showed up banging at her door at 5:21. But neither Shannan nor Pak was anywhere to be found by the time the Suffolk County Police Department (SCPD) got there at 5:40. SCPD was unaware of Shannan’s initial panicked 911 call received by the state police and wouldn’t find out about it for at least a month. So when they didn’t see Shannan or Pak, SCPD assumed they had left together.

Two days later on Monday May 3 at 1:42 PM, Oak Beach resident Dr. Charles Peter Hackett made a phone call to Shannan’s mother Mari (59 – 31:34). Mari says that Dr. Hackett told her Shannan had been staying at his house in Oak Beach which doubled as a halfway home for wayward girls. Dr. Hackett told her that Shannan had been agitated, so he had sedated her and she had left with her driver.

Dr. Hackett at first denied making the call but after 48 Hours dug up the phone records he wrote 48 Hours’ investigative journalist Erin Moriarty a series of letters claiming he hadn’t said he had seen Shannan nor did he say he ran a halfway house out of his home. He was just trying to help. According to him, he had become involved after meeting with her family and Pak and Shannan’s boyfriend Alec, when they came looking for her in the ensuing days.(60 – 30:36)

But Alec did not even realize Shannan was missing until Sunday night (61 – 6:06). Shannan’s family only came to Oak Beach to look for her eight days later (62 – 4:38) after SCPD refused to take the case seriously and made them file the missing persons report in New Jersey where Shannon lived.(63 – 8:25)

In August, under relentless pressure from Shannan’s family and their pit-bull of a lawyer, John Ray, SCPD finally got around to interviewing Gus Colletti (64 – 9:14). By December they began their search for her and on the eleventh a K9 team working its way down Ocean Pkwy, less than three miles from where Shannan had last been seen, turned up the first body.

In the following days, they found three more in the same area within five hundred feet of each other. All of them had been asphyxiated, wrapped in roll-off burlap used by landscapers, and dumped haphazardly a few feet from the road in marshland bordering one of the most crowded beaches in the world. (65 – 11:26)

All of the dead were call girls, petite, attractive, and White, between the ages of twenty-two to twenty-seven, who had advertised their services on Craig’s List just like Shannon Gilbert. But none of them were Shannan Gilbert. The girls had all disappeared between 2007 and 2010.

In March of 2011, the remains of six more bodies were found by SCPD in the marsh’s bordering Ocean Pkwy between where the first four were found and Oak Beach where Shannan disappeared. Only one could be identified. She was a twenty-year-old escort who had gone missing back in 2003. One was a baby girl and another a slightly built Asian man dressed in woman’s clothes. The rest were women. Again none of them were Shannan.(66 – 25:48)

It wouldn’t be until December that SCPD would finally find the first sign of Shannan. Her pocketbook, jeans, and shoes were found just about in the driveway of a house on Hatch Way Street. A week later and about a quarter of a mile from where they found her clothes, less than a hundred feet from Ocean Pkwy, Shannan’s rotting corpse was found face down in the marshes.(67 – 33:29)

Unlike the other four call girls, two of which were dead longer than Shannan, the Suffolk County coroner was unable to determine a cause of death for Shannan. Case closed for SCPD. Former Suffolk County Chief of Detectives Dominick Varrone says Shannan died of “fatigue and exhaustion” after becoming lost in the marsh grass a hundred feet from the well lit and heavily-trafficked Ocean Pkwy.

Varrone insists over and over again that her panicked flight was drug-induced, and she shed her clothes because it is easier to run through razor-sharp marsh grass naked. The fact that he found eleven dead bodies while searching the area she disappeared in, nine of girls exactly like Shannan, doesn’t sway his conclusions in the least.(68 – 34:11)

Varrone also says that Dr. Hackett is not a suspect. Although he admits that Dr. Hackett might have made that phone call Varrone feels that Dr. Hackett is just a busybody who is prone to exaggeration (69 – 32:10). When pressed by Erin Moriarty about the nature and timing of Dr. Hackett’s call Varrone actually accuses the victim’s bereaved family of lying and then claims that SCPD did not know about the phone call till months later. The call and the details of it are contained in the New Jersey missing persons report made two days after Shannan disappeared.(70 – 37:08)

Shannan Gilbert was a resident of New Jersey. Her strange death is clearly the FBI’s case. She crossed state lines to commit an act of prostitution, which facilitated her death in circumstances that are more than a little suspicious. Perhaps they can start by arresting Varrone, if not for deliberately ignoring the best lead he had on the investigation of at least 11 homicides, then for criminal incompetence. All the evidence they need is right on the internet due to CBS’ crack piece of investigative journalism: “48 HOURS” UNCOVERS MISSING ESCORT SHANNAN GILBERT’S FINAL MINUTES. (71)

If that’s not enough; before the conclusion of this piece right before Christmas, Newsday miraculously managed to obtain a report on the autopsy. Shannan’s autopsy, just like a full transcript of her desperate 23-minute 911 call to the police, has been kept from the media at all costs by local law enforcement. Shannon Gilbert’s remains tested negative for drugs and parts of her fingers and toes had been eaten off. There was also a small piece of her neck bone missing. (72)

Back in September, renowned forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden, at the request of Shannan’s Family and their attorney John Ray, asked the Suffolk County coroner for Shannan’s body. Apparently they had seen this report or parts of it, and Dr. Baden wants to take a closer look at her hair and bones for drugs. He also wants to take a good look at her larynx and windpipe. Turns out the missing piece of her neck is the Hyoid bone. Coincidentally, a fractured Hyoid bone is the primary determinate for a coroner in detecting strangulation in skeletal remains.

Dr. Baden’s credentials include being the former Chief Medical Examiner of New York City and former chief forensic pathologist for the New York State Police. While serving in these prestigious positions, he participated in the investigation of more than 3,000 homicides, suicides, and drug deaths, including the deaths of President John F. Kennedy and the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. By law, the Suffolk County coroner must turn Shannan’s body over to Dr. Baden. (73)

The coroner’s office has now agreed to release Shannan’s remains to a Long Island funeral home that will turn them over to Dr. Baden for an independent autopsy but not before someone coughs up sixteen thousand dollars. They say that will be the minimal amount for a funeral, headstone and burial plot. (74)

All over the world people simply ‘vanish into thin air.’ The saying itself is a platitude. There are geographic pockets where it happens with alarming regularity. Some like the Bermuda Triangle are part of human folklore. Others like Myrtle Beach in South Carolina and America’s national park system are popular tourist destinations. Even when the missing turn up, no explanations are ever forthcoming.

Evil stalks the human race and evil with millennia of practice at remaining invisible. But if you know where to look you will see the footprints of evil.


Cover Photo: Pinterest

1 – “Cullen Finnerty Autopsy Updated.” ESPN College Football. Associated Press, 8 Aug. 2013. Web. 30 Nov. 2014. <>.

2 – Bishop, Greg. “Questions Linger About Death of Former Quarterback.” College Football. The New York Times, 8 June 2013. Web. 30 Nov. 2014. <>.

3 – “Cullen Finnerty, Former Grand Valley QB, Had Brain Trauma, Died of Pneumonia.” WZZM 13 ONLINE. WZZM13abc, 8 Aug. 2013. Web. 3 Dec. 2014. <>.

4 – “A NEW! Missing 411 W David Paulides 11/10/2014 Interview. (21:07).”YouTube. FritzCayoVids, 16 Nov. 2014. Web. 30 Nov. 2014. <

5 – Bishop, Greg ” Questions Linger About Death of Former Quarterback.” College Football. The New York Times, 8 June 2013. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <>.

6 – “Missing 411 New Interview September 22, 2014 with Dave (32:40).” You Tube. FritzCayoVids, 26 Sept. 2014. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <

7 – Starr, Douglas. “What Your Cell Phone Can’t Tell the Police.” The New Yorker. 26 June 2014. Web. 21 Dec. 2013. <>.

8 – Jackson, Angie. “Amber Rose Smith Found Nearly 2 Miles from Home, Survived 45-degree Night in Woods.” MLive. MLive Media Group, 9 Oct. 2013. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <>.

9 – “David Paulides Missing 411 The Devil’s in the Details Sept 7 2014 (48:04).” Paranormal Central. 8 Sept. 2014. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <

10 – “3 Missing 411 Interviews in One, David Paulides at His Best! (57:46).” FritzCayoVids. YouTube, 14 Oct. 2014. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <

11 – “Missing 411 New Interview September 22, 2014 with Dave (47:03).” FritzCayoVids. YouTube, 26 Sept. 2014. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <

12 – “The CanAm Missing Project.” 1 Jan. 2014. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <>.

13 – “Coast To Coast AM – May 18, 2014 More Missing People (24:46).” Conflict May. Coast To Coast AM, 18 May 2014. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <

14 – Cockle, Richard. “Lost in Oregon: Hiker’s 2012 Disappearance Joins Hundreds of Unsolved Wilderness Cases.” OREGONLIVE. The Oregonian, 8 June 2013. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <>.

15 – “3 Missing 411 Interviews in One, David Paulides at His Best! (42:50).” FritzCayoVids. YouTube, 15 Oct. 2014. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <

16 – “Lost Boy Found Asleep In Gully.” Spokane Daily Chronicle. Google News, 25 Sept. 1964. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <,6491492>.

17 – “Body Found in Colorado Confirmed as Missing Local Doctor.” WSBT-TV Report. WSBT22, 3 Apr. 2014. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <>.

18 – “David Paulides Missing 411 The Devil’s in the Details Sept 7 2014 (1:12:32).” Paranormal Central. 8 Sept. 2014. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <

19 – “3 Missing 411 Interviews in One, David Paulides at His Best! (21:04).” FritzCayoVids. YouTube, 14 Oct. 2014. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <

20 – “A NEW! Missing 411 W David Paulides 11/10/2014 Interview. (24:18).” FritzCayoVids. YouTube, 16 Nov. 2014. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <

21 – “3 Missing 411 Interviews in One, David Paulides at His Best! (14:00).” FritzCayoVids. YouTube, 15 Oct. 2014. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <

22 – “Coast To Coast AM – May 18, 2014 More Missing People (28:53).” Conflict May. YouTube, 26 Sept. 2014. Web. <

23 – “3 Missing 411 Interviews in One, David Paulides at His Best! (1:08:39).” FritzCayoVids. YouTube, 15 Oct. 2014. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <

24 – Cosgrove, Jaclyn. “Lost Oklahoma Woman Found Alive in Arkansas Woods.” NewsOK. 27 Sept. 2012. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <>.

25 – Russell, Linda. “Woman Lost in Woods for 5 Days Tells Her Story.” KY3. 28 Sept. 2012. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <>.

26 – Wellman, Victoria. “Missing Woman Found in Woods Five Days after Brother Took Her There to Teach Her Survival Skills – and Then Lost Her.” Daily Mail. 28 Sept. 2012. Web. <–lost-her.html>.

27 – Russell, Linda. “Woman Lost in Woods for 5 Days Tells Her Story.” KY3. 28 Sept. 2012. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <>.

28 – “Missing Kids of Missing 411 (new) Oct 29, 2014. (16:42).” FritzCayoVids. YouTube, 30 Oct. 2014. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <

29 – “Insists Bear Kidnapped Tot.” The Times-News. Google News, 5 July 1955. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <,161744>.

30 – “Where Did The Road Go David Paulides Missing 411 Interview 9 22 13 (54:27).” FritzCayoVids. YouTube, 2 Oct. 2014. Web. 21 Dec. 2014. <

31 – Balloch, Jim. “Search in Smokies for Lost Boy, Dennis Martin, Produces Lessons for Future Searches.” Knoxville News Sentinel. 28 June 2009. Web. <>.

32 – Ibid. (video 2:40).

33 – Ibid (video 3:53)

34 – “Where Did The Road Go David Paulides Missing 411 Interview 9 22 13 (1:44:17 – 1:47:09).” FritzCayoVids. YouTube, 2 Oct. 2014. Web. 22 Dec. 2014. <

35- Ibid. (14:02 – 19:53)

36 – Ibid (10:08)

37 – Ibid. (1:47:20)

38 – Matheny, Jim. “Dennis Martin: Lost Boy a 45-year Smoky Mountain Mystery.” WBIR.COM. WBIR, 21 May 2014. Web. <>.

39 – “3 Missing 411 Interviews in One, David Paulides at His Best! (7:00 – 9:58).” FritzCayoVids. YouTube, 15 Oct. 2014. Web. 24 Dec. 2014. <

40 – Thompson, A.C., Mosi Secret, Lowell Bergman, and Sandra Bartlett. “The Real ‘CSI’: How America’s Patchwork System of Death Investigations Puts the Living at Risk.” Post Mortem Death Investigation in America. Pro Publica, 31 Jan. 2011. Web. 24 Dec. 2014. <>.

41 – “David Paulides Missing 411 The Devil’s in the Details Sept 7 2014 (56:52 – 58:48).” Paranormal Central. YouTube, 8 Sept. 2014. Web. 24 Dec. 2014. <

42 – “Where Did The Road Go David Paulides Missing 411 Interview 9 22 13 (6:49 – 9:48).” FritzCayoVids. YouTube, 14 Oct. 2014. Web. 24 Dec. 2014. <

43 – “David Paulides Missing 411 The Devil’s in the Details Sept 7 2014 (33:20).” Paranormal Central. YouTube, 8 Sept. 2014. Web. 24 Dec. 2014. <

44 – “Search Resumes in Yosemite for Lost Hawthorne Hiker.” L.A. NOW. Los Angeles Times, 20 June 2011. Web. 24 Dec. 2014. <>.

45 – “Coast To Coast AM – May 18, 2014 More Missing People (45:46 – 49:37).” Conflict May. YouTube, 26 Sept. 2014. Web. 24 Dec. 2014. <

46 – “3 Missing 411 Interviews in One, David Paulides at His Best! (1:14:47).” FritzCayoVids. YouTube, 15 Oct. 2014. Web. 24 Dec. 2014. <

47 – “Jaryd Atadero.” CANAM Missing PROJECT, 1 Jan. 2014. Web. 24 Dec. 2014. <>.

48 – “Coast To Coast AM – May 18, 2014 More Missing People (1:12:18).” Conflict May. YouTube, 26 Sept. 2014. Web. 24 Dec. 2014. <

49 – “Bloodhounds Join Hunt For Missing Boy.” Earth Archives. Chicago Daily Tribune, 19 Aug. 1958. Web. 24 Dec. 2014. <>.

50 – “Remains Of Lost Boy Are Located.” Sarasota Journal. Google News, 9 July 1959. Web. 24 Dec. 2014. <,799664>.

51 – Aguilar, John. “St. Malo’s Future Uncertain 20 Years after Papal Visit.” Daily Camera Boulder County News. 13 Aug. 2013. Web. 24 Dec. 2014. <>.

52 – “Coast To Coast AM – May 18, 2014 More Missing People (1:14:29).” Conflict May. YouTube, 26 Sept. 2014. Web. 24 Dec. 2014. <

53- “The Long Island Serial Killer – Uncaught Psychopath Terrorizing NY (Crime Documentary) (0:16).” Damoviez. YouTube, 7 May 2014. Web. 24 Dec. 2014. <

54 – Ibid (2:32)

55 – “”48 Hours” Uncovers Missing Escort Shannan Gilbert’s Final Minutes (27:28).” Forty Eight Hours. CBS News. Web. <>.

56 – Ibid (9:02)

57 – Ibid (7:07)

58 – “The Long Island Serial Killer – Uncaught Psychopath Terrorizing NY (Crime Documentary) (56:39).” Damoviez. YouTube, 7 May 2014. Web. 24 Dec. 2014. <

59 – “”48 Hours” Uncovers Missing Escort Shannan Gilbert’s Final Minutes (31:34).” Forty Eight Hours. CBS News. Web. <>.

60 – Ibid (30:36)

61 – “The Long Island Serial Killer – Uncaught Psychopath Terrorizing NY (Crime Documentary) (6:06).” Damoviez. YouTube, 7 May 2014. Web. 24 Dec. 2014. <

62 – “”48 Hours” Uncovers Missing Escort Shannan Gilbert’s Final Minutes (4:38).” Forty Eight Hours. CBS News. Web. <>.

63 – “The Long Island Serial Killer – Uncaught Psychopath Terrorizing NY (Crime Documentary) (8:25).” Damoviez. YouTube, 7 May 2014. Web. 24 Dec. 2014. <

64 – Ibid (9:14)

65 – Ibid (11:26)

66 – “”48 Hours” Uncovers Missing Escort Shannan Gilbert’s Final Minutes (25:48).” Forty Eight Hours. CBS News. Web. <>.

67 – Ibid (33:29)

68 – Ibid (34:11)

69 – Ibid (32:10)

70 – Ibid (37:08)

71 – Ibid

72 – LOPEZ, TANIA. “Shannan Gilbert Autopsy Finds No Drugs in Her System, According to Report.” Newsday, 10 Dec. 2014. Web. 25 Dec. 2014. <>.

73 – Corbin, Cristina. “Famed Coroner Baden Seeks to Autopsy Remains of Craigslist Escort.” Crime & Courts. FOX News, 18 Sept. 2014. Web. 25 Dec. 2014. <>.

74 – LOPEZ, TANIA. “Shannan Gilbert Family Seeks Donations to Pay for Her Burial.” Newsday, 18 Dec. 2014. Web. 25 Dec. 2014. <>.

Below are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make more, I actually make the most from Amazon E books, but because you will avoid giving Amazon any money. Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.

Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® ( Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god: 9781736288016: Heart, Jack: Books

Return of the Titans by Jack Heart


“The blood of the Titans is alive, I thought, strangely and wonderfully alive!”

“We are not allowed to forget Hitler and wartime Germany. Nightly, we are presented with an ever-ongoing television tirade against the man and the country he loved. It all happened so long ago that one may well wonder why it doesn’t cease. There can be only one answer: FEAR, the fear that a fourth Reich will come from beneath the ice of Neu-Sachwabenland–to square accounts may be well-founded . . . There are many who believe Hitler did not die a suicide; there are many who believe he escaped to a warm place made ready for him beneath the ice of the Antarctic.” – Norma Cox

Dorothy Norma Cox wrote her magnum opus Kingdoms Within Earth in 1985. She is the author of several other books and distributed and published the newsletter Secrets till 1996. (1) Seer, visionary, prophetess, and madwoman she may very well have been the only Christian that ever really did frighten the Zionists whom she accused of using their stranglehold on the media to cover up the truth about the hollow earth.

During her lifelong relentless campaign against the Jews, whom she labeled as the progeny of Satan, she corresponded and even once met with a man named Richard Shaver, the progenitor of the Shaver Mystery. In the years directly proceeding WWII, the Shaver Mystery spawned what can only be described as an international furor among the readers of science fiction.

In 1943 Ray Palmer a reclusive dwarf crippled by a broken back since childhood and editor of the wildly popular Amazing Stories Magazine received a letter from a man even stranger than himself. Shaver, the author of the letter, claimed to have rediscovered an ancient forgotten language called ‘Mantong,’ the primal source of all other languages. The phonetics of the language had a meaning of their own and when applied to the words of any other language could decipher their secret meanings.

Shaver by his own admission had been in communication with the welding torch at his job. But, strangely enough, Palmer and his staff applied Mantong to “the letter-meaning to the individual letter of many old root words and proper names and got an amazing sense out of them.” After publishing Shaver’s letter, salvaged from his wastepaper basket, Palmer asked his readers to experiment with Mantong. The overwhelming response by hundreds who wrote back to Palmer was that it worked.

Shaver followed up his Mantong letter with a ten-thousand-word manuscript titled “A Warning to Future Man.” By the time Palmer was through editing it, which he did through a two-year correspondence with Shaver much of it appearing in the work as the index at the end of each chapter, Shaver’s piece had grown to a thirty-one-thousand-word novella. It was published in the March 1945 issue of Amazing Stories Magazine under the title “I Remember Lemuria!” (2)

The story told was of a human race that has existed from time out of mind, moving from sun to sun as each sun became toxic with age. Every sun started out as a planet itself just as the earth’s had; shrouded in cloud cover to promote maximum fecundity of life as it orbited its own sun. Layer upon layer of life living and dying encased the planet in carbon thousands of miles thick to its heavy metalcore. When its sun went black and died out the planet became a lifeless sphere of shimmering ice until ignited from deep within by a collision with a mass broken off from another sun and the cycle began anew.

Carbon itself burns clean and due to his godlike sciences man was practically immortal as his civilizations basked in its beneficent glow, colonizing other stars unknown. But as the sun burns down it begins to consume its heavy metal core which gives off radioactive toxins that produce aging, loss of mental faculties, and finally death. So, man must constantly migrate from old sun to new sun.

To avoid this many chose to build their civilizations underground, some even in the outer perimeters of space where there is eternal darkness. This race was called the Nor or Norman marked by their brilliant blond hair and snow-white skin never touched by sunlight. Earth, then called Mu, was inhabited by the Atlans and their magnificent horned allies called the Titans. *

See the source image

Elders, who were the sum and total of the eons of each civilization’s wisdom, ruled over them. The Atlans out of the sheer joy for what was a different and sensual attraction to what was exotic had hybridized with all the myriads of life forms encountered throughout their millenniums of space exploration and colonization. The Nor, dedicated to their Goddess Venus and enamored of their own beauty of form, wore as few garments as possible to display their physical assets and refused to hybridize.

See the source image

Both civilizations reveled in their own erotic desires and satiating them was their raison d’être. Every entity in its own vigorous health viewed other entities as a part of themselves. To interfere, repress or murder another entity was an act of self-immolation. The primary city of the Atlans was deep within the bowels of the earth, close to its core, where the Titans, unimpeded by their great size, could move about freely unrestrained by gravity. On its avenues passed an unending amorous procession of strangely seductive hybrids, some with the lower bodies of serpents, some with cloven hoofs, all mingled together with fantastically beautiful people.

But sex was for pleasure heightened by all manner of machines. Procreation was performed in laboratories; embryos grown in sealed receptacles suspended in a substance called Icor honed by the sciences of tens of thousands of years. As the embryo grew into life the “blood of the Gods,” Icor, was fed to them through artificial umbilical cords.

Death was almost unheard of and growth indeterminate. Elders treated themselves with special hormonal regimes that allowed them to enslave their willing opposite gender with chains forged of sexual ecstasy. The Elders sometimes attained heights of three hundred feet. But no one aged after reaching maturity.

See the source image

The Atlans and Titans were the masters of all that was good in existence. They were lords of creation but in their own mastery, they forgot that where there is creation there must also be destruction. Evil is just as strong as good and always, always, one will balance the other. Throughout the numberless eons, the Atlans had honeycombed the earth with tunnels and caverns, some long-abandoned along with the technology they harbored. The technology was from a time when the earth’s sun was new. Its creators unimpeded by toxins from the sun flourished and became gods migrating to unknown parts of the universe leaving behind the machinery.

In every civilization no matter how paradisiacal there will always be outcasts, those that do not fit in, and Mu was no exception. There were some who fled to the cultivation forests living generationally like animals. In time some of these savages found their way into the forgotten catacombs of Mu’s ancient civilizations. Eventually, these savages discovered the tunnels and caverns and learned to use the abandoned technology to satisfy their requirements for pleasure.

Over time, satiated, they atrophied and became like mindless automatons unable to think at all without their machines, hideous dwarfs called Deros, driven only by a need to bring pain and destruction to all they encountered. They used the machinery they had found to sow discord among the Atlans like the evil children of hell that they had become. Their pleasure became the pain they inflicted on their hapless victims. Those that they kidnapped were tortured in sadistic orgies of cruelty. When they had used up all the horror their victims were capable of they ate them.

Somewhere in time, the Atlans had found it necessary to exile one of their own, one of the Elders, more god than man. He had found his way into the caverns of the Deros and organized them, teaching them to master the machinery they had prior only played with. And from the darkness of their hidden citadels, they gained control of Mu by way of selective assassination and taking control of the information dissemination outlets.

Many among the Atlans were aware of their presence but to speak out against them was to sign one’s own death warrant. With their machinery, they were able to monitor all of Mu and read the thoughts of its inhabitants. Consequently, the Atlans stayed on Mu long past the time when they should have fled the deleterious effects of its dying sun. But a handful of students, among them the narrator of the story, do manage to escape and flee to the outer darkness of the Nor.

The Nors, upon learning of the Dero, motivated not only by altruism but also the knowledge that the evil must be contained, send a great fleet of starships to make war on the Dero and free the Atlans and Titans under their control. When the Nor arrive the Dero threaten to use their machines to kill all the unsuspecting inhabitants of Mu if the Nor do not turn back.

They don’t and they manage to bypass the Deros on guard by tricking them with a sleep ray and enter the underworld undetected. When they reach the citadel of the Dero close to the earth’s core an epic battle ensues. The Dero have better weapons from the superior ancient technology and are led by the brilliant but twisted Elder god. Nor, with untold millenniums of bliss to live for, are killed by the thousands but they just keep coming . They finally breach the walls of the hypogean city and lay waste to it slaughtering the Dero and capturing the Elder god to learn what they can of the technology.

The surviving Atlans and Titans evacuate too far off stars unknown and the Nor return triumphantly to their dark abode. But as they are leaving Mu the narrator knows the Dero has been defeated but not exterminated and there are still men, the savages of the forests, on the surface of Mu. Even though they will live but short and brutal lives under Mu’s aging sun the narrator knows too that through the veins of these savages flow the blood of the Titans and one day they will overcome these obstacles and become a race to be reckoned with, a race that is ready to join their forefathers in the stars.

See the source image

But he also knows the Deros will be watching, biding their time, so that they too may be carried like a plague among the stars. He leaves his story inscribed on plates of tension, an incorruptible metal, in an unknown place to be found when the time comes as “A Warning to Future Man.” (3)

A brief examination of Mr. Shaver’s science “fiction” is all that is needed to realize ‘I Remember Lemuria!’ could not have been written with the science available to the general public in 1943 or 1945; even by HG Wells or Jules Verne (let alone a man who was taking dictation from his welding torch).

It is now known that at temperatures over fifteen million degrees Kelvin carbon fusion is the dominant fusion rather than hydrogen fusion. The earth’s sunburns through hydrogen fusion but it is now believed that larger stars such as Sirius burn through carbon fusion. Not even the German expatriate Hans Bethe who received the Nobel Prize in 1967 for working out the carbon fusion cycle knew this in 1945. (4)

Theoretically, a comet can go nuclear when momentum distribution leads to a substantial increase of its deuteron fusion rate-making possible the thermochemical explosion ignition of a thermonuclear explosion. In fact, that appears to be just what happened five miles over Tunguska in 1908. (5) If that comet had crashed into Tunguska’s legendary peat bogs perhaps the earth would now be a sun and the moon its planet. Maybe that’s just how the Deros had planned it.

Human childbirth will naturally result in the death of 1.5% of the mothers. (6) Those that do live through it are almost invariably disfigured in the pelvic region and will never forget the pain. Even now in America, one in three births will have “complications.” (7) This flies in the face of every known law of nature. Human childbirth is hardly natural.

Cloning and genetic engineering would not even be discussed seriously until Joshua Lederberg published his groundbreaking piece Experimental Genetics and Human Evolution in The American Naturalist in 1966. Yet almost a quarter-century before Shaver demonstrates a clear understanding of just how cloning works let alone the advantage it has over reproducing like a beast in the fields.

According to the narrative; in this solar system, the earth’s aged sun is the mother of all radiation which is called disintegrates. These are heavy metals so dissolute that they only exist as rays to be drawn in by the earth and reconstituted as matter. Toxins are suspended in the air you breathe, the food you eat, and the water you drink. This is the source of aging in the human body. Disintegrate or detrimental energy is the destructive force of the universe. Its antithesis is Exd; ex-disintegrants which permeate the universe and is the creative force; benign and life-giving.

This is from Gobekli Tepe, its over 12 thousand years old. Of all the truly sinister things going on the right now in the world the ongoing effort to cover that site up is the mother of them all.
This is from Turkey it’s over twelve thousand years old. .

Sunlight is electromagnetic radiation: radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays, many of these were not even known to exist, at least by the allies, prior to WW II let alone known have the devastating effects on human health that they do. Madame Curie’s notes were available at the time and Palmer even mentions them in the index but the Americans had not yet even begun their experiments on the hapless Japanese.

The existence of Undistorted Progressive Waves was proven for good in experiments performed in 1997 by Waldyr A Rodrigues Jr. and Jian-Yu Lu, no matter what the cavemen who guard the entrance at Wikipedia want to say about scalar waves. (8) Undistorted Progressive Waves are families of waves traveling at arbitrary speeds which are distortion-free and don’t spread out over a distance. Even if interfered with they return to “their original form after a certain period of time.”

Dr. Rodrigues and Dr. Lu’s groundbreaking paper introduced experimental data showing how a “Superluminal (faster than the speed of light) Electromagnetic X-Wave” can be launched by forcing one of these waves through a tiny hole that they called a “Finite Aperture Approximation.” In the paper they go on to make an unimpeachable mathematical argument that the theory of relativity has been compromised by the data resulting from their experiments. (9)

The narrative says the human body is naturally polarized like the earth. The earth acts as a magnet drawing in Exd; ex-disintegrants and reconstituting it as matter. But overexposure to disintegrates causes parts of the brain to become depolarized and to polarize instead like the sun drawing in its disintegrates. Depending on which part of the brain is affected you will either become an idiot or a pathological murderer driven only to kill until you are killed yourself; a detrimental energy robot, a Dero.

In 1933 Ott Christoph Hilgenberg wrote The Expanding Earth, Vom wachsenden Erdball, pretty much proving in spite of Morgan Freeman’s “science” that continental drift is the result of the earth expanding in volume. The book settled once and for all the scientific debate about whether continental drift took place and if Germany had won WWII nobody ever would have dreamed of trying to replace Hilgenberg’s work of genius with a theory as full of holes as plate tectonics.

The Atlans worshiped life and were connoisseurs of its pleasures. The narration describes users of their erogenous machines experiencing every single sensation as “having the value of a thousand nights of love.” These “stim” machines are what was found in the abandoned subterranean cities by the ancestors of the Dero.

The “ray apparatus” had filters for their beams which, unknown to the primitives who had found and were using them, periodically had to be changed as did the conductive metals of the apparatuses. Eventually, the accumulation of disintegrating particles turned the machine’s “beneficial qualities into strangely harmful ones.” In time living in close proximity to them mutated their offspring into a race of degenerate dwarfs that we’re unable to think without using the machines.

Shaver says in the index that the Deros, who survived the war with the Nors, have been using these machines since this current post-apocalyptic epoch began, sponsoring depraved and deadly orgies in hidden catacombs beneath the temples and pleasure palaces of the earth. Confounding man in everything he does, from stage fright in school plays to murder, to the decisions of tyrants and kings. They were the sirens who lured ancient Greek seafarers to their deaths with their sweet songs. They are “the source of god worship, the thrill of divinity, the sensing of the invisible, the prostration of the will before the stronger will of the ray gun.”

Current day witch doctors claim the human brain only works at 10% capacity. With a shake of their magic rattle and a hardy feathered pirouette, they go on to chant the same about DNA, calling the other 90% “junk DNA.” Real scientists, pioneers of a Brave New World for everyone like Dr. Manfred Doepp, (10) are not amused by their antics. Dr. Doepp insists that this junk DNA is attenuated to the resonance fields (11) that compose 96% of man’s external environment.

When awake the human brain usually resonates at anywhere between 6-20 hertz per second; Theta brain waves resonate between 4-7Hz and are little understood by mainstream science, Alpha between 8-12Hz occurs during relaxation, and Beta, above 12Hz, occur during problem-solving. Delta brain waves occur during sleep and range from 0-4Hz. Even the witch doctors now know that human brain activity is intimately entangled with the Schumann resonance, which resonates at an average of 7.8Hz but can vary from 3Hz – 60Hz.

Tampering with resonance fields can be either extremely harmful or extremely beneficial to the human race. Electrophysicist Professor Konstantin Meyl in collaboration with the Cancer Research Centre at the University of Heidelberg has already used resonant electrodynamic fields to alter the malignancy of cancer cells. Scientists like Dr. Doepp and Dr. Meyl are taking full advantage of a brand-new science called epigenetics a science that threatens to blow the lid off, once and for all, the simian superstition of evolution.

Epigenetics simply means the study of the control mechanisms of DNA. It is what determines how hereditary traits such as athleticism, intellectual capacity, and human resilience can be radically altered in just three generations instead of the hundreds that the drooling Darwinists would have the human race believe it takes to adapt DNA sequences. (12) By combining epigenetics with the manipulation of resonance fields the potential is there to reinvent the Atlantis of Shaver’s narrative. They can also be used to breed a very select master race whose whims are catered to by a vast slave race of idiots.

The Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) sits at the base of the brain and acts as its vascular security system admitting energy and nutrient-rich substances required for optimal operation and barring harmful substances such as heavy metals and fat-soluble toxins capable of turning the brain into a living replica of a chunk of Swiss cheese. Electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and Wifi technology operating in the 2.4 gigahertz range are known to burn holes into the BBB.

The industries are completely unregulated and relay towers ranging from monstrosities hundreds of feet high to much smaller ones camouflaged as flag poles have sprung up all over the world seemingly overnight.

The result has been a return with a vengeance of the brain damage seen in the sixties from leaded fuel and the ever-expanding proliferation of the conditions known as attention deficit disorder and Attention Deficit Disorder Hyperactivity Syndrome in children. Parkinsonism, Epilepsy, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Cerebral Palsy, and Autism have become endemic.

Dr. Doepp points out that the 2.4 gigahertz wave spectrum adversely affects the pineal gland, the pituitary gland, the hypothalamic tract, and the limbic system so that only the large portion of the brain, responsible for consciousness, is left intact.

The brain is unable to access its subconscious leaving people with the ability to perform the menial tasks assigned to them but unable to reason or create. The cells of the bitstream in the cognitive brain are able to process forty bits per second whereas cells from its deep interior, now inaccessible in most people, are capable of processing billions of bits per second.

The effects on young people are particularly striking as they walk around bumping into walls focused on handheld Wifi units listening to redundant computer-generated “music.” Ethics, human virtue, and even common decency have become anachronisms. Underlying and indefinable anger permeates people’s chronic disconnection with a purpose other than to acquire the commodities the television tells them they need. Dr. Doepp has found that many are unable to be separated from the electromagnetic radiation without experiencing panic and the inability to function. (13)

Shaver says vehicles were powered by “motors whose energy is derived from a gravity focusing magnetic field by which one side of a flywheel becomes much heavier than the other, this is accomplished by bending gravity to fall in the same way a lens bends a light ray.”

In the 1990s, Russian scientist Eugene Podkletnov caused a furor amongst the aerospace industry and their academic drones when he announced that in gravity modification experiments, he had been able to achieve as much as a 5% reduction in a targeted object’s weight. He was using rotating magnets to spin superconducting doughnut-shaped discs, flywheels.

In later interviews with Nick Cook, Aviation Editor of Jane’s Defence Weekly and author of The Hunt For Zero Point, Podkletnov admitted that he had already achieved full levitational effects for Toshiba with his methods. He also admitted that his methods were derived from a lifelong study of papers confiscated in May of 1945 by the Red Army from the apartment of Viktor Schauberger, a German genius of mythic proportions known to be working on anti-gravity technology during WW II for the SS. The papers were given to Podkletnov’s father, Russia’s top scientist in the field at the time, for analysis. (14)

In chapter 4; Escape Into Space, Shaver says “To get the shuttle ship on its way gravity was neutralized by an upward beam of semi-penetrative force which turned on gradually until the car just floated in its cradle under the effect of the reverse friction to the gravity of the force blast passing through the car.”

Gordon Duff the managing director of the Adamus Corporation, a defense contracting company so mysterious that it has been accused by the semi-literate (“10 is a prime number”) among the lunatic fringe “patriot” movement as being the “paperclip Nazis,” (15) has recently revealed some of the secrets that haunt the drug-fueled delirium of Rush Limbaugh’s disciples.

In VT Nuclear Education: Answering the hype he says “In order to create anti-gravity or to cancel gravity you simply push out the magnetic field lines using plasma. This is called positive buoyancy. Just like in ships and hot air balloons. Hot air is plasma. This is how UFO’s work. The key is magnetic buoyancy using plasma shielding of some type.” (16)

Shaver’s explanation for his narrative is that he is recalling his past life as Mutan Mion the narrator of the story. In the index, Palmer goes on to cite additional references to gravity in correspondences by Shaver in the guise of Mutan Mion. “Gravity is the friction of condensing exd, ex-disentigrance, falling through matter into the earth. By using a beam of similarly condensing particles of ex-disentigrance a harmless beam of upward gravity is obtained which can levitate matter slowly or drive it upward at immense speed. All space is filled with the ash of disentigrance of the suns of the universe. This condensing again into matter is integrance or gravity. ”

Viktor Schauberger called the process by which energy was obtained for anti gravity; condensing. A process supposedly only theoretical till proven by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Colorado in a joint project in 1995. Atoms or subatomic particles are cooled to absolute zero coalescing into a single entity describable as a wave function capable of releasing energy on a macroscopic scale. (17)

As the “legend” has it; while observing a trout holding its position, without any swimming effort at all, against the rushing current of a stream Schauberger decided the trout was utilizing something other than kinetic energy. Schauberger reasoned that the animal was extracting the energy from the molecules of its own body by condensing them with extreme temperature gradients. The rest is rooted in the lore of a breakaway civilization and a National Socialist Party that vanished right before the eyes of the entire world when the allies tightened their empty noose at the end of WWII.

Shaver’s story struck a chord, the issue sold out, Amazing Stories circulation jumped from 135 thousand to 185 thousand per issue; tens of thousands of letters rolled in claiming to recount personnel experiences with the Dero. An ex-Air Force captain wrote “for heaven’s sake drop the whole thing! You are playing with dynamite.

My companion and I fought our way out of a cave with submachine guns. I have two 9-inch scars on my left arm… my friend has a hole the size of a dime in his right bicep. It was scary inside… we both believe we know more about the Shaver Mystery than any other pair… don’t print our names. We are not cowards, but we are not crazy.” Some even believed their neighbors were Deros.

Shaver began pounding out stories about the underworld like he was a machine himself, and Palmer ran with it culminating with the June 7, 1947, issue devoted entirely to Shaver. By then the whole world knew what a Dero was and many suspected they actually existed. Enter the Zionist Bolsheviks from New York City. Whether it was because they and their hack hero Isaac Asimov simply could not compete with Shaver who has been characterized by high strangeness enthusiasts; abovetopsecret .com, as a cross between L Ron Hubbard, Charles Fort, and Lord Dunsany (Edward Plunkett, 18th Baron of Dunsany), (18) or it was something far darker, as always the Zionists got their way.

The Queens Science Fiction Club, which was founded by Sam Moskowitz and was an offshoot of Donald Allen Wollheim’s radically Bolshevik Futurians and the Brooklyn Science Fiction League, launched a massive letter-writing campaign that Shaver was endangering the sanity of Americans.

Although Moskowitz wrote under the pen name “Sam Martin” and Wollheim under the names “David Grinnell,” “Arthur Cooke,” “Millard Verne Gordon,” “Martin Pearson,” “Braxton Wells,” “Graham Conway” and “Lawrence Woods,” like always they still needed some authentic Christian dupes to do their dirty work for them. So they enlisted the help of the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice an offshoot of the Young Men’s Christian Association commonly known as the YMCA.

Using the exact same tactics they used to commandeer New York City’s garment workers unions for organized crime the Bolsheviks attended a national science fiction fan conference in Philadelphia and raucously interrupted the proceedings with threats and intimidation. They then went to Amazing Stories publisher William B Ziff of the Ziff Davis Publishing Company and threatened to draw up a petition to the United States Postal Service asking that Amazing Stories be banned from the mail.

With well-founded fears for his own life, Ziff caved in and told Palmer that they could no longer publish Shaver stories because they were in direct contradiction to Einstein’s theory of relativity. Palmer resigned as managing editor, and after the 6/7/47 issue, Amazing Stories would never again carry Shaver. The Shaver Mystery would slowly sink into the unfathomed depths of politically incorrect history in spite of the fact that it is the progenitor of all modern UFO mythology.

Even Wikipedia is not stupid enough to try to cover up the fact that Kenneth Arnold’s sighting of pop culture’s very first UFOs on June 24, 1947, is connected directly to the Shaver Mystery. John Keel, the most brilliant man to ever write about UFOs, fingered Palmer as “The Man who Invented Flying Saucers” in his 1983 article appearing in the Fortean Times under the aforementioned title. In a 1985 interview he said “If Shaver and Palmer had not existed, there would be no ufology. It’s that simple.” (19)

Amazing stories had been running artists’ conceptions on their covers of space ships both the Dero and the Tero for two years before Arnold’s sighting. The Tero was Nor and Atlans who had stayed behind to wage guerilla war against the Dero in the aftermath of Earth’s evacuation. Wikipedia makes the ridiculous and typically semantic Zionist argument that the artist’s conceptions were not of saucers.

See the source image

No, they were artists’ conceptions! Besides, Arnold had not described seeing anything like flying saucers. He had described seeing wedge-shaped craft like America’s Stealth planes and National Socialism’s Horton Flying Wings. What Arnold had said is the crafts skipped across the atmosphere like a saucer skipping across water.

See the source image
Horton Flying Wing

The possibility that the Shaver Mystery was a psy-op right from the start should not be overlooked. Kenneth Arnold would end up writing for Palmer’s new publication, Fate Magazine. The sequential order of events is a giant red flag but not half as big as Richard Shaver’s knowledge of National Socialist technology that has been concealed from the general public till this very day.

Richard Shaver was no idiot savant — he knew more about science, real science than Albert Einstein did. In fact, he begs the Zionist charlatan to have a look at his work in the forward of I Remember Lemuria! His detailed descriptions, tight plot and deft prose indicate that he was no stranger to the pen and paper either. Shaver was an even better artist than he was writer. Posthumously, he is now hailed as an artistic genius (20) and his work commands exorbitant prices at showings in both New York and Los Angeles.

In spite of Palmer’s later claims that he was institutionalized, legitimate researchers have found that from 1934 – 1942, Shaver’s whereabouts are completely unaccounted for and untraceable. Someone put a great deal of time and effort into both his training and his introduction to the world. When an account is taken of who originally trained the CIA, one need only read Frances Stoner Saunders’ book, Who Paid the Piper: The Cultural Cold War, to figure out whom.

Even his last name, which he makes sure he mentions in the opening lines of the forward saying “get it,” is a pun; Richard Sharp Shaver, Sharp Shaver, SS! The Bolshevik Zionists, the Dero, whatever you want to call them, would do very well to heed Norma Cox’s warning and remember what happened the last time they met the Nor.


* Palmer tells the reader in the index that when he seeks a further description of the Titans through correspondence Shaver answers him imperiously that he has already been told. The only thing discernible from the narrative is that the Titans were powerfully built giants but nowhere near the size of the Atlan Elders. All of the male Titans, there are no female Titans in the narrative, had horns and exceptional wisdom.
Palmer says in the index that the Titans were a separate race from the Atlans. But although the narrative says the Titans and Atlans were allies and refers to the races in the plural, it also says of a Titan instructor that he is a “dynamo of a human force.” The narrator is clearly human, but when he fantasizes about the sexual embrace of the six-armed woman, he exclaims “the blood of the Titans is alive, I thought, strangely and wonderfully alive!”

1- “By Dorothy (Norma) Cox, Et Al.” Conspiracy Research Topics: Illuminism, Freemasonry, Christianity, Islam, Mithraism, Paganism. JR’s Rare Books and Commentary, 1 Jan. 2006. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <>.

2- Crenshaw, Dennis. “Richard Shavers Cavern Realms.” The Hollow Earth Insider Vol. 3#6. The Best of the Hollow Earth Insider, 18 Sept. 1992. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <>.

3- Shaver, Richard Sharp. “I Remember Lemuria.” Internet Archive. Evanston III Venture Books, 1 Jan. 1948. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <I Remember Lemuria (>.

4- Nave, R. “Carbon Fusion Cycle.” Hyperphysics – Department of Physics and Astronomy. Georgia State University, 1 Jan. 2014. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <>.

5- Kim, Y. E. “The 1908 Tunguska Cosmic Body (TCB) Explosion: Role of Hydrogen Thermonuclear Explosion in Support of Cometary Hypothesis.” Purdue Nuclear and Many-Body Theory Group (PNMBTG), Department of Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. Received 12 December 2007; Accepted 5 May 2008; Published Online 4 December 2008. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <>.

6- “Safe Motherhood Strategies: A Review of the Evidence.” Studies in Health Services Organisation & Policy, 17, 2001. Ed. Vincent De Brouwere and Wim Van Lerberghe. ©ITGPress, Nationalestraat 155, B-2000 Antwerp, Belgium. E-mail :, 1 Jan. 2001. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <;jsessionid=14ACCBD7D7E860EE7503E1AF8D75CF43?sequence=1>.

7- Levi, PhD, Jeffrey, David Kohn, and Kay Johnson, MPH, EdM. “Healthy Women, Healthy Babies: How Health Reform Can Improve the Health of Women and Babies in America.” Trust For Americas Health., 1 June 2011. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <Healthy women, healthy babies: how health reform can improve the health of women and babies in America – Digital Collections – National Library of Medicine (>.

8- Duff, Gordon. “Monsters Among US When Will It Be Enough?” Veterans Today. 14 Oct. 2014. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.

9- A. Rodrigues, Jr., Waldyr, and Jian Yu Lu. “On the Existence of Undistorted Progressive Waves (UPWs) of Arbitrary Speeds 0 ≤ v.” Instituto De Matem´atica, Estat´ıstica E Computa¸c˜ao Cient´ıfica IMECC-UNICAMP; CP 6065, 13081-970, Campinas, SP, Brasil E-mail: Biodynamics Research Unit, Department of Physiology and Biophysics Mayo Clinic and Foundation, Rochester, MN55905, USA E-mail:, 17 Oct. 1997. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <>.

10- Doepp, Dr. Manfred. “Dr. Manfred Doepp – Switching of Consciousness, Mind Control, Big HAARP, Etc.” Information Machine. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <>.

11- “Unified Field Theory Papers.” Alpha Institute for Advanced Studies (AIAS), 1 Jan. 2014. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <>.

12- “Epigenetics: DNA Isn’t Everything.” Renato Paro/ETH Zürich. ScienceDaily, 13 Apr. 2009. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <>.

13- Ibid.

14- Cook, Nick. “The Hunt for Zero Point.” Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology. First Broadway Books Edition Published 2002. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <>.

15- HENEGHAN, TOM. “The Adamus Group Exposed: It’s Nazi Paperclip.” Tom Heneghan Explosive Intelligence Briefings. FROM THE TRENCHS WORLDREPORT.COM, 19 May 2013. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <>.

16- Duff, Gordon. “VT Nuclear Education: Answering the Hype.” By Gordon Duff and America’s Nuclear Weapons Design Teams. Veterans Today, 8 Sept. 2014. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.

17- Perkowitz, Sidney. “Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC).” ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANICA, 1 Jan. 2014. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. <>.

18- “The World of Dick Shaver: Deros, Rockbooks, Mantong and Mind-Radios.” abovetopsecret. 27 Dec. 2011. Web. 25 Oct. 2014. <>.

19- Erdmann, Steve. “Down Under.” UFO AND PARANORMAL NEWS FROM AROUND THE WORLD. UFO DIGEST, 1 Jan. 2013. Web. 25 Oct. 2014. <>.

20- “Richard Sharpe Shaver Art.” Web. 25 Oct. 2014. <Rokfogo: The Mysterious Pre-Deluge Art of Richard S. Shaver (Volume 1): Toronto, Mr. Richard, Santiago, Lora: 9780991139620: Books>.

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Water wars 2.0


Water wars 2.0

Alaric sacks Ohio! Or was it ALEC?


In the first days of August this year the tap water for half a million people in and around the Toledo, Ohio area contained almost three parts microcystin per billion (1)The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends drinking water has no more than one part per billion. Microcystin is a neurotoxin fatal to animals and capable of laying waste to entire ecosystems. Even alligators, whose blood actually produces anti bacterial and anti fungal proteins, are not immune to microcystin’s deadly effects. Its insidious pathology was recently featured in a National Geographic documentary Predator CSI – Zombie Alligators (2). It has been linked to Pansteatitis where the fat on animals turns yellow and takes on the consistency of rubber causing agonizing pain, paralysis and finally death.


In humans microcystin damages the liver and causes skin eruptions. In 1998 in Brazil it was inadvertently administered intravenously to a hundred and twenty six hemodialysis patients. Sixty of them died (3). A few years ago in the US it is suspected of having caused encephalitis when a man got some in his eye while washing it off his dog. The man survived after extensive hospitalization and rehabilitation. He returned to work two years later. The dog died (4).

Microcystin is a cyanotoxin or neurotoxin produced by Microcystis aeruginosa which blooms in mass in Lake Erie during August. Microcystis aeruginosa is a species of freshwater cyanobacteria (5) that causes Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB). The neurotoxin itself cannot be removed by boiling or home filtering your water. In water treatment plants it is usually controlled by treating water with hydrated potassium aluminum sulfate which clings to the toxic particles weighing them down for easy separation. The treated water is then run through powdered activated carbon before it is finally distributed for consumption (6).


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has no tolerance standards for the presence of microcystin in tap water although it does consider HAB to be a “major environmental problem” in all 50 states (7). In the United States testing for microcystin is done voluntarily by each individual state with different tests and different rules for performing those tests in each state. Ohio uses WHO’s one part per billion and is supposed to notify the public of any readings over 0.5. At levels of 0.3 and under microcystin is considered undetectable. The problems in Toledo were exacerbated when readings from Ohio’s EPA differed from those of the federal EPA.


All the way back in March Ottawa County sanitary engineer Kelly Frey had been warning public officials of an impending end of summer disaster. Frey questioned why the looming health risk of microcystin had not yet even been addressed with a standard for the maximum allowable amount by Ohio’s EPA. In a letter sent out to Ohio’s U.S. Representative Marcy Kaptur, democrat, Ohio’s U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown, democrat and Ohio’s U.S. Senator Rob Portman, republican, Frey wrote “The laissez-faire approach by the Ohio EPA and Ohio Department of Health is troubling and gives the appearance of apathy.” Only Representative Marcy Kaptur got back to him (8).


In what may be just a coincidence on Thursday August first Ohio EPA’s chief of the Division of Drinking and Ground Waters, Mike Baker, announced that federal EPA guidelines were on the way. The first alarming reading of 0.6 was taken at Toledo’s Collins Park Water Treatment Plant on Friday August second. It wasn’t until Sunday August fourth that the Federal EPA confirmed readings in the high twos (9).


On Saturday, bypassing the Ohio EPA, Representative Marcy Kaptur conducted a conference call to the Federal EPA concerned that the Ohio EPA was withholding test results. She demanded immediate disclosure saying “the public has a right to know.” She was told by regional administrator Susan Hedman that although the Feds were doing the testing the state has jurisdiction in the matter. The exasperated congresswoman later said “Whether it’s the State EPA or the Federal EPA makes no difference. The public deserves transparency.” She went on to openly question why the Federal EPA has all the sophisticated equipment necessary to test for microcystin (10) but was not present at any of the meetings and had failed to address the media on the matter.  


Eventually the Collins Park Water Treatment Plant tripled its application of activated carbon bringing Toledo’s water down to standards acceptable by WHO for human consumption. In a news conference on August fourth Toledo’s Mayor Michael Collins declared the water once again safe to drink taking a tentative sip for the cameras of a clear liquid in a cheap glass. In spite of the mayors theatrics as late as August fifteenth Toledo water samples were still testing as high as 0.972 parts per billion (11). Minnesota considers water unsafe for consumption at more than 0.4 parts per billion (12).


The problem in Toledo appears to be due to inadequacies in the Collins Park Plant’s intake process. But the putrid bluegreen algal blooms associated with microcystin have become endemic in Lake Erie. As they have for the last few years in fresh water lakes all over America from Vermont’s Lake Champlain to Dorena Reservoir in Oregon and from Florida’s Caloosahatchee River to Wisconsin’s Lake Menomin. The source of the rampant algal blooms is water temperatures above sixty degrees Fahrenheit combined with high concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen due to fertilizer run off from agricultural production and sludge being pumped from sewage treatment plants.
The Maumee River spans a hundred and thirty seven miles from northeastern Indiana all through northwestern Ohio emptying into Lake Erie at Toledo. Prior to its cultivation through tile drainage it was called the Great Black Swamp. Tile drainage was first introduced to America by Scotchman John Johnston in 1832. Using the ancient old world method of facilitating water seepage through subterranean channels fabricated from tiles Johnson increased the yield almost tenfold on his three hundred and twenty acre farm in Seneca, New York. By the latter half of the century James B. Hill would invent the Buckeye Traction Ditcher a machine that automated the until then labor intensive method of installing the tile. Hill’s ditcher would be used to drain all of northwestern Ohio and go on to recklessly drain huge portions of Florida and Louisiana.  
The Great Lakes contain 54% of the liquid fresh water on the earth’s surface. The Maumee River, once the artery of a vast forbidden wetland filtering water into one of the five lakes that comprise the world’s largest group of freshwater lakes, now drains 4.5 million acres of the most cultivated farmland in America into that same lake. Although the Maumee contributes only 3% of the water flowing into Lake Erie it contributes 60% of the phosphorus. The blooms that have plagued the lake for the last few years have all began at the mouth of the river in Maumee Bay. The contamination of Toledo’s drinking water in early August was caused when strong northeasterly winds backed the cyanobacteria up into the bay and wave action forced it through the treatment plants intake valves.
Dr. Jeff Reutter is considered by many to be the world’s premier expert on HAB’s. He is the director of Ohio State University’s fabled Stone Lab which hosted its annual symposium of environmental scientists and writers on August eighteenth and nineteenth. He estimates that a 40% decrease in phosphorus run off into Lake Erie would result in the immediate improvement in the lakes water quality. Putting the science in chronological perspective Dr Reutter said “the retention time for water in the western basin of the lake is 20 to 50 days. So if we could reduce the load of phosphorous into the western basin, these blooms would go away and it would happen very quickly (13).”  
On August eighth democratic State Representatives Chris Redfern, Michael Ashford, Teresa Fedor and Mike Sheehy held a news conference imploring the rest of Ohio’s democrats and republicans to work together for a bipartisan solution to their states drinking water problems (14). Representative Sheehy promised that he would propose a bill banning the spread of manure on frozen ground. The EPA and most environmental scientists agree that the unregulated spread of fertilizer particularly manure by Ohio’s agricultural and livestock industry’s is the primary culprit. Much of it is spread in winter. The phosphorous leaches into the ice and ends up running off into Lake Erie with the spring melt (15). Sheehy said that he had planned on amending the measure to state Senate Bill 150 signed into law in early June by Governor John Kasich but he had feared that the extra regulation would prevent the bill’s passage at the time. SB 150 requires Ohio farmers who use commercial fertilizer to be certified by the state but it will not go into effect until 2017.  
Representative Fedor said Kasich should declare the Maumee River a distressed watershed. This was already done with great success in Grand Lake St. Mary’s in western Ohio and Wisconsin’s Green Bay watershed. The designation allows the state to impose regulations. Fedor said “This is just a commonsense step towards protecting our waterways and protecting our drinking water, number one. It’s so solvable. It’s a no-brainer (16).”
The EPA makes other recommendations for curbing phosphorous runoff into Lake Erie, most notably the use of cover crops, buffer zones, better sewerage treatment and no till farming but in a recent interview by Reporter Christy McDonald of Detroit public television Dr. Reutter does not seem to agree. “When we look at different places around the country where they’re having harmful algal blooms, some of them are going to be driven by agricultural loading, but some of them are going to be poor sewage treatment plants or a bunch of failing septic tanks, but, in Lake Erie, it’s primarily agriculture (17).”
As the home of Wright Patterson Air Force Base Ohio just may be the capital of the earth’s military defense industry but economically, at least on paper, agriculture is king. A full one out of seven people are employed in the agricultural industry. Governor Kasich calls it “the strongest industry in Ohio” and “the bedrock of the state of Ohio (18).”  
Kasich, Ohio’s governor since 2011 is a republican. He is one of the principle architects of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC); the notorious corporate lobbying consortium controlled by the Koch BrothersAccording to ALEC’s web site; back in 1981 when Kasich was an Ohio State Senator he was instrumental in forming an alliance “between ALEC members and Reagan Administration officials, ALEC established seven first-generation Task Forces, then called Cabinet Task Forces, which worked directly with the administration on policy development issues (19).” Kasich’s resume also includes working as a FOX commentator and a stint as an investment banker for the now bankrupt Lehman Brothers. 
Kasich has been dubbed by many as the anti environmental governor for his signing of Ohio State Senate Bill 310. Inexplicably SB310 suspends Ohio’s  revenue saving and job generating alternative energy program at least till the end of 2017 while  a  “study committee” reviews its impact. Ohio’s landmark green energy legislation SB221 was signed into law in 2008 by Ohio’s then democratic governor Ted Strickland. The bill had already passed through the house and senate with a combined vote of a hundred and thirty-two to one. Since SB221 went into effect Ohio’s clean energy sector has provided twenty-five thousand jobs (20), at least a billion dollars in private sector investment (21) and by dropping electricity rates by almost a percent and a half saved rate payers approximately two hundred and thirty million dollars (22).  
SB310, suspending SB221, was signed into law by Kasich on June 13 against the wishes of “more than 70 percent of Ohioans (23).” Former governor Ted Strickland was livid over the arbitrary sabotage of the legislation saying “it was legislation developed over months of bipartisan discussions about how to create jobs in an emerging industry and position Ohio as a national leader in the production of renewable energy. It has been working — jobs are being created, investments are being made, and rate-payers are saving money.” Ed Fitzgerald, Kasich’s democratic opponent in his bid for reelection this November, immediately issued a statement. “Tonight, Governor Kasich’s office announced that he intends to move Ohio’s economy, families, and environment backwards. SB 310 will force utility prices to rise, and cost Ohioans thousands of jobs. In signing this bill, Governor Kasich will align himself with the Koch Brothers and the wealthy and well connected — and against working Ohioans. As Governor, I will work to make Ohio a national energy leader, rather than make headlines for trapping Ohio in the Rust Belt (24).” 
A study by Ohio Advanced Energy Economy, done right before the passage of SB310, found that eighty-six percent of Ohio voters supported the state’s energy efficiency programs. The blatant disregard of the democratic process in Ohio is nothing less than the sacking of an entire state by previously diverse but always exploitive corporate interests that have coalesced into a single fearsome political entity. ALEC’s “Private Enterprise Advisory Council” includes Koch Industries, Energy Future Holdings, Peabody Energy, and ExxonMobil. In 2013 ALEC introduced over seventy bills in thirty seven states designed to neutralize Americas clean energy initiatives. 
The Los Angeles Times has spelled it out for America in their headlines “Koch brothers, big utilities attack solar, green energy policies (25).” The international British publication The Guardian has described ALEC as “a dating agency for Republican state legislators and big corporations, bringing them together to frame rightwing legislative agendas in the form of ‘model bills’ (26).”  Even capitalist bastion Bloomberg Businessweek admits that ALEC’s façade of being an altruistic organization of “Jeffersonian idealists” acting as legislative advisors is farcical saying “Part of Alec’s mission is to present industry-backed legislation as grass roots work (27).” After describing how Senator Bill Seitz, an ALEC board member (28), neutered Ohio legislation designed to recover for Ohio’s taxpayers revenue lost through fraudulent business practices The New York Times went on to accuse ALEC of turning legislators  “into stealth lobbyists, providing them with talking points, signaling how they should vote and collaborating on bills affecting hundreds of issues like school vouchers and tobacco taxes (29).”  
In spite of the better part of the western Medias efforts to cover its plundering ALEC was never mentioned once in any of the thirty-two articles published in Ohio’s major papers purporting to explain SB 310 to their readers. This was in spite of the fact that the bills most vociferous proponents; Senator Bill Seitz, Senator Keith Faber, Senator Frank LaRose and Representative William G. Batchelder are all known members of ALEC (30). At the beginning of 2013 ALEC listed sixty-two Ohio legislators as members (31). They are almost all republicans. Thirty-six of those names will be appearing on Ohio’s ballots this November fourth.*  
Although he is a member of ALEC and his term expires at the end of the year Senator David T. Daniels will not be running for reelection in November. Governor Kasich appointed him Director of the Ohio Department of Agriculture on February fifteenth, 2012. Daniels, whom throughout a political career spanning almost his entire adult life has “fought against unnecessary red tape and regulations and to foster a healthy business climate (32),” will be pivotal in working with the EPA to regulate phosphorous runoff from Ohio’s mammoth agricultural industries into the water of approximately twelve million people that live in the Lake Erie watershed (33).
The same day democratic representatives Redfern, Ashford, Fedor and Sheehy were holding their news conference presenting solutions and pleading for bipartisan cooperation Republican House Speaker Senator Troy Balderson, noted author of the anti-environmental legislation SB310 and known member of ALEC’s “Natural Resources Task Force,” appointed fellow republican and member of ALEC; Representative David Hall, chairman of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. “As we move forward looking at the algae blooms, we will probably see some other bills produced,” Hall is quoted as saying. “I expect everything that deals with manure management, and anything else on that level, to go through my committee (34).”
*Legislators listed as ALEC members running for reelection November fourth in Ohio:
Representative Ron Amstutz District 1, Representative Marlene Anielski District 6, Senator Kevin Bacon Senate District 3, Representative Nan A. Baker District 16, Representative Louis W. Blessing III District 29, Representative Terry Boose District 57, Representative Andrew Brenner District 67, Representative Jim Buchy District 84, Representative Jim Butler District 4, Representative Margaret Conditt District 52, Representative Rex Damschroder District 88, Representative Timothy Derickson District 53, Representative Mike Dovilla District 7, Representative Anne Gonzales District 19, Representative Cheryl L. Grossman District 23, Representative Bob D. Hackett District 74, Representative Christina Hagan District 50, Representative David Hall District 70, Representative Bill Hayes District 72, Senator Clifford Kime Hite Senate District 1,  Senator Shannon Jones Senate District 7, Senator Kris Jordan Senate District 19, Casey Kozlowski running for Ashtabula County Commissioner,  Representative Allen Landis District 98, Representative Ron Maag District 62, Senator Gale L Manning Senate District 13, Representative Jeff McClain District 87, Representative Kristina Roegner District 37, Representative Cliff Rosenberger District 91,  Representative Margaret Ann Ruhl District 68, Representative Barbara R. Sears District 47, Senator Bill Seitz Senate District 8, Representative Peter Stautberg District 27, Representative Michael Stinziano District 18, Representative Andy Thompson District 95, Representative Ron Young District 61.

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(1) – Warren, Lisa Stromme. “ONLY ON: Kaptur Concerned Ohio EPA Withholding Test Results: Toledo’s Friday Night Toxins Test Came Back at Almost Three Parts per Billion.” Toledo News Now. 3 Aug. 2014 Web. <>.
(2) – “Predator CSI – Zombie Alligators.” You Tube. National Geographic, 1 Jan. 2007. Web. <>.
(3) – “Fatal Microcystin Intoxication in Haemodialysis Unit in Caruaru, Brazil.” US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health., 4 July 1998. Web. 9 Sept. 2014.
(4) – Marshall, Jessica. “Blue-Green Algae: Iridescent But Deadly.” The Atlantic. Atlantic Media. 18 Sep.2012 Web.
(5) – “Cyanobacteria.” Wikipedia. 8 Sept. 2014. Web. 9 Sept. 2014.
(6) – Eagan, D’Arcy. “Rep. Marcy Kaptur Wants Local Testing, Protocols to Battle the Green Slime.” The Plain Dealer. 5 Aug. 2014 Web.
(7) – “Harmful Algal Blooms.” Nutrient Pollution. United States Environmental Protection Agency. 25 Aug. 2014 Web.
(8) – Jackson, Tom. “Warnings Fell on Deaf Ears.” Sandusky Register. 13 Aug. 2014 Web.
(9) – Warren, Lisa Stromme. “ONLY ON: Kaptur Concerned Ohio EPA Withholding Test Results: Toledo’s Friday Night Toxins Test Came Back at Almost Three Parts per Billion.” Toledo News Now. 3 Aug. 2014 Web.
(10) – Chorus, Ingrid, and Jamie Bartram. “Toxic Cyanobacteria in Water: A Guide to Their Public Health Consequences,.” E & FN Spon, 1 Jan. 1999. Web. 9 Sept. 2014.
(11) – Troy, Tom. “Toxin Levels down after Weekend Scare Officials: Water Safe, Tests ‘really Good’.” The Blade. 8 Aug. 2014 Web.
(12) – Dady, Julia. “13, Drinking Water Guidance Values: MDH & WHO Comparison.” Microcystin-LR and Harmful Algal Blooms. Minnesota Department of Health, 13 Feb. 2013. Web.
(13) – Jim, Bloch. “Despite Cleaner St. Clair River Flowing into Lake Erie, Harmful Algal Blooms Continue.” The Voice. 23 Aug. 2014. Web.
(14) – Smith, Kristina. “Ohio Democrats Seek Algal Toxin Testing.” News Herald. Gannett. Web.
(15) – “INDICATOR: Phosphorus Loads and Concentrations from the Maumee River.” Detroit River-Western Lake Erie Basin Indicator Project. United States Environmental Protection Agency, 26 Aug. 2009. Web. 9 Sept. 2014.
(16) – Kozacek, Codi Yeager. “Ohio Lawmakers Discuss Ways to Stop Lake Erie’s Toxic Algal Blooms.” Circle of Blue. 16 Aug 2014 Web.
(17) – “Ohio State Scientists Study Runoff to Stop Toxic Algae in the Great Lakes.” PBS NEWSHOUR. 4 Sept. 2014. Web. 9 Sept. 2014.
(18) – “John Kasich Says Agriculture Is the “strongest Industry in Ohio”” The Truth-O-Meter Says:. PolitiFact Ohio, 1 Jan. 2014. Web.
(19) – “The Birth of ALEC Task Forces.” The American Legislative Exchange Council. ALEC. 2014 Web.
(20) – Munson, Dick. “Fact: Clean Energy Is Working In Ohio.” Forbes. Web.
(21) – Funk, John. “Ohio’s Renewable Energy Industries Spent $1 Billion Here, Employed 3,500.” The Plain Dealer. 6 May. 2014 Web.
(22) – McGuiness, Kyle. “Thick-Skinned: The Resiliency of Pro-Renewable Policies in the States.” ACORE American Council On Renewable Energys. 20 May. 2014 Web.
(23) – Gearino, Dan. “Renewable-energy Backers Tout Support in Ohio Poll.” The Columbus Dispatch. 17 April. 2014 Web.
(24) – Koronowski, Ryan. “Ohio Is Poised To Be The First State To Roll Back Its Renewable Energy Standard.” ClimateProgress. 30 Aug. 2014. Web.
(25) – Halper, Evan. “Koch Brothers, Big Utilities Attack Solar, Green Energy Policies.” Nation. Los Angeles Times, 19 Apr. 2014. Web. 9 Sept. 2014.
(26) – Pilkington, Ed. “Obamacare Faces New Threat at State Level from Corporate Interest Group Alec.” World News. The Guardian. 20 Nov. 2013 Web.
(27) – Greeley, Brendan. “ALEC’s Secrets Revealed; Corporations Flee.” Politics & Policy. Bloomberg Businessweek, 3 May 2012. Web. 9 Sept. 2014.
(28)  – “Board of Directors.” ALEC. The American Legislative Exchange Council. 2014 Web.
(29) – McINTIRE, MIKE. “Conservative Nonprofit Acts as a Stealth Business Lobbyist.” U.S. The New York Times. 21 April. 2014 Web.
(30) – ROBBINS, DENISE. “Unnoticed Fossil Fuel Influence Could Soon Dismantle Ohio’s Clean Energy Policies.” Media Matters For America. 15 May. 2014 Web.
(31) – Joseph, Kara. “ALEC Ohio Members.” Pages 82 and 83 of 193. Web.
(32) – “David T. Daniels Director, Ohio Department of Agriculture.” Ohio Department of Agriculture. Ohio. 2014 Web.
(33) – “Lake Erie.” United States Environmental Protection Agency. 20 Aug. 2014 Web.
(34) – Kozacek, Codi Yeager. “Ohio Lawmakers Discuss Ways to Stop Lake Erie’s Toxic Algal Blooms.” Circle of Blue. 16 Aug 2014 Web.

Musings on The Sun Thief


Musings on The Sun Thief; a novel by Cara St. Louis

by Jack Heart

Grifters have a name for people who don’t believe in conspiracies. They call them marks as in a marked target. When people are out to harm you there is no such condition as paranoia. It’s called good sense.

We live in times where fiction masquerades as facts so why not facts as fiction? Americans can ignore Cara St. Louis’s fictional novel The Sun Thief at their own peril. They can wait for their briefing from the National Security Agency or a memo from the Department of Defense but I seriously doubt whether anyone’s going to interrupt Dancing with the Stars. Somewhere above in a plaid patchwork of pale grays and sickly blue’s the epitaph of the human soul may be written in a vapor trail.

Loathsome as clinical psychology may be, the term cognitive dissonance comes to mind when observing the reaction, or more accurately lack of reaction, that most Americans exhibit to the long gaseous trails that crisscross the sky and at times blot out the sun. For those who have been paying attention the environmental consequences are plain to see. Since the eighties the amphibian extinction rate around the world is twenty-five to forty-five thousand times what is normal. In The Sun Thief, as in the actual scientific research, Aluminum oxide is the primary ingredient of an unauthorized or at least unreported spraying program that has been going on since the Eighties. Aluminum oxide is the active ingredient in antiperspirants. It blocks up the pours and prevents sweating. Amphibians breathe through the pours of their skin.

Other environmentally sensitive animals such as bats and honey bees have fared little better. Birds have been falling dead from the sky, sometimes thousands at once, for over a decade. There have been a hundred and seventy five of these mass death events involving a thousand or more birds over the last ten years in just America alone. In Beebe, Arkansas five thousand red-wing blackbirds fell dead from the sky to usher in the first day of 2011. The corporate media did back flips attributing the bird’s demise to firecrackers, never even mentioning the eighty three thousand dead drum fish that washed up in the Arkansas River not a hundred miles away that same week.
In Oakville, Washington about forty miles west of Mount Rainier, a strange gelatinous rain blanketed a twenty square mile area in early August of 1994. Amid rampant rumors of unexplained aerial activity by the military many of the town’s residents fell violently ill after contact with the substance dubbed star jelly by the media. Mike McDowell, the lead micro biologist for Washington State Department of Health, tested the substance and found it was teeming with pseudomonas fluorescens and enterobacter cloacae. Both are bacteria that are extremely toxic to the intestinal and respiratory systems of human beings. Pseudomonas fluorescens feeds on oil and is used to clean up oil spills. It is listed in one hundred and sixty three Pentagon patents for bio-remediation.
Dr. McDowell’s samples were abruptly confiscated by his superiors with no explanation given after he reported that under the microscope the substance would always break into rectangular pieces. Till this day he insists that it was an artificial delivery system, that he termed a “matrix,” for some unnamed microscopic element deployed by the military. Over the last twenty years “star jelly” has turned up all over the world and in America from Arizona’s remote Mogollon rim to Aptos and Fresno, California and North Seattle, Washington.
As early as 1950, in an experiment called Operation Sea-Spray, the United States navy burst high altitude balloons above the unsuspecting residents of San Francisco’s bay area releasing Serratia marcescens a Enterobacteriaceae, as are enterobacter cloacae found in Dr. McDowell’s samples and Yersinia pestis the bacterium that caused the black plague. A man died and many people were badly sickened yet the corporate media pretends Operation Sea-Spray never happened and insists any suggestion that the United States government would actually do something like that are the paranoid delusions of “conspiracy theorists.”
Not to be outdone, in the DICE trials, Britain’s Ministry of Defense would saturate the hapless citizens of south Dorset with Serratia marcescens from 1971 – 1974. Apparently the RAF had practiced infecting the homeland ten years earlier by dropping huge amounts of zinc cadmium sulphide on over a million of Great Britain’s inhabitants. Zinc cadmium sulphide is a known poison and considered a chemical weapon since WW II by both the English and the Americans. Quaintly called the Fluorescent Particle Trials this “testing” took place between 1955 and 1963.

Serratia marcescens most notable characteristics, outside of being a deadly pathogen, are its unique ability to bind iron through the production of prodigiosin the pigment that gives it its red coloration and its resultant secretion of the enzyme metalloproteinases; believed to function in cell-to-extracellular matrix interactions. Serratia marcescens is known to  suppress certain cells of the human immune system. It has regularly turned up in samples of star jelly.

2013 saw hundreds of demonstrations against Monsanto held in cities around the world. This was in reaction to Monsanto’s agents in Washington pushing through the Farmer Assurance Provision in US H.R. 933. The bill forbids, for the fiscal year, any regulation by law of genetically modified crops regardless of the “potential adverse environmental effects” of those crops. Monsanto holds the patents on the seed stocks for most of those crops at least till the end of 2014. The crops themselves have been modified to be resistant to Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Round Up, an herbicide tentatively linked to human autism and of course produced by Monsanto. The value of biotech maize, soybean grain and corn, alone is estimated at one hundred and sixty billion dollars a year. Autism has become endemic in America since the eighties. Its estimated 1.5% of all who are born in the USA, up 30% from 2012, will be diagnosed with it in 2014. The global figures are at the most two in a thousand.
Cara St. Louis weaves many of these facts and a lot more into a seamless global conspiracy by a company called Scepter, a metaphorical Monsanto, to control the world’s food supply through bio engineering. Scepter itself is the agent of an unholy alliance between renegade elements of London’s faceless and reptile-like aristocracy and America’s military. Their final agenda is not just world domination but the annihilation of the last vestiges of free will within the human race. They are opposed by a handful of idealists who must risk their lives in obscurity marginalized by a media whose only purpose is to serve their corporate masters.
The antagonists and protagonists of Sun Thief are articulated with a vivid assortment of characters created by Ms St. Louis. But many of the motives and opportunities are all too real, as are the precedents and science. When Eisenhower made his farewell address in 1961 he expressed great trepidations over the growing influence of corporations on a military meant to serve the people of the United States of America. Even before that in a 1954 letter to his brother Edgar he warned that H. L. Hunt was leading a business consortium, consisting primarily of Texas oil barons, that was attempting to take over the government and “abolish social security, unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs.”
Only two years after Eisenhower’s famed farewell address warning Americans to beware of the military industrial complex President John F. Kennedy, in what was quite possibly the most blatant “covert” coup d’état in the history of man, had his brains blown all over a Dallas street. Hunts bloody fingerprints were all over the macabre media spectacle, along with his by now heir apparent George Herbert Walker Bush’s. The carnage also included the public execution of Kennedy’s brother Robert a few years later when he attempted to run for the presidency himself.
The assassination of John F. Kennedy cleared the way for America’s seemingly insane decade long war over a banana patch in Southeast Asia. During the Vietnam War American soldiers on the ground were doused from the air with twenty-million gallons of herbicide in America’s reckless attempt to defoliate all of Vietnam. Agent Orange, a concoction produced by Monsanto and Dow Chemicals, constituted the bulk of what was being dropped on the troops. It contained 2, 3, 7, 8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD).
Peter H. Schuck, author of the definitive book on the subject Agent Orange on Trial calls TCDD “perhaps the most toxic molecule ever synthesized by man.” There is ample evidence proving Dow, Monsanto and the Department of Defense were well aware of Agent Orange’s toxicity even before the defoliation programs inception. Veterans who had been sprayed with it day in and day out returned from Vietnam maimed for life, most would eventually die. They told story’s of being saturated with Agent Orange long after it made any sense to still be spraying the already dead jungle. It was as if somebody wanted to see what would happen.

The main stream media has one job and one job only and that is to keep the farm animals distracted while the farmer sharpens his axe. They will tell you greed is good because the fatter the pig the greater its value. They will show you pretty faces, flashing lights and buzzers and bells because it is the way of the magician to have you watch his left hand while his right hand performs the deception. No less a mind than Friedrich Nietzsche once lamented the invention of the printing press and newspapers because he saw over a hundred years ago how it would be and already was being used to manipulate the mob. Few books are worth the paper they are printed on and none are on the New York Times bestseller list. No one ever tells the prospector where to find the gold but I am telling you that in the Sun Thief there is gold. 

Below are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make more, I actually make the most from Amazon E books, but because you will avoid giving Amazon any money. Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.

Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® ( Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god: 9781736288016: Heart, Jack: Books

Black Sun Rising VI, the Black Madonna and the Swastika by Jack Heart & Orage


They tell us that two thousand years ago the Roman Empire sent twenty thousand men, three legions, into the forbidding swamps of Germania’s Teutoburg Forest. The legions, as of yet invincible, were elements of the most powerful military force the world would see till the rise of the British Empire. They were there to fight a punitive action against the Germanic tribes who were reticent about joining Rome’s empire.

These artifacts are called Zierscheibe. They pay homage to the Black Sun. They’ve been found in the graves of Nordic woman going back to the Bronze Age. Somehow since the original publication of this piece back in June of 2014, all of the Zierscheibe with swastikas in the center have been purged from the internet…

The Romans had been tricked onto terrain unsuitable for their style of battle by their own ally, a trusted German nobleman named Arminius who had been raised amongst the Romans and groomed to unite Germania’s feuding warlords under the banner of Empire. Inexplicably, Arminius had known seemingly from the start that he would oppose his Roman mentors. The reward for his loyalty to the tribes would be his murder at their hands a decade later and it never could have ended any other way. But he led the rebellion regardless.

Not one legionnaire would leave the Teutoburg Forest alive. For the next millennium, Germania would remain free, independent of Empire and isolated from the Christian pestilence that would eventually destroy Rome and plunge the western world into the Dark Ages. *

Arminius was born into the Cherusci tribe, the preeminent tribe in northwestern Germania. Because of lingual differences from the surrounding Germanic tribes they have been linked by scholars to an enigmatic and ancient Indo-European tribe known as the Veneti. Over three hundred Venetic inscriptions have been translated.

Veneti cuneiform tablet

According to alleged Roman historian, Titus Livius (Livy), said to be native to the region, the Veneti originally settled northern Italy by way of Troy. The inscriptions show they worshipped a Goddess whom they called Reitia. Their alphabet is similar to the Etruscans who bordered them to the Southwest.

There is Mitochondrial DNA evidence linking Northern Italians, Nordics and the Dene speaking tribes of America to each other and what then would have been ancient Sumer. Haplo group X is the recurring genetic marker found in these diverse peoples. Its particularly prevalent in the Druze, a minority population in Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria but it is also found in Northern Europeans who were the ancestors of the Celts.

Northern Europeans can be linked directly to Egypt through the Nebra sky Disk. Additionally, Haplogroup X is found in concentrations in the area of Italy that once comprised the land of the Etruscans, the progenitors of Rome. The Etruscans trace their own origins back to the Minoans who wrote in Linear A now popularly excepted by scholars to be an early form of Semitic.

Among Native Americans, Haplogroup X appears in northern Amerindian groups, including the Ojibwa, the Nuu-Chah-Nulth, the Sioux, the Yakima, and the Na-Dene–speaking Navajo. The homogeneity of the Dene sequences suggests that they acquired Haplogroup X relatively recently, about 1000 years ago. The sequence data and Phylogenetic analysis suggest that the Native American and Non-Asian Old World Haplogroup X mitochondrial DNA’s share a common maternal ancestor but also suggest that they diverged from each other 31,000–36,000 years ago, originating in the Old World and migrating into America. Haplogroup X is most conspicuous by its absence from Siberia much like the Clovis Spear Point.

In the third part of this essay, we presented the evidence, which has been suppressed at all costs, that the Maya built and lived in Tikal without even disturbing the surrounding jungle let alone using tools, the same way the Talmud tells its readers the first temple was built. The Maya vanished in an orgy of violence and a few years later their traditions of cannibalism, human sacrifice and even their favorite ballgame, played with a human head, would be duplicated by the Anasazi of the Southwest. **

With the recent introduction onto the academic playing field of the Disturnell Map, presumably even the most incorrigible of National Geographics fans have finally gotten it straight. The map is connected to the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and shows three migration points depicting the southerly migration route of the Aztec beginning in Utah.

The distribution from Canada to South America of the Uto-Azteca language, the dietary consumption of both corn and human flesh, and the very existence of the Anasazi themselves make it a forgone conclusion for any scholar not sucking up to the academic grant trough that the Aztecs migrated into the Mexican valley from the Great Salt Lake area and the land of the Anasazi. (1

That the Aztecs were the Anasazi is the logical scientific conclusion but unfortunately for scientific empiricism that same blood-soaked land is now occupied by the Mormons. The Mormons Masonic and Jewish affiliations are well documented as is their penchant for adjusting history to suit what they believe to be the revelations of the angel Moroni. (2

The unspeakable truth is when the cannibalistic Aztec swarmed into the Mexican valley less than a thousand years ago, they, or at least the cadre of the Sumerian priesthood that was their evil core, were exercising their biblical “right of return” to their Mayan homeland. And it was they and their Vatican cleanup crew of conquistadors that laid Mesoamerican civilization to waste and saw to it that the codices and even time itself were erased, all in an effort to cover their diabolical tracks. It may be just a coincidence, but the tribal names Anasazi and Ashkenazi are almost identical.

Columbus signature X

“Columbus” hooked X signature marks him as a Knight Templar for posterity. He came to America expecting to contact remnants of a Sumerian civilization. He brought with him Luis de Torres; a Chaldean interpreter, and most likely the enigmatic Crónica X too. (3)

Crónica X, a fabled pre-Columbian book about Mesoamerican civilization, would have been compiled by the Knights Templar during their prior almost three-hundred-year exclusive access to the Potosí silver mine in Bolivia and the entire east coast of the Americas discussed in Black Sun Rising I. 

It’s said Livy wrote extensively on the history of Rome during the reign of Augustus Caesar. Although his monumental History of Rome is all that is known to have survived of his work, Livy was used as a source for many of the historians who came after him. Julius Obsequens would use him as his source to write the Book of Prodigies an account of the supernatural events attendant to the founding of the Roman Empire between 249 BCE to 12 BCE. 

Writing of the year 100 BCE Obsequens says, “When C. Murius and L. Valerius were consuls, in Tarquinia towards sunset, a round object, like a globe, a round or circular shield, took its path in the sky from west to east.” According to academics by 100 BCE Rome had just successfully concluded the over a decade long Cimbrian War with the Nordic tribes over who would rule the Italian peninsula. It had been a series of pitched battles between massive armies in which both sides had inflicted over a hundred thousand dead on the other in different engagements.

In the history of Rome, they fight their Civil War in 91 BCE. The war has been dubbed the Social War by historians. Obsequens writes “At Aenariae, while Livius Troso was promulgating the laws at the beginning of the Italian war, at sunrise, there came a terrific noise in the sky, and a globe of fire appeared burning in the north. In the territory of Spoletum, a globe of fire, of golden color, fell to the earth gyrating. It then seemed to increase in size, rose from the earth and ascended into the sky, where it obscured the sun with its brilliance. It revolved toward the eastern quadrant of the sky.” In the Social War Rome’s allies on the Italian peninsula would win equal citizenship in the emerging Roman Empire.

Obsequens also records seemingly random Fortean phenomena like this description of what for all intents and purposes sounds like a rocket launch; in 42 BCE “something like a sort of weapon, or missile, rose with a great noise from the earth and soared into the sky.” The Book of Prodigies would first be published in 1508 in Venice by printing press pioneer Aldus Manutius. It is in Venice, at that same time, which our story begins.

It’s said that the Veneti had fought at the side of Rome since the Punic Wars and after the Social War they had become citizens. So for all intents and purposes since time out of mind the Veneti have spoken Latin, and all that’s really known of them comes from sparse and highly disputed translations of inscriptions to a forgotten Goddess. (4)

As academic history goes In the Fifth Century the Veneti would be overrun by the Visigoths and the Huns and in the Sixth invaded and occupied by the Lombardi. A small strip on the coast containing the ever-expanding island city of Venice was all that remained under the control of Constantinople, Rome’s heir in the East and the heart of the Byzantine Empire.

In the beginning of the Eighth Century Venice threw off the Byzantine yoke and began electing its own leader taking great pains to develop an ever increasingly complicated electoral process which limited the influence of any one family. This elected ruler called Doge served for life.

At the beginning of the Ninth Century what was then the embryo of the Venetian Republic successfully resisted Charlemagne and his pope, causing the death of Charlemagne’s son Pepin; “king of Italy,” in the process. By the latter half of the Twelfth Century the prosperous cities of the region would form an alliance called the Lombard League and successfully defend their sovereignty against Charlemagne’s Germanic successor as Holy Roman Emperor; Fredrick I. Barbarossa (Red Beard).

At the dawn of the Thirteenth Century, avenging the city’s ethnic cleansing of its Venetian residents twenty years prior, the Venetian fleet would make a detour with the fourth crusade and sack Christian Constantinople. They looted it of everything of value that could be transported putting an end to the Byzantine Empire.

Seventy years later, in what would come to be called the Silk Road; Marco Polo would establish Venice as the European link to the Mongol Empire, Persia, Armenia, the Caucasus and Asia Minor. For the next five hundred years the Venetian Republic would be the most powerful city state in Europe and its center of commerce. 

While the Venetians plundered Constantinople, a storm was brewing in Europe. As emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, the House of Hohenstaufen, of whom Barbarossa was the progenitor, had been waging war up and down the Italian Peninsula for half a century. They were attempting to establish their authority over the scheming popes and the principalities and fiefdoms, like Venice, that divided Italy, Germany, and Burgundy. Supporters of the emperor were called Ghibellines, supporters of the pope Guelphs.

Frederick II and eagle

Frederick II was the grandson of Barbarossa and the third and last of the Hohenstaufen emperors. In 1208 he came of age not only as the Holy Roman Emperor but as the King of Sicily too. Frederick was also King of Jerusalem by way of marriage and in 1228 negotiated a bloodless resolution to the sixth crusade favorable to both Islam and Christianity.

It is said he remarked during negotiations with the Sultan of Egypt that he had no doubt that the Caliph was descended from the Prophet, but they must remember that the pope was found in a dung heap.

Called the first European by Friedrich Nietzsche, the anti-Christ by Pope Gregory IX and Stupor mundi, “The Wonder of the World,” by his contemporaries, Fredrick would almost single handedly drag Europe into the Renaissance. Excommunicated no less than four times, he had no use for any of the great religions. He supposedly once “remarked that there were three great frauds in history – Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.” (5)

Frederick spoke half a dozen different languages and within his territories would organize the first secular government since the days of Rome. He established a written constitution and guaranteed the rights of his subjects. He was instrumental in promoting Roman law and representative institutions in southern Italy.

Frederick would establish the University of Naples, the first secular university in the west, to counteract the pope’s think tanks. Its faculty included Christians, Muslims and Jews. Their languages would be taught there along with the laws and literature of the cultures.

Frederick loved nature and even authored and illustrated a book titled The Art of Hunting With Birds. He was a keen observer of the forests and woodlands and was the first in a line of German naturalists that advocated learning science from Nature.

It was a line that would culminate seven hundred years later with Viktor Schauberger and his “Trout Engines” based on Implosion Technology.

Frederick would provide refuge for troubadours fleeing the Albigensian Crusade which would leave over a million dead in the south of France.

Under his patronage these itinerate poets would lay the foundation for the lyrical quality, later exemplified by Dante, of the Italian language. (6)

Castel del Monte (Photo credit, Michael Fritz – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

A few years before his death in 1250 at the age of fifty-six Frederick would construct the Castel Del Monte, a mysterious octagonal fortress built in southern Italy that emulated the style of the Knights Templar churches of the times. The Knights Templars were dedicated to the Goddess as were the Cathars, who were targeted by the papacy in the Albigensian Crusade. To these brave men and woman martyred at the hands of an excremental pope the eight-pointed star of Ishtar is far more sacred than the cross. 

The House of Hohenstaufen would only survive Frederick’s death in 1250 by a few years before it succumbed to the papacy’s interminable quest to exterminate it. Conradin, Frederick’s grandson, would leave the relative safety of his kingdom in Swabia at the invitation of Count Guido de Montefeltro to come and claim his Italian throne seized by the pope’s thug; Charles I of Naples. Montefeltro formally represented the Senator of Rome Henry of Castile, and he informally represented the Ghibellines who were revolting all over southern Italy. After losing a battle in Italy, the sixteen-year-old king would end up being captured by Charles I and publicly beheaded in 1268.

Long after it had passed into history the bitter taste of what could have been remained in the mouths of the Italian and German Ghibellines who supported the Hohenstaufen. Under the divisive eye of the Vatican, Germany and Italy would remain a collection of competing feudal states for hundreds of years, while the bold from among them would carve out global empires for Spain, France, and England.

By the Sixteenth Century the papacy had been stirring its Shakespearian cauldron of curses for almost two hundred and fifty years. The pope had brewed an alliance between himself, his stooges, and the king of France to crush the Republic of Venice once and for all.

The League of Cambrai War would last from 1508-1516. It was the main event of the Italian Wars which were carried on from 1494-1559, the papacy’s gift to the Renaissance. Intrigue swirled down every affluent byway of Venice; a city that had never really accepted the papacy’s brand of god.

In the Piazza San Marco in Venice, high above the square, sits a bronze three ton winged lion. The winged lion is the oldest symbol of Venice. The bronze has been damaged and repaired many times over the centuries, but scholars agree that the original casting dates back to twenty-five hundred years ago.

Winged lion, Venice (Carlo Naya (1816-1882) Venezia, Leone in Piazza san Marco)

Twenty-eight hundred years ago a winged lion adorned the Ishtar Gate of Babylon. In the epic of Gilgamesh the great Goddess Ishtar warns “If you refuse to give me the Bull of Heaven I will break in the doors of hell and smash the bolts; there will be confusion of people, those above with those from the lower depths. I shall bring up the dead to eat food like the living; and the hosts of the dead will outnumber the living.”

Winged lion, Ishtar gate, Babylon, “575 BCE”, the Louvre

Having once been an entrée on the menu and now carrying the genetic marker Haplo group X in their blood, the Dene shamans of American Southwest know a little bit about Babylonian Magick. They believe a soul can be transported in a turtle.

In part two of Black Sun Rising we told you the tattoo of the turtle over Tatunca Nara’s heart marked him as SS. Babylon is the Greek word for Bab Ilu which means the Gate of God, the Gate of Heavenly Light. The cross of Ilu is the eight-pointed star of Ishtar represented in Templar churches by the octagon and in esoteric occult symbolism by a turtle for the octagonal lines that constitute its carapace.

Octagonal lines in the carapace of a turtle

The Royal Secret, a respected book on Masonic symbolism, gives the turtle as the symbol for Bab Ilu. The explanation given by its author I. Edward Clark, after a lot of improvisation, including some mental gymnastics that end in attributing the swastika to Jehovah and fabricating a zoological anecdote about turtle migrations in Africa, leaves much to be desired.

But after muddling through the dogma he learned at the lodge, Mr. Clark does manage to produce the illustration below of a “North American Water Turtle” as a living metaphor for the earth. Take a good look at it and remember it.

The Royal Secret, a respected book on Masonic symbolism by I. Edward Clark, gives the turtle as the symbol for Bab Ilu.

The very nature of the secret is it is never spoken. You will find no references to it in Wikipedia. As is documented in part five, the “Technical Industrial Intelligence Committee” sifted through three and half billion papers.

As is documented in part four, the Empire murdered its own best general to shut him up. The occult roots of National Socialism are there for all to see. They are impossible to hide. But they can be suppressed, and they have been.

If fifty years ago Morning of the Magicians had not become an international bestseller no one would have ever even heard of the Vril Society. As we said at the very beginning; the Abwehr had many secrets, and the Germans are efficient. The Germans have always been efficient.

The Vril Gesellschaft (society) was an offshoot of The All-German Society for Metaphysics which in turn was an offshoot of the Thule Society; the original sponsors of Hitler and National Socialism. The Vril Society was comprised entirely of stunningly beautiful woman. Most wore their hair as long as possible, believing a woman’s hair acted as a psychic antenna, but others later would wear their hair short like a boy marking themselves as a priestess of Ishtar.

Wilhelm Landig was an unrepentant member of the SS who wrote Idols Against Thule and several other books after the war that may or may not have been fiction. Landig along with Rudolf J. Mund and Erich Halik formed the nucleus of what came to be known as the Vienna Group because their meetings were held in Landig’s Wieden studio in the center of Vienna.

The message that they calculatingly delivered for those who had ears to hear was National Socialism had never been defeated. In fact they had a secret flying saucer fleet right here on earth, and that elements of National Socialism had fled to a planet orbiting Aldebaran; a giant red star and the glaring bloodshot eye of the bull in the Taurus constellation. 

The Crab nebula, whose birth in 1054 was recorded by the Anasazi in the petroglyph above is also in the Taurus constellation.

It, along with the constellation of Cygnus discussed in part three of Black Sun Rising, is the major source of cosmic rays which are at this very moment bombarding the Earth and penetrating it up to a half mile down. Cosmic rays can alter DNA which endows them with the ability to create a new man. In Latin Taurus means bull as in Ishtar’s Bull of Heaven.  

The Goddess in a Vril depiction, with spread-out hair, dagger and mirror in hand

According to the lore spread by the Vienna Group these female mediums were able to establish contact with a praetor human intelligence that relayed plans for a saucer like vehicle that could transverse the ether.

The plans were recorded by the mediums automatic writing of ancient Sumerian cuneiform. Thule Society scholars were able to translate the writing and by as early as 1922, perhaps the most brilliant of all the German scientists the west has never heard of Winfried Otto Schumann used them to build an “afterlife flying machine.” (7)

Following WW II Schumann would spend two years at Wright Patterson Air force base in America as the guest of Operation Paperclip. In 1952 he would discover the Schumann Resonance; the ULF (ultralow frequency range) and ELF (extremely low frequency range) resonant frequencies of the earth’s ionosphere cavity previously discussed in part three.

Atra-Hasis epic in the British Museum (Photo courtesy of Public Domain, )

The Thule Society didn’t emerge from a vacuum. By 1872 a brilliant young English Assyriologist named George Smith found an account of “Noah’s flood” in The Epic of Gilgamesh, (8) a Chaldean tablet he was translating that was known to be far older than the bible. In 1876 he would publish The Chaldean Account of Genisis. (9)

Just like Wolfgang Cordan, the German Mayan scholar from part three, Smith would die on expedition that very same year. He was thirty-six years old. But his book would be the genesis of the Pan Babylonian movement on continental Europe. By the early nineteen hundreds it had swept German intellectualism like a blitzkrieg and German scholars, always resentful of Christianity, would sustain an attempt to rid Europe once and for all of an alien religion whose stories were all plagiarized from Babylon. Books and lectures on Pan Babylonianism and the controversies they spawned ushered in the twentieth century for the educated German. (10)

Gilgamesh, statue in Uruk

Seething with two thousand years of resentment for the Vatican, German scholarship and aristocracy bought into Pan Babylonanism with a vengeance. The Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft (German Oriental Society) was founded to do research at the beginning of 1898. Its initial founders were the elite of Germany, including its wealthiest Jews, Henri James Simon and banker Franz von Mendelssohn. 

By 1901 the Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft was under the personnel protection and financing of Kaiser Wilhelm II. With a blank check from the throne of Germany the Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft would dig up half the Mesopotamian plain, even claiming to have found the Tower of Babel. The outbreak of WW I in 1914 put an abrupt end to their excavations, for a time.

In the aftermath of the war, Bavaria was careening wildly out of control. Jewish career subversive and draft dodger Kurt Eisner was speaking before huge audiences promising socialist reforms. On November 7, 1918, he mobilized a mob of some sixty thousand demonstrators in Munich and the tottering House of Wittelsbach, which had ruled Bavaria for seven hundred years, collapsed. 

The king fled into exile. The very next day Eisner proclaimed himself the new ruler of the Bavarian “free state.” He was shot dead in the street three months later by Anton Arco-Valley a German Jewish aristocrat closely affiliated with the Thule Society which was now mobilizing all of Germany against the Bolshevik menace. 

In his epic poem Aeneid the Roman poet Virgil calls the furthest point North beyond what is known Ultima Thule. Friedrich Nietzsche, in The Anti-Christ, addresses his readers as Hyperboreans. In Greek mythology the Hyperboreans were the first race of man, the primal race, more Gods than men. They dwelled in the unknown north beyond the frozen wastelands and were sometimes visited as equals by Apollo, the God of light and Wisdom.

By early April 1919 a collection of crazed Jewish Bolsheviks under the direct command of Vladimir Lenin in Moscow proclaimed, “a revolution of love” and Bavaria a “Soviet Republic.” In between wiring Lenin that Bavaria’s interim government had fled Munich, taking with them the keys to the ministry toilet, Bavaria’s new government issued a proclamation making the private ownership of guns a crime punishable by death. The new Soviet Republic’s foreign minister: Franz Lipp, an ex-mental patient who had once been institutionalized, declared war on Switzerland for its refusal to lend him sixty trains.

Hostages, reputed to be members of the Thule Society, were taken from among the leading citizens of Munich. By the time these Russian born Jewish “German” Bolsheviks, instigated by Lenin, celebrated Walpurgis Eve by brutally murdering their hostages, Germans had seen enough. Battle hardened volunteers called Freikorps, organized by the Thule Society, were already encircling Munich.

Among the murdered victims were Prince Gustav of Thurn and Taxis and the Thule Society secretary Countess Heila von Westarp. Also slain was Jewish German nationalist professor Ernst Berger. It would turn out badly for the Bolsheviks. The prince was not only one of the most powerful men in the Thule Society he was one of the most powerful men in all of Germany.

Three days later, thirty thousand enraged WW I veterans stormed Munich. In vicious street fighting they made short work of the makeshift red army and its leader, Russian born Jew, Eugen Leviné. A thousand Bolsheviks were killed in the fighting and almost a thousand more would be executed, including Leviné. Unfortunately a pattern had been set, and even though loyal German Jews had killed and died fighting the Bolsheviks, in the eyes of the average German in the street Jews were now the enemy.


After the Bolsheviks had been crushed, Rudolf von Sebottendorff, the mysterious point man for the Thule Society, would melt back into the shadows. By 1920 he was gone. He had appeared in Germany in 1913 with a Turkish passport, a German title and seemingly limitless funds and energy.

By mid-April of 1919 he had organized the Freikorps recruiting many personally from his office in the Hotel Deutscher Kaiser at Nuremberg. In 1923, the Freikorps, renamed the Bund Oberland, would march in Hitler’s failed Beer Hall Putsch. They would go on to become the Sturmabteilung or SA and eventually carry Hitler to power on their broad shoulders.

Among Sebottendorff’s seemingly endless preparations for the advent of National Socialism was buying the newspaper Münchener Beobachter in 1919. In 1920 it would become the Völkischer Beobachter, and after being purchased by Hitler in 1921 would it become the official newspaper of National Socialism for the next twenty-five years.

Historians now pretty much concur that Sebottendorff, through Anton Drexler, founded the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or DAP in the beginning of 1919. Early in 1920 the party would be renamed under its new leader, DAP member 555, Adolph Hitler. Henceforth they would be known as the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP, what the Zionist media drones refer to as the Nazis.

In 1933 Sebottendorff would reappear in Germany celebrating the triumph of National Socialism with his brand new book Bevor Hitler kam (Before Hitler, a historical study). It gave dates, places, sources of funding and even names like Guido von List and Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels. By then the fact that National Socialism was rooted in the mystic Pan Babylonianism of the Thule Society was not to be openly discussed.

Dietrich Eckart

Master occultists like Dietrich Eckart had trained and constructed Hitler specifically to play the role of messiah. It would not do for Christian Germans to know that their Führer was the high priest of a different God.

In 1934 the second printing of the Sebottendorff book was confiscated and he was whisked back to Turkey where he would spend the war on the payroll of German Intelligence. His field of expertise, according to his perplexed handler Herbert Rittlinger, was Tibetan Lamas. He disappeared at the war’s end like most of the other key National Socialists.

The dazzling women of the Vril Society also all disappeared without a trace after the war, said to have gone to Aldebaran with their leader Maria Orsitsch. In March of 1945, right before their disappearance they predicted that they would return in 1992/93 or 2004/05. Their agenda upon their return would be to promote the impending final battle between the forces of light embodied in the Gnostic individualism that National Socialism is rooted in and the collective darkness of Judeo-Christian egalitarianism embodied by Bolshevism.

In 1992 Preston Nichols and the first installment of the Montauk Project books appeared with the rendition of a statue of an enormous rearing horse on the cover. In 1993 an artist was commissioned to create a thirty-two-foot-tall replica of that now infamous horse at Denver International Airport.

In 2005 a group based in Venice that traces its pedigree back at least to Landig and the Vienna Group put up a web site called Causa Nostra. The group from Venice is known to also be active in Milan and America. It includes Reinhardt Heydrich’s ninety-year-old onetime secretary. The site itself is in German and originates in Munich, the cradle of original Vril Society.

Munich is also home base for Gudrun Burwitz; Heinrich Himmler’s daughter. A few years ago in its June 17, 2011, issue Zionist mouthpiece Mail Online accused the aged but still “pin sharp” Gudrun of being “‘grandmother’ to a new breed of female Nazis on the radical right. These disciples of Hitler wear the traditional dirndl dresses of Bavaria and their hair in plaits.(11)

Maria Orsic

The contents of the Causa Nostra site are purported to be insights into the Ordo Bucintoro; a five hundred year old order whose objectives transcend the world of the living. The word Bucintoro is from a legendary boat or barge built somewhere back in time to commemorate the marriage of Venice to the sea.

There is enough evidence, chronicled for anyone who wants to see it, in both Behind the Bush and Black Sun Rising that there has been a breakaway civilization long before the rise of National Socialism. There have been breakaway worlds since time itself began. To quote Gordon Duff, who began this essay with his disclosures on Comet Ison: (12) “reality, existence, has nothing to do, nothing to do, with what you’re told it is.” (13)

Reality, as it is commonly understood, is an etiological myth.

German Scientists have openly stated that National Socialism had help from other worlds. What other worlds has never been revealed and almost everything that is known is conjecture. The Causa Nostra web site seems to be able to provide details from an entirely new perspective, one that is in accordance with both the historical facts and the ancient occult principles through which the Magi work their miracles. From henceforth we will be using them as a source.

In Causa Nostra lore what would eventually become National Socialism began in Venice in 1510. Antonia Contenta, a Roman noblewoman with the secret backing of the Venetian Doge, along with leading Venetian and German merchants founded the Ordo Bucintoro, an aristocratic trans-generational conspiracy dedicated to bringing about a new aeon and a unified German-Roman Empire. The Novus Ordo Seclorum would be free from the lying self-serving morality of the papistry. Men and woman would be equal, the hoarding of wealth forbidden and the rights of the individual respected.

After WWII the Ordo Bucintoro would be called the Ordo Palazzo Stern by the Black Prince of Italy Junio Valerio Borghese and the German superman Otto Skorzeny. They were the last known members. The order itself or perhaps just rumors of it are the reservoir from which the torrent of the twenty-first century’s synarchism flows into the West.

Antonia Contenta, aside from being a Roman patrician by birth, traced her pedigree back to Geoffroy de Saint-Omer. He was tied to her bloodline by her marriage to a nobleman from Burgundy. In any short synopsis of Templar mythology given, at the dawn of the Twelfth Century, Burgundy was ground zero for the secrets of the Cistercians and Geoffroy de Saint-Omer was one of the nine founding members of the Knights Templar. (14)

Rudolph II

The esoteric lore of the Ordo Bucintoro acknowledges that the priestess has the power of “walking through the times.” It’s said that Emperor Rudolph II of House Habsburg was visited in the Seventeenth Century and given instruction on propagating the orders goals through the Thirty Years’ War.

He is also said to have sired an illegitimate child with the priestess who was herself a direct descendent of Augustus Caesar. The hidden bloodline carried through that child is the rightful heir and ruler of the Novus Ordo Seclorum. 

According to the lore, Julietta Montefeltro was the high priestess of the order from 1516-1562. No one knows what happened to her after that, but it is said that during that span she never aged a single day. Men were afraid to look at her because to see her was to become enchanted by her beauty. For half a century she inspired fear and fascination in Europe’s aristocracy. Everyone knew she was a sorceress. She came and went from the doge’s palace like she owned it. She could be in Rome and Madrid on the same day she was seen being carried on a litter, escorted by two armed men, through the Piazza San Marco. (15)

Julietta Montefeltro

It was Count Guido de Montefeltro who had pledged the allegiance of both the Ghibellines and the ancient Roman aristocracy to the doomed Hohenstaufen prince; Conradin.

Two hundred years later the house of Montefeltro would be a catalyst for the intrigues of the Renaissance, when in 1478 Count Federico de Montefeltro would conspire with Pope Sixtus IV to murder the Medici brothers, both the Vatican and the rest of Europe’s financers, while they were attending Easter services.

This blasphemous piece of papal treachery set in motion the disastrous Italian Wars when one of the brothers survived. The plot has been recently chronicled in the historical novel; The Montefeltro Conspiracy by Marcello Simonetta. The surviving brother; Lorenzo de’ Medici would allow several of the family banks to collapse and the Fugger family of Augsburg would replace the Medici as Europe’s chief financial power. The Fugger would bankroll the rise of the House of Hapsburg to the pinnacle of power in Europe. In 1576 they would place Rudolf II on the throne of the Holy Roman Empire and the Hapsburg dynasty would reign uninterrupted till 1918.

In spite of the family prominence in European history, documentation on Julietta Montefeltro is nonexistent. Her real name was probably Livia Loredan, which is denied in the Causa Nostra lore, but her name is sometimes used interchangeably with Montefeltro and sometimes as her successor. Loredan was said to be in possession of “Spiritus Eros”, the occult doctrines of the order. Leonardo Loredan was the doge of Venice from 1501-1521. There would be two more Venetian Doges from the House of Loredan in the ensuing years. Perhaps having a sorceress in the family would have impeded the family dynasty.

The legend has the Ordo Bucintoro by way of its founder Antonia Contenta as the heir of the Templar’s secrets, one of them being visitations, Magickal instruction and a gift from the Goddess Ishtar. She appeared to a group of Knights Templar, “under the command of Komtur Hubertus Koch,” while they were on crusade near the ancient city of Nineveh in 1220.

The hauntingly beautiful Goddess, sometimes boyish with a short crop, sometimes with long flowing hair told them to retire to the Untersberg Mountain and await further instruction. There she appeared to them multiple times over the next decade or so.

She gave them a dagger, a mirror, and a purple crystal; half amethyst, half quartz that could open a portal to the Green World. She told them that man’s physical body is naught, but a temporal home constructed for and by his timeless soul to manifest its existence in this crude world of matter.

This world of empty and endless distances between the other worlds, this world of death and decay is a kingdom of shadows created by a dark god to enmesh and snare the luminous spirit, which is the divine essence of every soul. The rightful residence of that lost soul is a place between life and death, what is now called the ethereal world. It is the world of the unborn and of the dead. It is the world of many worlds. Ishtar called it the Green World. (16)

Ishtar told them of a perpetual battle that raged across these unseen realms in the kingdoms of the sublime. She told them that this was the age of darkness but in the coming Age of Aquarius the light of the inner sun, the “Black Sun,” will reveal these invisible worlds and man will be restored to greatness. She told them the soul of a great warrior king slept within the sacred Untersberg Mountain to awaken in those times for a reckoning with the lord of shadows. In victory he will unite the tribes of the Holy Roman Empire and create a new order of light. (17)

Some say the stone is Garil as in Holy Garil, one of two versions of the Holy Grail, GRL. It is coveted by the demon god who once possessed it but was tricked by Ishtar when she cut her hair short like a boy to steal it from him. The demon god in the prophecies of Ishtar is none other than the Abrahamic god, represented in the world of the living by the pope. During the final siege of the Albigensian Crusades in 1244 the stone is said to have been whisked from the grasp of the pope’s bloody fingers, by some woman who smuggled it out, on the very night before Montsegur fell.

Sometime during all this a group of knights were instructed to form a secret chivalric order in southern Germany, Austria, and northern Italy. These knights would be entrusted with the task of guarding the stone for the final battle between darkness and light. This order, shrouded in shadows even to other Knights Templar, was to be known as Die Herren vom Schwarzen Stein; The Lords of the Black Stone. SS is really an abbreviation for the German acronym for the order; DHvSS.

Somewhere in time a legend grew around the mysterious Untersberg Mountain. Some say Frederick I with his long red beard and fiery temper keen for battle, others Frederick II who outwitted every pope the Vatican threw against him, sleeps within its labyrinthine catacombs. They are attended by elves and will awake to lead the armies of light on the day of the finale battle with the darkness.

Untersberg mountain

Since people have known it the Untersberg Mountain has always been a place of unexplained phenomena. Hundreds have gone missing on and around the mountain. There are stories of some of them reappearing months later not knowing where they have been.

There are other stories, ancient stories, of little people coming out of the mountain in crafts and flying off into the night. German newspapers have speculated that the mountain, like the Bermuda Triangle, is a portal through time.

Adolph Hitler is said to have believed that the mountain was a doorway into the inner earth. He had the Berghof, his vacation residence for ten years; built overlooking it. He would spend long hours peering at the mountain through state-of-the-art telescopes.

On a visit to Austria in 1992, the Dalai Lama specifically asked to see the Untersberg Mountain, calling it “a sleeping Dragon” and “The Heart Chakra of the World.”

Black Sun Rising VI, the Black Madonna and the Swastika by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Black Sun Rising V By Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Black Sun Rising IV by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Black Sun Rising III by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Black Sun Rising II By Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Black Sun Rising I By Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Analysis of BSR 6

* Rômere in ungetrûwelîche sluogen, ûf einir yrmensûl sie in begruoben;” (Massm. 624) – To beat the Romans and burry them on an Irminsul, in Middle High German Irmansûl, Yrmensûl, Ermensul, ahd., „allgemeine, alles tragende Säule”, Irminsäule) For the Saxons, the pillar Irminsul, named after god of war Irmin, was a huge, holy tree and with its roots a symbol for the Tree of Life and World Tree. Irmin was the son of Mannus, the progenitor of the Herminonen.

The name Irmin is connected to Irminsul. Many Germanic-Nordic surnames derive from Irmin: Armin, Ermenbert, Ermenhard, Ermelinda, Erminia, Emma etc.

** That has all been documented by me in my very first viral post, ten years ago: The Cross the Rabbi and the Skinwalker.


1 – Heart, Jack. “The Cross, the Rabbi & The Skin Walker.” The Human: Jack, Orage & friends. Jack Heart writings. Nov 2011. Web. 

2 – Heart, Jack. “Behind the Bush: Aleister Crowley, Yeats, the Anti-Christ and Armageddon (Part 6).” Veterans Today. 2013 Aug. Web.

3 – Heart, Jack. “Behind the Bush Part IV.” The Human: Jack, Orage & friends. Jack Heart writings. Nov 2013. Web. 

4 – Pääbo, Andres. “THE VENETIC LANGUAGE An Ancient Language from a New Perspective: FINAL*.” 2013. Web. 

5 – Nelson, Lyn Harry. “Frederick II (1215-1250).” MEDIEVAL HISTORY LECTURE INDEX. Web. 

6 – Ibid. 

7 – “Die Alldeutsche Gesellschaft für Metaphysik.” Causa Nostra. Web.–r0808a04.htm 

8 – Sanders, N.K.. “The Epic of Gilgamesh.” Assyrian International News Agency Books Online. Web. 

9 – Smith, George. The Chaldean account of Genesis. London S. Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington, 1876. Web. 

10 –Delitzsch, Friedrich. Babel and Bible. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Company, 1903. Web. 

11 – “Himmler’s daughter aged 81: She works with neo-Nazis and helps SS officers evade justice.” Daily Mail. 17 Jun 2011. Web. 

12 – Duff, G. (2013, October 13). Veterans Today. What Can Be Told – Perspectives on Recent Issues, Threats and Promises. Retrieved from 

13 – Duff, Gordon and Mike Harris. “The ET Reality in 2013 with Gordon Duff.” Relocalization. YouTube, 7 May 2013. Web.

14 – “Behind the Bush Part IV.” 

15 – “Before sunrise you hear the lion’s call The future secret of the Ordo Bucintoro.” Causa Nostra. Web.–e0804a04.htm 

16 – “Jenseits-Diesseits-Wanderungen .” Causa Nostra . Web. 

17 – “Isais Revelation.” SCRIBD. Orage, 16 Apr 2014. Web. Apr .

Below are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make more, I actually make the most from Amazon E books, but because you will avoid giving Amazon any money. Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.

Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® ( Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god: 9781736288016: Heart, Jack: Books



The name Iðunn has been variously explained as meaning

“ever young”, “rejuvenator”, or “the rejuvenating one”


Who was this mysterious beauty that briefly appeared in Venice in the middle of intrigue of papal temporal power, the rise of House Habsburg and a frenzy of search for knowledge. How come she is not mentioned in the annals of history, yet continued to inspire E.T.A. Hoffman, Friedrich Schiller and Jacques Offenbach alike to create works about her centuries later? Find out more in the upcoming article in Black Sun Rising. — Orage

The Tales of Hoffmann


Yes!... to fight you.
The eyes of Giulietta are a sure weapon,
It needed that Schlemil fail,
Faith of captain and soldier,
You'll do like him.
I will that Giulietta shall use sorcery on you.

(Drawing from his finger a ring with a big sparkling diamond.)

Turn, turn, mirror, where the lark is caught,
Sparkle diamond, fascinate, draw her...
The lark or the woman
To this conquering bait
Comes with wing or with heart;
One leaves her life, the other her soul.
Turn, turn, mirror where the lark is caught.
Sparkle, diamond, fascinate, attract her.

Act 3 (Giulietta)

Venice. The act opens with the barcarolle Belle nuit, ô nuit d’amour. Hoffmann falls in love with the courtesan Giulietta and thinks his affections are returned (Amis, l’amour tendre et rêveur). Giulietta is not in love with Hoffmann but only seducing him under the orders of Captain Dapertutto, who has promised to give her a diamond if she filches Hoffmann’s reflection from a mirror (Scintille, diamant). The jealous Schlemil (cf. Peter Schlemiel for a literary antecedent), a previous victim of Giulietta and Dapertutto (he gave Giulietta his shadow), challenges the poet to a duel, but is killed. Nicklausse wants to take Hoffmann away from Venice and goes looking for horses. Meanwhile, Hoffmann meets Giulietta and cannot resist her (O Dieu! de quelle ivresse): he gives her his reflection, only to be abandoned by the courtesan, to Dapertutto’s great pleasure. — from Wiki

What laws rule the Green World?

What is time?


Schiller´s Ghost-Seer

The Ghost-Seer (full title: Der Geisterseher – Aus den Papieren des Grafen von O**; literally, The Ghost-Seer – From the papers of the Count of O**) or The Apparitionist is an unfinished novel by Friedrich Schiller. It first appeared in several instalments from 1787 to 1789 in the journal Thalia, later appearing as a three-volume book in its own right. Although it remained unfinished, its audiences were the largest for any of Schiller’s work during his lifetime. The readership was attracted by its elements typical of the time, such as necromancy, spiritualism and conspiracies. Structurally and stylistically it is not a single story, but tells of a Jesuit secret society trying to convert a Protestant German prince to Catholicism and bring him to the throne back home in order to bolster its own power base. Writing of the Prince’s fate, Schiller shows him as the key to the conflict between passion and morality, passion and duty.


The secret society Bucentauro 

The change of the Prince is becoming increasingly clear. The previously modest and reticent survivors plunges into wild celebrations, lavishly lives beyond its means and accumulates debt. He joins the company ominous ‘Bucentauro’ whose sinister methods of Graf said to see through.In the ‘bigoted, servile education’ and an authoritarian mediated religion in childhood, the Count believes the reason for the aberration of the Prince to comprehend. ‘Stifle all vivacity of the boy in a dull mind compulsion, was the most reliable means to assure the highest satisfaction of the princely parents.’ [5] Thus, it is not surprising that the Prince ‘took the first opportunity, such a strict yokes to escape -., but he ran away from him like a serf slave his hard gentleman who in freedom carries around even in the middle feeling his servitude ‘The secret society understands the imagination of Prince exploit and favors’ under the outward appearance of a noble reasonable freedom of mind the most unbridled license of opinions. ‘Here, forget the Prince,’ that libertinism of mind and morals in people of this state for that very reason more rampant because they have a place here reins less and will be limited by any aura of holiness. ‘ The members of this society insulted by a ‘damnable philosophy and customs, which were worthy of such a leader, not their stand alone, but even the humanity’. [6]The company boasted of its taste and fine clay, and the apparently prevailing in their equality attracts the prince. The witty conversations of members ‘of scholarly and political world […] hid him for a long time the danger of this compound.’ Step by Step ‘was the pure, beautiful simplicity of his character and the delicacy of his moral feelings lost’. [6]The Count has to leave Venice and learns from letters of a true prince devoted Barons of the further developments. Under the influence of new ideas, the Prince can always walk, makes high debt and get to know to frivolous Marquis Civitella.


The beautiful woman 

The departure from Venice, which is required by the court and to the Baron hopes delayed because the prince of a beautiful woman expires, he sees a trip to the island of Giudecca in a dark church in the light of day under going. He adores her beauty and describes the Baron with enthusiastic exuberance. ‘But where can I find words to describe to you the heavenly beautiful face, where an angelic soul as spread on her throne, the fullness of her charms?’ In the simple description of the Barons, if it were love, rejects the prince the word ‘Must it be necessary, a name under which I am happy? Love! – Do not lowering my sensation with a name that abuse the weak thousand souls! What else has felt what I feel? Such a being did not exist – as the name may be earlier than the feeling there? It is a new, unique feel newly emerged with this new single being, and is only possible for this creature! – Love! Before the love I’m sure! ‘In order to enable its further stay and get to know the woman personally, he goes into the offer of generous Marquis Civitella and borrows a lot of money. The search for the unknown woman he holds first for a Greek nobleman, turns out to be difficult; finally he meets her on a boat trip from Chiozza Murano to Venice, it comes to the long-awaited interview and further encounters.The prince is finally ‘fallen out with his court’ and is vigorously prosecuted in a letter to lead a dissolute life, to listen to ‘visionary and spirits Banner’ and with Catholic priests’ to be suspicious circumstances. ‘[7] There were, so the Prince resigned, only ‘a difference among men – obedience or Prevail’ Its time only spends the prince in the beloved, and all thoughts revolve around them, that he was a dreamer walks about like and nothing else interested him.

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Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god Paperback – January 5, 2021

    Black Sun Rising V By Jack Heart & Orage


    I don’t remember exactly when I was formally introduced to him. I had seen him and Al Bielek in the clubs all the way back in eighty-nine. In their polyester ensembles complete with plaid high waters to show off their buster brown shoes they had stood out like “undercover” cops amongst the bikers, mobsters and freshly minted Wall Street slicksters that made up the usual crowd. I was running security for a couple of strip clubs right across the street from Babylon Town Hall on Long Island. Preston Nichols was a three-hundred-and-fifty-pound gelatinous blob and Bielek looked like he was playing Stan Laurel in an old black and white movie.

    I was working the door that night and they both stopped right in front of me, something most people avoided when there wasn’t a cover charge. They were having an animated conversation about music speaking with exaggerated self-importance for what I took to be a couple of nerds on a whimsical midnight excursion to the wild side. For some reason it stuck in my mind. I remember Preston saying, “well I really like U2,” like some important decision had just been reached.

    In 1992 the very same strange man would come out with an even stranger book. The story woven by Preston Nichols “a former employee of Grumman” and resident of East Islip, along with his coauthor Peter Moon, would assume cult status three books later. They smoothly blend a powerful hallucinogenic out of the Brookhaven Lab, the aerospace industry, an old radar station at Montauk Point Long Island and the invention of the vacuum and transistor tubes. Central to the narrative is the massive bombardment with oscillated microwaves of selected human beings in a specially built chair. The Montauk Chair enabled them to channel alternate realities. This was all based on the mathematics of John von Neumann. There was Aleister Crowley, secret underground bases, Nazi occult science, Greys and time travel. Controlling this latter-day Illuminatus Trilogy is a “sinister” cabal that is able to operate in alternate realities to manipulate this one.

    According to Nichols there is an underground complex in Montauk that is headquarters for a secret army of mind-controlled super soldiers. Trained by Nazi’s they are able to travel through time and space acting as trans-dimensional assassins and altering history anyway the cabal pleases. Amongst Nichols circle of friends his story was taken so seriously that John Ford, the president of the Long Island U.F.O. Network, and three of his friends, were given lengthy prison sentences after being ‘entrapped’ in a 1996 plot to poison then Suffolk County Republican Chairman John Powell, Suffolk Legislator Fred Towle and Brookhaven Conservative Party chief Anthony Gazzola, by exposing them to radium. After Ford was arrested, I would spend a terse couple of days with him in Long Islands Riverhead Correctional Facility. I had known Preston Nichols for about four years by then.

    Nichols and Moons narrative uses the Babylon working as the cabals raison d’être. Much of what goes on in Montauk revolves around achieving this magnum opus of all occult ceremonies. In their narrative the Babylon working is designed to bring about the incarnation of the Moon Goddess. It is the culmination of a mysterious and archaic rite that Aleister Crowley called the Amalantrah working. Crowley performed the Amalantrah working in the spring of 1918 on Esopus Island on the Hudson River in New York. He spent that summer on Long Islands Montauk Point.

    Crowley’s sexual partner or conduit, the Scarlet Woman as Crowley called her, was a woman named Roddie Minor. Crowley dubbed her the camel after the Qabalistic meaning of the third Hebrew letter Gimel which is the path to the crown of God in the Sepher Yasirah. Long afterwards Crowley would make cryptic references to the city of the pyramids and an ethereal guide he had for the Amalantrah working that he called Lam. The one picture Crowley drew of Lam would define the Grey for the next hundred years.

    The ritual, or some part of it, was attempted again in 1946 by a few of Crowley’s more notable disciples; Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard and the flamboyant American rocket scientist Jack Parsons, the man Operation Paperclips poster boy Wernher von Braun would call the real father of America’s space program. Parson’s scarlet woman was actress Marjorie Cameron. They renamed their ritual the Babylon working.

    In 1952 Parsons, who in letters addressed Crowley as “Most Beloved Father” and would recite Crowley’s Hymn to Pan before each test launch, is said to have perished in a lab explosion. His body was burned beyond recognition. A few hours later Parsons beloved mother would commit suicide. They were both buried in closed coffins fueling conspiratorial speculation that neither was dead. Journalist Michael Hoffman II has said that Parsons was trying to conjure a homunculus when the lab explosion took place. A homunculus is an ethereal being that the master alchemist grows in a jar. It knows many secrets of the universe which it will impart to the alchemist who creates it. On the dark side of the moon there is a crater named after Jack Parsons.

    The cover of Nichols first book: The Montauk Project: Experiments in Timefeatures an artist’s rendition of a rearing stallion of ominous muscular proportions. Nichols goes on in the book to say that man’s future can only be accessed so far then the time traveler will always find themselves in a barren and uninhabited landscape before a statue of a great rearing horse.

    In 1993 New Mexican artist Luis Jimenez was commissioned to build a thirty-two-foot-high statue of a similar stallion rearing up in the middle of the still unfinished Denver International Airport. The airport would open in 1995 but the statue would not be completed until much later. Jimenez was killed in 2006 when a section of the unfinished horse fell from a hoist at his studio in Hondo, New Mexico. His sons would finally finish the horse in 2008. Since then, about twenty-eight million travelers per year are treated to the spectacle of the rearing horse. Its most notable feature is its ability to leave lasting impressions of fear and dread in small children. The statue is also known as the ‘Devil Horse’ or ‘Satan’s Steed.’

    Because of its strange architecture, decorum and history, Denver International Airport has been called a shrine to the New World Order by many legitimate researchers. Some have even tried to make a case that it is the external face of vast underground construction in the service of a Luciferian elite who are the hidden overlords of the west. Only one thing is really certain. The horse in the airport bears an uncanny resemblance to the horse on the cover of Preston’s Nichols first book. As Jim Morrison once said: “When all else fails / We can whip the horse’s eyes / And make them sleep.

    Even before General Patton and his Third Army had reached the Skoda Works in Pilsen he had already discovered the existence of National Socialisms subterranean industrial citadels in Ohrdruf. Colonel Robert S. Allen who was Patton’s Intelligence officer described a miniature Akakor. The central installation was between two and three stories in volume and built with massively reinforced concrete. Twelve corridors extended from the center for several miles like the spokes of a wheel. The army signal corps estimated the cost of building just the telephone exchange that served the Ohrdruf installation, built in late forty-four, at ten million dollars.

    “These construction projects required 257,000 cubic meters of steel-reinforced concrete, 213,000 cubic meters of tunnels [today about 97,000 cubic meters of tunnels are known, which means that if we assume the construction was close to completion, over a half of the underground galleries and chambers have yet to be discovered], 58 km of roads with six bridges, and 100 km of pipelines.” — Albert Speer, Memoirs

    The underground installations had been built for the Germans by the Todt Organization, Germany’s equivalent to the Army Corps of Engineers. The organization had built the Autobahn, the Siegfried Line. And they would later build the Atlantic Wall, ostensibly under Albert Speer, when founder Fritz Todt, the Minister of Armaments and a member of the inner sanctum of the National Socialists, died in a plane crash after meeting with Hitler about the prosecution of the war in February of 1942.

    A similar device to the one operating below Ohrdruf finds a place in declassified literature as follows: On December 6, 1944, the US Military Intelligence Service commenced Research Project 1217 “Investigation into German Possible Use of Rays to Neutralize Allied Aircraft Motors”. This resulted from “recent interference phenomena occasionally experienced on operations over Germany in the Frankfurt/Main area.” It was usually described as “freakish interference to engines and electrical instruments” over the north bank of the Main River, about ten miles from Führer headquarters Adlerhorst.

    In a top secret report entitled “Engine Interference Counter-Measures” addressed to the Director, Air Technical Service Command, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, reference was made to OSS discussions about a German unit somewhere near Frankfurt/Main operating: “…an influence interfering with conventional aircraft… however incredible it may appear to project from the ground to a height of 30,000 feet sufficient magnetic energy to interfere with the functioning of the ignition system of an airplane, it must be concluded that the enemy not only intends to interfere with our aircraft by some immaterial means, but has also succeeded in accomplishing this intention…” — US Nat Archive NARA/US Strategic Air Forces in Europe – Air Intelligence Summaries, January 1945 et seq. 6 February 1945.

    Above: Dorsch, left of Speer

    Speer — in spite of the Zionist fairytale narrative — was never a member of National Socialisms inner sanctum. As Todt’s successor as Minister of Armaments he was in charge of the Todt organization only by title. The operational chief was Franz Xaver Dorsch, a survivor of the original beer hall putsch and one of the founding members of the National Socialist Party. Dorsch reported directly to Martin Bormann. In April of forty-four when Hitler decided to move German industry underground wholesale, he removed Speer and replaced him with Dorsch as head of the Todt Organization.

    Dorsch walked, even though he was in charge of almost one million slave laborers. He would go on to live another forty years as a titan of the suddenly resurgent German industry. Dorsch Consult was founded in 1951. It became Dorsch Gruppe in 2006. Dorsch Gruppe is currently Germany’s largest independent planning and consulting company. The Kommissars were not yet through raping the German woman when Dorsch was commissioned to write papers for the American military. One of which was published in 1947. In his book Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X-Files; Dr. Richard Sauder, who writes extensively on deep underground military bases, states “I have two declassified Project Paperclip memoranda in my files that specifically request four men with expertise in underground construction, one of whom is Xaver Dorsch.

    By the time Germany hosted the summer Olympics in Berlin in 1936 it was the jewel in the crown of western civilization. National Socialism had brought it there from the dung heap of Europe within a few short years. But the National Socialists had help. German technology was by some estimates a hundred years ahead of the rest of the world. When the Germans wanted to show off Baron Manfred von Ardenne had invented television so the Olympics could be broadcast live to Europe. As far as radio waves beamed into the expanses of the universe Adolph Hitler has a thirty-eight-year head start on the Arecibo message.

    Even before they reached the German border the amazed Americans had found audio tape when they “liberated” Luxemburg. The October issue of Harper in forty-six depicts an American intelligence operative pulling a miniature vacuum tube “half the size of a thumb” and a spool of tape from his desk draw. He quips breathlessly “That’s Magnetophone tape.” Astounded by German magnetic science he bubbles on “its plastic, metallized on one side with iron oxide. In Germany that supplanted phonograph recordings. A day’s Radio program can be magnetized on one reel. You can demagnetize it, wipe it off and put a new program on at any time. No needle; so absolutely no noise or record wear. An hour-long reel costs fifty cents.

    Amongst the booty brought back to America Harper mentions “a walnut-sized motor which spun a rotor at 10,000 rpm – so fast that originally it had destroyed all lubricants with the great amount of ozone it produced.” There were ultraviolet lights for sterilizing milk and infrared red lights for night vision optics. There was a cold extrusion process that enabled a thousand percent increase in the production of small parts made from steel. Magnetic fields, aside from being used to record sound, were also being used to artificially produce Mica. A revolutionary German condenser, now called a capacitor, is described in Harpers as “magic, double-distilled.”

    All the way back in 1934 German inventor Oskar Heil, expanding on the work of Dr. Heinrich Barkhausen, developed the velocity-modulated tube. Heil’s tube was able to beam electrons in bunches allowing for the generation of far higher frequencies than were possible with the vacuum tube. The Heil tube was the first practical microwave generator. It predated by three years the klystron; a specialized vacuum tube used for the same purposes. Wikipedia coyly tells its readers velocity-modulated tubes are “very much” still in use today in microwave technology.

    Heil was also issued several patents for “transistor-like” devices before the war. In 1947 he was “invited” to America. By the end of 1947 Bell Laboratories announced the invention of the “point-contact transistor.” The transistor tube would make its début for Christmas. In 1956 John Bardeen, William Shockley and Walter Brattain, of Bell Labs would win the Nobel Prize for it. In 1962 Heil would found Heil Scientific Labs Inc. and live happily ever after working within the defense industry of the empire.

    Above: Smart bomb

    Harper credits the Germans with having “138 types of guided missiles in various stages of production or development” and “using every known kind of remote control and fuse: radio, radar, wire, continuous wave, acoustics, infra-red, light beams, and magnetic.” There were plans for a rocket-motored bomber which would be over New York City from Europe in forty minutes. The V9 was a twenty-nine-thousand-pound rocket that could hit a target 3000 miles away reaching 5,870 miles an hour upon delivery. Harper cites a senior American intelligence officer as saying the outcome of the war would have been doubtful had the invasion of Europe been delayed just six more months.

    The Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov would end up publicly accusing America and Britain of helping themselves, through plundered German patents and technology, to ten billion dollars in reparations. That’s 1940’s dollars. The Secretary’s Report from 1946 by the United States Department of Commerce documents the “Technical Industrial Intelligence Committee” sifting through some three and half billion papers from every facet of German industry. Of those they committed three and a half million pages to microfilm. The Library of Congress Quarterly Journal of Current Acquisitions for August of 1946 estimated that between a thousand and fifteen hundred tons of German air documents had been collected. They go on to say the final “screened library” now at Wright Field is estimated to be two hundred and twenty tons.

    America’s wanton rape of Germany’s private intellectual property not only violated the Hague Convention but every rule of common decency. Even the British were appalled and vowed publicly to respect Germany’s patents. America never did. She launched her golden age of technology with great fanfare bringing Wernher von Braun over to act as both master of ceremonies and court jester.

    One of the largest hauls of classified information harvested by the Allies came from laboratories and plants of IG Farben, a syndicate with close American ties that held an almost complete monopoly on chemical production. Chemistry of course was the foundation for the creation of most synthetics. The enormous IG Farben Building in Frankfurt, which housed records of estimable value, was ‘miraculously’ spared during World War II bombing orgy, proving that better bombing accuracy was possible if the Allies had wished it. The vaults of the Farben Building contained secret industrial information on, among others, liquid and solid fuels, metallurgy, synthetic rubber, textiles, chemicals, plastics, drugs and dyes. Secret formulas were obtained for over 50,000 dyes.Several U.S. Army officers stationed in the Farben Building after the war commented that the value of the files and records confiscated would alone have been sufficient to finance the war.”  Daniel W. Michaels

    Stretching from Ohrdruf to beyond Germany’s eastern borders lay the hypogeum empire of the SS, presided over by the ruthless and efficient prince General Hans Kammler. The Książ Castle , on what is now Poland’s western border with the Czech Republic, is nestled in a foreboding grove of trees outside the ancient village of Fuerstenstein. The “Nazi Bell” was located there before it was moved to Waldenburg, now called Walbrzych, forty-five kilometers to the south. It would last be seen beneath the village of Ludwigsdorf (Ludwikowice) in the labyrinth of mining tunnels that run like veins through the northern flank of the Sudeten Mountains.

    The Nazi Bell has become the twenty-first century’s answer to Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein. Like voguish Boris Karloff’s some writers have made a cottage industry out of it. But like Frankenstein always going back to Mary Shelly all the Nazi Bell stories go back to Igor Witkowski, a Polish writer who has done extensive historical work on WW II. Witkowski claims to have been privy to court dispositions and transcripts taken by the NKVD during the interrogation of Jakob Sporrenberg the SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Polizei for Poland and Belarus. The Polish courts would subsequently hang Sporrenberg at the end of 1952 after having found him guilty of war crimes in 1950.

    According to Sporrenberg Die Glocke, as it was called in German, was a bell-shaped casing made out of a hard and heavy metal. It was filled with a mercury-like substance code-named Xerum 525. The metallic liquid was violet colored and had to be stored in three-centimeter-thick lead encased receptacles. The experiments always took place under a ceramic cover and involved two cylinders rotating with great centrifugal force in opposite directions. During the experiments, which were about a minute in duration, the bell would glow pale blue in color.

    The chamber the experiments took place in was deep underground and had a thirty square meter floor area. The whole chamber was encased in ceramic bricks overlaid with rubber mats. It was thoroughly flushed with a brine-like liquid after every experiment. The mats were replaced after every few experiments and after every ten the whole chamber was replaced with only the bell remaining.

    During the testing personnel were kept a hundred-fifty to two-hundred meters away. Electrical equipment within that circumference would invariably short circuit. The first experiments were performed in late 1944. During those tests animals and plants were placed within the bells sphere of influence. The test subjects all died. A crystalline substance would form within the tissue and the body fluids gelled separating into fractions and killing the organism. The subjects all exhibited an accelerated rate of decomposition but were absent of any odors of putrefaction. Within eight to fourteen hours after the experiment the plants would have the consistency of axle grease.

    Five of the original seven scientists working on the bell died. In the second experiments, in early 1945, the mortality rate was reduced to 10 to 15%. Humans would experience disturbances of sleep, unsteadiness on their feet and loss of memory. They were also plagued with a permanent metallic taste in their mouth.

    If one follows the old railroad tracks out of Ludwigsdorf and up into the Sudeten’s foothills, they intersect the now abandoned Wenceslas Mine hidden in a valley. At the far end of the valley next to a now crumbling facility that was once capable of burning a thousand tons of coal a day, a thirty-meter-wide concrete ring is suspended ten meters high by ten concrete pillars. Heavy duty hooks are built into the tops of each of them and on the ground, there is a junction for electric cables that were once powered by the coal burning facility. Inside of the ring the ground has been excavated to about a meter and lined with ceramic bricks.

    Similar cages are used in helicopter testing

    During the war the Wenceslas mines underground, concrete bunkers had been carefully concealed beneath its buildings and freshly planted trees. The concrete ring had been painted green to camouflage it from planes. No one even goes there anymore, even by foot. The mine shaft itself has been flooded. Nick Cook in The Hunt For Zero Point claims, in the finest British tradition, that the SS shot all sixty-two scientists involved with the project. Regardless, the Germans considered the bell to be Kriegsentscheidend, war decisive, and their highest security classification.

    Above: Junkers 390

    General Hans Kammler, who would have been the commanding officer overseeing the bell, had melted away right in the face of the soviet advance. Kammler officially denied his Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler’s written request for a “truck,” an SS code word for a Junkers 390; a six-engine monster cargo plane capable of flying to NY and back without refueling. Then Kammler had vanished into history along with the bell and one of Germany’s only two prototype 390’s. Some stories say he was shot dead in Czechoslovakia, others that he took the bell to Argentina and still others the United States. No body, bell nor plane has ever been found.

    Witkowski says Sporrenberg fingered Walter Gerlach as the scientist in charge of the bell experiments. Since the beginning of forty-four Gerlach had been the plenipotentiary for nuclear physics at the Reich Research Council. After the war he had been targeted by Alsos for interment and eavesdropping at Farm Hall. It could easily be deduced that the Nazi Bell was some kind of experimental particle accelerator being used for the enrichment of uranium. 

    Above: Walter Gerlach

    But Walter Gerlach had written his doctorate while in the apprenticeship of Friedrich Paschen, acknowledged by his peers as the greatest experimental spectroscopist of his time. Paschen is the discoverer of the Paschen Series; a series of hydrogen spectral lines in the infrared region that he first observed in 1908 the same year the twenty-year-old Gerlach had begun his doctoral studies under him. During WW I Gerlach had worked on wireless communication for the German army under the guidance of the brilliant Max Wien who was written out of history by the Zionists for his blatant anti Semitism but is the inventor of the Wien bridge-oscillator. Wien had collaborated with Paschen by correspondence as early as the summer of 1895.

    In 1921 Gerlach was recruited by the German Jewish scientist Otto Stern who just like his mentor Albert Einstein lacked even the most rudimentary skills in experimental physics. Gerlach would prove in the lab what Stern had suspected. Magnetic fields restrict the spatial orientation of atomic and subatomic particles. “Their” discovery would be christened the Stern-Gerlach experiment and would open the doorway for German scientists, uninfected by the false science of Einstein, to harness the limitless energy of the ether.

    Without Riemann geometry there would have been no theory of relativity. A half century before Einstein stole his first patent, German mathematician Bernard Riemann had invented a non-Euclidean geometry that enabled the descriptions of higher dimensions making possible the theory of relativity.

    In 1932 Jon von Neumann would write the mathematical bible for quantum mechanics; Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik. By then von Neumann had long since dubbed the infinite universes that he and his colleagues were trying to describe as Hilbert’s Space after his teacher at the University of Göttingen, David Hilbert. The Germans took it for granted that Gravitational Waves existed not only in this universe but extended into the uncharted regions of the multiverse. They realized that to tap into them would be to tap into the primal force of the cosmos and appropriate for themselves the power of their enemy’s god.

    Above: Kraftstrahlkanone or a Strong Ray Canon from schematics reproduced by yet another Nazi secret weapon researcher; Henry Stevens, as it is shown in Joseph Farrell’s Reich of the Black Sun.

    Farrell describes it as an “odd looking L-shaped weapon comprised some sort of crystal, then a series of hollow tubes, each focusing whatever beam was generated to a narrower and narrower point, until it emerged from a small hole, with allegedly deadly effectiveness, though limited range.” The hollow tubes, from outside to inside, are in incrementally longer lengths indicating the focusing of some kind of longitudinal wave. The crystal could very well be a quartz crystal oscillator, designed by L A Meacham and introduced in 1938. It was an improvement on the Wien bridge-oscillator. In the 1940’s it would have allowed for the state-of-the-art precision adjustment of wave frequencies.

    Above: supposedly pictures of the crafts that vaporized Comet Ison

    In 1997 Waldyr A Rodrigues Jr. and Jian-Yu Lu wrote a paper about what they called Undistorted Progressive Waves. These are families of waves, traveling at arbitrary speeds, that are distortion free and don’t spread out over a distance. Even if interfered with they return to “their original form after a certain period of time.” The paper introduced experimental data showing how a “Superluminal (faster than the speed of light) Electromagnetic X-Wave” can be launched by forcing one of these waves through a tiny hole that they called a “Finite Aperture Approximation.” They go on to make the mathematical argument that the theory of relativity has been compromised by the data resulting from their experiments.

    By 1922 Gerlach had already proved the power of the atom could be harnessed through magnetism. He had worked on the cutting edge of infrared spectroscopy and wireless communication with the most brilliant men in that field. Because of insufficient data Gerlach’s own field of expertise can only be described generically as electromagnetism. Regardless, by WWII he may very well have been the most important physicist alive. Hitler had thought so. As plenipotentiary of the Reich Research Council Gerlach had the power to take any course of action he saw fit in Germany’s version of the Manhattan Project. In spite of that, in the tradition of Wolfgang Cordan, there is little available in Wikipedia on Walter Gerlach. When he was returned to Germany in forty-six, Gerlach would go on to a career as a distinguished professor and first president of the Fraunhofer Society. But he would never again practice experimental physics, at least openly.

    The Gods of war would have their days in the forties and many hopes and dreams would be trampled under their chariots. Perhaps no part of the carnage told a sadder tale for the human race than the story of Viktor Schauberger. Schauberger was an Austrian forestry engineer, a man of prodigious genius, who dreamed only of building a better world for all mankind. He was self-taught in the likeness of von Ardenne and just like him he did his talking in the lab and had little use for the pedantic sciences of the university’s. His teacher was the babbling brooks and swirling rivers of the ancient Teutonic forests.

    It was while observing a trout holding its position, without any swimming effort at all, against the rushing current of a stream that Schauberger decided the trout was utilizing something other than kinetic energy. Schauberger reasoned that the animal was extracting the energy from the molecules of its own body by “condensing” them with extreme temperature gradients. He came to the conclusion that this condensing process took place in the motion of a vortex swirling into its own center. From his observations of naturally occurring tornadoes, whirlpools and the vortexes of galaxies Schauberger reasoned that this is how energy is released in nature. If he could force matter into this spiraling motion, what he called implosion, by rapidly condensing and spinning it until the particles of the atoms became “unglued,” he could tap into the power of the stars without ever having to split an atom.

    In Schauberger’s mind, industrialization with its dams and pollutants had interfered with the natural vortex patterns of water. These patterns are necessary for life to flourish. Water, once the life blood of the planet, had now become a pollutant sapping the planets vitality. With his writings Schauberger advocated the development of “bio-technical” machinery. He soon came to the attention of Adolph Hitler. In 1934 Schauberger was summoned to a meeting with Hitler and Max Planck, the founding father of quantum physics. Schauberger warned Hitler that under the current conditions his Thousand Year Reich would not last past ten. He proposed to them a brand-new world with unlimited free energy based on a science in harmony with nature. Hitler as a mystic must have been enthralled with Schauberger’s ideas. The meeting went long over the time that was allotted for it. After about two hours Planck scoffed at him and told him nature and science have nothing to do with each other. A few years later nobody would be scoffing at Viktor Schauberger.

    The idea of negating gravity with vortexes had been floating around Germany at least since the twenties. In 1933 Ott Christoph Hilgenberg wrote his best-known book; The Expanding Earth (Vom wachsenden Erdball), proposing that continental drift was the results of the earth expanding in volume. But before that he had published The Solution to the Mystery of Gravitation (Das Rätsel Gravitation gelöst) in 1929 and On Gravitation, Vortices and Waves in Moving Bodies (Tromben und Wellen in bewegten Medien) in 1931. Hilgenberg was one of the most influential of the German scientist’s. He singlehandedly rescued the Technical University of Berlin by recovering the university’s cutting edge science library from the Soviet Union after the war by more or less just asking his Russian scientific colleagues for it.

    In 1940 Schauberger applied for a patent on an energy generator that could be used for either aircraft or submarines. Schauberger described the device as a “multistage centrifuge with concentrically juxtaposed pressure chambers.” The self-contained centrifugal system only relied on a small starter motor [which above is listed by Harper as American war booty] to bring its turbine up to around twenty thousand revolutions per minute but once there it supplied its own energy and when hooked to a gear shaft could act as a generator.

    See the source image

    Shortly after that Schauberger would write to his cousin saying he had invented a new aircraft that didn’t make any noise. At the beginning of 1941 he was, at his own expense, still looking for a contractor to build a scale model prototype of what he called the “Repulsator.” He planned on using it to investigate “free energy production” and to prove his theory of “levitational flight.” In the ensuing months Schauberger would put away his wallet and the SS would give him Carte Blanche in the Third Reich, swearing him to work only for them in total secrecy and tipping him off that the industrial giant Heinkel had been stealing his patents.

    Schauberger was uncharacteristically secretive about what he was doing for the SS for the next couple of years, but it is known that he was working around the Sudeten Mountains. During one experiment the Repulsator had actually shot up with such force that it had smashed against the hanger ceiling severely damaging itself.

    In June of forty-four Schauberger was summoned to Breslau ostensibly to be drafted into the SS. But a month earlier he had been ordered to the Mauthausen Concentration Camp to select his own team of technicians from among the inmates to build as many as five different types of machines. It is stated in his archives that the SS wanted him to stop “tinkering around with prototypes and begin serious construction work.” In his diaries Schauberger says the machines were a water purifier, an energy device capable of generating high voltage electricity, a machine for “biosynthesizing” hydrogen fuel from water and another that “naturally” produced intense heat or cold. The fifth was dubbed the Fliegende Scheibe or flying saucer.

    The Fliegende Scheibe was scheduled for its first flight on May 6th, 1945. Schauberger’s team stopped work on May 8th. The German armed forces officially stopped fighting that night. A few days later, Schauberger would be apprehended by American intelligence forces in Leonstein. Almost simultaneously across the country in Vienna the Russians would enter his apartment, confiscate whatever they could find then blow the building up just in case they had missed anything. The Americans would intensively debrief Schauberger for the next nine months releasing him in March of forty-six under the oath that he would never work on what he called “atomic” technology again.

    By 1958 Schauberger was seventy-two years old and suffering from a bad heart and emphysema. Karl Gerchsheimer, a transplanted German acting as an agent for American financier Robert Donner, flew to his home in Austria and promised him glory and riches in the United States. Gerchsheimer had prior links to the intelligence community and NASA. Donner was tied into America’s version of Frankenstein’s castle, the National Atomic Research Laboratories at the Brookhaven Lab on Long Island. Schauberger, still dreaming of giving the human race his free energy technology, took the bait. Upon his arrival in America, he met with implosion experts from the Brookhaven Lab supposedly to assess the feasibility of his ideas.

    After dickering with the dying man for months Donner finally got him to sign a document, that hadn’t been translated into German, turning over to the Donner-Gerchsheimer consortium everything Schauberger ever did with his implosion technology. They swore him to secrecy and put him on a plane back to Austria. Schauberger died five days after he got home.

    In the nineties Russian scientist Eugene Podkletnov caused a furor amongst the aerospace industry and their academic drones when he announced that in gravity modification experiments, he had been able achieve as much as a 5% reduction in a targeted objects weight. He was using rotating magnets to spin superconducting doughnut shaped discs, specially made for him by Toshiba, at speeds exceeding twenty thousand revolutions per minute.

    Fully anticipating his hostile audience Podkletnov tried to pad his industry jeopardizing experimental results with an explanation for his research into this forbidden field. He told them a self-effacing story about how he had first noticed the torsion effects on gravity when a lab colleague’s pipe smoke was funneled in a column over an unrelated experiment he was doing.

    In an interview over ten years ago with Nick Cook he admitted that at speeds of between twenty-five and fifty thousand revolutions per minute he had achieved full levitational effect. At the time of the interview Podkletnov was being financed by Toshiba. He also admitted to Cook that he comes from a long line of prominent Russian scientists. His father who was a respected scientist had been a recipient of what the Red Army had found when they searched Viktor Schauberger’s Vienna apartment in the aftermath of WW II. Podkletnov had been studying his father’s Schauberger papers all his life. They were the foundation of his work.

    President Truman’s Executive Order 9604: “It is the policy of this Government, subject to the requirements of national military security, that there shall be prompt, public, free and general dissemination of enemy scientific and industrial information. The expression “enemy scientific and industrial information,” as used herein, is defined to comprise all information concerning scientific, industrial and technological processes, inventions, methods, devices, improvements and advances heretofore or hereafter obtained by any department or agency of this Government in enemy countries regardless of its origin, or in liberated areas, if such information is of enemy origin or has been acquired or appropriated by the enemy.”

    “Art. 53. An army of occupation can only take possession of cash, funds, and realizable securities which are strictly the property of the State, depots of arms, means of transport, stores and supplies, and, generally, all movable property belonging to the State which may be used for military operations.

    All appliances, whether on land, at sea, or in the air, adapted for the transmission of news, or for the transport of persons or things, exclusive of cases governed by naval law, depots of arms, and, generally, all kinds of munitions of war, may be seized, even if they belong to private individuals, but must be restored and compensation fixed when peace is made.

    Art. 56. The property of municipalities, that of institutions dedicated to religion, charity and education, the arts and sciences, even when State property, shall be treated as private property.
    All seizure of, destruction or willful damage done to institutions of this character, historic monuments, works of art and science, is forbidden, and should be made the subject of legal proceedings.

    Convention (IV) respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land and its annex: Regulations concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land. The Hague, 18 October 1907.

    “Observe and Copy Nature” — Viktor Schauberger

    “All of us knew very well that if the girls were German they could be raped and then shot. This was almost a combat distinction.” — Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Gulag Archipelago

    “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    “Numerous attempts by Bundesbank to repatriate its gold reserves have been met with a brick wall, and to date, Germany has only recovered a minuscule 5 tonnes directly from the NY Fed – out of the total 674 tonnes.” — Zero Hedge

    Their approach to the development of technology was different in many respects, and that’s what I wanted to emphasize, because in my view it’s still poorly understood. Only when one will compile various fields, an overall picture will emerge, which is simply interesting. It emerges that it was a different model of civilization, working differently. We may learn from that, or we should...” — Igor Witkowski

    Jules Vernes inspired many a young boy to dream of star travel and powerful machines. What novelists imagined, scientists set out to bring into reality, often drawing from age-old texts and by observing nature. The turn of the century set in motion a rush for the last frontiers.

    Ever wondered where the inventions that became the icons of The American Dream came from? The everyday appliances that we rely on, the conveniences of modern life and entertainment? With all these gadgets that have dominated our modern lives the past 60 years, there are things that go far beyond. What the Futurists had dreamed up came from a source that propagandists have been busy describing as ultimate evil ever since. — Orage

    Black Sun Rising VI, the Black Madonna and the Swastika by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

    Black Sun Rising V By Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

    Black Sun Rising IV by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

    Black Sun Rising III by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

    Black Sun Rising II By Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

    Black Sun Rising I By Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

    Analysis of BSR 5

    — Citations —

    The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time by Preston B. NicholsPeter Moon Sky Books (NY); 1992, 156 pages ISBN-13: 978-0963188908

    Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X-Files
     by Ph.D. Dr. Richard Sauder Keyhole Publishing Company; 2012 ISBN-13: 978-0967799520

    Harper’s Magazine Oct, 1946 SECRETS BY THE THOUSANDS C. Lester Walker – Copies of this rare edition now sell for 17.42 US:

    The Hunt for Zero Point
    , Nick Cook

    Space Quantization in a Magnetic Field, Walter Gerlach Matter, Electricity, Energy: The Principles of Modern Atomistic and Experimental Results of Atomic Investigations (D. Van Nostrand, 1928)

    Walther Gerlach: Die experimentellen Grundlagen der Quantentheorie, Vieweg, Braunschweig 1921. (Digitalis)

    Interview with Dr. Walther Gerlach
    By Thomas S. Kuhn at Gerlach’s home, Munich, West Germany
    February 23, 1963

    Reich of the Black Sun, Joseph Farrell by

    Gravity Waves

    Undistorted Progressive Waves

    The Truth About The Wunderwaffe by Igor Witkowski 346 pages RVP Press, 2013 ISBN-13: 978-1618613387

    Interview with Dr. Eugene Podkletnov

    Authentic information about Viktor Schauberger directly from primary sources.

    Ott Christoph Hilgenberg in twentieth-century geophysics
    , G. Scalera, Braun

    After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation
    Giles MacDonogh, 656 pages, Basic Books; 2009, ISBN-13: 978-0465003389

    Samarangana Sutradhara

    Unternehmen Patentenraub 1945: Die Geheimgeschichte des größten Technologieraubs aller Zeiten, Friedrich Georg, Grabert Verlag, 2008 – 362 pages Science, Technology, and Reparations. Exploitation and Plunder in Postwar Germany. John Gimbel, Stanford University Press, 1990.

    Below are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make more, I actually make the most from Amazon E books, but because you will avoid giving Amazon any money. Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.

    Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® ( Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god: 9781736288016: Heart, Jack: Books