You want to save the children, find your balls and do it yourself

Democracy is communism, let us get this fact out of our way…

Evil is evil, there is no voting for lesser evil..what are the acceptable levels for measurement of evilness?

25%,30% 45 %…“STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES” to quote the line from the movie.

Sound of free doom, this world will die with the Bible or if you wish the Holly Book or he will raise out of the ashes without silly nonsense written in the Holly books-plural.

How many people can actually read and understand so-called Holly books, I mean truly, understand them?

almost everything that is written in the so-called Holly Book is an allegory, so one looming question remains:

Why would anyone write the ultimate truth in such a way that only chosen few can understand what is written in this Book?

If this book is a guiding “light” for so many, no matter the color, gender, or creed?

what would be the purpose of this book then, to betray, steal minds, and as the main goal to make fun of your own stupidity?

God doesn’t write books, people do, can you be the best mathematician or philosopher if you read just one book over and over again?

The answer is pretty simple, NO you can’t…you must read all the books that you can find and take all the best things with you from this cornucopia of books, and then make your own thesis or theorem about a certain topic.

God doesn’t live in the church, no matter your religion, most of these buildings are built on specific leylines hence the reason why you feel a sudden surge of energy, it is not the church and the “religion” it is something else.

Ley lines ( / leɪ /) are straight alignments drawn between various historic structures and prominent landmarks. The idea was developed in early 20th-century Europe, with ley line believers arguing that these alignments were recognized by ancient societies that deliberately erected structures along them.

Even the fakepedia is telling you a glimpse of the truth, but many of you are just too blind to see.

These two clowns above are nothing but Paid actors, translation: your own stupidity will be your own demise.



ac·​tor ˈak-tər 

 also  -ˌtȯr

Synonyms of actor


: one that acts : DOER



: one who acts in a play, movie, television show, etc.


: one who behaves as if acting a part


: one that takes part in any affair: PARTICIPANT

political actors

In the current climate if it is promoted on MSM it is fake, period….all is consolidated in the hands of a few Tv moguls, so you won’t see anything on the idiot box that these “people” don’t want you to see.

“Trump Card” and CA-KA weasel two parties representing ONE head.


shifty, schemeing person that will do whatever they need to to escape whatever they fear in the moment

Ca is spoken as Ka shorten for Kao -meaning like a weasel in this case.

These are paid actors, trained to Entertain YOU, so you don’t have to think, just reACT.

Yes, the byproduct of ACTion is ReACTion, this is their role and their “sacred” purpose… polarization in any shape or form.


German for Door/Gate, he opens or closes the door/gate for the gullible sheeple.

Acting is a lesser form of black magick, why?

because the byproduct of this Acting is a fight, sadness, grief, hate, anger, violence, and family dispute over imaginary thing-fiction, etc, etc.

You really need these two fools to tell what is going on, really…this has been going on for ages, and now Hooly- wood is coming to save the day?

really what is your IQ?

One is the guy who didn’t fire Fauci-dr. Death and then he successfully signed “Operation Warp Speed” and the other played the role of Jesus, and now is here as acting Moses, he will divide the Sea so innocent children of God may pass into realms of freedom, really?!?

Operation Warp Speed

Operation Warp Speed was a public–private partnership initiated by the United States government to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics.

Signing the CON-TR- ACT in The RING as deluded masses and asses are watching.




  1. An agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law.
  2. The writing or document containing such an agreement.
  3. The branch of law deals with formal agreements between parties.




  1. Relating to or involving outward form or structure, often in contrast to content or meaning.
  2. Being or relating to essential form or constitution.
  3. Following or being in accord with accepted or prescribed forms, conventions, or regulations.

“Drain the swamp” is the inversion…he is actually telling he will decimate your numbers with his presidency

“The Swamp” is you-useless eaters, empty airheads….

has he drained the “Swamp”, of course, how many people have died from this poison called vaccine…

Drain the swamp

Drain the swamp is a phrase that has frequently been used by politicians since the 1980s and in the U.S. often refers to reducing the influence of special interests and lobbyists

The only good news here is: if the Empire is forced to make movies about child trafficking and Adrenochrome it means they are scared of possible repercussions of the villagers with pitchforks and torches.

So, what do you do when there is a possibility of a mob storming the red walls of your castle?

You redirect them in another direction

So what is the solution here, make a movie about this frightening and horrible topic, give them a few guilty members of pedophile rings, create new Epsteins, Harvey Weinsteins, and close the case… throw away the key.

This move also pushes the Q psyop agenda, pushing Trump in the center stage as the main and only decent candidate, who will “again” save Zee America….children in this case.

Is America Great Again?, and yes we all know CGI Biden is not your president… Remember that slogan..they told you in advance what they gonna do…end they did it, right before your stupid and gullible faces.

You can’t be in Hollywood and be the Threat to this “holly” Institution, you signed the deal with the Devil long ago, these people don’t change their minds, they are just well-paid slaves, pardon ACTORS, cough, cough.

Politics or movies it is the same shite but in a different package.

Politics is religion and religion is politics….This is the reason they gave you the savior-Orange Hesus


  1. “The only good news here is: if the Empire is forced to make movies about child trafficking and Adrenochrome it means they are scared of possible repercussions of the villagers with pitchforks and torches.”

    This! we are in a consciousness war, the genie is out of the bottle when it comes to child trafficking. It’s one of the few topics I keep researching and will never stop mentioning and spreading awareness about, I owe it to my kid and all the other children.

    This movie might not tell us anything new but, I welcome it as perhaps it will lead some people to go down the rabbit hole. They are definitely under pressure to lead the narrative since for the past 5 years or so more and more focus is on these horrible crimes that lead straight to the top of the rot.
    If we as humanity can not even protect the children of the earth, we are not worthy living on it.

    • Thank you, An not all is doom and gloom, excellent eye. Our conscience can “move” them, this is the reason why I am helping certain candidate…I despise politicians but Americans did not pick up the guns when was time to do it, so for now this is the only available solution.

      • I guess you are hinting to Kennedy?
        There might not be a political solution, but if he becomes president we will see consciousness shifts happen.
        The topics this man opens and is not shy talking about are important, and I like how he tries to unite people.

        I think it might be hard and at times frustrating for us, those who are awake and aware to understand just how slow consciousness moves. Consciousness is forever, it’s not in a hurry.

  2. Outstanding, HP, as per your usual excellence. Interestingly, regardless of how much they enjoyed plays and theater, the patrician class of ancient Rome considered actors and actresses to be the scum of the earth and no matter how physically attractive they were, marriage with any of them was out of the question. They were equated with common prostitutes. The Romans thought that there were few things lower than pretending to be someone you are not, which of course is a prerequisite in the world of acting. I’m not sure about back then, but in contemporary times the vast majority of actors and actresses, and all of the famous and wealthiest ones, are female to male and male to female transsexual androgynes. It is a desideratum for success in that perverse, Judaic realm. To paraphrase the Kinks song, “Hollywood Boulevard”, ” … people who changed their gender for fortune and fame … “

  3. Awesome HP. How do you spell a Spell? Aaron Spelling, creatures from the swamp.

    These are paid actors, trained to Entertain YOU, so you don’t have to think, just reACT.

    Yes, the byproduct of ACTion is ReACTion, this is their role and their “sacred” purpose… polarization in any shape or form.


    German for Door/Gate, he opens or closes the door/gate for the gullible sheeple.

    Acting is a lesser form of black magick, why?

    because the byproduct of this Acting is a fight, sadness, grief, hate, anger, violence, and family dispute over imaginary thing-fiction, etc, etc.

    • Thank you, it was an act of inspiration born in unbridled rage. haha

      Sorry for the late response, I was preoccupied with some stuff that can’t be postponed…

  4. It’s all theater, tRump is a wrestler and reality TV star by trade, and they have been snatching children and sacrificing them to Moloch, or in the case of Elizabeth Bathoy bathing in their blood since history began. And in all truth HP, I have little sympathy for the helots. Little helots grow up to be big helots that expect us to treat them as equals, better they are culled young even though I have less use for the despicable weakling gods of the oligarchs than I do for the helots and their make-believe gods…

    • I know, I know, for some reason, this article pissed me off… I have empathy for the innocent and innocence but I don’t have any sympathy or tolerance for fools and stupidity anymore. One night the Moon was in the West just where the Sun has sunsetting, and they looked at me like I am from Mars… telling them that this occurrence is not possible, the Moon should be on another side of the visible sky. They may quack like a duck but they are not soul, just running an executable file on two legs.

      • Even before I left my home in Babylon in 2019 I was watching the moon bounce about the sky like a pinball. One morning I watched it set in the west below my favorite bagel place bright orange. The night before it had set in the opposite eastern sky pale white. I wrote about it but nobody else seemed to notice but me. I came to the conclusion that it was between me and the moon…

  5. ACt AC-current T is the representation of the cross.
    Alternating current
    An alternating current is an electric current that periodically reverses direction and changes its magnitude continuously with time, in contrast to a direct current, which flows only in one direction

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