That’s the last of the fawns born this year
Travelling west on 25A the fence begins after #93 on the North side of 25A
The first mile marker
The Last thing the deer see in the morning when they try to cross 25A from their trail on Concord
Sign on the West corner of Concord
The Last thing the deer see in the morning when they try to cross 25A from their trail on Concord
Is this their way of saying niggers and spics Keep Out?
The second mile marker for the fence
This is where the fence ends at the park and the beach that is conveniently closed to the rest of the public while the fat rich White men stumble about on their immaculately kept “greens”
Go home folks nothing to see here


  1. Humanity is the deer and they’re paying dearly. I hope one day the deer rise up and realizing those big antlers of theirs have the potential. The hunter becomes the hunted. Up there in Winthrop WA I got my first chance to see them up close and person including little fawns. Majestic creatures and as the days go by Hitler’s view on hunting rings more and more true. I couldn’t imagine hunting such beautiful eloquent creatures. I’d rather hunt other humans see how they do for a change. Put it all on the line.

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