1. One can talk about our casualty society. There’s probably hours and days worth of material to hash out here, but it’s still just a casualty society, run by reincarnated rodents bearing plagues.
    I’m interested in a little known theory in the halls of physics/cosmology because the author has tapped into something very true. She has stated that there is something unique about extremely long wave energy. In fact, she mentions that such waves fulfill the task of the quantum observer.
    I was laughing and laughing when I heard this.
    How could she know?
    Look around gents, casualty society wants to use shorter and shorter wavelengths backed by greater and greater force to do everything.
    Because casualty society is obsessed with slaves, not consciousness.
    Okay, now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

    • Melissa Osaki Admin


      I’m not sure if they are still here. There are still some uncertainties about all the connections to the groups from Sirius.

      As far as I’m aware, the Giza twerps are gone but their negative influence and swinging waves remain. Devices from the Umigos that affect the mind in a hallucinatory way also remain on Earth. One such device got into the hands of the dark leadership.



      • The very long wave is associated with the amazing quality of passing completely through anything, no matter how dense. This is observable. According to the quantum, information is never lost. There has been an immense effort to define information as matter, or as the effect of matter such as with gravity, but even Hawking couldn’t make that work.
        However, our lady Houghton, who questions the entire theory of black holes is coming very close to the reality of forces rather than things. I won’t say too much more about it here, other than to say that long wave forces are fundamental expressions of connectivity and awareness all on their own.

    • Just wondering, are you thinking about the brains of mankind, you know “Alpha…” a.s.o. brainwaves? What kind of wavelength would a perfect woman have? Slow brainwaves, you know, calm, not “stressed”, not too intelligent, not asking too many questions, relaxed when the time is right, which usually is night time, and – you know, good women and mothers are really calm. Can there be a connection? Why are there so few female prossors hired in for instance Norway? Do the ones who got a job hired by the males already there have the right wavelengt, and how do one get one? Can even male professors be a victim of all of these rays in the air?

      • I am the last person to ask to come to the defense of Christian society. The path mankind took to get into the current shithole was directly thru Christianity. I’ve even heard Armanists make excuses for this.
        I don’t hate the abrahamics, but I do find them to be indispensable to all the questions you raise.
        Long waves are lines. I wrote a piece about them a ways back. It’s way beyond brain waves.

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