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Sunday, September 24, 2023

Why Germany Invaded Poland by Gott Mit Uns

There are two sides to every story. Thus, an alternative perspective.

Sage of Quay® News: Why Germany Invaded Poland by Gott Mit Uns (

This could just as easily be titled Why the World is Now Being Punished! So, keep waving Schlomos flag all you Marxists and Capitalists. We will see you all in Hell… – Jack

Ernst Zundel – UFOs Nazi Secret Weapon.pdf (

Glen Greenwald – The War on Rumble Rapidly Escalates: threats of nationwide banishment and coordinated media attacks have quickly reached a dangerous level. Plus: both Hillary and Trudeau again blame Russia for their failures:

Using Russell Brand as Pretext, UK Govt & US Media Launch Multi-Pronged War on Rumble | SYSTEM UPDATE #150

This is Tory MP Dame Caroline Dinenage, Baroness Lancaster of Kimbolton. The Baroness is the UK’s “Online Safety Bill” author. She wrote to media outlets and tech platforms demanding Brand be banned. They’re using the Act – just passed – to threaten to ban Rumble from the UK. – Glen Greenwald


  1. Can’t forget Poland is playing a major role keeping the Hollywood Holocaust myth alive today and in yesteryear. Now they’re trying to profit off it themselves and so the Jew had to come out in recent decades to tell the world the partial truth, something Poland has always had a hard time telling at all the last 100 years, that no Poles were victims of the “death camps” lol that the holocaust was jewish despite using Poles, gypsies, and homosexuals in previous decades to get the world to buy their claims. At least the Jew respects and fears the German for standing up to him, but the Jew hates the traitor just as much as we do despite using him and will quickly throw him under the bus when he becomes persecuted to save his own hide. The Jew despises the Poles almost as bad if not more than the Russian and yet for 100 years they’ve kissed their ass no different than America has. Poland is no more serious of a nation than the United States that never was neither United nor treated as States.
    Poland roots for Ukraine because when the Jew has nobody to persecute he comes for the Pole to demand reparations for land stolen by the German’s and Poles that belonged to them and promised to them by Moses. Now Poland builds legions of tanks to point at Russia. Something’s never change and unlike Ukraine screwed by poorly dependable and open terrain creating a permanent battleground for all who live there, Poland seems to love to go out of its way to get its teeth kicked in time and time again. Of course like Hitler and anyone with half a brain we mention nations in reference to leadership not the individual’s on the ground level.

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