I’m sorry my Muslim readers, most of you know I have far more respect for Islam than I do for Christianity but the guy in the bathrobe is in on it. If he was serious, he would have used his hypersonic missiles to take out every F35 he could, then followed it up with a massive bombing campaign and a ground attack by Hezbollah. As it is he has left the Iranian people wide open for a vicious Jewish counterattack, just like his CIA handlers asked him to do.

October 7 Was an Inside Job: Sage of Quay® Dispatch: October 7 Was an Inside Job (sageofquaydispatch.blogspot.com)

Two From the Montauk Project, Courtesy of Happy Parrot: https://odysee.com/@montysthinkingoutsidethebox:2/The-Montauk-Base-Tour:1

Brutal Regime Apocalyptic Dreams :

“You see all these American politicians and Neoliberal PMCs pledging their undying support for Israel by tweet that get like 3,000 *Likes* and yet every comment is like “Fuck you, no we don’t” from people of all political persuasions – who are the *Likes* from? Are they even real?”



Below are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make more, I actually make the most from Amazon E books, but because you will avoid giving Amazon any money. Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.

Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® (barnesandnoble.com)

Amazon.com: Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god: 9781736288016: Heart, Jack: Books


  1. Everyone wants to belong to something greater, and they need the something greater to be worth their life. But thats the rub, isnt it, that the something greater is actually lesser, and all of a sudden, people all over the place are realizing that it isnt worth their life any more.
    It isn’t just an idea, its really that the top dogs have removed anyones belief. They have done this themselves, and it is just the first step in a vast systemic failure that is gaining speed.
    There simply are no nations to fight for. There is no war that will right this wrong.
    It isnt that people are cowards, or women in a male shape. It is that as the cycle exhales its finality the world we see and believe in has failed. It is gone. The corpse that speaks.

    • “Everyone wants to belong to something greater, and they need the something greater to be worth their life.”

      So okay Mike let’s give them something they need, I gotta let them know how things really went down but while I do you got card blanch here, let’s see more than one article every couple of months. Do you know why I took the likes and the reads down? Because Phil can access the main frame and they are at least ten times more than what they are showing you. You are being read by thousands and thousands of people, get busy.

      • I do what I can, Jack.
        My latest piece arose out of social chaos and death by drugs. I don’t, nor have I ever enjoyed the privileged side of life.
        I also have to try to make a living, which as you may have surmised is somewhat laughable.
        That said, I am working on a piece. It seems the only time I can set aside is in the blackest night, when regular folks are avoiding their fear and desperation.

  2. I think I posted one link on Juxes Rumble channel that leads to Sabrina, tell Mike to tell him, that this is not the holy grail, just a video with some truths…It could not known, that he would take all those ramblings from that woman so seriously.
    Maybe this is my fault…If that is the case I am honored that he trusts me, but you have to be able to read between the lines..check things, and examine them for yourself.

    Great show, btw.

    • I mean I sent you Montauk videos…you both made your own conclusions and have extrapolated what matters and what has no importance or is irrelevant…And I don’t put Preston and Sabrina in the same basket, but you know what I am trying to say here.


  3. I looked around and everyone is reading from the same script, and I mean everyone…The pussification of men around the world is real…
    Lucas Gage on Stew Peters: Is Iron Dome Depleted?…this is the story that is given to everyone.


    Stew Peters is a new upgraded and more convincing version of Alexa Jones.

    And if you compare it to what I posted on my Substack..it is the same story with a few minor deviations…

    And no these are not Hyper S rockets, you can not see them when they are flying close to you…what you hear would be strange sounds and explosions, many of these rockest are faster than Mach 5.

    I even posted on Substack and Gab, on Gab, I got a few likes which is interesting….

    • You and I exchange information all the time, we never endorse anything until its fully vetted. Juxtaposition has proved incapable of that, and he can’t blame you for his lack of a healthy dose of skepticism. As far as this post I can’t wait to lay it on VT and its new lead writer Father Guido Sarducci. I’m sorry my Muslim readers, most of you know I have far more respect for Islam than I do for Christianity but the guy in the bathrobe is in on it. If he was serious, he would have used his hypersonic missiles to take out every F35 he could, then followed it up with a massive bombing campaign and a ground attack by Hezbollah. As it is he has left the Iranian people wide open for a vicious Jewish counterattack, just like his CIA handlers asked him to do.

      • You are right, there is no even discussion about how naive this looks from his side. I was trying to help him, but sometimes it may be better to leave them alone. Lesson learned…

        FYI post the link on “Fritter” when you put this podcast on VT.

        Thx in advance.

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