The Truth about Flight MH370: Decoding a Decade of Deception | Redacted with Clayton Morris



“10 years ago… Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared from radar on 8 March 2014, while flying from Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia to its intended destination in Beijing. But It never arrived and neither did the 227 passengers and 12 crew members whose family members have been in anguish ever since. What happened to their loved ones? Who’s covering up the real story?

10 years have now passed and we finally might have some leads as to what caused this disappearance. Ashton Forbes has in many ways devoted his life to figuring out what happened here and we decided to invite Ashton on to talk about some of this new evidence. “

The Truth about Flight MH370: Decoding a Decade of Deception | Redacted with Clayton Morris (

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Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® ( Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god: 9781736288016: Heart, Jack: Books


  1. Erst wenn die Wolken schlafen gehen
    Kann man uns am Himmel sehen
    Wir haben angst und sind allein
    Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein


  2. So the drone was there to record the whole event, to prove to the non-western world that their stuff can be made to disappear forever into the ninth circle of oblivion. So now ten years later, how’s that working out now for the war gods of the west?

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