Jack Heart’s Conversations from the porch – Episode 51


Yum, yum eat ’em up!

The Real statistics for the new Human from Iceland
The old Human you can see where it dropped when the new Human was put online
Over one and quarter million hits
International hits I may add

Below are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make more, I actually make the most from Amazon E books, but because you will avoid giving Amazon any money. Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.

Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® (barnesandnoble.com)

Amazon.com: Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god: 9781736288016: Heart, Jack: Books


  1. Speaking of subbie, I managed to alienate even more zombies from the echoe chamber, who seem to be the majority over there . A few good people in an ocean of zombies. I dunno what else to say about subbie other than the fact that they’re a corporation, and by definition that makes them crooked.
    Funny you both were discussing pain. I woke up this morning to searing, unbelievable pain. Not really unusual, except for its duration of three hours. Pain is a great instigator to spiritual praxis, and the great destroyer of it as well, a fascinating duality.
    Everything I see confirms a mass exodus from the living is on the horizon.
    What will it look like? Imagine a world where the individual is required to create their own story. Get rid of enough zombies, and this will be a thing. Right now the world is controlled by half-wits who believe their psychopathy is a superpower. They have inherited a world of monolithic institutions. This world actually produces zombies by the ton, which becomes its own feedback loop. Almost no one can be their own story. Buuut, times are a changin’.
    The living will prevail.

    • Mike it’s not Substack, it’s Google, all your stats, all Hp’s stats and all my stats are fucked, regardless of whether they are on here with Google counting the views and likes, Veterans Today and yes even pissant little Subcrap.

      • Jack, I understand your effort for precision here, yes.
        We certainly should know that it is alphabet that sells to the public the fear porn of AI.
        They have already thrown in their lot with christianity, because they want everyone to believe they are the ones who have launched the dark messiah.
        Would you like to know why they have decided such?
        I will tell you. It is because their gambit has failed.
        Everything they were banking on was a lie.
        However, they see for themselves an opening, and this is the ignorance of the public.
        It does not matter that they have failed because they are the rulers of fiction, and fiction can be truer than truth, you know this to be true.
        No longer now is the gambit towards an actual truth. Now the gambit is for the shadows in the soul and it will take the many down with it.
        You heard it here first.

  2. I forgot to mention that likes have been reinstalled to the comments and there will no longer be comments on Subcrap. This is for your own protection, just like Patreon Subcrap has stolen a lot of money from me, thousands, and not provided the services they contracted to provide, holding back our subscribers to 750, holding back likes to under twenty-five and of course shorting us on views. Just like Patreon they will eventually throw me off of there and all your comments will be lost. We are paying for an Icelandic server; use it and we can practically guarantee your freedom of speech which is a hell of lot more than this overgrown banana republic called America can do…

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