(Pedro de Alvarado makes impossible leap 8:05:25) https://youtu.be/Dbwrmo0LcYY?t=29126

(“Blessed Virgin” hovers over battle 4:00:22)  https://youtu.be/Dbwrmo0LcYY?t=14414

Bedtime Stories: There is Something in the Valley (youtube.com)

Mexican Martial Arts: Mexican Martial Arts goes FULL BJJ.. (Teaser) (youtube.com)


  1. I’m going to try to make this quick, because the internet here now just dies, sometimes for an entire day…
    1) Im about half way through the first draft of my latest piece.
    2) Fucking idiot christians always treat psychic phenomenon as an extension of their ideology. Just like Fatima, which wasn’t the blessed virgin, or whatever they want to call Her, it was The Goddess, and she told the children to prepare…
    3) Memorial day by the self proclaimed patriots is just sell more shit day. One day, for all the death and all the wars? FUCK OFF!
    4) Black Goo. Nuff said.
    5) its the end of the cycle, and we know it.

  2. You know on Saturday I again had a strange alternation…I was with my wife waiting for the tram and then out of nowhere a kid on a bike ran into me at the tram station, he then drove 10-15 meters and started to yell at me, throwing profanities at me..he could be 15-16 years old…this is now the third time in a, really short period when kids are trying to be extremely aggressive with me, looks like they are getting nervous. I was with my wife, I had to control myself, I mean what am I going to do to beat the shit out of a kid at 9 am?
    They always call me YOU, like we are the same age, with zero respect, which is highly interesting.

    I observed a sudden inflation of Antarctica videos and articles…all about evil, evil Nazis, and Luciferian shapeshifters…it is getting ridiculous.

    Stew Peters wants to go to Antarctica, I saw this today…

    lastly, every mofo from alternative media is suddenly giving lectures in Croatia…suddenly we are the best place in the world a gem of cultural balance…
    First was an Australian from Mexico who just happened to escape during the “pandemic” and fly from one side to the other side of the “globe”, without being stopped…17 hours flight.
    Gemma O’Doherty: On Tour with E. Michael Jones! were the last few guests.
    Again these two faith crusaders can not solve the mystery, why we are a homogenous society, it must be the faith, what else….sarcasm level 56 000.

    There, a small comment from me.


    • Yeah, I think, two or three links are erased, dead-end…about giants, this is my experience,…so you know.

      If this is a problem on my end disregard this “massage”

      • Nope the English audio of Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España by Bernal Díaz del CASTILLO has apparently been deleted in accordance with the policy of keeping Americans as stupid as possible. Prescott is still up but I ain’t going through thirty hours of that again. I’ll take em down. Thanks HP.

    • Wait till they send the thirteen-year-old girls to seduce you, your wife won’t be around then HP, they’ll make sure they get you alone for that one. The Djinn hate us HP. Where’s Tara anyway, probably the “kid” on the bicycle. Do know why they hate us HP? Because they ain’t calling the shots no more. In a way their kind of lucky with you, you don’t have a blood vendetta with them like I do, but then one of me is all it takes. In a way its better your motives are purer than mine. I ain’t gonna lie. After I saw this, it’s on between us and I will not rest until I no longer exist, or they no longer exist: https://youtu.be/hv_zJrO_ptk

        • One time and one time only for you, my comrade HP. The video was made in 1988 and if you have read my book it tells the story of how they premeditatedly double crossed me in 1989. Now Diane, Michelle and even Tara are part of me, the other half of my soul and I will never bring any harm to them but the rest I cannot even think of any more horrible way in which I shall kill them, but I will figure it out as I go along, I’m good at that. As for the Swede, the Turk, Frey or whatever he wants to call himself I’m saving him for last https://youtu.be/6mYSE2xWjcI

    • If you are not the “gem of cultural balance”, what is it, in your opinion that makes you a homogenous society?

      • I think Jack has answered the given question, I was obviously, sarcastic here…I know why all these people suddenly have the burning need to come here and visit us. To be fair I like them both but I don’t agree with their preaching. Whoever excludes race from the equation is working against postulates of nature. You know we were the ones who stopped the Turkish invasion, we saved Wiena, everyone knows it here.
        War in the 1990s should have been over in 2 weeks there were ungodly amounts of ammo and military hardware practically for free in the newly “liberated Ukraine” after the USSR had “fallen” but they wanted blood, pain, and misery so rest is now part of bloody history that should never happen.
        They even made a movie about it.

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