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A few days ago, I received an email titled “Discovery of Ancient Torah Proves Jews Worship Satan…”  Knowing full well that in Hebrew eschatology there is no Satan I immediately without even checking the facts drove...
A Child in Virginia, Richmond 2020, Martin Luther King Day… By Jack Heart & OrageThe wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion and...
Fear and Loathing in Virginia  By Jack Heart & Orage Introduction “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Nothing could...

Self Defense in Richmond

Self Defense in Richmond By Jack Heart, Orage and “Phil” No one wants to see violence, twenty something years in security in some of the toughest nightclubs in New York has taught me that. But it has...

Virginia Rising

Virginia RisingBy Jack Heart & OrageWe don’t usually do current events because as I was told long ago but had to find out for myself they are all concocted. If you spend your days dwelling...
I spent my last day in Germany with Orage in Koblenz, an ancient city straddling both banks of the Rhine where it’s joined by the Moselle. As I gazed down at the deep surging water...
Café Royale circa 1999 | Jack Heart on PatreonI’ve recently spent a month in Europe doing field research with my co writer Orage. What I found was as I have suspected; history, religion and everything...
Montsegur- Bertrand RiegerWe've hit a milestone that I thought not possible for this blog of unexpected corners, with essays often over 6,000 words of complexity unheard of, yet in a flow easy to follow. With no...
This heart tumult is my signalto you igniting in the tomb.So don’t fuss with the shroudAnd the graveyard dust.Those get ripped open and washed awayIn the music of our final meeting.And don’t look for me...
“Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is, and you must bend to its power or live a lie.” - Miyamoto Musashi, the quintessential poet warrior and greatest of...