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Marcel Griaule with the Dogon

From 1931 – 1956 the legendary French anthropologist Marcel Griaule, along with Germaine Dieterlen – a brilliant and highly accomplished anthropologist in her own right – studied a West African tribe called the Dogon. After eighteen years of studies, they made their first breakthrough into the Dogon’s secrets in 1950 and published Un Systeme Soudanais de Sirius. *

What was in that document should have changed this world, but it was quickly countered by those in academia who are paid to keep this world just the way it is. What Griaule and Dieterlen found in their quarter century of research, shockingly enough, as the holographic universe had not yet been proposed, was the source of its projection. They found the ‘Black Sun’ in the shadow of Timbuktu, the ancient seat of the anglophile’s most abyssal nightmare, there dwell the Dogon, pun intended. What the Dog people believe explains how the Holographic Universe works and gives a dissertation of the rock carving in Australia’s Blue Mountains; almost seven thousand miles from the eastern coastline of Africa…

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Nobody noticed then and they haven’t yet. They are still trying to explain how a tribe of primitive Black farmers from Africa knew more about astronomy than the twentieth century’s best White scientists. All they can come up with to date is two of the greatest anthropologists the world has ever produced lied and falsified all their data…

The “proof” they cite for this kind of unprecedented scholastic slander is the “research” of Dutch Mormon and neophyte anthropologist; Walter E. A. van Beek. Van Beek converted to Mormonism in college when he started studying anthropology… (55)

Van Beek’s research consisted of dropping in on the Dogon almost a half century after Griaule and Dieterlen, who studied them when they still had their independence through France. By the time van Beek got there, the Dogon lived in an Islamic State, at the same latitude in an Africa that in a little over a decade after he published would give the world Darfur. In Darfur in 2003, Arab Sudanese Muslims displaced and murdered close to a half million Black Sudanese ‘infidels.’

Van Beek asked a few questions about a secret tradition that the Dogon already knew was anathema to their Muslim overlords, then proceeded to publish a paper in 1991 that amounts to nothing more than an ad hominem attack on the two great anthropologists. In it, he repeatedly states that he could not confirm any of Griaule’s and Dieterlen’s findings and insinuates that they made the whole thing up. (56)

Although seemingly written with a crayon, van Beek’s paper has been given utterly unjustified academic status. This type of slander is typical of the Mormons, a powerful and extremely wealthy Christian sect. The Mormons act out their pathological hatred of Blacks academically. It is the foundation of Mormon theological doctrine that the Lamanites or Blacks once wiped out the Nephites or Whites in the Americas.

According to the Mormons, both Whites and the Blacks had settled America by way of Israel. They believe Native Americans are the descendants of Blacks. The Mormons also believe in and have been asked repeatedly by the ADL to stop baptizing their favorite dead Jews so that they too can go the heaven and become gods like good Mormons… The rest of the Church of the Latter-Day Saints’ strange customs and beliefs has been well documented…

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Sīrius A and below it to the left, Sīrius B

Every sixty years Sirius, or Sigi Tolo (Star of Yasigi) to the Dogon, appears between two mountain peaks and the Dogon celebrate Sigui which can last several years. The last Sigui began in 1967 and the festivities didn’t end till 1973. Sirius is a star in Canis Major in the southern celestial firmament; it’s pronounced Sīrius in Latin, and is derived from the ancient Greek word Seirios, which means glowing or Scorcher. It is the brightest star in the night sky, just about twice as bright as the next brightest, Canopus in the southern constellation of Carina.

As it rose over the horizon of the Mesopotamian valley, Sīrius was known as the Dog of Orion, because it always trailed closely behind the constellation of Orion – called Nephîlā′ by the ancient inhabitants of a city currently known as Aleppo. Sīrius is now known in the West simply as the Dog Star. Nephîlā′ was considered to be the origin of the Nephilim or Watchers, the Angels in the bible who came down to earth to interbreed with the daughters of men and teach the human race the art of civilization. As a reward for their altruism, the children of the Watchers were drowned in the deluge by a giggling Yahweh over the objections of the prophet Enoch.

In the homeland of the Norse, Sīrius is known as Lokabrenna or Loki’s Torch. To the Tohono O’odham, a Native American tribe who live just south of the Hopi in Arizona’s baking Sonoran Desert; Sīrius is a dog that stalks the mountain sheep. In the East they have other names for Sīrius. The Chinese call it Tiānláng; the Celestial Wolf. In Sanskrit Sīrius is known simply as Lubdhaka; the Hunter…

In springtime around the Mediterranean and North Africa, Sīrius sinks below the horizon and disappears from the night sky for seventy days. It’s reappearance in ancient Egypt right before sunrise on the eastern horizon toward the latter part of July heralded not only the morning, but also the flooding of the banks of the Nile. Sīrius was both yearned for and feared, because it could cause great destruction and at the same time brought with it the rich volcanic topsoil of the Ethiopian highlands to fertilize the Nile Delta. The fertility of the Nile Valley was the driving mechanism behind the great Egyptian civilizations.

To the ancient Greeks, the first appearance of Sīrius right before the morning heralded the coming of the “Dog Days” of summer. The Greeks feared the sweltering heat of those days under its influence, days of madness in dogs, wilted crops, weakened warriors and lustful women. To the Aborigine of Australia’s Blue Mountains, July was the time where Sīrius set right after the sun and rose right before the dawn to announce the morning.

Un Systeme Soudanais de Sirius then introduces Po Tolo (Star of Fonio), which orbits perpendicular to the horizon of Sigi Tolo. When Po Tolo is closest to Sigi Tolo, it is at its most brilliant, and when it is furthest away, it gives off a scintillation that makes it appear as many stars.

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X ray image of Sīrius and above it, slightly to the right, Sīrius B

In 1844, a German astronomer observed the telltale irregularities in the motion of Sīrius through the firmament, indicating it is a binary star system, when two objects circle around each other in the night sky. Twenty-first century scientists assert that this is due to their gravitational pull on each other, but no one has ever proven how gravity works, no one of course except the Marquis de Laplace.

The late eighteenth century French mathematician had neither need nor use for intervention from Newton’s ‘Devine Artificer’ to keep the universe from destroying itself. Instead of postulating that gravity was the result of an attraction between two points which would require periodic adjustments by god to keep the heavens from self-destruction, as Newton insisted, Laplace said the universe was held together by a fluidic field.

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Pierre-Simon, marquis de Laplace (1745-1827)

Laplace then went on to prove it with a series of eloquently presented equations in Exposition du système du monde and the Mécanique céleste. His breakthrough mathematics in Théorie analytique des probabilities, published in 1812, would lead to the use of the probability equations that would culminate with the math of twentieth century Germany. He was the first man to recognize that somewhere in the universe there must exist Black Holes, whose attraction was so great that not even light could resist the summoning their relentless call.

Objects do not attract each other; they distort the spacetime continuum through their mass. It’s this distortion that is perceived and measured as a force. It’s just a word. There is no gravity as Newton described it or any omnificent omnipresent god as Judeo-Christians describe “him…”

Binary star systems were by then already well known to scientists, but whatever Sīrius was rotating around, it could not be seen with the lenses available at the time. Dubbed Sīrius B by academia, the Dark Stars existence would not be optically confirmed till 1862 with a prototype eighteen and a half inch refracting telescope being field tested by its American inventor.

Scintillation usually occurs through atmospheric conditions, but in the Holographic Paradigm it is the collision of spherical frequency waves that generate photons — the points of light that constitute what academia erroneously call particles. As Sīrius and Sīrius B perpetually circle around each other in the inky darkness, spherical frequency waves are exactly what are being generated, just like they are by this world’s Sun.

The Dogon told Griaule that Polo Tolo is the origin of all things and that its contents are ejected by centrifugal force in infinitely small particles which upon exiting Polo Tolo can grow to the same size as Polo Tolo within a day. They told him Polo Tolo is the smallest of all things, yet the heaviest of all stars. They calculate the orbit of Polo Tolo around Sigi Tolo in doubles which is a hundred years for every two orbits and it turns on itself every year. The Dogon believe Polo Tolo is white where as Sigi Tolo is red.

Most of that will be the subject of endless conjecture by guys who wear glasses an inch thick, never in their pathetic excuses for a life slept with a cheerleader. They can’t think outside of a textbook. It’s all possible but not provable. Other than mapping the movements of points of light through the firmament, most of what is left in astronomy is a quintessential pseudoscience. It operates outside all established laws of empirical science. Its current best-known proponent is Hollywood actor Morgan Freeman. As it is now practiced twenty-first century astronomy’s founding father Carl Sagan dressed and acted more like a Detroit pimp than an Ivy League scientist.

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Frank Zappa

To borrow a quip from Frank Zappa about the relationship of politics to the military industrial complex; NASA is the entertainment division of Jet Propulsions Laboratory (JPL). JPL is an organization founded through the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) by master Magi Jack Parsons and Theodore von Kármán, blood heir to the Maharal of Prague; one of the two most powerful Qabalists to ever walk the earth. The other was Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons’ mentor in Magick.

[Von Karman’s scientific credentials include being Jon von Neuman’s best friend and fellow Jewish Hungarian aristocrat. The two came over practically as a package deal and neither said or did anything without consulting the other.]

Optical observation has determined that Sīrius and Sīrius B orbit each other at a separation of about 50.1 years. As they do, they emit an unexpectedly high level of infrared radiation, with Sīrius B being brighter in the infrared spectrum than Sīrius. Sīrius B has been described by scientists as a white dwarf. It’s about the same size as the earth; and by 1910, its mass had been determined by observations of its binary orbit around Sīrius to be about the same as the sun, making it a million times denser than the sun. A tablespoon of Sīrius B would weigh five tons.

Sīrius was described as red by Roman astronomer and astrologist; Claudius Ptolemy. His observations are backed by the writings of the poet Aratus, the orator Cicero, and general Germanicus. Seneca the Younger described Sīrius as being a deeper red than even Mars. These observations by notable historical figures at the dawn of the Common Era are backed by Lombard prayer manuscripts from as late as the eighth century. During the same period, Sīrius was the standard star for the color white to Chinese astronomers. In present times, Sīrius glows a vivid white-blue in every far off corner of the world, but to the naked eye, it sometimes appears to be flashing with red, white and blue hues when near the horizon.

According to Einstein’s general relativity, because of its extreme density, the light waves from Sīrius B should be gravitationally red-shifted. This was confirmed in 1925. Gravitational red-shifting is when electromagnetic radiation, emanating in spherical frequency waves from a source in the gravitational field, is reduced in frequency when seen from a place that has a higher gravitational potential. Red-shifting is a direct result of gravitational time dilation which is the difference of elapsed time between events to observers at different distances from the gravitational mass they are observing. This manifests itself as a change in the color perception of light toward the red part of the light spectrum as the wavelength is increased.

An increase in the frequency observed from a position that has a lower gravitational potential than the source results in a shift to the blue part. Due to its extreme density, the only thing with a higher gravitational potential than a White Dwarf would be a Neutron Star, a Dark Star or a Black Hole…

Systeme Soudanais de Sirius goes on to say that there is another star the Dogon call Emme Ya (Sorghum Female). It is four times lighter than Polo Tolo and follows a vaster trajectory in the same direction and the same time, also taking fifty years to complete an orbit. Their positions are where their rays make right angles. Emme Ya emits rays which have the quality of solar rays and is accompanied through its orbit by a satellite named Nyan Tolo; in English the Star of Woman. Data began piling up at the dawn of the twentieth century; “observational as well as physical and dynamical indications” that “led to the hypothesis of the existence of a third body in the system.” (57)

By 1932, it was pretty well established through orbital calculations that something was revolving roughly every 6.3 years around either Sīrius or Sīrius B. During the previous decade a tiny star had been sighted about twenty times by some of the best astronomers in the business. However, the star was like a “phantom,” nobody ever saw it twice or long enough to confirm it. (58) By 1995, using additional data and three different systems of math figures of 6.4 years, six and finally six using Fourier analysis were arrived at for a complete revolution of the –as of yet– unidentified star. Further analysis of the possible orbital scenarios indicates that “stable orbits with a period of about 6 years exist only around Sirius A.” (59) Because it cannot be optically observed, the mass of Sīrius C would have to be about twenty or thirty times larger than Jupiter, which is the bare minimum to support thermonuclear fusion. (60)

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What the math and optical observation says about the 3-star system of Sīrius (the question mark is for Eme Ya Tolo)

Unless of course, the third star in the Sīrius system is a Black Hole or what Newtonian physics calls a Dark Star. Because Einstein was ill equipped to argue with the math of the marquis de Laplace Black holes are a generic prediction of general relativity. No one’s ever actually seen a black hole. How could you? The black hole is a point in the spacetime continuum where the gravitational effects are so strong that not even electromagnetic radiation such as light can escape. There is nothing to see. But in general relativity, a black hole does have mass and angular momentum, so its presence can be detected through its gravitational interaction with other stars and its effects on electromagnetic radiation such as light.

In 1974 Stephen Hawking, by applying quantum field theory to general relativity, predicted that black holes would emit small amounts of thermal radiation, light in a perfect black body spectrum. Many other famous mathematicians and scientists have since verified Hawking’s results…

According to general relativity, there is a singularity in the center of a black hole that is infinitely dense. Once across the black holes’ event horizon, nothing can escape that singularity. The inevitable can be prolonged by an object accelerating away maybe even by jumping through time, but sooner or later it will reach freefall and be torn apart in a process so violent that it is sometimes referred to as spaghettification or the noodle effect by scientists. In the end, it is crushed into something so dense it is infinite.

In general relativity, there is a yawning black hole at the center of the galaxy sustained by the essences of the all the worlds that it has destroyed. Everything corporeal is destined to one day be swept over its event horizon. The black hole sits like an ever-expanding open drain at the bottom of the ocean. 

All matter must, in due time, be crushed into the infinite density that feeds its primordial singularity. It is the fate of all that is to be crushed back into what H. P. Lovecraft called “the crawling chaos…”

There really is not much difference between a black hole and a wormhole, if any at all. In relativity, they both have a singularity in the center and all that crosses their event horizon ends by being crushed into Lovecraft’s crawling chaos. In 1988 scientists working out of the Caltech found loopholes in the math that predicts singularities and Lorentzian traversable wormholes became a mathematical probability.

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An artist’s conception of a Lorentzian traversable wormhole

Lorentzian traversable wormholes allow travel in both directions from one part of the universe to another very quickly. They also allow travel from one universe to another…

According to the math that JPL uses, teleportation is far more likely than dissolution for an object that passes through a worm hole or a black hole. To quote well-known television physicist Michio Kaku, there is no reason why an object could not “pass freely back and forth. In fact, for one solution, the trip through a wormhole would be no worse than riding in a plane.” (61)

The Dogon believe that Sirius B once occupied the place where our Sun is now. Twenty-first century astronomer’s object. They say that this is impossible! But it should be apparent by now that the Dogon know more about the universe than twenty-first century astronomy.

The thousand-year war Truth has waged against academia and all the other agents of the great Abrahamic lie ends with the Dogon. The Dogon are the remnants of ancient Egypt. The Egyptians were Black! To paraphrase Aleister Crowley in the Holy Books they were Black as Nubian slaves so they could absorb more of the light of God…

It is fitting to paraphrase Crowley because he himself was a product of the Plymouth Brethren, the same rabidly anglophile and ruthlessly committed fundamental Christian sect that gave the world Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie.

‘Sir’ Flinders Petrie was the most prominent archeologist of the nineteenth century and the British Empires academic heavyweight champion, despite the fact that Wallace Budge was a far better scientist. Petrie’s racism and Christian fanaticism have been immortalized in books. Many have chuckled over the fact that when Petrie died, he would donate his head to science, and science would lose it.

What Petrie and all his academic allies were pedaling directly in the face of far more accomplished scientists like Frenchmen Auguste Mariette and Gaston Maspero along with their English counterpart the great Wallace Budge, was Anglo-Israelism.

Since the day of John Dee, Anglo-Israelism has been the unseen current driving the tides of blood and war that have swept first England then America to world hegemony. It is the fanatical belief by the British and their progeny that they are the lineal descendants of the Israelites and that the throne of England can be traced back to the House of David. Therefore, the people of the British Isles are Yahweh’s chosen people in the bible.

Anglo-Israelism’s adherents believe that the “Ten Tribes were transferred to Babylon about 720 B.C. and simultaneously, according to Herodotus, the Scythians, including the tribe of the Saccæ, appeared in the same district; the progenitors of the Saxons afterward passed over into Denmark—the “mark” or country of the tribe of Dan—and thence to England.

Another branch of the tribe of Dan which remained “in ships” (Judges, v. 17) made its appearance in Ireland under the title of “Tuatha-da-Danan.” Tephi, a descendant of the royal house of David, arrived in Ireland, according to the native annals, in 580 B.C. From her was descended Feargus More, king of Argyll, an ancestor of Queen Victoria, who thus fulfilled the prophecy that “the line of David shall rule for ever and ever” (II Chron. xiii. 5, xxi. 7).

The Irish branch of the Danites brought with them Jacob’s stone, which has always been used as coronation stone of the kings of Scotland and England and is now preserved in Westminster Abbey. Somewhat inconsistently, the prophecy that the Canaanites should trouble Israel (Num. xxxiii. 55, Josh. xxiii. 13) is applied to the Irish. The land of Arzareth, to which the Israelites were transplanted (II Esd. xiii. 45), is identified with Ireland by dividing the former name into two parts, the former of which is ereẓ, or “land”: the latter, Ar, or “Ire.”” (62)

As the agents of Anglo-Israelism, what Petrie and the rest of academia were teaching at western universities was the systematic destruction of an entire races’ heritage in the name of another races’ fantasy. No one ever really got it, except R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz — there are things in Egypt far older than Egypt…

The institutionalized racism is blatant and it is unprecedented in everything that is known of Greek and Roman history. The Romans considered the Ethiopians a people beloved by the gods. But even for the most committed anglophile there is a blind rage, a fanatical meanness to it that borders on stupidity.

Blacks are not intelligent enough to have built anything besides a mud hut and surely an unknown “Dynastic Race,” a “fine” lighter-complexioned race had invaded Egypt from the south in late predynastic times conquering the “inferior” and “exhausted” indigenous dark-skinned savages. (63)

This Aryan race of fine White men, no doubt the Israelites of the bible, then slowly introduced dynastic civilization through interbreeding with the local “mulatto” race and culminated it from the fourth dynasty on with the building of all the great edifices in Egypt. (64)

Viewed under this lens of religious fanaticism, Colonel Howard Vyse’s sacking and defiling of the Giza plateau toward the middle of the ninetieth century and academia’s enshrinement of him for his acts of wanton vandalism –although still totally unacceptable– are at least understandable, as is Thomas Young’s forgery, when he inserted the glyph for Ra to complete Khafra’s name on the Dream Stele.

Literacy had always been frowned upon by Christianity, but with the advent of the printing press, it became unavoidable. If a world that knew how to read was ever to believe the outlandish lies that are told in the bible, it wouldn’t do to have evidence that contradicted the bibles’ narrative staring that newly literate world dead in the face.

Dr. J. J. Hurtak was NASA’s guru in the latter quarter of the twentieth century, and the man the authors of the Stargate Conspiracy point to as the supreme puppeteer of the Giza plateau in that same period. During that stretch of time in the eighties and nineties Hurtak was secretly teaching close friends “the pyramids are hundreds of thousands of years old…”

France was pushing back at Anglo-Israelisms’ deliberate dissembling and falsification of history with Auguste Mariette and Gaston Maspero, who in tandem managed to control the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities until WWI.

Germany was already at war with the Jewish impersonators, but even before that, as the center for Panbabylonism in Europe, German scholars had quietly seethed and trained a blue-blooded scholar like James Henry Breasted.

Breasted could not just be dismissed like a common academic, not with friends like Gertrude Bell, who was the British master spy that along with Lawrence of Arabia established the Hashemite dynasties, Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon, the men charged with looting the Tomb of Tutankhamen, Lord Allenby the man who would wrest control of the middle east from the Ottomans and the Arab leader Faisal whom they would eventually crown king of Iraq.

The battle of the pyramids was coming to a head by the time a seizure prone psychic with a Masonic pedigree named Edgar Cayce showed up promoting Anglo-Israelism as a journey through Atlantis and a time forgotten to a New World Order.

War had already broken out between the Saxons, a war which would finish the Ottoman Empire for good and leave the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Jews in complete control of the Giza plateau and all the rest of the Middle East.

Control of the Giza plateau is maintained to this day through the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), a legacy of the seizure-prone psychic. Control of the rest of the Middle East is maintained through instigation of perpetual war and unrest.

France was still pushing back hard when Harvey Spencer Lewis would found the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC) in America on behalf of the French Rosicrucian’s. In the thirties AMORC, allied with big money, started printing ancient maps detailing a network of tunnels and chambers beneath the Giza plateau and distributing them to anyone who bought their books.

Lewis of course claimed they were ancient Rosicrucian secrets but French archaeologist Emile Baraize had been to the Giza plateau by 1926, almost a decade before the maps were published. Baraize during a period from twenty-six onwards had done extensive explorations beneath the plateau that were never published for academia. At the same time Lewis was peddling his maps, Griaule and Dieterlen showed up at the Dogons doorstep…

In The Shadow out of Time, Lovecraft wrote about a man troubled by strange dreams and visions of a race hundreds of thousands of years old. They had driven an even older race that had long preyed on them into the labyrinth of the earth’s interior. The most ancient race had long since evolved to prefer the labyrinth and no longer needed anything from the surface, but they had never forgotten that they required revenge. It is in Australia’s great western desert where the man to his eternal horror finds the entrance into the labyrinth.

If Anglo-Israelism has a poet laureate, it is HP Lovecraft. They are not ignorant of the occult’s deepest secrets. It was their great high priest Charles Piazzi Smyth who orchestrated Waynman Dixon and Dr. James Grants “discovery” of the shafts in the Queens Chamber in 1872. Dixon and Grant knew almost exactly where those shafts were, shafts that had been walled up before history begins. Occult knowledge like that shows there are those in Anglo-Israelism that know their way around the labyrinth all too well…

It was Lovecraft’s job to take those things which they knew were in the labyrinth and which they saw as their enemies and paint them in colors of the most abyssal horror the human soul is capable of. Lovecraft did this with almost supernatural efficiency in stories like the Shadow over Innsmouth, the Dunwich Horror and many many more. In the Call of Cthulhu Lovecraft creates his own mythos about the “old ones” and the “unspeakable terror” they are poised to bring back to the world of White Christians when the stars, on an inevitable day of doom, align in their favor.

Lovecraft saw terrifying conspiracies to bring back these old ones everywhere he looked… But outside of bat winged humanoids and certain blue-blooded families sequestered around the New England countryside, Lovecraft saw secret societies among the colored races as the primary high priests and harbingers of the old ones. Lovecraft detests and fears all dark-skinned people as the people of Cthulhu and the old ones.

In Herbert West-Reanimator Lovecraft expresses his revulsion at the idea of bringing a Black man back to life when he writes: “and Buck Robinson, “The Harlem Smoke.” The Negro had been knocked out and a moment’s examination shewed us he would permanently remain so. He was a loathsome, gorilla-like thing, with abnormally long arms which I could not help calling forelegs, and a face that conjured up thoughts of unspeakable Congo secrets and tom-tom poundings under an eerie moon. The body must have looked even worse in life – but the world holds many ugly things.”

The Stonehenge of Australia

In 1939, Frederic Slater, the President of the Australian Archaeological Research and Education Society and an eminent academic, came across an artificially constructed mound that he described as “the Stonehenge of Australia.” (65) He claimed that “the mound is one of the oldest; I should say the oldest, forms of temples in the world and dates back to the … advent of first man.” (66) He felt the positioning of the rocks, signs and symbols on the mound may have been “the basis of all knowledge, all science, all history and all forms of writing.” (67)

A decade later, de Lubicz would echo similar sentiments about Hieroglyphics in The Temple In Man when he insisted that they should instead be referred to by “the Egyptian term Medu-Neteru, the Greek translation of which, “hieroglyphs,” distorts the Egyptian meaning. Medu-Neteru is the Neters, or the principles conveyed by a sign.” (68) De Lubicz was arguing that the Hieroglyphics themselves were Jungian archetypes and they were being mistranslated, because this was not being accounted for.

A year after Slater’s initial discovery, government officials contacted the farmer whose land Slater had found the mound on and told him that his land was in danger of being confiscated to protect the artifacts that Slater had been exuberantly discussing with his colleagues. In a preemptive strike, the farmer bulldozed the artifacts into dust and Slater was left with only his notes. (69)

As the founder and president of the Australian Archaeological Society, Slater was more than qualified academically to interpret the meaning of the mound. The translation he came up with was a creation story that ended by saying “man came to earth through darkness from the light of life that shines far off.” (70)

Almost seventy years later, Aboriginal tribal elder Kevin Gavi Duncan ends The Wisdom Keepers on almost the exact same note. “We are the extra-terrestrials, our body is made up of this earth but our spirit comes from the Morning Star. We come from another place, from another world.” (71)

Gosford Glyphs (Ref.: Herschel’s The Hidden Records)

Academia shrieks that they are a fraud at the mere mention of the Gosford Glyphs, but the fact is the glyphs are not far from Baiame in the Brisbane Water National Park. They are clearly hieroglyphic and have also clearly been tampered with. People who have researched them are claiming that partial deciphering by experts tells of pilgrimages made from a predynastic Egypt to an Australia that was a Mecca to those who worshiped the old ones five thousand years ago. (72)

The fact is that it would be expected for the Aborigine to have maintained those glyphs and restored them when necessary over the last 5000 years. That is what they do, that is their culture. Academia’s summary rejection of the glyphs authenticity on the grounds that they have been tampered with is not good science but it is a good sign of academia’s duplicity.

From the very first days in 1770, Captain James Cook arbitrarily declared Australia Terra nullius; a Latin term meaning nobody’s land. Cook knew the land was inhabited. He was already shooting the natives. The designation is made even more inexplicable by the fact that at the time of Cooks voyage, the British had already accepted the principles of native title in their colonies. “An Imperial proclamation of 1763 lay down that Native Americans owned their hunting grounds.” (73)

Even if it was an honest mistake, by 1790 as British colonizers moved inexorably inland and everywhere met fierce resistance from Blacks already there “the days of genuine miscalculation were at an end. The concept of empty land was no more than a convenient fiction.” (74)

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By 1863 the pseudoscientific theories of Charles Darwin had been adapted to rationalize the final victory of the White races over the Blacks, a euphemism for the genocide of the colored races. A speech given at the time in Queensland parliament articulates the prevailing sentiment among White Australians: “That the aboriginal population must eventually disappear entirely is surly a matter that the study of evolution, the study of biology, the study of ethnology would convince. The law of evolution says that the Niger shall disappear in the onward progress of the White man.” (75)

This was no rhetorical speech. Whites had been acting out on this philosophy for almost a hundred years by then and would continue to act out on it for almost a hundred more. Sustained efforts were made to breed the Aborigine out of existence. Actual government policy was enacted, and Aborigine children were taken from their mothers and forcibly “educated” in the White man’s ways.

By the time Aboriginal tribal elder Kevin Gavi Duncan stood in front of the ancient rock carving depicting Baiame and gave his explanation for what the petroglyph meant, he is lucky that he even remembered Baiami’s name.

A far better explanation would have included the three-star system of Sīrius, the progenitor of the Three Stars Each text which came out of ancient Babylon and is the earliest known star catalogue. That is what is under the Moon in Baiami’s left hand.

At the end of a cycle Sīrius B, the source of this world, gets caught in the gravitational pull of Sīrius C, a Black Hole and exchanges places with the Sun. That is what the dagger symbolizes, the reversal of worlds. The boat off to the left is the boat which in the religion of old ones carries the Sun on its celestial journey…

Frederic Slater had nailed it, which is why his evidence was immediately destroyed and everything he did or said after that marginalized by pasty-faced academics who couldn’t get a job in a Seven-Eleven if this world worked on merit. Australia is the ancient and venerable Mecca of the old ones, The Temple of the Dog. The place where Sīrius the hunter and the true morning star, is also the evening star. The place where Lucifer is God, as he was always meant to be…

As it stands right now the human race has no worse an enemy than institutional academia whose only real job is to dissemble its past. Those who seek solace in the embrace of a benevolent Christian god, place their fate in the hands of an impotent chimera they fashioned from pieces of discarded sun gods. They condemn him, they strip him naked, they mock him, and they torture him. Then they nail him to a stick and murder him. The mesmerized minions now kneel before the craven images of this obscene blasphemy singing “eat his body, drink his blood” and perpetuate this horror by forcing it upon their children.

The Muslims are no better if not even worse. They have taken the 114 meditational verses of The Gospel of Thomas, the foundation of Manicheism, and turned them into a field manual for savagery. When Jesus walked the earth, if he ever did, forbidden knowledge was still available for those who sought it out. Alexander the Great was just such a man, a student of Aristotle and the son of a Macedonian King and a high Priestess of the Dionysian mystery schools. Alexander was an initiate by birthright and conquered most of the known world in his insatiable quest to learn more.

Scrolls from all the far-flung corners of the East were the most priceless of the spoils appropriated by Alexander’s invincible armies. The scrolls were gathered together in the Library of Alexandria in Egypt. Although the library was accidently burned by Julius Caesar in 48 BC, the manuscripts were saved and dispersed throughout the city.

What was in those manuscripts gave rise to Gnosticism; a doctrine of self-enlightenment diametrically opposed to the Judaism of the Pharisees and their tyrannical God with his 613 Commandments. Later, many of the tenets of the ancient religion were presented as parables and allegories and became the teachings of Jesus. The Gospel of Thomas is the oldest known written record of those teachings. There are 114 verses. A few centuries later Mohammad’s Quran would be composed in 114 suras.

In the thirteenth verse Jesus whispers something into the ear of Thomas. The other apostles, curious, question Thomas as to what Jesus told him that he could not tell them. Thomas replies to them that if he told them, they would pick up rocks to stone him and the rocks would turn to fire and consume them.

But it is known anyway that what Jesus whispered into the ear of Thomas was Isaiah; 28, 13. “And the word of the lord will be to them precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little, that they may go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.”

The priests of this deceitful god could not tolerate the likes of a Gnostic Jesus exposing their lies. A relentless campaign was launched to extinguish all traces of the fire where the light of the most ancient truth always burns. Paul dissembled everything the Gnostic Jesus had said. Irenaeus made the real Jesus a heretic in the name of the fake Judaic Jesus. And finally, Theodosius burned all that could be found of the manuscripts, which were the source wisdoms wonders.

When even that was not enough, Pope Innocent III unleashed his Dogs of War. In what is called the ‘Albigensian Crusade’ the brave knights of France slaughtered every man, woman, and child they could in the south of France. The Cathars, called Albigensian for their preeminent city of Albi, bore witness to a very different Kristos than the pope’s pathetic Christ. For centuries all that seemed to remain of their testimony were rumors of a Gral with the power to change the world and a Knight who must quest for it…

It was a desperate effort in genocide to wipe from the face of the earth the still flickering flames of Zarathustra’s fire. It’s said that when one of his battle-hardened Princes dared question the slaughter he was being asked to perpetrate on his own countryman in the name of god; ‘Innocent’ quipped “kill them all and let god sought them out.”

Most painful of all perhaps is the ignorant slander in what has been a relentless campaign to vilify Lucifer’s name and make it synonymous with evil by the very people who nailed god to a stick and ate him. Others have used Lucifer’s eternal quest for a reckoning with a tyrant to validate their own avarice and depravity. In a reckoning, all accounts are settled and no doubt they all will be held libel.

The hour of that reckoning is now at hand, the Equinox of the Gods. Those who have eyes to see have been allowed to see the truth. Only they may enter the Temple of the Dog. The very same year WWII was concluded, the Gnostic tracts, which Theodosius thought he had expunged from history, as if by Magick suddenly reappeared.

The manuscripts, many of them fragmented, were unearthed by peasants scavenging ancient gravesites on the west bank of the Nile in a city called Nag Hammadi, after being buried for almost two millennia.’ That is the story, but the fire of Zarathustra can never be completely extinguished. It was rekindled anew with the blood of valiant men spilled in the opening battle of a War whose last battle will be fought by the gods.

See the source image
Dead Sea Scrolls

The Dead Sea Scrolls, two-thousand-year-old Judean writings, started turning up the next year. They tell a tale of theological differences among the Jews at that time made the apocalyptic carnage that was about to take place inevitable.

The War Scrolls actually tell Jews how to dress for it. Pivotal too much of the writings are a passage from the Torah called the “Star Prophecy” a vision of the future revealed in Numbers 24:17 where a Star will come out of Israel to “smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.”

Jesus may have never made any resurrection, but then Jesus was only just a metaphor at best. What Jesus represents, the real Jesus unadulterated by the Vatican, has resurrected as the Nag Hammadi Tracts and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

All the would-be luminaries who read from their “good book” without ever having bothered to learn Latin or Hebrew are no more than the metaphorical monkeys praying to a nuclear missile in the Planet of the Apes movie. Lucifer means light bearer in Latin, Sīrius; the Morning Star. In Hebrew it is HYLL.

There is no historical evidence to prove that Jesus ever really existed but there is much that proves Hillel (HYLL) the Elder did. He was born in Babylon in 110 BCE and died in Jerusalem in 10 CE. He was the greatest of all the Hebrew sages and quickly gained a following that rivaled the Pharisees of the Temple. A story is still told among the Rabbi’s about how when threatened by his teachings, which were diametrically opposed their own; the Pharisees summoned Hillel to the Temple.

It was in the Temple where the Shammai (ShMY) Pharisees, the high priests of the god of No, challenged the prophet of On about his knowledge of the Torah. Hillel told them he could sum the entire Torah up while standing on one leg. When the Shammai Pharisees told him to go ahead and do so he stood on one leg, looked at them and said “do unto to others as you would have others do unto you” then walked out of the Temple followed by his entourage…

Rome would finally conclude its four decade long war with the Armenian Empire in 63BCE when Mithridates VI, at least as formidable as Hannibal and known to history as the Poison King because of his fascination with poisons, fled to a stronghold above the Black Sea after being defeated in battle by Pompey. There the Poison King would murder his son, King of the Crimean Scythians, for disloyalty. Then, rather than be taken by the Romans, he killed himself and his daughters.

Sometime later that same year, Pompey would march his legions through the gates of Jerusalem, opened in welcome by his own Jewish allies, and lay siege to the Temple. He would sack it in a great slaughter shortly thereafter.

Internecine warfare in and around Jerusalem, sometimes held in check only by Roman armies, would continue for almost a century and a half, culminating with the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE. In viscous hand to hand combat between the various Jewish sects, woman and children fighting right alongside the men, supplemented by the gratuitous violence of the Roman legions, the Temple was burned to the ground as it remains to this very day.

Eyewitness Josephus –a Jewish historian noted for his integrity– put the number of dead at 1.1 million Jews in that incident alone. The Jews were never of one mind, let alone of one God…

See the source image
Gershom Scholem

Gershom Scholem was perhaps the most brilliant Hebrew scholar of the twentieth century. He wrote that the greatest mystery of the Qabalah was concealed in the true name of Lucifer.

He gives it in Hebrew as AYLTh HShCR NGH CVCB. which in translation means instrument that brings the light of the brilliant star, but many scriptural words in Hebrew are ambiguous if not paradoxical.

AYLTh besides meaning instrument can also mean gazelle and Jesus is referred to as a gazelle in various apocrypha and Gnostic Tracts. Even those who presumed to edit and change the words of the “Teacher of Righteousness [HTzDQ MVRH]” in the synoptic gospels and the “Wicked Priest/Teller of Lies [HCHN HRShAy]” himself, as Paul is repeatedly referenced in the Dead Sea Scrolls, dared not spew the blaspheme that today passes as Christianity.

The Morning Star, or Lucifer, appears in the New Testament only twice. In fact it only appears once in the synoptic gospels. In Peter 1:19 it is said “And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the Morning Star rises in your hearts.” In Revelation 22:16 it is said “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright and Morning Star.”

Revelation makes other more cryptic references that Jesus is Lucifer when Jesus says in 22:13 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” This theme is repeated again in 1:8, 1:17, 2:8 and 21:6. It is an incantation woven into the symbolic tapestry that is Revelations. That is why it is repeated five times to conform to the five points on the pentagram.

Revelations is much much older than the bible and dates back to a time when the old ones worshiped in the Temple of the Dog…

Herein is Gershom Scholem’s mystery: ShCR is a word with a plurality of meanings. It can mean daybreak, but it can also mean nightfall or darkness. It is Sīrius the morning and the evening star in the firmament over Australia, a place that all but Time has forgotten. Within the Qabalistic name of Lucifer is contained the Alpha and the Omega of light, the same Alpha and Omega Jesus lays claim to in Revelations.

ShCR also has a third meaning and that is to search, and search Lucifer must. Because god, once called Seth but now called Yahweh by his current acolytes, has taken Lucifer’s bride and concealed and imprisoned her within his creation. She is the life force that animates that creation as well as Yahweh himself. She is the Moon. She is the Star of Woman. She is the dreamer to which all that is is but her dream…

In the Zohar it is established that even god must dwell within the Shekinah (ShCYNH). In the Lesser Holy Assembly; chapter 21, it goes on to say “with this woman are connected all those things which are below, from her body do they receive their nourishment, and from her do they receive blessing.”

Qabalists call her Malkah (MLKH) or the Queen. Malkah is a derivative of the word Malkuth (MLKVTh) which means The Kingdom. Malkuth is the tenth and final Sephiroth (dimension), the one through which all the others are manifested in the Sepher Yetzirah or Tree of Life. Malkuth encompasses the entire physical world a world that is projected through Yesod; the Moon…

Learned Rabbis call the Shekinah the bride of the Sabbath, but know she must dwell in exile until the messiah comes for her. The ancient magi called her Zoe. The Egyptians called her Isis or Nuit and Christian shamans still loyal to Lucifer called her Sophia, dividing and concealing her within the three Mary’s of the New Testament. In corporeal form, she has been known as Baphomet to the Templers, Vril to the German National Socialists, and now electromagnetism to mad scientists who would profane her.

The most opulent church constructed in recorded history and perhaps the greatest expression of the architectural arts is Hagia Sophia in Constantinople (now called Istanbul). After its construction in the fourth century Hagia Sophia remained the largest building in the world for over a thousand years. It was only superseded after Islamic hordes overran it and turned it into a mosque.

Hagia Sophia means Holy Wisdom. Sophia in Greek means wisdom, skill in Magick. In the Nag Hammadi Library Sophia is revealed to the uninitiated after being hidden for close to two thousand years. Prior to the Libraries revelation, what was known of Sophia came from scraps of manuscripts and Pistis (faith) Sophia; a text purported to be Gnostic.

Pistis Sophia was discovered back in the eighteenth century. It leans heavily on the pathological misogyny of Paul and his ‘teachings’ of overcoming the Archons through faith. Before the Council of Nicaea, most Christians believed Sophia was the mother of the Old Testament god whom they called the ‘demiurge.’ In the archetypical Oedipus complex, to them, she was also the rightful bride of Christ.

In The Thunder, Perfect Mind –a poem from the Nag Hammadi Library– a far more pagan than Christian Goddess brashly tells those who would know her to Understand “For I am the first and the last. I am the honored one and the scorned one. I am the whore and the holy one. I am the wife and the virgin.”

Hagia Sophia – Istanbul

The consensus among the Libraries manuscripts is that Sophia was one of eight original Ogdoads, four pairs of “Aeons” or emanations that before the advent of matter manifested God through their sexual relations. Sophia attempted to manifest God without her consort and her actions disturbed the balance. Matter subsequently came into existence along with the resulting god or demiurge and Sophia was trapped in their world.

In order to glorify himself, the demiurge created man to worship him using as a template the distorted images of the angelic world from which Sophia fell. But he could not animate man without using the same life spark from Sophia that had begotten him. Because she dwells in him, Man has the ability to be god’s equal and he is able to see the difference between good and evil far more clearly than Ialdabaoth; the blind god born of the void.

In The Thunder, Perfect Mind the Goddess exhorts those who would seek her out not to be arrogant with her when she is cast out upon the earth, not to look upon her when she is in the dung-heap or “among those who are disgraced and in the least places.” She implores them not to laugh at her, to leave her cast out nor to cast her “out among those who are slain in violence.” She tells them that if they heed her words, they will find her “in the kingdoms” and “in those that are to come.” But she warns them to be on their guard because “I, I am compassionate and I am cruel.”

She is the Whore of Babylon, exiled there with her people because she is their collective soul. According to Gnostic lore she is to undergo repeated incarnations as a whore. The bride of Jesus was Mary Magdalene, who through oral traditions Christians know as a loose woman, some say she was a prostitute. The Knights Templar, who are the guardians of the Gral, were told to gather in places frequented by woman of ill repute. Just like Richard Wagner’s Parzival the Savior quests for the Gral, a metaphor for his lover.

Lucifer is the original consort of Sophia. He is the Savior of scripture. But the only thing that he must save is Her. Through her redemption, through their reunification, the righteous wedding of the Bride and the Groom, the unification of the He and the She, will this whole blasphemous creation be rolled up and deposited back in the limitless light of the Supreme Being, to live forever in orgasmic ecstasy.

Lucifer did not fall from heaven nor was he cast out. He has no use for the counterfeit heaven of Abraham’s demon god. He comes of his own accord like a vengeful bolt of lightning cast down from unimaginable heights, aimed at the dark heart of an abomination that dares to think of itself as the Supreme Being. A being whose ‘creation’ consists of an endless series of organisms perpetually consuming each other.

LUCIFER in the Temple of the Dog I by Jack Heart & Orage


*A Sudanese Sirius System by M. GRIAULE and G. DIETERLEN

55 –Van Beek, Walter E. A. “Knowledge and Sanctification, a Perennial Quest.” Home / Testimonies / Walter E. A. Van Beek. Mormon Scholars Testify: Messages of Faith from Scholars Who Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints, 2010. Web. 17 Oct. 2016.

56 –Van Beek, Walter E. A., R. M. A. Bedaux, Suzanne Preston Blier, Jacky Bouju, Peter Ian Crawford, Mary Douglas, Pual Lane, and Claude Meillassoux. “Dogon Restudied: A Field Evaluation of the Work of Marcel Griaule [and Comments and Replies].” Current Anthropology,Vol. 32, No. 2 (Apr., 1991), Pp. 139-16. JSTOR, Apr. 1991. Web. 17 Oct. 2016.

57– Benest, D., and J. L. Duvent. “Is Sirius a Triple Star.” Astronomy and Astrophysics, V.299, P.621. 1995. Accessed October 13, 2016.
Bibliographic Code: 1995A&A…299..621B

58 -Ibid.

59 – Ibid.

60– Ibid.

61 – Kaku, Michio. “Teleportation? Very Possible. Next Up: Time Travel.” Discover Magazine. March 2008, n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2016.

62 – Jacobs, Joseph. “ANGLO-ISRAELISM:.” The Unedited Full-text of the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia. Jewish, 1906. Web. 20 Oct. 2016.

63 – Silberman, Neil Asher, “Petrie’s Head: Eugenics and Near Eastern Archaeology”, in Alice B. Kehoe and Mary Beth Emmerichs, Assembling the Past (Albuquerque, NM, 1999).

64 – Ibid.

65 – Strong, Steven, and Evan Strong. “The Resurrection of Australia’s Stonehedge.” Ancient Origins, 14 Sept. 2013. Web. 24 Oct. 2016.

66 – Ibid.

67 – Ibid.

68 – Schwaller De Lubicz, R. A., “The Temple In Man” 1949. Web. 2015.

69 – Strong, Steven, and Evan Strong. “The Resurrection of Australia’s Stonehedge.” Ancient Origins, 14 Sept. 2013. Web. 24 Oct. 2016.

70 – Ibid.

71 – “Ancient Aliens S11E07 – The Wisdom Keepers.” 32:13. YouTube, 7 July 2016. Web. 26 July 2016.

72 – Ibid.

73 – The Aboriginals of Australia (INCREDIBLE ANCIENT HISTORY DOCUMENTARY).”4:00. THE HISTORIAN. Youtube, Oct. 2014. Web. 26 Oct. 2016.

74 – Ibid. 22:40.

75 – Ibid. 2:19:31.

Below are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make more, I actually make the most from Amazon E books, but because you will avoid giving Amazon any money. Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.

Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® ( Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god: 9781736288016: Heart, Jack: Books


  1. Jack,

    Since I used to be an evangelical and have been set free of such nonsense with your writing and maybe just that inner sense that truth does not lie here in that "Y" fellow.

    And Crowley's Maxim of do what though will is just basic human freedom of thought when right down to it. Freedom to ponder things such as you write without that nagging "god" complex getting in the way.

    And to the meme of a sun exchanging places and creating a new world leads me to think of that grand new foot ball stadium where they played the last super bowl in what is really a glass house and what that will look like after said journey I think you can guess.

    We can barely tell what the structures on this planet were from the last time of this apparent cycle of our sun and sirius.

    I have read your work many times now and always new insights and many thanks for the work.



  2. Believe me Infamous I am skeptical too, skeptical that the Jewish/Dero thing is just a metaphor and skeptical that there is another good guy in this room outside of myself. That’s pretty funny too considering I always considered myself the bad guy. The “Illuminati” whine to me that the reincarnation mechanism of the Sun no longer functions, maybe that’s because I locked the Door behind me when I came in…

  3. I realize now it was probably Dan Aykroyd in that movie that was behind the Dero influence..

    Though I have to be skeptical of the idea of it being only a metaphor for Jews. As there is a rather chilling account of an encounter on Youtube. The guy seems genuine. I myself am pretty sure I've had dealings with them too in past lives.

    Dero encounter video:

    But I'm quite sure they have been involved on the Jewish side of things in this conspiracy.

    I take it, I think.. that you are of the opinion that at least some of the German breakaway groups are a positive force? What I wonder though, is.. in what ways are they not like the other NWO types?

    It was a while ago I read through all your articles so I don't remember if you ever touched on this.. I think you might have a number of times but my memory is spotty. Are you expecting a "density shift" coming up? And in that case what do you see happening? Disclosure of all the secret conflicts and the cold war going hot?

    We've been waiting so long now for the big one.

    As for those links and that group. Is there some specific reason why you find them credible? What kind of shady group could this be.. You think they're really connected to the real covert groups?

  4. Thank you Magick Flute but when you sprechen sie Deutsch I must defer to Orage, culture too, obviously I am a barbarian, a berserker in fact and I wouldn’t have it any other way. If you want a brief history of the occult that would take a book and we have already written a couple in essays. I would say this one sums it up nicely

    Otherwise we can play word association; Nevalı Çori, Göbekli Tepe, Cappadocia, Frisia, Gandahara…

  5. Actually Infamous, Shaver is the man to read if you want to know about Dero, a very thinly veiled metaphor for Jews and Norns, an even more thinly veiled metaphor for the Norse or Nordics as you and the rest of NASA’s flock call them. You ask me what I know about anything occult and the only way I can answer that is I know it’s not what people think, reality that is, everything else is just what they think, because they are the pixels in this television picture show and the god of Abraham forbid they ever learn how to change the channel. Do not forget the Wyrding Way “my mind affects my reality.” In the next piece we will let von Neumann explain exactly how that works, he did know you know which is why Einstein had to call him daddy, “Nazi” marching music and all. All the answers to your questions are the stuff we have already written, read it very carefully, that’s how it’s done, what isn’t there will be in the next ones. Don’t kill anybody who isn’t trying to kill you and Maria and her girls are already back. Go introduce yourself; you kind of just did informally. Their web sites no longer look very active, I guess because you are in the right place already…

  6. Wishing All-
    good, happy times going into the new year. If you're taking questions…Die Zaubreflote, DJ Mozart's whimsical singspiel. It seem to be rooted in symbolism and long ago lore, but I do not have a clue. Also a brief history of Magik, what cultures, what times, what gods, etc ? Your work is great, Mr Jack; commenters on this page, are very interesting and makes one think. Many Thanks ! Warm well wishes.

  7. Hey Jack.. I love your stuff.

    I just wanted to ask you about a subject you have briefly touched on in one of your earlier articles. Namely the alien race of degenerates called Deros.

    Do you know anything else about the Deros? You seem pretty clued up with the secret side of things, the spiritual factor too.. How much do you know about the alien races?

    I have heard rumours that the Jewish faction of the cabal are allied with the Deros.. Just look at the movie Nothing But Trouble from 1991 with Dan Aykroyd and Chevy Chase. Remember that movie? It was pretty creepy and the judge guy had a penis as a nose.. and the two fatso monsters greatly resembled Deros.. that and the penis joke seems to be a deliberate message inserted by the Deros for some unknown reason.. they planted that there for some bizarre esoteric reason. Just look at those fat monsters:

    They're totally Deros.. and the Deros are supposed to be known for being disgusting. I even had a some kind of an vendetta with the Deros in my past life as a Russian mystic involved with all the paranormal and black projects stuff in Russia during the Cold War. I even know I have beef with the very same alien in this life.. I will have to meet that vile beast and kill it some day.

    And what do you know about the Nordics? Hearing your side of things could be pure gold, you seem to have lived a rough and rather fantastic life.. you're a warrior in the spirit. Very interesting those excerpts from the book.. What kind of crazy gangster life have you lived? Someone should do a movie.. green hairs and Nation of Islam metaphysics? What the fuck..

    Looking forward to hear more. Take care.

    P.S. Maybe you know something about Maria Orsitsch too? Man would I love to pursue that woman.. her incarnation must be out there somewhere right now preparing for the end time. I hope I'll find her.. she is, naturally, one of the older spirits on the planet. One would have to try to get information on her by mystic means otherwise it would be impossible to know anything.

  8. KMB,
    We are already at war. Look around, every day a war for your mind, every day, shit sprayed in your sky.
    Beware the self appointed prophets who wish to recruit you to their strife, to their crusade.
    Every day your democrats scramble to hide from you their perversion and their crime. Quit latching onto slogans and quick fixes. There is a little darkness in every light, a little light in the glittering dark.
    If you are a warrior for peace, you will find your own way, if that is your desire.
    Are you that warrior?
    It's never a bad idea to be armed, if you have the will and competency to wield weapons. Personally, I'd love an M-24.
    The shitheads in power fear an armed populace, mostly because they know what will happen to them if the truth of their works becomes plain.
    Every day the war gets a little hotter.
    Today, the power structure is faltering in their United offensive against people and planet. They are about to embark on their own civil war, which is going active as I write this.
    There is no going back to an ideal of what this country was, there is only going forward into what has not yet become.

  9. I swore an oath as Duff did

    To protect that constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic

    The current Republican Party are domestic enemies

    Read duff to clarify

    Might be time to use that credit card to arm up

    I wish to live in peace

    War is coming

    To choose sides one must know his enemy a great general once said

    This is a tremendous site



  10. If Christianity were only the control complex, that would be bad enough. If it were simply a narrowing of perspective, a reductionists' bliss, that too would be bad enough. If it delivered an ersatz spirituality, an inflexible oppressive imprisonment with a mild mannered public face, even that would be bad enough.
    The problem is, we get all the above, and more.
    Remember who you are.
    Detatch the fangs from your neck.

  11. Forgive me;
    Nobody writes like that!
    I will not insult you by copying/pasting your words. I find your descriptions of christian, american style, stunning and sobering. Please keep writing.
    For decades I suspected christian teaching's and traditions were a snow job. The listener/believer was the mark in the con. Thou shall not kill, the inconvenient commandment. I suppose K thru 12 in catholic education is their mechanism for obedience, my former zookeepers.
    Many thanks to Mr Jack, yourself and the others here who express complex, truthful ideas here. Many thanks.

  12. Love is the catalyst for the profound connection I sometimes feel to all being. If I could feel that connection all the time there would be more moments of clarity and serendipity.
    For the most part I am somewhat reclusive and content alone.
    There is also a longing in my heart for one true companion to live out the rest of my days with.
    I want the same pure kind of love in the macro and microcosm.
    It all sounds so simple yet nearly impossible to discover.

    PS: Would also like to go back in time and help MK out with that problem on the ridge.

  13. When one honestly and openly reviews European history and culture, one discovers multilevels of sophisticated understanding of the human experience, a depth and richness that holds its own from any perspective.
    This expression of the eternal screeched to a dead stop with the murderous triumph of Christianity. From an Ethereal, participatory world, the European soul was abducted, and forced into a closed off material universe of dead laws and meaningless contempt.
    America, which has no pre-Christian European tradition other than that underground fringe experience, is particularly lost in this pseudomaterialist prison.
    America has seen endless efforts to return to a so called genuine Christianity, and confuses intolerant contempt with it's fantasy of original intent.
    Nowhere will one find an antidote to the oppression of this idiots quest, because it is a self serving delusion.
    Far from releasing the soul from it's prison of existential terror, this quest affixes only tougher restraints, ties tighter knots, demands, and receives a willing acceptance of intolerable blame and guilt.
    Yeah, I'm sure good Christian girls need church men, who else is going to put up with them?
    After the strong drink of American Christianity comes the hangover and the nausea, and this is held at bay with ever more of the same drink.
    I find it endlessly pathetic, the mindless embrace of the ignorance that is required, necessary, to gulp down this spiritual piracy.
    Christians have complex illogic to explain their deranged, murderous history, their violent appropriation and desecration of the sacred. The glue that holds this all together is ignorance, it's applicators are lies. The spiritual intelligence is thus injured, laid incapable of action.
    Trauma and injury masquerading as a condition of penance and wisdom.
    America has a long way to go before it can cure itself of its delusional addictions.
    It could begin with a dose of honesty, but this is extremely unlikely.
    Do you think, America, that all those Russians under your pillow really serve you so well?

  14. "Love together with its partner Hate are the first cause of all that is and I, just like the troubadours before me, am talking of the love between a Man and a Woman. I am not talking about the love of a eunuch for a theoretical god invented to deify their own impotence; I am not talking about the love of shallow and transient contemporary ideals that shape humanities current childish opinions that define good and evil. I am not talking about the love you feel for your fucking tooth paste!

    It takes alcohol to relate to that…

    did you know evangelical men need Viagra?

    a better suggestion would be drugs sex and rock and roll…

    evangelical women need church boyfriends…


  15. Jack

    All of my current family are Evangelicals.

    When they wake up there will be hell to pay.

    In an information war the stage is the battle field.

    And so all politics is local.

    My daughter just landed a job at a very prominent local business.

    I have invested heavily in her.

    course we home schooled her

    unschooled would be a better perspective

    I of course funded her interests

    did you know she stole from a local store?

    I had to reign her in of course

    who runs the earth?

    course what would I know…


  16. Heartfelt comment.We feel that love sits within the global human unconscious, that we are all born creatures with an understanding of love, not as a romantic ideal but as a principle from which all good flows. The misery of humanity stems from its failure to understand its separation from this core principle and that the world/reality does not reflect it. We believe that the revelation of this shared unconscious understanding of the love principle is but a moment away, that it could happen in an instant. The 'truth' movement, growing daily, is an indication of this moment's approach and the reason for the great number of false alternative sites and leaders who seek to divide and confuse and dissipate this uprising of consciousness. They are identifiable by their lack of calls for unity.There's more here: gets a little deeper…..and perhaps weirder…

  17. Love… I told my readers more than once I was educated in some of the finest catholic schools in NYC. The threats of spanking machines in the basement, the beatings at the hands of frigid old bags with communion wine on their vile breath and the inculcation of fear a pervasive human emotion has all but been forgotten just like my music, French and classical dance lessons. But one thing I will never forget is what one of the frigid old whores said when she launched into a soliloquy about love in front of me and the rest of her third grade class. Love is the most abused word in the English language. That’s what she said and I will give you her reasoning in my own words.

    At any given moment Americans are always poised to testify of their love for god. Here in America we love everything, we love chocolate and ice cream, we love commodities and sports and we even love our pet rocks. We love our children and our fellow man, so much so that we even love the policemen that shoot them and our soldiers who murder them wholesale. We just love everything don’t we? Hell we even love creatures like Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump just so long as the television tells us so. We are the children of love and light and to paraphrase an idiot we are here to help…

    I would be shocked to find that a single Christian or Muslim that can even define the word love anymore. Shakespeare and Omar Khayyám are dead and gone. You cannot understand love when you treat it like a cheap amusement park ride, a commodity that can be bought and sold; delegated to the nearest convenient object that sanctions your own aberrant behavior.

    Love together with its partner Hate are the first cause of all that is and I, just like the troubadours before me, am talking of the love between a Man and a Woman. I am not talking about the love of a eunuch for a theoretical god invented to deify their own impotence; I am not talking about the love of shallow and transient contemporary ideals that shape humanities current childish opinions that define good and evil. I am not talking about the love you feel for your fucking tooth paste!

    Love is what drove Lucifer across the abyss that god himself cannot cross. He did not come to seek his crown as legend would have it but to find the other half of his own soul, completion, to be whole, that is all he ever wanted. That is the love that generates existence and if that love, real love, is never consummated then the human race, as the byproduct of it, what Mircea Eliade called the Profane that provides the medium for the Sacred, shall remain forever cursed to dwell in a succession of netherworlds where shadows pass for light. This world of shadows is over but there will always be a next one because just like Her and Him the pain will last forever…

  18. Nine,
    Are you still looking to find your certainty in the eyes of others?
    Plato wrote of Socrates search to understand love, to grasp what that love really was. Do we believe this all to be a quaint study of the classics?
    Can we understand love without duty?
    Can we resonate with love when there is no return?
    We have come to accept and believe a Semitic premise, one which is foreign to the European mind. This premise inverts the truths of this incarnation. It places situational conditions into the transcendental, the divine. Can you grasp how this freezes our development?
    This characteristic, together with the familiar Semitic bloodlust, obsession with vengeance, obedience, and mindless violence has forced itself into the European mind.
    So now up is down, what is situational is permanent, lies are truth.
    I hope you can grasp how destructive this has been, is.
    The truth is Nine, that if you really want to understand, you will be provided the opportunity to understand. Imagine that, a guiding hand, a genuine higher power. Is this not preferable to a deranged Semitic pathology?
    You decide.

  19. MK,thanks so much for a kind response.However, Twain quipped if voting mattered it would be illegal.Duff is showing us how that electoral process is just bs.What if any answer beats me if I know.I still believe that love shall overcome.Course I might be mentally ill.will it matter in the end once consumed?thanx Nine

  20. Nine,
    What if you cannot fix this world?
    What if democracy today is simply the plebians buying into their own servitude?
    What if elections never mattered?
    Can you imagine that the whole point has always been to envelop you, to soothe you with illusions of decency and respect, to get you on board with the lies, to suck away your life energy before you can realize how many tentacles envelop your mind?
    You and everyone is caught in a delusion of separation, a bullshitters dream where the bullshit starts with it's inverse, omission, and the savage brutality of existence holds you down, focusing your fractured mind on bullshit, endless fucking bullshit.
    Just to be sure you get the point you are locked into an incarnation that is going to munch countless life forms before you yourself become food for the worms.
    How exactly can a lifeform suffering from intense amnesia, devouring with questionable sanity fix anything?
    So, you are the mother wolf, nurturing your own pups, and looking to survive? Then you have come to terms with this existence in the only meaningful way open to us.
    The Wolf doesn't fix the world, the Wolf lives in it. The first loyalty of the Wolf is to kin, to the death. If a demented Wolf arises, threatening the existence of the others, this Wolf is killed. It is not eaten, nor is it mourned. It is killed.
    Yet all the billions of people around this planet are convinced that they have created a better way than the Wolf. Hahaha, what a hilarious bit of arrogance!
    Yet we can, we must fix this world, you say.
    There is only one way to fix the world, and it is through the healing of oneself. One can never heal as long as one coddles walking, talking pathologies. One can only heal through the intense effort to reach above the Irminsul. This is the reclamation of soundness of mind.
    Anything less is just the temporary binding of Fenrir.
    Any other fix is just another stitch up in the kingdom of bullshit. This is why countless attempts to repair this world have failed, and will fail.
    Love, well love deserves its own post. Yet there is a nagging question: Do we immerse ourselves in love for the sake of love, or for the transcendence love brings?

  21. MKLove over comes when we stick together as a people.we out number them 10000 to 1.I was in a labor union and we stuck together. and we protected the weak and disabled.Hardly perfect and it got corrupted.The American republican party as duff points out is the American domestic enemy.The last election simply pointed out to the informed that there is no democracy and that the rule of law is gone and that the criminal elite are in control.So, this is the reality that we must work from and do we hate each other or do we find common ground and stick together for the sake of humanity?That is my view of the world of how things really work.I believe the empire is doomed.And so out of doom we need to create a new world.I am investing heavily into my children and my immediate family.The concept? All politics is local.What can you do locally?to fix this world?And so I am seeing so many positive things and I shall press on.thanxNine

  22. Nine,
    Let me ask you a question. When you say love overcomes, what exactly is overcome?
    I once tried to love an enemy. He had suffered a loss, and it seemed appropriate. A brief conversation ensued where he confessed to watching me from a ridgetop. He asked about children, girls, he watched from that place. His face turned into a leer. He described those girls, and how he watched and…watched.
    I hope you can understand what he was, is.
    I knew the route he took, I knew the place where he did his watching. I had already noted the best positions to get a clean shot at him, as he travelled that route. Before I could act, events dealt me a severe blow I never recovered from. Lucky for him, maybe as well for me.
    You see Nine, love overcame zilch. Are you going to love a walking pathology? My enemy is mine to this very day. Maybe now you can grasp a little of why I despise that fucking pervert clan that wants to run this empire.

  23. So, you think I have subjugated myself to the republican party?
    Hahahahahaaaa, thats a good one!
    Mr. Duff certainly has his wisdom, but it does not extend to political perspective.
    Politics is just another poison. Its just another game played to keep you dancing, spending, hallucinating.
    If you don't realize by now that there are no saviors out there, you will be doomed to repeat the various slogans and sing those empty songs promising a charge to heavan while you sprawl in front of the t.v. munching gmo's.
    Do you really think the empire is so designed as to offer you back your lost opportunity and direction? My my…
    A smarter man than I once observed that the vast majority of people he met had been through a long series of incarnations, and learned exactly nothing.
    His conclusion was that would never learn anything.
    How true…

  24. MK,Such beautiful writing.I have such beautiful thoughts but no way to express.Course…"The gibbering abrahamists, and their newest acolytes, the high priests of science have only their false narratives, their deranged conflations, and their perverted inversions. They think they are serving a divine Evil, when they'v"You do well to heed Mr. Duff. It is that American Republican party full of such folk and lets look at Betsy Devoss to head American education.Head? or to give it.I betsy shes great…I only thought there were three branches of Abraham and so I was mistaken.Do you see their position of weakness?Every one knows that "their" science is bullshit.Every one knows that "religion" is bullshit.They, or whoever runs things has gone back to religion from science.What is the lesser of two evils?Religion or science.Only an opinionI believe love overcomesNine

  25. The Gral, the stone, the cauldron. Linked to the spear and the sword.
    Remember the stone.
    How it was envisioned…the stone dropping from the crown of Lucifer, when She fell from the Heavans.
    Thus the stone that fed the Knights, thus the rejuvination, thus the eternal return. The Holy Grail was and is never semitic, never christian. Not for one moments time.
    The conflation was done, in order to sever, to obfuscate the bind between the Aryan mind and the Gral. Satan conflated with Lucifer the light bringer. The semitic fantasy of Satan, the complex that inverted good and evil into a divine duality.
    Jung said it best, tightrope walking between christian and jew, that their way mangled the Germanic mind. It was the conquest of the insane vengeful demongod, a severing of the tree. Want to know why you hack down your christmas tree? Or better yet, why you now pay with your semitic dollars to have someone else do it for you?
    Wit ye yet, or what?
    Is it antisemitic to point out the perversion and dysfunction in the twisted abrahamic pathology? Perhaps, but its never racist to champion another conquest of the demongod, or another rebellion put down in his name.
    Take a look around. Jehova has failed so now Allah is running to the breach, an even more pathological presentation of mind warping semitic ideology.
    We are done, unless we reject the demongod in all his manifestations, and heal from the mangling of that conquest, and suppression of rebellion.
    The torch has not extinguished. The gibbering abrahamists, and their newest acolytes, the high priests of science have only their false narratives, their deranged conflations, and their perverted inversions. They think they are serving a divine Evil, when they've never left the lowest levels of the astral.
    Replace your abrahamic guilt trip mind control pathology with a genuine expression from your own ancestry, your own tradition, free your mind, and watch your etheral wings alight with the wonder of the Gods.

  26. Jack,I got accosted by a member of the tribe of Abraham. He was an evangelical christian.I told him that Bible he reads is full of lies of all governments.course it was like a dear in the headlights.He said I would end up in hellI told him we are already there and so whats to lose…the myths told here…ah yes… the story of a great woman locked away in creation to be saved.And when he comes for her it will be hell to pay.We argued back and forth and I pulled out my credit card with a full ten thousand dollar balance and told him my militia stores my guns at Gander Mountain. go fock your self.I own no guns personally yet can buy all I want if needed stored at the gun store with that credit card.I live in a very peaceful area and no need for a gun however, My bible believing friend if crossed will be dangerous.Not worried at all.Well Jack, everything you put up I check out with my search engine. Can't read fast enough.thanxNine

  27. Look at it as a form of intervention marriage counseling, if the Catholic Church got one thing right it is the rules on divorce. This is the court of Karma, this is Skuld’s court not mine, we must all bow before the 3 sisters that is why they exist, they insure balance.

    PS I believe you about the PS, I wonder if it may even exceed my own, I wonder…


    Father Time and Mother Earth have come upon your court for the disposal of their divorce. They have a conflict over custody of the offspring.

    Mother Earth obviously has progeny and a physician's ability to reproduce.

    Father Time while more elusive is able to conceive, and destroy eternity in a heartbeat.

    We live on Mother Earth and progress thru Father Time to a future of beauty and terror.

    PS- the trees have nothing on my appetite for flesh!


  29. The Whore of Babylon as it should be obvious to everyone already, even me, is the world soul. As we have said in the essay She is the life force that animates the creation as well as god himself. She is the Moon, the Star of Woman, the dreamer to which all that is is but her dream…
    In the Zohar it is established that even god must dwell within the Shekinah (ShCYNH). In the Lesser Holy Assembly; chapter 21, it says “with this woman are connected all those things which are below, from her body do they receive their nourishment, and from her do they receive blessing.”
    Qabalists call her Malkah (MLKH) or the Queen. Malkah is a derivative of the word Malkuth (MLKVTh) which means The Kingdom. Malkuth is the tenth and final Sephiroth (dimension), the one through which all the others are manifested in the Sepher Yetzirah or Tree of Life. Malkuth encompasses the entire physical world a world that is projected through Yesod; the Moon…
    Learned Rabbis call the Shekinah the bride of the Sabbath, but know she must dwell in exile until the messiah comes for her. The ancient magi called her Zoe. The Egyptians called her Isis or Nuit and Christian shamans still loyal to Lucifer called her Sophia, dividing and concealing her within the three Mary’s of the New Testament. But since I am the only Jew in this crew that wants anything to do with telling the truth we will call her by her European name from here on in; which is Freya…
    If she is now a whore for the degenerates in DC, in London and in Tel Aviv then that is what the human race and its twisted malcontent of a god have made out of her. It has all been foretold in prophecy but the symbolism of Revelations taken from times even before Sumer is lost on the soulless products of a Zombiefication that began a thousand years ago when the negative forces embodied by the pope and the Vatican were given victory over the Norse that would last a 1000 years. Those thousand years are now up as she announced herself at Fatima and both the Norse and her mate are here for the reckoning…

  30. Well Jack, whenever I type in any link info for youtube, I get directed to the cultural marxists, told the video no longer exists, or am blocked unless I "sign in". I guess, I'm not allowed to see anything other mixed race couples, car jackings, prostitution, and all those other wholesome things. God forbid, I might be too young to watch Led Zeppelin, or the German army at the end of world war/genocide 2, or Ramsteins real lyrics to Ich will…fucking assholes.
    The thing about the antigod complex is not only that it creates a suicide trip for mankind, its a matter of setting up a false polarity that completely destroys the human soul.
    We see it all over the podesta emails and ping pong pizza, its the development of intentionally twisted, irredeemable behavior.
    People need to understand that the abrahamic infection is far more widespread than its visible edifices. What we have here are the first glimpses of light beyond the bleakness of the abrahamic world, and it couldn't arrive at a more necessary time.

  31. Again we have given them cutting edge science combined with the deepest darkest secrets the occult has to offer and they answer by throwing their feces at us, that’s what monkeys do Mike. Spaghettification or the noodle effect will end their disgusting antics for god and good… Luckily and I was told this 3 years ago by guess who, it doesn’t matter how many read it it matters who reads and by now you know who’s reading this, in fact they all are. To them I gotta say Hillary disgusts the both of us and if you ask me the idea of installing her in the White House may be one evolutionary step above murdering god then nailing his corpse to a pole that you stand around singing “eat his body drink his blood…” Other people, people in the government, the real government, obviously saw it the same way too. So the Hillary faction now must plot their next move. For them and everyone playing that game I don’t care what color hat they are wearing it will all end with spaghettification or the noodle effect. We have a new video for them straight from the Mandala studios…

  32. The entire antigod complex is really a fascinating phenomenon.
    In researching Killary and her worship of Saul Alinsky, old Saul, who was as Jewish as they make them, writes a note of admiration for Lucifer. Seems he conflated Lucifer with Satan, which means the blurring of the two, Lou and Satan, is not only a Christian thing.
    Satan and Hell are there for a critical purpose, to get the demongod off the hook for the needless cruelty, built in pain, and epidemic brutality of earthly existence.
    Of course, this doesn't work. If your absentee landlord is the only creator, it still means he's responsible for all the shit. Still, nice try.
    Through conflating Lucifer with the antigod complex, any part of the myth that might resemble a fall and subsequent correction is completely ignored.
    Further, Lucifer is hardly the cardboard cutout that Satan is. The comic book image of the batgoat that seems so comonplace today, is not found in the chronicles of the witch trials, where Satan and the Devil appear regularly. Thus the antigod evolved over time, absorbing the terrors of the subservient, changing to meet the common fancy of the day.
    Whenever one seeks to illustrate that Lucifer is not Satan, hordes of slavering abrahamists burst out of the woodwork, knives in hand, ready to butcher anyone who wishes to state this obvious fact.
    They do so in defense of their essential antigod complex.
    Without the antigod, both their demongod and themselves become culpable. The need to clutch madly to servitude just fades away. The world is no longer run by divine malevolence, with abrahamic religion as the only shield. In short, the entire justification for following the monogod falls down.
    Just bloody fascinating.

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