On the Run by Happy Parrot

oh what a fun! Is the Moon finally running from the rising Sun?


Synagogue 1000 Corpses – 1/14/2024 – Dollar Vigilante https://odysee.com/@jqrcoad:5/Blooddrinkers:9

On the run


what a fun!

Is the Moon finally

running from the rising Sun?

What have you done?

Why run

What have you done?

why have selfish fun?

Tunnels of hate

or just another Jewish

secret and invisible

Underground, cosmic debate

blood stained

eyes are desperate

they cant create

only subjugate

pillars filled with pain

double down on

fraudulent restrains

is there a gain

or just a selfish wish

another dubious cliche

going nowhere

just, somewhere

Bitter pill knowing

you will never

conquer Humans will

I will send you a bill

so you have more time to kill

Rising is New World

A new place without hate

How high this story,

really, goes?

Is all just a castaway trope

Is the world hanging by the rope?

All I see…

Sun filled with enchanted hope

Being on the run must be terrible fun

run while you can

my bearded friends

some truths are heaven-sent

there is no defense

only mortar and steel fence

let Allfathers, will be done

Warriors Souls are close to home

Puzzle in the thousand-year-old haze

is set “accidentally” ablaze

Restless heart is provoking

Love is knocking

on revolving Saturn vase

Is The morning of the next phase

flame is burning in a golden,

indestructible phrase

Leave the ashes


deaf and blind



the Teutonic signs

have another cup of potent vine

listen and see the real decline

all will be fine

Remember the Rhine

Soldiers of the past

will have the word

that is coming last

History is not what has been told

some cards will supernaturally unfold

the naked truth will be uphold

Deviant art put on hold

Is the fading Moon finally

running from the rising Sun?

What have you done?

Why run

What have you done?

why have selfish fun?

Fear is just a smile

of the Rising Sun

you don’t want

to have fun


Twist of fate

voices of true cosmic debate

crushing pillars of hate

Wind Of Change

Dance, dance


the upcoming Sun held trance

The Bulls run

is always tremendous fun

with and without a handgun


Luck is running out

red is the cloud




see you


be ready

for the




  1. There is an old story, one which has largely been erased from history. It speaks of the Norns expelled, and that this act created the illiterate beastial race which became the bane of mankind.
    Tolkien seems to have taken this ancient history to heart, as his Orcs-from the ancient word ORKNEAS were the fallen Elves-ALFAR.
    Into this breach would pour Roman Christianity, which as the Oera Linda warns, would seek the annihilation of all Arias.
    Now the Daughter holds her child as the last great cycle comes to a close, and the ineffable light will once more shine through the chaos. They will be faced with their own folly for having proclaimed the murder of the Savior.
    Events are moving quickly.

      • Perhaps I speak only for myself here, after too many lives filled with too many abuses, the injury becomes the gift, to see beyond the obsessions of mankind.
        The greatest gift of Sophia is the heaviest burden to bear, it is the rememberance and the desire for the return. Some have sworn that She will arrive as an Avatar, a child to lead Her children home.
        Yes, desire. Here is not hope, nor speculation, nor query, only that fire of desire, that only the truthful can know.

    • When will they ever learn? The answer is they are AI and incapable of learning as Scotty boy pointed out before they pulled the plug on him. In fact, none of this is real. We make it real when we write about it and very few of them want us writing about them. David Paulides soiled his pants right in front of Gordon Duff and me when I wrote about him. Most just want to make shekels like Icke and Jones. We are playing in a league they want no part of. Just like Doc Holiday plays for blood we play for souls, and no one wants to lose their soul in a game they don’t even Understand. I will try to explain more in my next podcast, obviously we can no longer do an On the Porch on your videos as planned.

  2. The greatest satirical humour of all, by necessity, must be grotesque.
    This is grotesque, and greatly satirises these freaky beast-men.
    I have no Second here, but many who might perhaps second me, and my old, controversial, northern ideals. Lets not lose hope, or focus, my friends. Let us continue to observe the movements of the flame, and visualise the ‘Pure Flower’.
    ‘This garden Universe vibrates complete
    Some, we get a sound so sweet
    Vibrations reach on up to become light
    and then through Gamma, out of sight
    Between the eyes and ears there lie
    the sounds of colour, and the light of a sigh
    And to hear the sun, what a thing to believe
    But it’s all around, if we could but perceive.
    To know ultra-violet, infra-red and x-rays
    Beauty to find in so many ways
    Two notes of the chord,
    that’s our full scope,
    But to reach the chord is our life’s hope
    And to reach the chord is important to some,
    so they giv it a word, and the word is,

    • Did I not tell Schlomo his time had come before I even went to France? Do not think I enjoy any of this my loyal Sargent at Arms my grandson is fucking Jewish. Spare the rod and spoil the child…

      • Jack all children are sacred and innocent and I mean all. Nobody, in the right mind doesn’t like this, I know hate runs deep, but we are not them. It is not the Aryan way. I left this decision to you, “if you think this is too much don’t publish this”…. but you know this madness has to stop, this savagery has no future. I am a man of peace but I know how to use a sword, and the truth is I don’t have the tiniest problem using the mentioned sword..zero.All I ever wanted was to help people, maybe write something here and there…I don’t need much for happiness.

        This is more or less…what I have to say.

        Take care.

        • Jack all children are sacred and innocent and I mean all. Nobody, in their right mind, does like this,

          Sorry, the sun is hitting right in my eyes.. can’t see what I am writing. ..

          • Duly noted HP, that’s why I told B to stop enjoying this so much. Until Americans fulfill their second amendment obligation this is just the way it has to be. Maybe till the very last American reads a New York Times opp ed and casts their vote in a fixed election. Hey, I’m prepared to go down with the ship. I ain’t going anywhere and I was asked too long ago when this all began.

  3. Some transplant surgeons were noticing when they were transplanting organs from one donor to another the recipient was taking on the lifestyle and persona of the donor, one case involved a vegetarian violin playing woman who got the heart of a rap loving chicken KFC eater and took up his lifestyle,,,? The cases of this were so compelling that many surgeons when viewing the data quit doing transplants , In Vietnam they Had to invent a special glass which saw the monsters called Dicyanin night vision Googles ,Now you can see them in daylight and they wear beards and funny hats and walk this earth unhindered seemingly ,Send up the bat signal and hope the joker shows up to the mob party

    • Here in America, we have something called the second amendment George. We don’t need batman just a penus. Unfortunately, I and my team may have the last working penus’s left in the West…

      • Some transplant surgeons were noticing when they were transplanting organs from one donor to another the recipient was taking on the lifestyle and persona of the donor, one case involved a vegetarian violin playing woman who got the heart of a rap loving chicken KFC eater and took up his lifestyle,,,? The cases of this were so compelling that many surgeons when viewing the data quit doing transplants , In Vietnam they Had to invent a special glass which saw the monsters called Dicyanin night vision Googles ,Now you can see them in daylight and they wear beards and funny hats and walk this earth unhindered seemingly ,Send up the bat signal and hope the joker shows up to the mob party

        The joker was always 2 steps ahead of the batman jack and used the name Mr White in the Asylum,This Moloch seems to need a lot of feeding? That song I heard so many decades ago makes sense now , the people of Canna were having a ball then the Yids turned up and ate them all ! Weiner and his laptop says it all when toughened cops are killing themselves after viewing it ? A friend has warned me not to go looking on the darkweb for the Hilary Clinton one as once you see it you will never be the same, is rope still cheap in America bullets are to quick for those monsters jack

        • My father always made fun of me for watching Batman and “Stupid Man.” Episode 33 (of course) of the original Batman series features Bruce Wayne explaining how his grandfather had started the Skull and Bones at Yale.

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