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Not for Nothing. Black Goo is out there....
Pinterest   My compliments to Dr. Lee Merritt who is the only internet doctor covering COVID endorsed by the Jack Heart Organization. I've admitted my error in dismissing Harold as a crackpot when he first turned up...
Pinterest A special holiday offer to get Those Who Will Arouse Leviathan Podcast: Merry Christmas & a Happy New YearAll paid subscribers will receive a complementary kindle edition of the book, sans kindle. Like nomads we walk the earth without...
Analysis of Paint it Blue I Genisis of a waking nightmare, don't try to scream, there's no one left to hearWhat is the Mysterious Black Goo Found in the Osiris Shaft? by Cassandra Yorgey The Osiris shaft is...
This is my own reading, not a copied audiobook, so I appreciate you listening here on my own channel. A reading of the full narrative poem. - Culain ruled by Venus
 with our special guest, Master Gardener Debbie, who introduces herself and brings her skills to and for our listeners.LISTeN Here: Conversations from the Porch Episode 12 ( Gardener is a gunner too…  Today we broke out of...
 If some of you only knew the dues I've paid to be here.A short list of sites where I trust the proprietors to bring you the truth as they see it. If your still watching the...
 Conversations from the Porch - Episode 11 Current Events and the Upcoming ElectionDOWNLOAD HERE THE SCIENTIFIC REPORTS OF THE FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT ON GRAPHENE DETECTION IN COVID VACCINESClick on each of these images and download: 1-...

Racism, Take 2

 OCT 24 • 38M Racism, Take 2 Beware of vampires with blow dried hair bearing "gifts..."
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“The Rainbow Bridge” — John Kaminski with special guests Jack Heart and Loki Hulgard and a guest appearance by Julien… Share
Red Sun on Jack Heart's Conversations
China wants a warThe Secret Speech of General Chi HaotianFirst posted by Jack Heart on October 10, 2022Sourced From J.R. Nyquist Blog Posted on September 11, 2019 In 2005, THE EPOCH TIMES acquired a secret speech given by Defense Minister Chi Haotian to high-level...