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Sun Rise
For once, in a very long time, an elected representative is expelled for improprieties while on the house floor. Actually two are expelled from Tennessee legislature. Read more...
Café Royale circa 1999 | Jack Heart on PatreonI’ve recently spent a month in Europe doing field research with my co writer Orage. What I found was as I have suspected; history, religion and everything...
Battle of Somme 1915One morning we were awakened by the most awful din, it seemed as though hell had broken loose, shells were falling like summer rain. And people have often told me in the...
Tell me Schlomo and for once tell me true, for your own scripture's sake: What is it you really don’t like about RFK? Is it that he will disentangle the West from the war in...
I really don't want too but after watching Harry Vox go at it with some kid from the GDL, whatever the fuck that is, I'm gonna have to say something. First of all, I am...
Black Sun Rising I By Jack Heart & Orage - The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (
The fact that Texans have not surrounded this dirty piece of shits district and exterminated everything in it just goes to prove the old saying correct. There ain't nothing in Texas but steers and queers. As...
The fall of the west.
How BRICS cause America to become another SomaliaOn Memorial Day Jack and I did a podcast which brought a lot of comments from all over the globe. One of the comments, from Banger a long-time...
If you are watching crocuses in Moscow or Americas infrastructure crumble into Chesapeake Bay, please continue but don't do it here. This is where I bring the Mandala effect home to you and if you...
(Pedro de Alvarado makes impossible leap 8:05:25)“Blessed Virgin” hovers over battle 4:00:22) Stories: There is Something in the Valley ( Martial Arts: Mexican Martial Arts goes FULL BJJ.. (Teaser) (