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  Lady-Lilith.jpg (1280×1475) ( Like nomads we walk the earth without a home, never to love, never to feel, and never...
The Court of Lucifer

The Court of Lucifer

89 Unfortunately, my laptop has crapped out and will take I am told between a week and ten days to fix. Everything we need to continue with Legion is on that laptop or I never would...
The way Toward Peaceby Jack Heart The following is really two blog postings from our Patreon page. The first was published on May 26. It predicted Americas post COVID fragmentation and presented the beginning of a...
I always thought I was crazy, but I wasn’t, till I found out I was sane.“In the period right after high school we would have parties at Johns parent’s home. His mother and father would...
My mother-in-law was Witch, a real Witch. She never got over the fact that I had my children baptized. The Magick of the Catholic Church is strong medicine. The recipient of Baptism, Communion and Confirmation...
"Have you thought of Al-Lāt and al-ʻUzzā And Manāt, the third, the other? "(28)These are the exalted gharāniq, whose intercession is hoped for. To most Westerners The Satanic Verses conjure up images of Neolithic cavemen clamoring in the streets of Europe and the...
A few days ago, I received an email titled “Discovery of Ancient Torah Proves Jews Worship Satan…”  Knowing full well that in Hebrew eschatology there is no Satan I immediately without even checking the facts drove...
I spent my last day in Germany with Orage in Koblenz, an ancient city straddling both banks of the Rhine where it’s joined by the Moselle. As I gazed down at the deep surging water...
Stephansdom: The Black LodgeBy Jack Heart & OrageOne of the great wonders of gothic architecture, there is an almost palpable evil inside Stephansdom, a heaviness of the air. Shadows of forlorn sorrow and unspeakable despair...

Leaving Vienna

Leaving Vienna  This piece was written about a month ago when I was still in Europe, still not even thinking about coming back to America. It was posted on our Patreon page for our patrons. Tomorrow...