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Black Hole Singularity
Sage of Quay Radio - Jack Heart - Black Holes, Singularity and the Holographic Universe (Jan 2017)For your commute…Newest Jack Heart Interview   Can’t say enough good things about my cousin the Sage of Quay, of course...
by Metallicman (first published 18 Aug 2021)How’s that for a “mouth full” headline. Nah. Not the kind of stuff that you were expecting from ol’ MM was it. But (I am so sorry) I am...
In 1922, the great Irish novelist James Joyce published his landmark work Ulysses. It’s said that he had been commenting on the times when he wrote “I have to turn my head until my darkness...
From 1931 – 1956 the legendary French anthropologist Marcel Griaule, along with Germaine Dieterlen – a brilliant and highly accomplished anthropologist in her own right – studied a West African tribe called the Dogon. After...
the-antidote ( only watched the first hour and ten minutes. Thirty seven minutes in he cuts to the heart of the matter, and admittedly it is shocking but not surprising. Early in my career as...
He watched the lights crest the hill in his rear view mirror. Who said that mirrors lie? It was no apparition. The police cruiser pulled parallel and stopped, window to window. His left arm rested...
 How about that for a subject title? Jeeze!This article deals with one of the most important fundamental aspects of the fence that surround this “Prison Planet” environment. Which is the idea that the inmates reside...
There were thirty-three subprojects for MK-Ultra that to this very day are beyond top secret. When MK-Ultra came to light in the seventies these projects were hidden behind the National Security Act but when you...
There were thirty-three subprojects for MK-Ultra that to this very day are beyond top secret. When MK-Ultra came to light in the seventies these projects were hidden behind the National Security Act but when you...
The Matrix was a desolate, dry experience, full of unexpected twists and a lot of empty, unpromising boredom, often expressed in the incidental, impersonal wanderings of the conscious and unconscious parts of the internal process...