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(1) Red List 23 - Facing Down Disaster W/ the Donbass Cowboy (Russell Bentley) ( Brand Interviews RFK, Jr. on Fauci, CIA Secrets, Running for President | Kennedy24
Sage of Quay® on X: "My blog was removed by Google. This was on the heels of the New Zealand Whistleblower who released the jab-to-death ratio from within NZ's tracking system. Google went after...
The Bormann Faction, part I by Jack Heart & Orage - The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends ( Bormann Faction Part II by Jack Heart & Orage - The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and...

The Price of Vice


Dr. E Michael Jones is highly recommended by our friends within the Catholic Church. In fact they tell me some of his books are free on libgen, whatever that is. I’ve included as a cover his only video I could find still up on YouTube, dispelling Schlomo’s genocidal slander of National Socialism and the German people but what we’re interested in here is his new book lampooning Schlomo’s Holocaust myth. As many of you know I was friends with the Zundel’s, Ingrid offered to finance me. That’s probably why they are both now dead. The Holocaust never happened and once you take it away Schlomo loses his license to fold, spindle and mutilate western civilization. In the interview I link to from the Sage of Quay about twenty-two minutes in Dr. Jones talks about how Schlomo has turned America into a “gay disco:”  Sage of Quay® News: The Key to Saving Western Civilization (

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The sequence is exactly as it takes place on my iPhone as snaped by my nieces’ boyfriend in the beginning of December 2019. He was referring to me as the Grim for the Grim Reaper and none of us had yet heard of the Bluestones yet. Shortly thereafter across the street PC Richards, Long Islands electronics giant and highest profile billionaire due to his incessant advertising for over twenty years backed over his wife in his driveway and killed her on the eve of Christmas. That’s when things got Grim. The Truth About Jack Heart In A Dream Within a Dream Edgar Allan Poe asks, “Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream?” (1) David Lynch’s Twin Peaks the Return imagines “we are like the dreamer who dreams then lives inside the dream.” It then asks, “but who is the dreamer?” (2) In the Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan I wrote: “what I think and do becomes songs and pop culture and what is pop culture and songs become what I think and do. I do not know if I am the reflection or the image.” When I gave the manuscript to Christopher Hayden, General Michael Hayden’s […]

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Jack Heart’s Conversations from the porch – Episode 7
25 points part 2 and can we fix the USA?Phil and I discuss the final twelve points of National Socialisms Twenty-Five Points. As Yeats noted over a hundred years ago:“Things fall apart; the centre cannot...

INVASION OF THE MICROMEN by Richard Sharpe Shaver file:///C:/Users/writi/Downloads/The%20Shaver%20Mystery%20Compendium.%20Volume%202%20(Richard%20Shaver)%20(   “The activity, the gay, ambitious, vaulting life of Nor was gone, —dead. Instead of the busy libraries, the swarms of students, the speeding ships of commerce, the busy ways jammed with rollats; instead of all the beautiful and intense life of Nor there existed a slow-moving people with dull, empty faces like masks. Not even despair lived in their faces, for they had not the sense left to realize their plight” – CHAPTER V. Vanue’s Supreme Sacrifice, p33  “Before him a powerful telaug and visor had been set up, and with it he was watching the thought of the uniformed city guard, Nor men all. These he was using to police the deluded city. They were not free-thinking men any longer, but were under his control. Not as directly as the Nortan and Atlan method of overpowering thought augmentation imposed upon the mind—but indirectly, through the members of his micro race whom he had kept under micro wave compulsion for years, preparing for an event such as the taking of Nor city. By the use of his radiocontrolled micro-men, he could keep those who followed him free of the wild, savage, […]

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Lucifer Rising

“Aaron was not well at the end. We pleaded with him to seek help from his superiors in the Air Force. My son fell victim to propaganda during a long mental health battle. We are...
25 Points of National Socialism, Gottfried Feder and economics Part 1Reevaluating National Socialism (this links to all Gottfried Feder’s books)NAZI PARTY 25 POINTS (1920)The 25 Points was a political manifesto issued by the National Socialist German...