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When a cardboard cutout of Phillip Giraldi's stature gets up there and starts talking about the Liberty and the Pollard affair it should be understood by all sentient observers its coming from the highest echelons...
They tell us that two thousand years ago the Roman Empire sent twenty thousand men, three legions, into the forbidding swamps of Germania’s Teutoburg Forest. The legions, as of yet invincible, were elements of the...


Another poem/song looking for the owner…If you have the necessarymusical skills to make this song truly sing, be my guest… it's free.I hope Song/Poem is Decent and worth your time...SKYFALL-doesn’t mean that THE SKY is...

In the five years since I first saw the monument at Koblenz, I have witnessed the world careen wildly out of control. It’s as if someone has seized the steering wheel and driven the bus right over the cliff. In my capacity as a writer, I scream but no one seems to hear. Current events could be likened to having a nightmare while enduring sleep paralysis. Those that were once human have become cogs in a machine that grinds inexorably toward apocalypse. Ian Fleming could not have invented a better villain than Klaus Schwab and his supporting cast of henchmen like Bill Gates and George Soros. Joe Biden is right out of a comic book, as is Justin Trudeau and Emanuel Macron. Trump and Johnson are the envy of the Marvel Universe. The Anglo-American Empire is unable to restrain itself from its relentless prodding of Iran, China and Russia. The Jews are diabolical instigators of this senseless will toward self-annihilation while Christians provide the muscle as their enthusiastic accomplices. Islam is caught in the crossfire. To be cognizant in a simulated reality is much like sleep paralysis, a condition folklore attributes to a phantasmagorical hag sitting on one’s chest. Surely […]

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I don’t remember exactly when I was formally introduced to him. I had seen him and Al Bielek in the clubs all the way back in eighty-nine. In their polyester ensembles complete with plaid high...
The Bolshevik Empire had ostensibly collapsed under the doddering puppet president Reagan’s idiotic posing. Things were made available that ‘should’ have been kept secret for a hundred years, and for a brief moment the veil...
In the early spring of 1945 much of the German high command vanished like a mirage before the advancing Allied troops, including in all likelihood Adolph Hitler. Some say they went to Aldebaran, a giant...

Montauk by Jack Heart

The foundational premise of Preston Nichol’s infamous Montauk Projects trilogy was the artificial production, amplification and introduction of an oscillated frequency to subjects, usually prepubescent boys, with the right Nordic blood type. seated in a...
Sage of Quay® NewsYour Home for Free and Critical ThinkingSunday, September 24, 2023Why Germany Invaded Poland by Gott Mit UnsThere are two sides to every story. Thus, an alternative perspective.Sage of Quay® News: Why Germany...
The modern world is absolutely lost. Modern belief and thought are based upon manipulated emotions and evident falsehoods. The greatest advisors of the modern world today do nothing more than lobby for genocide and totalitarian...