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On March 16 Putin gave a thirty-seven-minute speech explaining to the world why Russia had no other choice than to invade Ukraine. Putin a dignified and thoughtful man, perhaps even a great man, spoke eloquently, enumerating point by point with documentable facts the eight years of western provocation and Ukrainian fanaticism that led to Russia’s invasion on February 24. His words were clear and concise, the military intelligence expert on the Russian language that helped with the translation below remarked, “Putin makes it so easy to translate and transcribe. His pronunciation is absolutely clean and clear.”  When a friend tagged me on Facebook with a post saying his wife didn’t believe there were Ukrainian Nazis, I replied by simply posting this picture as a comment. Facebook immediately suspended me for six days, for which I am appealing at a supposedly independent arbitrator. According to Putin fourteen thousand civilians including children have been murdered by American backed Ukrainian neo-Nazis since the western engineered overthrow of the rightful Ukrainian government in 2014. I know for a fact because I have Ukrainian Jews in my family that many of those murdered were Jews. These are not the National Socialists of Godfried Feder, Otto Rahn and […]

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In 1922, the great Irish novelist James Joyce published his landmark work Ulysses. It’s said that he had been commenting on the times when he wrote “I have to turn my head until my darkness...

Montauk by Jack Heart

The foundational premise of Preston Nichol’s infamous Montauk Projects trilogy was the artificial production, amplification and introduction of an oscillated frequency to subjects, usually prepubescent boys, with the right Nordic blood type. seated in a...
Stephansdom: The Black LodgeBy Jack Heart & OrageOne of the great wonders of gothic architecture, there is an almost palpable evil inside Stephansdom, a heaviness of the air. Shadows of forlorn sorrow and unspeakable despair...
Cover Photo: “The sun grows dark, earth sinks into the sea,  The bright stars  From heaven vanish;  Fire rages,  Heat blazes,  And high flames play  'Gainst heaven itself.”  (22) – The Prophecy of the Witch (The Völuspá from the Poetic Edda) And so the...
Wer genau waren die prä-kolumbischen Besucher? Dies ist die Geschichte von Akakor im schwülen Amazonas, den Höhlen darunter und dem Jaguar. Deutsche im Dschungel. - OrageDie schwarze Sonne geht auf – Zweiter Teil Von Jack Heart...

I took a long last drag from my cigarette and doused it in the receptacle by the front of the doors. It would be at least ten hours till the next one. I had two hours till takeoff, but I figured I better check in now considering what happened on my last flight out of Frankfurt in 2019. Orage had dropped me off at the airport at about one in the morning. The flight was at nine, so I made my way upstairs through the deserted airport and drank overpriced beer in front of an all-night McDonalds at a table in a German café across from it. At first it was just the barmaid, an attractive young fräulein who spoke little English, and I. But we were soon joined by a very strange man who hovered at the periphery of the cafe playing peekaboo behind the copious artificial plants demarcating its perimeter. Even though the temperature was in the mid-fifties outside, inside he was wearing a heavy winter snorkel coat with the hood pulled over his face. He had a shopping bag presumably to transport the days treasures he had found while foraging the airport. When I tried to take […]

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The Court of Lucifer: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming: Internet Archive“Rahn must have discovered something which caused him to espouse a strange theory. He came to the conclusion that the Emerald Cup was only one...
The modern world is absolutely lost. Modern belief and thought are based upon manipulated emotions and evident falsehoods. The greatest advisors of the modern world today do nothing more than lobby for genocide and totalitarian...
Cover Picture: Camacotz or Camalotz, said to have killed most of the denizens of man’s second creation by ripping off their heads.In the Book of the Jaguar Priests or Chilam Balam it is written that the...