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25 Points of National Socialism, Gottfried Feder and economics Part 1Reevaluating National Socialism (this links to all Gottfried Feder’s books)NAZI PARTY 25 POINTS (1920)The 25 Points was a political manifesto issued by the National Socialist German...

I took a long last drag from my cigarette and doused it in the receptacle by the front of the doors. It would be at least ten hours till the next one. I had two hours till takeoff, but I figured I better check in now considering what happened on my last flight out of Frankfurt in 2019. Orage had dropped me off at the airport at about one in the morning. The flight was at nine, so I made my way upstairs through the deserted airport and drank overpriced beer in front of an all-night McDonalds at a table in a German café across from it. At first it was just the barmaid, an attractive young fräulein who spoke little English, and I. But we were soon joined by a very strange man who hovered at the periphery of the cafe playing peekaboo behind the copious artificial plants demarcating its perimeter. Even though the temperature was in the mid-fifties outside, inside he was wearing a heavy winter snorkel coat with the hood pulled over his face. He had a shopping bag presumably to transport the days treasures he had found while foraging the airport. When I tried to take […]

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“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.” – Peter Pan This is the one where war was openly declared on me, or perhaps it was I...
Without the benefit of the modern internet, or at least a Wikipedia styled encyclopaedia with hyperlinks, Preston Nichols could not have written The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time. It’s doubtful that any of the best...
The Court of Lucifer

The Court of Lucifer

89 Unfortunately, my laptop has crapped out and will take I am told between a week and ten days to fix. Everything we need to continue with Legion is on that laptop or I never would... of what you think about COVID, whether you like it or not it has now supplanted racism as the most divisive issue facing America. The not so United States is a nation whose populace...
The authorized version of history is designed to keep you stupid. It starts in ancient Greece with “The Father of Lies” Herodotus and ends with that vile convicted criminal Dr. Zahi Hawass making it up...
I have my share of problems with Evola, but can you truly present him on “Jubi Tubi”…well, highly debatable.The biggest problem we have today is a domesticated, castrated man, a man raised with no fire...
For Whom the Bell Tolls by John DonneNo man is an island, Entire of itself. Each is a piece of the continent, A part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less. As...
I spent my last day in Germany with Orage in Koblenz, an ancient city straddling both banks of the Rhine where it’s joined by the Moselle. As I gazed down at the deep surging water...