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 This is a repost of an article published on Veterans Today’ August 20, 2021. It’s by my VT editor Erica P. Wissinger. Let us just say that like many of the senior staff at VT...

Any attempts to explain away the Mexican Nazi coin that do not include an explanation of the Mexican frieze below the monument at Koblenz should be dismissed off hand as the blithering of an idiot. Likewise for those who ignore the fact that a picture of Otto Rahn, the father of the SS, adorns the cover of the 1936 book, Invisible Radiations of Organisms, supposedly written by a German professor out of Cornell University of the same name but published in Berlin… ThriftBooks a large web-based used bookseller headquartered near Seattle is selling the book “republished,” with a revised cover of course. Their overview states, “This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public…” What they changed is the […]

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The Mark Attwood Show, 9TH APRIL 2024, Photo courtesy of PinterestBelow are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make...
Beyond known starsbehind the synthetic, overlapping farceAwaits… philosophic quarrel of honorable saintsLiving Nightmareor instant gratitudewasted unbalanced fortituderightful forgivenesspackaged as immortal solitudeHumungulus awakened in an empty jarSelf-important Conscience soaring to go farTake care of Red or...
JEWS ANGRY AT CHINA - FOR DOMINATING PEACEFUL, GREEN, PRODUCTIVE TECH - WHILE WE ONLY MAKE WEAPONS."The Jews who obviously own and control the US Government sent the old Jew Janet Yellen and Anthony Blinkin...

According to the Grímnismál, a poem in the Poetic Edda that predates any reliable history, the “Yggdrasil [Tree of Life] has three main roots: one planted in Midgard, the world of mankind; one in Jotunheim” the land of the Jötunn, a land of ice and cold that borders the known world. The other is in Hel, the “homeland of primordial darkness, cold, mist, and ice…” In the Völuspá or Prophecy of the Witch, a poem just as old as the Grímnismál and taken from the same source Ragnarök, the apocalyptic battle of the Gods, shall only end when Surtr, the mightiest of all the Jötunn warriors, leads an invincible army called the Sons of Muspelheim from out of the south and onto the battlefield. There he will slay Frey in single combat and in his insatiable rage will cast fire upon the entire Yggdrasil, burning all the worlds except the palace of light somewhere in Gimle. It should be noted that in the Sepher Yetzirah, the Qabalahs Tree of Life, there is also a place called Gimel. It is the long and desolate path between the celestial sun and crown of God…  Two days after the April 8, 2024, solar eclipse prompted Texas, […]

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Part One: Base (1:03)The narrator begins, “At the beginning of 1947 yet another expedition by the American explorer; Richard Byrd, arrived on the Antarctic shores. It was very strange expedition. Unlike his previous three, this...
I awoke with my bare skin sticking to the sheets. It had turned oppressively hot and humid overnight, gone was the mistral. I pulled on my sweatpants and went to the windows in the kitchen...
“Then a band of demons joined in and it sounded something like this:” (1) You must dress like a woman because “you cut your dick off because your honoring the great mother. Because everybody loves...“That Adolf Hitler spoke out against the Jews is banal in the extreme. But that this is the first book ever to compile his remarks on the Jews is nothing short of astonishing. Of the...