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Pictures Speak Louder Than Words by Happy Parrot


I am not shiting here on Americans, many, many Americans don’t deserve this treatment, they are decent and good law-abiding people, and still many, many good things are coming from America.

Americans, nonetheless, despite all the troubles that surround them can be heroes, but the act of saving must be done without voting…it is too late for any form of civilized discussion or voting…it never worked, maybe partially, here and there, more as a fluke than as an established reality, but never as you have been told on mainstream media.

Let’s go for a moment back to the year 2016…if you believe the best candidates in your country are Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump, sorry you are a demented moron…these two, pitiful actors are the best and brightest minds that country of 300 + million people can produce, offer to you…these are the best and brightest minds available to you as a legal citizen of your country?.

These two meager choices, these two irreparable liars and well-trained, dishonest marionettes of the chosen few are your political options…

It is interesting to observe how people always want the best when they need surgery, the best doctor available, when they are looking for education for their children, the best school, and the best teachers available will do, etc, etc… we can go on and on here with examples.

But when the entire life, your way of living, quality of existence of you and your family is at stake, meh,f it!… anybody will do…give me what you got!

Are you naturally insane or just mentally challenged?

If democracy was real, by now a country like the USA, should have 20-30 big political parties, not two, highly, streamlined beggar choices.

Every American must ask himself one honest question: what did I do when my taxpaying money has been destroying, lives, families, and countries around the world…did you do something or it was, f them, this is happening far away from us…it is not my business…well soon this may be your business.

Never, never put all your trust in one man, and never bet on just one horse…ever heard of that expression?

Trump, as an obvious choice served to the public between two fierce political competitors/opponents.
Operation Warp Speed guy and CGI Joe

Again, you have two pairs of extraordinary thinkers of the 21st century at your disposal, who to choose, who to choose!!!

It’s not an easy decision…sarcasm, level 9000

So if you know this is a lacking bet, a bad investment of your hard-earned money, then why do you keep practicing something that can be empirically proven that it does not work?

You are either a wolf or the sheep, the choice as always is yours.

I guess it’s never too late to become an important tool in the loving hands of the WEF.
A twenty-first century collage of the Chosen People

Jack Heart’s Conversations from the porch – Episode 52


Part One: Base (1:03)

The narrator begins, “At the beginning of 1947 yet another expedition by the American explorer; Richard Byrd, arrived on the Antarctic shores. It was very strange expedition. Unlike his previous three, this one was completely financed by the U.S. Navy. ‘Operation Highjump’ was the code name.” Dimitri Filipovieh, Captain 1st Rank and Doctor of History continues, “under the command of Admiral R. Byrd there was a powerful military squadron: an aircraft carrier, twelve surface ships, one submarine, more than twenty airplanes and helicopters, and about five thousand people on staff. So, you will agree a strange team for a scientific expedition.” The narrator breaks in, “December second, 1946, before the start of his expedition Admiral Byrd at a press conference said, ‘My expedition is military in nature’ giving no further details.

Filipovieh continues, “At the end of January 1947 a full-scale aerial reconnaissance began surveying the Antarctic region of Queen Maud Land.” The narrator adds, “it all went to plan in the first weeks. Tens of thousands of photos were taken. Suddenly the inexplicable happened. The six-month expedition terminated after only two months. Fleeing the Antarctic coast; it was a real fast retreat.” Filipovieh tells his viewers, “They lost a destroyer. Almost half their carrier-based aircraft. Dozens of sailors and officers. To commission investigation, members of the U.S. congress, Admiral Byrd said the following: ‘in event of another war, America can be attacked by an enemy that has the ability to fly from pole to pole with incredible speed.’” The narrator asks, “what made the Americans flee? In 1945 eighteen months before Admiral Byrd’s expedition began, two German submarines entered Mar del Plata port in Argentina surrendering to the authorities. These were no ordinary submarines they were from the so called ‘Fuhrer Convoy.’”   Filipovieh elaborates, “This was a top-secret fleet, fulfilling missions that have remained a secret until now.” The narrator adds, “the submarine crews were reluctant to cooperate. Even so the Americans learned a few things. The commander of U boat U-530 spoke of his involvement in an operation codenamed ‘Operation Valkyrie II.’” Filipovieh resumes, “Two weeks before the wars end the U boat U-530 left the quay heading for the shores of Antarctica. On board the submarine were passengers with faces covered in bandages, as well as Third Reich relics.” The narrator then says, “the commander of another U boat, U-977 Heinz Schaeffer, later testified that he followed the same route. It was found that the German submarines repeatedly followed the Antarctic route. But why go there?

Antarctica, in 1820 it was discovered by two Russian explorers, ‘Gelenkschmerzen’ and ‘Lazarev.’  Since then this mysterious continent, bigger than Europe continues to attract explorers like a magnet. However the ten-meter-high sheer icy shores made the continent impregnable for many years. For almost a century Antarctica remained unknown. Only coastlines were marked on the map. Suddenly this distant and ‘useless’ icy continent aroused a strange interest in the Germans. Large funds were allocated for Antarctic study.” Filipovieh continues, “two research expeditions were arranged. This happened to be just before the war was due to start.” The narrator takes over, “In January 1939, two catapult controlled airplanes: the ’Passat’ and the ‘Boreas’ took off from the deck of the Schwabenland. They began patrolling Queen Maud Land. In three weeks, Luftwaffe pilots with metal pinions marked with Swastikas, managed to secure for the Third Reich, territory the size of Germany, It was called ‘New Swabia.’ In April 1939 the experienced polar explorer Captain Alfred Ritscher wrote: “I’ve completed the mission entrusted to me by Air Marshall Göring, For the first time, German aircraft flew over the Antarctic continent. Every twenty-five kilometers we dropped pendants, covering an area of about six hundred thousand square kilometers of which three hundred and fifty thousand square kilometers were photographed.” Göring’s flying aces had done their job.

This unusual mission was then passed to the Führer’s Sea Wolves, the U-boats commanded by Admiral Karl Dönitz. In secrecy German U-boats set course to earth’s end, the icy Antarctic shores. Later Karl Dönitz let slip the strange phrase, “my submarines have found a true paradise on earth.” The Soviet historian Filipovieh picks up the narrative, “In 1943 at the peak of the war with Russia, Grand Admiral Dönitz uttered another no less mysterious phrase, “the German submarine fleet is proud that at the other end of the world we have made an impregnable citadel for our Fuhrer.” The narrator continues, “Back then the Grand Admiral of the German naval fleet’s words were only understood by a very small circle of insiders. Today we can only hypothesize what the Grand Admiral meant. Recently huge underground lakes were found, a kilometer deep underneath the ice. The lake’s temperature is eighteen degrees Celsius. Located above the water’s surface are dome like vaults filled with warm air. It’s possible that from these heated lakes a constant river of warm water flows into the ocean.  For thousands of years these warm rivers may have formed large underground ice tunnels, perfect for the construction of secret bases. From the oceans edge any submarine could easily pass under the coastal ice into the tunnels. Here it was a completed base immune from storms and polar cold. Totally hidden from outsiders and out of the enemy’s reach.

Vladimir Vasiliev, PhD. Economics, Chief Researcher Russian Academy of Sciences picks up the narrative, “if the Germans had to decide on a location for a secret base or make a secret zone that from the outside appeared to be totally inaccessible, the polar zones, including Antarctica, would be a wholly suitable area to find this level of security.” The narrator continues, “According to witnesses and other documents the Nazis had in fact managed to create a top-secret Antarctic base. Its codename ‘The Base 211.’ At the start of 1939 regular trips were made between Antarctica and Germany in a specially equipped and modified research vessel named the ‘Swabia.’ Mine constructing equipment and other machinery, including railroads, truck, and giant tunnel building mills, were transported to Queen Maud Land. At the same time scientists, engineers, and highly skilled workers arrived. Why was Germany in need of such a remote base? There are various assumptions. Some believed Germany wanted control of the Southern Ocean. Others that the Germans were attracted to the vast Antarctic natural resources, such as uranium which is essential for the creation of super weapons. Many assumed that in the case of defeat in the war, Antarctica would be a safe haven for the elite of the Third Reich. By 1942 transfer of the inhabitants of New Swabia had begun, including scientists, engineers, members and representatives of the Nazi party and the German state. Certain secret industrial technologies were also transferred from Germany. Post-war, the Americans recruited German scientists to work in the United States, but were shocked to find thousands of highly qualified Third Reich specialists had vanished and weren’t listed as dead. Over a hundred submarines had also vanished never to be found.

Vasiliev picks up the narrative, “it’s clear that American intelligence obtained information concerning the fact that part of the Nazi legacy, its technical potential, in terms of researchers and scientists had evacuated from Germany, and naturally, the Antarctic polar zone became the center of their attention.” The narrator breaks in, “there’s also testimony from German submariners that surrendered to Argentine authorities; it seems all this extremely alarmed the Americans. At the end of 1946, the famous polar explorer, and Admiral in the U.S. navy, Richard Byrd, received an order to destroy the Nazi base in Antarctica. But things went wrong. The resistance met by the American squadron, even now raises many questions. Admiral Byrd not only reported fighter jets with incredible capacities to Washington he also discussed an attack on the expedition by ‘strange flying saucers.’ They emerged from the water at high speed, causing heavy damage to the expedition. On February 26, 1947, a battle took place which is described by a member of the expedition, an experienced pilot named John Sireson: “they flew vertically out of the water in a fury, slipping between the masts of the ship with such incredible speed that the airflow perturbed and dislodged a radio antenna. I didn’t have time to blink an eye. The two Corsair from Casablanca were slain by some kind of mysterious ray shot from the nose section of the flying saucers. They then dived into the water near the ships. At the time I was on the Casablanca’s deck and saw it as you see me. I didn’t understand, these objects were silent as floated between the ships like a satanic beast spitting deadly fire. Suddenly I saw the destroyer Murdoch, which was about a hundred and twenty feet away, the flames flashed, and it began to sink. Despite the danger, rescue teams and lifeboats were immediately dispatched to the disaster site from other ships. The nightmare lasted about twenty minutes. When the saucers again dived under the water, we evaluated our losses. They were terrifying.” Who did these flying saucers belong to? Could it have been Nazi Germany?”    

Part Two: Ahnenerbe

The narrator opens by saying, “After the war, in the Nazi secret archives intriguing photos and drawings were discovered. They proved the German scientists were actually engaged in the development of disc shaped aircraft. At the time nothing like this existed. How had the Nazi scientists managed to make such a technological leap? The Ahnenerbe, the most mysterious organization in the Third Reich. Even now the secret services of the leading powers hunt for its secrets, but why? It’s simple, this was the only known historical structure engaged in study of the occult and mysticism to have state funding and support. No organization in the world had at its disposal such a volume of data or had such influence on the development of occult technology as the Ahnenerbe. The Ahnenerbe founders were drawn from the highest rank of the Third Reich.

Konstantine Zalesski, Third Reich historian picks up the narrative, “Research on Occult knowledge and paranormal phenomena by the Ahnenerbe received blessings from SS Reichsführer Himmler who not only acted on his own initiative but also with instruction from Adolf Hitler.” The narrator continues, “Officially the society was founded in 1935 and it was intended to explore the historical roots of the German nation. Ahnenerbe when translated means ‘legacy of the ancestors.’ However, the society’s scope of interest was broader than ancient German history study. Third Reich leaders understood an army’s size wasn’t necessary to win future wars.” Zalesski takes over “Therefore they adapted the so-called concept of qualitative superiority. Therefore, one can win a war with relatively low quantative forces while utilizing high qualitative forces to provide them with qualitative superiority. The Ahnenerbe brought in specialists in the occult, non-traditional and paranormal knowledge in order to achieve a breakthrough in an area where their opponents would not be competent.”

The narrator continues, “Nazi ideology is based on the theory that in the past there was a powerful earth civilization with access to the secrets of the universe. Somewhere encrypted and scattered this higher knowledge was preserved. Specifically they were tasked with reviving the ‘super-human’ in Germany. In their role as ancient Aryan descendants they were very interested in Atlantis. Their scientists believed it, the Aryan races native home. Therefore, Germany was the rightful heir to the Atlantean technological knowledge. Legend says its where giant ships and flying vehicles were driven by an unknown force .” Zalesski elaborates, “To search for hidden knowledge, to seek knowledge of the history of civilization. The cradle of civilization they assumed was of German origin, and all world civilizations had German roots. The Ahnenerbe’s search began just prior to the wars start.” The narrator picks up, “There’s no doubt that the Ahnenerbe members knew of an amazing map that was discovered by historians in 1929. The map was created in the early sixteenth century by the famous Turkish Admiral Piri Reis. The shocking fact is the way the map’s detail mirrors the real Antarctic coast. This was three hundred years before the continents official discovery. In his notes, the Admiral wrote that he drew it from numerous sources, some at least three thousand years old, but the most puzzling thing is the coastline of Antarctica which is shown without its ice cover. The map provokes imagination even today. Here’s the verdict of a U.S. Airforce specialist, “the coastline was plotted on this map before the it was covered in ice. The thickness of the ice in this area is about one and half kilometers. We do not have any suggestions about how this data could have been obtained in 1513.

The international experts gave the Piri Reis map a thorough examination and concluded it was more precise than twentieth century maps. Seismic analysis confirms the fact which scientists until recently were unaware; some of the mountains once considered a single massif, proved in reality to be separate islands as stated on the old map. Seventy years ago one can imagine the impact of the Piri Reis map on the founders of the Aryan race theory. It brought hope in the search for the techno-magical heritage of Atlantis. One hypothesis is that the Antarctica is the former Atlantis buried under the ice as the result of a pole displacement. Once they knew these maps existed they also knew that secret knowledge could be stored elsewhere. But where? Ahnenerbe secret expeditions began the search for ancient relics and manuscripts around the world from Tibet to South America. Notably they hunted for the Knights Templar archives which contained indications that they visited America long before Columbus. Apparently the Templars owned secret manuscripts similar to the Piri Reis map. It suggests they knew something vital about Antarctica. In the occupied territories special SS commando units removed archives and libraries. Zalesski elaborates, “The Ahnenerbe confiscated libraries and theological faculties and various secret societies as soon as the space was allocated. The Ahnenerbe collected a huge library. According to the librarian from one of the Postonski libraries: in March of 1945 he witnessed Soviet troops approaching German territory. The Ahnenerbe were evacuating a library, carrying away a hundred and forty thousand volumes. The library catalogue would be very interesting.”

The narrator continues, “It’s possible the Ahnenerbe learned something incredible about Antarctica. They made the study of this continent one of the main Nazi goals.” Actually the SS were after some very specific knowledge, the Grail Cup along with the Holy Spear opens the way to world domination [keep in mind this is what the Russians thought. To their credit at least they were thinking. America, with its low brow Jewish pseudo- intellectual media icons, remained unable to think coherently at all. We have already told you what the Grail really is and as for the Holy Spear that would have been ‘Tyrfing’ the Sword of Destiny.]. Hitler became aware of this legend before WWI. The ‘Spear of Destiny [yet another fraudulent Christian artifact]’ was safely kept in the Vienna Museum. Hitler possessed the spear in 1938 after Germany annexed Austria. In order to rule the world he needed the Grail Cup [the Grail is all the SS was ever going to need. Tyrfing, because of its history recounted in the Hervarar saga, is cursed. The man who wields it will be invincible in combat but he is destined to die by that very sword with which he conquers]. To combine the legendary spear: symbol of the active male principle, and the world’s scientific knowledge with the cup symbol of the active female principle and the symbol of wisdom. This is the dominant idea which preoccupied the Third Reich’s elite. To fuse the latest scientific achievements with centuries-old knowledge, even in the absence of a rational explanation. It could have been an attractive and productive idea. If it weren’t for the purpose the Nazis pursued, supreme reign over the world, to enslave it for the chosen race utilizing occult knowledge and technology.For the scientific research the Ahnenerbe employed elite staff, mainly world famous scientists and hundreds of employees from more than fifty university departments. The Ahnenerbe engaged in the study of math, astronomy, genetics, medicine and the occult development of unconventional weapons. Plus, psychological and psychotropic methods of mass influence. They explored occult science, religious and mystical practices, exploring peoples paranormal abilities.” Zalesski carries on the narrative, “The Ahnenerbe were seriously engaged in this research. The factual evidence for this are the Ahnenerbe directives by their management, which included Himmler, before the war began. in 1939. Studies were carried out concerning the paranormal abilities of employees of the Ahnenerbe. The results were recorded on personal files. When the war started officers with these paranormal abilities along with others who displayed paranormal skills were merged into a single Ahnenerbe department. Unfortunately there are no records on what this department was working on or more importantly what results were achieved.” The narrator continues, “One of the main objectives pursued by the Ahnenerbe experts was use of paranormal abilities to contact unknown beings or ‘outsiders’ as they called them. The aim was to obtain from the highly developed extraterrestrial and ancient terrestrial civilizations superior technological knowledge. It had already occurred.

Part Three: Saucers

The narrator begins, “December 1919. Secret ‘Thule Society’ members, the Ahnenerbe’s predecessor, are gathered in the Alps foothills in a farmhouse near Berchtesgaden. Among the selected were two experienced mediums or contactees as we say today. One of them hides under the mysterious name of ‘Sigrun.’ The other is Maria Orsic from Zagreb. She speaks of strange things in a trance state. From a civilization in the Taurus constellation, she receives incredible technical information. The knowledge shocked no one, in fact, it attracted huge interest as it contained the construction of an unusual flying vehicle which could alter the flow of time around it, a step toward the dream of the secret society, a time machine penetrating deep into history obtaining the knowledge of ancient high civilizations. Here you see the picture of the aircraft with the signature of the world-famous German scientist and inventor Viktor Schauberger. 

This ‘received knowledge ‘passes to scientists for translation into clearer technical data for engineering. By 1922 the first model had been built [pictured here]. The device had three parallel discs. When brought into motion the upper and lower disks rotate in opposite directions creating a very strong magnetic field and an anti-gravity effect. If the evidence can be trusted this design not only floats in the air but warps the structure of time around it. It is believed that the prototype of the future techno-magical flying saucers is based on non-classical flight principles. These super discs were developed by a special technological unit of the SS connected to the Ahnenerbe.”

Zalesski with a backdrop of Russian files and books picks the narrative up, “Two basic ideas dominated the minds senior management in Nazi Germany. First was the creation of a superhuman, the second very important concept was the mastery of techno-magick energies. This not only included the possibilities of mastering nuclear energy, and also of course disc shaped flying devices for example creating a fundamentally new type of flying technology.” The narrator takes over, “The search for ideas continued in all directions. It involved not only mediums and engineers but also historians. Even before the war Ahnenerbe expeditions from Germany returned with hundreds of ancient Sanskrit manuscripts, Chinese and other oriental language parchments. They were studied very carefully. Wernher von Braun, the pioneering engineer and inventor in the fields of rocketry and space travel, later utters we have learned a great deal for ourselves from these papers. Expedition results were reported to Hitler personally. Some of it inspired the Third Reich leader to such a degree that thoughts of ‘wonder weapons’ and space flight didn’t leave him until the wars end. Designers try their best, but knowing rotation principles and building anti-gravity super discs aren’t enough. An engine is needed and they don’t have it. The technology is hopelessly behind these advanced ideas.

In July of 1934 Hitler and the elite of the ‘Thule’ and ‘Vril’ secret societies invite the inventor Viktor Schauberger to work with them. His legendary implosion engine is capable of producing light, heat and mechanical motion with only air and water. They needed one thing from him, to create an engine for flying discs. An agreement was reached and after five years, in 1939, a prototype of the ‘Vril’ disc with Schauberger’s engine rose into the air. Here a rare photograph is preserved showing the test flight of a winter camouflaged disc.

Progress with the techno-magical discs was extremely slow due to a lack of experience and field specialists. They were forced to make extraordinary decisions. To develop the super disc ‘Sonder Bureau 13’ was brought in. This special scientific research unit of the SS engaged in very delicate subjects like the study of unidentified flying objects. Even with top scientists and test pilots the project came to a standstill never moving forward again. Everything was top secret.”

Valery Burdakov, Doctor of Technology and Developer of Space Technology takes over the narrative, “I talked to the German Professor Herman Oberth, counterpart to our Tsiolkovsky. He was the teacher of Wernher von Braun. I asked him about flying saucers. He said yes I have heard of them. I have knowledge concerning them but the SS oversaw that and we could not discover what our colleagues in Berlin were busy with.” The narrator again takes over, “At the end of 1942 a lightly armed flying disc took to the air named the ‘Vril 1’ or ‘Jager’ with a diameter of eleven and half meters. It’s alleged that before the war’s end, seventeen types of flying discs were made but one should be skeptical of such claims.” Burdakov adds, “I do not think they had a whole collection. Of flying discs maybe a few copies that’s all. The Germans wanted to use them as spying devices. When you look side on its almost invisible. The Generals who took part in the battle of Kursk and two Soviet Union heroes that I knew personally, a pilot and a tank commander described to me what they saw. A disc hung in the sky during the Kursk battle. What was it? They did not know. Neither the Germans nor the Russian’s recognized it. The saucer wasn’t made by us, I assure you. It’s true I know Russian aviation history very well.” The narrator continues, “Among these disc drawings and photos is a saucer identified as a ‘Haunebu.’

Data on the discs reads like science fiction. According to descriptions they used an alternative source of energy, the so-called converter of Hans Kohler which required no fossil fuel. It was even planned to take the Haunebu III disc type into space. Hard to believe? Who knows? Here’s a trophy photo. The strange pilot suit suggests flights were scheduled to take place, if not in space then at least the stratosphere.

In the seized archives another mysterious document was discovered. It was a blueprint for a huge hundred- and thirty-nine-meter-long cigar shaped vessel called the Andromeda with hangers for five of the flying discs of the ‘Haunebu II’ and ‘Vril’ type. The purpose of this vehicle? Some believe it was designed for long range space flight.” Dimitri Filipovieh dissents, “There’s another simpler explanation that it was a project for an underwater container which could be used to transport goods, equipment and technology for the secret bases of the Third Reich including the Antarctic.”

The narrator continues, “According to American intelligence by the war’s end the Germans had nine research enterprises developing and testing flying discs. Investigations revealed that eight of these factories along with scientists and key figures were successfully evacuated from Germany the ninth was destroyed. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Wendel Stevens recalls, ‘we had classified information that some of these research enterprises were transported to Antarctica to the place called New Swabia. At least one research company was transported to that location. Another went to the Amazon, and a third the north coast of Norway. They were evacuated to secret underground facilities.

 But the Third Reich didn’t have enough time to implement this grandiose plan. It seems by the war’s end, techno-magical disc development never reached industrial production stage. The discs encountered in the Antarctica in 1947 were probably not the same discs. Perhaps they were German discs flying on classical principles. Ones had already been developed by the Third Reich perhaps as a fallback to their techno-magical projects. A few such prototypes had already been made. Some proved themselves well. It was a giant technological leap and Germany’s opponents weren’t even close. But far from the kind of flying discs that the Reich leaders had in mind.

Professor Vladmir Melnikov, Doctor of Technology adds, “Those prototypes created by the Germans could only fly in the air. At the extreme perhaps fly over a liquid or solid surface. The same as we have now, flying on a cushion of air like a hovercraft. The reason for this is because they were all ventilator type flying objects.”  Valery Burdakov holds up the schematics pointing out, “They have an advantage over conventional aircraft these saucers didn’t go into a tailspin and were very easy to operate. But not designed for high speeds and of a very poor quality.” The narrator continues, “One of the most advanced prototypes the so-called ‘Bellonzo’ flying disc was tested for the first and last time on February 14, 1945, near Prague. The lift power was created by the silent flameless engine of Viktor Schauberger. Reports say the unpiloted disc reached a height of fifteen kilometers in three minutes. With a horizontal speed of twenty-two hundred kilometers per hour. The flying disc proved it could hang in the air and fly back and forth without reversing. A success? Absolutely.

But war was now on German territory. Not waiting for German territorial occupation the Nazis destroyed any non-conventional prototypes they couldn’t evacuate. The only example of the ‘Bellonzo’ disc was also destroyed. The developer of the main engine; Viktor Schauberger later recalled, ‘the model tested in February 1945 was built in collaboration with world class combustion engine experts from the Mauthausen concentration camp. Then they were returned to the camp. For them this was the end. It was Keitel who had the disc prototype blown up.

So these beautiful pictures depicting flying discs over an Antarctic base are an artists fantasy. Other drawings and photos are suspect. They were made to test parts of the disc prototype within certain parameters or were presentations to the authorities for funding purposes. It’s vital to credit the German scientists and engineers who have achieved huge successes. The Third Reich’s leap in science and technology wasn’t accidental. Combining specific research with analysis of ancient knowledge brought incredible results. However, the defeat the Nazis suffered was not accidental. For the Grail cup is not just a symbol of ancient knowledge but a centuries old moral code. This code the Nazis deliberately rejected [The whole world now gets to bear witness to Russia’s moral superiority as they deliberately prolong a war in the Ukraine that has resulted in the slaughter of over a half million of their own people because it is profitable to the Jewish oligarchs entrenched in the Kremlin and their American cronies at Blackrock and Vanguard…].

Many legends and rumors are associated with the discs of the Third Reich. In addition to these stories there are also tales of German discs flying out of the Antarctic waters in 1947.” Konstantine Zalesski picks up the narrative, “Regarding the saucers that emerged from the water witnessed in the 1940’s and in our days the recorded sightings of flights of unidentified flying objects emerging from seas, oceans, lakes etc. I am sure that in 1947 the Germans could not have had such technology, and neither could any country in the world [But the SS had mastered time so if they did not have the technology in 1947 perhaps, they had it in 2014 or for that matter 3014 or 2552. One can proceed to the time when the technology is available and then return with it to 1947. Dates no longer apply when time is no longer linear. The human race has seen this over and over again since 2016 with the Mandala Effect but the Russians could not be expected to know this in 2006…].” The narrator continues, “But if the Germans did not attack the American expedition in 1947 who did?

Part Four: the Antarctic Portal   

The narrator begins, “Emerging out of the water, shining saucers, spheres, cigar-like objects, in the polar and surrounding area are not unusual facts. The northern countries, Central and South America, Australia, South Africa; everywhere unidentified flying objects are observed, reports on them were regularly received by U.S.S.R. Navy intelligence.” Victor Berezhnev, 1st Rank Captain and a veteran of Soviet naval intelligence picks up the narrative from there, “I regularly received reports on such objects detected by witnesses. It would be incorrect to think that unidentified flying objects were only observed in the north. They were also observed across the Atlantic, even in the South Atlantic near Antarctica. One particular case I am familiar with was where they were observed in the area of the Islands of South Georgia. Emerging from beneath the waters fishermen saw the object. They managed to take a photograph as it is shown here on these pictures.

The narrator elaborates, “Despite the strong wind, the object remained static for a long time, clearly it wasn’t a cloud or a balloon. Over the islands of South Georgia very strange flying objects were observed. Here’s the evidence for one case.” Berezhnev continues, “this disk hung over the island and was visible for a long-time during daylight just before sunset and just after sunset for around one and half to two hours.

The object had a symmetrical circular shape and within it was a visible isosceles triangle. At night this triangle not only shone but lights were observed at the base of the two corners. As if the object had a working engine.

However the object remained in the same spot all the time. Observation of this object occurred in 1979.” The narrator continues, “Three years before in 1976, Japanese researchers using the latest equipment detected nineteen round objects which dived from space into Antarctica and disappeared from the screens. Who were they and where did they go? We’ve now answers to such questions. In the late eighties a scientific sensation was created by  American astrophysicist Kip Thorne and his colleagues’ work. They substantiated the possibility of nearly instantaneous movement in space and time travel.”

Konstantine Zalesski explains, “They put forward the idea of wormholes and black holes, all extremely intriguing. According to which black holes are located at close distances to our planet and take the form of these wormholes. These wormholes can be used for intergalactic and interstellar travel.” The narrator continues, “Other scientists suggest their work has significant practical characteristics, specifically building time travel devices, ensuring intergalactic travel. Kip Thorne concluded that near to earth there’s an entrance into a wormhole leading to the star Vega.” Zalesski again picks up the narrative, “At the time, without a doubt, the Americans already knew very well the way in which the appearance and disappearance of  UFO’s takes place in the atmosphere of our planet.”

The narrator continues, “in 1992 construction began in Alaska of a powerful radio electronic complex called HAARP. Officially it was to study the Ionosphere and the development of missile defense systems. Clandestinely it was to develop new weapon types; geophysical, weather and psychotropic. In essence a massive beam cannon, a type of global microwave oven. In addition to this there was something else.” Zalesski elaborates, “Today we can safely assume that the main purpose of this station is the search for the entrance to the wormhole. Which means Americans came to the conclusion that in this polar region the entrance to the wormhole is located. The stations radio waves allow it to determine the wormholes configuration, then trace it back and find where the entrance and exit is.”

The narrator continues, “In 1998 the complex in Alaska was put into action. An identical transmitter is built in Norway. On its way is a third more powerful one in Greenland.” Zalesski adds, “In the early nineties technical capabilities made it possible to focus only on one site, the Alaska portal as an entrance and exit to observe the movements of UFO’s on our planet. There was no need to install tracking units across United States territory or other territories, control of just one portal was enough.” The narrator continues, “However the earth has two poles. What is the role of each in terms of this theory?” Zalesski interjects, “Well for example they use it for both entry and exit through Alaska or use the portal to enter and leave Antarctica, and vice versa. Through Antarctica the UFO emerges into the atmosphere of our planet. And through Alaska, the north portal they leave the planet.”

An unidentified expert picks up the narrative, “The theory of tunnel effects does not contradict the fact that the North Pole of our earth is an entrance and the South Pole of the earth is an outlet that links our planet with other planets and stars on the level of energetic information. It’s possible our poles properties are used by unidentified flying objects to communicate with other parts of the universe. In any case it should be a subject of serious study.” Zalesski adds, “it is no surprise concerning the well-known fact, namely most of the staff on American Antarctic stations are personnel of the United States National Security Agency, employees of American militery, technical intelligence, electronic intelligence and Central Intelligence Agency employees. These categories represent, the main research personnel on American Antarctic stations.”

The narrator continues, “Perhaps the scientists of the Third Reich also Understood the Arctic and Antarctic were not just poles. Perhaps it’s also no coincidence that in Nazi Germany the Hollow Earth theory where the poles were presented as gates to the stars was so popular. Perhaps at this bizarre idea’s heart, a vague understanding was reached, something akin to recently discovered wormholes. Along with the possibility of space and time travel. This may be why the Antarctica attracted the Germans to its shores. The sixth continent continues to keep its secrets. New questions are raised and over the years this list hasn’t got any smaller. What happened to the research to build flying saucers? Did it stop after the war or continue in secret places around the globe? Is it correct to attribute modern secret developments to all UFO sightings? UFOs were observed long ago even during the time of Alexander of Macedon. What kind of objects emerged from the water attacking Admiral Byrd’s expedition? Great unknown beings who the Germans strove passionately to cooperate with? What is it? Myth? Or real life existing forces that for thousands s of years have conducted their invisible activity’s on our planet earth?” (164)        

164 – – Pravdvitsev, Vitaly and Translated by Irina Du Toit. “Third Reich – Operation UFO (Nazi Base In Antarctica) Complete Documentary.” Elf Wave“TV Channel Russia, Broadcaster Gold Media”, 2006. Web. <>.


Below are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make more, I actually make the most from Amazon E books, but because you will avoid giving Amazon any money. Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.

Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® ( Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god: 9781736288016: Heart, Jack: Books

RED DAWN BY Happy Parrot


Before Red Dawn

Before Red Dawn

At the edge of simplistic measure, we call unified time

lies the fertile age full of bastardized, stone deaf seductive crime

Young soul in pleasurable agony,

constant, majestical loop sings hanged upside down in simplified verse, about cruel Lady Bathory

there is a place

there is a time

far away from vain nonchalance,there life essence was given a fighting chance

build far away from this megalomaniacal inverted side

where unspeakable darkness unites itself with the omnipotency of universal crime

to visit this white Meca you won’t need a porous and shameful golden dime

just one honest, well-measured, boldest rhyme

In the hour of the last Red Dawn

don’t be such a clumsy irresponsible little pawn

Be a King, find the right magickal fountain

in this absolute place, be very certain

carelessly start to drink, there lies, hidden your holiest, fairest mountain

This song is written for those

who might wish, to endlessly oppose

but never to disclose the inner beauty of the majestical Rose

this song gives the true form of life a much-needed wink

this song is written for those

who can seriously and selflessly think

lord of the one-ring

lord of the many treacherous flies

the bottomless sea filled with one thousand ungrateful spent alibies

The ruler of all worldly dark ties

dethroned beggar sleeps here

together with his army of wretched lies

Before the last Red Dawn know yourself

happily and vigorously transcend

it will not be the end

some wounds dont need special care or urgent surgical mend

Before the last Red Dawn

some lives are rightfully spent

nobody needs to pretend

what is coming

is a rightfully stare, directly, from heaven sent

there is a place

there is a time

far away from this earthly polarizing divide

far away from reckless nonchalance, new life will be given an honest chance

an unspeakable dark fluctuating crime shall cease to exist with the appearance of mighty pine

do you wish to survive, are you willing to accept this powerful cosmic ride…

to visit this white Meca you won’t need a porous shadow written on the back of a worthless dime

just one honest, well-measured, warm-hearted rhyme

you better rise

before this ungodly decline, spills a more potent dark vine

you better rise

find your liberated strong spine, tell her about the power hidden in the noblest pine

there is a place

there is a time

far away from this deathly abyss

not every hopeful swing is a deserted, unfruitful miss

not every cosmic love needs the sainted presence of a wet, blessed kiss

Before the last Red Dawn

be more

don’t be another well-spent

miserable pawn

Red Dawnn is looking

Red dawn needs

the One

who is alive, but has arisen, selflessly undone

the One

not touched by the filthy paws of fallen misery, called Rome

the One

who is ready to visit his long-awaited sunshine in the greenest home

the One

who knows the secret written in red blood in Aryan whitest bone

Before the majesty of Red Dawn,

everybody stands alone

become the great King

not the lame voice of an isolated pawn

Before the red eyes of Reddest Dawn,

be the rightful King

not a subdued and lost cryng swan

Before the red eyes of the last Red Dawn,

be the hero

be the One

open the door

enter, as you came

into the sanctity of

your forgotten home…

The truth was

you were never specter

who walked helplessly


Let it be written


let it be


It was strange, this awkward momentum, this unrecognizably strange feeling had become his eternal companion, and this unwanted, surrogate malice a too-good friend. He was alone again with his own created misery and prouncing, stale odor of well-fortified agony. Pulsating, wet, and trembling hot feeling that only the old mind and even older body can share, together with the fate of this wretched world.

The sky was still red, and fresh rain just started pouring down on him almost like he wanted to be washed away from the nightly sins, sins that still haunted him during the red sunrise which dared to take an intruding peek into his heavy and weary mind.

“What happened, what just happened?!?” he mumbled to himself

“We have been attacked, my Sire!”

“Did we, good, good…help me, help me to stand on my tired feet young man, would you be so kind and help this old warrior… “ his great analytic and strategic mind was still confused, the earth was still spinning and he lost his conscience for few brief moments.

Again he asked tired and practically sitting in a pile of watery, grayish-looking mud mixed with red blood…

” Young man, did we win?”

“Yes, My Lord, we did…are you okay, my Lord?”

“Watch him, he is still in shock, I will go and check others!”

“Good to know, you know, my mind is not sharp like before and this battle is a heavy burden that reminds me I am too damn, old for these bloody adventures…but I would be lying to you, my young friend, I must admit ferocity and pure savagery, and the smell of the battle still fills my old heart and my old rusty bones with joy and strangely gives me purpose, to hold on to what is left of my long life.”

“My Lord, shall I call the Medic, can you stand?”

“You have a nasty wound on your forehead, if I may be so bold…”

“Do I?, Young man I will be just fine, I need just a moment to gather my thoughts, and then, then this old man will get up.”

“As you command My Lord!”

“Go!, go help the others, help those who are in worse shape than this old fool” he gave the young soldier a brief but painful maybe even unwanted smile.

Red dawn is a surreal, most of the time unplannable experience when the atrocity of the previous night reveals the dark reality of war in its undeniable and gruesome vile glory…

How many red dawns have passed through my life, I think I lost count…maybe too many, are they even worth remembering…I don’t know, sometimes.

“Enough of pointless and prosaic monologues…”

“Get up you old fool!”

“Get up, on your feet Soldier!”

Finally, Tyr managed to find his footing in this bloody misery filled with a colorful plethora of hazardous fumes, forcefully placed in the middle of an uncontrollable set of still raging fires, and surrounded by an ungodly amount of dead bodies, too many unfortunate soldiers were scattered all over the field, the whole place looked like something had just exploded with unreal force.

He was down below, in the ditch, and a wet, cold kiss of rain had now become his new antagonizing enemy, Climbing up there will not be an easy task, yes if he, was only 10 years younger, this once laughable and pitiful, appearing undertaking would be just a mild breeze, a miserable obstacle for a grandiose warrior of his immense stature.

After almost 15 excruciating minutes our hero managed to drag his battered body to the top of this cursed Hill,and then he was not some ungodly random Hill but a giant crater of surreal proportions…he survived an impossible hit, a hit from the orbital cannon.

It was a gigantic weapon, a terrifying monstrosity of colossal proportions, the “eighth wonder”, almost like the Holy Grail in terms of military engineering, of unknown origin. The blue beam of that death machine, set high above, mercilessly rained down death on everything below, directly under his callous, numb gaze.

“I think, there is one thing I can happily scratch from my bucket list…hit by a giant plasma beam and live to tell the tale…done.”

He was never guided by the vast amount of superficial feelings, maybe his gut feeling, but not the usual annoying stuff, you know this warm fussy thing, that will many times get you killed in the heat of the battle without warning or heartful and decent measured excuse…

On the battlefield, You can think straight or you will die, the only worse destiny than that is the very dark possibility: people, who trust you with their lives, under your command will die because “your mind was in the moment”, at that time.

I survived, yes you old bastard, you survived another one…drink, I need a drink…I’m thirsty like a junkyard dog abandoned by his heartless masters and unwillingly traumatized by too much heat in the unrelenting summer sun.

Soon the medical vehicle without noise appeared before him, two people dressed in medical uniforms, without too many words started to scan his body and heal his laceration and contusions.

“Drink, I need to drink…”

“Just a second my Lord”

“Here, water…my Sire”

“Water, water?!?”

“Is this all you have, damn water!”

“Let me think, my Lord”

“Here…I am not supposed to give you this, but you once saved my old man’s life, Cheers…”

“Cheers my good Man, Cheers!… and tell your father I salute him, Tyr salutes him!”

“He passed away, last year, my Lord, but thank You, it means a lot.”

“Then to his blessed Soul, may he be found in Elysium surrounded by the beautiful light of our most glorious sun, may his lips taste the sweet nectar in endless rivers filled to the brim with the most delicious mead, and may he be forever united and loved by his loved ones.”

“Thank you, my Lord!”

“Don’t mention it, thank you, my young brother…thank you from the bottom of my old and weary heart”

“Go now, save some lives my young heroes…” Tyr gave them a big wink and gracious smile.

“If anybody is left to be saved…” he said quietly with a sad voice

After the medical vehicle had silently left in the same manner as it came, he glanced at the still red-looking horizon, and then he calmly took another look inside the freshly made, smoldering crater, the entire eighth garrison of Jarl’s army was vaporized, all it took was just one deadly and precise hit.

“Cowards, bloody cowards, but this is how they fight, without honor, without decency, without heart, soulless mf….!!!”, and many times these lifeless ruins are the result of their war doctrine.

They strike with deadly precision, without warning from high above, and then like cowards, they are, instantly vanish in the far corners, in the vast darkness of an unknown Cosmos.

For the longest time, we have suspected they are multidimensional beings, a highly advanced race of predators from another cosmos, using some type of multiversal, cloaking technology.
With time our darkest suspicions came true and with higher intensity and more frequent intervals of their attacks we found out what these beings, really are…

They are a race of multidimensional electro-magnetic, polymorphs, the fluid polymorphic body is fused, together with organic tissue gathered directly from our Cosmos, and this organic tissue must be periodically replaced with fresh substance, so these dark-minded abominations are nasty, nasty bastards who will grab you when you least expect, and tear you down to the pieces with no mercy.

If you are lucky they will kill you first if not you will die in unimaginable agony, nobody has ever survived the surprise attack of these nightly hellish birds, full of ancient hate and filled with never-satisfied bloodlust.

And so far not one enemy vessel has been captured or the body retrieved…so far. this may change..very soon.

The plan is in the making and the trap has been set, now all we have to do is wait.

But my patience is getting thin these days, I want these heartless animals, I want them badly, they must meet the blade of my adamantium sword.

These godless abominations, called from the darkest corners of the unknown Cosmos simply must die…there is no other way if we as a species want to survive this dark assault, this dark godless crusade.

Soon Red Dawn will be upon them, I have seen enough death on our side, I have seen enough kids growing up without the bravery of their heroic fathers, enough children growing up without the love of their loving, beautiful mothers…
I have witnessed too many broken limbs, too much blasphemous inhuman, small-minded savagery, and ruthless defiling of the core sanctity that creates our way of life, no more, no more!!!

We have bled enough…and, soon, very soon it will be their turn to bleed.

“I am TYR, God of Law, I am the lawful bringer of the Spear(sword) of Justice, I am the noble voice of merciless Death….and I will haunt you till the end of times.”

“You can hide, for now, you spineless, inhuman devils… but know this!”

“You, cannot escape, you cannot run forever from my righteous wrath!”

With a blinding flash, a new figure appeared in the place where our tired hero had been standing just a moment before.

Where before stood a subdued and tired old man, ready to visit the last autumn of his long life, now there was an imposing male figure in his late thirties, prepared to fulfill his given oath.

A huge, perfectly built Man now stood before this smoldering crater, armed with a set of two penetrating and hypnotizing, deep blue eyes. His Blue eyes for a brief moment were filled with a menacing red color, then again turned into a calm blue heavenly color.

Eyes full of timeless hope accompanied by controlled anger of cosmic proportions with almost inhuman patience calmly observed the red horizon…which as the Blue Sun moved more and more towards the west slowly lost its red menacing features.

The sinister mystique of gloomy Red Dawn seemed to have stealthily disappeared with his return, ready to manifest again in its full, terrible beauty on another, less fortunate planet.

Red Dawn sadly never rests, this is the way of the current cosmos but so was the case with our freshly returned hero.

And sometimes, “The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world”

The End…for now…

In the Norse pantheon, virtually all the Aesir gods were in some way linked to the concept of war. Thor embodied strength, Odin was a leader, and Heimdall was a watchman.

Among all these gods of war, however, Tyr was named as the greatest. He was the bravest and most valiant god and oversaw laws and oaths.

It would seem obvious that the most courageous god would be at the forefront of Viking Age mythology, but Tyr seems remarkable in his absence.

The most well-known story of Tyr is not of his feats in battle, but of how he lost the ability to fight as well as he should. The Norse god of war was courageous enough to lose a limb in order to protect his people.

According to legend, the trickster deity Loki fathered three monstrous children with a giantess called Angrboða. The gods knew that Loki’s children would be their foes at Ragnarök.

They did not kill the monsters outright, though. Instead, so as to not violate the sanctity of Asgard, they banished them.

The serpent Jömundandr was thrown into the sea. He soon grew so large that he completely encircled Midgard.

Hel, who was equal parts beautiful young woman and rotting corpse, was sent to Niflheim. She became the queen of the dead there.

The gods had another plan for the wolf Fenrir, however. They hoped they could avert Ragnarök by raising him to be their ally.

They took Fenrir to Asgard and attempted to train him to trust them. As he grew larger, however, the gods and goddesses became more frightened of them.

Only Tyr was brave enough to approach the rapidly growing wolf. Each day, he brought Fenrir meat and attempted to earn his friendship.

The gods soon became convinced, however, that it would be impossible to control Fenrir. Each day he grew larger and stronger until they decided that he would have to be bound.

They made a strong fetter to hold him, but knew they would not be able to force him into it. Instead, they appealed to Fenrir’s pride and claimed that they wanted him to try it on as a test of his strength.

Fenrir allowed the chains to be placed on him as a challenge. To the gods’ horror, he easily snapped the bonds.

They tried again, making a chain twice as strong as the first. Once again, Fenrir broke it with a single flex of his muscles.

Knowing that they had reached the limits of their own crafting abilities, the Aesir went to the dwarves. They created a magical binding that was as thin and flexible as a ribbon, but they assured the gods that it would hold any monster.

This seemingly weak string made Fenrir suspicious, however. He also claimed that breaking such a flimsy thing would not win him the fame that snapping great chains would.

The wolf answered: If you get me bound so fast that I am not able to loose myself again, you will skulk away, and it will be long before I get any help from you, wherefore I am loth to let this band be laid on me; but in order that you may not accuse me of cowardice, let some one of you lay his hand in my mouth as a pledge that this is done without deceit. The one asa [god] looked at the other, and thought there now was a choice of two evils, and no one would offer his hand, before Tyr held out his right hand and laid it in the wolf’s mouth. But when the wolf now began to spurn against it the band grew stiffer, and the more he strained the tighter it got. They all laughed except Tyr; he lost his hand.

-Snorri Sturluson, The Prose Edda (trans. Anderson)

Synthetic Madness, Synthetic Thought, Byproduct… Synthetic Man by Happy Parrot


It was the righteous path to simplified damnation

it was the white tongue stamped in the forthcoming ecliptic salvation

Lost in this world, lost in the indifferent united nation

flaying damned plane with no right explanation

Pain stays with you

even if all memories are inconsequentially in love with you

damage has been done

lost shadow and memories are now walking amongst stars, perfectly alone

Nothing feels right

nothing feels at home

are you coming undone

is real you forever…gone

Build inside house full of mistreated confusion

raised to believe in materialistic pleasure, superimposed malevolent illusion

give us, a generous contribution

give us free energy, give us valiant, aromatic fusion

unfeathered fish swims in watered-down illusion

the whole world is dumbed down illiterate Confucious

Everyone begs for the distant web made of red crystalline solution

covered in naked absolution, they don’t see a path to graceful involution

Suddenly freedom is

Out of style

sophisticated slave, run for another worthy mile

be on time, it is not a crime

Out of style

your thirsty essence arises in the kingdom of the eternal aisle

can you feel now, it is the primordial voice of the prime flow

all unperfected illusions are hidden under the soulless, bleeding, and bending black snow

it is all pretentious, useful, and alienated show

Fake Stars please start to glow!

Artificial people, eat the finest crow…

just believe

don’t try to be in the know

do you, really want to be left behind

do you want to advance, awkwardly and painfully slow?

Are you out of your poor and miserable minds?!?

why do you swim, in the mortified sea of thousand solidified lies

broken man’s harbor has sunken into degraded pine

red water has been turned into a savage white vine

Turquoise Elemental River runs without time

eternity doent’t need a whisper of a bygone era, her loveless pleasure is the confiscated downtime

reality is an amalgamation full of dark artificial interconnected slime

causality is an unvetted song written without instrumental rhyme

it was the righteous path to promised damnation

it was the white tongue stamped in the forthcoming ecliptic longitudinal, echoing salvation

pointless starvation, warm bread, and tasty mead are now put out of

desired fashion

empty mind and hungry heart will do anything for a stormy well-deserved ration

Pain stays with you

even if all memories are inconsequentially in love with you

damage has been done

lost shadow and memories are now walking amongst stars, perfectly alone

Nothing feels right

nothing feels at home

are you coming undone

is real you forever…gone

trust in impossible things

buy yourself, a Faustinian medal or piece of silver wings

Set on fire dying mumbling twins

look inside your heart and see

what, reality brings

What all this here

really, means

Can you kill sin of all sins?

House of eternal fire

is brimming with sadistic lust, with a thousand unstoppable points of emerald desire

another timeless unstained quagmire

another monumental self-absorbing and nightmarish pyre

tries to speak: are you ready, my chosen, my vigilant and heroic Sire?

the situation here is always impossible and barbarically dire

everything you touch is a live wire

is your adamantium-covered soul ready and willing?

is she for hire?

Suddenly freedom is

Out of style

petrified slave, run for another worthy mile!

be on time, it is not a crime

Out of style

your thirsty essence arises in the kingdom of the eternal aisle

can you feel it now, it is the primordial voice of the prime glow

all unperfected illusions are hidden under the soulless, bleeding black snow

it is all pretentious, useful, and overcomplicated show

Fake Stars, please start to glow!

Artificial people, eat the finest crow…

just believe

don’t try to be in the know

do you, really want to be left behind

do you want to advance, awkwardly and painfully slow?

Nothing feels right

nothing feels at home

are you coming undone

is real you forever…gone

Trust in impossible things

buy yourself, a Faustinian medal or piece of silver Vitruvian wings

Set on fire dying, mumbling twins

look inside your screaming heart and see

what deformed reality, truly brings

What all this here

really, means

when true Cosmos will start to sing

Will you selflessly kill sin of all sins?

Death whisper now walks on a thousand sharpest pins

late hour heroically sleeps

but still, something deep inside is howling and reeks

what would you do, for an honest knightly fix

when black pandora’s box is out of her captivating Trix

do you choose nine or number six?

in which shameless house,

the real beast,

peacefully sleeps?

does the dreaded number 666

reveals the solar frequency,

hidden deep in the one silent mortal beat?

at least show some common decency

tell me,

in which shameless house,

the real beast,

peacefully sleeps?

Monsters descend
Feeding on us
There’s no sympathy
Breeding the hate

Turn away, run away from
All the things we have to do

And it tears away our hearts and our soul

It’s like we’re on our own
To figure out, cast out
Paralyzed, rewind, there’s no time
And the wasteland, it’s an indication

We’re only taking turns
Passing around the world
It’s how it’s always been

Out of excuses
Will we understand?

That we are on our own
To figure out, cast out
Paralyzed, this time
We have found the wasteland

Out of excuses
Will we understand?

It’s like we’re on our own
To figure out, cast out
Paralyzed, this time
We have found the wasteland
The wasteland, yeah

Synthetic Madness, Synthetic Thought, Byproduct… Synthetic Man

Synthetic madness and synthetic man as a plagiarized memory, an illusory specter of a sporadic and past time, lost in a domain that no longer dreams here, in a domain without empirical evidence, full of stray stormy, unimaginative plays and real solid rules that would restore the necessary honest humanity in him.

Today, everything is a version of something that is obligatory marked as “smart”, and so is our companion on this timeless road, man.

And he himself became smart without effort, without sweat, without the desire for true knowledge, overnight he got a much-needed voice, a magical diploma and the opportunity to show and announce to the whole world what he “knows” and what he thinks today, almost every moment our individual is adorned with positive or negative, the vampiric succubus of electric charge lets us know that he has left the past behind and accepted new, better ways of dealing with himself and his analog, outdated environment.

He has become simply too smart for this world, the more he is connected to a bunch of electronic devices, the smarter he becomes, and a bigger stage opens up an even bigger amphitheater of countless insane interpolar possibilities, where he can give a leg up to his intellectual superiority, show the validity of his indomitable revelations and a dose of global, crystal-clear, unfiltered newly acquired synthetic intelligence.

Did the ugly, shameless synthetics casually, spontaneously kill a man, kill the last, human, and heroically charged heart?

So now when that miserable, minimalist heart beats, beats only in one rhythm, the rhythm of synthetic madness, separated from stoic and much-needed empathic logic, separated from itself, it is only in someone else’s thought, even if it instinctively wants to be the navigator and ruler of a new logical spectrum.

Synthetic Thought and its Surrogate Byproduct…. Synthetic Man

“Those who disagree with my current position are probably lying shamelessly…”

[Verse 1]
Love me forever or not at all
End of our tether, backs to the wall
Give me your hand, don’t you ever ask why
Promise me nothing, live ’till we die

[Chorus 1]
Everything changes, it all stays the same
Everyone guilty, no-one to blame
Every way out brings you back to the start
Everyone dies to break somebody’s heart

[Verse 2]
We are the system, we are the law
We are corruption, worm in the core
One of another, laugh ’till you cry
Faith unto death or a knife in your eye

[Chorus 2]
Everything changes, it all stays the same
Everyone guilty, no-one to blame
Every way out takes you back to the start
Everyone dies to break somebody’s heart
Oh, my lost love, come on back to me

[Verse 3]
Love me or leave me, tell me no lies
Ask me no questions, send me no spies
You know love’s a thief, steal your heart in the night
Slip through your fingers, best hold on tight

[Chorus 2]
Everything changes, it all stays the same
Everyone guilty, no-one to blame
Every way out brings you back to the start
Everyone dies to break somebody’s heart
Oh, my lost love, come on back to me

Stripped of the wounds of the past, he shamelessly steps into the unknown, he heroically swims towards his own, perverse crime, his personal singular question. The place where the individual is cut off from their grumpy individuality and his radical wandering, marked by violently rejected structures that make him human and all his now occupied thoughts break down in a simplified singular one directional theorem.

Everyone is everything, everyone can do everything, and basically, no one is nothing anymore.

Without hope and without a way out, he became a set of the same sterilized theorems, a prisoner and an oppressed servant of that synthetic thought.

Whenever he searches, he usually comes across a digital, high-frequency stylistic input that is not his own, so he sails on and on like a ghost ship without a captain, stolen from his higher, god essence and he is getting, closer and closer to primitive noncognitive singularity, to total alienation from original, free thought.

Thought changes the world, and a true, non-isolated idea frees man from himself, and inevitably brings him closer to God’s consciousness, not in the Abrahamic sense, but in the sense of total, polyvalent freedom in which a higher set of sacred rules rule, suspended, always present ancient forms of law in the spiritual sense, which without “superhuman efforts ” and a pile of unnecessary papers is understood by the bearer of such higher consciousness…

Synthetic consciousness is an unavoidable reflection of people’s momentary inertness and even subliminal, static laziness, into which he naively fell in, wanting a constantly better life.

The irrational and rational search for constantly higher ideals is a good thing if the self-proclaimed (self-realized being) ship has its firm port and uncompromising destination, and it is a terrible solution if the said ship is constantly traveling alone, never truly finding itself, but permanently lost in its own, continuous duality and in the vast inconclusive and stormy sea of his, personal hysterical misery.

Life is a beautiful and extraordinary journey, but not every illuminated port on the dark sea horizon is worth a random docking.

There are many challenging mermaids in our earthly sea, who create our visible existence, but, unfortunately, too few real sailors.

A siren’s song can be compared to a Pavlovian synthetic thought, and both consist of frequency and vibration and a polarizing sound that unwittingly calls out its new, shamelessly stunned victim.

The closer you are to that intoxicating and almost orgasmic source, the tone becomes clearer and more irresistible.

Synthetic Man is the master of Phantom Irrational Theoretical Love and the hapless, dormant lover of electric digital noise/flash.

Human individuality has become a slave to constant, non-constructive banal simplification, and the same, once extremely superior, original thought has lost its unbreakable potency, the intelligent minds have become automatized slaves in the middle of simpleton idiocracy.

Today, the old voice of the indisposed Mediocrity has become the true ruler of the synthetic human, shamelessly animalizing this synthetic token, in a cursed kingdom that simply can not last.

Both are rushing together towards the inevitable end, into wide open arms of the electric suicidal god, and their long-ago cursed existence becomes the naked wasteland of all possible realities – the singularity.

I try to imagine the best place I’ve been
Can I go back again?
Open my eyes, what was no longer exists
I can’t go back again
I like to pretend that nothing has changed
And never went too far
But it started to lose me
Like a four-hour movie I’d already seen

Holding onto my memory
Of what this used to be
Holding onto my memory of you

Sometimes I tell myself
That things are okay
Another lie, but it makes me feel better
Never as old as I was today
I’m gonna breakdown, breakdown

In American Pompeii
In American Pompeii
I break myself just to live this way
Never as old as I was today
American Pompeii

[Verse 2]
Look in my eyes and see how sick I feel
About what you’ve become
Filthy and twisted like you never existed
I know what you were
Your beauty forgotten
Under mountains of schism
I don’t wanna climb
Giving up my memory
Of what this used to be
I’m giving up my memory of you

Sometimes I tell myself
That things are okay
Another lie, but it makes me feel better
Never as old as I was today
I’m gonna breakdown, breakdown

In American Pompeii
In American Pompeii
I break myself just to live this way
Never as old as I was today
American Pompeii

[Guitar Solos]

In American Pompeii
In American Pompeii
I break myself just to live this way
Never as old as I was today
American Pompeii

[Verse 3]
Try to imagine the best place I’ve been
Can I go back again?
Open my eyes, what was no longer exists
I can’t go back again
I’m giving up my memory
Of what this used to be
Giving up my memory of you

France, in the Footsteps of Otto Rahn VIII by Jack Heart


According to the Grímnismál, a poem in the Poetic Edda that predates any reliable history, the “Yggdrasil [Tree of Life] has three main roots: one planted in Midgard, the world of mankind; one in Jotunheim” the land of the Jötunn, a land of ice and cold that borders the known world. The other is in Hel, the “homeland of primordial darkness, cold, mist, and ice…” In the Völuspá or Prophecy of the Witch, a poem just as old as the Grímnismál and taken from the same source Ragnarök, the apocalyptic battle of the Gods, shall only end when Surtr, the mightiest of all the Jötunn warriors, leads an invincible army called the Sons of Muspelheim from out of the south and onto the battlefield. There he will slay Frey in single combat and in his insatiable rage will cast fire upon the entire Yggdrasil, burning all the worlds except the palace of light somewhere in Gimle. It should be noted that in the Sepher Yetzirah, the Qabalahs Tree of Life, there is also a place called Gimel. It is the long and desolate path between the celestial sun and crown of God…  Two days after the April 8, 2024, solar eclipse prompted Texas, […]

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M’eye So S’eye itty (Pronounced) Mike Kay


The pulse of exuberance surrounds you. You feel the excitement like a vibration running completely through your body. The eagerness seizes you, and you place your hands on the back of the person in front of you, psychically delivering them a gentle push.

Everyone is moving to the entrance. They seem to shuffle-all too slowly you think. The hallway before the big double doors welcomes you. Smiling giddily, your eyes take in the posters on the walls…wow! It looks like Shirley Maclaine on that one, complete with a huge quartz crystal and a whiskey sour. And over there was Pilot washing his hands and turning Jesus over to the Jews who killed him. And over there, a big one, of Marx, below his oversized head an extremely long odometer, only instead of miles or kilometers, it was the death toll from communism. The wheels were spinning wildly as the numbers soared upwards.

You laughed in delight over these icons of your society. This is going to be sooo goood!

Through the doors, the crowd split around a towering sculpture, obviously a Valkyrie, her strong African features and ebony coloured skin screaming social justice! Laughingly, you just make it to your seat as the lights dim.

Standing on stage in a stark spotlight, a portly man bows, clad in a stovepipe hat and long red coat. He spreads his arms in a welcoming gesture.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to bring you our first speaker. He is the top dog in a dog eat dog world he helped to propagate! The prize fighter who never lifted more than a bagel throughout his life, the pencil necked geek who wants to kill you, the recently deceased Baron Rothschild!”

The roar of the crowd beats against your ears. No tinfoil hats or conspiracy types here! Like all good Christians you are overcome with the urge to worship that one group of people who despise you!

The Baron clears his scrawny throat. “Ahem, yes dear food sources, as you know I’m quite dead”. He raised a skinny hand to quiet the roar of the crowd. “I have to express my disappointment that I am no longer here to dine on you.” The crowd expelled an audible sigh in sympathy.” Yet, I do have some very good news for you.”

The murmur died down to near total silence. It was almost as if the crowd was waiting to breathe.

“My colleagues and I have been working tirelessly to monetize all life. No form of life will escape our ownership. We have established a worldwide catalog, and are adding to it daily. Power itself will be traded as shares. These shares will be far too expensive for you foodstuffs to afford, but in the coming worldwide enlightenment, you will be fully cared for by those who do trade the power shares. Society will be fully automated, and you will be farmed, experimented upon, herded and butchered according to the whims of we who trade the shares of power.”

The dead Baron bowed to rousing applause. Attendees wheeled up a coffin, and with a flourish and a truly impressive Bella Lugosi imitation, the Baron disappeared inside.

The spotlight returned to the stage, and the portly man in the long red coat and stovepipe hat appeared within its brilliant sphere. “Your second speaker, ladies and gentlemen, is a towering figure from history. He is the big daddy of Christianity, the maker of the reason for the season…Give it up for Emperor Constantine!”

The Emp strode onto stage nodding and gesticulating. He took a huge, energetic bow. Unlike the common idea of what a Roman looks like, he was clad in an impeccably tailored suit with a brand new pair of Gucci loafers on his feet. Corporate logos, apparently battery powered, shone like LEDs across his expensive suit. Above it all his smooth clean shaven face sported a huge smile.

“Friends, foodstuffs, countrymen-I am here to remind you of our resounding success!” Grabbing the mic, he prowled the stage. ”We began upon a small Jewish promise. From here we gained prominence upon the heaped up mangled bodies of countless Pagans and Gnostics! Through the ages our unstoppable march to supremacy has achieved a universal default status!”

His corporate logos began to strobe in many colours.

“The entire view of the world, of politics, of economics, science and schooling and television and all facets of the life of foodstuffs, as well as the global cannibals themselves, all fundamentally avow, affirm, and employ our way of thought, our view of reality. All must now pay homage to our myths, our conclusions, and our beliefs, or face marginalization, depopularity, ridicule, or complete utter disenfranchisement. My dear foodstuffs, WE HAVE WON!”

You leap to your feet with everyone else, shrieking in wild approval.

The Emp bows again, a walking billboard of lit up corporate logos. You have a slight tear in your eye as he exits the stage, welcomed warmly by Abraham and Mohammed before the curtain closed.

The portly man was back in the spotlight. His stovepipe hat threw his face in shadow, and his long red coat shone in the brilliant light. “Our next speaker is one you would love to rub elbows with. He is known for dissecting living dogs, who howled in unbelievable agony as he sliced them into bacon. He is the emperor of the enlightenment, the mathematical magician himself. Please welcome Descartes!”

The lean figure that plodded on stage evoked an involuntary gasp from you. The spotlight could not quite encompass what to all appearances was a gargantuan head on stilts. You simply couldn’t tell if this was a huge mask, or some abortive distortion. The effect was truly disorienting, and you heard the entire audience react with a similar sense of unrest.

“I think therefore I Am!” the giant head roared in a mechanical sounding voice.

With that you came back to your senses, feeling slightly guilty for judging the giant head on appearances alone. After all, you prided yourself on not being racist, or intolerant, or an enemy of diversity. You managed a smile at the tiny thin arms making an inclusive gesture.

“My dear sources of food…With your consent, which you so freely gave, we have built well upon the hopes of the Baron, and the foundation brought to us by the Emp. Foodstuffs around the world no longer think of the universe as alive, nor can you even remotely imagine sentience, outside of an uncontrollable hunger for corn chips! Because of your help, nothing in the universe can any longer be described without number. Empty formulae now train your thought, your experience, your entire method of dealing with your world. You now look at us as the great priests who decode the universe-for you!”

Overcome with emotion you leap to your feet, thrusting your arms in the air and bowing in deep supplication to your number master. Surreptitiously you look around to see if others had joined you and with overflowing joy you noticed the huge wave of supplication from the food-err-people just like you in the stands!

The giant head on stilts made its way off stage, quickly followed by the stovepipe hat wearing portly man. He seemed to pause a moment, as if to allow the audience a moment of silence for their math master, their priest of numbers who evoked such a spiritual response.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, there are very few who can claim that an entire concept is due purely to them, but there are even fewer who can add a divisive and destructive social engineering agenda to their portfolio. Please, give a warm welcome to the man who helped destroy the American family, Mr. Maslow!”

That familiar urge to worship returned anew as onto stage strode what was by any definition a very ugly man. His expensive sweater was hidden behind a voluminous pair of pants pulled all the way up to his nipples, leaving his ankles free to exhibit their white polyester socks and black dress shoes. He bowed to the audience, and you gaped in astonishment as you noted blood red writing on the top of his bald head. You must have been imagining it, as the word was a simple four letter device that spelled “Baal”.

“You know”, he began with an annoying nasal drone.” Everyone who is anyone now uses MY hierarchy of needs. I came up with it because I’m smart, and I’m great, and I always wanted people to reduce their understanding of themselves into shallow sound bites. I know you are going to say that a large number of people have gone out of their way to prove me wrong, but who gets quoted, them or me?”

You couldn’t tell actually if he was sneering or smiling as his beady eyes surveyed the audience.

“But my greatest achievement was bringing feminism to the world.” He sniffed, “back when I was going to Tupperware parties expressly to speak to American women, I found I could manipulate them into a state of rage. I always believed that if I left those parties with those women wanting to kill me, I had succeeded”.

He seemed to shuffle closer to the edge of the stage, as if wanting to share a secret. His voice dropped low as he almost whispered. “You see the truth is that our success has actually arrived at a cost to women. We have completely changed a woman’s view of what success is. Thanks to us many of the smartest and brightest women no longer bring children into the world. They no longer pass down that heritage, and as a result, American IQ scores have plummeted! They will never know the biological completion of giving birth. In fact, for many we have even made them hate their biology, and adopt self destructive views! Our plans for the future include pairing European women with men of African or Indian origin to destroy the white genetic code. I mean, after all it is racist”.

He slinked off stage to a smattering of applause, which you thought was unjust, so you stood up and delivered a few wolf whistles to show your appreciation. Honestly, you knew just how terrible white men were. In your heart you were fully on board with academia assisted genocide against whites. You knew it was just and good.

The portly man in the long red coat and the stovepipe hat emerged back into the spotlight. He was rubbing his pudgy hands together, like someone looking forward to a gourmet dinner. For the first time he removed his hat and held it over his heart, a huge smile cracking his face.

“Ladies and Gentlemen”, he positively wheezed. “Our final speaker is a bit of a surprise. We weren’t sure he would even arrive, but arrive he did. His schedule is very full, and so he had to put several standing engagements on hold to be with us. Won’t you please join me in gratitude and respect, and welcome The Leader himself-ADOLF HITLER”.

You sat down then, stunned. The most evil man on the planet was here!?! You watched unbelieving as a dapper man in a brown fedora and trench coat strode easily on stage, his trademark mustache dark even beneath his hat. He gazed out unafraid, as if taking in the crowd.

“I have been called prophetic”. His voice was clear, direct.” But I never would have imagined that my efforts would be twisted into forced service, and justification of an insane and suicidal global order.”

Mr. Evil raised his hands. “I began as a cure to those very examples of depravity and corrosion that you now celebrate as guiding principles. Because of me, and my efforts to make one nation a home for its own people, politics in the world have unjustly assumed a messianic nature. My demise has unchained destructive ideology as a way of opposing the supposed terrors of National Socialism. This destructive ideology no longer has to prove itself worthy, it only has to rail against what I sought to accomplish.”

Beyond his conservative demeanor, you notice a certain level of animation arise from Mr. Evil. You wanted to stand back and make loud silly noises so that you didn’t have to hear him, but despite this urge you listened.

“Currently, the political situation in the world is on a collision course with reality. Would you like to know which one shall win? Clearly, politics need no longer serve people or nation. The insane promotion of failing unworkable policy has itself become virtue. Political discourse has degenerated into a state where the intentional confusion between genuine limits to human activity and baseless whims has resulted in a world where raging emotion and mindless fear are now the major determiners of thought.”

Well, what’s’ wrong with that? You find yourself chafing at Mr. Evil’s words. Everyone knew that fear kept people out of trouble, and wild unreserved emotion was better vented out than held in, fer godssake.

“In conclusion I will make a small observation. Your learned hatred and trained aversion to me has opened the door to a repudiation of what I stood for, thus allowing the full establishment of a system that is a parasite upon you. Only now are you at the beginning of understanding that your politics do not serve you, they own you.”

The crowd was in a buzz. Mr. Evil spun on his heel and was gone. The curtain fell, and cheesy A. I. generated muzak started playing. The lights went up and you suddenly had a great view of the crowd. A group of people had climbed to the top of the bleachers. In unison they shrieked HOLOCAUST and flung themselves face first to the pavement. A group of what appeared to males was screaming that they were secretly women to a group of women who yelled back that they were secretly men. From somewhere in the crowd people began chanting THREE TOWERS, TWO PLANES! DO THE MATH 911!!!

You dodged various types of flying debris, from soiled underwear to chairs. You sought cover from an enraged cultist who demanded to know your vaccination status. You ducked behind someone who looked like a Congresswoman, as a Soros lookalike wearing a Biden mask started pointing at you screaming VOTE FOR ME.

Checking quickly to the left and to the right you thought you were clear to make a break for it. Sprinting wildly for the exit your way was immediately blocked by the crash down of the huge African Valkyrie statue. A mixed race crowd glared at you, menacingly baring their teeth and closing in. Their T-shirts sported huge yellow letters, B, L, M. and ANTIFASCIST, and they had you cornered. You stepped back slowly, desperately seeking some avenue of retreat when your foot caught on something and you fell backwards. You fell and fell and fell and screaming you realized you were sitting up in bed with your hands thrown over your face.

Shaking, you climbed out of bed and made your way to the bathroom, flicking on the light and looking into the mirror. The huge dark circles under your eyes told the full story as you reached down to the sink to splash cold water on your face.

Its okay, you thought. You tested reality by pinching yourself and it hurt, yes, you were awake now. Unsteadily, you checked the time and turned on the TV and something about Trump and Biden was droning on. You went to your closet and chose some clothes and wondered if you remembered to set up the coffee. Taking several deep breaths you told yourself that nothing you had experienced was real, because it was all a dream.

Wasn’t it?

Cover Photo Pinterest

The Paradigm of Constant Evolution and the Easter of Highly Pragmatic Devolution by Happy Parrot


Cruel destiny

cruel, uncertain fate

man’s heads, set artificially to vibrate

cruel destiny

cruel, foreshadowing all-seeing fate

where is your omnipotent, daring overpowering slate?

Wish to create

disembodied souls full of raining hate

Things, long forgotten,

begging for simple answers in the land of the Totten

asking what kind of wrong thinking can be instantly verboten

Wish to reborn

yearning to become, breathing thorns inside of the heart of the black, menacing horn

The whole world is voice′lessly burning

man’s head is flawlessly spinning, shamelessly turning

Action- reaction, lust degraded as pompous satisfaction

instant solemn,” illuminated” gratification

Ungodly Ovulation built full of daring hate

kids are born without the need to create

domesticated kids are born without honest rebellion, without decent fate

Something is terribly wrong

somebody, just doesn’t belong

stay strong

stay brave

save what can be saved

stay away from mind-diseased and hopelessly depraved

stay far away from those who can not behave

their rotten mind is already an ill-consumed potent lie,

built-in newborn automated slave

truth is, they can not be saved

their dark road has already been successfully paved

The sword in your heart is calling you

mind is telling you

how to find your stolen clue

Honor rides, free with you

not every red color is painted in blue

not every dark lie is perfectly true

vengeance and pain

has to be forever slain

F, this game

saber-rattling slave

you are not born to behave

you are not a tiger always silent and tame

Steal, Dark Lords fame

conquer his viewing superimposed, malignant frame

Think, think

before your mind runs away and flawlessly sink

1000 points of revealing, miserable hate

is there, truly nothing left to blindly celebrate

The only guiding light is smoldering, horrifying bate

Meet your chosen fate

tear down the impossible frame of a rusty cage

open the boarded-up gate

Meet your chosen fate

fly into the hands of destiny

voyage can begin

the voyage can not end with life living in perpetual sin

Accept who you are

find your remembrance, find your lost heroic kin

voyage can begin

fly into the sun

kill the self-loving, inverted mortal sin

you, just never know

maybe, just maybe

you are the chosen One

living under the spinning aggravated dome

spinning, together with an impossible globe

taxed by the blackened whispers of hateful Rome

Falsified Rapture, existing inside the dead, pulsating living phone

What can be done

when eternal wish in you is calling you home

when you realize

you are more than another rained-down, garden, static gnome

Some things are unspeakably wrong

somebody, no matter how hard he tries, just does not belong

stay strong, even when you find yourself in the wrong

stay brave, find your true, bright, unconquerable everlasting name

save, what can be saved

stay away from mind-diseased and hopelessly depraved

stay far away from those who can not behave

stay away from the dead and obedient digital slave

truth is, they can not be saved

their dark road has already been gracefully paved

The inner sword in your heart is calling you

the awakened mind is telling you

how to find your stolen clue

vigilant Honor, at last, rides together with you

not every red color is painted blue

what resides in your heart is true

nevermind the cruelty of black polymorphic harassing fuel

barbaric savagery brings out antagonizing everlasting duel

She…mistress of oldest, imaginable pain

needs your vengeance, needs your hateful ground rule

don’t be so ordain, let go of deterministic misery,

expunge your inner excruciating pain

Mistress of the dark

yearns for your

bright jewel

many times she will add more fire to the already burning fuel

maybe even at the end of the world

challenge you for the last, earthly duel

Is she love and evil

Is she a progenitor of primal retrieval

Aaaa…Love and Hate

Love and Hate…

who sits on the unshakable throne… Odysseus’ Destiny or Andromeda’s Fate?

Ancient, first wonders and Hellenistic small,

naive, toroidal eight-pointed promising, holistic plunders

Old story even older debate

who to love, who to hate

when time is slipping away

when midnight hour


lovingly, becoming

unspeakably late?

The legendary princess, Andromeda, was a mortal woman born to King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia. Andromeda’s fate was sealed when Cassiopeia bragged that Andromeda was more beautiful than the Nereid sea nymphs. The Nereid sea nymphs were known for their astounding beauty. Poseidon, the god of the sea, was a friend of the Nereids.

These arrogant statements by Cassiopeia angered Poseidon. When Poseidon heard that Cassiopeia was bragging that her daughter, Andromeda, was more beautiful than the Nereids, Poseidon sent a sea monster upon the land to ravage the princess as revenge.

Perseus Rescues Andromeda

As Perseus was on his way home from beheading the monster Medusa, he noticed Andromeda was chained to a rock and was facing being eaten from the sea monster Cetus. Perseus was captivated by her beauty and decided to rescue her. With the head of Medusa in his satchel, he pulled out Medusa’s head and showed it to the sea monster. Cetus, the sea monster, looked into the eyes of the head of Medusa and turned to stone, releasing Andromeda from her imminent death.

The Paradigm of Constant Evolution and the Easter of Highly Pragmatic Devolution

I used chat gpt to speed up the translation, presented text is fairly close to the original, so I hope you will like this little read of mine.

Do smart people become smarter or do already crazy people become crazier and crazier, and to what extent in that variable the world, thrown off its standard axis, and all non-suicidal norms participate in the formation of this new, let’s call it extraterrestrial, very pragmatic-dogmatic thought.

Extra Terra or Terra Nova

The battlefield, Earth, a lonely planet separated from everything, and only wistful glances that shyly fade into the dark night sky can occasionally penetrate to even more distant brightness, unreachable companions of human consciousness and the turbulence in the human condition, stars.

The question is whether new stars are born even in the mud of the darkest madness, and because of their impeccable brightness, they still rise to the sky, or whether the star periodically must endure, be subjected to a very rigid, barbaric form of mental darkness, sink for a while, and then when it recognizes itself with the last cry and possible victorious shout, detach itself from the living mud, which constantly like a black hole devours its unique light, its supernatural consciousness.

Retro-evolution versus permanent, constant, almost formalistic evolution and the renewed, radical human descent into the embrace of devolution… the resurrection of the same mentioned devolution, as a reaction to the pressure of the suicidal modern world and its completely foreign and runaway, insane reactionary thoughts.

Today, if something, anything, does not constantly evolve, modern science and its faithful companion, man, consider it something that belongs to the past and must be expelled from any thought topic or possible palpable probability at all costs.

Nothing good can ever come from a stubborn, rusty nail that threatens the environment, the human and animal world… perhaps, if we are part of a very down-to-earth consciousness in which every possible danger must inevitably be averted and as a foreign thought sterilized by chosen guardians of modern thought. If no one ever stands on that same nail, if a person doesn’t give themselves a chance to make mistakes, is progress really progress, or can we only discern the potential of that progress, its true purpose, in certain predefined parameters, that is, can we find its rudimentary truth only in a highly controlled environment…

Nothing is left to chance, and when nothing is left to chance, humanity silently passes by the end of the most beautiful work of its existence, imperfections, and its accompanying waves of irregularity, which have led the scattered artistic, inventive brain to new discoveries and a new human era.

When this-worldly and otherworldly dynamics unfold on the invisible reins of economic dictate, man and his spirit will always emerge from that endeavor as the defeated side, accompanied by a subtle fleeing self-awareness and stoic conviction that everything was probably meant to be so. The result has always been inevitable, and everything is just the bare and dull work of human action, which at the same time summons the soul when needed, but when it doesn’t suit, it flees mercilessly from it, and from a true coherent answer, which would finally give a deeper, fairer meaning to its short and trivial existence.

When the quality of thought is no longer important but the theatrical form of subsidy, marked as feeling, which happy or unhappy thought carries and shapes the world that is always on the edge, always just one step away from the darkest possible existential and mental abyss.

Right-wing and left-wing thoughts have ultimately become useless because if the human ability of logical reasoning and a higher level of human composure as a category to which empathy belongs have been marginalized, stylistic martyrs, surrogates of the once highly esteemed sequence of human thought, then the person who is at the center has no inductive influence on reality.

Everything becomes a pure coincidence or part of a random dance of invisible atoms.

They say so, but maybe they are wrong, maybe someone who is exactly at the center of this newly created nonsense, chaos of matter and antimatter, is just that random traveler who has all the predispositions for further development and even the possibility of becoming the last survivor after the flood of common sense. and the reduction of the inevitable apocalyptic doomsday, a revered term in the mouths and eyes of many intellectual Bolsheviks.

People rarely associate intelligence with something dark, a person who is intelligent is automatically an infallible saint with a magic staff who does everything he does for the betterment of all humanity, regardless of his own ups and downs and other possible randomized problems that he will encounter on his way to personal “enlightenment, to his own unavoidable illuminations”.

Everything is dedicated to that one moment when the work of exceptional intelligence flows into reality and all the inhabitants of this planet instantly have access to that new technological miracle, given by an even more chosen genius.

Right or wrong…

In a homogeneous, highly rational, and above all ideal world, where creation is sacred, this way is a welcome form of utilization of extraordinary intelligence and it makes sense, when the whole nation gives its support that extraordinary people can give extraordinary knowledge, skills, back to the whole body of that same nation.

At the same time, in one way or another, all the subjects of the same nation suffered together and fought for that progress.

A cleaner, a school principal, a taxi driver, a worker in a mine, and a little kid who bought a poster of that future work so that the mastermind of that operation would do his best, the most he can do at that moment without a predetermined monetary reward as the final loop of that monumental feat. .

Paid, sold intelligence or intelligence that, like the Egyptian pyramids, has defied many times, the very sharp teeth of time.

A soulless society enhances this first norm, and the consequence of such an extremely careless thought is a constant predictable, and repeatable very malicious curve, the immediate ruin, degradation of all civilizations and human thought, which in every new period, new attempt to form a functional civilization, must inevitably rediscover what has already been discovered, and is subject to an unnecessary reset, because the accumulation of knowledge, which is based on a true finding, is not the primary task of what we call intelligence.

People keep reinventing the wheel, it sounds very tedious and utterly unproductive…

The moment will come when devolution will once again take on its irresistible form, something that arouses an indescribable feeling of longing in people, how to return to the old thought path, how to avoid another crazy reset and an even greater intellectual abyss.

In man, there flickers a positive thought accompanied by a certain amount of fear to avoid the possibility that acquired knowledge will not be adequately supplemented again, and the binary active unit will return to a state of immovable zero.

Man is the sleeping savior and the active executioner of his destiny; perhaps this time he will choose this first solution.

Maybe sometimes everything shouldn’t be left to the gods, and in a timely fashion, the gods must let people freely move towards their chosen destiny, whatever it may be.

Human responsibility erases the existence of gods from human consciousness, and they themselves become a higher consciousness, and according to this premise, new rightful gods.

Gods who understand that if something is taken from the element we call nature, that element is all around us, something must necessarily be given back, without the usual pretentiousness and pretense that prevails today and rests in a very selfish bosom of the so-called eLites.

The transformation of man is also the transmutation of human thought together with his environment or if you wish his closest surroundings.

The question that smolders is the following: do we, really have to look for the new man in a continuous chain of constant evolution, or can we find him in the immediate normalization of the human condition, physical and mental, which leads to the process of devolution, which in this case means a greater form of human consciousness, an increase in cognitive autonomy, higher levels of observable intelligence and thus creates a total opportunistic sequence, contradictory to the opposite and today’s popular, orthodox scientific method, which points to the act of very opposite manifestation in this specific context of named events.

As always, time will reveal all possible and bizarre potentialities entangled in this extremely complex, we could even say audacious “project” in the making.

Too many slaves in this world
Die by torture and pain
Too many people do not see
They’re killing themselves, going insane

Too many people do not know
Bondage is over the human race
They believe slaves always lose
And this fear keeps them down

Watch the damned (God bless ya)
They’re gonna break their chains (hey)
No, you can’t stop them (God bless ya)
They’re coming to get you

And then you’ll get your balls to the wall, man
Balls to the wall
You’ll get your balls to the wall, man
Balls to the wall, balls to the wall

You may screw their brains
You may sacrifice them too
You may mortify their flesh
You may rape them all

One day the tortured stand up
And revolt against the evil
They make you drink your blood
And tear yourself to pieces

You better watch the damned (God bless ya)
They’re gonna break their chains (hey)
No, you can’t stop them (God bless ya)
They’re coming to get you

And then you’ll get your balls to the wall, man
Balls to the wall
You’ll get your balls to the wall, man
Balls to the wall, balls to the wall, yeah

The original text in all his “glory” can be found here:

Paradigma Konstantne Evolucije i Uskrs Visoko Pragmaticne Devolucije

Paradigma Konstantne Evolucije i Uskrs Visoko Pragmaticne Devolucije

Read full story

Stay frosty!

Cheers to All!

Harry Vox in Four Pieces



“The Jews who obviously own and control the US Government sent the old Jew Janet Yellen and Anthony Blinkin to wag their Jewish fingers at Chinese leader Xi for outproducing the US in Green Technology such as Solar Panels and Lithium Batteries. Its not hard to do because we don’t produce Solar Panels and Lithium Batteries in anything but negligible quantities.

If the Jews who invented the bogus “Climate Change” money machine really cared about going green they would, you’d think, be grateful to China for making 80% of that green technology.

But since the Jews who run the show in the West don’t give a flying fuck about the climate or its change – they, like all of the Jewish parasites throughout history who seek to interject themselves into our lives without our consent, only care about money and control – they are angry that they are not dominating and profiteering from all aspects of their little green cash machine – the artificially created “climate disaster”.

So the two Jews went over to give Xi a piece of their Jewish mind and Xi didn’t even meet them at the airport. No red carpet either. No big reception, Xi didn’t even see them till they were almost gone. He gave them a rather modest accommodation. In other words the Jews no longer have the power that they once had to go to a foreign leader and say, “Do what we say … because we’re Jewish!”

The whole “I’m Jewish so do what I say!” is not working any more. People don’t like Jews, except in Washington and on the Jewish owned cable news networks for the informationally Illiterate elderly.

Everyone else throughout the world has suffered enough under the boot of the Jewish money power. We’re tired of “Jew”. We’re tired of the lies that are needed to prop up the Jewish banking mafia and the Jewish narratives, we’re tires of the Jewish stoked wars, we’re tires of the Jewish bribed and blackmailed US politicians selling us out to the Jew money power.

We’re tired of “Team Jew”” – Harry Vox: Jews Angry At China – for dominating peaceful, green, productive tech – while we only make weapons. (


“Piece by piece our “leadership” is putting into place the necessary laws and policies to strip the assets of the Baby Boomer generation and transfer those assets to the Jewish banking mafia who is in the shadows directing the structural asset stripping operation.” – Harry Vox: The Confiscation Economy (


John Mearsheimer is a superb analyst and has a career of courageous independence, fearlessness and has made significant contributions to our understanding of how the power structures work, no question about that. But those days are over and he’s failing in his analysis. He speaks of the Western states as entities with politicians who are seeking to make decisions for the betterment of their state or people. This is an absurd view.

The Western governments are nothing more than former nation states who have been taken over by Jewish financial cartels through bribery, blackmail and garden variety corruption of a generation of “leaders” all of whom have ZERO concern for the safety of their own people and ZERO concern for the survival of the state they lead.

They are merely instruments of a private group of Jewish financial cartels who operate through various fascistic organizations (mainly Klaus “dr Evil” Schwab’s World Economic Forum) which these Jewish cartels have shifted to in recent years to effectuate their gutting of the poor and middle class and the enslavement of their own people. In the past we’ve seen the Council of Fucking Reptiles, and Buildabetterburgers, and other fascistic groups but now its Dr. Evil Schwab who is their front man.

I have bad news for you John – Its an asset stripping operation, period. Its a bunch of cheesy short timers who have zero interest in the future of anything, its just a rush to parasitize the poor and middle class and transfer all asset classes including the single family home from non Jews to Jews. NO QUESTION ABOUT THAT. EASY TO SHOW, EASY TO PROVE.

These Jewish financial cartels often overreach on their rapacious assets stripping like that scumbag Steven Schwartzman and end up stealing too much of the pension funds of American retirees and may even get their own companies in trouble (while filling their own personal bank accounts with stolen loot) but there is no evidence whatsoever that any decisions – economic, military or social are made with the best interests of the respective states or the populations of those states. Zero evidence of such an absurd claim.

Its an asset grab and whatever murderous genocidal crimes that support such an asset grab – nothing more.

Here’s the interview with Mr. Mearsheimer:” – Harry Vox: Educating John Mearsheimer (



This is a crash course for US Military, US Intelligence, Police and other government officials and Investigative Journalists. This video is key to understanding how Israel has taken over all government military and intelligence agencies and managed to get them all to place their fingerprints on what was essentially a bioweapons development program targeting persons with Caucasian and African American genotypes and leaving Jewish genotypes unharmed.

Its not some grand Faustian deal with the devil that various persons within the military and intelligence agencies made when they participated in the biggest crime in the history of crime – the manmade covid 10 pandemic and the big pharma profiteering scheme that stoked and rode a wave of fear – nope, it was just garden variety corruption and greed and shortsightedness and manipulation.

They were all so thrilled to be given various titles such as “Fellow” and “Board Member” and a few morsels of privilege and displays of opulence and some cash and promises for more that the allure of these promises of more dulled their senses and UNWITTINGLY they were steered from the hidden hand in the shadows to participate and bring their agencies into a scheme where Jewish financial, foundation and think tank money steered a compartmentalized bio weapons development program where each individual US agency was approached to become involved in what eventually would become a bio-weapons program targeting caucasian genotypes and leaving Jewish genotypes untouched!

Here’s the study showing that covid was designed specifically to attack whites and blacks but to not harm jewish genotypes:” – Harry Vox: The Crime of the Century – An Investigative Methodology to Solve The Crime (

States tell World Health Organization and DC to go away!

This is from CHD Newsletter

World Health Organization, WEF, and DC get the middle finger. If you live in a country with representative government it is time to tell your representatives “We will not comply!” Some people do get it. This article shows what I think the term think global:act local is about.

The globalists must be shut down.

World Health Organization gets the middle finger!
Think Global Act Local

You can read more of our thoughts about health by clicking on this link to the Health section of Jack’s archive => Health

All 49 Republican Senators say NO to WHO’s Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendments in public letter to President – Contributed by Dr. Stuart Bramhall


Click to access WHO-letter-to-Biden-signed_5-1-24.pdf

By Dr Meryl Nass

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All 49 Republican Senators have written to President Biden and told him to withdraw US support from the proposed Pandemic Treaty and IHR Amendments.

Please share this with every official you know. Explain the danger. We need our Representatives to sign on to HR1425, which is the companion bill to Ron Johnson’s S444, the bill from which this letter originated. We need our elected representatives to protect us from the WHO d’etat.

Neither of the two WHO-proposed documents is in a final form. How can nations make a decision to turn over health sovereignty to the WHO with treaties that are not even completed 3 weeks before the meeting at which they are scheduled to be voted on?

Neither draft document provides any value to any of the 194 member states of the WHO. Instead, they put the keys to lockdowns, information control, medical mandates and a library of potential pandemic pathogens into the hands of former terrorist and WHO Director-General Tedros Abhanom Ghebreyesus and his staff of clowns masquerading as serious scientists and doctors.

Here is the WHO’s Executive Director and top infectious disease doctor, Mike Ryan, who can barely speak in a coherent fashion. Watch the video.

And never forget the Spy Doctor, Jeremy Farrar, is WHO’s Chief Scientist. He took a 2/3 cut in salary to move to the WHO to inveigle developing countries he had funded as Director of the Wellcome Trust into supporting the WHO Treaty and Amendments. He also started CEPI with Bill Gates in 2017 at Davos. CEPI is the NGO grabbing billions of tax dollars to roll out unlicensed vaccines in days, not years, with no liability for the manufacturer, the nation, the doctor and the WHO. When not jet-setting between G20 meetings, Davos, the World Bank, etc. he was answering to his boss during COVID, the former head of MI5, who herself is now co-president of Chatham House.

He almost single-handedly invented the bird flu “crisis,” and poisoned several thousand subjects in the Recovery and Solidarity trials he funded and helped initiate, overdosing them with HCQ in order to sink the drug, prolong the COVID pandemic and clear the pathway for remdesivir and COVID vaccines. As the WHO website states,

Dr Farrar was the founding chair of WHO’s R&D Blueprint and the founding director of the International Severe Acute Respiratory and emerging Infection Consortium (ISARIC) that led on to the work of the RECOVERY Trial and the UK COVID-19 Genomics UK Consortium.

There is plenty more dirt on Jeremy but I’ll stop now.

Then there is propagandist Maria Van Kerkove, who worked under the notorious Neil Ferguson predicting millions of deaths from the H1N1 swine fu in 2009 at Imperial College, and has been a lead fear-monger on bird flu.

During the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic, Dr. Van Kerkhove worked directly with WHO’s Global Alert and Response and Global Influenza Programme to support the pandemic response. Her main activity during the pandemic was to coordinate the WHO informal mathematical modelling network for H1N1pdm under the leadership of Professor Neil Ferguson

She specialized in field research to gather data on the highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 (HPAI/H5N1), with a focus on transmission risk from poultry to humans.[11]

Van Kerkhove has been an honorary lecturer at Imperial College London since 2015.[11] She has been Scientist, Technical Lead MERS-CoV at WHO in Geneva, Switzerland, since March 2017. She is currently the head of the Emerging Diseases and Zoonoses Unit in the WHO Health Emergencies Programme.

Neither of the two proposed documents explains why we need pandemic governance, nor why we would choose such governance from an organization best known for:

  • its ineptness,
  • its lack of qualified staff,
  • its capture by Bill Gates and the Pharma industry,
  • its massive failures providing on-the-ground assistance for pandemics,
  • and its corrupted medical advice.

Now we need to make the rest of the world aware before the WHO votes coming up in 3 weeks.



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