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Lucifer Rising

“Aaron was not well at the end. We pleaded with him to seek help from his superiors in the Air Force. My son fell victim to propaganda during a long mental health battle. We are...
Forgive the oxymoron in my sub-heading here, of course there are little or no nuts and bolts in my interdimensional experience. It’s always a comfort when someone comes from out of left field and nails...
I'd been in New York City for most of July, swimming from the Hamptons to Long Beach in an endless summer party. I'd gone back to Tennessee for a few days at the end of...
Cover Photo: “The sun grows dark, earth sinks into the sea,  The bright stars  From heaven vanish;  Fire rages,  Heat blazes,  And high flames play  'Gainst heaven itself.”  (22) – The Prophecy of the Witch (The Völuspá from the Poetic Edda) And so the...


Another poem/song looking for the owner…If you have the necessarymusical skills to make this song truly sing, be my guest… it's free.I hope Song/Poem is Decent and worth your time...SKYFALL-doesn’t mean that THE SKY is...
This one here’s a great little piece of writing about a very interesting topic, in its day it had well over a hundred thousand reads. Unfortunately, Paulides did nothing but harass Gordon Duff and I...
From deep below a strange liquid substance was pouring from the tinny hole made in the earth, it looked like oil, but it was more cohesive and oily than what humans would call Oil.This liquid...
Twilight of the GoddessThe Moon is a luminous pit  In an indigo sea of black Whispers beyond memory's reach There is no turning back Like the waves on the beach  We can only recede What it means to be born To be cut and...
“The blood of the Titans is alive, I thought, strangely and wonderfully alive!”“We are not allowed to forget Hitler and wartime Germany. Nightly, we are presented with an ever-ongoing television tirade against the man and...
From 1931 – 1956 the legendary French anthropologist Marcel Griaule, along with Germaine Dieterlen – a brilliant and highly accomplished anthropologist in her own right – studied a West African tribe called the Dogon. After...