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When we came out of Cipollini an Iranian family was taking pictures in front of it. 50 thousand$ it doesn’t even work

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We awoke to the appalling heat that would hold the entire Occitan in an iron grip till the day we left France at the end of August. It would be a factor when we got to the Pyrenees. We took the highway to Arles in spite of the heavy tolls. French roads are heavily tolled, to the tune of about a Euro every ten miles, or about sixteen kilometers. There are automated speed traps in abundance everywhere the speed limit is not a hundred and twenty kilometers an hour, or more. Frequently you will have only the sign to warn you that it just dropped from a hundred and sixty to ninety kilometers an hour. In rural areas, the French take great delight in spray painting over the cameras with black paint. We stopped to get drinks at some podunk little town on the side of a mountain, and as we came out of the store, I was waylaid by a very strange little man with a wooden leg. Originally from Italy, he claimed to recognize me as a paisano and proceeded to tell me his whole life story in French, as Orage haltingly translated. He stood in the hot […]

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What has happened to the world of the tyrannical god and his six hundred and thirteen commandments, the god of “Thou Shalt Not” as Nitzsche called him? Looks to me, as noted by Dylan in his prophecy Agelina, “his servants are half dead.” Christians of all people have only themselves to blame. How could anyone reconcile the teachings of Jesus with worshiping a homicidal lunatic of a deity that once drowned the world out of spite? No this is their reckoning and the judgments against them multiply with each stolen breath they take. Leviathan has been loosed upon the world of their god and as predicted by the Rabbis none of it will stand. All that remains now is the mop up operation to claim those that are worthy of redemption. For Leviathan above all else is the redeemer. An-Najm or the Star sura is acknowledged by Islamic scholars to be among the oldest suras in the Qur’an. In Verses forty-seven and forty-nine the Lord of Sirius vows to return, to raise the dead and bring about a second kingdom. In the Qabalah Da’at was always the theoretical eleventh Sephira of Knowledge. It divides the sun from the crown of […]

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According to the Grímnismál, a poem in the Poetic Edda that predates any reliable history, the “Yggdrasil [Tree of Life] has three main roots: one planted in Midgard, the world of mankind; one in Jotunheim” the land of the Jötunn, a land of ice and cold that borders the known world. The other is in Hel, the “homeland of primordial darkness, cold, mist, and ice…” In the Völuspá or Prophecy of the Witch, a poem just as old as the Grímnismál and taken from the same source Ragnarök, the apocalyptic battle of the Gods, shall only end when Surtr, the mightiest of all the Jötunn warriors, leads an invincible army called the Sons of Muspelheim from out of the south and onto the battlefield. There he will slay Frey in single combat and in his insatiable rage will cast fire upon the entire Yggdrasil, burning all the worlds except the palace of light somewhere in Gimle. It should be noted that in the Sepher Yetzirah, the Qabalahs Tree of Life, there is also a place called Gimel. It is the long and desolate path between the celestial sun and crown of God…  Two days after the April 8, 2024, solar eclipse prompted Texas, […]

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Current Lifetime (2014) Lifetime Lifetime

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Any attempts to explain away the Mexican Nazi coin that do not include an explanation of the Mexican frieze below the monument at Koblenz should be dismissed off hand as the blithering of an idiot. Likewise for those who ignore the fact that a picture of Otto Rahn, the father of the SS, adorns the cover of the 1936 book, Invisible Radiations of Organisms, supposedly written by a German professor out of Cornell University of the same name but published in Berlin… ThriftBooks a large web-based used bookseller headquartered near Seattle is selling the book “republished,” with a revised cover of course. Their overview states, “This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public…” What they changed is the […]

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And to inaugurate his fake war epic, which is attested to in some eight hundred pages written by Miguel Serrano in his magnum opus Adolf Hitler the Ultimate Avatar, Otto Rahn would fake his own death. He choreographs his pseudo-suicide with his last words of Lucifer’s Court: “Above all the flowers and plants, bees like one tree: the ash. Sometimes, they swarm on it in hundreds, even thousands, nourishng themselves on the ash’s sweet sap. —The Edda has the dew from the cosmic Yggdrasill ash, Tree of the World and of Life, falling in “honey chutes” so the bees can feed from it. The cosmic ash is the Milky Way in the nocturnal sky. The Anglo Saxons called it the Aryan Way. In Sweden, it was called Erik’s Way. Erik is another name given the Devil. The sun has at last broken through the clouds. Its oblique rays make everything shine and sparkle. Vapours rise from the steam. My little Empire clock will soon strike seven times. At nine o’clock, it will be dark. I will go out of the house. Very near here, I know a forest path bordered by majestic pine trees. It begins in a place called […]

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In the five years since I first saw the monument at Koblenz, I have witnessed the world careen wildly out of control. It’s as if someone has seized the steering wheel and driven the bus right over the cliff. In my capacity as a writer, I scream but no one seems to hear. Current events could be likened to having a nightmare while enduring sleep paralysis. Those that were once human have become cogs in a machine that grinds inexorably toward apocalypse. Ian Fleming could not have invented a better villain than Klaus Schwab and his supporting cast of henchmen like Bill Gates and George Soros. Joe Biden is right out of a comic book, as is Justin Trudeau and Emanuel Macron. Trump and Johnson are the envy of the Marvel Universe. The Anglo-American Empire is unable to restrain itself from its relentless prodding of Iran, China and Russia. The Jews are diabolical instigators of this senseless will toward self-annihilation while Christians provide the muscle as their enthusiastic accomplices. Islam is caught in the crossfire. To be cognizant in a simulated reality is much like sleep paralysis, a condition folklore attributes to a phantasmagorical hag sitting on one’s chest. Surely […]

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The cover picture is taken from the original Causa Nostra Gallery. (1) It was entered on April 2014. The only other picture in the gallery of a political figure, out of hundreds maybe thousands of pictures of beautiful people living in the lap of luxury, is Ron Paul entered in April of 2012. (2) Forced to speculate I would have to say a Ron Paul presidency with its accompanying return to the gold standard, as Putin has just done with the ruble and Paul promised to do with the dollar, and Americas disentanglement from foreign adventurism, again as Paul promised, was the West’s last chance. Instead led by the stupidest among them, crusading for equality for idiots and slackers, a populist black conman with a transvestite wife and milk carton children was given a second term. The mealy-mouthed homosexual, in fact an Illuminati prince they call Barry, used that term to double down on Americas exploitation of anything and everyone who was not a member of their elitist club. The same elitist club that betrayed Germany in WW II in the name of their global corporatocracy would now betray America in the name of their transhuman global corporatocracy. At that point […]

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Perhaps the reason we are living in a hologram where nothing is real is due to the fact that we are all dead. Time very well may have ended at the end of 2013 just as the Mayan calendar said it would. The date was pushed back to 2012 so people wouldn’t panic when what they were told was comet Ison appeared in the sky at the end of 2013. The great German Mayan scholar Wolfgang Cardon was murdered to enable this deception and when Karl Brugger, Germanys top investigative reporter found out, he too was murdered, recklessly machine gunned down on Ipanema Beach, his hotel room subsequently broken into, and all his notes confiscated. (1) (2) (3) It worked. The transition from living to dead went noticed, and since the consciousness of seven billion people cannot just cease to exist a new reality was constructed past and present. Time does not matter in a dream. A sharp external noise can be explained in a split second by a dreamer with endless details that would take the conscious mind hours maybe days to construct. There’s a worn-out platitude about your whole life flashing before you at the moment of your […]

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