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The Price of Vice


Dr. E Michael Jones is highly recommended by our friends within the Catholic Church. In fact they tell me some of his books are free on libgen, whatever that is. I’ve included as a cover his only video I could find still up on YouTube, dispelling Schlomo’s genocidal slander of National Socialism and the German people but what we’re interested in here is his new book lampooning Schlomo’s Holocaust myth. As many of you know I was friends with the Zundel’s, Ingrid offered to finance me. That’s probably why they are both now dead. The Holocaust never happened and once you take it away Schlomo loses his license to fold, spindle and mutilate western civilization. In the interview I link to from the Sage of Quay about twenty-two minutes in Dr. Jones talks about how Schlomo has turned America into a “gay disco:”  Sage of Quay® News: The Key to Saving Western Civilization (

This post is only for readers who have a paid membership subscription to Jack's work . Get yours' now! Annual Subscription Choices or Monthly Subscription Choices. § 49. Mistral was accused of separatism; it was not the regionalist snake that lurked beneath these flowers, but the apocalyptic dragon, the Albigensian Tarasque. But, like Alighieri, Mistral was playing a comedy. When he was asked where he had got the word ‘félibrige’, which he used to baptise the renaissance of Provençal poetry, he never wanted to say, even though he knew absolutely. With concealed ingenuity, he took refuge behind a joke and said that he had picked up the word for its picturesque quality from an old hymn sung by his mother – unknown in the region – which spoke of the ‘Seven Félibres of the Law’. He even recited a timely stanza for the occasion. It’s not hard to recognise in it the seven troubadours who promulgated the Laws of Love and who had no place in a Catholic hymn. § 50. And it would be on this vague, obscure word, without precise consistency, that the renewal of southern poetics would have been founded. Mistral and Mathieu, who had been indoctrinated by Roumanille and taught at Dupuy’s Provençal school, formed a small group who had studied good Greek and Latin literature, and they knew perfectly well […]

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Since you’re busy and clicked on this on the fly, I start with a spoiler: We are being digitally experimented on. So I thought maybe I should try to write an obituary to our freedoms in the light of the ongoing global oppression games. Upgrade to paid GOLDSTEIN: U.S. DESIGNED NEW ORDER FOR SUPER CREATORS Internet Selects for Creators, Rejects Humans Where to start. The Internet was locked down long before the planned pandemic event: The ‘big platforms’ are all cryptic surveillance camps now. In case you haven‘t noticed: Whatever you type here or post—it‘ll only show back to you, but to nobody else. You are a digital ghost, only visible to yourself. America‘s Away On Bug Wars The world wide web was a military project to prove a point: Total spectrum dominance. Mind control, even. Like the space race thirty years prior, however, it was shelved shortly after. You are as lonely on the internet as you are lonely in your head right now. And you’re going nowhere on the internet just as you go nowhere now with your shoes these days. Earth is quite pointless. Everyone in the world is traumatized by mental lockdown. Everything on the internet is a designer trap. Remember […]

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This is a Fairy tale, in the truest sense, a Faerie story. Thus: Once upon a time There is a valley in central Tibet, where folklore would have it, a giant burst out of a mountain chasing a woman. The story goes, she had stolen his magic snake, or serpent creature. The giant was enormous, and his footsteps at a running pace were a mile or more apart. He was so angry at being dupped by this woman that he crushed her into the ground under his giant foot when he eventually caught up with her. But in his haste, he also crushed the magic reptile, in doing so, he disappeared, or, was reduced to dust, never to be seen again. In this same valley, it is said, a horde of giants were caught invading from the east, (China?) A ray (sun light?) was focused upon them, and they were instantly turned to stone. Their remains are still there, as weathered rock at the eastern end of the valley. As crazy as this story sounds, if you fly over this valley at the right hight, you can see a large gash in a mountainside, followed by two giant indentations in […]

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Before There Was Darkness There Was White It was the same sound a creaky old door made when you open it but a thousand times louder drowning out even the howling wind. The dogs crouched low in the snow cowering but afraid to even whimper. The moon hung over them; a dazzling orb rimmed with iridescent violet as the aurora borealis flashed vivid green and magenta all around it. The horizon was blocked by upheavals of ice that had been twisted into a chaotic landscape of jagged outcrops. Some were twenty to thirty meters tall and made any further progress doubtful. By the time Fridjof Nansen and Hjalmar Johansen made camp for the night they had already decided to turn back at first light. They had been out on the ice for three weeks and beneath them was two thousand fathoms of freezing ocean. The temperature was a constant forty below and Nansen’s fingers were frozen to his mittens. They were two hundred miles further north than any man had gone before. Ostensibly they were trying to reach the north pole. That is what Nansen had told the Norwegian Geographical Society in Christiania, now Oslo, when he had proposed the expedition […]

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Our server isn’t really equipped for podcasts, any trouble with the audio go to our Substack site: Twin Peaks the Return, episode 9, 10 & 11 ( Walking on a rural road the bloody Doppelgänger stops and removes a red bandana from a post. Flying over eastern South Dakota Gordon Cole takes a call from Colonel Davis  Informing him of the discovery of Garland Briggs‘ body in Buckhorn on the west side of South Dakota. Cole detours his pilot after asking Diane to accompany them since she is familiar with Blue Rose cases. The bandana marks a ranch whose occupants have been murdered by the Doppelganger’s assassins Hutch and Chantal who are waiting there for him. Cole takes another in flight phone call from Warden Murphy, who tells him that “Cooper” has escaped.  In flight Diane gets a text from the Doppelgänger saying “around the dinner table the conversation is lively,” The Doppelgänger calls Duncan Todd and tells him the job, meaning the murder of “Dougie,” better be done the next time he calls. He then tells Hutch and Chantal to kill Warden Murphy. In an effort, perhaps, to clue in the three stooges; T. Fusco, D. Fusco, and “Smiley” Fusco, who head up the investigation of the Las Vegas police, Bushnell Mullins tells them “dam strange business […]

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Any attempts to explain away the Mexican Nazi coin that do not include an explanation of the Mexican frieze below the monument at Koblenz should be dismissed off hand as the blithering of an idiot. Likewise for those who ignore the fact that a picture of Otto Rahn, the father of the SS, adorns the cover of the 1936 book, Invisible Radiations of Organisms, supposedly written by a German professor out of Cornell University of the same name but published in Berlin… ThriftBooks a large web-based used bookseller headquartered near Seattle is selling the book “republished,” with a revised cover of course. Their overview states, “This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public…” What they changed is the […]

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Hamas did it? Austin Wounded in Kiev when Kinzhal Blew Through Patriot Missile Defenses – THE INTEL DROP

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The Return opens with a conversation between the now twenty-five-year older Cooper and a tall gaunt man very similar to the “Giant” from the Red Room. They are in a room that appears to be furnished from the early twentieth century and the scene is filmed in black and white. In the distorted vocals requiring subtitles that are characteristic of the disincarnate beings of Twin Peaks the Giant says, “Agent Cooper listen…to the sounds.” They both look at an old gramophone emitting a clicking noise then back at each other and the Giant continues; “It is in…our house now.”  Cooper looks at him, saying in clear English “it is.” The Giant answers “it cannot…be said aloud now. Remember 430, Richard…and Linda, two birds…with one stone.” Cooper nods and resolutely says “I understand…” – Season 3, episode 1. (5:00 – 6:00). Two crates of shovels are delivered to Dr. Jacoby who now lives rough in a trailer in the woods. The camera pans over nighttime Manhattan settling on a red brick building with few windows. In an upper story there is a portal big enough for a man to fit through overlooking the street far below. Inside the building the portal […]

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Dali the Last Supper Custom Framed & Mated Finest Quality – Etsy Cole sits in his chair contemplating his gun and lamenting that he could not shoot Diane. Albert tells him that he’s getting soft in his old age to which Cole replies “not where it counts buddy.” Tammy smirks and they toast the FBI. Cole then says “now listen. For twenty-five years I’ve kept something from you Albert. Before he disappeared Major Briggs shared with me and Cooper his discovery of an entity, an extreme negative force called in olden times Jowday. Over time it became Judy. Major Briggs Cooper and I put together a plan that could lead us to Judy and then something happened to Major Briggs and something happened to Cooper. Phillip Jeffries, who doesn’t really exist anymore, at least not in a normal sense, told me a long time ago he was on to this entity and he disappeared. Now the last thing Cooper told me was ‘if I disappear like the others do everything you can to find me. I’m trying to kill two birds with one stone.’”-   Season 3, episode 17, 2:00-4:00.   Cole continues, saying that the informant Ray Monroe said the Doppelgänger was searching for […]

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