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France X, in the Footsteps of Otto Rahn by Jack Heart & Jon Valentine-Lee


We awoke to the appalling heat that would hold the entire Occitan in an iron grip till the day we left France at the end of August. It would be a factor when we got to the Pyrenees. We took the highway to Arles in spite of the heavy tolls. French roads are heavily tolled, to the tune of about a Euro every ten miles, or about sixteen kilometers. There are automated speed traps in abundance everywhere the speed limit is not a hundred and twenty kilometers an hour, or more. Frequently you will have only the sign to warn you that it just dropped from a hundred and sixty to ninety kilometers an hour. In rural areas, the French take great delight in spray painting over the cameras with black paint. We stopped to get drinks at some podunk little town on the side of a mountain, and as we came out of the store, I was waylaid by a very strange little man with a wooden leg. Originally from Italy, he claimed to recognize me as a paisano and proceeded to tell me his whole life story in French, as Orage haltingly translated. He stood in the hot […]

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Reach (for the Sky) by Happy Parrot


I have my share of problems with Evola, but can you truly present him on “Jubi Tubi”…well, highly debatable.

The biggest problem we have today is a domesticated, castrated man, a man raised with no fire in him, he does not know how to be a man.

He has never seen a true man, like a dysfunctional stalker he just reads and fantasizes about him, he experiences a total man as an embodiment and representation of some mythical figure lost in the dualistic haze of a modern built dystopian landscape.

He never experienced the love of a true woman either, so it is easier for him to blame her, even hate her for what she has become, because of his, own inability to manifest himself, present himself in front of the eyes of the world as the masculine norm/axis or standard of unconquered embodiment of manly soul…

Yes, she carries a part of the blame, but man is a sturdy build compass, and the woman, if she is a true woman, will become his unquestionable north.

Love amongst these two beings who are both willing to accept the ultimate surrender that goes from one to another will become a higher form of partnership and later, after respect is granted and acknowledged from both participating sides an unbreachable unity will be manifested on the astral plane of existence.

Both will be in this sacred unity saved from the ruins of this material plane.

Evrything that happens around you these days is a direct consequence of man not being man.

Natural order demands of man to be a fearless leader, but todays man follows the impulse of self-pity, degradation and he is predetermined to oblige satisfactions of his wife’s unlogical urges.

Which are many times extrapolated in a shallow materialistic set of norms, not pointed and executed towards spiritual awakening of woman in her truest form.

It is true he is under attack, but for a real man that is not an excuse to say no to his woman counterpart.

“Happy wife, happy life “..really!?!?

What matters if your wife is happy if you are unhappy, so your wife can be happy… you both must be happy so a sacred union between men and women can give the most beneficial fruits always swimming towards a higher grade of existence that represents the inner core of the spiritual voyage…

All these crazed women that are presented to you on the internet are the product of a man who rejected his role…he is a subjugated persona, who is depraved of his higher function…and the warrior in him is conquered, extinguished by the modern means of highly compartmentalized distraction.

Is the world in ruins…world is every second, every minute, and every hour in ruins.

Man and woman must rise together above this plastic, lego-looking mirage of presented worldly ruins and see this world for what it truly is…

They are inside but outside far away from the treacherous grasp of these blackened ruins, hurling with all their accumulated might, with all gathered wisdom creating unstoppable force they will plunge into another more potent realm of sincere existence.

Only then both of them will reach their full potential and return to the original form that has been in this realm acting as a meager supplement for both involved parties, forcefully stealing the life force from their most precious obligation-love on this invertedly charged, horizontal, and vertical plane.

Real love, total woman, and total man erase together any need for irrationality that brings deviant force like feminism because for them this is an obsolete misnomer and animalistic form of actuality.

If you watch the video for me this is a milk toast representation of Evola’s ideas, always playing safe and trying not to disturb the hordes of vile algorithms that are swimming in YT’s tarnished ideological waters.

We can say freely it is a lie, delivered with one side of the brain but trying to conquer higher planes of soul horizons, ending in a spiritual debacle for higher sentient minds.

Sweet Child O’ Mine”

She’s got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky (Sky)
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I stared too long I’d probably break down and cry

Whoa-oh-oh! Sweet child o’ mine
Whoa, oh-oh-oh! Sweet love of mine

She’s got eyes of the bluest skies
As if they thought of rain
I hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain
Her hair reminds me of a warm, safe place
Where as a child I’d hide
And pray for the thunder and the rain to quietly pass me by

Whoa-oh-oh! Sweet child o’ mine
Ooh, oh-oh-oh! Sweet love of mine

Oh yeah! Whoa-oh-oh-oh! Sweet child o’ mine
Ooh-oh, oh, oh! Sweet love of mine
Whoa, oh-oh-oh! Sweet child o’ mine, ooh yeah
Ooh! Sweet love of mine

Where do we go?
Where do we go now?
Where do we go?
Ooh, where do we go?
Where do we go now?
– Guns & Roses

I hope this text sounds good it was extremely warm night 25-26 C(77 -79 F) and I am pretty tired, so if anything does not make sense I solemnly promise next time I will: “ be/do better”

One response to “Modern Man Against the Modern World(himself)”

Reach for the rainy sky

thousand heroic whys

are silently raining now

together with you

make a move

or lose

the truce will only bring

you, spoiled eggs of already

tired, golden petrified goose

unknown rider, who rides

behind faradays wild caboose


catch the kiss of the favorable tide

it is the showdown, now is the time

future is not written in the past

this ungodly vampiric storm

can not last


This is one in a lifetime endeavor

be clever,dont seal the given favor

be the fearless savior

this time, be a hero

do it better

angry written words

can be just forgotten, like a small-minded letter

Together storm the twilight-ridden black beach

nothing is out of reach

all is still there

if you, truly care

feel the freedom

running through your golden hair

no more despair

Kings crown

was never built

for the broken tale of the electric chair

time has come

in this holly battle

all is final

all punches are completely fair

Reach for the rainy sky

bring down the whitest thunder

talk with him louder

sail with your boat a bit louder

live your life prouder

become the voice of living thunder

bring down the pain

conquer the terrain

restrains…(not this time)

raise the flag on the black ground

what was lost,

can be found

Demon with red eyes

must be slain

he must feel…

no more pain

No more black,

stalking days,

no more

upside down,

falling black rain

When the sky is again impossibly blue

hear me out

maybe it sounds strange, even cruel

ashes of burned-down land

are always warriors fuel

you know these words

are, perfectly true

You my friend

you are finally ready

be steady

It has come to the past

all this vile nonsense,

can not last

it is finally true

your heart is burning with untamed fuel

your voice is thirsty for the last duel

it is finally true

You dont need

one more




Live your life right

freedom is the fight

rest is the gaze

of the stary night

Warrior out of time

there is no perfect guide


about, one last, perfect ride?

Sky is again

hypnotically blue


all your best wishes

come home

with you

may they all


alive and true.

Do British Veterans Regret Fighting World War 2? by Happy Parrot


“The idea that fighting World War 2 was a good thing is immediately taken for granted and if you dare oppose that narrative then you are viewed as some kind of evil extremist. This applies to generation after generation. The veterans themselves, however, are seemingly never asked. What does that brave generation of the war years really think? They blindly sacrificed everything for Britain in what they at the time believed to be a just cause. Do they still believe this? Do they regret it? Let’s cut through the post-war propaganda and hear the views of the men themselves. Their generation, at the very least, tells it how they see it.”

Zoomer Historian


2 months ago

“Atleast we arnt speaking german”. Hitler never wanted to replace the british people nor thier heritage or traditions. You are about to speak indian and middle eastern though.




2 months ago




2 months ago

I honestly cannot fathom how anybody can look at Europe today and think “Yep, the good guys won”




The Matrix was a desolate, dry experience, full of unexpected twists and a lot of empty, unpromising boredom, often expressed in the incidental, impersonal wanderings of the conscious and unconscious parts of the internal process integral to opening the doors to the final destination, in this case, self-actualization.

The Matrix is something impossibly empty, unimaginably vast, and to take shape, to gain the stamp of real life, it needs someone’s signature, often manifested by any consciousness ready to breathe life into an otherwise part of space that is neither alive nor dead. Yet, it exists and at the same time, it is an abstract part and an expression of the absolute state of primordial nothingness.

After three days in quantum hyperspace, he had had enough. He knew that time stood still within this sphere suspended in its own time, with no other time flowing linearly beside it to give him the stimulus, the impulse that would make him feel alive.

The body as a body no longer mattered. If time does not exist as a support for consciousness, as a solid surface providing support for that perceived reality, then how can we talk about anything even if it is extremely visible, like the body attached as a module to what is called the soul?

All of this seemed very restraining and extremely unnecessary…

The existence in spiritual form was also highly questionable. If the body is the motor and the soul the operator, where is the true consciousness then? Or even better, what is it? An alien intelligence, an autonomous self-realizing doctrine composed of pre-designed bundles of molded behavior models… with a touch of religiosity.

How far can we go, travel, while our genetic outline remains human? Where does man disappear, and where does Pandora’s box open, where tangible creation knows no boundaries, being absolute in every form, in every sense, and in every possible place of observation?

Is man just a repository and transformer of certain energy fluctuations, a variable that, when the right switch is pressed, becomes a new cosmos where responsible intelligence becomes a higher being to itself, or a god to other beings formed by that same highly intelligent subject that has simply crossed/broken its intergalactic threshold, a path that transcends mere awareness and higher levels and forms of that consciousness?

One question begged for another, and instead of a saving solution, the time that was and wasn’t there became a reactive cannonade that made his situation even harder with each new loop of multiplied probabilities and questions.

He felt a slight shift, a shift symbolizing that the allotted time for the experiment had expired… In human form, the sense of time is very important because man is a slave to his rituals and cycles.

The black sphere turned its front part into five small equally formed steps that silently touched the ground… that ground, if we can call it ground, was his creation, a creation of his mind… which had evolved far beyond the predetermined templates.

He stretched gently and, without much discussion with himself, descended into the very crater of his own creation.

The black sphere, immobile as a statue, now became a thorn in the eye in that voluntary expression of his thoughts and creation.

“I will turn you into the tree of my creation, but you will retain all your properties on the quantum front.”

At the same moment, the black sphere took the form of a tall tree, a crossbreed between a giant sequoia, and an ancient walnut tree that could be found in European forests.

Each leaf on this tree would symbolize a living being in this cosmos, and each branch would be its galaxy; the bark would visually symbolize reality, and the tree’s interior would represent the creative energy, the matter from which this cosmos lives, or dies without its lack.

The growth of this gigantic tree would symbolize intellectual splendor, the flourishing of civilization, and its fall, stagnation… a symbol of a cataclysm from which the new heart of a new civilization would emerge.

“Now fill the landscape with almost identical trees but add tiny differences to each planted tree so that the rhythm of life unfolds differently but in multi-dimensional integration with the tree that was my original creation.”

Then he felt the urge to uncover the next problem… into what the roots of the first tree would be embedded and how they would be connected to all the other created trees.

Does the tree root, presented in this form through the prism of cables, need to be embedded in anything… and the next norm was perhaps the most problematic. How would the whole original, primary cosmos be powered, from what would it live, and so would all the other integrated cosmoses that are acts of his creation in various variations of the original creative existence.

The answer to this intriguing problem was represented by a vast amount of energy matter, energy that would be obtained from living beings creating their own closed energy system, using part of the energy for their needs and giving the surplus to the integrated collective that represents the very essence of the primary cosmos.

The problem that could arise is of a self-destructive nature. If even one being in this newly created cosmos stops contributing its share, its energy surplus, over time, the universe itself would begin to collapse upon itself… assuming that process multiplies. Where there is one rebel, there is another, and then a third, etc., until the stage lights go out, so to speak.

Only the initiating intelligence that dared to collapse within this cosmos would become the new God, then condemned to the act of its own creation because the hallmark of existence is either creation or parasitism on a subject that is part of someone’s creation.

Spartacus is the final resolution of the great act but also a huge obligation that cannot be taken lightly because, without its own creation, that same invincible Spartacus would be condemned to the timeless void or to the constant siphoning of cosmic light, the universal order established by another form of many creations that in their act of creation seek passage into a new, even higher form of self-existence.

Many elements of the so-called dead universe are dislocated from the original cosmos. It is a place where supposedly the core of evil intelligence, which squandered its gift of creation on the lowest possible instincts of existence, is condemned to eternal darkness.

But sometimes a sinister eminence, such harsh and merciless beings, by chance manage to escape their dark prison and reach the life force representing the entire cosmos or just one level of existence within that cosmos—a planet.

From time to time, life manages to defend itself against that extremely aggressive, invasive, evil force, and sometimes entire planets or the cosmos are turned into a new dark catacomb devoid of the spark of life for ages.

Is the obligation of the creator to his creation an eternal constant, or can and must the creator let his creation be subjected to logical and illogical wanderings, influences such as stress and wear, and other mechanical laws that create a creative self-inductive moment to form the final core, the strong, invincible essence of that creation, the unique, irreplaceable unit of that particular cosmos? This unit, later, when the original god leaves his masterpiece, will be the affirmative part of that creation which will inevitably create a new creator, thus continuing an unbroken sequence.

This almost automated sequence will only be interrupted in the case of the emergence of a black eminence, an evil intellect devoid of spiritual laws, which by nature never creates but suffocates every possible path and every inch of potential new polarizing creation within that cosmos.

If Elvis leaves the building, does the cosmos have the right to choose its new creator, god, or does the creation without the supreme creator lose its higher and primary meaning? And, by itself, without a spiritual and vigilant savior, the leader of every possible moment, the dictator of the past, present, and future, does it inevitably degrade towards the dark side of the intellectual equation?

Real Thing (Better Than the Real Thing)

Better than the real thing

strangest little fling

if this morbid barrier

could only sing

if we all

reach for our depraved wings

deep down

in the well of broken testimonial sins

Better than the real thing

strangest little fling

if this morbid barrier

could only sing

if we all

reach for our depraved wings

deep down

in the well of broken testimonial sins

you are a little damaged pin

and I am your only twin

summers come

summers go

and that’s okay…

bring the brightest night

bring the darkest day

nobody has to pray

nobody has to embellish this lonely way

we all swim in this rustic pleasure

calling all wrong things an immense treasure

we all see the oily black fibers

spawned out of repugnant decay

we all live our empty lives and

then press play

it is the only way

to tear down this pain

to find the missing vein

to start again

Many say:

Lose the nightmarish gun

be undone

there you will find a preserved slice of fun

there lies an empire dying under this

silent Black Sun

maybe you think

you are the only one

maybe you think


just happens to some

maybe, you hope and wish

stain of time

can be the final dish

fallen, frozen magnetic kiss

tamed, erotic vagabond miss

Blinded moth in this circular, ocular mist

you have buried

your, only valid wish

and now it feels


you don’t even exist

All this sudden meager, lead distress

is the prologue of your wicked mess

it is only a multi-dimensional chess

don’t assume, confess

an unwilling question arises in your chest

can the promising fest

be the shattering heart

built inside of the latest

vitriol-arranged nest?


black and white

never lose the bite

we play this game

just out of spite

In the empire of thorns

we are those who truly adorn

lifeless, meaningless apocalyptic porn

sweetest and emptiest korn

knocking silently on the wrong side of heaven’s door

catching rotting smell on the distant perfectly polished floor

we all wish to be more

life can’t be this alarming and shameless-ridden chore…

nobody likes the deafening bore

we all, are in desperate need of this promise of heavenly folklore

we all need a little bit of heavens parchment on our pedestal to adore

we all wish

that all could be


just a few

moments before

I hope this makes any sense, it is hot here, In this weather, it is,extremely hard to concentrate.

It is past midnight and the temperature is still around 23 C or 73.4 f.

Salutations to All!

Jack Heart’s Conversations from the porch – Episode 53, noncompliance, empathy and ethics…

Here’s your beloved police, Kings Park, June 2020, doing what they do best, protecting their pensions. The only thing that stopped the hateful Black malcontents from all catching beatings, some of them did anyway, was these porkchops in blue. They would do it three more times, when Blacks led by their Jewish Lesbian warlords dispatched by the “Board of Education,” returned to Kings Park, disrupting working class White neighborhoods and closing down businesses for the night. Whites, many of them off duty cops and their sons, were threatened with arrest if they did not disband while Blacks and their fat dyke Jew commanders were given a police escort all through the neighborhood as they chanted about White privilege. When I questioned one cop about their behavior, and he was Black although he had no use for what he was doing, he simply told me that they were under orders to protect the BLM protestors at all costs. Anyone professing to be law enforcement, not under the authority of the sheriff, is a mercenary for the forces of evil which have clearly taken over America and are hellbent on White genocide. Remember that the next time you see Orange Jesus performing group fellatio on the Patrolman’s Malevolent Association…

Below are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make more, I actually make the most from Amazon E books, but because you will avoid giving Amazon any money. Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.

Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® ( Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god: 9781736288016: Heart, Jack: Books

Unpublished Work from Alec Newald: The Hierarchy of Propaganda from an Off-Planet Perspective.


Forgive the oxymoron in my sub-heading here, of course there are little or no nuts and bolts in my interdimensional experience. It’s always a comfort when someone comes from out of left field and nails a description of something you have stived to explain for decades so I need to thank Anthony Bragalia for that.

The old construct of a strictly mechanistic, “nuts and bolts” craft coming to earth does not work. It cannot account for the profoundness of the phenomenon. It is inadequate to explain its many aspects. If the alien is really visiting us, given the vast distances involved, they must necessarily be both interstellar and interdimensional. They are highly advanced extraterrestrials who are simultaneously “ultraterrestrial.” They are at their core physical and corporeal, but have applied their science to the point that it appears to us as magical. We are not yet prepared to enter this fantastical world where the physical and the paraphysical intermingle. Until we change our very minds, we cannot go to a such a place. It is a limitation of consciousness. ET works beyond our framework of reference. We are not equipped to handle the premature arrival of the future. Anthony Bragalia 1st June 2023

As far as I can remember, and that’s a big caveat, right there, I must have spent at least 40 or 50 hours in the company of House. I guess I have recorded at least half of those conversations in the existing pages of Coevolution. I can’t remember every single word of course, and none of it was ever meant to be word for word recordings. Some of it was chit chat of no value to this report, it was just him trying to butter me up and con me into joining his team. A rabbit hole I did not see the value in falling down. He did however have some interesting comments on the state of human existence, in both life and death. He knew what he was about, because my incarnation as a human this time around was not necessarily my first choice. So, there was a tender spot in my presented resistance to his rhetoric, and he played on it to a degree that I half expect was genuine in his understanding of all things spiritual. This is just my opinion of course, was what he said factual, or was it what I half suspected, and maybe wanted to hear? Maybe I’ll have to wait for the next death sequence in my own life to find out.

I’ve read all the literature by your so-called experts on reincarnation, House said, trouble is this scenario does not hold water if you care to think about it deeply enough. The only ones commenting in this research all tell more-or-less the same story, which if you think about it is impossible. Take you for instance, he suggested, referring to myself. Did you come from a local pod hoping to learn how to be a good guy by a thousand or more reincarnations in the only school in town? Of course you didn’t, he suggested, answering his own question. You fucked up when you arrived here and died, you resisted reincarnation for millions of years, because you had been briefed not to go there, and the only reason you relented these last few times is because you arranged with your buddies, by other means, for a time loop pick up. I suspect you knew the possibility of things going wrong, even before you said goodbye to your friends, way back whenever. How many attempts did it take for them to actually find you after all that time? He asked.

They were close the time before this, I answered, but the atomic blasts made it impossible to be accurate enough to pinpoint an intersect. The time-lines looked like spaghetti junction, or so I was told.

Ha! Yes I’m not surprised, House commented.

I can’t begin to tell you how naive I was a few generations ago, but perhaps that was a good thing. I did not come into this debate with a fixed mind set, or an agenda. I do have to say though I would prefer I have this all wrong. The belief system held by many who call themselves experts in the field, is far more pleasant to contemplate than my own suspicions of another reality altogether.

I’ve always been adventurous and inquisitive; I’ve also been very lucky. Lucky to still be alive, lucky to have had a great life with very few regrets. However, my conclusions after more than seven decades of inquisitiveness and luck has left me with a suspicion that nothing is as it appears to be. Not even the theories of the open-minded new age scholars, which include many that have delved into the subjects of life between lives and reincarnation. Why do I doubt them you may ask?

The subject of propaganda has risen to new hights since covid 19 appeared on the scene. Although thinking back to the supposed Apollo moon landings of the late 60’s, and events around 911, I suspect what I’m about to discuss is going to find the same resistance to belief as from the mainstream thinkers of then and now on those subjects. To understand propaganda from the perspective I am about to narrate, you must at least understand it at a base course level in the everyday world. Propaganda is always served up with an agenda, and sometimes it’s not always negative. During the world wars propaganda was served up from all sides, often just to make the population feel good, and that the conflict would soon be over, and their loved ones would be coming home safe and sound, sooner rather than later. Moral had to be maintained, just as you might never want to tell your best friend she looks hideous in that dress. At a deeper level, you also need to know the people in charge of the propaganda machine are recruited from among the sharpest minds on the planet, they are always trying to out-think you. Sure, they never fool everyone, but you can be assured they fool the greater majority, which means if you manage to see though the lies you are mostly alone or in a very small group. What’s more the believing masses will try to tear you apart if you dare to upset their dream state. This can also be called social engineering, whatever way you look at it, it’s all about getting people to believe what you want them to believe. You punish the decentres and reward the followers. Sadly, it seems to work.

Ok, so now let’s take this to a much higher level. Now we are talking reincarnation. The common belief here is that we chose our current life and will feely choose all those lives that may follow. Notwithstanding some are horrendous and cruel or barbaric! Full of pain and grief and suffering. All this to build a stronger more robust soul so that can go on and do great things in the future. Rather like sending your only Son off the fight in a barbaric war, in which he will watch his best friend have his head blowen off, or his guts spread far and wide right in front of him, just for the sake of the homeland and the security of the wealthy bankers who of course fund these wars, so they can go on for as long as possible. Yes, rather like the war in the Ukraine at this very moment. Do you really think you would choose to be raped and tortured, born with no eyes, arms or legs, to become a better person in the spirt world? It all sounds like propaganda to me! Remembering the ones who write the story book of your next life are far cleverer than you could ever imagine. Follow the light, I think not! Just because all your friends are waiting for you with open arms on the other side, sounds a bit like all those suckers who got the covid jab, all waiting to welcome you into the fold after you have gotten yours. Follow the crowd, well I never have, so why would I choose to do it in the spirt realm. See the light and run Forest run.

One of the best pieces of propaganda ever devised on this planet is the invention of the religious cults. Just look at all the death and destruction and suffering they have managed to create in their short history. That said maybe there are some very interesting snippets of possible truths hidden in the pages of the holy scriptures. If we continue to turn everything presented to us upside down, in an attempt to find a morsal of truth here and there. Perhaps the fallen angles had gotten sick of selling a lie to the human race and had decided to come clean to the fact heaven is a corrective facility, to put people back in their place after a life on earth where they might have actually started to wake up to the big lie. So now we have another question to ask, why would the human race be condemned to perpetual lives of pain and suffering? For a possible answer to this question we need to introduce a new word for many of you, Loosh.

Cover Picture: Pinterest

Monster by Happy Parrot



Chosen Destiny never walks alone, peace sleeps forever in her blessed home

Terror suddenly comes

Beast wrestles with his prey

some crooked words will give meaning to this sleepy, vagabond day

Sudden Comfort slowly talks into the wounded heart of mesmerized decay

unknown children’s voices willingly start to play

An old lady greets her newborn day

drunk man has left the sanctuary of his hay

Open Fist Breaks the final door

screaming altitude steals the smiling, repeating floor

life giver silently paints his vain, oddly looking decor

love and breathtaking absolutism drained in an embarrassing salvo of esoteric pheromones

On old, now-forgotten shores

castaway lore yearns for more

Evrything feels out of place and uncomfortably sore

Can our love be undone?

when the last tear is finally dead and gone

Can a free man become a slave walking in the desert completely alone?

Am I a stranded magnetic vessel, a ragged wanderer without a proper home

is my destiny to walk forever alone

Am I truly a creature born without a home?

Night will tell

unbroken will, stand or yell

pointing Moonspell, will my mission end well?

Stranded lover begs under the river of intoxicated inhuman spell

The lonely prisoner is haunted inside his glorious cell

wondering, he asks what story is left to tell.

Can our love be undone?

when the last tear is finally dead and gone

Can I become a slave walking in the desert by myself, completely alone?

Am I a stranded vessel without a proper home

every step I make

sends me into the arms of another untold mistake

every old and forgettable bone

sings now without an exact, well-measured tone

Rainbow looks so distant and its existence haunts me alone

Am I a stranded vessel without a proper home?

Night will tell

unbroken will, stand or yell

Stranded lover under inhuman spell

prisoner haunted inside his glorious cell

Fragile mind

sign, give the rest to the old, deluded shrine

Put the dot on the prescribed line

Maybe then your heart will start to shine

Have you touched the Sea of divine

have you drunk, the potion that is ferociously alkaline?

have you lost your sword, without a given word?

have you misplaced your strong spine?

Has the cold tongue of long winter

turned your love into the most sober vine?

Perfect Rainbow looks so distant and its existence haunts me alone

Am I a stranded ghost vessel, a lost stranger without a proper home?

Accusing Night will tell

unbroken will, stand or yell

wisdom, guide me well!

Stary Paradise or burning lights of one-eyed glitching Hell

Stranded lover under inhuman spell

prisoner haunted inside his glorious cell

will this story end


Is exalted life just another dormant spell

why can young birds never tell

oyster shed her skin, wisdom has left its shell

godly nectar, filled with dark voices from unpractical Hell

another late tragedy is begging to sell

misplaced theatrical Moonspell

Fresh trouble howls at the open gates of another self-operating Hell

Accusing Night will tell

unbroken will, stand or yell

Liberating Paradise or Burning Hell

Stranded lover under inhuman spell

conscious prisoner haunted inside his glorious cell

will this story end


Will this battle ever end

can this story end without one more sainted life,

that has been forever unnecessarily spent?

Poorman is relentlessly begging for his cursed cent

reality has hardened into wandering, illusionary cement

every step is another bridge blown up to his, own unnamed detriment

strange times are moving together with blazing and vulgar accent

Young Warriors will defend

Old souls will finally ascend…

Accusing Night will tell

unbroken will, stand or yell

wisdom, guide me now…more than well

Liberating Paradise burns now in the most precious Hell

Stranded lover laughs under inhuman spell

Conscious prisoner is haunted inside his glorious cell

will this story ever end?

what else must be spent, Occam’s razor and supernatural dent

Can a dormant voice reach the footsteps of a bottomless well?

Will this cosmic battle ever end

where is the voice of reason, that is freely given, godsent

Can this final story end without one more sainted life,

that has been forever unnecessarily spent?


The fresh night air pulsed with a strange, almost enticing substance. His sense of sight was still predominantly blurred, the bright lights manically piercing through the dark, threatening forest, hysterically searching for something resembling a human shape—a silhouette that should not exist with us in this material composition we too often rigidly and casually call the world. An enigma, with an exterior resembling what you would call a human form, quietly controlled its breathing rhythm and heartbeat to avoid revealing its position.

His head was heavy, a gloomy swarm of heavy thoughts briefly occupied his brain, covering his superhuman intellect with a black veil full of pain and a deafening tone that stealthily wandered the dark forest, searching for what does not exist in human minds.

What often hides like immature childish dreams in a creaky night closet.

It doesn’t bark, it doesn’t growl, it just creates unsettling sounds that fill the peaceful and calm children’s night with waves of unpleasant insomnia, filling it with sweat and a wave of frustration that sometimes lasts long into the night until these extremely fragile little beings succumb to exhaustion, and the night terror turns into a new day’s light with the passing of time.

And the traumatic story that lurked all night becomes just an extreme part of a child’s imagination, which every parent usually resolves almost automatically with intuitive sharpness during breakfast time, saying, “You know monsters don’t exist, especially not the ones lurking in children’s closets.”

Many times, both parents just laugh sweetly while eagerly chasing after the almost magnetically attached matter, the abstract influx, which turns their often very fake lives into something bearable… money.

Money—”the jealous father of all evils,” always a thirsty succubus, the executioner of modern life, the omnipresent prototype of the downfall of human morals, and the dark angel, the silent companion of many human, easily discarded destinies.

The sound of blue-gray helicopters still terrorized the night sky, and the penetrating beams of extremely strong, very unpleasant light still silently searched for the mysterious figure that had escaped into the cover of the dark, almost eerie forest with supernatural speed.

As time passed, it became clear that these threatening-looking flying machines were only circling the dark forest, hoping that what was monstrous in their eyes would make a mistake and come out of its dark shelter.

None of those searching the terrain were willing to descend into that pit of enchanted wooden gloom, their fear was too strong, and their thoughts too heavy to carry out what they had been ordered.

At the same moment, the strength that had briefly faded in his limbs slowly began to pulse within him, feeding him with new energy that seemed to be a gift from this ancient forest… a few seconds passed, and our hero was himself again.

From the thick forest bushes, out of nowhere appeared a bear’s snout, and then the bear’s massive body. The strange creature of enormous proportions did not make the slightest sound. In front of our not-so-surprised protagonist, it placed a pile of forest berries, moving its huge head up and down and pointing with its paw of enticing proportions to the unexpected forest gift.

“Thank you, guardian of the forest, thank you from the heart.”

The benevolent Bear, who had unexpectedly joined this intriguing night “party,” nodded its head and gently headed behind the dark green curtain until it almost completely disappeared into the dark night.

A monster, today with the advent of organized religion, has become a monster by the diktat of those who know better, without question.

Many of those devoted believers do not suspect that the real monster sleeps in their bosoms, mercilessly feeding them with a perverse infusion full of grotesque illusions so that this silent creature, of extremely dark heart, can maintain a steel grip over their collective consciousness and vibrational energy, a tremendous potential which you humans simply call—souls.

All religions from the day of their conception are cursed and too often lead from one madness to an even worse madness, of course, accompanied by the tireless applause of sold-out institutions you call media.

A medium is one who sees and protects people from various evils, natural disasters, asking nothing in return because it is his gift from God, which he must unquestionably pass on.

Today, the term called media is a simplified poisoned lie heartlessly served in the form of a cross of salvation or a refreshing golden cup full of rigorous ignorance, which too often is easily drunk and served with a cornucopia of poisonous mushrooms that silently devour what is left of human energy or souls as you call them.

All of us who disagree with this ruthless exploitation of human light, with this short-sighted misanthropic dogma, become monsters for which there is no more home in this new brave world.

Many would cynically and hastily say, “Why do you care?”

Well, I care; that care has always been in my heart, even when their minds are clouded with uncontrolled hatred and foolish heads filled with the horrors only war provides.

I care; that is how I am built, that is my nature… and sometimes things and beings are not what they seem at first glance, too often an unassuming book with worn-out covers hides a sea of unforeseen information, while a book with bright, enticing colors and perfectly bound covers offers intellectual and spiritual barrenness.

In them lies a bright blue sea full of untouched potential that has almost never been fully unleashed, and in that lies my inexhaustible source of empathy towards these human beings.

Moreover, I am bound by the power of the golden rule: to never do to others what I do not want done to me.

The forest’s fresh air unintentionally awakened in me a sob of an old, never-forgotten longing, instantly teleporting me to a time when these sacred, ancient woods were places where the forces of mystery, known and unknown worlds intersected with a man who had not yet strayed into spiritual darkness like today’s “modern” man.

In a slightly different form, I often walked these clearings, listening to the whisper of crystal clear, cold green water and the murmuring, sometimes even the occasional juicy quarrel of the majestic trees adorned with century-old canopies as they lamented about times even more ancient and beings that were no longer there.

In those days, I would often return lost human children, frightened and crying, to their homes, teaching them the importance of navigating this sometimes very dark greenery whose tall green canopies seemed to touch the blue sky in their little eyes.

Sometimes I walked through this magnificent forest dressed in white, and sometimes in black, not due to any stigmatic duality but because it was my personal choice…

When you are tired of the smell of war, the metallic sound of blood-soaked shiny blades, the excitement, and youthful fervor burning like a thousand suns before the battle itself, the ancient forest and its shy inhabitants become a uniquely calming place for someone like me, where rarely anyone can disturb you.

This green palace becomes your untested peace, and youthful, often impulsive haste slowly gives way to a bit wiser, more mature age.

The world has changed beyond recognition in just 150 years; everything you once could see with your own eyes is now part of some long-written legend, a dusty dubious myth, or just an unfortunate story left by old, senile minds.

Dwarves, elves, fairies, and other once undeniable beings today silently adorn human gardens, observing the spiritual wandering of the hurried and modernized human being without a single word, mute and petrified.

Good and evil have always been there, an undeniable, irrefutable fact, but the world that modern man shaped with the biased help of dark, ever-jealous shadows and built around himself resembled a well-fenced, sterile petri dish rather than something that would evoke a sense of boundless freedom and continuous admiration in the unconquered soul.

After a hundred years had passed, I decided to return to the so-called embrace of newly built human civilization.

The first nights were torturous, full of sounds that perhaps wouldn’t have been there just twenty years ago, the city’s hum as if, with a uniform unit of mysterious force, devoured itself and its captivated inhabitants, who now slowly sank into a dark, amoral abyss set by the illusory builders who patiently watched and orchestrated their godless deeds, lurking with greedy eyes from the darkest shadows.

I was there when horse-drawn carriages turned into the noisy echo of loud automobiles, I was there when the quiet zeppelin, almost an untouched ruler of the blue sky of that time, was replaced by the first modern airplane. The technology that multiplied every ten years was a new thrilling feature that would finally bring humanity peace and a deserved throne among the old gods.

But the opposite happened: the closer they were to technological nirvana, the further they became from their organic existence.

As the years paid tribute to the unstoppable wind of time, the technological superiority that promised so much began to show its dark outlines and the possible human path into an extremely, darkly illuminated downfall.

I wasn’t thrilled, but over time you get used to an impossible existence and slowly forget your purpose here while the city’s relentless hustle gradually eats away at the cynical rhythm of time, and with quiet notes, tears apart the last sounds of humanity around you.

You forget who you are for a brief moment and suddenly wake up in the early hours of 2016, a year when reality was once again transformed into something familiar, something too dark to be easily ignored.

Old evil was back and I silently decided to become what they feared so much, a living monster, but I wasn’t sure ..yet.

The only problem I have now is when I embrace my dark side the world that i inhabit will with me go into dark, and too many innocent people will die, but the question that truly bothers me with time is the following…

Do I have the pleasure of a choice?

If they want the monster, maybe,maybe… my destiny here is to be the best monster I can be.

These military helicopters and the unspeakable evil flying in them I could easily bring them down, but I wanted to visit my place of tranquility, to think again…am I, really the terrible monster they are looking for?

Yes, my darkness,my old trustworthy companion I never liked your impossible depts, but you were always there, haunting me, waiting for me to become soft, irrational almost human alike.

I never ran away from those dark soulless beings, I ran away from my dark past, from myself,from my given promises.

What if there is a being that can kill these vicious creatures, merciless abominations that diabolicaly drain people’s life juices with one well-aimed dark curse, but the downside of this equation is that it must also take so many human lives…many are forgetting one fact, not all people are born good, but many have the opportunity to become good even if they are surrounded by total darkness.

This is the main difference between so called energy vampires and human beings.

I never doubted whether it could be done; I know it can be done. But what is the deviant price beyond the red shimmering horizon that cannot yet be clearly seen?

Can you do it, can you be so monstrous… can you come back from that vile, dark act?

Or this terrible, already undeniable darkness will become your only trusty friend, and the indescribable dark and empty road even darker and emptier.

Am i damned together, here with this foul ,hartless creatures that are roaming and pilaging human minds and hearts for milenia or my most holiest apsolution lies in their demise given and spoken directly from my own lips.

You would be suprised what liberty slavic language gives to the master of dark curses…All other languanges pale in comparison with what is possible to engineer or muster in Slavic language.

Have i decided,only time will tell,it always does.

The scrutiny this little thing, we call time waits for no man,but many times the same rules are applied even to God.

The End.



I shuffled along, exhausted. The morning twilight was breaking over the seldom used trail I trod upon, the ghostly trail that wound down through the spaces between the shimmering forms of the trees.

My heart was on fire. It blazed in my breast. I could barely remember, as I realized I was cursed with thirst, what I had dreamed the night before. I dreamed I was transparent, and I could look through my own flesh, to my bones which were just points of dancing green, blue and white light.

I dreamed that I could take a different shape and run at amazing speed across the night of this land, each step unerring, avoiding any ensnaring object, a fierce joy of motion and breath.

Yet here I was, wide awake now, if tired. I was almost back to my tiny little place at the edge of the last of the natural land. I saw there was a piece of mail jammed into the door. I already knew what it was, already knew that I hated what was inside.

It was from my job, certainly not my career, certainly not what I wanted to spend my life upon. It was my job, with the contractor, with the government that had sent me to see the shrink in the first place. Was it a case of follow the money?

You might think, if you’re reading this that money is power. Nope, money is a leash, and it chains one to THEM…

We have determined that said individual

“Peter Wolfe”


After exhaustive testing and examination

Is recommended for continuing psychiatric analysis

And for immediate hospitalization.

I immediately ripped the document into very small pieces and tossed the pieces into the garbage where they belonged. When was it that Jung, protégé’ of Fraud lost his edge and became a voice for sellouts?

Best guess, pretty much just before WW2, when he found he could straddle the fence and play everyone like a badly tuned fiddle. Everyone thought his Wotan essay was a great esoteric concept, a proud stepping out from under the coat tails of his Jewish master, a seminal work signaling his rise to respectability to the pinnacle of orthodox western thought.

Ya think? Cuz I have a very different point of view. I think Jung was a Gnostic. A lot of Jews thought so too, and they hated him for it. Actually everybody pretty much hates Gnostics, probably because Gnostics point out things just through living that illustrate the spiritual bankruptcy of the children of Abraham. So Jung had his choice and he made it. No more Gnosis-except in little tiny ways like “active imagination”. Nope, it was Mr. Respectable now, complete with all the accolades.

Probably his funniest statement was in his essay on UFOs. Here he showed his deference to daddy Fraud by calling them giant metal flying penises. Watch out America! Lock up your daughters! Giant dicks in flight!

Yeah, everything was sex to Fraud. What a clueless moron. He was so over privileged he never realized that everything is really based on hunger-and food. So, these were the people that started the pseudo science that was supposed to “help” me. I could hardly wait.

I woke up suddenly. I didn’t know I had been dreaming. The worst thing about dreaming like a man is that you begin to believe it-terrible.

I picked up the big branch in my jaws. I was very strong and I liked that strength. I tossed the branch down on the fire and watched the flames climb into the sky. The world was an entire orchestra of tastes and scents. I knew, from the lingering aroma of wood on my teeth what the song of the wood was. Wood actually holds many things, entire worlds etched in the wood.

And something else is also in the wood…


It is the very first Rune, in any genuine Futhark, for thousands of years and more. It is the first Rune of the first family in any row as well. Some say in the forgotten times long ago it became the Rune of the domestic herd, the source for meat and milk and blood come what may in the darkest night, which after all is the oldest sense of wealth.

But I say nay. Fe’ is not about an abundance as a hedge against uncertainty. Nooo, Fe’ is about the first separation, the first change away from our way-to theirs.

What is wealth anyway, but a soil within which to grow every jealous, angry, vengeful act? Whilst mankind drives themselves insane over wealth and the control of wealth, over the drive to put others down and keep them there, the Wolf merely hunts, and lives, the standard of the wild lands, the despised.

In ancient times so long ago no one remembers, mankind’s’ gaze was far from happy. He had ridden the spark down the Rainbow Bridge from the sisters so far away. He stared at his woman and she stared back, as the hunger in their bellies made them wonder why they ever came to this blasted plain.

Our Golden eyes met their sky blue gaze, and we took pity upon their plight. We began by sharing some of our kills, and the men ate like greedy pups. Later we taught them the ways of those who they would hunt, and the secret to secure the kill. For such a long time, men remembered our gift.  They honoured the generosity of our spirits with their own. Fe’, wealth, then meant the divine power, the knowledge, understanding and energy to thrive upon the hunger plains. It was the sound, and the resonance, and the song of life living in its own accord.

We don’t remember exactly why this changed. Some were convinced it was the great cataclysm, the wrath of the stars upon this place. Others, who spent entire lives traversing the dream-time, were convinced it was due to inborn deficiency here, that this hunger place could never sustain, only run down to its lowest base form before failing all together. We replied by remembering our hero trail back to the sisters, but mankind remembers nothing. He is like a dumb beast that doesn’t know what to eat, which is why we had to help him. The mystery of survival we shared with them, but today we are hated and shot, driven from the soil we ran upon, for endless cycles before the coming of man.

We were ancient when their spark fell like a burning star to this earth. We did not need to change from the days when we dwelt within our own bright star. We had little trouble upon arriving here to this land of tearing hunger, because we could always kill to feed our need, and we were always very good at that.

The man behind the desk had even more papers for me. He had papers to read, that told me I had neither rights nor privileges, papers to sign, that meant I agreed, and papers to commit me to Sunnydale hospital.

“Why don’t you just fire me?”

He returned my gaze with mild distaste. He was dark, possibly from India, and he spoke with an accent.

“We cannot fire you, Mr. Wolfe, it’s in your contract”, he replied directly.

“But you can shuffle me off to the loony bin”, I observed.

“I assure you we can do much worse than that”, he leaned forward as if to emphasize his point.

I considered my options. My first instinct was simply to get up and leave, and so I did just that, pushing the chair back and standing up.

“You must sign the documents, Mr. Wolfe”, pleaded the insistent accented voice behind me.

I was already out the door when I distinctly heard him pick up the phone.

My old truck wasn’t up for a race, I knew that much. Looking into the mirror I could tell the driver of the late model car behind me was a male, big, and probably black. Even from this far away he exuded a willingness towards violence that was definite, easily readable. He stayed far enough away to not make the tail too obvious, but he was never out of sight for more than a few seconds at a time. I was completely certain his interest in me went beyond words.

My guess was he had already picked his method. For someone like me, already evaluated with “issues”, he would have a number of options to make it look like I off’ed myself. I noted that the sun was going down, a warm light playing upon the chemtrails in the sky. I let myself sink back into the seat, and headed for the forest where all of us had agreed to meet on the third evening, which was now.

The access road was open, despite being very late in the day. I drove past the fields to the last and worst maintained parking area in the woods proper. No one was parked here, so I chose a spot, climbed out, locked up, and went for a stroll. I was already in the trees when I heard the whine of the electric motor flood the parking area. My assassin had arrived.

It was my guess that he would be patient, but not too patient. If he had rushed right in he might have had me, but he killed the lights, shut it down, and climbed out deliberately. Obviously he figured there was little I could do. He would have been right, if it had just been about me, but it wasn’t, so I slid into the woods, expecting to pick up the hit man’s trail later, if he stayed in the forest.

Slipping through cross country was easy for me. I could smell the wet earth, and the faint scent of…Ack. Ack was the proverbial image of the dude who marched to his own drummer, not as an act of rebellion, but because his own quick intellect brought him there-to a place of trusting himself first and foremost. We exchanged greetings.

Out from the shadows slinked the graceful form of Doll. Doll was on the small side, but what she lacked in size she made up for in grit, on top of being drop dead gorgeous. Next to her was Kish, and Kish was intimidating in sheer muscular power and focused intent. Kish had the uncanny ability to literally disappear whenever he wanted to… It was cool everybody was good but-where was Amma?

Suddenly I was hit from behind and slammed to the ground. My attacker was all over me, quick as a snake, seizing one ear and then the other before biting on them.


“Did you miss me?” A familiar female voice demanded.

The attacks relented and I managed to get up, turning quickly to meet Amma’s gaze. We faced off like wrestlers, circling. I feinted, she half heartedly dodged, and I had her, rolling and laughing on the rich earth.

I don’t care what your idea of an alpha female might be, Amma topped it. She was blonde and powerful and moved with a deadly ease that was a sight to behold. Her eyes were as deep as a winter sunset, and nobody wanted to be around when she got mad.

She locked my gaze unblinkingly. “What did you find out?”

I filled them all in as quickly as I could. I explained that I had a lead on the place where the ancient trail still bisected this hunger plain, beyond the buzzlights of the mancity. My work with the guvcorp commandoes led me to believe they didn’t know about it. They were obsessed with all the death they were bringing-all of it that we were all smelling was very real, and it blinded them, made them drunk. Even though I had it zeroed down, everyone had to lay very low, probably find another hidey-hole. It was gonna be tough, but I knew it was close, and I would find it-.

“Something else is close”, said Ack.

“Assassin”, I replied. “I want you all out to zone B, I’m going to circle back and grab my truck.I’ll think of something along the way’.

“No”, said Amma.

There certainly are those who can move through the forest, but the big black assassin was not one of them. He had blundered off the trail in the ensuing gloom, snapping twigs and thumping along heavily. Kish melted off to the left flank, a disappearing ghost. Doll took the right, with Ack. Amma took up position where she had options open, and I moved to head him off.

Nightfall brought on our second sight, electric outlines and pools of light. We saw the colour of the assassin, with that internal light, shining from our own meridians, excellently bright, and we saw better than during the day.

A crash suddenly echoed through the timber, followed by another-and another. Deer leapt up to make their escape. The assassin had halted, a very large pistol in his huge hand. We all heard the click of a selector, and in a moment, a bright beam erupted from beneath the slide of the pistol, piercing the dark and picking out the bounding shapes of the fleeing deer.

From the left, Kish emerged sailing through the air, his terrible jaws removing the arm that held the gun in one swipe. Doll had sunk her canines into the other arm as Ack seized a leg. Amma had him by the back of the neck, and I leapt with everything I had onto his chest, my fangs ripping into his throat. My lips met Amma’s as we bit down, kissing as the assassin died.

“Lycanthropy is an acute mental illness.

It is characterized by a complete change in the patients’ perceptual field.

The patients’ belief system is profoundly altered.”

I was running. I was running to a hidden cave, deep in the forest, along Lightning Ridge. We called it that. The birds called it that, because during the tremendous thunderstorms that frequented this mountainous place, the crack of wild electricity would play all along the spine of the rocky edge.

I had forgotten this place. I had forgotten the Lightning Ones. I had forgotten its song…

“There is no cure for this mental illness.

Lycanthropy is an extremely rare condition.

My colleagues are both baffled and intrigued by the onset of it,

We recognize that the medications we recommend

Drugs we could prescribe

Have lasting, possibly permanent impact upon cognitive health.

Most common side effect, memory loss.”

From the shoulder of Lightning Ridge, I dropped into the divide, slowing to a trot. Lingering was the odor of Bear, and Deer, but not man. I knew the small draw where the runoff after the storms would collect and trickle, and followed it up. I was feeling excited, but also wary. I recalled the raised area just beneath the cliff. I slipped past a row of underbrush and wildflowers, and I saw them, nondescript openings in the deep crevasses of the cliff, and there before me, small and unassuming was the black mouth of the cave.

“Our unanimous recommendation for our patient

Mr. Peter Wolfe


Includes immediate hospitalization.

It is our professional opinion that the patient,

Mr. Peter Wolfe


Is quite capable of causing himself and others irreparable harm

Through the use of the most egregious forms of violence.”

YES! It was the cave I found in my memory, put there countless generations ago by the distant ancestors. I had visited it long ago, when I was young, when I beheld the Lightning Ones in vision. The cool air felt good against my face. I shook off a little, stretched, yawned and went in.  The passage narrowed quickly, giving to all appearances that it reduced to a tiny black slit. Yet there was a hidden place…I blinked at the tiny lights within the rock. I-I remember now, we called them the star rocks, and into the dark in their midst the cave suddenly expanded. There, in the dimmest of light lay the silent mirror of the pool. The water revealed a silent reflection of the star rocks.

The highway snaked along through the wooded hills, before bursting out into an opening of rolling fields and scattered rural housing. Out in the open the highway divided, two lanes for each direction, and a no man’s land between them of junk, garbage and extremely tough weeds.

I pushed the old truck up past the speed limit. It was a matter of will, and the power of my connection to the spirit world that kept the old vehicle together. Before I was on the hit list, my co-workers used to make fun of me for driving the “Grampa Car”, as they called it. I just smiled, never telling them that there were no guvcorp surveillance and kill switches in my vehicle. It wouldn’t have mattered if I did. The new breed of guvcorp drones actually thought such things were great.

Was I taking a chance, hitting the road like this? Probably. I wasn’t too worried about guvcorp finding the remains of the assassin, even if they did, they wouldn’t piece it all together before I had a chance to grab the others from zone B, and get to the cave, as long as I made good time.

In the bundle in between the seats sat the assassin’s gun. It was a nice choice, a 10mm SIG with a full sized silencer, underlug flashlight, and a few spare magazines, all topped off with nickel plated hollow point ammo. Expensive. Probably starting in the several thousands range. Seems I was more respected by my would-be killers than I thought.

I played gas station hop scotch, grabbing some quick eats along the way. My old truck wasn’t exactly easy on gas, and having to pull sustained above highway speeds made me pay more attention to the oil and coolant.

At my last stop I got a bone shivering premonition. Some might call it déjà vu. I knew now my bonus time was spent, and I was racing a lit fuse.

Zone B was less than 15 miles away, but I was getting extremely nervous. I didn’t like to be nervous, but the problem with being high strung was that it came with the territory. I knew I had to leave the highway, when a guvcorp convoy blew past me, lights flashing and sirens blazing. Between the cruisers were Game & Fish trucks, and between them were animal control vehicles, mobile patty wagons for four legged enemies-us.

The traffic began to thicken and slow. Before it came to a complete halt I had engaged the transfer case for 4WD high, and was off pavement, looking for a way. I drove for several miles, more by feeling than any sense. I read the terrain to estimate my closest undetected approach. I felt like biting the steering wheel, instead I parked in a field under some trees, probably a quarter mile from a lone rural road.

I locked up, but not before packing the 10mm, and making sure a round was perched in the chamber. I needed to find the creek, soon. All around me were helicopters, and flashing lights.

Hunkering down, I loped into a bank of even more trees, and found the creek there. I was estimating direction when I heard them, locals, crashing through the underbrush.

“I think they went thattaway Daddy!”

The little boy almost ran right into me. Behind him was, apparently Daddy, with a huge machete strapped to his waist, and a very large crossbow in his hands.

“You seen any wolfs, mister?” The little boy peered up at me unperturbed.

“Wolves?” I laughed. “Don’t you mean dogs?”

“They ain’t no dogs”, said Daddy, and we’re fixin to get ‘em before anyone else does.”

“Well, I might’ve seen something like big dogs running across the field,” I lied. “Sort of following the highway.”

Daddy eyed me. “An what are you doin here, mister?”

I looked him back straight in the eye, and this time told the truth. “I want to get a better look at what’s going on.”

Apparently satisfied, they set off in a direction away from me, and my truck. As bad as all this was, the confusion caused by the event just might help us in the end. I decided to dive deeper into the woods, it was convoluted, crazy. I was completely surrounded by activity as I came up upon a dilapidated slumping fence, the last rays of the sun arcing through.

I found them in a nearby hollow. They crowded around Amma. She was swaying. Her blonde proud head hung low as she drooled, her eyes coming and going from focus.

“They shot her with something” said Ack flatly. “She’s fighting it”.

Kish turned his attention away from Amma to focus on me. “Ack and I got past their shots.”

Ack came close, to look me in the eyes. His words were slow, measured.”They got Doll. Shot her too, with the poison.”

I nodded, breathing hard, working to hold it together.

“Kish”, I said, with more resolution than I felt. “Do you know which way they went?”

Kish nodded.

I went to Amma. She was fighting with everything she had. I could feel her fierce fire, her essence screaming, even as she swayed. I felt that she would win this fight, that nothing could hold her wild spirit in thrall.

“Ack, stick with Amma. She is going to beat this thing, but until she does, defend her with your life. You know she would do the same for you”.

Ack nodded.

“Kish, with me. We bring Doll back or die trying”.

In a moment we were loping through the forest. I was following Kish, and I suddenly, sickeningly realized that all the bends and twists in the creek had actually taken us closer to the highway, and captivity. The highway itself was maybe two, maybe three miles ahead. I knew if they had Doll, if they hadn’t killed her, then they would be carrying her out, probably in a group, definitely armed.

Somehow, in a world that never gave me the slightest break-ever-I got one.

There were only three.

The stretcher was set directly upon the ground. Doll lay helpless and naked upon it. The three seemed to be taking a breather. They were so completely fixated on Doll that they didn’t hear our approach, didn’t notice as we moved close and Kish disappeared.

Their radio crackled with some incoherent static filled hissing that might have been speech, but they ignored it. The tallest wore an outfit that included a gun. Staring at Doll he gripped a bandaged hand, the bandage was stained red.

The smallest was rat faced. He had an outfit like the other, no gun but a devious glint to his eyes. “She sure is a looker”, he breathed.

“Yep-”, grumbled the gun, “and I owe her one for the bite she gave me.”

“Told you to back off and let the shot work, but you didn’t”, observed the third, who had a long rifle slung on his back.

“Guess I didn’t believe such a pretty little thing would bite like that.”

“So, you guys saw it right”, continued rifle. “You saw that I shot a wolf, not a girl?”

“I dunno what I saw-“ said devious.

“Well I sure as Hell know!” Gun was reaching down for Doll with his good hand, which vanished in the jaws of Kish. I pointed the big Sig, and hot 10mm fire bored into him as he crumpled. I switched to rifle, and he fell like the first. Only devious was left, and I caught him behind the ear with one well placed shot.

When it was clear that the trio would be no more trouble, we switched our attention to Doll. They had bound up her limbs way too tight, and it was a struggle to free her, bur free her we did. I put my ear up to her nose, and I could detect shallow breath. She was alive!

Kish worked on her hands and feet, encouraging fresh blood to move past the marks of her bonds. I was peeling off my shirt to cover her. It hung below mid-thigh. I didn’t have a choice, with Kish as scout I had to carry her back to Amma and Ack.

Night had completely enveloped the land by the time I staggered into camp. Amma was pacing around restlessly, her eyes blazed with a light more fierce than I had ever seen in her, but she was back. Ack just stared at me with his golden eyes.

Time’s up.

I carried Doll with the desperate strength of the cornered. Her breathing grew deeper and stronger as we dodged patrols of disaffected locals armed with flashlights, and laid low as the endless stream of flashing lights roared across the roads.

The run to the truck was a blur. We ran away from the thumping roar of helicopters. There were shots fired, and shouts. I just ran, past the point where I could run no more I ran and I ran and I ran. I thought I could see a flash of light upon a windshield, but before I could look my legs were done and I fell. Doll must have rolled away, and as I tore for ragged breath Amma was in my face.

“You alive?”

I nodded, shaking and struggling to get to my hands and knees. “Check Doll’ was all I could get out.

Ack stood over me. “We have to go.”

I was struggling to my feet when I heard a voice I felt like I hadn’t heard in years.


It was Doll.


The others were around her now, with Wolf medicine. They collapsed upon her, breathing on her with their fierce joy. The energy swirled and as one they began to move in circles. Doll began to take little leaps. I retrieved my shirt, tucked it in past the 10mm, and regained some composure. I let the wolf medicine work, and just felt grateful that we were alive.

I dreamed the truck so hard that the cord that binds us pulled painfully. We got there, despite all, I didn’t hit the lights until we were well on our way, on a rural road that was taking us far, far away from zone B. I was about to relax when I heard Kish.


“Nothing”, Kish shot back.

“What, really?”



“I want a pillow”.

There was a cry of utter disbelief. The first to start snickering was Kish himself, which grew infectious. Pretty soon the entire truck was awash in the howls of wolf laughter.

The Golden eye of the Great Ancestor regarded me, the rest of his face outside of my view, so close was he. He was as real and as close as one of us, and as the vision dissipated I knew I was being watched, to discover if I was worthy. I took the examination unflinchingly. It was exactly what I would have done, had I wanted to know…

In the ancient times, forgotten by all save for us, Runes were never carved. Runes then were only sung, they were never things. The opening Rune was never possessive. Wealth itself was the dynamic exchange of sharing, of giving. When we gave to mankind we were following the ancient way. We saw that this act was making the connection between the sky plain and our world of hunger. That our strength and our skill brought us wealth, and it was possible to give because there was no lack. It was in the sky place where our golden giving breathed with the wind into song. The lesson of the first Rune, the Wolf Rune was the ascendency of this song, a dreaming into the hunger plain of that which only we could bring. We don’t remember when this world began to decay, some say it was the cataclysm, or just the deficiency, yet it was then that wealth came to be woven into things, and with that came jealousy, and lack, and chance.

We never understood why mankind forsook the golden giving. We could never grasp why the choice of things was so powerful with them. That is a story only they can tell, if they remember it at all.

It was in those forgotten times of our golden sharing that we taught mankind the mystery of the hunt, the eternal bond between the giving and the taking. Some of our clan and some of man’s sang the Runes so closely together that it became a wholly new song. They were driven by this fusion to do things no one has ever done before or since.

Our drive from the scene was evidence that higher forces were at play. The Great Ancestor was felt. The lights and the sirens all ignored us. We were waved through the roadblocks. Traffic flowed in that odd collective sense-a great pulsing hive mind of millions of undirected emotions and thoughts, invisible yet palpable, a million little receivers, all hurling down a paved surface at incredible speed.

I was ready-more than ready to exit the hypnosis of the highway as our exit came quickly up. Slowing down brought the distinct feeling of leaving one world of perception behind, to enter another.

Wolf sense made it a simple thing to find an out of the way place to park our doughty truck. Everyone piled out in a rush, grateful to be back upon the earth, yawning and stretching. A pack of killers who deeply loved each other, belying the riddle that life always turns one to a certain way. We were the force behind the motion of the universe. Through death we honour life.

The action, I told myself, was to shimmer in the very reality of the Rune. In loving life the sky plain was long ago filled with the song, and in our hearts, we would find that note once more. Once we breathed into that, the birthed form would just slip away.

I tossed the gun, my documents, my I.D.’s, and finally my clothes onto the floor of the truck. My boots went last, and my keys. I breathed in the delicious forest air, and felt myself rise into my natural state. It was always different, yet always familiar, that sense of falling away, almost like falling asleep to awaken anew, with incredible possibilities.

Mankind is slow without his machines. We require no machines for our speed. Gliding over the rippling earth, we move easily as living love, our fur becomes a sense organ, it keeps us in touch.

We arrived at the cave quickly. In single file we squeezed inside, the tiny lights shone in the stone, the starry rock. Emerging into the great room we ran around and took stock. The help of the Great Ancestors held, we were alone.

It took a little time to check the acoustics, for everyone to find the correct position, and sing their correct pitch. We began to focus, to feel for the dynamic as our voices rose, combining in pitch and frequency, and we could sense the ripple beginning to spread in the rock.

We danced into different positions, and the tension began to strengthen, and so we let the resonance loose once more, and the rock opened on the far side of the pool. Light poured in as we formed up together, and plunged head first into the pulsing wave.

We sang our song as our paws rippled the night, causing waves to wash over the distant stars, our breath visible within the deep cosmic weave, the song unrelenting and strong. Moving as one we passed into morning light, through a mighty stand of twisted Oaks onto a blonde plain, gently rolling off toward the sun.

Our song ended in a crystalline echoe, from the ancestor oaks to the deepest distance. There was no smoke in the air, no buzzlights or roads, no mancity or airborne waves.

An enormous weight lifted off of us, and we were suddenly so burden-free that we cried together. So we stretched our legs, danced and played, rolling on the succulent scents of the new earth, had we ever felt so good?

The targets dropped off our backs, and with them an incredible tension released. We couldn’t believe how easy it was to breathe.

Our very structures, muscles, bones and tendons shifted without the heavy burdens, and our appearances changed. We were free in a way we hadn’t known since we first explored and walked into the world of hunger in the ancient forgotten times.

With a new energy we remembered our first Rune Fe’, and we sang it into the sky plain, setting off amidst the solidified waves of the blonde plain, slipping past the berries and wildflowers, and the golden fingers of the sun sent us laughing as she rose higher on her arc. We felt the wild joy of the hunt, and our waiting prey sang back to us that the ancient exchange was ready once more.

Never Before Published Work of Alec Newald, Fiction (some of it…)


Jack. I just went back into your Substack to look over what I’d written for you over the years and realized there were so many comments from readers I never acknowledged because I never saw them. I’m a bit like Jack Reacher I never go back, I’m just not used to many people commenting on anything I write, I seem to be an outcast and even though I might have seen a few things that don’t fit into our understanding of the universe it appears most people would prefer to only follow the mainstream outlets. So, I’m used to being ignored, but that’s no excuse for my ignoring your own readers and friends when they do comment on my writings. Could you please apologize to them all for my lack of foresight in replying. I’ll certainly address the issue when I write for you again and apologize personally – Alec Newald

                                            Chapter 1


Magic, n. An art of converting superstition into coin. There are other arts serving the same high purpose, but the discreet lexicographer does not name them. 

                                         Chatham House 


                                           February 19??

James wiped away the steam from the bathroom mirror, staring back at him, through steely grey eyes, was a sharp-featured face carrying three day’s worth of dark stubble. Normally immaculately groomed he was ruing the fact his leave had been cut short. It wasn’t that often he could let his hair down and go bush. Soon the stubble would be gone, replaced by a clean-shaven face that went with the customary dark suit and tie white shirt and jet-black slicked down hair. You could be excused for thinking him more like something out of a 1960’s fashion magazine than the cold-blooded ruthless killer that he was.

He was not officially on duty, not yet, but he was willing to bet after a 10-minute taxi ride that status was sure to change.

James Reginald Taylor was old school by the very best traditions of it’s meaning, his family had been in the military since Noah boarded the Arch. No one could remember a male member of the Taylor family that had not attended military school and gone on to achieve a high rank in the British Armed Services.

His upbringing had taught him that things had to stay as they were everyone and every family had their place in the hierarchy of all things. Anyone attempting to upset this Status Quo, attempting to perhaps even things up a little, someone looking for a little justice and fairness within the system was simply an enemy of it and not to be tolerated. This is the way things are, and should always be, to even question such was an act of treason. To James this made it a simple world do as instructed by those that have been given the authority. Do it without question or be prepared to live a much shorter life than might otherwise have been the case.

His only failing in all of this was a short temper which from time to time tended to get in the road of his duties, often landing him in trouble with his superiors and colleges. 

The only reason James was not in any of the mainstream military services was because of his academic and athletic abilities, these had made him a standout target for recruitment by a secretive organization known as ‘The Agency for Foreign Technical Recovery’ better known by those that need to know as AFTR.

Its pretext was the recovery of downed foreign satellites, military aircraft and hi-tech hardware, occasionally they did actually think about doing such things, but this organizations real purpose would always be a mystery to most, even to those in the military or government services that would from time-to-time work alongside this agency, and in many cases fund it.

AFTR had no allegiance to the British Government or any arm of the military, not even those in its employ knew for sure who their masters might really be. Some had suggested that indirectly it was more likely connected with the Crown, the Queen herself. James had heard the rumors but was not expecting to be called before Royalty anytime soon. As far as he was concerned the rumors where just that, he enjoyed the work, you might even say he was born for it, so why ask questions and maybe rock the boat.  

A wiz at university in both mathematics and linguistics his family background aside, he was always a natural mark for this highly secretive organization. Fit, quick thinking individuals were required for this vocation, an ability to kill without forethought or regret was also a necessary prerequisite.

AFTR’s deeply covert parent organization ‘The League of the Red Shield’ used a public format known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs to voice many of their ideas, to anyone looking in from the outside the RIIA appeared only as a think-tank, a place of debate for private members of influence on world affairs and other related subjects, beneath that outer skin it was far more than that. More covertly secret than MI5 or MI6 could ever hope to be, its agents, in the guise of those from AFTR and other like organizations outside of the UK, were far more devious than any James Bond you could conjuror up in your worst nightmares.

The League is the best-funded most secret organization on the face of the planet, they had to be, what they dealt with and planed in the course of normal business would make the average person’s hair stand on end.

This does not mean they ran about protecting the innocent from the bad guys, in fact far from it, the League for all intents and purposes, are the bad guys! They are almost solely responsible for all the grief in the world You don’t fuck with these guys without ending up wishing you had never been born.

Their number one motto is ‘The Owl is not blinded by darkness’ how apt this is, as one of their main aims is to keep the rest of the world in perpetual darkness pertaining to all things, all meanings, and all subjects. At their secret occult meetings effigies of this predator bird dominate proceedings as the members enact mock ritualistic sacrifices of children.                                               

The League of the Red Shield as it stands is steeped in history and is most likely the oldest organized society on Earth. Its origins stem from the very beginnings of civilization itself, when a mark was placed upon Qayan, better know as Cain, by the Lord of the Bible (not to be confused with any God) to protect him from harm as he travelled the land. The mark is considered to be the oldest recorded Grant of Arms in sovereign history. It was, according to Laurence Gardner in his groundbreaking book ‘Genesis of the Grail Kings’ a red cross within a circle, very similar to that still used by the organization known to one and all as the Red Cross.

With this granting of arms came the beginning of Kingship among human tribes and positions of privilege power and wealth. Initially this ruling class did have a high degree of compassion and intellect, they were in fact designed for the job, but that is a whole other story in its own right.

Over the long course of our history The League has been referred to by various and differing names, one example being ‘The League of Just Men’. If ever there were a misnomer for a cause surely this would be it. Unfortunately for the most of us the Lion does not change its hunting technique nor pray just because you call it by another name.

The modern day League of the Red Shield has corrupted the original coat of arms to suit their agenda and dogma. It now carries their own hallmark, their signature, and if you know what to look for you will find their mark upon many a business and powerful international organization today.

Covertly this League or Cult control most of what you think you know to be the truth in all aspects of life, without doubt they control the politics of this world.

So arrogant were the founding members of this League that it is rumored they swore they could trick half the world into worshipping a dog, and in so doing lead humanity down a false road of blind faith and loss of self. Along with the manipulation of a language they appeared to have done just that. Many who have researched the English language report than much of it has been reversed from the sacred language that it once was, by all reports not only has this denied us many a sacred sound and empowering word, but one cannot deny the obvious when the word ‘God’ is reversed.

It has been reported that collectively this group control half of the world’s total wealth, perhaps a great deal more than that, in spite of this you will never find reference to them in any rich list published in the various media throughout the world, but then why would you, they own the media. As the group already have more money than they could ever need their focus now is only on the acquisition of power, the power to control all of humanity and the planet as a whole.

 ‘The league of just men’ owes allegiance only to themselves, holding to a chosen belief that by privilege of intellect and birthright they have sway to rule the world. Therefore, all of the world’s resources are theirs by right. They resent very much the fact that these precious reserves are being devoured by the common folk of the land. One of their primary goals is to vastly reduce the earth’s population to conserve these resources. If this could be achieved, then those that are left will be subjugated and used as slaves to serve the chosen few and all would be well with the world in their eyes. While many might suggest a reduction in the world’s population is a good thing overall for both the planet and the human race as a species, the way The League intend to achieve this goal is little sort of insane.

If it were not for the fact, they have the where-with-all and the passion to complete such a task one could feel smug and safe in the knowledge that such foolishness could never come to pass. However, the main reason more progress has not been made in their quest to date is because of a conflict of egos from within the organization itself and the lack of a suitable population suppressant i.e. a plague of biblical proportions, similar to that of the black death of the Middle Ages. However, this is not through the lack of trying, its just the human race is such a resilient species it has thwarted all attempts thus far to jump-start such a pestilence.

Therefore any ‘natural’ disaster that would bring about the same result would also be welcomed by said organization, just as one that might try to prevent such a natural disaster would become their public enemy number one.

Right now, at the moment James made himself presentable for his office recall, the League was not so interested in earth politics as they were interested in off world politics.

Of course James knew none of this but even if he had it would have made little or no difference to his outlook or work ethic when it came time to report for duty once again. Yes he was perfectly suited for the job.

He had just celebrated his 30th birthday before he was recalled from his two-weeks of leave, he had been given orders to report for briefing in room Number One on the first floor of Chatham House, it was urgent and please no delays. He must be there by 0900hrs.

What could be that dam important he wondered? hailing a taxi from a street corner not far from his High Street apartment, surely there was someone to cover for him while he was on leave, just my luck.

James had long ago booked into a swank Swiss ski resort, and was really looking forward to getting away from London’s dreary and persistent winter rain for the next ten days.

Skiing was his passion, when he wasn’t killing people that is, he had once held hopes of making the British Olympic Ski team, but at 30 his hopes were fading. He also wondered if he would ever get enough time to practice, now connected to the special operations unit within the company, the unit with the highest security level possible, he was always on call and it seemed, as now, always required to be somewhere else other than the ski-sloops of Europe he lamented, dodging a deep puddle as he stepped from the taxi.

“There’s a real flap on downstairs,” his assistant and partner whispered in his ear. James hung up his coat, this was their private office, it had been assigned to them both since they had been brought under the wing of the department head, this was truly the top level of the agency, not because their office had walnut inlayed desktops or teak paneling on the walls, but because after this there was only God, or in other words ‘The League’

“I’ve never seen so much activity,” she continued, “they’ve recalled all the agents that are on leave so don’t feel so hard done by, you’re not the only one who would rather be some place else right now. I was on leave too you know.”

Samantha Stubbing was a tall woman, standing almost 1.8 meters she could be quite intimidating if she put her mind to it, having done basic military training herself in her younger days. Like James she was soon due a birthday, in her previous 38 years she had seen a fair amount of the world from all angles and did not suffer fools lightly. She had worked hard to gain her position in the organization and was as loyal as the day was long. She never questioned an order from above and was possibly still capable of breaking an average man’s arm in a second if need be. Yes sir, Samantha was a tough cookie and not to be messed with unless you fancied yourself as a black belt or something better. She was a perfect partner for James, who, at times, worked outside the organization’s rules. Tending to be a bit of a wild card and not always one to follow direct orders.

Samantha could look him in the eye, they were both approximately the same height, only he was dark where she was fair, otherwise they could have been brother and sister. There was a look of sameness about them like they had a connection in the family, or they both came out of a similar mold. That said there was no mistaking Samantha for a man.

The briefing was to involve the both of them, it appeared they were to share the assignment whatever it was going to entail, wherever it might lead, and they were not kept guessing for long.

“Now listen up people, we have been getting these code red reports from NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command at Cheyenne Mountain for several days now, also back up reports from Pine Gap in Australia. There have been an alarming number of movements both in and out of Earth airspace from the Southern Ocean regions of the pacific, mostly in the area of the Antarctic. I’m talking fast walkers here, and you all know what they are, Alien space traffic.

The most recent is the one I want Taylor and Stubbing complete with back up team to check out personally. This latest fast walker was tracked underwater from the Antarctic right up to the coast of the North Island of New Zealand. As usual with these guys it seems to be the volcanic region they are interested in mostly, and there has been quite a bit of seismic activity off that coast over the last few weeks.

There’s an area off the coastline of the upper North Island that is part of what is known locally as the volcanic diamond, or triangle. It runs inland to places like Taupo and Rotorua.” The briefing officer was pointing to a wall map featuring the region of interest. “In this area of the south pacific there is also an active offshore volcano called White Island.

Norad tells us this bogey came ashore, or at least it came in overland at low altitude, hovered for a short time in an area just north of Rotorua township, here, and then made off down into the Southern Ocean region again. They lost it off the screen soon after that and think it headed on out into deep space. This was some 48hours ago. The worry is they think it’s the same one that did this about 12days ago. Something is going on down there, they could be setting up a land base, whatever is happening I want some of our top personal in the field and on the spot. The local plods and SIS are out of their depth dealing with this stuff. The yanks have their hands full in other areas and can’t get a team down there, well this is our patch anyway, so we need to know what’s going on. If there has been any interaction between this craft and civilians in the area, I want to know about it in detail! Are you two clear on that?”

 Department head Sanderson looked hard at Taylor and Stubbing, there was only a nod in reply from both.

“Try and fit in with the local authorities while you are at it please, at least be civil.” he continued. “I don’t want too many skirts ruffled, you get my drift?”

He was now only looking at Taylor as he made this last remark. 

Taylor did not reply he did not even look up, as he read the assignment briefing notes on the desk in front of him, he knew Sanderson would have eyes on only one person with a remark like that and didn’t feel the need of any additional discomfort by acknowledging it.

Other agents would accompany them on this mission to ‘the Land of the Long White Cloud’ but they would mostly be involved with technical assistance and liaison work both with local New Zealand SIS agents (Secret Intelligence Service), and Pine Gap in Australia, which was the closest monitoring station to New Zealand that could track the fast walkers. AFTR and similar organizations liked to keep things in-house, sharing little with outsiders, it was always a strictly need to know situation.

Taylor was at least glad to be heading to a place that was in the middle of summer, if he couldn’t be skiing, he would at least be out of London’s depressing rain.  Stubbing was also keen to explore a small corner of the world that had eluded her up until now.

24 hours later their aircraft was fully halfway around the world and landing at Auckland International Airport, a clear blue sky and a cool early morning breeze greeted them, in a few hours the day would warm up, it was 0600 hours the 27th of February, it was going to be a stunning day, but Stubbing and Taylor had more on their minds than a day at the beach.

The two agents were met at the airport by a local SIS agent who immediately drove them to Whenuapai Air Force Base, a small military airfield on the Northwestern outskirts of Auckland City. There they met up with other members of the New Zealand Secret Intelligence Service.

The AFTR agents ran through a long list of prerequisites needed for their operations within New Zealand. They were short on detailed explanations of why they might need most of the items, preferring to keep their operation in NZ on a need-to-know basis as usual. They mostly need transport in the form of a helicopter, plus several 4×4’s, a little manpower mostly a local or two who knew the areas they wished to check out. Communications facilities for field work and from their HQ which would be set up inside the airbase. This much the SIS could and would supply, all it took was a little pressure from God who of course they knew personally.

They were then taken across town to the DSIR, the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Here they supplemented their more highly specialized technical needs and took on the identities of employees of the DSIR, this would help with their cover while making investigations among the NZ Public.

By mid-afternoon on the same day, they were once again airborne, this time tracking south over the broad reaches of the Manukau Harbour on the western side of Auckland City, a dark blue unmarked Bell 412 Helicopter would take them south 300k/m to the small tourist town of Rotorua.

                                                Chapter 2

                                         Auckland  New Zealand

                                                March  1989

Stubbing and Taylor sat in their black turbo powered Mitsubishi Pajero wondering what to do next. They had turned over Alex’s apartment several times in the past week and had not found anything of interest. They were watching it now, not because they had a plan, but rather because they didn’t.

James was getting a little agitated “we should have sorted this by now” he thought to himself. “This colonial hick had been giving them the run around for long enough”. He wanted to hit somebody in frustration, preferably Alex.

“Calm down James,” Samantha said, disturbing his thoughts. “I can always tell when you’re getting wound up, you fiddle with that bloody watch till it drives me crazy.”

Sam was sitting behind the wheel she loved to drive and had a sports car back home. She loved to get out on the country roads near Chelmsford where she lived and really push the Morgan as hard and fast as she could. It was an older car not the quickest on the road, but it handled very well. A trip to the coast just for the fun of it was always on. She loved to drive with the top down, scarf around her neck, bedecked in her favorite leather jacket. The one the Marlboro Man had tried to bribe her with on the movie set back in Brighten a very long time ago.

As a teenager Sam had flaunted with the idea of becoming an actress, she certainly had the looks, and possibly the talent, but after military school she found out how much fun it was really breaking people’s arms and sometimes necks, rather than pretending to do so on the stage.   

While driving she would get off on enticing other drivers to a drag race at the traffic lights, she rarely lost.

On the other hand James hated driving, living most of his life in and around London town he didn’t even own a car. Taxi’s or agency drivers from the RIFA were all he needed while in the city. His speed release was on the ski slopes, the down hill slalom. In that environment, as with Samantha and her drag racing, he rarely lost.

James was just getting out of the 4×4 to pace around for a bit, to de-stress himself, when Alex came out of his apartment and put something in the boot of his car. As he lifted the boot lid and bend forward with a box in his hand, he felt a strange twinge in the back of his neck, it made him stiffen and stand up again, he looked behind him as if to see what had caused it. There was nothing there of course. He was suspecting an insect had bitten him, but it wasn’t anything like that at all. It was a reflex action, from a very special gift Alex didn’t even know he had yet. Like a blink from an eye, when something passes very close to it, this gift might soon save him from harm, but that was in the future. A need not yet required, or a skill not yet perfected, whatever, but the twinge was indeed a warning of sorts.

“Head’s up,’ Sam said quietly, starting the Pajero, “subjects on the move and he’s just put a box or sorts, in the boot of his car.”

James slid quickly back into the 4×4.

“Could you tell what it was?” he asked.

“No, but I noticed him take a quick look around before he put it in. That’s a good sign as far as we are concerned.” She replied.

Alex had just purchased a new sports car himself, after unloading the troublesome Jaguar XJ6, soon after his, not yet remembered, off planet excursion.

He had now down graded a little in size, but not in performance. Through his old connections in the car trade, he had come across a superb bargain he could not resist. It wasn’t cheap as such, in fact it was a little more expensive than Alex had wanted to pay, but he loved speed, and this car had more than it’s fair share of that built into it.

He also had the feeling of being watched of late. Almost like someone was stalking him. It was an ever-present feeling, it made him feel insecure. A feeling that he had never had in his life before. Something was going on he just knew it, but at the same time there was nothing he could put his figure on. His intuition was working overtime to warn him, he was just not connected fully with it yet.

That aside he hated the idea that someone might be watching him. He had figured if anyone was, and he ever wanted to get away, this was the car to do it in.

The near new dark blue BMW M5, was a 310hp factory special, only a few had been built, and the friend that had imported it, as a demo and promotional tool for his BMW dealership, assured Alex they had all been hand built, and that they were the fasted cars of their type on the road, at the time they were made.

They could hit 155mph or 250kph, just the thought of that, made Alex’s heart race.

Still, he was not expecting to ever see those numbers come up on the speedometer, not ever, and least of all, not that afternoon.

“What do you think we should do?” Samantha Glanced at James. She had already pulled out onto the road, and was tailing Alex from a safe distance.

“We need back up, if we are going to make this tail work, we can’t just follow him for miles, from what we have seen so far, he’s sharp enough to spot us if we do that. I’ll call in the other car.” James replied, “the SIS guys said they would park up the top of the road, out of sight, and to call them on the radio if we needed any help, so I’ll cue them to fall in behind us. We can do the double around every now and then, so it’s not the same car on his tail all the time.” James concluded. “Mind you I’ve a good mind to run him off the road right now, and grab whatever it is he’s got in there.” He added.

“Keep cool Mr. Bond,” Samantha said with a half grin on her face.

The SIS agents were in a silver-gray Toyota Landcruiser 4×4, diesel powered, not the fastest vehicle on the road. But then they were only there as an extra set of hands, more than wheels.

Alex turned right on to the motorway and headed for Kumeu. This at first was in the general direct of the Whenuapai Air Base.

“We could call up ahead, get one of our own units to replace the guys behind us?” Sam suggested, “we’re heading in the general direction of BOO.”

(BOO) Base of Operations.

“No, dam it, lets go with what we have.” Replied James

“I don’t want to make this into more than it is, it’s just a slim chance he has something of interest in the car. We’ve turned his place over enough times, don’t know where the hell he could have been hiding anything, the place is not that big.” He concluded.

Alex turned left at the end of the motorway, but continued to follow highway 16.

He was now getting out of the city traffic and into single file, as the road narrowed to become just two lanes.

First off he stopped off at a local dairy, to buy a daily newspaper. Then a few kilometers further on he stopped again, this time at his favorite vegetable stand. The land out west of Auckland, grew some great crops, and the landowners and growers often sold their excess produce at roadside stalls. It was always fresh and of the best quality, so anytime Alex was passing he would grab what he thought he might need, for the following week’s groceries.

 As he was putting his bag of vegetables in the boot, alongside the box housing one of his  prized possessions, he noticed a jet black Mitsubishi Pajero parked some distance back along the road. He smiled to himself jokingly, and imagined it would be full of secret agents, ready to come take him away. Black vans with tinted windows were always full of secret agents, he kidded to himself, and shut the boot of the slightly dusty beamer.

Yesterday, to indulge himself and take his mind of the strange series of events that had happened over the past few weeks, he had taken his new toy, the M5, out onto the unsealed back roads just north of the city, by sheer coincidence not so very far from this very roadside vegetable stand. He had tried it out so to speak, given it a bit of a dust off as they say in the car trade, pedal to the metal.

He was amazed at how well the city type car could handle the loose metal roads, even without rally tires, which, with their more open grooved tread were better equipped to grip the gravel on unsealed country roads, typical of rally course events, of which Alex had done more than a few.

The car had handled really well. Very predicable, and easy to slide around corners, true rally style. He had to admit in this case, the Krauts had managed to make a great handling car for all conditions.

As he was pulling out from the roadside stand, he was pleased to notice virtually no traffic on the road. What a great opportunity to gun it along for a bit, he thought to himself. Having pushed it hard the day before on the unsealed back roads, this would be a great chance to see what it might be able to do on the better sealed roads. So as he pulled out onto the main road he had great delight in watching the rev counter pull all the way up to 7500rpm, in first gear, and then in second.

Taylor and Stubbing were beginning to loose interest in this wild goose chase, as Alex pulled off the road to buy vegetables.

“Oh for the love of……!” exclaimed Taylor, “he’s out on a bloody shopping expedition, and here we are, all four of us, going along with the hick for the ride. Why don’t I just get out of the car, go over to there, smack him in the face, grab whatever it is in the back of his car, and get the hell out of here. End of story”

“Yes, that would be a smart move,” replied Stubbing, “especially with a dozen witnesses right on the spot to take down our number plate and supply a good general description of you to the local police. That will really improve our cooperation and standing with the local forces here, wouldn’t it?” She concluded.

As she was saying this, Sam noticed Alex glance up from the boot of his car, he was looking directly at them, even though they were several hundred meters away, parked off to the side of the road, and, they had hoped, hard to see in the shade of some roadside trees.

She tensed a little, almost as if Alex’s eyes had sensed her presence and somehow locked in on her in some supernatural way. Even though logic told her there was no possible way he could have seen anyone inside their vehicle, not from such a distance down the road.

The next thing to happened, about the same time as Samantha was recovering from her moment, a cloud of dust swirled up from the roadside ahead, and the dark blue M5 beamer of Alex’s, was fast disappearing out of sight around a corner in the road.

“Holy Hell! He’s must have made us.” Samantha cried. ‘and he’s bolting, which means he must have something in that car he doesn’t want us to see.” Was Samantha’s assumption, as she fired up the Pajero, and was off after the fast disappearing M5.

It was not long before Alex ran up behind other slower traffic, the speed limit on that road was 100kph, Alex had hit speeds just over twice that, in the short time he had been able to give the beamer it’s head. As he slowed to follow the other cars, at more like the correct speed limit, he noticed the same big black Mitsubishi Pajero from the vegetable stand, charging rapidly up behind him.

It started him thinking. Maybe his fantasy, of every black van with tinted windows, housing secret agents, was not so much of a fantasy after all.

He decided to pull off the main highway, on to the first available side road, and just see what happened behind him.

The next road, which was on his right, just happened to be Old North Road, he knew it well, it meandered in the general direction of the Riverhead Forest. An area in which Alex had raced in many club and national rally competitions in the past.

He pulled off without indicating and slowed down, so he could keep an eye on the intersection in his rear view mirror.

“Watch it Sam,” Taylor called out, “he’s turning here, I think.”

James was watching Alex’s car drift out toward the centre of the road, and then followed it’s Sharp turn to the right.

“Should I follow him?” Samantha asked, “I don’t know if we have totally blown our cover or not yet. If I go down that road, that’s it, he’ll know for sure that we are tailing him.”

“Do I care,” replied Taylor, “I want whatever he’s go in that dam car, and I don’t care how we get it, this just might be our one chance to grab it. Let’s not let it, or him, slip away, now we are this close. I’ll radio the SIS guys behind us, to close up, or if they know another way around these roads, they might be able to head him off somewhere.”

For once Samantha let James have his head, even though deep down, she had the nagging suspicion this could all be a big mistake on their behalf.

As soon as Alex spotted the big black 4×4 turn down Old North Road, he knew his imagination was not playing tricks on him, but what to do?

For a start, why were they after him? Could they know about the devices? How could they? He had told no one. And anyway he didn’t have the devices with him, so what was all this about?

All these questions raced through Alex’s mind, even as he put the hammer down in the M5. The questions could wait, whatever they might think he had, whatever reason they had for tailing him, could wait, he’d give them the slip now, and worry about the details later.

The tail hung out on the beamer and the tires smoked up, as Alex gave it full throttle on the tarmac section of Old North Road.

All Stubbing and Taylor could see as they turned into the same road, was a puff of blue tire smoke and once again, a rapidly disappearing BMW.

“Shit!” Samantha thought to herself, that things got some grunt, I’ll be pushing it to hang on to him in this bus, turbo powered or not.

Taylor had a map book out of the roads in the area, and was trying to figure where they were exactly, and where this chase might lead them. At the same time he was talking to the SIS agents in the Toyota, some distance behind them. They had radioed in to ask what was going on up ahead, and as they knew the area very well maybe they could give a suggestion or two, about trying to head off the target.

“He most likely won’t go into the Forest,” SIS agent Forbes suggested, as he studied his road map, “the Forest has roads, but they are usually closed to the public, with locked gates at the entrances, unless there was a bit of logging going on at the time. So really he can only go two ways, he might follow the forest fringes and continue to head north, or he might try and double back through Riverhead Road and come back out on highway 16 again. Then head back toward the city. That’s my best guess as to what he’s likely to do,” suggested Forbes, “and as we are behind you, it would be easiest for us to cut back and cover the Riverhead Road section. If he does double back, we can try and intercept him for you, or at very least, let you know if we see him, if you should loose sight of him up there toward the Forest.” Agent Forbes suggested.

“I concur,” Replied Taylor, “cover the Riverhead Road section as best you can, and let us know if he has doubled back, we’ll continue with the pursuit and keep you informed when we can.” He concluded.

Samantha was pushing as hard as she could, but on the tarmac the beamer had far to many guns for her Mitsubishi 4×4, Alex was pulling away.

He almost flew through the cross roads, where Old North Road intersected with Railway Road, all four wheels of the beamer becoming airborne as Alex took the a bump in the road at that intersection at well over 160kph. He never even thought about stopping, or even slowing down to see if anything was coming the other way at the crossroads.

 He figured at the speed he was going, it would be just dam bad luck, to intersect with another car on such a quiet piece of country road.

 He was actually using his intuition, his other senses, the ones that had stood him in such good stead in his motor racing past, and at other times in his life also, and even more importantly, times yet to come, the senses he didn’t even know he had yet.

Samantha was more circumspect, she slowed at the intersection, just to be sure, by now Alex was out of sight.

Once Alex couldn’t see the Black 4×4 in his rear view mirror, he was looking for a road, any road, to turn down, once he had done that, he figured there was no chance they could figure where he was. He could then either go back home, or better still head for a quiet place, or a friends house, to and try and short all this out in his head.

Things were getting out of hand, it must be the devices they are after, this was the only thing that made sense to him. Suddenly he realized if that was the case, things were never going to be the same again. This was never going to stop. At least not until ‘they’ had them, or worse.

Going ‘home’ was not going to solve a thing. Suddenly Alex felt sick to his stomach, what do I do now?

The next intersection was another set of crossroads, Old North crossed Riverhead Road, Alex only half slowed, and took the right-hander into Riverhead at about 100kph, fully sideways.

He was in fact heading toward home, even if he was not completely conscious of his decisions, home just seemed to safest option, if there was such a thing in this situation.

Samantha arrived at the same intersection quite some distance behind. She was faced with three choices, and looked at Taylor.

“Now what?” She asked.

“Well,” replied Taylor, as quickly as possible. “that road to the right goes back toward Riverhead, and eventually highway 16. We have that covered, I reckon he most likely went straight ahead, if he has not gone right, if he was traveling fast, and we know he was, the road almost straight ahead would be the easiest to take at high speed.”

Samantha was gunning it straight across the intersection, even before Taylor had finished talking.

Alex was now in effect heading back toward highway 16, via the small logging town of Riverhead, Eventually the road he was on came to an intersection with the Coatsville Riverhead highway, and Alex once again turned right, on to highway 28, this would in turn bring him out on to highway 16 and the road home.

What he didn’t know is that the SIS agents were about to use their Toyota Landcruiser as a road block on highway 28, and once more they were armed, and ready to at very least aim their weapons at Alex, if this would help their cause and enable them to stop him, but this was still New Zealand. Even the police didn’t go shooting weapons off without due cause, and SIS agents working for an overseas agency were not top billing to be able to go around shooting at people. In this fact, Alex was indeed lucky.

The beamer had a good head of steam up as it barreled down highway 28, the road was fairly straight for large sections, and Alex was hitting speeds well over 180kph. Suddenly he saw the Toyota across the road ahead of him. The SIS agents had a very good set of binoculars, and they could pick out the dark blue beamer well before it had gotten close, and they pulled their big 4×4 across the road and had hand guns raised, by the time Alex realized what was going on up ahead.

He braked hard then applied the handbrake, at the same time as he turned the steering wheel, this had the effect of spinning the Beamer through 180degrees in a matter of seconds. Before the SIS agents could do anything, Alex was headed back in the opposite direction, but they were soon in hot pursuit and on the radio to Taylor.

“He’s doubling back in your direction I should think,” Forbes was telling Taylor, “we stopped him from getting back on the main highway, but he’s very slick and I think too fast for us, we’ll keep him insight for as long as possible and keep you informed of his general direction.” He reported.

Alex didn’t want to stay on highway 28, after the small town of Riverhead which was just up ahead, there were very few options to take as far as side roads were concerned. He didn’t know how many road blocks might lay ahead, he could only think heading toward Riverhead Forest might be his best bet, they wouldn’t expect him to enter the Forest, so that was exactly what he intended to do.

Taylor and Stubbing had realized this was a fairly hopeless chase, even before SIS special agent Forbes had radioed in his report. They were way undermanned, to try and stop the target. His car was too quick, there was no way to figure out which road or direction Alex might take next.

They were sitting at the intersection of Deacon and Old North Road, not far from one of the main access roads into Riverhead Forest, deciding if they should call the whole thing off, when a dark blue beamer flashed pasted them going in the opposite direction, and doing well over a ton. (100mph, 160kph)

“There he goes,” Cried Stubbing, as she watched the streak of dark blue, flash past them. “Right lets give it one last chance shall we?” She suggested.

Taylor was all for that. Stubbing turned the big heavy vehicle around as fast as she could, and headed off after Alex.

“I think he went into the Forest,” Taylor reported, “look see, those are his tail lights, down that road there.” Taylor was pointing down one of the main Forestry roads, namely Browns Road.

“Shit,” Alex cried to himself, “these bastards are everywhere!” As he flicked the car into the Riverhead Forest, through the only road that had been left unlocked.

As he raced through the forest he came up to a Y intersection, to the left was Barlow Road, a road Alex knew well from Rallying days. He quickly slide the beamer through the corner on to Barlow, sideways.

Taylor was on the Radio again, asking the SIS guys to report their position.

“We’re on Deacon heading north.” Came the reply.

“OK, listen up, we’re in the Forest on Browns Road, follow us in that way, I’ll kept you posted as to which way we turn once you get to Barlow, because it looks like we are about to turn down that road now. Taylor commanded.

“Rodger can do.” Was Forbes reply.

The speed advantage of the beamer was considerably reduced on the slippery and damp forest roads, the 4×4 Pajero was designed for these conditions, the BMW was not.

Alex used all the roads he knew best, all he was trying to do was put distance on his pursuers. He cut from one side of the forest to the other, careful not to go down any of the roads he suspected might be locked.  He used the handbrake on almost every tight turn, to flick the tail of the beamer around, as the front tyres could not cope with the slippery conditions, wanting to push straight ahead and not turn in on the damp and loose surface of the forest roads. He used every trick he could think off to put the pursuing 4×4’s far behind him, but they were slowly cornering him, shepherding him over to one side of the forest. The two pursuing  4×4’s were well coordinated, and relentlessly cutting off his choices. 

In the end Alex had to take a gamble, and opt for an exit road, hoping it was not gated and locked.

It was.

At first he thought about just ramming the gate at full speed. But the gate was heavy gauge steel piping, and desperate as Alex was, he could not do that to his new car, and it might well not break through the gate anyway.

Only choice was to head back up the road and take his chances. The advantage the pursuing vehicles had was a driver and a map reader. Where as Alex was going off memory alone, and under supreme pressure at the same time, navigating his way through the sometimes unmarked roads at high speed. The others had time to plan which road was best to follow up on in the chase. When Alex had turned down Boundary Road and gone right, they knew there was only two ways out, and they had them both covered.

 As Alex came back up the road at speed, Taylor and Stubbing where on their way down it. As they saw Alex coming, Stubbing swung the big 4×4 across the road and applied the hand brake, and managed to block the narrow forest track completely. Alex slid off to the side of the road under heavy braking, broad sided a tree, and came to a halt with a thump. The chase was over.

Taylor was quick to advise the two SIS agents as to their location, and to get there asap.

Before Alex could even unbuckle his seat belt, let alone open the door and run for it. Taylor was standing in his way, a P220Sauer .45 pistol in his hand. Alex had never had a gun pointed at him before, and in depths of Riverhead Forest, he had no idea if it was going to be used or not. For sure there was nobody anywhere near them that had Alex’s interests at heart at this point in time. The possibility that he might be shot dead, right there and then, was not the farthest thing from his mind. As cool as Alex normally was under pressure, he was shaking now.

“Open the boot.” Taylor ordered.

As Alex did so, they were both greeted by a dozen mixed vegetables falling to the ground.

“Open that box.” Taylor ordered once again. Pointing to the box Alex had so carefully placed into the boot of his car only an hour or two before.

Alex did not hesitate, and obeyed the command.

“What the hell is this!” Taylor exclaimed as he grabbed the box from Alex’s hand. It contained a hand caved, bone, chess set. A very special gift Alex been holding on to for some time, meaning to deliver to his long time friend, Benny, who lived in Kumeu.

“Fuck!” Taylor exclaimed throwing the chess set into the forest as far and as hard as he could.

By this time the SIS agents had arrived, and were standing behind Taylor, along side Stubbing.

“Can one of you guys search the boot, the other the interior of the car.” Taylor said curtly, “your looking for something unusual, maybe not to big, about the size of a shoe box or smaller.

“You, you’re coming with me.” Taylor said to Alex, grabbing him by the shirt.

Taylor marched Alex up to the Pajero slammed Alex’s hand down onto the bonnet and held it there.

“What do you think your doing Taylor?” Stubbing asked, following him back up too the 4×4.

“I’m going to get some bloody answers, that’s what I’m doing.” replied Taylor.

“Now where the hell is it? And don’t say you don’t know, or I’ll blow your bloody head off.” Taylor asked menacingly.

“Where the hell is what?” Alex replied.

Taylor held the gun hard too Alex’s head.

“Care to try again with that answer.” Taylor said leaning in to Alex’s ear.

“Look you guys are nuts, I only have vegetables and a chess set in my car, ask the others down there searching it. I have no idea what you think I have. Tell me and I’ll see if I can remember if I own it.” Alex was acting brave, it appeared, but he sure didn’t feel it, it was a surprise to him that those words had come out of his mouth, sounding as if he was as cool as ice.

The next thing he knew, Taylor had extended Alex’s right hand flat out on the bonnet of the Pajero once again. Next he turned the pistol around in his hand with it’s hand grip outer most, and smacked it down onto the middle fingers of Alex’s outstretched hand. Using the gun as a hammer. Blood splattered Stubbing’s white blouse and face.

“Hey, that’s enough of that James!” She exclaimed, “If you want to question him, lets do it properly back at Whenuapai Base. We’re better equipped to get the answers we want if you know what I mean.” She finished.

Yer, I guess your right, lets do it by the book. Taylor replied, “Have you guys found anything in the car yet?” He asked the SIS agents.

“Nothing in here that we can find, and we’ve pulled out the seats and lifted the carpets, the under dash looks clear also.” Came the reply from both agents.

They bundled Alex into the Pajero, he was puzzled as to the fact he could not feel any pain, he expected it to arrive any moment, but it seemed as if whatever damage had been done to his hand, there was no pain attached to it. He wasn’t sure if this was a good thing or not.

 Taylor tied a piece of thin rope around Alex’s neck and tied it to an interior car door handle.

“Just in case you think you might want to jump out and make a run for it.” Taylor said with a smirk on his face.

There was blood dripping from the damaged fingers on Alex’s right hand, he was supporting it his left, which was now also covered in blood.

“Mind you don’t drip blood on the upholstery.” Taylor remarked.

“What about my car?” Alex said, and wondered why he even cared at that point in time.

“Oh yes.” replied Taylor, “best we take care of that.” In saying so, Taylor handed Stubbing his gun.

Keep an eye on him will you, while I take care of his car.” Taylor suggested.

With that, he walked to the back of the Pajero, opened the back door and reached into the 4×4’s rear tool compartment, removing the road side emergency kit. He took out a road flare, used to mark the spot of an accident or a break down at night time.

He walked on down to Alex’s car, ignited the flare and tossed it into the open window. It wasn’t long before the interior of Alex’s was ablaze.

As they drove off up the forest track, Taylor suggested to Alex not to worry too much about the car, no one would steal it while he was gone.

The NZ SIS had made a building available to the RIFA on the outskirts on the RNZAF base. (Royal New Zealand Air Force) It was in itself, spartan, nothing  more than two rooms, which each contained two beds, plus a toilet and shower divided off at one end of the building.

There were four RIFA agents stationed there, this included Stubbing and Taylor. Two more had remained in the Rotorua area, in case there was more movement from fast walkers. They were also still checking out leads and witnesses. The RIFA was not sure if Alex was the sole contact in this case or not.

The agency had brought along most of the equipment it might need in their search or enquiries.

One of the RIFA agents, Williamson, was as best could be described, a doctor.

His specialty was getting the truth out of people who at first choice may have preferred to remain silent. Over the years Williamson had been used many times by the RIFA. One could say he had reached a fairy high level of proficiency in his job.

 Alex was introduced to Williamson almost as soon as he was taken from the 4×4 back at their BOO.

“Hello Mr. Newman, how are we this afternoon?” Williamson enquired, not really the slightest bit interested in what Alex’s reply might have been.

He then steered Alex toward a chair near the middle of the room.

“let’s see if we can make you feel a little more comfortable shall we.” He said seating Alex.

Williamson had tried all the old style, so called truth serums. Mostly they didn’t work. They didn’t work any more efficiently that just plain getting someone shit-faced drunk and letting them talk their heads off in the hope they might say something useful to the interrogator. No sir, Williamson was way in advance of all that crap. Many of the people the RIFA wanted information from, had been schooled in the art of keeping their mouths shut, and knew how to counter most of the interrogation techniques, so the RIFA needed something with just a little more zing to it. With an almost unlimited budget, as you might expect, they had such a serum.

Williamson took Taylor and Stubbing aside and suggested to them what he had in mind for Alex. First off to get any useful information out of his head, and secondly to make sure he did not recall anything that had happened to him from this point on, and nothing from at least the preceding 24hours, and with any luck longer than that.

The two field agents agreed, total memory loss by the subject for that period of time, would be a great bonus to all concerned, a bonus for all except Alex that was.

However very soon Williamson would be in for a surprise.

As he had explained to Taylor and Stubbing, he was not going to use sodium thiopental, ethyl alcohol, nor any of the old time serums. He had the new wonder drug, nick-named Pepsi.

The nickname had come from the way the drug made all the relevant truth, as requested by the interrogator, rise to the top of the subject’s thoughts, and flow forth unrelentingly. It was almost impossible for the subject to hold back on the topics suggested by the one asking the questions. Alex was about to receive a full dose of the said serum.

“After we’ve finished with the questions,” Williamson said, “I’ll give him a shot of my special scopolamine mix, I invented it myself,” he explained proudly, “it not only wipes the memory clean from the moment he receives it, it will cloud the memory of almost all activity over the last seven days, he won’t know anything about this little episode, he won’t remember seeing either of you, nor me, nor this establishment. It comes in very handy with the work we do.”  He smiled to himself as he spoke and proceeded to inject Alex with the first mixture of Pepsi.

After a short wait, Williamson’s first move, was to ask Alex is name.

“My name is Alex Newman.” Alex duly replied.

“Wonderful,” Williamson said, “now I need to know were you have hidden the alien device that you have?” He asked.

My name is Alex Newman.” Repeated Alex.

“Yes, thank you for that piece of information,” replied Williamson, “now I need to know something else. You have a very strange device in your possession, you may have hidden it, can you please tell be were you placed it?” Requested Williamson.

“My name is Alex Newman.” Alex once again replied.

“Yes, yes, thank you for that,” Williamson was becoming a little flustered, “sometimes the drug takes a little while to take hold.” he suggested to Taylor and Stubbing, who were looking on at proceedings.

Williamson once again asked Alex the same question, but with a slightly different slant to it.

“Alex, could you please tell us if you have been given a strange device, something that perhaps you’re not sure what it is, or what to do with it. Could you please tell us if you have such a thing in your possession?”

“My name is Alex Newman.” was the reply once again.

“Bugger and dam it!” Williamson exclaimed, “I think he has been gotten at, I mean, I think he has been programmed to resist.”

“What do you mean programmed to resist?” Stubbing asked.

“I think someone has been inside his mind, someone very cleaver, someone who knows how to plant blocks in the neuron-circuits of the brain, and possibly able to counter the chemicals we have injected. Look I’ll continue on with the questioning for a while longer, perhaps he’s just very resistant naturally to this concoction. It’s never happened before, but there is always a first time, always the exception.” Williamson concluded.

“Keep trying,” Taylor suggested, “we know he has something, and we need to get it, end of story. If your drugs won’t work then I’ll beat it out of him.” Taylor threatened.

“No, no, no!” Williamson exclaimed, “if he has been skillfully programmed to resist the drugs, force will have little or no effect either. In fact, if I’m right he won’t be able to feel any pain. You could chop his arms off, he might die, but he wouldn’t feel any pain. Besides I can see you have already tried that.” He suggested, pointing to the blood on the floor that was still slowly dripping from Alex’s smashed fingers. “Could someone please attend to that, and maybe bandage the hand so we don’t have blood dripping everywhere as I try and do my job here.” He requested.

Stubbing had to bandage the hand, as it was obvious Taylor had no interest in doing so.

“The hand was just to show him who was in charge around here, I hardly even got started on the questions.”  Taylor replied.

“The more you push the deeper and more complete the resistance. I’ve played with things like this but could never get them to work as well as it seems the programmers have done with the subject here. This is all very interesting,” Williamson explained, “but never mind, let me try this another way, could you both perhaps wait in the other room, I don’t work so well with an audience. I have a tape and camcorder rolling you won’t miss anything.” Williamson requested.

The two agents left Williamson to his work and went off to make themselves a cup of tea and talk over the state of the situation so far, and their options.

As the afternoon turned to dusk and then to darkness, it was apparent that Williamson was not going to be able to get any information from Newman, no matter what he tried.

“Patch him up and send him home, we’ll just continue to watch from a distance and see where he leads us,” Stubbing commented, “let’s just hope your scopolamine works better on him than the Pepsi.” She concluded, looking at Williamson.

She and Taylor had been running over all possible scenarios for several hours. Without any information to go on from this latest incident, they were back to square one, back to where they had started.

 Alex was the key. If he had the device, only he could lead them to it. They had to wait and be very sure he had it in his possession, before they tried anything like this again.

Auckland (2) March 1989

Bright sunlight woke him, it was after midday and the bedroom curtains had not been drawn the previous evening. Attempting to turn his head from the glare he was in two minds as to whether he was actually awake or dreaming.

 His body felt incredibly heavy and through bleary eyes was sure he was lying on a bed of dark brown and white mottled camouflage.

He tried to sit up but could not summon the necessary energy to do so and once again drifted off into shallow sleep and a dream, a dream that soon became a frightful nightmare.

He was running, but no matter which way he turned something always managed to reach out and cut him, soon he had no hands or face, he did not know who he was or why he was running, nor what he was running from.

His bladder saved him from any further terror within the nightmare, but the awakening reality was hardly an improvement.

As he swung his feet from the bed to head for the bathroom, he realized the dark brown and white camouflage sheets had not been part of an earlier dream. It was dried blood, his blood by the looks of a heavily bandaged right hand. The bandage might once have been white gauze but now it was almost entirely dark red, the color of dried blood, his blood he could only assume, but how?

He tentatively unwrapped the bandage from his hand and was horrified to see three badly damaged fingers.

Holy shit Alex! How the hell did you manage to do that?

His mind drew a blank.

I’ve had an accident of some kind that is obvious.

It appeared his mental faculties were moving at about the same speed as his body.

Again he tried to think back to the previous evening, but nothing! 

Best I get myself down to the local A&E, but what will I tell them?

He almost fell as he tried to stand up.

My god, I’m still drunk!

It must have been one hell of a night out not be able to remember leaving the house let alone arriving home again.

So did I get involved in a fight at the local bar?

Don’t tell me I was driving home drunk and crashed the car!

He had only just bought the new Beamer a few days ago and had fallen in love with the way it handled and the way it looked, crashing it was an unacceptable possibility, he quickly dismissed the idea. A dozen alternate visions flashed through his head, not one of them appealed to him.

He went to where he usually left the car keys but they were not there.

Most likely left them in the car if I was so totally pissed when I got home.

Throwing on a dressing gown he stumbled his way to the front door.

This was a single bedroom ground floor flat. A modern building in a block of three, brick faced, and tile roofed, simple but well designed.

Alex had his own private grassed area out back where he could have a cool beer in the evening or sit under the shade of an old tree the developers had thoughtfully left on the property and read a book or paper during the day.

Sparsely decorated inside Alex had little furniture, he had just moved in and wasn’t sure how long he would be staying.

Moving seemed to be what he did best of late so the less he owned the less he needed to move. As good as each new apartment or flat might seem when he first moved in, there was always something within him that was pushing him to move on again, as if looking or searching for some unknown destination or object.

 Just of late there was also a feeling someone had been inside the place when he was out. Items had been moved or in some cases removed, nothing important or of value, which made the very idea someone might have broken in even more confusing.

Another question now presented itself, where was the car?

Not in the driveway, carport, nor out on the street that he could see.

He even looked in the backyard, who knows what he could have gotten up to last night?

Fuck! He said to himself, I’ve come home drunk, left the bloody keys in the car and now it’s been stolen. What was I thinking?

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

For the life of him he could not remember any reason to have gone out on the town the previous evening and he had not been drunk to the point of passing out since he was in his early twenties, and then only once or twice. But that was almost 20 years ago, and this was just not his kind of scene.

He called up a taxi for his trip to the nearest accident and emergency clinic, while he waited for it he called the local police station. The Constable on duty suggested he come on down to the station asap and fill out a report. There had been a car of a similar type reported by the Riverhead Forestry Service manager.

 The Forestry Fire service had been called out by a local resident who had seen flames and smoke coming from the area of Boundary Road in the Riverhead Forest yesterday. They had put out the fire, which luckily had not caused much damage to the trees in the immediate area, but the car was in such a mess they hadn’t been able to identify it accurately yet, it appears someone had removed the registration plates. 

The Constable said the car would most likely be transported to one of their storage yards out in West Auckland sometime that day, if he would like to take a look and try and identify it, but first please come and see us, there are a few questions still unanswered concerning the incident.

Alex looked at his hand, thought about the beautiful Dark blue BMW M5 that had been his for only a week or two, pictured it as a burned-out wreck and sat back down on the bed.

                                              New chapter?

A week and more had passed since the car had been stolen, he was still not sure if the insurance company was going to pay out on his claim. There was the thing about what looked like melted keys, still in the boot lock of his car. Insurance companies don’t like owners who report stolen cars that still have the keys in them when they are found.

He had borrowed an old car from Benny up at Kumeu. Alex was really upset and couldn’t bear to tell Benny about a hand carved bone chess set, a one of a kind he had bought Benny for his birthday. He could only guess it must have been in the car as he couldn’t find it anywhere in the apartment. Alex had specially commissioned the making of the chess set when he was last in Rotorua. A local sculptor in the area had recently won an award for his artwork and Alex thought it fitting that he commissions this chess set for his very best friend Benny.

 Benny loved to play chess but also collected chess sets

Alex didn’t trust his memory so much these days.

Ben Harwood had been a long time friend of Alex’s family. He used to own a farm in the Papakura district, the area Alex had grown up in.

Benny was semi-retired these days, but he was still a man of the land.

This time he had decided to try his skills with the grape.

He had always been a bit of a wine connoisseur, now he fancied to make some. He had purchased a small vineyard and winery not far from the small township of Kumeu. The area was not only good for growing vegetables, but the climate was also ideal for the growing of grapes.

Alex found Ben’s vineyard the perfect place to hang out when he was feeling jaded, or just needed to get out of the confines of the city. He would just arrive, suggest he was there are a day or two, and throw his clothes in the small room attached to Ben’s garage, there was a bed in there with his name on it.

To Ben his wife Susan, Alex was the son they never had, he had drifted into their lives when he was 13 or 14 years old, asking if there were any odd jobs that needed doing around their farm for a few dollars, or shillings and pounds as it was in those days.

He had always done any job given to him toughly and well, even though they never expected too much for the youngster. After a year or two a friendship had developed and occasionally Alec would stay over at the farm on the weekends or go with Ben and his wife to the local A & P shows.

Alec was not interested in becoming a farmer, but the money helped him build his own go-cart that he raced from time to time locally in South Auckland. Ben admired his ‘go get them’ attitude to life and his independents. They had watched him grow from a boy into a man and the connection had remained though this time.

Even how he would usually help out with work around the vineyard if he felt up to it or head off to the wonderful black sand surf beach of Muriwai, only a short drive from Benny’s estate. 

This is were Alex headed once again, to rest up and allow his wounds to heal, although a doctor had told him the two badly damaged middle fingers on his right hand would never look quite the same again and the finger nails would always grow out slightly deformed.

Alex did not even know who to thank for his injuries, but he swore if he ever found out who it was, given half a chance he would return the favor with interest.

The extended warm summer evenings were perfect for Ben and Alex to have a relaxing chat over a cool beer, sitting in comfortable deck chairs out the back of Ben’s big, sprawling, ranch style house.

After one such relaxing evening, on retiring to his sleeping quarters, Alex fell into a deep sleep, and the same dream that had been haunting him for the past few weeks rolled on in his head.

 The dream would usually start in a slightly different way each night but would quickly drift to a similar theme, like it did this night.

It appeared to be a beautiful still summer’s evening, there was no moon this night and the sky was dark and crystal clear, filled with a mallard point of light. Alex arose from the bed and sat on the step outside his sleep out.

The stars had always held a special fascination for him, Alex was in awe of the night sky, it drew him into itself, swallowing his soul both physically and mentally, so in the form of a dream, or metaphysically, one could travel to wherever one desired.

At first, he found himself pushing through a dense mist, the thickest fog he had ever encountered, there did not seem to be an end to it. Finally, it thinned, and Alex stepped out from the mists of time onto a hillside.

The landscape was not a familiar one, although he had the feeling that it should have been. Looking down to the valley at his feet, it was dry and desert like. Light brown grass of a sort appeared to be growing there, but it was sparse and interspersed with many an outcrop of flat grey rock. Here and there were small, stunted bushes. Further down the valley some distance away there was a village of sorts, with what appeared to be series of mud huts, large beehive type buildings similar in color to the rocks in the foreground. From this distance there were no signs of life.

Suddenly he felt hot, very hot, looking up, a brilliantly colored red-yellow sun was beating down, but it was the sky that took him aback the most, it was as black as night. Shimmering on the horizon in all directions was a kaleidoscope of colored waves of light. Alex had never seen the aurora borealis, the northern lights, but he could only imagine this is want they might look like. It was clear then, wherever this metaphysical journey had taken our traveler, it was not planet Earth.

The path down to the valley floor from the hilltop was an easy walk. And soon Alex was approaching the village. Within the valley nothing stirred, neither wind nor wildlife. As the first buildings were reached suddenly, just up ahead, a small group of people appeared, as if waiting to greet the foot traveler. And so they were, our traveler was greeted with a wave of loving emotion but no contact as such was made.

Alex found himself among what can only be described as family, but not a family familiar to anything he could remember. Graciously he was ushered into the largest of the unusual buildings within the village. On closer inspection one could see the building was not so much a beehive, as a spirally shaped shell similar to that of a sea conch or garden snail. Within, it was a sea of color, the walls reflecting a mother of pearl rainbow of the most beautifully subtle hues one could imagine. Alex immediately felt at peace within himself, as if not only having been welcomed by unremembered family or friends, but by the building itself.

As our traveler sat within the restful beauty of this most unusual abode, there came a realization one could see the greater majority of the valley from this upper story room. There was no restriction to the views, yet there appeared to be no windows to this building from the outside, it was one continuous outer shell of the same mud colored substance, our traveler was sure of this fact.

As if from out of the either, his head was filled with the knowledge and detail of the building’s construction. Suddenly there was nothing he didn’t know about it. As if one’s memory had been refreshed of old well-known facts, and so it turned out this was indeed happening to our metaphysical traveler. The longer he sat there, surrounded by his long-forgotten friends and family the more his mind was filled with the living detail of all that had gone before, in another life.

As our traveler awakened to this forgotten self, this experience of a not-so-distant past existence, so his friends and family sitting quietly beside him became more familiar. They look into his eyes with a benevolent understanding, patience personified. He was coming back to them, soon they could talk about important subjects, but for now they allowed our traveler to be comfortable with the pace at which he recalled that which he once was.

All at once the traveler was almost overwhelmed with a cascade of memories, as the momentum of his past recall accelerated exponentially, he held his head in his hands as it all rushed through his mind, he cried for ones lost, ones forgotten now remembered, important work left unfinished. The crash of his craft on Earth, his death, his rebirth into his new body, the body he now carried about with him on that planet known as Earth. Alex looked up from the almost overwhelming recall of that past, his friends and family sitting with him in compassionate understanding, and most of all hope.

“In all probability a young man would say to himself, in the words of Pindar, ‘Shall I by justice or by crooked wiles climb to a loftier stronghold, and having thus fenced myself about, live my life?’

For the common opinion declares that to be just, without being also ‘thought’ just, is no advantage to me…. where if I am ‘unjust’ and get myself a name for justice, an unspeakably happy life is promised me.

Very well then, since the outward semblance overpowers the inward reality…. I must therefore draw around me a picture of virtue to serve as frontage, while behind me I must trail the fox with its cunning and shiftiness.

Yes but, it will be objected, it is not an easy matter to conceal one’s wickedness. No, we shall reply, nor is anything else easy that is great.

To assist in keeping up the deception, we will form secret societies and clubs. There are, moreover, teachers of persuasion, who impart skills in popular and forensic oratory; and so, by fair means or by foul we shall gain our ends and carry on our dishonest proceedings with impunity.” – Plato, The Republic. Book II p.48

Cover Photo Courtesy: Pinterest

One Last Dance for the True Chance by Happy Parrot


I watched the water rise
But turned my head and closed my eyes
Hoped the threat would go away
So it all would stay the same
Wished the tidal waves would die
So that I could defend whys
That rescued me from drowning in our lies

Come save me from these waters
These waves too tall for me
They’ll bury me in silence
The currents forcing me to sea

I did not leave you behind
The unconcern was just too much for me
I tried to swim these waters blind
And then there was only me and the sea
Me and the sea

One Last Dance for the True Chance

If the truth doesn’t make sense

why do you still want to dance

bourgeoise fire and heroic flames

crystallized anger baptized

with no forged names

What this silver screen paints

when decadence

has revealed her ugly names

Can you stay the same

now when

truth doesn’t make sense

when all is transported

into Mesopotamic wildest trance

why do you still want to dance

Are you looking for one way out

Are you still living

in uncertainty, in pointless doubt

One true chance

to close the bright door

behind this darkened, red romance?

triggered by the five senses, raised by unwashed emotion

your world is now burning in slow motion

Heaven will open

even when

truth doesn’t make sense

why do you still want to dance

bourgeoise fire and heroic flames

substitute, silly anger with no forged names

What this silver screen paints

when decadence

has revealed her ugly names

Can you live without monstrous hate?

is it in your black hearts, room


one last illuminated debate?

It will be a crying shame

if we had to kill

this pixelated game

where walking ghost

has no true name

where he always dies

with no true fame

Chasing red moonlight under dark sunrise

becoming the true whisper of the freest advice

even when

truth doesn’t make sense

why do you still want to dance

bourgeoise fire and heroic flames

compulsive anger with no forged names

What this silver screen paints

will there be time for the last refrains?

Was disfigured Shadow always a deviant shame

Is Sirius’s hot moonlight

enveloped in a thousand floating blames

what to do, with you

when decadence

has revealed




