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Post-Apocalyptic Nutrition

Image by cattalin from Pixabay

Post-Apocalyptic Nutrition


You all need to start facing some facts, this here is what’s called an Apocalypse in Greek. Only a fool would think anything is ever going to be the same again. Every religious text ever written told you this was coming. Technically apocalypse, although it does carry connotations of biblical destruction, means Revelation. I don’t know how many are going to survive to learn the revelations secret but if I had my way it wouldn’t be to many that’s for sure. 


Accepting the predicate of the “black goo” is unavoidable at this point. Common sense is an anachronism as we lurch around in our masks in a ship crewed by devils. We are infected and we will not make port until we purge the pathogen. Oil cleanups are a bitch and Google has infected most of the world with their greasy slime. But as predicted by the Georgia Guide-stones there will be some who survive this. 


The guide stones were composed by what Aleister Crowley called “Rascally Rosicrucian’s,” I call them other things far less flattering. Crowley has broken all their spells and replaced them with his own, but Crowley’s most influential book is The Book of Lies. Orage and I haven’t lied to you yet, and never will. We’re going to put up our own guide stones right here in cyber-space in hope that like everything else we have thus far covered it will work itself into the collective consciousness. 


One merely just has to visit the local Walmart to observe firsthand the evolutionary decline of the human form. Man may very well have been created in gods image but for most after nineteen it’s all down hill till they look like they have been created in the image of a rotten fruit. Good genetics are imperative but after that maintaining vigorous good health is contingent on a few other things, one of those being diet. 


We would like to introduce Mario Rolando​ as our in-house dietician and nutritionist. This one is for free but in the future, they will be published only on our Patreon page. Mario is also on Facebook and available, at a fee of course, only Orage & I work for free, for consultations. Have a read I am sure you will be as impressed as I was… 

Mario Rolando: On The Principles of Nutrition


Throughout generations we’ve been fed food which for all intents and purposes is deficient in minerals at best and poisonous at worst. “Problems of old age” have been normalized, one of the reasons people are so afraid of old age is because associated images of disease, constant pain, loss of memory, a weaker body, a cane or a wheelchair. 


We are told these conditions are inevitable and that we should do things to prevent that from happening, like avoiding junk food, quit drinking, and quit smoking and hit the gym. While these things do help somewhat, we can still see millions of people who are diseased, fat, lazy, can’t sleep or are unable to rest. We even see cases of people who were the embodiment of what is typically considered Health contract weird diseases all of a sudden. Doctors are baffled and give out treatments which ease at first yet make things worse in the long run. Next thing you know even these people get the chemo, the insulin, or the hemodialysis. 


I’ll tell you a very important fact you have to burn into your heads: The world at large has a seriously messed up problem of malnutrition. The images you see coming out from Africa are just the very extreme, but in the West malnutrition has become the norm and most of the time is being passed as healthy. It is one of the main reasons as to why despite all the so called progress and much better hygiene than other periods in history, we seem to be getting more and more diseases, chronic and acute all the same.


What about weight loss? We have people and so called nutritionists all over the world obsessed with calories, giving out diets which leave their clients unsatisfied, feeling hungry the whole time. On the surface it seems to work just fine, but it comes at a tremendous effort and next to insane regiments, eat a little bit and then hit the gym. No wonder people struggle to maintain it long term engaging in battles of restraint.


The real concern shouldn’t be calories, but the nutrients the body needs to keep functioning properly. What good is it to lose weight because we eat a little bit and then force our bodies to burn the fat it has a stored in an attempt to not drop dead? 

The fact of the matter is our diet is composed of food which has been compromised in one way or another, from dirty chemicals or inorganic minerals which have no place in our bodies to foods which will wreck our insulin levels, there are some things which despite being edible will inevitably cause us harm. 


So what’s one of the keys for health improvement and even efficient and sustainable weight loss? WHOLESOME FOODS.


Let’s begin at the basic foundation of it all: There are two types of minerals in nature, those which are inorganic and those which are organic. Inorganic minerals are those which come directly from the soil while Organic minerals are those which are found in living things like plants and animals. Our bodies are only capable of processing the Organic minerals while the Inorganic ones will inevitably poison our bodies or cause an accumulation of sediments in places like our joints.


Things like multivitamins and so called medicine are very high in inorganic minerals so their long term use brings more pain than relief. What about those meds that come from fully organic minerals you may ask? While they may be preferable to meds with inorganic minerals, we still have a big problem, it is not Wholesome, meaning the components which are deemed to be the active principles of a plant will be isolated and isolated compounds can and will cause damage long term. As far as I know, to this day no one knows (or at least no one has come forward to shed light) how the other compounds found in a plant serve as buffers rendering the plant harmless for humans. 


Take aspirin for instance, is it well documented how it came about from isolating compounds found in Willow Bark, yet if anyone becomes a frequent user of Aspirin they risk things like strokes or gastrointestinal bleeding, whereas taking a Wholesome Willow Bark will never cause harm, not unless you start taking over exaggerated doses, yet a daily aspirin for long periods of time can give you even heart disease… yet it doesn’t stop at meds or multi vitamins, we also have them in supplements, protein shakes and worse of all in the Fortified Foods. That’s right when you eat anything which is fortified, you are effectively consuming inorganic minerals and thus harming your body. Only Plants are able to process inorganic minerals.


So what to do? Stick to Natural Law and try to consume Organic Minerals only which come exclusively from Wholesome Foods, never consume isolated compounds. So what kind of foods should I eat you may ask? Let’s explore the general principles which will provide benefits like losing weight and sustain your ideal weight long term, improve your health and even reverse diseases which are supposed to be impossible to reverse.


Simplifying the matter, our bodies can use two sources of fuel: Glucose and Fat, out of the two it is accepted even by the mainstream that Fat provides twice (at least) the amount of energy than Carbohydrates/Glucose does. So out of those two Fat is the more efficient source of fuel.


Yet we are told that all fats should be avoided or minimized when one wants to become healthier or lose weight. Low fat intake brings a lot of side effects which can only harm the body, things like inflammation, mental problems, cancer, etc.

The fact of the matter is that losing weight and excess body fat is overly complicated because people keep pumping insane levels of glucose/carbohydrates into their bodies, not only that but such intake contains very little to zero nutrients. Since the body has to put up with such excessive quantities it prioritizes the burning of glucose, if glucose starts to run out it proceeds to burn fat as a source of energy. Yet in a culture where people consume such excess of carbs, then body seldom gets the chance to burn fat, as a consequence the very first symptom is excess weight and eventually obesity and along the way a body more prone to disease and a myriad of chronic conditions. One of the reasons why people crave sweet food so badly is because they usually have a deficiency in Potassium or Magnesium and many times they lack both. 


The problem doesn’t stop at high carbs, on top of that one has to add things like fortified foods (inorganic minerals), food preservatives, additives and who knows what else… furthermore we have to add the probability of those foods having even fewer nutrients when they go through a heat process, so at the end we are eating products which are extremely high in glucose or carbs and which have very little nutritional value no matter what the label says.


Now, should we entirely avoid carbohydrates? No, even vegetables have carbohydrates and besides some exceptions they tend to possess lows carbs which then become even fewer if one considers the amount of fiber they contain. What we should avoid are foods which are extremely high in glucose which in turn are next to dead in terms of nutrients. When your body is able to burn glucose efficiently then it will start burning fat next.


So the very simplified “formula” is low carbs/low glucose and high fats & oils.

Now let’s get into what should be avoided:


Dairy of all kind, that includes yoghurt, even the so called natural one. Dairy has a myriad of problems, if we talk about the commercial products there are issues like Insulin Growth Hormone, which is used to force cows to produce more milk at faster rates, that hormone will inevitably end up in your body and in turn can cause a lot of problems to arise and even make pre-existing conditions way worse than before. Then we have Lactose which is basically a kind of sugar, if anyone is in the habit of consuming dairy daily then that Lactose will accumulate and begin to cause insulin related issues; what about lactose-free milk? Even worse since most of them extract the natural Lactose and replace it with a synthetic one. The other problem with Dairy is Casein which is an adhesive so to simplify matters, the casein found in dairy will make the toxins in your body become stuck, making the process of elimination way harder than it should be; Casein is especially troublesome for people with Asthma. 


If you can’t take the plunge, then take out milk completely and consume cheese and butter moderately, I said butter, avoid margarine like the plague because it’s even worse. Ideally if you still consume cheese and butter they should be organic. Goat cheese is preferable to cow cheese.


Salt of any kind or to be more precise, Sodium Chloride. Yeah this may be a tough one, but your body will welcome the change. The problem is that this is an inorganic mineral so besides the well-known side effects of excessive consumption, it can also form sediments in various parts of the body. If you must, then stick to sea salt and use is sparingly. You can get your organic sodium from other sources and if you get creative you may come up with superb substitutes of salt in terms of flavour and nutrition. 


Sodium Bicarbonate or Baking Soda. Despite what many may say about its benefits, they are only short term because this is an inorganic mineral, it has no place in our bodies. If you really have nothing else at hand then use it as a quick fix, but never rely on this thing for long term use, it can only poison when its use is prolonged. There are things which will do a much better job than Baking Soda which cause no harm, feed, and actually go to the cause of a problem.


Some of the worst things one can eat: Potatoes, Soybeans and Rice. Avoid them like the plague, oh but what about Brown Rice? Avoid it like the plague, Wild Rice? Same answer. These 3 things while edible have extremely high carbs even the ones which are not processed. So long term consumption will inevitably cause many problems. What’s worse is that one of these or a combination of them are staples of many countries and have become the cultural standard of many cuisines around the world, these 3 foods also cause nutrient deficiencies which is one of the reasons why you’ll find fortified products, but we already know what happens when we eat fortified foods. Obviously you should also avoid by-products of these things.


No grains nor their by-products, so things like sorghum, corn, wheat, quinoa, amaranth, coffee, etc. In broad terms some of them contain gluten which do cause harm long term, it’s not just a hipster trend. What about whole grains? No; we have two types of whole grains: Those which are called whole because of marketing campaigns and those which are actual whole grains.


The commercial ones and their by-products besides being riddled with chemicals go through Dry Heat Processing which leaves whatever nutrients those grain may have possessed at very low levels, then depending on what by product you are consuming things go from worse to worst; suppose you are having bread which is made with flour which came out from a refinement process out of these dry heated grains and then to this bread you add things like sugar. You know effectively have consumed a time bomb, tasty as it may be.


What about Gluten Free Grains? While some grains do not contain Gluten from the get go and while it can be eliminated in things like wheat, they still contain other compounds which are harmful like Glyphosate if we talk commercial ones, but even if you eliminate glyphosate and gluten and their associated problems, that makes the carbs on grains go even higher so you will still end with multiple inflammatory conditions and put on weight and on top of this you also have to consider for how long things like wheat flour were stored for, it usually goes through a process of oxidation which reduces nutrients even further. So ideally one should be Grain-Free.


No canned food, besides all the issues I have previously described you have to add the fact the cans are made of aluminum which will inevitably detach particles with will enter into the food. Those particles are inorganic minerals and in the case of aluminum it can cause neurological diseases to name one of the issues. You should also avoid processed juice, the stuff you find at supermarkets which passes as orange juice or any other type go through pasteurization which kills off many of the fruits nutrients so you end up with very low minerals and a ton load of carbs, sugars, preservatives and what not.


You shouldn’t be eating refined sugar of any kind; it is one of the key components in poisoning the body and one of the causes for chronic disease not to mention weight gain. Check out how many sugar canes are needed to come up with just a teaspoon of refined sugar. You can check a video on how sugar is made, and you’d be forgiven for thinking you are eating some sort of construction material. If you must sweeten something it is preferable that you use things like unpasteurized honeybee, Liquorice Root or even the damn juice directly from the sugar cane in moderation. When excessive levels are present your immune system will also be compromised since it will be busy trying to eliminate it from the system and if you keep eating more and more the strain on your body will reach insane levels. This one of the reasons as to why people can’t sustain weight loss long term.


You should also be careful with products which claim to have no sugar, while most of the time it is true they don’t use refined sugar they tend to use sweeteners which are even worse, like high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, sucralose, etc. and many times these sugar free products also mess with the metabolic rate.


If you are taking meds of any kind, then pepper of any kind should be avoided. Pepper by itself causes no harm and it is one of the best foods, but it has the capacity to amplify the effects of other foods and when it comes to meds it amplifies their side effects. So pepper only after cutting out meds and some time has passed where they have been eliminated from the body.


Eggs: I mean the commercial white ones you can find everywhere, take them long enough and don’t be surprised if you get cancer. A bit of research on how chickens are made to produce so many eggs should inevitably lead you to that conclusion.

Now let’s get into what one should eat:


Vegetables of any kind with the exception of those I mentioned before or those with high carbs like those orange pumpkins, but your greens should be the staple. These ideally should be eaten raw, no exceptions or steamed at the most. The more you heat veggies the more they lose their properties so if you are going to make some soup try to not let it boil. You should be eating plenty of these veggies in terms of quantity and variety, some would argue 5 to 7 cups a day are what should be consumed, feel free to juice some of them if chewing is too much of a hassle. Legumes will be expanded in another paragraph, they are vegetables, but there are other factors to consider.


Fruits should be consumed occasionally and in season. Fruits do have nutrients, but they also contain fructose which in excess will cause problems for the liver. If we talk commercial fruit there is a problem there in the sense that they have been going through selective processes where they keep getting sweeter and sweeter, thus eating high quantities will prove troublesome. As a general rule of thumb you always eat way more veggies than fruit. Although as far as I know there are 4 exceptions which can virtually be eaten “without limit”: Avocado, Lemon, Tomato and Coconut, as usual they have to be Wholesome. So if you are eating big bowls of fruit every day, you are doing it wrong and will also have trouble dropping weight.


Legumes should be consumed, but in small quantities since their nutrients are very concentrated, if we eat too much too often we risk problems like renal conditions or digestive ones. A good measurement I’ve found from my personal experience and with clients is half a bowl one or two days a week at the most, one type or you can mix them. Now while Legumes are also considered vegetables, these are the exception for the way they should be consumed, if you eat them raw you will have trouble, the general recommendation is to soak them first and then cook them in water and a moderately high temperature. Sprouted are best.


Nuts are one of the best nutrient sources, but since they are very concentrated then only small quantities should be taken daily, I usually recommend 7 daily from a single type or a mix of them. Now nuts should ideally be free of salt (I mean the inorganic sodium) and should be germinated, if you manage to get them salt free and germinated (you can do it yourself) then have them daily. The ones I recommend the most are Walnuts, Pistachios –Which have the benefit of having a salty taste for those who find it hard to quit salt- and Almonds. Why sprouted? You get rid of the enzyme inhibitors and anti-nutrients that are present in them.



Eggs: Yeah not a mistake, you should be eating the eggs which come from properly fed chickens which are not being injected with who knows how many diseases, aren’t stressed and have a wide variety of food available to them. Eggs when properly laid, are one of the most complete nutrient sources you can find, just make sure they aren’t fertilised.


Oils and Fat, except those that came from the things you shouldn’t be eating. I can’t stress enough the paramount importance of fats and oils, if you are not consuming them in generous quantities then you are doing it very wrong especially since these changes will have your body use Fat for fuel. The only exceptions to the rule are those which are by-products or extracted from the things you should not eat, aside from that you’d have to research a bit more for some of the oils, Safflower oil for example will wreck someone who suffers from Hypertension, but will be great for someone who is relatively healthy. Word to the Wise: Never ever fry your food, not even when using proper oils, frying kills nutrients regardless if you use healthy stuff or not.


Distilled Water: Ideally the only kind of water that should be getting into your body, avoid tap water like the plague. Distilled Water is free from inorganic minerals and one of the real functions of water in the body is to be a medium in which organic minerals become soluble and thus arte able to reach whatever part of the body they are needed at. If you can’t get your hands on it, then I suppose bottled water is your best next option, although I’m not sure if that’s fluoridated in first world countries like their tap water, if they are then do everything to get distilled water or just make your own.


Red Meat, Chicken and Sea Food can still be eaten as long as they are not seasoned or eaten along with all the things you shouldn’t be putting in your body, but there are factors to consider: The ideal is to consume them organic; in the case of Red Meat you should be looking at grass or nut fed, chicken shouldn’t be given grains, I’m not really sure if they can process it just fine but even if that is the case those harmful things in grains will end up in your body and Sea Food ideally should come from the sea and not farms, although sea food may carry more risk of inorganic minerals. Avoid these animals if they are being fed with inorganic minerals, the problem is that even some of the best cared for cattle is given inorganic minerals to fortify them, so do your due research into the product you are buying.


Now I’d have to put more research and experience into the whole thing when it comes to the subject of meat, all the commercial processes aside I didn’t develop any sentimentalism for those animals and I think cattle is their function, but some would argue that consuming their meat and thus their blood (even if organic) can have some messed up consequences, not out of sentimental non sense, but as a part of a Natural Process, but again I’d need more time and experience to relay a good enough report on my findings. One thing is clear to me when it comes to chickens though: By virtue of Natural Law it is way more efficient to care for them and eat the eggs than to kill the chicken and eat it, a living healthy chicken will provide way more nutrients via their eggs than their meat, one could even establish an efficient system that considers Soil, Plants, Worms and Chickens.


As you may have deduced already, the ideal thing is to get these foods fully organic with no foreign chemicals or pesticides in them which also includes non GMO stuff.


Doing all these things as best as possible will yield great results and will also result in weight loss. Initially I recommend people to eat 3 times a day, the portions of their plates on the first and second meal should be generous and they should eat until they are satisfied, the third meal can be more relaxed, but then again it depends on the person.


What else is a great source of food and also medicine? If you paid attention to Jack’s and Orage pieces, then you did notice George Berkeley and his Miraculous Tar Water, now I never tried it but I’m sure it works the wonders attributed to it, but Tar Water is far from being the only thing out there capable of curing diseases, that kind of knowledge has been revealed to me.


I’ll just give the example of two herbs which you can use to aid you in providing nutrients as well as excellent aids in weight loss: Dandelion and Horsetail Grass. So if you are one of those who thinks Dandelion is a pest in your backyard and are actively pulling them out or pouring chemicals only to be left with grass which you cannot eat, then you are doing it very, very wrong. 


I prefer to take them in tea or if you want to get more technical, I prefer decoctions because they save time and get more nutrients out of these plants. Always use a stainless steel pot to make your decoctions or infusions, ideally use Distilled Water. Put the Wholesome Herb (no supermarket tea bags) into your pot, pour water, as soon as it boils decrease the intensity and simmer for 10 minutes although Horsetail may take up to 15 or 20 minutes since it is harder to draw out its nutrients, so I recommend chopping it into little pieces and cut them open, strain and enjoy. Preferably no sweeteners or use unpasteurized honey bee or a bit of Liquorice Root. As for the dose imagine you are using 1 or 2 tea bags, drink twice or thrice a day alternating them for 6 days a week, on the seventh day you don’t take any teas at all.


The subject of herbs is rich, figuratively, and literally, but that will perhaps be another topic on its own for another time, but a lot can be accomplished by applying the right knowledge. As the fake, but truthful quote attributed to Hippocrates says: “Let thy Medicine be your Food and let your Food be thy Medicine”. 


In general terms I’ve been able to relieve and even cure some diseases, even those who are supposed to be degenerative with only means to slow them down or chronic ones which are supposed to be only manageable until something goes very wrong, in one of those instance a client of mine who had a severe case of Gout was told he needed to have hemodialysis pronto or risk death, I applied this knowledge and he’s fine now, never had to go through that annoying procedure.

For the members on this page, realize something very important: Jack and Orage have touched on 3 very important Natural Laws: Frequency, Energy and Vibration, you need only re-read their pieces and observe how they play an important role in Reality Crafting. 


One of the reasons as to why food and its industry is so compromised at almost every conceivable level is because Food can and does affect Frequency, Energy and Vibration. Why do you think Hemp is illegal to possess while Datura can be hoarded by ton if one wishes to do so? There’s a lot at stake and even if you think you live in a false world, a simulation created by whoever, realize that Natural Law permeates everything and as such, provides the tools for you to implement the necessary changes.


 Jack Heart & Mario Rolando © 2020

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Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god Paperback – January 5, 2021

Disband the Police and Elect Sheriffs

Disband Police


The right wing, just like the left wing, has been hijacked by a cadre of globalists who cannot tell enough lies or inflict enough pain to fill the hole left inside of them by their vacated souls. The newest lie from the right is their historically untenable position that police departments are indispensable to Western civilization. The facts say different, in fact they say nothing could be further from the truth.

Here is a brief summary of the historical reality of the police in America and the tremendous contribution they are now making to the dismantling of everything sane Americans hold dear. Like the song goes “everybody’s talking but few of them know.” Well I know and I know from personal experience unlike these faggot news casters spewing their prefabricated talking points. This is an open post, consider it a community service, a service most of you have never paid a dime for… – Jack Heart

It’s the morning of July 8 in Fort Salonga New York, an affluent Long Island community about twenty miles outside of N.Y.C. It’s hot and I’m hungry. Last night I couldn’t eat dinner because of yet another disturbance by the absurdity that has become Black Lives Mater. Black street toughs being led around by the nose ring by White Jewish Lesbian school teachers. B.L.M. is like Marlon Brando in On the Waterfront: “You don’t understand. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let’s face it…”

They had the organization; they had the issue and they had the floor but once again Blacks find their voices overdubbed by their own oppressors. It’s hard to imagine that the Black intelligentsia that organized B.L.M. did not notice everything they had worked for, and many other Blacks had died for, was being coopted by the vicious dyke disciples of Howard Zinn a few years ago when it was happening. I’m inclined to believe that just like Marlon Brando’s character in On the Waterfront; Terry Malloy, they took a dive for the mob and now find themselves an ugly circus sideshow, “a bum…”

Speaking of bums I digress. I’d eaten a light breakfast and lunch and figured I’d get something heavier in a place called Relish about a mile east of me on Main Street in the center of Kings Park. You can get a good meal there for twenty-five dollars. To the west is Fort Salonga and Asharoken where the price of restaurants goes up with the price of real estate. When I got there I found the town cordoned off by police. We were diverted down a side street where we found all access to the town of Kings Park, the sight of at least a half a dozen other substantial bars and restaurants, denied by a swarm of Suffolk County Police.

We could see over the police cars that there were about fifty to a hundred people sitting and standing in the intersection at the center of town. This so said demonstration had begun at three in the afternoon when a bunch of eighteen to twenty-year old local kids carrying American flags and awaiting B.L.M.s arrival were told to go home by the Suffolk County Police Inspector Romagnolli or face arrest themselves.

Playing stupid we asked a sheepish looking Black cop what was going on. He explained to us that it was a B.L.M. rally and they should be finishing up soon. We asked him if B.L.M. had permits and he said: “no we’ve got to work with them with all that’s going on. This is the fifth time we’ve had to do this for them…”

The Suffolk County Legislator Steve Bellone is of course a Democrat, as is party zealot and governor of N.Y. Andrew Cuomo. Right now it is in the democratic party’s interest for the mayhem to continue in order to make Trump look as bad as possible before the elections, dam their constituents. All across America in areas where democrats control the police department, like Suffolk and Nassau Counties along with N.Y.C. under the stewardship of Mayor Bill de Blasio, an even more radical democrat than Cuomo, the police are being used as security to enable unlawful B.L.M. “rallies” to terrorize the very communities the police say they “protect and serve.”

Six months ago I was on the other side of Long Island in Long Beach, N.Y. when the democratic party on behalf of their globalist overlords in London recklessly decided to politicize the biological attack of unknown origins that is COVID. Helplessly I watched in horror as they closed down the beaches and boardwalk, all local commerce ground to a halt and hypochondria was inculcated into pop culture. I watched the police in black uniforms on big black horses ride up and down the street and the boardwalk enforcing “social distancing,” and the ridiculous mask laws, while planes from every COVID infected corner of the world passed slowly overhead awaiting clearance to land in Kennedy Airport a few miles away.

What COVID has really done to the N.Y.C. economy won’t be felt till the unpaid rent for six months comes due at the end of August. But it’s safe to assume N.Y.C will be returning to its late seventies and early eighties ambience when parts of the Bronx were known as Fort Apache, and the city had a higher murder rate than most war zones. New Yorkers, of which a half a million have already fled the city, can thank their “brave” men in blue who have served their democratic masters well.

Using the police as a political weapon is hardly unprecedented. The democrats are simply following a long held precedent of the republicans who have been using the police for years to enforce illegal land grabs and break strikes. The Floyd incident was not just randomly staged in Minneapolis. The city has a tradition since the days of Al Capone and even before that of being an open city. Minneapolis was run for decades by Mayor A. A. Ames, a thirty-third degree mason and a Democrat until it suited him to become a republican at the turn of the twentieth century. Ames Police Chief was his brother and Chief of Detectives his pimp. The police were his salaried thugs who ran his brothels, gambling parlors and opium dens.

By 1934 under the Citizens’ Alliance, an organization of local business leaders, Minneapolis was a notorious anti-union city. But its recently elected mayor was an ineffectual actor turned politician much like Americas current president. “By May of 1934, General Drivers Local 574 of the international Brotherhood of Teamsters had organized members of the trucking industry into a union with 3000 members.” All that summer there were violent clashes between police, who were no more than the goon squad for the Citizens’ Alliance, and the teamsters. It culminated on July 20 when police opened fire on unarmed strikers, wounding sixty-seven and killing two, in a day still known as “Bloody Friday.” (1)

The police force itself is hardly the time honored and indispensable American institution that right wing pundits would have their audiences believe. “The first publicly funded, organized police force with officers on duty full-time was created in Boston in 1838. Boston was a large shipping commercial center, and businesses had been hiring people to protect their property and safeguard the transport of goods from the port of Boston to other places.” According to the right wing propagandists it was good business that these “merchants came up with a way to save money by transferring the cost of maintaining a police force to citizens by arguing that it was for the “collective good.” (2)

Boston was quickly followed by N.Y.C. in 1845, Albany and Chicago in 1853, New Orleans and Cincinnati in 1853, Philadelphia in 1855 and Newark and Baltimore in 1857. “By the 1880s all major U.S. cities had municipal police forces in place.” (3)

Not then, not now nor ever have the police been for the collective good of anybody except the elite. The “thin blue line” propagandists like to use as a slogan is only to divide the public from those who fleece them for a living. Slumlords, usurious moneylenders, environmental plunderers, sweatshop proprietors and indeed all those who parasitize the urban infrastructure, all love the police. 


In N.Y.C. as chronicled in Gangs of New York, the book and movie, the police were immediately put to work as a private army of skull crackers by the criminally insane Tammany Hall political machine and later the infamous Boss Tweed. In the nineteenth century street gangs stole everything from N.Y. harbor that wasn’t nailed down and extorted shopkeepers at their leisure, but the gangs were in turn extorted by the police.

In 1894 some of this was exposed by the Lexow Committee. So lucrative was it to be a cop in N.Y.C. that the price of promotion was sixteen hundred dollars to become a sergeant and up to fifteen thousand to be a captain. This is nineteenth century currency…

The Lexow Committee was followed by the Curren Committee in 1913, the Hofstadter Committee in 1932, then a Brooklyn grand jury investigation into gambling payoffs in 1949. The Knapp Commission of 1972 was the result of the career of Frank Serpico, spanning from 1960 to 1972 as a whistleblower and an undercover cop.

The rampant corruption of the N.Y.C. police department is vividly chronicled in the 1973 book and movie Serpico, with iconic movie star Al Pacino playing Serpico. After word got out of his whistleblowing activities Serpico was set up by his fellow officers to be murdered in early seventy-one, taking a bullet in the head in a deliberately blown drug bust.

Serpico lived to become a legend, but nothing changed in the N.Y.C. police department. In 1993 the Mollen Commission exposed pervasive drug corruption, organized theft by police officers of drugs and money, excessive use of force, and the cavalier use of drugs by the police department itself. In October of 2014 Serpico did an interview published in well-known left wing journal Politico. The title was The Police Are Still Out of Control… I Should Know… 


In Chicago after the fire the police department would fashion the city into the underworld capital of America and be instrumental in forming the Outfit, supposedly Al Capones gang. Although the never solved Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre is blamed on Capone, witnesses all saw uniformed cops entering the garage which was the site of the legendary machinegun slaughter. Fifty years later detectives Stephen Caracappa and Louis Eppolito would set up shop murdering people all over N.Y.C. for the Italian mob.

“It is incorrect to say the late 19th and early 20th century police were corrupt, they were in fact, primary instruments for the creation of corruption in the first place..” Three of the more flagrant abuses of the police force are listed by Dr. Gary Potter, renowned professor of Justice Studies, who is extensively quoted in the previously cited Time Magazine article:

“(1) the formation of a prostitution syndicate by Los Angeles Mayor Arthur Harper, Police Chief Edward Kerns, and a local organized crime figure, combined with subsequent instructions to the police to harass this syndicate’s competitors in the prostitution industry; (2) the assassination of organized crime figure Arnold Rothstein by police lieutenant Charles Becker, head of the NYPD’s vice squad; and, (3) a dispute between the Mayor and District Attorney of Philadelphia, each of whom controlled rival gambling syndicates and each of whom used loyal factions of police to harass the other…” (4)

No constitutional traditionalists ever wanted the police, not in America, and not even in Great Britain from which America imported the idea. In America we have Sheriffs elected and answerable to the people who gave them the job. This is how the most lawless land the world has ever seen; America’s Wild West was tamed, not by police. The sheriff has deputies and if need be they can deputize their entire constituency. If that’s not enough through the governor they can call in the cavalry, now rapid response federal troops.

Law enforcement unanswerable to the people it is supposed to serve leads to the excesses we are seeing now, with civil servants playing dress up as if their ready for the eastern front, rolling down the streets in tanks and thinking because they got punched in the nose they now have a right to shoot an unarmed man.

I am so weary of cops, their psychopathic unions and all their apologists rationalizing the cavalier use of deadly force by the police department that I really just want to punch somebody in the nose myself. For years I was a bouncer at some of the roughest clubs in N.Y., Gaslight and Bogarts when they were the clubhouse for the infamous Pagans Motorcycle Gang, to name a couple. From machetes to baseball bats, to some drunken Latin King pulling his pistol from out of nowhere and capping off a couple of rounds not a foot away from my ear, I have seen it all. I do not recall anyone ever having to be shot or stabbed, and nobody ever was, not on my watch.

According to the online dictionary Wikipedia American police killed 1,536 people in 2019. In India, a country with four times the population, wracked by desperate poverty, and readily available state of the art firearms from Pakistan and Afghanistan, police killed 1,736. That’s 12.54 people killed by police for every ten million in India. America works out to 46.6 for every ten million, about one more per ten million than Iraq. Clearly there is something very wrong with both the police and their supporters who feel their badge entitles them to go around killing people like they are in a war zone.

B.L.M. unfortunately for Blacks who bear a disproportionate amount of this assault on human decency, has lost the narrative. They have allowed calculated divisive globalist rhetoric to hijack a platform that could have united every economically downtrodden American, all those who know what its like to fear the police more than criminals. Which should be every sentient American in days where now even just not wearing your mask to appease the ready to stampede herd is enough to get you thrown in prison.

No self-respecting White man is going to sit there and listen to a Black man chanting White privilege at him, just like no self-respecting Black man is going to tolerate being called Nigger by a White man. There is nothing you can say more racially insulting than telling a White man who has worked himself up from poverty, as many have, to a financially tenable situation that he has been privileged.

In fact the term “White privilege” shows utter contempt for impoverished Whites who when the rust belt is factored in make up a greater percentage of Americas poor than Blacks. These two words make everything B.L.M. says after that of no consequence to any serious discussion of a new America for Americans…

As someone who identifies as White European I have my own White Privilege story. One where I get tagged with a felony and end up spending four months in jail for trying to help Black people.  It takes place in the mid-eighties when I was in my mid-twenties and living in Suffolk County about twenty miles outside N.Y.C. The “block,” at the time, was a notorious hub run by Blacks for wholesale cocaine being funneled into Queens and the Bronx.

Nietzsche’s most famous maxim is “what does not kill me makes me stronger.” Freebase cocaine did not kill me. It became inevitable that I would give it up. When I did kick the habit I was angry. I had sat in a front row seat and watched sorrow and human misery be distributed in a highly addictive and smokable form. At the time I was naive and blamed the Suffolk County Police Department. I was streetwise enough to know that cocaine could not be sold that cheap, illegally, for a profit. I knew it was coming in at the Chinese restaurant on the south corner of the Block and I thought I knew who was bringing it there.

I contacted Geraldo Rivera through one of my mother’s clients; Dr Frank Fields, who was the Science Editor for WABC, the network Rivera was working for at the time. Having grown up in Babylon, the neighborhood adjacent to the notorious “Block,” Rivera took an immediate interest in the story. After confirming that there was an open air drug market in the middle of suburbia Geraldo set me up with his brother, Craig. In those days they were a team. Craig did all the field work, principally the filming and Geraldo took care of the production and presentation.

I took Craig into Jonathon and Renee’s house where we placed a duffel bag rigged with a camera in a prominent position on the dresser. One of the crackheads became fixated with the duffel bag and started asking questions about it and Craig’s abstinence. Craig started stammering an answer that he had to keep an eye on the bag, but I put an end to the whole matter by telling the crackhead that if he was going to smoke and get paranoid he would have to leave. We stayed for hours and when we finally left Craig talked incessantly about all the great footage he had and how none of it would have been possible without me. Craig asked me to go for dinner and drinks, but I declined. I was there to do a job not socialize.

Craig spent days filming the Block and the Chinese restaurant with a film crew hidden in a van in the parking lot of the Social Services center across the street. He was very excited about the footage he had acquired of the police ignoring blatant transactions as they sat in a squad car next to his camera crew across the street. He had also caught some of the mysterious comings and goings at the Chinese restaurant. The restaurant was frequented by two or three middle aged Black men who seemed incapable of dressing without finishing off their ensemble with some off-white raincoats they had purchased from central casting of the Pink Panther. One of them had a large birthmark on his face that made it impossible for him to go unnoticed. We figured the raincoats had to be from a precinct in the city which had worked a deal out with Suffolk County PD.

Craig seemed to think we had the story of the year. He said that this would be a one hour special but when the show finally aired it was less than fifteen minutes and used none of the footage I had got them and never even mentioned the Block. I was told that’s just the way the TV news business is. The studio made the final decision on what would be aired. The next time I saw Geraldo it was on TV as I watched along with the rest of America and he failed to produce the ‘hidden treasure of Al Capone.’ He made a fool out of himself and the station which had relentlessly promoted the one hour special before it aired.

By then I was already charged with second degree assault on a police officer. My life would never be the same again. I remember how much I enjoyed watching Geraldo tarnish his career forever on national TV. At the time I did not know that he had been fired from his job at ABC over his criticism for their refusal to air investigative journalism that was critical of the government. All I knew then was that I needed to get my teeth capped.

When the show had not aired I had not been disappointed. I picked at least half of my labor up from the Block every morning. I had enjoyed living in Suffolk County and still did some work there even though most of my jobs were in Nassau County. I continued living my life as if nothing had happened because nothing had. I pulled into the Block one day and I was stopped by Suffolk County PD. Two cops about thirty five years old each got out of the squad car and I got out of my International truck.

The two of them belligerently asked what I was doing there, and one climbed into my truck and started fumbling around. I really had no answer for them. I was there every day frequently mingling in the crowd. It was as if I had showed up for work and was suddenly asked what I was doing there. One of them began poking me with his nightstick. He poked me quite a few times before I decided to disarm him, wrenching the club from his grip, and tossing it away. His partner came around behind me and grabbed me in a chokehold with his nightstick. I grabbed the club and used his grip on it to whirl him over my back at the same time dislodging the stick and taking possession of it, which I dutifully tossed away.

I was well aware that they could shoot me. All the while more cops and people were arriving. The crowd was becoming openly hostile witnessing the police assault one of the few reliable employers in the area. They had to be forcibly restrained by the arriving cops. Suddenly a guy comes running out of the crowd and starts throwing powder puff punches at me. It was none other than birthmark still wearing his raincoat.

I brushed him aside and looked around. I thought about letting Mr. Hyde loose but I knew it could only end in my death, so I let them handcuff me. The two cops I had disarmed took me in their squad car and as we pulled out of the parking lot the passenger cop said take the long way and with that turned around and proceeded to knock almost every one of my front teeth out. He struck me viscously as many times as he could and with as much force as he could generate with the nightstick within the cramped quarters of the car.

Every time he smashed me in the face I would sneer fuck you and spit blood and teeth at him. When we finally did arrive at the station house I figured the commanding officer would want to know how my face got like that but instead I was taken to his office and the door was shut behind us. He mocked me as the beating continued all night hidden from view of the other cops.

I was bailed out the next day. When the case went in front of the Grand Jury I chose to testify. By now my regular lawyer, Sidney Chase, had been disbarred for accepting stolen merchandise for his services. Chase had sued the Amityville Police for me, and he had sued a lot of other cops during the course of his career. I guess they got tired of him and set him up; at least that’s what I heard. He was steering all his clients to a legal lightweight named Bruce Torino. I believe it was under Bruce’s advice that I did not mention Geraldo Rivera at the grand jury hearing. In retrospect Bruce was probably Sidney’s brother-in-law.

The two cops showed up looking only slightly less gay than Don Johnson in Miami Vice. Charlie Bartle, the one that had done most of the clubbing, was even wearing Topsiders with no socks along with some kind of theatrical plastic caste. Many of the people in the grand jury were Black and made it obvious that they did not believe either the cops or the heavy hitter District Attorney who was assigned to prosecute me. They were deadlocked for hours which I was told is very rare at a Grand Jury hearing. But she did finally get the indictment.

The Reagan administration was perhaps the most corrupt in American history. Gary Webb chronicled the drug dealing in his 1996 expose book; Dark Alliance. The CIA was trading guns for cocaine with the contras in Nicaragua and bringing the coke into America for distribution as crack cocaine in America’s cities. In response to Webb’s book Reagan’s successor Bush senior appointed an Inspector General to the CIA. The newly minted Inspector General Frederick Hitz issued two reports in 1998 containing devastating admissions about the CIA’s knowledge and protection of contras known to be active in the cocaine trade.

In Volume Two, published on Oct. 8, 1998 Hitz identified more than 50 contras and contra-related entities implicated in the drug trade. He also detailed how the Reagan administration had protected these drug operations and frustrated federal investigations throughout the 1980s. The reports were ignored by the media in favor of by now President Bill Clinton’s sex life. Webb ended up committing suicide by shooting himself twice in the head.

Me? I had four signed statements from witnesses all of whom were Black and all of whom would be forced by corrupt Suffolk County cops to recant their statements. I would end up pleading guilty to a felony and doing four months in jail rather than face certain conviction from the equally corrupt Suffolk County Court and do seven years in prison.

It had never made sense to me that a police department, even ones as well-heeled as SCPD or NYPD could shut a reporter of Geraldo Rivera’s stature up. At the time he was the biggest thing on television. Only after reading Webb’s book around the turn of the twenty-first century did I realize what exactly had happened to me.

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1 – Goodrich, Beth. “Minneapolis Teamsters Strike of 1934 | Minnesota Digital Library.”

2 – Waxman, O. B. (2017, May 18). How the U.S. Got Its Police Force. Time; Time.

3 – Potter, Dr. Gary. The History of Policing in the United States, Part 1 | Police Studies Online. (2013). Eku.Edu.

Not for Nothing


Even I may be guilty, we should not forget the Black Goo is out there. Before any violent revolution such as John Kerry of the Skull & Bones has just called for can take place, this bacterial pestilence must be eradicated and along with it the bloodlines of those who are genetically susceptible. Whether by accident or careful calculation, Bill Gates and company have created a “vaccine” that at the very least will sterilize them, and according to this doctor here, alter their DNA. The people they are testing it on are not allowed to have sex. According to the other 160 doctors in this video, the vaccine by any medical determinate has no business being injected into human beings. But for the most part it will not be, except for maybe in Africa; but the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan had already warned them today. Americans and Europeans, Aussies and Kiwis too, will be expected to fight until the death, as is traditional, rather than take the vaccine. As Michael Savage, the best of the mainstream right wing commenters just said the other day; “I will shoot my way out of the building before they give me that vaccine.” Savage is in his late seventies and just had a heart attack. Watch the video  carefully and teach your children well.

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Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god Paperback – January 5, 2021

Manufacturing Dissent (with Video)

Jack's thoughts on George Floyd fallout

Frankly, I do not believe George Floyd is even dead. The photo of the cop kneeling on his neck has obviously been staged. The cop’s sunglasses are up over his head like a Hollywood starlet posing for a photo-op, his hand is in his pocket and his badge is strategically crooked as if to say “I’m a crooked cop.” One look at that picture and I don’t even need to know the cop and Floyd knew each other well, that Floyd was a porn star and his transvestite girlfriend looks suspiciously like the cop in drag…

Last night we had another shooting in the practically all Black mega city of Atlanta. In the middle of the worst race riots America has seen in decades, and certainly the most widespread ever, two cops decided it would be a good idea to roust a frail looking Black guy sleeping one off in the parking lot of Wendy’s.

Of course they decided to arrest him for drunk driving even though he was sleeping in the car when they got there. He resisted, and this small and slightly built Black man got the better of two burly cops, managing to rest the cop’s taser from him. As he ran away firing the taser wildly in the air, the White cop ran after him firing three times point blank center mass in the back, killing him.

There just happened to have been a mysterious “masked White girl” in the vicinity carrying what looks by the aftermath to have been a thermite bomb. There is nothing left of Wendy’s but a few burnt bricks…

There is a reason why this all looks scripted, it is. There is also a reason why the top brass of the military has recently distanced itself from Trump. This is a military intelligence operation, the end game is to declare Martial Law, unseat Trump and arrest the Senate and the Congress. Personally, I wish them luck and godspeed… – Jack Heart BLM protests Smithtown 6/9/2020

George Floyd was allegedly murdered while I was in Mississippi. Black Lives Matter (BLM), and the rest of televisionland’s pseudo revolutionary groups were just getting started when I left for Crossville Tennessee, over five hundred miles north. Crossville serves a good part of Tennessee’s veteran community and seems to have been targeted early on for just those reasons in the media’s ongoing efforts to make the Floyd “killing” into their next COVID pandemic. Crossville is either a small city or a very large town centered around its numerous Veterans memorials and a municipal building that services those veterans.

Minneapolis and New York were already aflame by the time BLM, replete with military intelligence styled agitators as assessed by their own, had showed up a couple of days earlier than me, focusing their demonstration of course on the building. There are almost no Blacks living in Crossville, which serves as a marketplace for the some forty miles of rural farms that surround it. The farmers, with the blessing of their sheriff, fearing the building would be burned, organized to meet the BLM invasion.

A thousand armed men kept order and not even the most insignificant monument was damaged.

After some incoherent shouting, the largely female demonstrators, with their twenty something male organizers, one Black, one White who had been seen having an animated phone conversation during the demonstration, left town the next day. They were gone by the time I got there. Vandalism, even at the twenty-five dollar an hour rate some say the agitators are being paid, is just not worth it when you are in the sights of a rooftop sniper.

A couple of days later, on Sunday June 7 BLM brought its travelling circus of disaffected housewives, fat hateful lesbians, street thugs and would be (if they were not illiterate) Martin Luther Kings to Smithtown, New York. Smithtown is a Middle Class community whose surrounding enclaves like Nissequogue and Fort Salonga are quite well to do.

Residents had been speculating that the working class neighboring town of Kings Park between Fort Salonga and Smithtown had been on Al Sharpton’s radar since the 2000 New York City shooting of Amadou Diallo by a police officer who lived there. Like Crossville the racial demographics of Smithtown and its surrounding areas are almost entirely White.

An eclectic assortment of off duty cops, business owners and their sons all showed up early Sunday to meet BLM in Smithtown, along with about thirty to forty members of a notorious outlaw motorcycle gang. My cousin, who lives in Fort Salonga was there along with his friend and sidekick, a ranking Nassau County cop.

They estimated the original greeting committee to be about three to four hundred, in two distinct and uncoordinated groups. Like many others they left by four because only about a hundred disaffected housewives and fat hateful lesbians had showed up and there was minimal danger to the local businesses.

As if on cue, or as directed by some unseen and highly efficient coordinator, an estimated thousand thugs arrived in a caravan of cars at five and it immediately got ugly. Chants of “White privilege” were answered with chants of “nigger” which in turn were answered with chants of “suck my dick.”

Sporadic skirmishes broke out as police struggled to hold the thin blue line between White and Black. One of the BLM protesters/thugs was beaten with Nun chucks, a martial arts weapon and the media immediately broke into their own chant of “White Supremacist.”

Elements professing to represent BLM swore vengeance on twitter threatening to burn Smithtown to the ground when they returned ten thousand strong on Tuesday. When they did comeback at 6 PM Tuesday, police sealed Smithtown off to prevent opposition protests and BLM had to content itself with marching up and down rural residential streets in the dark chanting “White privilege,” which they did with gusto until a massive police response, involving both Nassau and Suffolk Counties drove them out at eleven.

Most insidiously, as BLM howled in the streets, a few miles away Robert Roden, 33, showed up in the emergency room of Stoney Brook University Hospital wearing a tactical vest from the hospital’s emergency department. The ammo clips protruding from his pockets gave him away and the police were called. When he was searched, the cops found a BB gun and three explosive devices. Later it was found the bombs were not built properly and could not have detonated.

I’ve been back in the Smithtown area for a few days now but Ironically enough, in oh so many ways, the Roden display would not be the last word on this. Three days later and about ten miles to the southwest of Smithtown, in the sprawling Black ghetto of Wyandanch, seven Blacks were shot and one stabbed at a house party…

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The way Toward Peace


The way Toward Peace

by Jack Heart 

The following is really two blog postings from our Patreon page. The first was published on May 26. It predicted Americas post COVID fragmentation and presented the beginning of a working solution by putting a man in the White House that is qualified to be there. The second was made on May 29 three days after George Floyd was allegedly murdered by police officer Derek Chauvinand the rioting began in Americas cities as if on que from the first post. 

I left New York City over a week ago. I could no longer take solitary confinement and was beginning to feel like Papillon after watching myself degenerate both mentally and physically under a quarantine that defied every known notion of Common Sense. There are a lot of people writing about COVID, few that have any idea what they are talking about, and less still that have actually experienced what it really means at the place of its birth in America, New York City. The fact that I am the original “OG” from NYC and that I was the principle author behind our groundbreaking Paint it Blue series about microbiology and the Department of Defense makes me eminently qualified in both criteria. This is the way I and some very close collaborators see it. Take it for what it’s worth… – JH

I’m in Mississippi, but it’s Minnesota that’s burning. Apparently Americas police force, incessantly portrayed as heroes by a media that worships uniforms when they are anything but, have beaten another Black man to death, for no good reason except they felt like it.

Three straight days of rioting and looting in Minneapolis. One must wonder if the locals were practicing safe distancing when they torched the police station responsible for the murder. The media wants to talk about how many of the businesses, now smoldering, were Black owned. What they don’t want to say is those businesses have been closed for three months due to the COVID pandemic and the only way their owners were ever going to see a dime on them was to hand the local crackheads a case of Molotov cocktails and hope they didn’t set themselves on fire.

Many Americans are now out of work because of COVID. They never got their stimulus check. Since they were working off the books, they never got any of those big fat unemployment checks political pundits are boasting about either. Since northern cities have followed the edicts of the CDC and WHO right down to the letter, sheltering in place with no hope for a future, expect more cities to burn in the North…

These people have no way to make a living, to eat nor to pay the rent. By February, America had already dropped dead with fear over COVID and by March there was no more toilet paper left because Americans were soiling themselves. But the billionaires who have hijacked America are still prospering wildly.

“Between January 1, 2020 and April 10, 2020, 34 of the nation’s wealthiest 170 billionaires have seen their wealth increase by tens of millions of dollars. Eight of these billionaires — Jeff Bezos (Amazon), MacKenzie Bezos (Amazon), Eric Yuan (Zoom), Steve Ballmer (Microsoft), John Albert Sobrato (Silicon Valley real estate), Elon Musk (Tesla and SpaceX), Joshua Harris (Apollo Global Management), and Rocco Commisso (Mediacom) — have seen their net worth surge by over $1 billion.” (1)

Billionaires are symptomatic of dysfunctional government, like open sores on a sick man. When the Soviet Union went belly up, they started appearing all over Russia. They were fleecing the country and Russians were starving in the streets, but they were beaten into submission by strongman Vladimir Putin. As president, Putin brought with him the credentials of having been a high ranking intelligence officer in the KGB. In America, there is only one man who carries with him a resume as impressive as Putin’s.

The last week I spent in Long Beach I lay on the bed most of the time, just staring at the four walls of my room. There was an ever widening chasm of emptiness in the pit of my heart that was consuming me by the hour, eating me from the inside out. I was sure it was something permanent, but when I cleared the Goebbels Bridge and left Staten Island in the rearview mirror. it vanished like a cloud in the wind. New York is a tomb and Andrew Cuomo the undertaker. If I had the money that was due to me for being the creative impetus for Stranger Things, American Gods, or Legion to name just a few, I would use it to get everyone I ever knew and cared about out of there.

This country is never going to be the same again, particularly the areas around New York City, where small businesses have been dealt the death blow with a month’s extension of a quarantine nobody can now, nor ever could justify. Do not let them fool you. They do not know why they did it. Bill Gates is just an opportunist, the same goes for all the democrats who are now trying to pin it on Trump, and all the billionaires who have thus far profited from it but find themselves with a precarious future. None of them ever wanted this. They are just seizing their opportunities and there is an element of desperation in their growingly insane actions.

A few hundred thousand old people, most half dead already, is no reason to shut down a global economy. Indeed a few billion dead is not if the surviving billions intend on preserving existence as they knew it. Countries do not shut down during wartime because they are afraid their factories may be bombed, even when they know they will.

Like Sirhan Sirhan when he came to holding a pistol after he blew Bobby Kennedys brains all over the kitchen floor at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, they have no idea why they did it. What goes around comes around and sometimes, shit just happens.

We need leaders now to fix this, real leaders, not the aging circus clowns and doddering old men, installed only to shill for their globalist masters, who themselves now face the prospect of becoming an anachronism. The New World Order just up and died of COVID and it will now have to be replaced with a newer order.

I’ve lived in a comic book for over four years now, a world of madness where nothing is impossible. When I first stepped into the abyss, I asked the same person who had told me years before there is no such thing as reality what was happening. He told me if we don’t go back down the roads we once traveled, they take so much. They take so much.

This all started when they killed John F. Kennedy. We have an opportunity to go back down that road by installing his nephew Robert Kennedy Jr. in the White House. Robert Kennedy Jr. is the only acceptable candidate the democrats can run against a sitting president who has proven himself not only incompetent, but too weak to lead in anything but a Hollywood TV show.

Kennedy has an impeccable pedigree and indeed Andrew Cuomo, his onetime brother in-law, would not even be the governor of NY, had Kennedy as the odds on favorite run against him for Attorney General of New York. A few years later when Governor Paterson offered him the senate seat from New York, Kennedy turned that down too. But that is the problem with politics; the people who should have the job never want it.

In the political battlefield, Kennedy, a renowned trail lawyer amongst his peers, has earned more medals than the entire Senate of the United States of America combined. He has worked ceaselessly in the courtroom for the poor, whether they live in the ghettos of New York City or the steaming jungles of South America or Africa, even having spent a month in the maximum security prison of a South American hellhole. Anywhere in the world, whether you be Ford Motor Company, the Department of Defense, or Exxon Oil, you throw something in the water you’re not supposed too, you know Kennedy is coming for you.

He has made mistakes with vaccines, claiming some ingredients are in them that aren’t, but that is to be expected as he has latched onto Bill Gates like an enraged Pitbull, when everyone else in the world, outside of Vladimir Putin, genuflects before him. This is a guy who can and will take on the billionaires who have hijacked this country, just like Putin took them on in Russia. Nobody should be waiting for Kennedy to ask for the nomination. He won’t, we need to demand his nomination. If the globalists, in their failed and delusional state, persist in thinking they are going to stage one more election between two talking cantaloupes, there will be blood. The post-apocalyptic world of COVID guarantees it…

Kennedy is a hero in the Red States for his tenacious fight against Bill Gates and the pharmaceutical companies and he is a hero in the Blue States for his ceaseless defense of the environment.

Kennedy once sued West Chester County New York to reopen the Croton Point Park, which was heavily used primarily by poor and minority communities from the Bronx.(2)

He wasn’t done yet either on behalf of inner city Black people. He then forced the reopening of the Pelham Bay Park in the Bronx, which New York City had closed to the public and converted to a police firing range. (3)

He also led a battle to stop a plan to sell Washington, D.C.’s Kingman Island—a rare piece of National Park Service property in a minority neighborhood—to a private developer. In 2004, Kennedy successfully sued Exxon to clean up a large oil spill on Newton Creek in Greenpoint Brooklyn. (4)

Robert Kennedy Jr. is the last chance America has to avoid balkanization...

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Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god Paperback – January 5, 2021


1 – Collins, Chuck, Omar Ocampo & Sophia Paslaski. “Billionaire Bonanza 2020.” 
2 – Reed, Susan (July 2, 1990). “Polluters, Beware! Riverkeeper John Cronin Patrols the Hudson and Pursues Those Who Foul Its Waters”. People. Archived October 16, 2017.
3 – Cronin, John; Kennedy Jr., Robert F. (1997). The Riverkeepers: Two Activists Fight to Reclaim Our Environment as a Basic Human Right. New York: Scribner. p. 304. 
4 – Confessore, Nicholas (November 1, 2005). “An Old Oil Spill Divides a Brooklyn Neighborhood”. The New York Times. Archived October 16, 2017.

5 G causes COVID and other reasons to turn off the Internet

Good for your health
5 G causes COVID and other reasons to turn off the Internet
By Jack Heart, Phil, An Nwn & Orage
With the advent of the COVID virus and the West’s assisted suicide at the hands of the World Health Organization and political leadership epitomized by the nightly Donald Trump Show, much ado is being made about the implementation of 5G in America. The bulk of it if not all of it, at least in America, traces back to former vodaphone employee Joe Imbriano; a man who professes to believe “god created the earth and the heavens in seven days…” (2)
It only gets worse after that, one could call it junk science or pseudoscience, but that would be giving it more validity than it’s worth. Science has nothing to do with it. This is an exercise in bible thumping being applied to the root of empirical science. 
The reality of the world we live in begins with a Mathematical Theory of Communication, a two-part article by Bell mathematician Claude Shannon appearing in the 1948 July and October issues of the Bell System Technical Journal. Shannon begins by saying:  “The fundamental problem of communication is that of reproducing at one point, either exactly or approximately, a message selected at another point.” (3)
Shannon’s paper would become the foundation of Information Theory; a variation of John von Neumann’s Game Theory. Information Theory deals with the quantification, storage, and communication of information. Information Theory is used in quantum computing, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, neuroscience, electrical engineering and black hole calculations…
Sciences most efficient way to solve Shannon’s “fundamental problem” is through wireless communication, using frequencies to broadcast information.
The mathematical calculations required for understanding the interaction of frequencies are beyond the education of most laymen. But that does not excuse ignoring what is right in front of you. It’s spring and in every backyard in America birds chatter enthusiastically as they go about their business breeding and building nests. They are not falling out of the air dead as Dr. Frankenstein orders Igor to power up his fiendish 5G system. 

MK Ultra – Cybernetic Mutation, Remote Controlled Slaves, Dragon Soldiers and a Zombie Empire; Paint it Blue by Jack Heart & Orage


There were thirty-three subprojects for MK-Ultra that to this very day are beyond top secret. When MK-Ultra came to light in the seventies these projects were hidden behind the National Security Act but when you throw your lead bacteriologist out a thirteenth story window in front of Madison Square Garden in a macabre demonstration of Masonic omnipotence certain things can be assumed. One of them is the thirty-three secrets still protected today by the National Security Act are biological in nature. From triggering extinction events to controlling humans through the bacteria they consist of it has all become just another day at the office in places like Camp Detrick, Porton Down, Edgewood and the Dugway Proving Grounds. 

Allowing these latter-day sorcerers and professional poisoners to exist in our midst carte blanche will perhaps be the last mistake the human race ever makes. There was always bound to be a COVID, and it’s bound to get worse. – Jack Heart, September 30, 2020

In 1922, the great Irish novelist James Joyce published his landmark work Ulysses. It’s said that he had been commenting on the times when he wrote “I have to turn my head until my darkness goes.” 

By 1966 in homage to that line, the iconic British rock and roll band The Rolling Stones would plead to “see the sun blotted out from the sky.” They exhorted the empire’s children to “Paint it Black!”

No doubt by 1944, when they saw which way the wind was blowing, the empire had already decided to Paint it Blue, all of it. This is a story about Bluebirds and Bluebooks, Have Blue, Project Blue Beam and a Blue Planet Project. But like every other story it has a beginning which along with its ending is the only part that is really true… 

In 1947 Andrija (Henry) K. Puharich received his medical doctorate from Northwestern University through the Army Specialized Training Program. While he had still been in school, he had burst into the field of cognitive science with his ground-breaking paper: Theory of Nerve Conduction. The paper postulated that neuron units radiate and receive waves of energy in the ultra-shortwave bands below infrared and above the radar spectrum; effectively making them a biological radio, a receiver-transmitter.

Puharich’s theory was an epiphany for José Manuel Rodriguez Delgado, who held a fellowship at Yale at the time Puharich published and is widely believed to have been the lead technical scientist in the CIA’s infamous MK Ultra project. About a half a decade later Delgado would co-author his first paper on implanting electrodes into human brains. He would go on to author one hundred and thirty-four scientific publications over the next two decades on electrical stimulation of cats, monkeys and humans.

A born showman, Delgado once had a bull with one of his patented ‘stimoceiver’s’ implanted in its brain charge him in the middle of a bull ring in Cordoba Spain. Unperturbed, he pressed a button on his hand-held remote control and stopped the beast in mid charge. He was an outspoken proponent of a better world through cybernetic mind control. He even wrote a book on the subject titled Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilised Society. He was the ideal villain, while Puharich worked from the shadows… Interning Puharich carried out experiments with drugs that were sponsored by Sandoz Chemical Works, the pharmaceutical company that developed LSD.

During that period, he was influenced by the pioneering work of Joseph Banks Rhine, the founder of parapsychology and upon completion of his Internship Puharich studied ESP as an extension of his work with nerve conduction at university. Always in the mood for ‘explanations’ he once remarked that what he was “trying to establish is that the brain is an area wherein is localized the cell energy of the body. I shall label this cell energy ‘dynamics.’ I further venture to say that transference of dynamics from one person to another is possible.” (1) 

Puharich pointed out that it was common knowledge “that there are people who can thrill and exhilarate one, and that there are others who simply bore and fatigue one. This implies that there is a wireless, touchless transfer of this vital substance. If dynamics can be transferred from one organism to another, why cannot that other function of the mind – thought, also be transferred from one mind to another mind? It is also conceivable that dynamics not only passes freely between persons, but also dissipates out into the atmosphere.” (2)

In 1949 Puharich met Eileen Garrett, the founder of the Parapsychological Foundation in New York City (NYC). She would introduce him to John Hays Hammond Jr, the man who would be his closest friend for the next decade and in Puharich’s own words his “mentor.” (3)

The online encyclopedia Wikipedia hails Hammond as “The Father of Radio Control.” 

That means sending signals to remote controlled devices. A product of Yale and filthy rich from birth, Hammond passed away in 1965 at seventy-six, owning 800 foreign and domestic patents on more than 400 inventions, primarily in the fields of radio control and naval weaponry.

By 1929 Hammond had built his own castle replete with drawbridge overlooking Gloucester Harbor in Massachusetts. It’s now a museum offering guided tours of its legendary Roman, medieval and renaissance art collection.

Most of the facts about MKUltra come from affidavits and testimony given to the Rockefeller Commission, then the Church Committee and the single surviving official report that they managed to get their hands on. The report was prepared by the Inspector General’s office in 1963 when the surreptitious administration of drugs to unwitting test subjects in the MKUltra Program was supposedly terminated.

The report defines MKUltra as “research and development of chemical. biological. And radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior.” It goes on to say “additional avenues to the control of human behavior had been designated . . as appropriate to investigation under the MKultra charter, including radiation, electroshock. various fields of psychology, sociology, and anthropology, graphology, harassment substances, and paramilitary devices and materials.” (4)

Any other reliable information about MKUltra is gleaned from testimony given during senate hearings in 1977. The hearings were prompted by the seven boxes of documents containing some eight thousand pages that the CIA had turned up earlier that same year in response to a FOIA request.

The heavily censored documents surfaced in early 1977 even when Richard Helms, Director of the CIA from June 30, 1966 – February 2, 1973, had ordered all documentation pertaining to MKUltra destroyed during his tenure.

The new documents survived only due to a clerical error. They are budgetary data and give little additional information from what had already been obtained by the Rockefeller Commission and the Church Committee. Some surviving information pertaining to MKUltra was officially declassified in July 2001.

The legend of MKUltra began at the end of 1974, when journalist Seymour Hersh, in an article published in the New York Times, accused the CIA of conducting experiments on American citizens and of sundry other nefarious acts on American soil during the sixties. In the beginning of 1975, responding to national outrage, President Gerald Ford convened The United States President’s Commission on CIA Activities within the United States. Ford’s commission was known as the Rockefeller Commission because it was headed by then Vice President Nelson Rockefeller.

Considering the Rockefeller Foundation’s well known relationship with Ira Einhorn, self-proclaimed “planetary catalyst” and no doubt MKUltra poster boy, if not Puharich himself, a Rockefeller investigation was not going to please the assorted senators and congressman who had any idea of what had been going on. 

Click here to open the above: Original file

They launched their own investigation formally titled The United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, known simply as the Church Committee, because it was chaired by Senator Frank Church. Admiral Stansfield Turner served as the Director of the CIA from 1977 to 1981. It was his job to run damage control during the reformism of the Carter Administration. A Christian Scientist and reformist himself, he was highly critical of the Agency’s culture of secrecy. Turner would eventually advocate the dismantling of the CIA in the 2005 book titled Burn Before Reading: Presidents, CIA Directors, and Secret Intelligence.

As the acting Director of the CIA in the seventy-seven senate hearings, Turner testified that there were “149 MKULTRA subprojects, many of which appear to have some connection with research into behavioral modification, drug acquisition and testing, or administering drugs surreptitiously.” (5)

Seemingly lost in all the ramifications of the mind control experiments was what Turner said a few sentences later about there also having been “thirty-three additional sub-projects concerning certain intelligence activities previously funded under MKULTRA but which have nothing to do either with behavioral modifications, drugs or toxins, or any closely related matter .” (6)

Turner goes on to testify that there were “eighty institutions where work was done.” The institutions included “forty-four colleges or universities, fifteen research foundation or chemical or pharmaceutical companies or the like, twelve hospitals or clinics, in addition to those associated with the universities, and three penal institutions.” (7)

Seemingly, the rest of the hearings consisted of a visibly penitent Turner and his CIA entourage being chastised by a blustering Senator Ted Kennedy and assorted other political grandstanders. As it had been in seventy-five and seventy-six, the human experimentation, voluntary and otherwise, was blamed on Dr. Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA’s Technical Services Staff (TSS).

Gottlieb had retired in 1972, and as it turned out, had a really bad memory. He was not in Turner’s entourage. All Turner could do is look remorseful, as the incredulous Kennedy asked him why: “every single document that the staff reviews has Mr. Gottlieb’s name on it, and you come to tell us that we don’t have to worry any more, we have these other final facts, and Mr. Gottlieb has not been talked to?” (8)

Gottlieb never would talk; guys like Gottlieb never do…

Dr. Sidney Gottlieb – whose real name was Joseph Scheider – was a club-footed Jew from the Bronx. His degree in chemistry was from the California Institute of Technology, better known as Caltech; the progenitor of Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL). Caltech continues to manage and operate JPL to this very day, much in the same way that JPL manages and operates NASA.

Gottlieb would have been attending Caltech right about the time Jack Parsons was putting JPL together with Theodore von Kármán, the Jewish aerodynamics genius, who fled Germany in the early thirties to assume the Directorship of Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at Caltech. Kármán was a direct descendant of the Maharal of Prague; Judah Loew ben Bezalel, a legendary master Qabalist from the sixteenth century.

Like Delgado, Gottlieb had been born to play his part. When he showed up at their door in 1951 at age thirty-three seeking gainful employment as a poison expert, the CIA must have thought he had been sent by central casting. Pale, gaunt and expressionless, Gottlieb could have taught Peter Lorre a thing or two about creepy. If he had been born a decade or two earlier he would have been sitting in Rosie Gold’s candy store at the corner of Saratoga and Livonia Ave in Brooklyn, playing cards while fingering the ice pick in his pocket, waiting for an assignment from Murder Incorporated.

According to Wikipedia, Gottlieb was known in the TSS as the “Black Sorcerer” and the “Dirty Trickster.” Others say he was known affectionately as ‘The Gimp,’ by friends he didn’t kill. When he retired, he became very elusive and for a while ran a leper colony in India with his wife. He died in 1999, spending the final years of his life caring for terminal patients at a hospice.

Earlier, during the Rockefeller Commission and Church Committee, what the CIA could not blame on Gottlieb, they had blamed on Dr. Ewen Cameron. Cameron was a fanatical anglophile and Scotchman. He was in attendance at the Nuremberg Trails and had a pathological hatred of Germans, which he justified through his pseudoscientific theories. In his 1948 book Life is For Living, Cameron advocated preventing Germans from having children, or rising to any kind of position of authority because they were genetically and culturally predisposed to war.

Ironically enough, considering the charges that have been leveled against National Socialism, Cameron’s ideas were based on Eugenics. Cameron envisioned an Anglo-empire free of Germans and strictly regulated by Behavioral science. His “Psychic Driving” techniques, in order to produce personality splits, redefine torture as a fine art. He is described as an enthusiastic sadist and general practitioner of every imaginable manner of medical malevolence by anyone who had ever watched him ‘work,’ let alone came under the misfortune of being in his ‘care.’

Cameron was actually quite insane himself and considering Operation Paper Clip must have been a big hit in CIA social circles. When he died abruptly in 1967, climbing a mountain, making him an ideal fall guy, an autopsy probably should have been done.

Much of what was obtained through the FOIA had been blackened out, and Turner refused to name at least twenty-one of the institutions and many of the names of the individual researchers involved in MKUltra. 

He cited Exemption 3 of the FOIA – which stipulates that the agency does not have to disclose “matters that are . . . specifically exempted from disclosure by statute . . . provided that such statute . . . refers to particular types of matters to be withheld.” The CIA contended that the information requested fell under Exemption 3, 102(d) (3) of the National Security Act of 1947, which states that “the Director of Central Intelligence shall be responsible for protecting intelligence sources and methods from unauthorized disclosure.” (9)

The legal wrangling continued well into 1985, when the Supreme Court would finally make a decision in the CIA v. SIMS No. 83-1075. The court said “We hold that the Director of Central Intelligence properly invoked 102(d) (3) of the National Security Act of 1947 to withhold disclosure of the identities of the individual MKULTRA researchers as protected ‘intelligence sources.’

We also hold that the FOIA does not require the Director to disclose the institutional affiliations of the exempt researchers in light of the record which supports the Agency’s determination that such disclosure would lead to an unacceptable risk of disclosing the sources’ identities.” (10)

Factoring in the Supreme Court decision it can safely be concluded that the CIA’s internal memoranda on MKUltra have remained undisclosed to this day, except for the ones they want disclosed. 

In an internal memorandum to the Director, released with the FOIA documents in seventy-seven, the CIA evaluates the documentation itself as harmless. David S. Brandwein, the then Director of the TSS, crows to his Director that there was nothing in the “newly located files that would indicate the MKULTRA activities were more extensive or more controversial than indicated by the Senate Select (Church) Committee Report. If anything, the reverse is true.” (11) A smug Brandwein then goes on in the memo to urge his Director to “Release appropriately sanitized material”, first to the Senate then to the lawyers. (12)

Alfred W. McCoy — acknowledged by Wikipedia and practically everyone else as the world’s leading authority on “underworld crime syndicates and international political surveillance” — is adamant that the CIA deliberately misdirected the attention of the MKUltra investigations to its most “ridiculous” programs. In McCoy’s opinion, this was done in order distract unwanted scrutiny of the project’s primary focus, which he feels were torture techniques. (13) 

Regardless of its true intentions, what does appear to have been spoon-fed by the CIA to those inquiring about MKUltra is the impression of intelligence operatives behaving like frat boys on Easter Vacation. The premise is that professional spies, the best in the world, many with decades of service in war zones, were indiscriminately dosing each other and everyone else in their vicinity with their brand new toy from Sandoz Laboratory’s; LSD. Just a classic case of Spooks Gone Wild and boys will be boys…

Initially everybody in the TSS was required to take LSD. Two agents would administer the drug to themselves, then they would sit in a closed room and each would take notes on how the drug affected the other. This quickly progressed to agent’s surreptitiously dosing each other’s morning coffee.

Fort Detrick

One agent is known to have run down DC Streets screaming in terror as he fled the monsters he saw in every car. But by far the most notorious case was the strange death of Dr. Frank Olson. (14) In the early morning hours of November 28, 1953 Olson, a bacteriologist and biological warfare specialist out of Camp Detrick [Fort Detrick] and deployed into the MKUltra project by way of the TSS, plunged from the thirteenth floor of the Hotel Statler splattering on the pavement below like a bug on a car windshield. The macabre spectacle, perhaps a statement, played out right in front of Madison Square Garden in midtown Manhattan. He was under the supervision of his TSS Deputy Director Robert Lashbrook, who was the only one in the room when local authorities arrived. He had been sharing the room with Olson.

Frank Rudolph Olson

Lashbrook claimed to have been sleeping when Olson took the plunge. When the hotel manager, who got up to the room first, told Lashbrook his friend was now a stain on the pavement outside, Lashbrook went to the telephone, rang a number and said “Olson’s gone.” He then hung up went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet with his head in his hands.

Olson, as the story would eventually turn out, had been slipped some LSD by then TSS Director Gottlieb at a meeting in a Maryland farmhouse nine days earlier. Olson suffered a nervous breakdown. Absurdly enough Lashbrook then took him to New York City to get treatment from Dr. Harold Abramson, an allergist and pediatrician, who worked for the CIA…

Not at all surprisingly the death was ruled a suicide. When the incident was brought to public attention by the Rockefeller Commission in seventy-five, perhaps as a compensatory exercise, Olson’s family was invited to the White House for a personal apology from President Ford and given 750,000 dollars, (15) the maximum amount allowable under United States law.

In 1988 the CIA would pay Cameron’s Canadian victims the same sum. That money was released over the objections of Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney’s rabidly conservative government which seemingly had every intention of dragging it out in the Canadian courts until the litigants died of old age. CIA director William Webster is quoted as saying “Sometimes you see the right thing to do, and you do it.” (16)

The cash wasn’t good enough for Olson’s son who in the mid-nineties, after his mother died, had his father’s body exhumed and autopsied. The autopsy was performed by Dr. James Starrs, Professor of Law and Forensic Science at The National Law Centre, George Washington University. Contrary to the original medical report, Starrs found no cuts and abrasions on the body as would have been caused by diving through a window. (17) What Starrs did find was a hematoma on the left side of Olson’s skull which he speculated was caused by a hammer, the same hammer that would have been used to break the window in preparation for Olson’s early morning flying lesson. He concluded that the forensics were “rankly and starkly suggestive of homicide.” (18)

50ies newspaper headline

Olson got his Ph.D. in Bacteriology in 1938 by way of the University of Wisconsin (UW). Afterwards he served as a captain in the Army Chemical Corps. Those who now serve in the Chemical Corps are called Dragon Soldiers, after its blue and gold regimental insignia approved in 1986 to replace the old one of a cobalt blue enamel benzene ring superimposed over two crossed gold retorts. The old one had been in service since WWI. The new regimental insignia is emblazoned with the Latin motto Elementis Regamus Proelium: “Let us rule the battle by means of the elements.” The bottom left hand corner of the insignia depicts a gnarled tree stump such as those found in the no man’s lands of WW I battlefields. The top right hand corner depicts the rampant chlorine breathing Green Dragon of Alchemists from which the dragon soldiers take their name. (19)

By 1943, Olson was a civilian. It was as a civilian that he was recruited by Ira Baldwin to work in the Army Biological Warfare Laboratories at Camp Detrick. Baldwin had been Olson’s departmental advisor at UW and was working closely with the military and George W. Merck to establish a top secret biological weapons program for America.

Merck, an alumnus of Harvard, was the son and heir of Friedrike Merck who emigrated from Germany in 1891 to establish E. Merck and Company on 62 Wall Street. Before WWI, E. Merck and Company was a subsidiary of the German chemical colossus Merck KGaA. After ten years Olson was the Army Biological Warfare Laboratories senior bacteriologist. Sometime during all this he became an employee of the CIA in the TSS. (20)

The official story of Olson’s death was vague, to say the least. The CIA even gave him a closed casket funeral ostensibly because his head was so badly lacerated. Lashbrook, though in attendance at the funeral, never even bothered to tell Olson’s family that he was actually in the room on the night Olson exited through the window. (21)

From 1950 to fifty-three, Olson had been commuting regularly to England, collaborating with British microbiologists at Porton Down. Near Salisbury in Wiltshire, Porton Down is England’s real-life answer to fictions Frankenstein’s Castle. (22) There the empire’s homegrown mad scientists played with their newest toys acquired as dividends from the Third Reich in the aftermath of WWII. Among this treasure of horrors was tabun, sarin and soman; at the time the most lethal nerve agents known to man.

During his time with them, Olson witnessed the British carry on what the CIA not so euphemistically dubbed “terminal experiments.”

In at least one known case the British murdered one of their own soldiers, an unwitting volunteer who thought he was participating in research to cure the common cold. According to witnesses, he died horribly frothing at the mouth and contorting in agony like a slug doused with salt. They were attempting to ascertain just how much of the German nerve agents it would take to kill a man… (23)

Olson reported the disturbing impressions left on him by what he had seen at Porton Down to Harley Street psychiatrist; Dr. William Sargant, the finest psychiatrist in all England. Of course, Sargant was also under the auspices of British Intelligence. Sargant, in his capacity as an operative for MI 6, dutifully assessed Olson as a security risk right then and there. (24)

Sometime in the summer of fifty-three Olson took one of his frequent trips to Germany. What he saw there changed him, spooked him real bad… The people who knew him said he was a changed man when he got back to England. He could no longer go on in the capacity of senior bacteriologist in the MKUltra Program. He went back to Sargant and told him he wanted out of the CIA. Sargant, ever the loyal soldier of empire, immediately reported Olson to his MI 6 handler. (25)

It’s a foregone conclusion that Olson was a dead man walking after that.

Olson, obviously not a diplomat, had been issued a diplomatic passport back in April of 1950. This enabled him to carry pouches that were not subject to customs searches. It has recently been insinuated by Annie Jacobsen in her book, Operation Paperclipthat Olson had been taking full advantage “flying to Frankfurt and making the short drive out to Camp King.” There, according to documents obtained through the FOIA and interviews with Olson’s former partner Norman Cournoyer, Olson as an agent of empire used “unconventional interrogation techniques on Soviet prisoners.” (26)

It has always been assumed, because the CIA has always insinuated, that Olson was using mind altering drugs in terminal experiments on Soviet spies captured by the Gehlen Organization the forerunner and progenitor of Germany’s federal intelligence agency Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND). But Olson would have been acting under the instructions of the former Deputy Surgeon General of the Third Reich; the notorious Dr. Kurt Blome. (27) Blome’s war time field of expertise was well known to be bacteriology.

Over and over again in what has become the academically orthodox lore of MKUltra there is the repetitive theme of “Acid Dreams.” (28)  It’s well documented that LSD was used at Camp King but there were other far more nefarious and terrible things taking place there and being transplanted back into the empire by the personnel of Porton Down, Camp Detrick and Edgewood…

Olson was a bacteriologist, the senior one in the program. If anybody was dosing personnel with LSD at that high a level for the CIA at that time it would have been Puharich, their premier expert on those matters. By early 1953, Puharich had been “redrafted,” after presenting a paper to the Pentagon about clairvoyance on behalf of Essentia Research Associates. He was serving at the rank of Captain out of the Army Chemical Center in Edgewood in Maryland.

Edgewood Arsenal, part of Aberdeen Proving Ground, is one of the most secret military bases in America and has been for a very long time. The high and foreboding fence stretching around its approximately thirteen thousand acres attests to that right from the first impression. It is the playground of the Army Chemical Corps. Located in a secluded area on the Chesapeake Bay it is twenty miles out of Baltimore and just about seventy from Camp Detrick.

All through the late forties and the fifties Edgewood, through Operation Paperclip, was the destination for an eclectic assortment of the Reich’s most malevolent mad scientists.

Paperclip alumni

Much of the human experimentation for MKUltra was taking place there under the orchestration of Dr. Ray Treichler, assistant director of Edgewood’s Medical Laboratories and an employee of the TSS. Dr. Harold Abramson the allergist who is on record as being Olson’s “therapist” in NYC and as it would turn out flight instructor, was working out of Edgewood. (29)

Ira Einhorn – now convicted of Holly Maddux’s murder and doing life – insists Puharich, his onetime mentor and benefactor, was Gottlieb or the Gimps go-to guy on hallucinogenics. Einhorn now claims Puharich was involved up to his neck in Olson’s terminal pre dawn flying session. (30)

Dr. Kurt Blome

Not even the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) charged during Paperclip and Project 63 with bringing National Socialist scientists to America at all costs could get Dr Kurt Blome in. Hollywood could not have invented a better evil Nazi genius. Blome actually bragged to Alsos Agents how he had intended to let the Soviets have it with the Bubonic Plague under a 1943 directive from Heinrich Himmler that planned to ignore Adolph Hitler’s moratorium on biological and chemical weapons in the Third Reich. The Soviets overrunning Blome’s lab before he could get it going was the only thing that stopped him.

It was a matter of public record and still is that Blome directed all manner of atrocities against the Poles while experimenting with biological warfare behind Hitler’s back on the eastern front. Blome’s method of treating Poles incapacitated by tuberculosis was to kill them. At times, he had even used the Plague to ‘euthanize’ those that were too sick to work in the camps.

Yet Blome was acquitted of all charges at his 1947 Nuremberg trial, and two months later, four representatives from Camp Detrick and the CIA’s biological warfare program showed up in Germany to interview him. What he told them about biological warfare no doubt made them swoon, but because of the statements he had made to Alsos he was “inadmissible for immigration” to America. Instead after all legal wrangling failed; Blome was put to work in 1951 for the Army Chemical Corps as the lead doctor at Camp King. (31)

To this very day the CIA routinely gives the Glomar Response to FOIA requests for documentation about what Blome told the agents from Camp Detrick and exactly what he was overseeing for the Army Chemical Corps at Camp King. (32)

After lengthy legal battles in 1976, the U.S. District Court of Appeals upheld the CIA’s right to answer journalist Harriet Phillippi’s FOIA request for information about the research ship Glomar Explorer by simply saying that “it can neither confirm nor deny the existence of the requested documents.” The CIA now makes standard use of this sentence to legally brush off FOIA requests to which it doesn’t want to comply, without invoking Exemption 3, 102(d) (3) of the National Security Act.

It’s known from an April 18, 1944 entry in the diaries of the executed Wolfram Sievers; Reichsgeschäftsführer or managing director of Ahnenerbe that Blome was carrying out experiments in neutron radiation. An April 26, 1944 entry shows Blome was also contemplating human experimentation with bacterial pathogens although it doesn’t say what pathogens nor does it give any details as to exactly what Blome was doing with the neutron radiation. (33)

But it is known that during his interview with the agents from Camp Detrick, Blome recommended the use of Serratia marcescens; an Enterobacteriaceae as is Yersinia pestis the bacterial pathogen that causes the Bubonic Plague and a perennial favorite of Blome. (34)

In September of 1950, a navy minesweeper drifted silently a couple of miles off the coast of San Francisco for six days. It sprayed clouds of Serratia marcescens into the city’s fabled fog, both mingled together and rolled inland to saturate its unsuspecting residents.

Dubbed Operation Sea Spray by the Navy and labeled a ‘vulnerability test’, this first recorded excursion into madness by America’s armed forces is little known until this day. A week later, eleven patients were being treated in Stanford University Hospital for severe urinary tract infections resistant to all known antibiotics. One would die when the S marcescens colonized his heart. (35)

The Navy, quite pleased with itself, would reckon it had infected not only all of San Francisco but Albany, Berkeley, Daly City, Colma, Oakland, San Leandro, and Sausalito too. It estimated that some eight hundred thousand residents, many of them the most important people in the West’s burgeoning defense industry, each inhaled millions of the insidious bacteria throughout the testing period. (36)

A 1951 report reads: “It was noted that a successful BW [biological warfare] attack on this area can be launched from the sea, and that effective dosages can be produced over relatively large areas.” (37) In a recently declassified 1952 navy training film, the Navy is shown enthusiastically attacking the coast of San Francisco with what it laments to be “a rather crude spraying system.” (38)

Later in the same film, the navy uses “fluorescent tracer particles” to attack the southeast coast of the United States by sea; covering what it estimated to be some twenty-thousand square miles of inland Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina by taking advantage of favorable wind conditions off the coast. (39)

Fluorescent tracer particles were a euphemism, at the time being used by America and England, for zinc cadmium sulphide. Cadmium had been classified by both the British and Americans as a chemical weapon since WWII.

They were just getting started. In 1962 the Kennedy Administration, acting on a directive issued in January of sixty-one by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, authorized America’s Department of Defense (DoD) to launch Project 112; a comprehensive and highly classified ‘testing’ program that over fifty years later Americans still know nothing about.

Project 112, along with its spinoff Project SHAD (Shipboard Hazard and Defense), officially authorized the ghouls at Camp Detrick and their dragon soldier counterparts to attack their own comrades in arms and the very citizens they were supposed to be protecting with chemical and bacteriological weapons; euphemistically called simulates.

The project was run in conjunction with similar ones being carried out throughout the length and breadth of the empire from Canada to Australia, and from America to Great Britain. Unbeknownst to the enlisted sailors aboard them, at least thirteen American warships were exposed by simulated attack to both chemical and biological weapons under Project Shad alone.

The DoD never publicly considered let alone acknowledged the long-term consequences to the health of the sailors onboard those ships. In fact, the existence of Project 112 and Project SHAD were categorically denied by the military until May 2000, when a CBS Evening News investigative report exposed them.

The ‘tests’ were global, with much of Project SHAD taking place in the South Pacific, but they were coordinated and orchestrated by the Army Chemical Corps operating out of the Deseret Test Center at Fort Douglas, Utah. Administrative support came from the Dugway Proving Ground, about 80 miles away, bypassing the usual Defense Department channels and reporting directly to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and US Cabinet consisting of the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State and to a far lesser extent the Secretary of Agriculture. Deseret Test Center was in operation from 1962-1973.

‘Simulation experiments’ on American citizens would continue officially till 1966. In all likelihood, the carnage continued till 1969, when President Nixon theoretically put an end to it with a presidential order, which “unequivocally” halted germ warfare research and the stockpile of biological agents.

Until 1966, America’s armed forces are known to have biologically and chemically attacked its own citizens at least 239 times in eight American cities, among them New York City the world’s financial center… (40)

Not to be outdone by the antics of the colonies, Great Britain’s Ministry of Defense (MoD) unleashed the madmen of Porton Down right into their own living room.

One sixty-page report alone issued at the turn of the twenty-first century lists a hundred such attacks – always euphemistically called experiments – by the MoD on British citizens. In the Fluorescent Particle Trials from 1955 to 1963 residents of Cornwall were bombed by air and Somerset sprayed by truck, like mosquitoes, with zinc cadmium sulphide, a known cause of lung cancer. (41)

At the same time the British were carrying on the Fluorescent Particle Trials, America was performing the Large Area Coverage ‘experiments’ known as Operation LAC and carried out from the end of 1957 into 1958. This time, the Army Chemical Corps used a C119, or flying boxcar borrowed from the air force to make repetitive runs over America’s heartland, saturating most of the US and a good part of Canada with zinc cadmium sulphide. (42)

From 1961 to 1968 during England’s Large Area Coverage Trials, more than a million people along the south coast of England, from Torquay to New Forest, were attacked by sea with e.coli and bacillus globigii, said to be mimics of anthrax. In a joint effort with their American counterparts’ British scientists sprayed the hapless residents of South Dorset from 1971-1975 with “massive quantities of serratia marcescens.” (43)

There is every reason to believe Blome’s little pet was also the bacterium of choice in The Sabotage Trials, which took place from fifty-two to sixty-four. On the flimsiest of excuses, again to check target vulnerability, government buildings and the London subway system including the one under Whitehall were targeted and attacked with bacterial ‘markers’ by the lunatics from Porton Down. (44)

The few in the West that are aware of America and England’s environmental modifications in the thirty years following WW II and are not clinically insane are being told Serratia marcescens produces a bright reddish orange tripyrrole pigment called Prodigiosin, which makes it easy to track when used as a marker in bacteriological warfare tests. Most of the literature available to the public tells them that prior to the fifties, S marcescens was considered a harmless nonpathogenic “saprophyte.” (45)

This is nonsense, as by 1896 it was already known in Germany that the “organism contributed to more deaths than many pathogenic bacteria.” (46)

Blome very well may have been using Serratia marcescens as a marker on enemy troop formations and experiments with captured Soviets and Poles, but he would never have recommended it to be used as such by his new benefactors within their own borders on their own citizens.

Serratia marcescens is a Gram-negative bacterium. That means, simply, the mesh like layer called Peptidoglycan, encasing the cell’s plasma membrane, will not retain the crystal violet stain used in the Gram staining test after being washed with alcohol. Gram-positive bacteria has a much thicker Peptidoglycan layer which constitutes around 90% of its dry weight as opposed to only about 10% in Gram-negative bacteria.

Gram-positive bacteria is more sensitive to ionizing radiations than Gram-negative bacteria, (47) making it far less likely to survive Radiation Mutagenesis; a process by which the genetic information of the bacteria is changed through exposure to ionizing radiations. (48)

In the case of neutron radiation, a form of indirect ionizing radiation which Blome was no doubt treating his pets with, it causes radiation enhanced diffusion. Over time in inorganic substances such as zirconia, urania, spinels, pyrochlores, and silicon carbide; ceramics used in the construction of particle accelerators and reactors, enhanced diffusion leads to what is called ‘Microstructural Evolution.’ (49)

What is above board about Microstructural Evolution, which is really very little, is that the Office of Naval Research (ONR) is handing out the choicest of government grants to the most gifted of atomic scientists who chose to work in that field.

Called 3-D printing or additive manufacturing by the ONR it is the technology depicted by Puharich disciple Gene Roddenberry in his landmark television series Star Trek. Instead of building, say a propeller as the ONR does in its explanation, by subtracting material, as is done in machining; material is layered on by fusing it together at the atomic level. (50)

In Star Trek, when Scotty needs a new part for his warp drive, he simply punches a bar code into the ship’s computer and the part is waiting for him a few hours later, built from atoms by the computer. According to Roddenberry this technology is at least 250 years in the future but the ONR is far more optimistic. Besides anticipating near future “dividends both in the marketplace and as cultural modification” they are predicting that “the next 30 years will see a dramatic increase in our ability to create parts on demand.” (51)

Beam me up, Scotty

Roddenberry – who aside from his relationship with the ever-dubious Puharich – was also taking advice on his scripts from the perhaps even more dubious, if that’s possible, Rand Corporation… (52)

This did not begin in the bowels of the now forever sealed underground citadels of National Socialism, although no doubt that is where its metathesis took place. It all began at the University of Wisconsin almost a decade before WW II, ostensibly before another world war was even a gleam in anyone’s eyes.  The original bacterial strains were brought from UW to Camp Detrick by Baldwin. In all likelihood UW is also responsible for transporting its little prize across the ocean to Porton Downs. (53)

The army has destroyed all records of what it was doing at Camp Detrick from 1942–1955 and anybody who could say is conveniently dead. But a note found in the archive of Baldwin’s papers, dated February 19, 1943, contained an order from a Dr. Fildes for a batch of B. subtilis spores. Sir Paul Fildes was the lead bacteriologist in the British Biological Weapons program.

The empires original bacteria of choice was apparently B. subtilis var. niger, what they were calling “red strain.” (54) This is just a misnomer in the taxonomic classification, perhaps deliberate. The name of the bacteria is most appropriately B. atrophaeus var. globigii, the closest known relative of Bacillus subtilis. (55)

B subtilis is also called grass bacillus because it is commonly found in the gastrointestinal tract of ruminants like cattle; an animal that in America for the last fifty years has been turning up with alarming frequency dead and surgically mutilated. Nobody has ever been caught doing it and the animals usually have their blood, various internal organs and their anuses removed…

B subtilis is referred to by Wikipedia as “one of the bacterial champions in secreted enzyme production.” Outside a barrage of extremely complicated microbiology tests and the fact that it will not readily swap DNA with it, the ‘military strain’ can only be distinguished from B. subtilis by its black color, reminiscent of the sentient “oil” in the X Files…

In lieu of the facts information available to the public would have them believe that the empire was searching for a suitable bacterium to be used as a marker for Bacillus anthracis so they could run field experiments. Nothing could be more absurd.

B anthracis is a pop gun. It was used by the Japanese against the Chinese in Manchuria during the Thirties and early Forties with little to no effect. It is deadly to animals, not humans. Just like Blome, whom they were exchanging information with, the Japanese found the plague to be far more effective. (56)

By 1944, B anthracis could already be treated with Penicillin. (57) In fact Fildes had done live testing with it on the island of Gruinard, located off the northwest coast of Scotland, in forty-two and forty-three. He had five million cattle cakes laced with B anthracis and ready to be dropped on Germany. It was estimated the cakes would kill 30% of Germany’s cattle. (58)

But Fildes never did get to drop his anthrax cattle cakes on the Germans. No doubt allied high command knew very well that Blome would have gleefully responded, this time with Hitler’s blessing, by using the plague to kill more than 30% of Great Britain’s people…

The forensic evidence used by bacteriologists to pinpoint the taxonomy of the Camp Detrick strain indicates the bacteria was mutated over and over again at Camp Detrick, Porton Down, Edgewood and the Dugway Proving Grounds. (59)

The best bacteriologists America and Britain had to offer were working night and day on this. After the war the CIA would end up tossing its own senior bacteriologist, Frank Olsen, out a window right in front of Madison Square Garden to maintain secrecy. During the war, the empire was in the middle of a life and death struggle with National Socialism. Its Biological Weapons Program was just as important as the Manhattan Project, if not more so. They were looking for a weapon that would win.

It’s a documented fact that the empires bacteriologists were cultivating strains that exhibited elevated rates of sporulation. (60) When certain types of bacteria, almost exclusively Gram positive, are unable to tolerate their environment and they have exhausted every option to adapt they produce endospores.

Sporulation – Nature Reviews

The bacterium divides within its cell wall. One side then absorbs the other. What is left is an almost indestructible multilayered vessel containing the genetic material, cytoplasm, necessary enzymes and whatever else it needs to sustain activity that is now ten million times slower than the metabolic rate of a growing bacterium. When the mother cell dies, the cell wall degrades and the endospore is freed. This is called sporulation. When conditions become more hospitable the endospore, not completely dormant, senses the change and reverses the process transforming itself back into a vegetative cell. (61)

No one knows how long bacteria can survive as endospores. Claims have been made for the revival of endospores that are forty million years old. (62) B. subtilis is the undisputed world champion of sporulation…

Bacteriologists have always considered gram negative bacteria incapable of sporulation because it lacked the hard outer shell necessary to produce endospores. But recently wastewater from a sewage treatment tank in Saku, Japan was analyzed and found to contain an endospore-forming bacterium that produced S marcescens signature red pigment Prodigiosin. (63)

The bacterium was also able to hydrolyze cooked meat; in other words decompose it and split it into other compounds by reacting with water. These are tell-tale indications that it is S marcescens, but endospores have never been found before in any Serratia. They are characteristic of Bacillus which is always present in abundance in sewage treatment tanks, (64) particularly B subtilis, which is used to normalize the pH of wastewater.

Using S. marcescens and B. subtilis as controls comparison tests were run and the mysterious bacterium was found to be a new subspecies of S. marcescens; dubbed KREDT. This is the first recorded instance of an Enterobacteriaceae, the large family of extremely dangerous pathogens to which both S. marcescens and Yersinia pestis belong, ever producing endospores. It is believed that due to the presence of high concentrations of magnesium and silicate in the treatment water the S. marcescens was able to swap genes with the Bacillus (65)

B subtilis may well be one of the bacterial champions in secreted enzyme production, but as Blome well knew, it’s not even playing in the same league as S. marcescens.

S. marcescens is the pinkish oily film that appears in bathrooms that aren’t disinfected regularly. Wherever there is moisture, suitable temperatures and a lack of fresh air, no matter how extreme other environmental conditions, S. marcescens will not only survive, it will grow. It has been found flourishing in disinfectant, antiseptics, double distilled water and human blood. (66)

When growing in temperatures above 98o Fahrenheit, S. marcescens is pale white. When its nutrient requirements are met, the intensity of the red pigmented prodigiosin in individual cells is regulated by population density, making the prodigiosin itself what microbiologists call an autoinducer.

In bacteria autoinducers regulate the way genes are expressed. It is believed that Bacteria use autoinducers the same way insects use pheromones. Both constitute a language expressed through chemical manipulation at a molecular level by which the communal intelligence of a hive or colony is coordinated. Science refers to this as Quorum Sensing.

Dozens of scholarly papers have been written on S. marcescens use of prodigiosin as a means of quorum sensing. Dozens more have been written about the uses of quorum sensing in robotics. All the way back in 2006 a hundred and four page presentation was delivered at the Bio Micro and Nanosystems Conference in San Francisco titled “Swarm intelligence for cooperation of bio-nano robots using quorum sensing.” (67)

Pathogens have been known to hijack their host’s body through the molecular manipulation of chemicals. In a most extreme case the fungus Ophiocordyceps unilateralis sometimes referred to as the Zombie fungus turns its host, an ant, into a zombie that lives only to serve the life cycle of its parasite. The ant leaves its life with its colony in the tree to live in the dank dark places of the rainforest floor as if it were a fungus. Finally it crawls up and out on a branch, clasps its mandibles to a leaf and dies as the fungus bursts through its head and spores.

In the case of the parasitic worms Spinochordodes tellinii and Paragordius tricuspidatus, they force their cricket or grasshopper host to leap into a body of water and drown. The worm then emerges from the insects floating corpse to swim away and find a mate. Studies of P. tricuspidatus have shown that it produces effector molecules that manipulate the cricket’s central nervous system. S. tellinii reproduces proteins used in the insects signaling pathways. These chemical signals by which the parasite hijacks the body of its host are called mimetic molecules. (68)

Scientific studies have shown mosquitoes carrying Plasmodium falciparum, the parasitic protozoa that causes malaria, not only exhibit heightened predatory senses, but are three times as likely to be attracted to human odors. (69)

Toxoplasma gondii is the parasitic protozoon that causes toxoplasmosis; a disease found all over the world. Estimates suggest that over 30% of the world’s human population is infected. T gondii has been shown to alter behavior in infected rodents, its intermediate host which it uses as a vector, in order to increase the rodents’ chances of being eaten by a cat, its target host and the only animal in which it can sexually reproduce. Infected rodents lose all fear of cats, their greatest natural predator.

In humans, infection by T gondii is held in check by the immune system and Toxoplasmosis is usually asymptomatic. But studies have shown a strong correlation between schizophrenia and the disease. Some studies have shown that women with toxoplasmosis are more likely to cheat on their husbands, men more likely to be aggressive, with slower reaction times for both sexes. (70)

Bacteria may be even more subtle in the manipulation of its host. Subtilis in Latin means to be finely spun, to be exact; to be minutely thorough, strict and precise. Bacteriologists now suspect that the microbiota in people’s stomachs may actually dictate behavior patterns in their human hosts that will more likely result in the bacteria getting their required nutrients. (71)

Analysis of Paint it Blue I

The Blood of Christ – Hemorrhagic Fever, Expendable Humans and Bacteria Gone BeZerk, Paint It Blue… by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

MK Ultra – Cybernetic Mutation, Remote Controlled Slaves, Dragon Soldiers and a Zombie Empire; Paint it Blue by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (


1 – Coppens, Phillip. “Chapter 1. A Man for All Psychics.” The stargate conundrum The US Government’s secret pursuit of the psychic drug.
2 – Ibid.
3 – Ibid.
4 – “Interim Report of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments” Appendix, pp. E-1.1 to 1.6, page 240 (as per PDF).
6 – Ibid.
7 – Ibid, page 23.
8 – Ibid, page 65.
9 – US Supreme Court. CIA v. SIMS. FindLaw, April 16, 1985, Web.
10 – Ibid.
11 – “Senate MKUltra Hearing: APPENDIX B, Documents Referring To Discovery Of Additional MKULTRA Material, page 147 (as per PDF), paragraph 3.
12 – Ibid, page 148, paragraph 7.
13– McCoy, Alfred (2006). A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation from the Cold War to the War on Terror. New York: Metropolitan Books. pp. 8, 22, 30.
14 – Lee, M. A., Shlain, B. (1985). Acid Dreams, the Complete Social History of LSD: the CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond. Grove Press.
15 – Dowling, Kevin. Knightley, Phillip. “A secret that could destroy the CIA.” The London Mail. . (Aug 23, 1998.):. Web.
16 – McCOY, ALFRED W. “SCIENCE IN DACHAU’S SHADOW: HEBB, BEECHER, AND THE DEVELOPMENT.” CIA and Canada page 409. Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences. Vol. 43(4), 401–417, page 409. : Wiley Periodicals, Inc., 2007. Web.
17 – Albarelli, H. P. . “A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War….” District Attorney Robert Morgenthau Investigation. (2009): Chapter 3. Web.
18 – Ibid.
19 – Mauroni, Albert J. Where are the WMDs?: The Reality of Chem-bio Threats on the Home Front and the Battlefront. Illustrated, Annotated. . : Naval Institute Press. , page 4. Print.
20 – Ignatieff, Michael (April 1, 2001). “What did the C.I.A. do to Eric Olson’s father?”. The New York Times Magazine.
21 – “CIA Secret Experiments: National Geographic Documentary: 6:00-7:17.” Youtube. Web. 10/2/2015.
22 – Ibid: 9:30-10:00
23 – Ibid: 10:00-13:23
24 – Ibid: 13:23-14:27
25 – Ibid: 21:50-22:44
26 – Jacobson, Annie. “What Cold War CIA Interrogators Learned from the Nazis.” The Daily Beast. (2/11/14): . Web.
27 – Ibid
28 – Lee, M. A., Shlain, B. (1985). Acid Dreams, the Complete Social History of LSD: the CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond. Grove Press.
29 – Hunt, Linda. “SECRET AGENDA.” The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1944-1990. . (Pub Date: May 29th, 1991): pages 96-97. Web.
30 – Coppens, Phillip. “Chapter 1. A Man for All Psychics.” The stargate conundrum The US Government’s secret pursuit of the psychic drug.
31 – Hunt, Linda. “SECRET AGENDA.” The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1944-1990. . (Pub Date: May 29th, 1991): page 105. Web.
32 – Kaye, Jeffrey . “FOIA request regarding Kurt Blome files.” . March 5, 2014. MuckRock , Web. 10/8/2015.
33 – Deichmann, Ute . “Biologists Under Hitler.” Harvard University Press. Notes: #60. (1996): Page 417.
34 – Emory, Dave. “FTR #480 Plum Island, Lyme Disease and the Erich Traub File.” Spitfire . 479 and 480 in sequence. ( October 3, 2004): Point 16. Web.
35 – Kreston, Rebecca . “Blood & Fog: The Military’s Germ Warfare Tests in San Francisco.” Discover. June 28, 2015: . Web.
36 – Ibid.
37 – Ibid.
38 – “Naval concepts of chemical and biological warfare. 2:32.” Sage of Quay Radio. Web. 10/20/2015.
39 – Ibid. 3:50.
40 – Kreston, Rebecca . “Blood & Fog: The Military’s Germ Warfare Tests in San Francisco.”
41 – Barnett, Antony. “Millions were in germ war tests.” The Guardian. Politics (Sunday 21 April 2002 05.23 EDT): Web.
42 – Cole, Leonard A.. “Operation LAC and Zinc Cadmium Sulphide.” The Eleventh Plague. 1997: Chapter 2 pages 19-28. Web.
43 – Barnett, Antony. “Millions were in germ war tests.”
44 – Ibid.
45 – J Anía, MD, Basilio. “Serratia.” Medscape. (Oct 21, 2014): Web.
46 – Hejazi, A. Falkiner, F. R.. “Serratia marcescens.” Vol. 46. (1997): page 1. Web.
47 – Prasad, S. K. “Biological War.” Google books. (2009): page 118. Web.
48 – “Radiation Mutagenesis.” World of Microbiology and Immunology. 2003. 22 Oct. 2015.
49 – “Radiation Effects in Nuclear Ceramics.” Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2012. Hidawi Publishing Corporation. , Web. 10/23/15.
50 – Schuette, Dr. Lawrence C. (office of naval research, acting director of research). “3-D Printing Offers Unlimited Potential for Navy.” Navy Live (The Official Blog Of The United States Navy). May 18, 2013. Web.
51 – Ibid.
52 – Hap, Abrams . “The Rand Corporation.” Opsec News. 3/14/2013: . Web.
53 – Gibbons, Henry. “Genomic Signatures of Strain Selection and Enhancement in Bacillus atrophaeus var. globigii, a Historical Biowarfare Simulant.” (25 Mar 2011): Results (Historical investigations of BG provenance). Web.
54– Ibid.
55 – Ibid, Bioinformatic analysis of sequence data.
56 – Bergman , Nicholas H. (editor). “CHALENGES TO THE NORM.” Bacillus anthracis and Anthrax. (2011): Web.
57 – CDC. “A History of Anthrax.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (September 1, 2015): . Web.
58 – Spencer, RC. “Bacillus anthracis.” National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine . J Clin Pathol. 2003 Mar; 56(3): –187. . (2003): Web.
59 – Gibbons, Henry. “Genomic Signatures of Strain Selection and Enhancement in Bacillus atrophaeus var. globigii, a Historical Biowarfare Simulant.”
60 – Ibid, Discussion.
61 – “Sporulation.” World of Microbiology and Immunology. 2003. 27 Oct. 2015.
62 – Cano, RJ; Borucki, MK (1995). “Revival and identification of bacterial spores in 25- to 40-million-year-old Dominican amber.” Science 268: 1060–1064.
63 – Ajithkumar, Bindu. Vasudevan , P. Ajithkumar. Iriye, Ryozo . Doi, Yukio . Sakai, Tadashi. “Spore-forming Serratia marcescens subspsakuensis subsp. nov., isolated from a domestic.wastewater treatment tank.” International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (2003), 53, 253–258. (2003): Web.
64 – Ibid.
65 – Ibid.
66 – Hejazi, A.. Falkiner, F. R.. “Serratia marcescens.” Vol. 46. (1997): page 2. Web.
67 – Chandrasekaran, S. “Swarm intelligence for cooperation of bio-nano robots using quorum sensing.” Bio Micro and Nanosystems Conference, 2006. BMN ‘06. (15-18 Jan. 2006 ): Web.
68 – Biron, D. G, and others. “Behavioural manipulation in a grasshopper harbouring hairworm: a proteomics approach.” The Royal Society. . (Published 22 October 2005): . Web.
69 – Senthilingam, Meera . “Malaria bug may give mosquitoes a super sense of smell.” New Scientist . . (15 May 2013): . Web.
70 – “Toxoplasma Gondii.” Parasites In Humans; Find The Nastiest Parasites In Humans. 2010. Web.
71 – Norris, Vic, and others. “Hypothesis: Bacteria Control Host Appetites.” Journal for bacteriology (American society for microbiology). (2013): Web.

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Human Sacrifice among the Catholic Clergy I (the Khazar-Nazi Antichrist III) by Jack Heart & Orage


I always thought I was crazy, but I wasn’t, till I found out I was sane.

“In the period right after high school we would have parties at Johns parent’s home. His mother and father would frequently be gone for a week at a time on cruises to Watch Hill in their boat. It was at these party’s that I became aware that evil is a conscious presence with its own agenda, a disembodied intelligence separate from the incarnate beings through which it manifests itself. 

To let it into you, to surrender to it with complete abandon, to let it take you where it will, is a primordial pleasure that nothing in this world has to offer. I remember floating through a drug induced haze and feeling a smug sensation of approval as people and events streamed passed me in a blasphemous parade. 

Someone was having violent sex with Johns golden haired little sister’s friend in the dingy on the back lawn. Her shrieking was drowned out by Frank Zappa singing:It Can’t Happen Here, through no less than a dozen oversized speakers. I didn’t understand exactly what it all meant back then but it all seemed so right. The song and the music were a disjointed and seemingly confused acid trip, synchronized with the hallucinogens’ I had ingested. Zappa kept repeating “I remember tutu” and incoherently describing the quintessential suburban family that has no worries in the world because “it can’t happen here.” 

Zappa shouts out to Kansas, Minnesota, and Washington DC, derisively assuring them that it can’t happen here, not in the suburbs; “But.” 

Jim was shirtless, flexing his huge muscles in the full length mirror propped up on the floor of the weight room that John had set up in the adjacent attic. He was bellowing like an animal with a weird light illuminating his Nazi blue eyes. 

Frank Zappa continued ranting mockingly from the stereo accompanied by John now singing along as he laughed hysterically. John was still laughing when he looked at me with an eerie red light illuminating his face as he sang along with Zappa. 

“Plastic folks, you know / It won’t happen here / You’re safe, mama (No no no) / You’re safe, baby / (No no no) / You just cook a tv dinner (No no no) / And you make it / Bop bop bop (No no no) / Oh, we’re gonna get a tv dinner and cook it up (No no no no no no no!) / Oh, get a tv dinner and cook it up / Cook it up / Oh, and it won’t happen here / Who could imagine / That they would freak out in the suburbs! (No no no no no no no no no no / Man you guys are really safe / Everything’s cool).” 

John was hysterical now gesturing next door as he mimed “They had a swimming pool.” (36)

Next door was the former residence of the Defeo family, dead for four years at the time. The place is now known to the world as the Amityville Horror House. I don’t remember if they had a swimming pool. But I do remember hanging out in the kitchen with John who was sweet on Allison Defeo. We were about twelve or thirteen. Mrs Defeo was cooking TV dinners for Allison and her little brothers. She had asked John and me if we wanted one.  We had all attended Catholic school together. All of us; John, myself, Allison and her older sister Dawn were like one big happy family under the venomous tutelage of the Dominican nuns.  A year or two later the whole town knew John was at the bottom of those murders. He had even been caught lying to the police, telling them he heard their dog barking at the time of their deaths. John had soured on the Defeos after his father and Defeo Sr. had almost got into it on the front lawn, with Defeo a supposed Mafia hit man, making threats to John’s father.  This party took place four years after the murders and John had just been attacked in town by a crazed hippy friend of Butch, the only surviving member of the Defeo family. The guy nearly bit his finger off, screaming that he was Satan incarnate, and he was the real Amityville Horror. A lot of people in town thought that. Butch whose brain was always addled by drugs made a very convenient fall guy for those who covered it up.  The strangest part of the whole thing, and I never realized it till I wrote the book in 2012 that the above excerpt is taken from, the Frank Zappa song John was playing was over ten years old at the time. It was from the mid-sixties, all that stuff, starting with the offer to partake in a TV dinner would not take place till the seventies…  

There were things when I was a child but I’d long since dismissed them. I was a hedonist by the time I was ten years old and didn’t believe in god, ghosts, the devil or the Easter bunny. That night at the party I knew I’d been wrong about the devil. But I still don’t know about the other three…  

This all goes back to Sumer, in the days before there were any Europeans. It’s important to remember that when someone tells a lie, if they are not an imbecile, they know they are lying. They know the truth. Culturally Europeans are rooted in Mesopotamia, not Rome and Greece and the ruins that were used to fabricate those civilizations.   As the pope’s “historians” tell us of his Greeks and Romans the Sumerians had no heaven for mortals. They believed in a shadowy netherworld for the departed, a dark and dreary place called Kur as in the earth, Irkallain in later Akkadian times. There was no judgment for the soul. In Kur, whether good or bad in life, all are dammed and the eternal reward of the dead is to eat only dirt and spend their days in envy of the living.  Kur is ruled over by the goddess Ereshkigal. In Akkadian times she was given the eponymous name Irkalla. One could receive dispensation from Kur only by her younger sister the great goddess Inanna. Gods don’t normally go to Kur unless they live there but Dumuzid, later Tammuz of the Semites and Adonis of Greek mythology, was the consort of Inanna and he is forever trapped there as her substitute.  Inanna in her pride had tried to extend her power over the dead and single handedly stormed Kur. But she was outwitted by her older sister and ended up trapped there naked and dead, hanging upside down from a hook until her lady in waiting, following her prior instructions should anything go wrong, manages to enlist the help of Enki and his knowledge of the waters of life to resurrect her. But she must provide a replacement; her lady in waiting is out of the question as is her favored warrior and hairdresser so she decides to give them Dumuzid.  

Of course, academics tried to make another seasonal metaphor out of this story too. They claimed for over a century that Dumuzid returned from the dead every spring but a recently found complete tablet of Inanna’s Descent shows Dumuzid stays dead. Many scholars believe Dumuzid is the prototype model for Jesus… 

Much like Xibalba, the Mayan place of the dead, Kur is the home of fearsome entities like Lamashtu the demonic blood drinking daughter of Anu. Anunnaki very simply means offspring of Anu, just like Elohim means offspring of El. It cannot be understood as anything but an indication of a god of the highest rank. Seven Anunnaki judge Inanna for her ill-advised assault on Kur. Cuneiform was not deciphered till the mid nineteenth century so all translations including Zecharia Sitchin’s are suspect.

The marauding Lamashtu fears no god and can only be ordered back to Kur by Pazuzu, the devil of The Exorcist movies and an even more maleficent entity than herself. Pazuzu, with his snake headed penis,is likely a later Assyrian incarnation of Nergal the Sumerian god of pestilence and war. 

In Sumerian eschatology, Nergal is the husband of Ereshkigal because he apparently is the only one who can satisfy her sexually. When the gods give a banquet for Ereshkigal, she sends an envoy in her place because she cannot leave Kur. Nergal disrespects the envoy and is summoned to Kur by Ereshkigal so she can kill him for the slight. Nergal accepts the challenge and brings with him a contingent of fourteen demons. When the two do meet he ends up violently dethroning her and more or less slapping her around.  He had been advised by Enki to take no offerings from her and not to have sex. But he finds the seduction irresistible and for six days neither comes up for air, thus sealing a marriage literally made in Hell.  Kur has an intelligence and powers all its own. Ereshkigal, originally ‘Lady of the Great Earth,’ has been abducted by Kur and forced to become its queen. When Enki sets out to avenge the abduction he is repelled by Kur itself. It is these powers that Inanna wanted for herself. That they are sexual in nature is spelled out in the ancient Sumerian hymn Inanna and Utu.

Inanna, who would become the goddess of sex, originally knew nothing about it. She begs her brother Utu to take her down to Kur where she may taste the fruits of the vegetation that grows there and gain knowledge of the deepest carnal secrets. He does and she becomes the goddess of sex. (37) Kur is also the home of the Gallûs, malevolent entities believed to be seven in number perhaps corresponding to the seven Anunnaki who judge Inanna. They are answerable to no gods and feared by all of them. They snatch the souls of the dead and deposit them in Kur.  It is the Gallûs that follow Inanna up from the underworld and demand she supply them with a substitute, which she does when she gives them Dumuzid whom they gleefully drag down to Kur to torture for all eternity. In Babylon the Gallûs were appeased by the sacrifice of a lamb at their altars.  But other maleficent forces abroad in Sumer couldn’t be so easily appeased, nor could they be commanded back to the netherworld by any god or demon king. Born of Kur but able to walk in the land of the living with impunity, they are the Udug-hul called utukku-lemnu in Babylon. “The ones poured out as progeny of Anu, they are children born of the netherworld. They belong to an evil nurse. They sucked the milk of an evil wet-nurse.”  (38) “There are few descriptions of the udug demon, and no pictorial references to it on either seal impressions or statuary.” There is an ancient Babylonian incantation that describes the udug as “the one who, from the very beginning, was not called a name…  The one who never appeared with a form…” (39) In ancient Sumer they believed all disease and afflictions were caused by malevolent entities. When calamity befell a Sumerian, particularly one of means, an Ašipu or white magician was called in. The Ašipu using what can only be described as empirical demonology would diagnose the situation and decide who, what and where it was coming from. Because he was only a man, he would then enlist the help of the god Asalluhi, later called Marduk by the Babylonians who worshiped him as their principle deity, in exorcising the offending entity.   Asalluhi would in turn enlist the help of his father Enki known as Ea in Akkadian and Babylonian times. This Babylonian system of exorcism has come to be known as the Marduk-Ea formula by scholars. In one of the Sumerian incantations that has survived intact to the present day Asalluhi, who would become Marduk, the fiercest of all the gods, describes the Udug-hul to his father Enki with dread: “O my father, the evil Udug (udug hul/utukku lemnu), its appearance is malignant and its stature towering  Although it is not a god, its clamor is great and its radiance immense It is dark, its shadow is pitch black and there is no light within its body  It always hides, taking refuge; [it] does not stand proudly  Its claws drip with bile, it leaves poison in its wake   Its belt is not released, his arms enclose It fills the target of its anger with tears, in all the lands [its] battle cry cannot be restrained.”(40) The Udug-hul cannot be cast out by either god or man and can only be driven off its human victim by a good Udug, usually paired with a Lama, called Lamassu in later Akkadian times. The Lama is a protective spirit or goddess. In Babylon they were depicted as a bull with a human head but in Sumerian times as a winged female. As the exorcist it was the job of the Ašipu to create a situation where these entities were paired off against each other.

Human sacrifice was practiced in Mesopotamia on a scale only equaled and surpassed in Mesoamerica and Europe during the last millennium. Basur Höyük, Arslantepe and the death pits of Ur tell a forensic tale of horrendous carnage, the victims stabbed through the head with a pike. ‘The Great Death Pit’ alone contained the remains of “74 individuals, six of whom were male and the rest female.”(41) At Basur Höyük, a male and female twelve year old were found interred, with eight other children sacrificed as what archaeologists call their retainers, a polite euphemism for their eternal slaves in the netherworld. “The victims ranged in age from 11 to 20 years old.” (42) Making sacrifice to the netherworld and the entities that come from it is as old as time itself. The Udug-hul are more formidable magically than Enki himself and can only be defeated by another Udug, the Shayāṭīn are worthy opponents of Allah, and Mot more than a match for Baal. It is inconceivable that from a race as unscrupulous as Man that there would not arise a subspecies that would consider it prudent to be on their side…  

At least since the genocide of the Cathars in the thirteenth century, euphemistically referred to as the Albigensian Crusades by sycophantic academics, Catholicism has engaged in human sacrifice on a scale that would have made the Sumerians blush. 

In the eyes of the Roman Catholic church “the Cathars were heretics; as such, they had to be burnt. The smallest trace of “sin” had to be extirpated, the corrupt body had to be destroyed and evil exorcised in the flames. Even corpses were disinterred and burnt if the deceased were suspected a posteriori of having been heretics. Burning inflicted a double punishment, both temporal and spiritual, since the Cathar church considered that burial of a body was a necessary condition for resurrection.” (43)   Under the auspices of the Dominican order, the Inquisition was permanently established in 1229 at the Council of Toulouse to deal with the Cathars. Once known as the Black Friars, the Dominicans only real job now it seems is to fill Catholic schoolrooms with overly severe spinsters to browbeat the children. But the order was originally founded about a dozen years before the permanent establishment of the Inquisition to combat the Cathars by preaching Catholic dogma to the masses.  After failing miserably to convert any Cathars, the Inquisition was established and the pope unleashed his dogs of war. From that point forward, torture of the most heinous kind imaginable to the human mind, and finally the burning of their surviving victims alive in macabre public spectacles became the Dominican trademark. There was and still is statuary of wolf dogs in front of their buildings proclaiming themselves “domini canes” or “hounds of the lord,” gods own Hell Hounds… 

When the Catholics were through burning all the Cathars, they moved to the Waldensians whom they’d considered heretics for almost a hundred years before the Albigensian Crusade but never tortured and burned. The Holocaust or “burnt offering,” had now become a Christian tradition, if not an addiction. 

In the sixteenth and seventeenth century it would be embraced by Protestants like a lost child. Its conservatively estimated that some fifty thousand people, mostly woman, were burned at the stake as witches in Europe during this period. Many on the say so of information found in a book written by a man whom a century before had been judged to be clinically insane by his peers.       

Contrary to popular opinion, the Inquisition hardly if ever prosecuted woman for witchcraft. This was the work of a demented Dominican cleric Heinrich Kramer, author of what would become the definitive work on witchcraft; Malleus Maleficarum. The pope attempted to empower Kramer with his 1484 Papal Bull: Summis desiderantes affectibus, acknowledging witchcraft as real and the Inquisition and particularly Kramer’s power to prosecute it. 

But the German clergy roundly rejected Kramer as a sexual deviate. He had dragged Helena Scheuberin, a well-connected woman who had publicly accused him of being in league with the devil, into court with about a dozen others. His obsession with the woman’s sexual proclivities astounded and embarrassed all who witnessed his prosecution of her. The Italian bishop overseeing Innsbruck; Karl Golser, would end up ejecting Kramer from Innsbruck and writing letters to all who would read them that Kramer was quite insane. Kramer would write the book as an attempt at vindication.

The Hollywood image of the Grand Inquisitor, brandishing his copy of Malleus Maleficarum, and prosecuting helpless woman to be burned at the stake never happened in a papal court. The infamous witch trials of the Reformation, particularly in Germany where tens of thousands of woman were burned at the stake, mostly took place in secular courts.

Those that didn’t were the product of the infamous Spanish Inquisition and its murderous sibling the Portuguese Inquisition both of which were under control of their respective Monarchies. The papacy never really approved of the Spanish Inquisition, or its economically motivated cruelties toward converted Jews and Muslims under its Grand Inquisitor, the legendary Dominican fanatic Tomás de Torquemada, a descendant of converted Jews himself. 

But Spain, along with Portugal, was the preeminent military power in the world at the time. Their swords had been forged through centuries of warfare in the Reconquista. These were a people who had known only warfare of the most brutal kind imaginable for generation upon generation. 

They would produce the Conquistadors, Europe’s answer to the Samurai, without the tautological Asian attempt at ethics, homicidal psychopaths on a Quest to steal what they could and murder the rest. As they would soon prove to millions upon millions of hapless Mesoamericans; nobody was arguing with them… 

On March 31, 1492, the Edit of Expulsion was signed by the monarchs of Spain. The deadline for Jews to leave Spain was August 3, 1492 the Ninth of Av or Tisha B’av on the Jewish calendar. This time it was the monarchs who had little choice. It was the price Queen Isabella had promised to the Dominican friar Fray Alonso de Ojeda and Cardinal Mendoza for securing a papal sanction for her Inquisition. 

The ships set sail before dawn on this day of fasting, commemorating the Torah’s fictional account of the destruction of the Temples. On board was Luis de Torres who was fluent in Hebrew, Akkadian and Arabic. Columbus expected to use Torres as an interpreter when they encountered the lost tribes of Israel. The expedition’s doctor and navigator were also Jews. 

Columbus would need a Jewish navigator because he would be using a metal astrolabe invented by Avraham Zacuto, a Jewish professor at the University of Salamanca. The instrument was used in accordance with Zacuto’s astronomical tables and gave the exact hours for the rising of the planets and fixed stars. Zacuto’s astronomical tables, called Ha-ḥibbur ha-gadolwere in Hebrew and would not be published in Latin till 1496.

It’s common knowledge that right before he sighted the New World, Columbus and his crew bore witness to mysterious lights in the sky. What is not common knowledge is that Columbus was later hauled before the inquisition for saying the lights took the form of a Jewish Menorah.

Columbus was heavily financed by Jews, among them were Juan Cabrero, royal chamberlain of King Ferdinand, Luis de Santangelo, chancellor of the royal household of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella and Gabriel Sanchez, treasurer of Aragon. Ostensibly, with the exception of Zacuto who fled to Jerusalem, all these men were converted and called Marrano (swine in English) Christians by the Catholics.

Although these men were called pigs, they were allowed to keep their immense fortunes and pretty much ran Spain in spite of the Inquisition. In fact, the letter formally announcing Columbus’s discovery of the New World was addressed to Luis de Santangelo and it was from Santangelo that Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand would hear of the expedition’s success. 

Columbus landed on Hispaniola and within a few years under his regency, Spain established Capitanía General de Santo Domingo, now the city of Santo Domingo, named after Saint Dominic, the founder of the Dominican Order. The Dominicans would once again oversee the genocide. 

An estimated four hundred thousand Taino Indians had resided idyllically in the tropical paradise since time out of mind. They, or all of them that could be captured, were immediately enslaved and forced to work in the gold mines that Columbus had known were there long before he had embarked from Spain. 

By 1508, their numbers had decreased to around sixty thousand because of the horrors inflicted upon them by Columbus, which included rape, murder for sport and using war dogs to disembowel them and eat their children. By 1535, only a few dozen survived. (44)

By then the Dominicans were already teaching the gospel to the Aztecs… 

The Khazar-Nazi Anti-Christ: “In the Beginning” part I by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

The Satanic Verses (the Khazar-Nazi Anti-Christ part II) by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Human Sacrifice among the Catholic Clergy II (the Khazar-Nazi Antichrist IV) – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (


36 – Heart, Jack. 2012, “Chapter 4.” THOSE WHO WOULD AROUSE LEVIATHAN. Print.

 37 – Leick, Gwendolyn (1998) [1991], A Dictionary of Ancient Near Eastern Mythology,  p. 91.NewYork City, New York: Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-1981-0.

 38 – Frahm, E., 2015, “Commentary on Udug-hul 2-4 (CCP 2.2.2),” Cuneiform Commentaries Project (E. Frahm, E. Jiménez, M. Frazer, and K. Wagensonner), 2013–2020; accessed March 17, 2020, at 10079/z34tn2f

39 – Heart, Jack and Orage . “Tookie Memorial Post, Sīrius Calling I.” The Human: Jack, Orage & friends. Jack Heart writings. 27 Jul 2019. Web.

40 – Konstantopoulos, Gina (2017), “Shifting Alignments: The Dichotomy of Benevolent and Malevolent Demons in Mesopotamia.”Page 25.

41 – The Great Death Pit of Ur: Mass Human Sacrifice in Ancient Mesopotamia. (2018, June 30). Ancient Origins | Reconstructing the story of humanity’s past.

42 – Jarus, O. (2018, June 29). Human Sacrifices Surround Ancient Mesopotamian Tomb. Livescience.com 

43 – Costagliola, Michel (2015) Fires in history: the cathar heresy, the inquisition and brulology*. (30, September). PubMed Central (PMC).

44 – Hartlyn, Jonathan (1998).The Struggle for Democratic Politics in the Dominican Republic. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Print, p. 25. ISBN 0-8078-4707-0  

Below are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make more, I actually make the most from Amazon E books, but because you will avoid giving Amazon any money. Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.

Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® ( Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god: 9781736288016: Heart, Jack: Books

Human Sacrifice among the Catholic Clergy II (the Khazar-Nazi Antichrist IV)


My mother-in-law was Witch, a real Witch. She never got over the fact that I had my children baptized. The Magick of the Catholic Church is strong medicine. The recipient of Baptism, Communion and Confirmation has delivered their soul to the Christian god and the Christian god is not who the church says he is. Once in a while as in the incidents covered here you can catch a fleeting glimpse of just who and what he is but always the darkness of a thousand years envelopes him and in retrospect it doesn’t seem real…

I hadn’t met him again since that night at the party but I knew he was there, very close, when I wrote Footprints of Evil, an essay about all the people who go missing in National Parks. Jim Dean, the Editor of Veterans Today, and his wife Erica wrote the introduction. The piece went viral and I was quickly contacted by David Paulides who did the initial research and wrote a book about it titled Missing 411.Paulides wasn’t happy, likely that I write better than him but perhaps because many who I’ve wrote about have ended up dead. I was also contacted by Allyn Atadero the father of Jaryd Atadero, one of the children in the essay who turned up missing under very strange circumstances indeed.

Allyn had been out hiking in Colorado with the Christian sect he and his father belonged to. His father hadn’t been there and he had simply disappeared into thin air according to the group. His skull and his clothes were recovered years later. Jaryd seemed to think I knew what happened to his son and begged me to tell him. I couldn’t. A generation earlier a kid named Bobby Bizup, in circumstances just as bizarre had disappeared on a trail in Camp Saint-Malo, a Roman Catholic boys retreat about twenty miles away from where Allyn had disappeared. Over thirty years later, Pope John Paul II would inexplicably be helicoptered into St. Malo two days before his landmark 1993 Sunday mass in Denver celebrating World Youth Day. The pope spent two hours alone on the trail that Bobby Bizup disappeared on… – Jack Heart

Black Saturday the day before Easter 1980; Sister Margaret Ann Pahl was found dead “in the chapel sacristy at Mercy Hospital in Toledo, Ohio. She had been confronted by her killer as she prepared for that day’s services. Pahl was choked to death’s door, jabbed mercilessly with a letter opener, and then sexually violated. She was found with an altar cloth shrouding her torso.” (45)

By the accounts of her clerical colleagues an insufferable shrew, the good sister had made it to seventy-one years old before she found her way onto the wrong Jesuits sacrificial alter. “Among 31 stab wounds, nine punctures over her heart formed the outline of an inverted Crucifix, a demonic symbol. She had been stripped below the waist and defiled with a cross.” (46) 

Everyone knew the Jesuit Chaplin Gerald Robinson did it. He had always despised her and was seen by multiple witnesses in the vicinity of the chapel at the time of the murders. When questioned about it by the police he had made wildly conflicting statements. But no worries for Robinson, the Jesuits or the Church, the fix was in. 

Dean Mandros chief of the criminal division in the Lucas County prosecutor’s office later made statements about how Deputy Police Chief Ray Vetter, a devout Roman Catholic, to the horror of own his own detectives had simply released Robinson to another monsignor. Even then it was suspected other Catholic clergy had been involved. Mandros also said Vetter had asked detectives to give him their reports on the case. Some of those reports were never seen again. 

The case would go cold and remain unsolved until the satanic panic of the new millennium. In 2003 Toledo police received a letter from a woman alleging that she had been ritually abused as a child in satanic ceremonies involving human sacrifice held by nuns and priests. She named names and prominent among them was Father Gerald Robinson. Unable to prove anything the letter went to some dogged detectives in the cold case files. 

They reopened the investigation into Sister Margaret Ann Pahl’s murder and low and behold stashed in the evidence lock up was the unmistakable murder weapon, a miniature sword letter opener found in the possession of Robinson back in 1980. They dug up the dead nun and found Robinsons uniquely styled letter opener fit her wounds like a key in a lock. The surviving witnesses who had seen him lurking around the chapel at the time of the murder were located and testified. He was convicted in 2006 sparking a flurry of appeals that ended fittingly on the fourth of July in 2014 when he died of a heart attack… (47)

Every day we are bombarded by lurid tales of kids, almost invariably the product of the bible belt, who decide they are Satanists because mommy and daddy abused them. They buy themselves a copy of carnival barker Antonn LaVey’s book; Satanic Rituals and carve mommy’s cat up in the basement while muttering some mumbo jumbo LaVey pilfered from an Aleister Crowley book. Sooner or later they progress to carving up the neighbors and the next thing you know they’re another episode on the Investigative Discovery TV channel. 

Just like the carnival barker and Sister Margaret Ann Pahl these lost souls have little to no idea what the Master really thinks. Aleister Crowley freely admits those that search the darkness for black magic will find what they are looking for, but he likened it to “looking for an escape of gas with a lighted candle.” Crowley was indignant about being labeled a black magician saying: “No more foolish statement was ever made about me. I despise the thing to such an extent that I can hardly believe in the existence of people so debased and idiotic as to practice it. (48

According to Crowley practicing black magic gets results but they are almost always bound to be of limited duration and will eventually backfire on the practitioner with one very big exception: “The “Black Mass” is a totally different matter. I could not celebrate it if I wanted to, for I am not a consecrated priest of the Christian Church. 

The celebrant must be a priest, for the whole idea of the practice is to profane the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Therefore you must believe in the truth of the cult and the efficacy of its ritual. A renegade priest gathers about him a congregation of sensation-hunters and religious fanatics; then only can the ceremonies of profanation be of extended black magical effect…” (49) 

By the seventeenth century France under Louis XIV, the Sun King, with a huge and treacherous assist from Rome in the form of Cardinal Richelieu and his protégé Cardinal Mazarin, had rested control of Europe from Spain. The Conquistadors, always willfully autonomous of the Spanish monarchies but never Roman Catholicism, contented themselves with the popes blessing to cravenly loot the New World. Their heirs were no longer concerned with the old one. 

Louie reigned for seventy two years and a hundred and ten days, still the record for any European monarch. During Louie’s reign Mazarin became the richest man in the world and when he died early and tried to leave it all to Louie, Louie didn’t want it. He had his own…

These men measured their wealth in tons of gold and silver. They were worth more than most countries are today. Louie achieved this kind of wealth for he and his friends by taxing everyone and everything that he could for as much as he could. This paid for both the lavish lives of the French court and the endless warfare which Louie reveled in. Louie would tell his diplomats their only real job was to attain tactical advantages for the French Military… 

After Mazarin died Louie came under the spell of Madame de Montespan who became his mistress for over ten years but as everybody knew, including the queen whom she ran roughshod over, was the real queen of France. Her affair with Louie resulted in seven children and gave rise to an official position in court that lasted for a hundred years, called maîtresse-en-titre or chief mistress of the king of France.

L’affaire des poisons or The Affair of the Poisons would finally bring Montespan down. L’affaire des poisons really began with the arrest of the Marquise de Brinvilliers for poisoning her father and her two brothers for the inheritance. It was rumored that she kept in practice by visiting hospitals and poisoning poor people. She was in turn tortured, beheaded and her headless body, of course, burned at the stake. Louie suddenly realized many in his court had died for no apparent reason and began to fear for his own life.

Two years later in 1677 Magdelaine de La Grange, a French fortune teller who’s first husband had been executed as a rogue, was arrested for poisoning her second husband, a rich lawyer. She was in turn connected to Louis de Vanens, a notorious French alchemist reputed to be able to transmute gold and suspected by the Paris police of being the leader of an international organization of assassins, and part of a network of poisoners in Paris. Louie tasked Gabriel Nicolas de la Reynie the man responsible for turning Louie’s Paris police force into the prototype of today’s modern police force. Reynie, just as dogged as any fictional detective, would get to the bottom of it.

L’affaire des poisons would implicate four hundred and forty two people. Two hundred and eighteen of them were arrested. Thirty-six were executed, five sentenced to the galleys and twenty-three to exile. Others who’s deaths went unrecorded were simply tortured to death or suicided and still others imprisoned for life with no trial under special orders from the king called Lettres de cachet, which cannot be appealed. 

So many in Louie’s court were implicated that Louie was forced to abolish his own official investigation in 1682 because of the scandal, leaving many unpunished for the blackest of deeds and causing Reynie to remark that “the enormity of their crimes proved their safeguard.”

Among the implicated were Olympia Mancini, Countess of Soissons, the second-eldest of the five celebrated Mancini sisters, who along with two of their female Martinozzi cousins were the Bells of Louie’s court. The seven beauties were known as the Mazarinettes because they were the nieces and heirs of Cardinal Mazarin. Her sister Marie Anne Mancini, duchesse de Bouillon, was also implicated. It turns out their father back in Italy, Mazarin’s brother-in-law; Baron Lorenzo Mancini, was a well-known sorcerer and necromancer. 

The royal courts of Europe, particularly France and Italy were crawling with fortune tellers and alchemists selling not only the usual divinations, seances, aphrodisiacs and love potions but also ‘inheritance powders,’ a euphemism for poison. One of the most sought after in Paris Marie Bosse became so drunk at a party one night she started openly boasting about how much money she was making off the aristocracy selling them inheritance powders. Word got back to Reynie who maybe in histories very first undercover sting operation had the wife of one of his constables purchase some poison from her. 

The poison was authenticated and Bosse was arrested in the first days of January 1679. She would burn at the stake a few months later, along with her children and many of her acquaintances but before she did she gave them the real kingpin Catherine Monvoisin. Known as “La Voisin” Monvoisin had been casting spells on Louie since 1666, when she was first retained by Madame de Montespan to do just that. It’s said that Louie practically swooned the first time he danced with Montespan a year later in 1667, hopelessly in love from that moment on.

La Voisin was no street corner fortune teller. She made prodigious use of the Black Mass, and it’s said that the sacrificial remains of twenty-five hundred children were later dug up in her backyard. Abbé Étienne Guibourg, an ordained Roman Catholic Priest, said most of the masses for her and Montespan would frequently act as the naked human altar upon which the children were sacrificed.  

Montague Summers, undercover Roman Catholic priest and known pedophile, who translated Malleus Maleficarum from Latin to English in 1928 gives a graphic account of Guibourg’s celebration of the Black Mass:

“A long black velvet pall was spread over the altar, and upon this the royal mistress laid herself in a state of perfect nudity. Six black candles were lit, the celebrant robed himself in a chasuble embroidered with esoteric characters wrought in silver, the gold paten and chalice were placed upon the naked belly of the living altar […] All was silent save for the low monotonous murmur of the blasphemous liturgy […] An assistant crept forward bearing an infant in her arms. The child was held over the altar, a sharp gash across the neck, a stifled cry, and warm drops fell into the chalice and streamed upon the white figure beneath. The corpse was handed to la Voisin, who flung it callously into an oven fashioned for that purpose which glowed white-hot in its fierceness.” (50

Guibourg was not working alone and indeed it appears the Catholic clergy was not only making a killing on the side with the abducted children of the poor but also on the decadent French court who wanted what they wanted now and had no qualms about enlisting Satan’s help to get it. La Voisin is estimated to have murdered thousands and was herself in turn executed in 1680. 

Guibourg would die in prison and another Catholic priest abbé Mariotte would be exiled. Most of the clergy along with all the aristocracy, from the Mancini sisters to Montespan herself would pretty much get off with a slap on the wrist and an unflattering notation in their biography. The commoners? Most of them were tortured to death off the record like the friend of Marie Bosse who threw the party that she blabbed at. The ones that weren’t were burned at the stake… 

It was the Marquise de Brinvilliers who introduced the poison Aqua Tofana to Parisians that made the aristocracies fetish for killing each other the latest Paris fade. It is a slow acting and deadly poison that duplicates symptoms of the stomach virus. Administered in four separate doses it was guaranteed to kill undetectably. She learned how to make it from her husband who in turn learned how to make it from an Italian chemist called Exili. He is said to have been the salaried poisoner in Rome of Olympia Maidalchina, the sister-in-law of the pope… 

Since the days of the Borgias in the fifteenth century when pope Alexander VI unleashed his daughter Lucrezia Borgia on unsuspecting renaissance Italy poison has always been a traditional tool of the papacy. The Borgias, despite what revisionist historians think they know, were a family of human devils that left such a lasting impression on Europe that they are still a subject of pop culture today. Alexander VI was so evil that during his reign Venetian diplomat Girolamo Priuli told anyone who would listen that surely he had “given his soul and body to the great demon in Hell”. (51

It is probably no accident that the papacy of Alexander VI began a week after Columbus set sail for the New World… 

The Khazar-Nazi Anti-Christ: “In the Beginning” part I by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

The Satanic Verses (the Khazar-Nazi Anti-Christ part II) by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Human Sacrifice among the Catholic Clergy I (the Khazar-Nazi Antichrist III) by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (


45 – DAVID J. KRAJICEK. (2012, September 23). Justice Story: Killer priest murders nun in chapel sacristy, leaves demonic stab pattern over her heart. nydailynews.com

46 – Ibid.

47 – Sin, Shame, And Secrets: The Murder of a Nun, the Conviction of a Priest, and Cover-up in the Catholic Churchby David Yonke, published by Continuum, 2006, Print, 240pp.

48 – Black Magic is Not a Mythby Aleister Crowley “The Worst Man in the World” The London Sunday Dispatch, Jul 2nd, 1933 

49 – Ibid. 

50 – Geography of Witchcraftby Montague Summers, print (1927; reprint Kessinger Publishing, 2003) 

51 – Lee, Alexander. Were the Borgias really so bad? (n.d.). History Today | The world’s leading serious history magazine.

Below are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make more, I actually make the most from Amazon E books, but because you will avoid giving Amazon any money. Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.

Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® ( Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god: 9781736288016: Heart, Jack: Books

The Satanic Verses (the Khazar-Nazi Anti-Christ part II) by Jack Heart & Orage


“Have you thought of Al-Lāt and al-ʻUzzā 

And Manāt, the third, the other? “(28)

These are the exalted gharāniq, whose intercession is hoped for. 

To most Westerners The Satanic Verses conjure up images of Neolithic cavemen clamoring in the streets of Europe and the Middle East for the head of Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie, the author the 1988 novel of said title. There was that decrepit old man in a bathrobe Ayatollah Khomeini, looking ridiculously theatrical and issuing a fatwa, calling for Rushdie’s assassination and the British responding by giving Rushdie police protection and eventually knighting him. For the first time in centuries, Westerners got to witness first hand all that is truly ugly about Islam. 

What Westerners were not told is what the furor was all about. With his title Rushdie was alluding to what is now considered a heretical Islamic concession to polytheism, made by the Prophet himself and known by scholars to be as old as the Qur’an itself. The Satanic Verses consist of three lines. Surah fifty-three, verse nineteen and twenty, which implore the Faithful to think upon the three great goddesses of yore.  

After that and this is documentable through Persian historian Al Tabari on down to the time the Qur’an first appeared,Muhammad is reputed to have said: “These are the exalted gharāniq, whose intercession is hoped for…” 

Gharāniq is Arabic for crane, as in the cranes surrounding the swastika depicted on the Samarra bowl in the picture we began this essay with. Respectively al-ʻUzzā and Al-Lāt correspond to Athtart and her fearsome sister Anat in the Baal Cycle, earlier Ishtar and later the Punic goddess Tanit. Manāt, as the oldest of the three sister goddesses worshiped in Mecca at the time, corresponds to Aṯiratu in the Baal Cycle, the consort of Anu in Sumer. 

Muhammad was delivering his revelations in Mecca to a rather unenthusiastic audience, particularly the merchants who ran the yearly bazaar around the Ka’bah where all the Arab tribes annually met to intermingle and trade. Perhaps overwhelmed with the importance of impressing them he uttered those fateful verses, paying homage to their three great goddesses. It worked and many of them converted on the spot, prostrating themselves on the ground to the revelations of their new Prophet. 

But perhaps in the first ever appearance of Satan and “the Devil made me do it,” Gabriel later appeared to Muhammad, chastising him for speaking words that were not of the god of Abraham. It was soon worked out between Muhammad and his invisible Gabriel that it was that nasty new kid on the block Satan who put the Verses of Cranes, which is what the Satanic Verses were originally called, into Muhammad’s mouth. All was forgiven and Muhammad soon recanted, changing the wording that came after verse nineteen and twenty to its present day form. 

The Sura in which the verses appear is called An-Najm or the Star. It is the fifty-third Sura of the Qur’an. Verses one to eighteen of An-Najm are acknowledged by Islamic scholars to be among the oldest in the Qur’an, vouching for the antiquity of verses nineteen and twenty, if not the integrity. 

Verse twenty is followed by a misogynistic tirade that concludes with there are no female angels in Verse twenty-seven. There is a hardy endorsement of the Old Testament in Verses thirty-six and thirty-seven, which is a dead giveaway that what follows the Satanic Verses, is a later addendum. The original Qur’an was written before the eleventh century. 

The narrator of An-Najm then promises, as the Lord of Sirius, to raise the dead and bring about a Second Kingdom in Verses forty-seven and forty-nine…

I am writing this essay in Long Beach, New York. There are more real Jews here than in Israel. Right down the block is a Hasidic school and every morning, except Saturday, round about seven these young men stream by the front yard hastening to class. Wearing all black, from their shoes to their modified cowboy hats, they are almost all tall and slender and walk straight placing one foot in front of the other like a young man should, seemingly immune to the cold in their thin black overcoats. If you are out there with them they look you right in the eye and bid you good morning like they really mean it. 

One can’t help but love these kids who seem to be a throwback to a bygone era when American kids all grew up tall and straight but there is a problem. They think they are Arabs with red hair, freckles and pale White skin. As they see it they are Baal’s chosen people; Yahweh is one of Baal’s titles, dispersed from the land of Canaan long ago to share the fate of their Shekinah (World Soul) in never ending exile. 

In spite of the work of their own geneticists, like Schlomo Sand, who place their origins in an area above the Black Sea, in spite of what their own reflections in the mirror tell them, this absurd premise that they are Semitic is the guiding principle through all the days of their lives. Like all religions, this is what has been inculcated into their hearts since they were old enough to speak. They believe it so ardently that they have successfully petitioned the world to appropriate Arab land in order that they may return to “their homeland,” it’s called right of return.

It all might have been just one more theological fantasy to wile away the fleeting time allotted to human existence, but there is another group that shares their fantasy. All across America devalued farms and outsourced manufacturing have left a wasteland where all hope of a future is lost. All that’s left now for rural Americans is their eternal reward and in order to gain that reward, because Christians read from the same ‘good book’ that the Jews do, they must return Baal’s chosen people to the place of their birth. 

If it involves murdering an entire world to do so that is what they are prepared to do. In fact all the better! Because at the End of Days their god, Jesus “a Jewish carpenter,” will come swooping in on a cloud to whisk them off to paradise. The human race is going on a hundred years of warfare in the Middle East, with events there now threatening to escalate into an apocalyptic war that will end life on earth as we know it.

Archeologists have scoured the appropriated land for as long as there has been war in the Middle East, but outside of the Dead Sea Scrolls, found by yet another lost Sheppard boy, they have been unable to find one shred of evidence that the good book of the Jews and Christians existed before the eleventh century in Russia. 

Known for their blockbuster bestseller Holy Blood, Holy Grail Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, arguably the greatest biblical researchers of the twentieth century, wrote another lesser known book titled The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception

It chronicles how the Dead Sea Scrolls were supposedly “found in caves near Jerusalem in 1947, only to be kept a tightly held secret for nearly fifty more years, until the Huntington Library unleashed a storm of controversy in 1991 by releasing copies of the Scrolls. In this gripping investigation authors Baigent and Leigh set out to discover how a small coterie of orthodox biblical scholars gained control over the Scrolls, allowing access to no outsiders and issuing a strict “consensus” interpretation…” (29)

The Dead Sea Scrolls are a complete fraud, a hoax perpetrated in order to deflect attention from the Gnostic roots of the Abrahamic religions which were revealed with the discovery of The Nag Hammadi Tracts a couple of years earlier. The scrolls are a collection of fragments that could very well be used Phoenician toilet paper and were most likely tentatively pasted together in the basement of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1946… 

The Torah and therefore the Old Testament too, along with most of the Talmud and Tanakh are all “rabbinical lies that poisoned an entire world. Lies so effective that as Friedrich Nietzsche notes in On the Genealogy of Morality: A Polemic“the Jews are the most disastrous people in world history: they have left such a falsified humanity in their wake that even today Christians can think of themselves as anti-Jewish without understanding that they are the ultimate conclusion of Judaism.”(30)

The truth is they made it all up. The only Jews native to the Middle East are either descended from Donmeh Turks, whom tenth century Persian geographer Hudud al-‘Alam referred to as “Turkic Pechenegs,” or Slavic slaves brought to the Middle East by “Khazarian Pechenegs.”(31)

Long before the inadvertent father of Zionism, Avraham Firkowicz, prowled the graveyards of the Crimea in the early ninetieth century changing the dates on tombstones by a thousand years so they would fit the fables of the Exodus, Jews have been forging a fraudulent history for themselves. There is a whole new crop of Russian Jewish scholars who will be the first ones to tell you. 

For centuries, on an industrial scale, Jews have been manufacturing “manuscripts, colophons, tomb inscriptions, as well as forged chronicles and “folklore” texts.” Forever, there is the signature modus operandi of presenting their fictitious works as “ancient. The authors created heroic epos (e.g. the Russian historians) or figures of great sages (e.g. the Jewish scholars).” (32)  

By the time the Arab traveler, for which the movie The 13th. Warrior is based, Ahmad ibn Fadlan wrote in his travelogue that “the Khazars and their king are all Jews…” there had to have been at least a Torah. But the Zuqnin Chronicle, written in Syriac obviously at an earlier date than the travelogue,calls the Khazars a race without a god and says that they were in fact Magians. 

Based primarily on archaeological evidence left by the Magyars, a rival Khazar tribe driven westward into Hungry by the Pechenegs, the traditional religion of the typical Khazarian clansman appears to have been Tengrism. The religion behind the Swastika; Tengrism incorporates elements of shamanism, animism, totems and ancestor worship. In Tengrism, the idea is to live an upright life and in doing so, one maintains balance between the three worlds of the Tree of Life and their own three souls.

Both the Norse Eddas and Jewish Qabalah are forms of Tengrism, whose narratives revolve around a Tree of Life. There are nine worlds on the Norse Yggdrasil, ten in the Sepher Yetzirah of the Qabalah but the ten is a zero in a closed loop going back to one. Both have a place in the highest heaven called Gimil and both are predestined to be destroyed by an immutable force; which the Norse called Lǽvateinn and the Jews; Leviathan. 

This combined with the archeological facts after a hundred years of extensive digging in the land once known as Canaan, there were no ancient Hebrews, makes it a foregone conclusion that the Qabalah existed among the ‘Jews’ before the Exodus was a twinkle in a Russian Rabbi’s eye. 

The Qabalah is the source of all Judeo-Christian eschatology and in it there is no such entity as Satan, not even close. Aleister Crowley, the foremost expert on Qabalah who ever lived, was forever trying to develop his unified field theory on religion. In Table IV in his Table of Correspondences he gives as, spelled in Hebrew, the Qabalistic equivalent of Satan or Moloch; Samael and his consort Isheth Zenunim. (33)  

This is why most Jews today, Conservative, Orthodox or Reform will tell you; to them Satan is just a litigator, a kind of District Attorney who prosecutes man before god. In Hebrew שָׂטָן (Śāṭān) means the accuser or adversary. He is not barred from heaven, nor does he tempt or torment humans, in fact in the Book of Job he and god appear to be drinking buddies. 

Some scholars have equated Satan with the Angra Mainyu or Ahriman of Zarathustrianism. But none can produce a linguistic progression even remotely plausible as to how Angra Mainyu or Ahriman came to be pronounced as Satan. They can be summarily dismissed. 

The irrefutable fact is the word Satan is derived from an Aramaic word Shayāṭīn a word that has its roots in the word š-ṭ-n, meaning distant or astray. Long before Islam the Shayāṭīn were invisible malevolent entities that roamed the earth in search of human victims. Islamic scholars generally agree; unlike the Djinn the Shayāṭīn are immortal and have no Faith. They are completely evil and will only cease to exist when their leader ceases to exist. (34)

Like the Synoptic Gospels the Qur’an traces its roots back to before the Abrahamic religions were conjured forth in Dark Age monasteries. By the time the thirteenth century rolled around they had already been making it up as they went along for over two centuries. Frederick II was the best friend Christians, Muslims and Jews ever had. He knew exactly what he was talking about when he said “the three greatest frauds ever perpetrated on the human race were Jesus, Mohammad and Moses.” (35)

Steeped in Sufism and Manichaeism, the hundred and fourteen Suras of the Qur’an numerically correspond to the hundred and fourteen verses in the Secret Gospel of Thomas, a Gnostic text which through the Nag Hammadi codices can be carbon dated back at least fifteen hundred years. That’s five hundred years more than the “old” testament. Scholars agree, even the Oxymoron’s. The sayings attributed to Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels are sourced to the Secret Gospel of Thomas. 

In the Qur’an Shayṭān and the Shayāṭīn are mentioned eighty-eight times. They teach Magick to Solomon and steal secrets from heaven. They are the opponents of god and at times, such as the case with the Satanic Verses, appear to be more than a match for him.

The Khazar-Nazi Anti-Christ: “In the Beginning” part I by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Human Sacrifice among the Catholic Clergy I (the Khazar-Nazi Antichrist III) by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Human Sacrifice among the Catholic Clergy II (the Khazar-Nazi Antichrist IV) – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (


28 – “Translations of the Qur’an, Surah 53: AN-NAJM (THE STAR).” Verse 19 & 20, The University of Southern California Center for Muslim-Jewish Engagement. WayBackMachine, 29 Nov 2008. Web. 

29 – Michael, Baigent and Richard Leigh . “Forward .” The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception. Simon and Schuster, 1991.

30 – Heart, Jack and Orage . “Of Freyja and Lilith, Goddesses and Demons & the Lie of Judeo-Christianity II.” Esoteric Evolution; a primer for the New Gods…. Patreon, 30 Apr 2019. Web. 

31 – Heart, Jack and Orage. “Of Freyja and Lilith, Goddesses and Demons & the Lie of Judeo-Christianity I.”  Esoteric Evolution; a primer for the New Gods…..Patreon, 2019, April 19. Retrieved from

32 – Akhiezer, Golda (2018) Historical Research and Forgeries in the Age of Nationalism: The Case of the Russian Empire Between Jews and Russians, East European Jewish Affairs, 48:2, 101-117, DOI: 10.1080/13501674.2018.1434980

33 – Crowley, Aleister. ” Table of Correspondences.” 777 And Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley. 1973. Weiser. Copyright 1912. Page 23. Print. 


Amira El-Zein Islam, Arabs, and Intelligent World of the Jinn Syracuse University Press 2009 ISBN9780815650706 page 21

35 – Heart, Jack and Orage . “The Black Madonna and the Swastika.” The Human: Jack, Orage & friends. Jack Heart writings. 27 Jun 2014. Web.

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