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For Whom the Bell Tolls by John DonneNo man is an island, Entire of itself. Each is a piece of the continent, A part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less. As...
The Montauk Project: Worse Than You Think of you who Understand what that giant rearing stallion in front of the Denver Airport symbolizes know this world has no future. Preston Nichols used to say a time traveler from here could travel...
Tell me Schlomo and for once tell me true, for your own scripture's sake: What is it you really don’t like about RFK? Is it that he will disentangle the West from the war in...

Our server isn’t really equipped for podcasts, any trouble with the audio go to our Substack site: Twin Peaks the Return, episode 4 ( After meeting Bill and Candy Shaker, friends of Dougie Jones, at the casino and learning roughly where he lived Cooper is driven ‘home’ by limo at the casino’s insistence. As the driver is getting Cooper out they hear an owl hooting. Startled, they both look up and see it gliding stealthily overhead in the darkness and the driver remarks “Dam, thing spooked me.” – Season 3, episode 4. 13:00. Cole meets with the FBI Chief of Staff a drag queen that calls itself Denise Bryson; played by David Duchovny who plays Fox Mulder the hero of the X Files. Back at Twin Peaks a schoolboy dies from an overdose of “Chinese designer drugs,” that are mysteriously making their way into Twin Peaks. Bobby Briggs is now a deputy. He tells Sheriff Frank Truman, Harry’s brother who has taken over for him in his illness that he does not think the drugs are coming in from Canada. He also tells the sheriff that Cooper, after getting out of the hospital the next day after he was found in Glastonbury Grove […]

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Our server isn’t really equipped for podcasts, any trouble with the audio go to our Substack site: Twin Peaks the Return, episode 5 & 6 ( in a phone call from their car Gene and Jake, her hit men, report to Lorraine, presumably the woman Duncan gave the job too, that they are thus far unable to assassinate Dougie Jones. Frustrated, she tells them they are going to get her killed and sends a message to her contact “ARGENT.” At the morgue  Talbot, Macklay and Harrison  stand over the headless corpse of the as of yet unidentified Major Briggs. Talbot tells them that her autopsy shows the man hadn’t eaten for days but he did have a ring in his stomach. She shows them a wedding band and on it is an inscription that reads; “To Dougie, with love, Janey-E.” Season 3, episode 5; 4:00–5:00. Evil Cooper looks in the mirror of his prison cell and sees BOB’s features start to materialize on his face and says “you’re still with me, that’s good.” – Season 3, episode 5; 7:00. Dougie’s car is now being targeted by car thieves. Anthony Sinclair tells Cooper that he’s covered for Dougie’s absence and during the meeting, as Sinclair presents a report Cooper sees a green […]

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Our server isn’t really equipped for podcasts, any trouble with the audio go to our Substack site: Twin Peaks the Return, episode 9, 10 & 11 ( Walking on a rural road the bloody Doppelgänger stops and removes a red bandana from a post. Flying over eastern South Dakota Gordon Cole takes a call from Colonel Davis  Informing him of the discovery of Garland Briggs‘ body in Buckhorn on the west side of South Dakota. Cole detours his pilot after asking Diane to accompany them since she is familiar with Blue Rose cases. The bandana marks a ranch whose occupants have been murdered by the Doppelganger’s assassins Hutch and Chantal who are waiting there for him. Cole takes another in flight phone call from Warden Murphy, who tells him that “Cooper” has escaped.  In flight Diane gets a text from the Doppelgänger saying “around the dinner table the conversation is lively,” The Doppelgänger calls Duncan Todd and tells him the job, meaning the murder of “Dougie,” better be done the next time he calls. He then tells Hutch and Chantal to kill Warden Murphy. In an effort, perhaps, to clue in the three stooges; T. Fusco, D. Fusco, and “Smiley” Fusco, who head up the investigation of the Las Vegas police, Bushnell Mullins tells them “dam strange business […]

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Our server isn’t really equipped for podcasts, any trouble with the audio go to our Substack site: Twin Peaks the Return, episode 7 & 8 ( Back at the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Office, Hawk shows Sheriff Frank Truman the pages from Laura Palmer’s diary he found in the bathroom door. Hawk explains that one of the pages gives an account of a dream Laura had of Annie Blackburn where Annie tells her that “the good Dale is in the lodge and he can’t come out.” – Season 3, episode 7; 6:00. Frank Skype-calls Doc Hayward who tells him that he brought Cooper into the hospital because he was acting peculiar. An hour later he saw Cooper leaving Intensive Care, fully-dressed and with a strange expression. He speculates that Cooper was checking on Audrey Horne, who was still comatose after the bank explosion. Lieutenant Cynthia Knox arrives in Buckhorn, where she meets with Detective Macklay. She is shocked to learn that Major Briggs’ prints actually came from a body. The coroner Constance Talbot shows her the headless body and tells her it belongs to a man in his late 40s who died within the last five or six days. Lieutenant Knox calls Colonel Davis and he points out that Major Briggs would have to be in his 70s. Davis […]

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Our server isn’t really equipped for podcasts, any trouble with the audio go to our Substack site: Twin Peaks the Return, episode two ( Hasting’s wife Phyllis visits him in jail and mocks him; telling him she knew of his affair with Ruth Davenport all along. He counters by telling her that he has known about the affair she is having with their lawyer George, “and maybe somebody else.” She scoffs at him telling him he will now spend the rest of his life in prison. A woodsman who materializes in an adjoining cell eavesdrops on the conversation then dematerializes. When Phyllis goes home evil Cooper is waiting for her standing in the shadows of her home. She apparently knows him because she greets him as a friend. He tells her “you did good. You followed human nature perfectly.” Then he pulls a gun and tells her “this is George’s gun.” She turns to run and he shoots her in the back of the head. Season 3, episode 2. 6:00 -7:00.      In Las Vegas Duncan Todd [Robert Bigelow founder of the National Institute of Discovery Science] the mysterious billionaire calls his assistant Roger into the office and hands him two […]

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