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product Following 10/9/2023 Article is Written by Robert Vannrox: Former Operator at Office of Naval Intelligence (1981–2007). Contributed by B.Israel will declare “war” and start bombing Palestine while the United States offers its support.*** BUT THIS TIME it...
Audio, What it is... - The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends ( with MeAbout 5 miles southeast of Roosevelt on a remote ranch in Utah, Terry (aka Tom Gorman) Sherman and well-known paranormal investigator Chad...

Audio, What it is…

The drama here described of the separation of He and She occurred in the the subtly remote distances impossible for our Kali-Yuga minds to comprehend. All this way before the Satya- Yuga of the golden...
Black Sun Rising I By Jack Heart & Orage - The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (
For Whom the Bell Tolls by John DonneNo man is an island, Entire of itself. Each is a piece of the continent, A part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less. As...
The Montauk Project: Worse Than You Think of you who Understand what that giant rearing stallion in front of the Denver Airport symbolizes know this world has no future. Preston Nichols used to say a time traveler from here could travel...
Tell me Schlomo and for once tell me true, for your own scripture's sake: What is it you really don’t like about RFK? Is it that he will disentangle the West from the war in...

Our server isn’t really equipped for podcasts, any trouble with the audio go to our Substack site: Twin Peaks the Return, episode 4 ( After meeting Bill and Candy Shaker, friends of Dougie Jones, at the casino and learning roughly where he lived Cooper is driven ‘home’ by limo at the casino’s insistence. As the driver is getting Cooper out they hear an owl hooting. Startled, they both look up and see it gliding stealthily overhead in the darkness and the driver remarks “Dam, thing spooked me.” – Season 3, episode 4. 13:00. Cole meets with the FBI Chief of Staff a drag queen that calls itself Denise Bryson; played by David Duchovny who plays Fox Mulder the hero of the X Files. Back at Twin Peaks a schoolboy dies from an overdose of “Chinese designer drugs,” that are mysteriously making their way into Twin Peaks. Bobby Briggs is now a deputy. He tells Sheriff Frank Truman, Harry’s brother who has taken over for him in his illness that he does not think the drugs are coming in from Canada. He also tells the sheriff that Cooper, after getting out of the hospital the next day after he was found in Glastonbury Grove […]

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