Audio, What it is… – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Firewalk with Me

About 5 miles southeast of Roosevelt on a remote ranch in Utah, Terry (aka Tom Gorman) Sherman and well-known paranormal investigator Chad Deetken peered into the darkness of a pasture in the early morning hours of August 28, 1997. Perhaps what they were looking at defied belief anywhere else but not in this place dubbed the Skinwalker Ranch . A dull light appeared in the blackness and gradually took on an element of depth. As it grew brighter it became a floating tunnel. From the bowels of the tunnel a humanoid figure crawled and heaved its way toward them. In a final mighty effort the figure wiggled its way free of the light and dropped to the ground scampering off into the darkness. The light snapped shut leaving the two men alone with their very expensive and very useless equipment. The rancher scanned the darkness with his night vision glass’s as Deetkin fumbled with his camera which had failed to capture the event. The men were both working for Las Vegas billionaire Robert Bigelow founder of the National Institute of Discovery Science. 

They were participants of an investigation of ongoing paranormal activities at the ranch. Sherman had purchased the land in 1994 in order to raise hybrid cattle and he, his 2 teenage children, and wife were subsequently driven half mad by a litany of supernatural events. The story of his haunting hit the Las Vegas Mercury News in 1996 and upon reading it Bigelow immediately flew in from his Las Vegas headquarters and purchased the ranch keeping the Sherman family on as caretakers over the strenuous objections of Mrs. Sherman. In a scene out of the X files the NIDS moved a small army of scientists and millions of dollars in state of the art technology onto the ranch and sealed it off with a paramilitary force consisting of “ex” Special Forces and law enforcement personnel. Cries from the UFO community that they were being kept from their space brothers by government spooks masquerading as ghost busters went unheeded and in 2009 Bigelow appears to have solved that problem by buying MUFON.

What is known of what goes on at the ranch is largely gleaned from a book Hunt For The Skinwalker, coauthored by Bigelow’s hand picked journalist George Knapp who has the odious distinction of having introducing Bob Lazar and Area 51 to the world. Colm Kelleher is a renowned molecular biologist and one of the lead scientists in the investigation. Kelleher claims that aside from off the chart magnetic readings photographic and physical evidence is lacking because the phenomenon exhibits a precognitive consciousness that enables it to avoid imprinting itself on the devices used to record its existence. Kelleher relates an incident when the NIDS’s was initially deployed at the ranch. They erected telephone poles with TV cameras on top, each one monitoring a field encompassing the next camera. One of the monitors was suddenly lost and the scientists rushed to the location to find high atop one of the poles, the cameras, mounts, and wiring were shredded to pieces. Elated they rushed back to the monitor station thinking that the cameras on the pole next to it would have caught whatever was responsible for the sabotage, instead they found nothing on the videos.

The book gives an array of eyewitness accounts from heavily accredited scientists. The phenomena runs the entire gamut of paranormal activity from UFO’s, poltergeist activity, big foots, disembodied voices and shadow people, to strange and extinct animals. The story includes a bulletproof giant wolf that tries to drag away a calf in spite of taking 5 bullets from the rancher’s guns. A figure shrouded by night with a 3 foot wide spread between its glowing yellow eyes that left a Velociraptor claw print on the ground where it landed before it disappeared after being shot from a tree. Intelligently controlled floating globules of light regularly roam the ranch harassing cattle and incinerating dogs. Twenty-four cattle have either disappeared or were mutilated. The forensics show all of the mutilations were done with a long blade and shorter scissor like instrument. Some of the mutilations occurred when the animals were left alone for minutes. Four prize bulls were found dazed and crammed like sardines into a tiny trailer after a frantic search for them. Sherman had wondered out loud to his wife that morning what he would do if anything happened to them and an hour latter they went missing.

The Tribal headquarters of the Ute Indians, Fort Duchesne, is about 5 miles northeast of the ranch. The Ute Indians are forbidden by tribal law to set foot on the property of the ranch because it is “in the path of the Skinwalker”. The Ute blame the Navaho for setting the Skinwalker loose on Ute land as an act of vengeance for crimes the Ute committed against the Navaho 150 years ago. But just what is a Skinwalker? The Navaho are reticent about talking to archeologists and anthropologists who in the past, under the auspices of the Smithsonian, have systematically looted Indian artifacts and sold them off to private collectors. ‘The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)’ now protects Indians from having their most sacred objects end up in the private collections of elitists like Andy Warhol. Consequently information defining a Skinwalker is virtually nonexistent among outsiders.

Some say the Skinwalker is a witch, or a witch’s witch, but Skinwalker appears to be a blanket term applied to a malevolent manifestation of a supernatural consciousness that is marked by murder, cannibalism, and necrophilia. According to Clyde Klukhohn, author of The Navaho: Revised Edition (Harvard Paperbacks) the word for Skinwalker in Navaho is “yee nadlooshii,” which means walk/travel like an animal. As the Indian name implies the Skinwalker moves about in animal form but the word Skinwalker itself implies something far more insidious, something more like a disembodied consciousness that can take over the body of a human and walk in human skin.

Excerpted from: The Cross, the Rabbi & the Skin Walker by Jack Heart – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

A Skinwalker is just what it sounds like; you may be sleeping with one tonight, watching TV with it and sitting down to meals to discuss the latest absurdity of what it and its kind have pawned off on you as your culture. You are at a distinct disadvantage. It knows who you are. You have no idea. These are the hidden masters of the Abrahamic religions, the malevolent shape shifting reptilians of David Icke, the “ultra-terrestrials” of John Keel and the “control mechanism” of Jacques Vallée. They are The Gods of Eden from William Bramley’s book, and they live through human pain and sorrow.

Jacques Vallée and John Keel — the two most brilliant men to ever study the UFO phenomenon — both came to almost identical conclusions. In Passport to Magonia Vallée theorized that the very same entities man once saw as angels, fairies, and leprechauns he now sees as aliens and UFOs. Because the entities have no true form, they appear as man expects them too. They are control mechanisms; consciousness’s that operate within the parameters of man’s perception. Keel went one step further when he postulated that these beings live “conterminously” with the human race in dimensions that are beyond the periphery of man’s perception.

Vallée was vehemently accused by the UFO community of falsifying information in one of his later books, when he referenced a flying refrigerator like object terrorizing peasants in South America by draining their blood with a light beam while they hunted overnight from blinds in the jungle and slept in their village huts. Realizing that the whole UFO phenomenon was a new religion for fools, Vallée stopped writing about it after that and put his prodigious intellect to better uses.

Fools may believe as they wish to the peril of their own souls, but from Göbekli Tepi to Ollantaytambo, to the rites of Baal and Moloch, which means king in Hebrew, on to the Maya, Anasazi and Aztec, these entities are all blood drinkers. And it is Yahweh; Moloch of the Jews and Christians, that demands that the blood of animal’s men slaughter for meat be reserved for him in the kosher rites of Orthodox Judaism.


The “Chupacabras” reputedly draining the blood of livestock in the Mexican valley bear an uncanny resemblance to the Gargoyles that were festooned all over European architecture during and after the Templar’s period of preeminence. Something has been carving up livestock in Americas Southwest since the late sixties. Cattle mutilations have been documented since Skippy the horse in 1967. Scientists at the Skin Walker Ranch ascertained with forensics that the mutilations on the ranch were done with a long blade and shorter scissor-like instrument. Just like the elongated claw and teeth that once graced the anatomy of certain dinosaurs.

Excerpted from: Black Sun Rising III by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Below are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make more, I actually make the most from Amazon E books, but because you will avoid giving Amazon any money. Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.

Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® ( Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god: 9781736288016: Heart, Jack: Books

Selected Works of Jack Heart & Orage

Collected Poems of Jack Heart – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Twin Peaks & the Return of the White Queen by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Titthakara by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Shadow of Nemesis – the Pyramids of Giza and Lies of Empire by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Shadow of Nemesis II: Tales of Zahi Hawass by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

The Shadow of Nemesis- III, Tales of Zahi Hawass II by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Shadow of Nemesis IV: NASA and The Prophet of Ascensionism by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Shadow of Nemesis V, Weird Scenes Inside the Goldmine by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Otto Rahn, Hidden Master or Madman by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

The Cross, the Rabbi & the Skin Walker by Jack Heart – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

The Blood of Christ – Hemorrhagic Fever, Expendable Humans and Bacteria Gone BeZerk, Paint It Blue… by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

MK Ultra – Cybernetic Mutation, Remote Controlled Slaves, Dragon Soldiers and a Zombie Empire; Paint it Blue by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Black Sun Rising VI, the Black Madonna and the Swastika by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Black Sun Rising V By Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Black Sun Rising IV by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Black Sun Rising III by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Black Sun Rising II By Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Black Sun Rising I By Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Montauk – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

I, Montauk Project – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Peter Pan Meets Pyramid Head by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Peter Pan Meets Pyramid Head II by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Peter Pan meets Pyramid Head III by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Silent Hill Silent Scream… – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Aleister Crowley, Loki’s Brood & the Fury of Hell I by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Aleister Crowley, Loki’s Brood & the Fury of Hell… II by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Ragnarök I – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Ragnarök II – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Ragnarök III Loki’s Revenge by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

Ragnarök III Loki’s Revenge II by Jack Heart & Orage  – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

LUCIFER in the Temple of the Dog I by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

LUCIFER in the Temple of the Dog II by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Lucifer, the Last Word… – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Of Freyja and Lilith, Goddesses and Demons & the Lie of Judeo-Christianity I by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Of Freyja and Lilith, Goddesses and Demons & the Lie of Judeo-Christianity II by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Esoteric Evolution by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Chaioth ha-Qadosh – Tookie Memorial Post, Sīrius Calling I by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Chaioth ha-Qadosh – Tookie Memorial Post, Sīrius Calling II By Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

The Bormann Faction, part I by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

The Bormann Faction Part II by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

The Borman Faction III, Rat der Götter by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

The Year of the Dragon, “Let Us Pray…” By Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

The Hervarar Saga or How the West Was Really Won… by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Devils and Gods Among Us by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Matilda, the Devils Mommy (Devils and Gods Among Us II) by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

The Khazar-Nazi Anti-Christ: “In the Beginning” part I by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

The Satanic Verses (the Khazar-Nazi Anti-Christ part II) by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Human Sacrifice among the Catholic Clergy I (the Khazar-Nazi Antichrist III) by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Human Sacrifice among the Catholic Clergy II (the Khazar-Nazi Antichrist IV) – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (


  1. Trans dimensional dreams that involve the sexual exploits with interdimensional humanoids: The Skrill.

    An unknown number of rarely appearing interdimensional humanoid beings named ‘Skrill’ and ‘Skrill-Wesen'[68] capable of changing dimensions at will using their brain. Which may have been involved in a number of dishonorable even distasteful exchanges and abuses.[69]

    Two Hundred and Thirty-eighth Contacts
    Saturday, May 18th 1991, 00:55 hrs

    622. This is so.
    623. But we also call them dimension changers, as you already mentioned.
    624. But the term Skrill means ‘Ausgeartete’ only for us, because truthfully the Skrills call themselves Skrill, which means dimension changer in their language.

    Without a doubt, these Skrills are human beings, even if they are completely vicious, brutal and bestial and incredibly sex-hungry, males as well as females. The horror of these differently sized beings is only that they are completely degenerated and capable of switching from their dimension to other dimensions, whereby they then attack and rape human beings in the other dimensions. It is a good thing that this does not happen very often and that human beings of other dimensions, such as our dimension, can only clear and pave the way for these Skrills through psychological misconduct. By this, I mean that these Skrills can only penetrate into other dimensions and work there if other human beings of this dimension clear the way for them by self-destructively driving their psyche to malfunction and thus psychical collapse.

    Without a doubt, these Skrills are people, but they are completely abused, brutal, bestial and incredibly sex-hungry, both male and female. The horror of these other-dimensional beings is that they are completely degenerate and capable of moving from their dimension into other dimensions, whereby they then attack living beings in the other dimensions and rape them. But this doesn’t happen very often, so people from other dimensions, such as our dimension, can only clear and pave the way for these Skrills through special psychological-depressive misconduct. This means that these Skrills can only penetrate into other dimensions and work there if other living beings from other dimensions clear the way for them to do so by self-destructively driving their psyche to malfunction and thus breaking down psychologically and depressed.

  2. When I was very young, there was this fun thing you could do. It was fun because you could see places before you went there, see things in a kind of a reflection.
    Later, there were some people who went by the term Hermetic Magicians, who came to my attention and who had been doing very similar things. They called their practice the conjuration of the Watcher. One could send their Watcher ahead of themselves, or place it over someone or something that maybe you wanted to keep tabs on, so to speak.
    Of course, all this was ridiculous to the stuffed shirts that strutted around the world with a sense of entitlement, and occupied places like public schools, corporations, and government.

    • Forgot to mention this is in regards to Phil’s theory of observation globes.
      The interesting thing is that once one becomes an adult, the red tape has been layed on so thick, that what was natural becomes a chore.
      I would also point out that when Ra became angry at mankind for man’s rebellion against the cosmic order he sent his Eye to smite them, Sekhmet. She of the Lion headed who gorged herself on the blood and flesh of mankind.
      There is a personal story here that maybe someday will tell.
      Sekhmet is the shapeshifter.
      Forget which saga, but there was a passage where one man with a spear attacked an entire ship ful of men, killing them all. After this he became incredibly weak and collapsed, unable to move for some time. This is how it always was with the shapeshifter.

  3. Remote viewers going crazy these days. Decades spent mastering sniffing the great spirits farts as if it’s their fortune telling bitcoin spitting jinni. I hear all you need to do get their attention is fire them off an envelope through snail mail Ted Kaczynski style with some random numbers and letters like AH420-1488 and using their psychic powers they can tell me the future. Astral warriors of the highest degree selling out to corporations, private little richies, government/military and even have freemasons within their ranks. A bunch of good folks indeed doing humanity a favor, for the right price, like those galactic federation folk mediums whose brains are more medium-well. Ever wonder why you never get cancelled? Should question yourselves a little bit more after all cancelling and allowing people back onto these platforms gives you a smack of “street cred”. I have no problem ripping your backstage pass away. Whats up with all of these types with Chinese wives? Clif High, Dick Allgire jesus christ it’s like the opening of Red Hot Chili Peppers.

    Psychic spies from China try to steal your mind’s elation
    And little girls from Sweden dream of silver screen quotation
    And if you want these kind of dreams it’s Californication

    Anyways I’m serious we should send them off random envelopes and while they lie around meditating on crypto coin stock perhaps someone will swing by to tie their sleepy head legs together attached to a 50lb weight and throw them deep into the galactic ocean. They wont understand the fading laughter as they drown in their own screams. Peak-a-boo I seek you.

    • Well Greg, judging from your prior experiences with our resident she-witch, no one should know better than you what would happen to the hapless remote viewer who should ever tap into a Skinwalker…

      • I find there are two people in the world. Those who wish to escape hell and fear ever going back, and those who escape and come back laughing. In reality they’re just two phases of the same experience as some of us can attest to. I fondly remember the time I couldn’t help laughing in Basic as my whole platoon got smoked until the DS said until I stop laughing everyone’s going to do pushups indefinitely. For the love of me I couldn’t stop I just couldn’t get how people couldn’t see the game for what it was as outside the fear allies I had everyone else quickly turned against me. Ah human nature at its finest. Growing up with a she-witch prison, the mental institution, let alone Basic was a breeze. They were rather peaceful in comparison.
        Perhaps I’m just a glutton for punishment just to remind myself I don’t have a glass jaw. There are benefits in that way to being punched in the face. Maybe it’s so that after they’re finished or fully exhausted I can get up laughing with the words, “MY turn.” and to see their faces as they wonder what energy can posses such a person.

  4. My brother’s an attorney for Amazon in Seattle and I love the kid, so no, I won’t be doing that. I was always under the impression of the Ute being the peaceniks of the Native Americans, quasi-isolated hunter-gatherers allowed to live a peaceful lifestyle from being separated by deserts like the Morori being separated by an ocean.

    • I always thought the same thing about the Navajo Robert, that’s what they told me all through my childhood when they held their big Snake Dance every year at Tanner Park across the canal from my boyhood home in Copiague, the Hopi even came to St Martins, my school once to tell me that. You should have seen Father White with the three chiefs all decked out in ceremonial regalia. Later I believe it was him that got the Amityville Horror fly treatment. Poor Father White… Turns out they’re not Robert which they assiduously explained to me in a special group on Facebook in the years when I was in Jack Heart training and learning to fly:

  5. Beyond Skinwalker Ranch
    Showcases sites of unusual activity to discover if the activity documented on Skinwalker Ranch is real and pervasive.

    And if you have time, something to watch… the endings are especially interesting (Source Code and Artic Void)… Source code last sugestion…Arctic Void

    Use Duck Duck Go or links will not work…happy watching and all this is free, there is no need for Netflix or, Amazon, and others if you dont want to support the “work of “Nice People”, etc…

    Thank you, gentleman, marvelous podcast, an excellent topic, and an even better presentation.

    Both, Take care of yourself dont accidentally open The Ninth Gate…wink, wink…

    Cheers guys and All the Best.

  6. Thanks Jack and Phil, this is a particulalry good, and insightful conversation from the porch (and not just because, like HP before you, you both touched on aspects I had been writing about only yesterday, but from an Astrological point of view).
    I look forward to hearing the hermits take and thoughts, the more the merrier. We really have been creating a sort of gestalt alternative to that which is being put out there as truth, by those who are too scared to accept the real reality…
    I will be posting up on the Human on Monday morning (UK time), as I just need to proof read it and sort images, but have other commitments this weekend, otherwise I would have put it up today…
    Be well gentlemen, and take good care.

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