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Rules of the Game I’m guessing its about time I publish this. You could call this an interoffice memo between the Jack Heart team. It was written in 2016 when I first became self-aware, more frankly, in other words I was told who I was. The bold italics is me, everyone on the team received it, some liked it and I suspect some didn’t, they want fire, black fire but all of them have followed it to the letter and for that I salute each and every one of them. I’m publishing this now for those of you supporting me who didn’t get one. It’s time you were fully briefed in, I’ll write another truth about Jack Heart too. You are entitled to know everything, and you will, just let me finish Z plan, and I am obligated to tell you. – Jack     There is a cabal behind the chaos. Yes but I do not think it is chaos we are fighting but rather Order we are fighting here. It is an order so profound so unbalanced by any deviations that the individual faces dissolution just as sure as total chaos brings it.   Book: Part 9, Wisdom, first sentence; […]

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 Seeing as we have pundits that know nothing about the FBI, outside the propaganda the FBI itself pounds out from Hollywood, and even foreign journalists who have never met an FBI agent commenting on the...
 (28) PinterestThe Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr SolzhenitsynPodcast: Conversations from the porch - Episode 23The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr SolzhenitsynThe Gulag Archipelago Audiobook (pt.1 of 7.5) by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - YouTubeThe Gulag Archipelago Audiobook (pt. 2...
Orage returns to Jack Heart! Our audio quality isn't the best yet there are major points that need discussion.
Jack Heart Interview by Sage of Quay about MK-Ultra
First published on Mar 9, 2016 on Sage of Quay  Tonight columnist Jack Heart returns to the show.Jack’s recent article entitled ‘MK Ultra – Cybernetic Mutation, Remote Controlled Slaves, Dragon Soldiers and a Zombie Empire; Paint...
Conversations from the porch - Episode 9 the Black Goo 2022 Jack will be live with John Kaminski on Speak Free Radio on 10/5/22, 5 PM EST. Calls will be taken after six. "In reply to MK's...
Jack Heart’s Conversations from the porch – Episode 4

It looks like Dr. Poornima Wagh may have fudged her credentials a bit but then again she may not have. Phil looked into it, and it will be discussed in our next Conversations on the Porch which will come out later today or tomorrow. Orage and I managed to write MK Ultra – Cybernetic Mutation, Remote Controlled Slaves, Dragon Soldiers and a Zombie Empire; Paint it Blue and the Blood of Christ: Paint It Blue Hemorrhagic Fever, Expendable Humans and Bacteria Gone BeZerk with no medical backgrounds at all. Putting all your faith in doctors is exactly what got us here. After careful consideration we have decided to run this piece for the general public. It just may save you or someone you loves life… – Jack DR. LEE MERRITT AND POORNIMA WAGH PHD – IT’S ALL JUNK SCIENCE Dr. Poornima Wagh is a microbiologist by birth and has been working in the field since she was thirteen years old in her father’s lab. She credits Dr. Judy Evans Myer, a coal miner’s daughter from Pittsburgh, for confirming what common sense was already telling her; that her colleagues in the field were incompetent at best and charlatans at worst. What Dr. Wagh was seeing in the lab […]

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Our server isn’t really equipped for podcasts, any trouble with the audio go to our Substack site: Twin Peaks the Return, episode 4 ( After meeting Bill and Candy Shaker, friends of Dougie Jones, at the casino and learning roughly where he lived Cooper is driven ‘home’ by limo at the casino’s insistence. As the driver is getting Cooper out they hear an owl hooting. Startled, they both look up and see it gliding stealthily overhead in the darkness and the driver remarks “Dam, thing spooked me.” – Season 3, episode 4. 13:00. Cole meets with the FBI Chief of Staff a drag queen that calls itself Denise Bryson; played by David Duchovny who plays Fox Mulder the hero of the X Files. Back at Twin Peaks a schoolboy dies from an overdose of “Chinese designer drugs,” that are mysteriously making their way into Twin Peaks. Bobby Briggs is now a deputy. He tells Sheriff Frank Truman, Harry’s brother who has taken over for him in his illness that he does not think the drugs are coming in from Canada. He also tells the sheriff that Cooper, after getting out of the hospital the next day after he was found in Glastonbury Grove […]

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Our server isn’t really equipped for podcasts, any trouble with the audio go to our Substack site: Twin Peaks the Return, episode 5 & 6 ( in a phone call from their car Gene and Jake, her hit men, report to Lorraine, presumably the woman Duncan gave the job too, that they are thus far unable to assassinate Dougie Jones. Frustrated, she tells them they are going to get her killed and sends a message to her contact “ARGENT.” At the morgue  Talbot, Macklay and Harrison  stand over the headless corpse of the as of yet unidentified Major Briggs. Talbot tells them that her autopsy shows the man hadn’t eaten for days but he did have a ring in his stomach. She shows them a wedding band and on it is an inscription that reads; “To Dougie, with love, Janey-E.” Season 3, episode 5; 4:00–5:00. Evil Cooper looks in the mirror of his prison cell and sees BOB’s features start to materialize on his face and says “you’re still with me, that’s good.” – Season 3, episode 5; 7:00. Dougie’s car is now being targeted by car thieves. Anthony Sinclair tells Cooper that he’s covered for Dougie’s absence and during the meeting, as Sinclair presents a report Cooper sees a green […]

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The Sage of Quay Radio HourInterview Jack Heart - David Lynch, Twin Peaks and the Toroidal Universe (Dec 2017) is one of the leading esoteric researchers in the alternative research community today. His writings are...