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 "If we don't go back to the roads we once travelled they take so much, they take so much..." - Gordon Duff Podcast: Conversations from the porch - Episode 22: President Robert Kennedy Jr. Moved projects to Wuhan...
Artwork by Tom SinclairPodcast: Consciousness Stream, a Diversified RantInstead of pedophile popes and pastors you need to be listening to people like this: The Old World is Ending NOW 
Here is another "conspiracy theory" that just bit the dust.  As facts prove it was true....Bluetooth signals from the graves of vaxxed people who died in 2021 and 2022?  And in living people who were...
Enviromental disaster, UFOs, and a Butt plug in the DOT, only a madman would stay on this ship. "Lock your doors" if you do.Podcast: Conversations from the porch - Episode 18New 9/11’: Cancer Cloud Spreading...
 Shahzia Sikander, NOW (2023), on the Courthouse of the Appellate Division, First Department of the State of New York, for Havah…to breathe, air, life, 2023Photo: Yasunori Matsui. Courtesy of the artist and Madison Square Park ConservancyDiscussed on Podcast...
Black Hole Singularity
Sage of Quay Radio - Jack Heart - Black Holes, Singularity and the Holographic Universe (Jan 2017)For your commute…Newest Jack Heart Interview   Can’t say enough good things about my cousin the Sage of Quay, of course...
Jack Heart Interview by Sage of Quay on Jun 1, 2017Tonight Jack Heart returns to the show.Jack is one of the leading esoteric researchers in the alternative research community today. His writings turn main stream science on its head as he...

Our server isn’t really equipped for podcasts, any trouble with the audio go to our Substack site: Twin Peaks the Return, episode 9, 10 & 11 ( Walking on a rural road the bloody Doppelgänger stops and removes a red bandana from a post. Flying over eastern South Dakota Gordon Cole takes a call from Colonel Davis  Informing him of the discovery of Garland Briggs‘ body in Buckhorn on the west side of South Dakota. Cole detours his pilot after asking Diane to accompany them since she is familiar with Blue Rose cases. The bandana marks a ranch whose occupants have been murdered by the Doppelganger’s assassins Hutch and Chantal who are waiting there for him. Cole takes another in flight phone call from Warden Murphy, who tells him that “Cooper” has escaped.  In flight Diane gets a text from the Doppelgänger saying “around the dinner table the conversation is lively,” The Doppelgänger calls Duncan Todd and tells him the job, meaning the murder of “Dougie,” better be done the next time he calls. He then tells Hutch and Chantal to kill Warden Murphy. In an effort, perhaps, to clue in the three stooges; T. Fusco, D. Fusco, and “Smiley” Fusco, who head up the investigation of the Las Vegas police, Bushnell Mullins tells them “dam strange business […]

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“The Rainbow Bridge” — John Kaminski with special guests Jack Heart and Loki Hulgard and a guest appearance by Julien… Share Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god: 9781736288016: Heart, Jack: BooksConsequences of trying to ignore the simulated reality, looming recession 2008 style (depression), China serves America with divorce papers and Saudi...