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Phil Hunter

Phil is a retired 32 year US Army Radio Signals Analyst and Cryptographer. After he left that to the younger folks, he spent 8 years as a Veteran Service Officer helping veteran's fight for the benefits, they were due. Throughout his life there has been a connection to the creator which has shown him how mind, body, and spirit when in sync can positively create within this reality.

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Personal Production The Way Out Of Government Slavery

Yesterday I got to thinking about the Constitution and Revolution. Next thing I know this piece pops up in the news. Slavery to the system benefits only the masters. The article is well worth your time and thoughts. Before taking up arms we must make every attempt to ensure secure voting and Representatives that will rework our national government into government for the people by the people as intended by our nation’s founding documents. Ending the bureaucracy and the techno/military/pharma industrial complex slave state is a good start. Unless of course you have become lazy and just too comfortable in mediocrity living in the slavery of martial law disguised as constant national emergencies. Constructive production starts within each of us and flows outward to create a better life. What are you producing and for whom? A State of Martial Law: America Is a Military Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy by John Whitehead “What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?”—Thomas Jefferson The government is goosestepping all over our freedoms. Case in point: America’s founders did not want a military government ruled by force. Rather, […]

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The wild hogs in the woods

A look at why people have guns in rural America. Or, I eat pork.So, here you folks go. We were asked to share pictures...

Eviction and Return

For once, in a very long time, an elected representative is expelled for improprieties while on the house floor. Actually two are expelled from Tennessee legislature. Read more...


OPSEC ALERTThe FDA announced a new program to register "community" gardens. If you raise food, and give away or sell beyond your needs, "they"...

A Jack Heart must read

Subscribe to Jack on Substack. Here's a taste of what is there....Phil"It’s time you were fully briefed in, I’ll write another truth about Jack Heart...

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