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The Court of Lucifer

The Court of Lucifer

89 Unfortunately, my laptop has crapped out and will take I am told between a week and ten days to fix. Everything we need to continue with Legion is on that laptop or I never would...
Smashing Globalism
 Globalism has ridden its one legged jackass of a lie about the “Nazi’s” just about far enough.  Yes the National Socialists committed atrocities in a war they didn’t start, but they pale in comparison to the...
I spent my last day in Germany with Orage in Koblenz, an ancient city straddling both banks of the Rhine where it’s joined by the Moselle. As I gazed down at the deep surging water...
Stephansdom: The Black LodgeBy Jack Heart & OrageOne of the great wonders of gothic architecture, there is an almost palpable evil inside Stephansdom, a heaviness of the air. Shadows of forlorn sorrow and unspeakable despair...
Cover Photo: “The sun grows dark, earth sinks into the sea,  The bright stars  From heaven vanish;  Fire rages,  Heat blazes,  And high flames play  'Gainst heaven itself.”  (22) – The Prophecy of the Witch (The Völuspá from the Poetic Edda) And so the...
As noted by no less than John Keel it was Ray Palmer of Amazing Stories Magazine who invented flying saucers. Vimanas, which were the flying chariots of the Vedic pantheon and well documented throughout the...
The Court of Lucifer: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming: Internet Archive“Rahn must have discovered something which caused him to espouse a strange theory. He came to the conclusion that the Emerald Cup was only one...
Miguel Serrano on Islam
Miguel Serrano on IslamMiguel Serrano on Islam, he says here that in Sanskrit “Allah is also ELELLA (HE-SHE), with Al being "EL " (HE) and lah, "ELLA " (SHE).” I can tell you that Aleister...
In the early spring of 1945 much of the German high command vanished like a mirage before the advancing Allied troops, including in all likelihood Adolph Hitler. Some say they went to Aldebaran, a giant...
Twin Peaks, Miguel Serrano & the Hard Science of Orgasmic EnergyPart 1 of 3 By Jack Heart & OrageEt in Arcadia ego As Twin Peaks 2017 begins building to...