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I am as good as a Qabalist gets, maybe better but I cannot make a Golem. Perhaps if I poured over the Sepher Yetzirah applying permutation after permutation, a method Jews use called Temurah and Notarikon, like I did half a lifetime ago I could distill the necessary incantations. The stuff the Jews put out themselves about writing “aleph, mem, tav, which is emet and means “truth,” on the golem’s forehead and the golem would come alive. Erase the aleph and you are left with mem and tav, which is met, meaning “death.” (1) and the Golem dies is nonsense. You can write it on the Golems forehead, you can write it in a parchment of paper you place in the Golems mouth, or you can write on your girlfriend’s ass, the results will be the same, nothing. Jews, who were always the very best of the Magi till the twentieth century, never reveal their secrets in writing. That’s why they rely so heavily on Temurah, Notarikon and Gematria, in all their sacred texts. But even if I could, I would violate all I know that is sacred by bringing such an unholy abomination into this world, regardless of whether it has been sanctioned by the Jewish God or not. […]

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On March 16 Putin gave a thirty-seven-minute speech explaining to the world why Russia had no other choice than to invade Ukraine. Putin a dignified and thoughtful man, perhaps even a great man, spoke eloquently, enumerating point by point with documentable facts the eight years of western provocation and Ukrainian fanaticism that led to Russia’s invasion on February 24. His words were clear and concise, the military intelligence expert on the Russian language that helped with the translation below remarked, “Putin makes it so easy to translate and transcribe. His pronunciation is absolutely clean and clear.”  When a friend tagged me on Facebook with a post saying his wife didn’t believe there were Ukrainian Nazis, I replied by simply posting this picture as a comment. Facebook immediately suspended me for six days, for which I am appealing at a supposedly independent arbitrator. According to Putin fourteen thousand civilians including children have been murdered by American backed Ukrainian neo-Nazis since the western engineered overthrow of the rightful Ukrainian government in 2014. I know for a fact because I have Ukrainian Jews in my family that many of those murdered were Jews. These are not the National Socialists of Godfried Feder, Otto Rahn and […]

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Wer genau waren die prä-kolumbischen Besucher? Dies ist die Geschichte von Akakor im schwülen Amazonas, den Höhlen darunter und dem Jaguar. Deutsche im Dschungel. - OrageDie schwarze Sonne geht auf – Zweiter Teil Von Jack Heart...
Before 1933 when Hitler assumed power, not a single “god” among IG Farbens “council of gods” supported the National Socialist party. In fact, four of the twelve men making up the council that called themselves...
Was genau hat den Kometen ISON zum Verschwinden gebracht? Was kann man sehen, wenn man durch den Spiegel nach oben schaut? Was entstand vor 12.000 Jahren in Göbekli Tepe? Woher hatten die Templer ihr Silber?...
Was genau hat den Kometen ISON zum Verschwinden gebracht? Was kann man sehen, wenn man durch den Spiegel nach oben schaut? Was entstand vor 12.000 Jahren in Göbekli Tepe? Woher hatten die Templer ihr Silber?... of what you think about COVID, whether you like it or not it has now supplanted racism as the most divisive issue facing America. The not so United States is a nation whose populace...
‘The Russian forensic evidence has proven that Adolf Hitler was in fact a woman in her mid-thirties. It’s true; a skull reputed to be Hitler’s and held in Russian archives for almost sixty-five years as...
 This article was sent to me this morning presumably by its author who goes by the name of Miecz Elizejski in his comment section. The name matches up with the email. I'm seeing a lot of reasons...

Who were the SS?

 History is written by cowards and in many cases as it is with Winston Churchill; mass murders. The human race has lived in bondage for a thousand years and in that time only one movement...