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In the five years since I first saw the monument at Koblenz, I have witnessed the world careen wildly out of control. It’s as if someone has seized the steering wheel and driven the bus right over the cliff. In my capacity as a writer, I scream but no one seems to hear. Current events could be likened to having a nightmare while enduring sleep paralysis. Those that were once human have become cogs in a machine that grinds inexorably toward apocalypse. Ian Fleming could not have invented a better villain than Klaus Schwab and his supporting cast of henchmen like Bill Gates and George Soros. Joe Biden is right out of a comic book, as is Justin Trudeau and Emanuel Macron. Trump and Johnson are the envy of the Marvel Universe. The Anglo-American Empire is unable to restrain itself from its relentless prodding of Iran, China and Russia. The Jews are diabolical instigators of this senseless will toward self-annihilation while Christians provide the muscle as their enthusiastic accomplices. Islam is caught in the crossfire. To be cognizant in a simulated reality is much like sleep paralysis, a condition folklore attributes to a phantasmagorical hag sitting on one’s chest. Surely […]

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The cover picture is taken from the original Causa Nostra Gallery. (1) It was entered on April 2014. The only other picture in the gallery of a political figure, out of hundreds maybe thousands of pictures of beautiful people living in the lap of luxury, is Ron Paul entered in April of 2012. (2) Forced to speculate I would have to say a Ron Paul presidency with its accompanying return to the gold standard, as Putin has just done with the ruble and Paul promised to do with the dollar, and Americas disentanglement from foreign adventurism, again as Paul promised, was the West’s last chance. Instead led by the stupidest among them, crusading for equality for idiots and slackers, a populist black conman with a transvestite wife and milk carton children was given a second term. The mealy-mouthed homosexual, in fact an Illuminati prince they call Barry, used that term to double down on Americas exploitation of anything and everyone who was not a member of their elitist club. The same elitist club that betrayed Germany in WW II in the name of their global corporatocracy would now betray America in the name of their transhuman global corporatocracy. At that point […]

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Perhaps the reason we are living in a hologram where nothing is real is due to the fact that we are all dead. Time very well may have ended at the end of 2013 just as the Mayan calendar said it would. The date was pushed back to 2012 so people wouldn’t panic when what they were told was comet Ison appeared in the sky at the end of 2013. The great German Mayan scholar Wolfgang Cardon was murdered to enable this deception and when Karl Brugger, Germanys top investigative reporter found out, he too was murdered, recklessly machine gunned down on Ipanema Beach, his hotel room subsequently broken into, and all his notes confiscated. (1) (2) (3) It worked. The transition from living to dead went noticed, and since the consciousness of seven billion people cannot just cease to exist a new reality was constructed past and present. Time does not matter in a dream. A sharp external noise can be explained in a split second by a dreamer with endless details that would take the conscious mind hours maybe days to construct. There’s a worn-out platitude about your whole life flashing before you at the moment of your […]

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Otto Rahn starts his journey in Paris, I was now in Paris. I breezed through customs and was vomited into the middle of Charles de Gaulle Airport at midday. It was a cacophony of noises, races...
When a cardboard cutout of Phillip Giraldi's stature gets up there and starts talking about the Liberty and the Pollard affair it should be understood by all sentient observers its coming from the highest echelons...
Click here to open in a new tab and download this document"The 3x3 diagram can illustrate many things.When it comes to politics/economy/society: The Odd numbers illustrate Capitalism.The Even numbers illustrate Communism.The "Trine" numbers illustrate National Socialism.This...

I took a long last drag from my cigarette and doused it in the receptacle by the front of the doors. It would be at least ten hours till the next one. I had two hours till takeoff, but I figured I better check in now considering what happened on my last flight out of Frankfurt in 2019. Orage had dropped me off at the airport at about one in the morning. The flight was at nine, so I made my way upstairs through the deserted airport and drank overpriced beer in front of an all-night McDonalds at a table in a German café across from it. At first it was just the barmaid, an attractive young fräulein who spoke little English, and I. But we were soon joined by a very strange man who hovered at the periphery of the cafe playing peekaboo behind the copious artificial plants demarcating its perimeter. Even though the temperature was in the mid-fifties outside, inside he was wearing a heavy winter snorkel coat with the hood pulled over his face. He had a shopping bag presumably to transport the days treasures he had found while foraging the airport. When I tried to take […]

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Sage of Quay® NewsYour Home for Free and Critical ThinkingSunday, September 24, 2023Why Germany Invaded Poland by Gott Mit UnsThere are two sides to every story. Thus, an alternative perspective.Sage of Quay® News: Why Germany...
Black Sun Rising I By Jack Heart & Orage - The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (