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Rules of the Game I’m guessing its about time I publish this. You could call this an interoffice memo between the Jack Heart team. It was written in 2016 when I first became self-aware, more frankly, in other words I was told who I was. The bold italics is me, everyone on the team received it, some liked it and I suspect some didn’t, they want fire, black fire but all of them have followed it to the letter and for that I salute each and every one of them. I’m publishing this now for those of you supporting me who didn’t get one. It’s time you were fully briefed in, I’ll write another truth about Jack Heart too. You are entitled to know everything, and you will, just let me finish Z plan, and I am obligated to tell you. – Jack     There is a cabal behind the chaos. Yes but I do not think it is chaos we are fighting but rather Order we are fighting here. It is an order so profound so unbalanced by any deviations that the individual faces dissolution just as sure as total chaos brings it.   Book: Part 9, Wisdom, first sentence; […]

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The sequence is exactly as it takes place on my iPhone as snaped by my nieces’ boyfriend in the beginning of December 2019. He was referring to me as the Grim for the Grim Reaper and none of us had yet heard of the Bluestones yet. Shortly thereafter across the street PC Richards, Long Islands electronics giant and highest profile billionaire due to his incessant advertising for over twenty years backed over his wife in his driveway and killed her on the eve of Christmas. That’s when things got Grim. The Truth About Jack Heart In A Dream Within a Dream Edgar Allan Poe asks, “Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream?” (1) David Lynch’s Twin Peaks the Return imagines “we are like the dreamer who dreams then lives inside the dream.” It then asks, “but who is the dreamer?” (2) In the Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan I wrote: “what I think and do becomes songs and pop culture and what is pop culture and songs become what I think and do. I do not know if I am the reflection or the image.” When I gave the manuscript to Christopher Hayden, General Michael Hayden’s […]

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“Holy alien invasion Batman! Is this an excerpt from that movie ‘The Arrival’ or was it really recorded on Jack Hearts doorstep?” – Robin wearing his mother’s pantyhose Andrija Puharich, one of the principle architects of MK Ultra and Hal Puthoff’s predecessor, let’s slip in a lecture recorded on Youtube, whose audience incidentally was brushed out after I attained access to the video, that certain people were powerful transmitters. By situating them properly along the ley lines the Nazis planed on creating a collective neural network for the human race through which they would broadcast their own reality. (3) 3 – Puharich , A. (2015, February 8). Psi Clips. A Day With Andrija Puharich Part 1A (15:12– 17:50). Retrieved May 6, 2018, from A Day With Andrija Puharich Part 1A ( 

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Since you’re busy and clicked on this on the fly, I start with a spoiler: We are being digitally experimented on. So I thought maybe I should try to write an obituary to our freedoms in the light of the ongoing global oppression games. Upgrade to paid GOLDSTEIN: U.S. DESIGNED NEW ORDER FOR SUPER CREATORS Internet Selects for Creators, Rejects Humans Where to start. The Internet was locked down long before the planned pandemic event: The ‘big platforms’ are all cryptic surveillance camps now. In case you haven‘t noticed: Whatever you type here or post—it‘ll only show back to you, but to nobody else. You are a digital ghost, only visible to yourself. America‘s Away On Bug Wars The world wide web was a military project to prove a point: Total spectrum dominance. Mind control, even. Like the space race thirty years prior, however, it was shelved shortly after. You are as lonely on the internet as you are lonely in your head right now. And you’re going nowhere on the internet just as you go nowhere now with your shoes these days. Earth is quite pointless. Everyone in the world is traumatized by mental lockdown. Everything on the internet is a designer trap. Remember […]

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Hamas did it? Austin Wounded in Kiev when Kinzhal Blew Through Patriot Missile Defenses – THE INTEL DROP

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Our server isn’t really equipped for podcasts, any trouble with the audio go to our Substack site: Broadcasts from Silent Hill, Transmission I ( The Khazar-Nazi Anti-Christ: “In the Beginning” part I by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends ( The Satanic Verses (the Khazar-Nazi Anti-Christ part II) by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends ( Human Sacrifice among the Catholic Clergy I (the Khazar-Nazi Antichrist III) by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends ( Human Sacrifice among the Catholic Clergy II (the Khazar-Nazi Antichrist IV) – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

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Before There Was Darkness There Was White It was the same sound a creaky old door made when you open it but a thousand times louder drowning out even the howling wind. The dogs crouched low in the snow cowering but afraid to even whimper. The moon hung over them; a dazzling orb rimmed with iridescent violet as the aurora borealis flashed vivid green and magenta all around it. The horizon was blocked by upheavals of ice that had been twisted into a chaotic landscape of jagged outcrops. Some were twenty to thirty meters tall and made any further progress doubtful. By the time Fridjof Nansen and Hjalmar Johansen made camp for the night they had already decided to turn back at first light. They had been out on the ice for three weeks and beneath them was two thousand fathoms of freezing ocean. The temperature was a constant forty below and Nansen’s fingers were frozen to his mittens. They were two hundred miles further north than any man had gone before. Ostensibly they were trying to reach the north pole. That is what Nansen had told the Norwegian Geographical Society in Christiania, now Oslo, when he had proposed the expedition […]

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The Price of Vice


Dr. E Michael Jones is highly recommended by our friends within the Catholic Church. In fact they tell me some of his books are free on libgen, whatever that is. I’ve included as a cover his only video I could find still up on YouTube, dispelling Schlomo’s genocidal slander of National Socialism and the German people but what we’re interested in here is his new book lampooning Schlomo’s Holocaust myth. As many of you know I was friends with the Zundel’s, Ingrid offered to finance me. That’s probably why they are both now dead. The Holocaust never happened and once you take it away Schlomo loses his license to fold, spindle and mutilate western civilization. In the interview I link to from the Sage of Quay about twenty-two minutes in Dr. Jones talks about how Schlomo has turned America into a “gay disco:”  Sage of Quay® News: The Key to Saving Western Civilization (

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I took a long last drag from my cigarette and doused it in the receptacle by the front of the doors. It would be at least ten hours till the next one. I had two hours till takeoff, but I figured I better check in now considering what happened on my last flight out of Frankfurt in 2019. Orage had dropped me off at the airport at about one in the morning. The flight was at nine, so I made my way upstairs through the deserted airport and drank overpriced beer in front of an all-night McDonalds at a table in a German café across from it. At first it was just the barmaid, an attractive young fräulein who spoke little English, and I. But we were soon joined by a very strange man who hovered at the periphery of the cafe playing peekaboo behind the copious artificial plants demarcating its perimeter. Even though the temperature was in the mid-fifties outside, inside he was wearing a heavy winter snorkel coat with the hood pulled over his face. He had a shopping bag presumably to transport the days treasures he had found while foraging the airport. When I tried to take […]

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Hi Jack & Orage, Here are the last 3 parts. I’m also including the link to the final compiled file. I’ve gone back over a few things, particularly at the beginning of the translation. I don’t know if I’ll do it again, it was pretty hard and exhausting. I’m off to crack open a cold beer and wish you all a great day! The Complete File : Part 7/8/9 : § 73. But ierne is above all a synonym of verne, from the Latin verna, feminine of vernus (a pun on Venus), “spring”, the season of flowers. Verna is therefore Flora and Laura by apocope, Petrarch’s Laure, the lover, the courtesan, because verna conceals verrina, the naughty girl, the secret grid or tongue, from grullos, “pig”. This is where the expression “to play a dirty trick” comes from (pig’s trick in French). Verna also refers to a garden where flowers are grown. In the Middle Ages, houses of pleasure were – according to history – called “champs-florys”, as we can see in the old texts and, in Provençal troubadouresque, “camps de flours”. These were Flora’s paradises, the courts of love, the Lodges of Massenia, of the Holy Grail, which have been confused with public houses. Boccaccio, in his Decameron (theka-êmerion, […]

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