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Who were the SS?


 History is written by cowards and in many cases as it is with Winston Churchill; mass murders. The human race has lived in bondage for a thousand years and in that time only one movement has ever been made to change that appalling fact. The cowards and the mass murderers have done their best to malign and slander that movement but there is a mystic aura left in its wake that all their sniveling cannot wipe away. 

As Dylan said, “they say the darkest hour is right before the dawn.” But even in the darkest hour the Morning Star pierces the night sky with the promise of a new day. We will be examining the movement, and the valiant men and woman of that movement. Let us only hope there enough real men and woman left among us to live up to the standards they wrote in their own blood seventy-five years ago…    – JH

The SS have already gone down in history as the industrial eras answer to the Greek Spartans. No competent historian can deny, love them or hate them, that they were men of valor not seen in a thousand years of recorded western history. As a military force they were peerless and extracted a toll from those who took them on in the battlefield that only a country the size of Russia could ever hope to endure. We know the SS now for their ruthless fanaticism which resulted in atrocities just as unprecedented as their martial skills, but the truth is the evil reputation of the SS traces not back to their enemies but to General Franz Halder.

Halder was Hitler’s chief of staff of the Wehrmacht till September of 1942 when it became apparent that he, either through incompetence or treason like much of the German high command, was almost singlehandedly losing the war for Germany and he was dismissed. “A post war de-Nazification panel judged Halder’s earlier conduct a “complete betrayal of his country.” (1)

Halder issued orders to the Wehrmacht to exterminate whole villages in Russia and shoot commissars and Jews on sight, but for his services to empire in selling out his country this was all pretty much ignored after the war and Halder became the go to guy for British and American historians on the war. He used this position to relentlessly propagate the myths of the bumbling Hitler and the evil SS, whom he blamed for the Wehrmacht’s war crimes. – Jack Heart

1 – Internet Archive. 2020. Betrayal in the East p 301, Hitlers Revolution By Richard Tedor: Free Download, Borrow, And Streaming : Internet Archive. [online] Available at:

Below is an assessment of the SS by a career military man, our readers know as Phil, using Hitlers Revolution by Richard Tedor as his source:

A review of the Waffen SS section of chapter 5 in Hitler’s Revolution.

By Phil

“I think the most important sentence is the entire section is this: “The Waffen SS demonstrates how National Socialism’s emphasis on personal initiative created the opportunity for flexibility and development on an unprecedented scale.”

As one looks back at military history one of the primary questions that arises is why did this occur; why was there a Waffen SS? During the beginnings of National Socialism, just as Hitler became Chancellor, there was much subversive activity in the nation, the goal of which was to destroy the new administration and replace it with Communism.

The true National security issues led to the formation of an SS military branch. When Hitler became chancellor, Communists were still numerous in Germany. They hijacked 150 tons of explosives, of which just 15 tons had been recovered by the police by mid-March 1933. The exiled Communist Wilhelm Piech issued a proclamation in September, calling for a general strike and “armed insurrection by the majority of the German proletariat “to topple the” Hitler dictatorship. The police were neither equipped nor trained to suppress a possible uprising. The German army was not psychologically suited to wage urban warfare against elements of the indigenous population.

The police and army were not capable of the action necessary to stop the Communists. This is reminiscent of the date of my writing here. This then begs the question what kind of force could and would succeed in the mission to eradicate Communism from the nation? My simple answer is to start with men of character proven warriors, who believed with their entire being in the vision of what their nation was becoming. The men should all have experience as fighters, been in the battles and shown that they have what is necessary to win. Take these already special men, train them to razor sharpness for the specific mission and mission accomplishment will follow. The more difficult the mission, the more specific the training needed to be.

The men who were to train this new, new to the 20th century, warrior were men who had acquitted themselves well during WWI. The development of Shock Troops during the latter years of the war was a great success and provided a view of the ideal types of training.

WWI Shock Troops were a great asset. “They were of different spirit than the mobilized masses. . .. In a world of standardization of soldiering, they proved that better trained, hand-picked soldiers, mastering the military technology of the times, were a match for any vastly superior, collective soldierly mass.” Those who developed the SS training program had much experience from WWI. That experience and knowing that which they believed would suit the Fuhrer’s purpose, led to the development of the VT training programs. This was the birth of the Waffen SS, officially titled the Verfügungstruppe from 1935-1940. Abbreviated to VT, the expression translates literally as “Availability Troop,” meaning ready for immediate deployment.

The character of an elite warrior, a man of war, is of great importance to their military unit’s ability to successfully complete their mission, and to their society that they may eventually return to. It has been my experience that those with strong values and a concrete moral underpinning tend to be very successful and have the least problems when they return to society. This section and the entire book for that matter, address, character both national and individual.

Its (VT) members generally possessed better comprehension of the movement’s political objectives.  The Junker School s’ (SS Training Academy) goal was to produce men of refined, fearless character, chivalrous with an unblemished sense of honor and obedience, displaying helpfulness, camaraderie, and willingness to accept responsibility. Impeccable deportment in public and cultivation of family values were also prerequisites.”

I see many parallels of lessons learned by the US and German military leadership after WWI. As those lessons have the added the experiences of WWII and Korea the US Army developed a special fulltime force trained and ready at a moment’s notice to respond to Presidential orders as his shock troops. The development, selection and training is quite similar to the Verfügungstruppe, the Waffen SS, the Availability Troop. I refer of course to the US Army Special Forces, the Green Berets.

As I read through this section I don’t directly see a key point that I know is required and it is where I started this review. That missing point is the development of the soldier’s spirit and vision, those things which belong to the soul. Mind and body can accomplish much, add the soul as the motivator and nothing but greatness can follow. So how did those schools cultivate the spirit? Many I believe came to the schools having already developed the spirit in combat or life. Belief in the ideal, religious type fervor comes from the soul and is enough to cause soldiers to climb into lion’s den. The ideal vision of National Socialism inculcated in the warriors coupled with the knowledge that they had the ability to effect the outcome of that vision is what I believe drove the SS to high excellence.” – Phil

Comments from Patreon:

Great comments on the book by Richard Tedor. I finished it last week and it is a real polished work. As Phil mentionned, the emphasis on the values Hitler infused in Germany completely demystyfies the vicious lies which are still propagating on these men of valor and what they stood for. We can still sense a glimpse of this past valor and industriousness in some germans of today even if they happen to believe these lies. It was really saddening to read the diplomatic part of the book with Hitler trying to establish win-win cooperations while being slandered and insulted in the process. At the same moment the bolsheviks were trying to subvert the country. I was outraged to learn of the scope of treasons among the german high command. Truly staggering ! Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh are lauding Claus Von Stauffenberg for the attempts on Hitler’s live in their book Secret Germany, but Richard Tedor explains it best when he says those aristocrats didn’t like this new society based on merit, courage and leadership and wanted to maintain their predominance by a poor plot. They were totally helpless after the bomb detonated. They completely lacked vision beyond what they tried to accomplish… What Hitler did will survive the lies and be the basis for the man to come, even if those men cherishing the same values today know it not. As a French, I was really angered to read again the British murder of our navy troops during the event of Mers El Khebir. Just because France wanted to uphold their promise to the germans, those so called allies sent their plane to kill more than a thousand sailors. The same spirit of falsness and lies is still giving birth to this kind of untermensch. Those bastards who wear the moral high ground as a shining garment. They still can’t hide their soiled pants as hard as they try. But their time is expirating…

Romain I had similar thoughts and feelings while reading the book. We’ll look at other aspects in the next few articles. The aristocracy traitors should have seen that empire did not have an issue with Hitler, but the German people as a whole. It was not just the industry, trade and science, but very much also poets and philosophers running counter. A whole different world view, a radical challenge to soulless materialism.

Honor, dignity, being of service to the whole while reaching full potential as individuals. Breaking the chains of the dual whammy of pope and feudalism that was the 1000 year realm we’re in the post dead stages of, and bringing a new 1000 realm

Because it was such a formidable challenge, it is so demonized as ultimate evil, to the point of that Germans today are almost completely divorced from their past. Every look back is filtered through those 12 years. This far, the propagandists have been setting the agenda. Time to change that.

WIP thoughts

I will focus on the volunteers of the Waffen SS, millions of them from Norway, Denmark Netherlands, Belgium, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Romania among others. Combined, the book assess that they were not necessarily fighting for Germany, but to rise Europe in a new spirit and most of all stopping the Bolshevik onslaught. The fight wasn’t driven by 19th century nationalism, nor Imperialism, but leadership by example in case of officers, regardless of their previous station in life. The new man, forged in battles and hardships, rooted in that German enlightenment as a counter to hollow materialism and Komissar misery. The book claims they challenged the ideology of races by the National Socialist party. The SS also stood together in defeat, Odessa comes to mind. All in all, a start to talk about the lessons beyond atrocity propaganda, one side hasn’t gotten their stories heard, their graves unmourned or spit upon. This goes for the soldiers and the civil population as well. The wound still festers east of the Elbe and Danube, and there is still dynamic use for our future, less we want to shape our coming twenties thirties forties of this century differently. Past present future

It is from the alliance of South America bormann and Cia that fascism became the go to enforcers for corporate Kartell and their dime store brutal, corrupt dictators, from Pinochet in Chile to today’s chocolate oligarchy in the Ukraine

They were going with the Kalergi plan from day one Orage, Ludwig Beck just scratches the surface of how far back the deception went, guy that took Feder’s place was a pal of Kalergi, its in the link as is all the rest of Kalergi’s highly placed disciples among the European elite. White people are so annoying, especially those pesky Germans…

From that Wikipedia page: Hitler did not share the ideas of his Austrian compatriot. He argued in his 1928 Secret Book that they are unfit for the future defense of Europe against America. As America fills its North American lebensraum, “the natural activist urge that is peculiar to young nations will turn outward.” But then “a pacifist-democratic Pan-European hodgepodge state” would not be able to oppose the United States. – I’d say that analysis is spot on as it came to pass. Elsewhere, it’s a veritable who’s who of the known players

What a shame that a publication like Veterans Today once catering to veterans and men of arms now consists of an audience unable to make intelligible comments like this on a piece written by a man of arms. Yes, the more I delve into it, the deeper I go, everything Serrano said about Hitler is confirmed, more prophet than man, a warning to the White race, and the finest man who ever walked the earth. Imagine its as if they have turned Jesus into a sadistic villain, a mass murderer (which was actually their boy Churchill) and a megalomanic, and its actually worked. These are an evil evil lot; I believe in the end Patton realized too and was murdered for his troubles. Yes, Orage all the industrialists, all the power brokers of Europe and America, they are all there, an evil evil lot…

Illustrations & quotes for educational purposes. © Jack Heart 2020   

Dark Winter…


Watching Joe Biden and Donald Trump debate is like watching two monkeys locked in a cage hurling feces at each other. Nevertheless, considering the COVID panic Americans need to pay very close attention to what’s said. For Trumps part he has repeatedly threatened the Chinese with retaliation for unleashing the “Chinese plague” on America and promised his glassy eyed constituents that the military will oversee vaccination distribution. His rhetoric reveals intentions to initiate a biological war with China. But Trump is an amateur, in way over his head, and in the end most of what he says is just white noise. He is a pawn on the chessboard of the powers that be.

But on the other hand, Biden has unimpeachable Deep State credentials combined with a fast fading intellect that will sometimes cause him to unintentionally blurt out things he has been briefed on that only those who really run the government are supposed to know. In the last debate, he told Americans that they will be entering a Dark Winter, said it twice. Dark Winter is the name of a Bioterrorism Exercise run at Andrews Air Force Base from June 22-23, 2001, by the National Security Council.

“In their roles as National Security Council (NSC) members responding to the smallpox crisis, exercise participants were given information about unfolding events in four important ways: briefings, memos, newspaper summaries, and video news clips.

Each of the three segments began with briefings delivered to the NSC meeting by exercise controllers playing the roles of deputies or special assistants. Subsequent briefings in each segment provided NSC “players” with possible policy options for consideration.

Throughout the exercise, individual participants were given memos on issues or events within the purview of their position or agency. Participants responded to events in whatever way the felt appropriate.

The exercise began with a briefing on the geopolitical context in which the scenario occurs. At the start of segments 2 and 3, summaries of relevant news coverage of the epidemic were shown.

At five different times in the exercise, video news clips were shown which conveyed the breaking news stories occurring at that time in the scenario. The text of the news clips is not shown in this exercise script.” (1)

In the exercise Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Georgia are attacked in early December with Smallpox by an unidentified enemy. Three million cases with up to a million deaths are projected and much of the controversy we have seen with COVID prevention is anticipated. Closure of stores over the holidays is opposed by merchants, The ACLU sues Pennsylvania “over its decision to initiate mandatory vaccination of patient contacts and the imposition of travel restrictions.” (2)

Texas practically declares war on Oklahoma with the governor of Texas stating that all air traffic into Texas “originating or passing through the state of Oklahoma will similarly be stopped and turned back.” Vaccinations are limited with only “12 M doses in U.S. stockpile” and “foreign supplies limited…” (3)

The vaccination is only effective if given “3 – 5 days after exposure, with “exposure determined by history.” There are “no rapid, reliable tests” and there are “possible serious or lethal complications in 1/5000 Smallpox Vaccine.” Decisions must be made on “national vs. state vaccination policy? Ring vaccination vs. mass immunizations?” And of course, whether to hold aside “2.5 M doses for DOD? key officials?” And other various civil service miscreants like “public safety, elected officials? Their families?” (4)

After the September 11th, 2001 attack the Rand Corporation initiated their own study. Their study suggested that the “degree of integration between public health and hospitals with the planning activities of other emergency responders is greater for disaster and emergency response in general than for incidents involving the use of biological or chemical weapons.” They concluded that the “Dark Winter exercise made clear, integration between the public health and medical communities and that of other local emergency responders is a key concern.” (5)

In April of 2003, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency of the DoD ran a one year comprehensive study which stated goal was “to collect as much of the open source literature on manned gaming and simulations of terrorism involving WMD as possible, organize these data, and present them in an accessible format.” They concluded that “there has been little indication that exercises (or for that matter any other preparedness efforts) have resulted in substantively improved levels of preparedness for a WMD terrorism attack… (6)

Fast forward fifteen plus years and Americans are grappling with what is clearly, to the sentient among them, the first major biological attack. Clearly Trump, because that is what he has been told, blames China and has every intention of retaliating if reelected. Despite all these studies done a decade and half ago significant funds have never been allocated in accordance with their findings. Make no mistake about it. America will wipe China from the map in a war of annihilation but there will be few Americans left to enjoy the fruits of victory. Perhaps that is just the way it is intended…


1 –DARK WINTER: Bioterrorism Exercise Andrews Air Force Base June 22-23, 2001, Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense, Center for Strategic and International Studies, ANSER, & Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism,

2 – Ibid.

3 – Ibid.

4 – Ibid.

5 – Davis, Lois M., and Janice C. Blanchard. “Are Local Health Responders Ready for Biological and Chemical Terrorism?” RAND Corporation, 1 Jan. 2002,


Originally appeared on Please be advised we will not be able to reply to your comments on other sites. 
Illustrations & quotes for educational purposes. © Jack Heart 2020

We are living in a post-apocalyptic era where the only constant is the millstone of isolation that weighs down upon the sentient like the world on the shoulders of Atlas. Speak and no one hears, cry and no one cares, laugh and surely you are as mad as those who have brought us here. Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan is an inside account of how and why they did. Long Island is “an evil dirty place.” The Montauk Project, Flight 800, and the Amityville Horror, I am a witness to all of them and this book is my testimony.

Web Site:


“Good morning, Sunday morning…”

Sunday Morning Confusion by Jack Heart

Nancy Pelosi Confused during Interview. (Good morning, Sunday Morning) – YouTube

We’ve got serious work to do here and we will not be sidetracked by circus side shows. I’ve already said on Facebook that I will not talk about COVID anymore but this morning one of our best researchers sent me this:

“Hi Jack, just a quick update. Still looking into the PCR test / Chromosome 8 theory. Here is article debunking it: A response to this article: “Also, this is RT-PCR, not PCR we are talking about, see Pasteur document. First the reverse transcriptase is working to produce the DNA from the RNA, and then the primer/replication process starts. Does this mean that it would be reversed again into the chromosome 8 sequence?” I don’t know if you are looking into this but I just wanted to forward it in case. It’s hard to comprehend for me, trying to work it out with a friend who actually does covid PCR testing. So i’m not sure who is right at this point. In anyway it’s a point of discussion in the politics in NL. 90% false positives are being talked about. Take care”

My answer:

‘All this discussion over a common cold, a class 4 on the Baltimore scale, that in reality has killed 8000 people in America according to censored CDC reports. These guys need to get a real job, get out of the house, maybe see a little of the world before they start arguing about what is to those of us who holistically view these current events an obvious ploy to justify an economic reset. Fuck this shit #$. don’t show me genome sequences from a science, that mind you is at best only one quarter understood, show me the bodies. As a man whose travelled every state east of the Mississippi since late May I can tell you there ain’t any…’

That’s my final word on COVID, now I could say so much more but I won’t waste your time or my time with it. When I hit the road in late May, I didn’t know what to expect. Would I catch it, would travel even be possible, what would I do if I caught it? At the time getting medical treatment for it was near impossible. You see I believed in the COVID just as much as anyone else.

What I found out is they are perpetrating a complete fraud, nobodies’ dying that wasn’t dying before “COVID…” If you don’t believe that then try talking openly about it on social media or in once trusted alternative news publications like Drudge, Zero Hedge or Veterans Today. COVID is not open for discussion because just like every other phantom it melts away in the light of day. Forget it and go about your lives, it’s for the sub-creatures to worry about. Jesus Christ they may even die. Imagine that…

What you need to worrying about is things like the second in command of the United States of America phasing out like a virus afflicted Google search during an interview last week. Yea “Good Morning, Sunday morning…” Take a look at the interviewers face while she’s sputtering. The moon is all over the night sky, I told you this over a year ago and it’s since been confirmed by others. Take a look at this frothing at the mouth Christian’s video of the sun setting right into the clouds, a pretty neat trick for something that is supposedly 93 million miles away from those clouds.

He has others of the sun setting right into the sea. I’ve been watching these very same things for just about the past two years. This is a hologram, a signal; a program like what runs your computer and just like that program it is subject to something called bit rot. With hard drives “saved bits can flip their magnetic polarity. If enough of them flip without being corrected, that can lead to bit rot. Solid-state drives, meanwhile, lose their data when the insulating layer degrades and the charged electrons leak out.” (1)

Either way, computer programs do not last forever and by my estimate, using Montauk Project lore, this program is 89 years old. Dissolution is inevitable but as Quantum Immortality tells us consciousness is eternal. Assuming that if you are reading this, unlike the vast majority who are nothing but program, you are conscious and you will not fade away. You will create a new world, a new program, in order for you to continue your existence.

The present program was created in accordance with the Nazi religion, it was an attempt at the unification of the He and She, as laid out for you by Miguel Serrano and myself in Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. It had nothing to do with your own personal fulfillment as an individual. Which is why everyone of you has wrestled with the lions of existentialism every time you became more introspective than your garden variety man or woman was meant to be. This Timeline was never meant for you. But as the generators, the Alcheringa of the hologram, we can fix that for the next one. We will have to work together but, remember there is only strength in unity.

Personally I’m going full on, I’m taking hits left and right financially but I guess resistance is to be expected. Even a dying animal will fight for its last breath, so much more so a dying world. I’ve thus far sunk 340$ into a web site and had to pocket another 200$ earmarked to fix my laptop because my lap top can’t be fixed. Now one of you was good enough to give me 550$ and some of you may think that leaves me with over 200$ extra. Wrong! That leaves me without a laptop.

I’ll get Legion on the tower one way or another, even if I have to pay for it again, it’s that important and the data from the laptop can be retrieved thanks to our new IT guy who tells me to think of him as my little anonymous gnome in the shadows. But for now on no more distractions; I don’t care if Ian personally shoots Donald Trump dead at his next rally; the main stream narrative has nothing to do with reality. “Good Morning, Sunday morning,” that’s reality. We will start with the Bormann Faction and the evolution of evil on this timeline because in order to eradicate something one must first Understand how it works.

  My book is  


Buy it NOW!

Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god Paperback – January 5, 2021


1 – Paul, Ian. “Bit Rot: How Hard Drives and SSDs Die Over Time.” How-to-Geek. 23 Mar 2020. Web.

The Court of Lucifer

The Court of Lucifer

Unfortunately, my laptop has crapped out and will take I am told between a week and ten days to fix. Everything we need to continue with Legion is on that laptop or I never would have even agreed to pay the two hundred it’s costing to fix it. That’s the bad news. The good news is I have dug up my old faithful tower, where I have stored a priceless collection of notes from old pieces, out of the trunk of my car and set it up in my cousin’s basement. All I need now is my mommy upstairs fixing dinner for me and I will be eligible to have over a million subscribers on Youtube. 


Gordon Duff keeps claiming that George Soros and Bill Gates are not to blame for the rampant stupidity that now threatens to put an end to the western world. I find it hard to believe that Gates, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are not at the bottom of much of this, considering the fortunes they have made from the COVID hoax. Considering VT’s vapid parroting of the MSM narrative about COVID I find it even harder to believe but I will give Mr. Duff this; Google and all the rest of genetic defects that comprise the infection known as Silicon Valley are the real enemy of the human race. Without their systematic eradication of all pertinent information necessary for critical thinking none of this could have happened.


Which brings us to Soros; Soros is a fucking Nazi and the vilest kind of Nazi, one under the employment of the Bormann faction whom were brilliantly exposed by David Lynch in Twin Peaks the Return. Now Google and the AI can stop Orage and me, at least temporarily, from explaining Lynches masterpiece to the ignorant masses, indeed they have. But what they cannot stop is the actual Return. There will be a reckoning, with all of them, mark my words. Billions will die and it will be on them. The Law of Karma demands that the scales be balanced…


As Otto Rahn has already told you, you are in The Court of Lucifer’s. Rahn is responsible for convening it, here in this artificial timeline, because he feels a great wrong has been done to Lucifer/Apollo. That will be for the jury to decide but what I can tell you is the Germans split the timeline in 1931 in preparation for this. Bell, a euphemism for die Glocke employed by the Bormann faction, among others, picked this up in 1937 when they shared the Nobel Prize for demonstrating the wave nature of matter. 


You are in the Frequency domain of a Fourier transform, there is no time here. Time is in the other domain, not surprisingly called the Time domain. There are no particles here, only frequencies, nothing is solid, and nothing is real. You are in a place called Vertigo and they better let my people go. There is a reason Michelangelo depicted Moses with horns, as I’ve already told you there’s no such thing as time here. It’s all just a matter of changing the signal. Rahn can create himself as many times as he wants and in as many different forms. But what I find most interesting, in light of what we’ve written about the Black goo, is that Rahn chooses to recreate himself as a famous bacteriologist… 


Below is a  three paragraph excerpt from Lucifer’s Court where Rahn tells you that he is writing this story, it’s at the end where he also tells you he will take the path of the Thief in the Night. The rest are trinkets of notes, with their sources, that you may find interesting. — Jack Heart   


“My eyes consider the two piles of the Journal’s pages, those on the right and left. The two piles are equal. The pages on the left have been used. They have furnished the substance of this book. I shall put them away, but I shall reread them from time to time: they contain notes, which I took only for myself and which I must not forget. 


Early tomorrow, I will lift off this stone that I brought back from desert-like Iceland and will free the pages on my right. And I shall give speech to the first sheet, then the others, one by one. It is a new book which I wish to begin: the Journal of the continuance of my quest, which will follow on from the first work. I wrote the first page opposite the Icelandic North Cape, on the Arctic Polar Circle; the others, for the most part, in the heart of Europe: in my German fatherland. But some were written in the meantime in the sector of two volcanoes: Vesuvious and Etna, which were both known as Mount Bel in the Middle Ages. 


Along with the pages of my Journal on my left, I will also put away the stone which acts as their paperweight. I brought it back, a long time ago now, from the ruins of the Pyrenean heretic fortress of Montsegur, the Grail castle. Then the left third of my desk shall be empty, ready for a new pile. Another stone will guard the order of the pages which will occupy this new free space: a block of amber, golden yellow.” – Pages 186 -187. Otto Rahn, Lucifer’s Court. 


Rahn must have discovered something which caused him to espouse a strange theory. He came to the conclusion that the Emerald Cup was only one Holy Grail, while in fact there was another… The second Grail, according to Rahn, was a Stone, or more specifically, a collection of stone tablets… on which was written the wisdom of the ages or the ultimate truth, but in a language that no one could decipher (the mountain covered with symbols?) …In ancient times, the word ‘Gorr’ meant ‘Precious Stone’, and ‘Al’ meant ‘a splinter’ or ‘stylus’ with which to write. Hence came the contraction to Gorral or Graal, meaning Precious Engraved Stone.”  – Col. Howard Buechner. EmeraldCup – Ark of Gold: The Quest of SS Lt. Otto Rahn of the Third Reich .Thunderbird Press, 1991. Print.


“But the chief intention of the initiates of the Ahnenerbe, of the sages of Esoteric Hitlerism , had been rather to focus on decrypting the Treasure, the Stone, discovered in Montsegur, in the caves of Sabarth, where Otto Rahn had been the first to find it. In the Gralsburg of Berchtesgaden they deciphered it; the science of Hyperboria has been reclaimed. Making possible the construction of the vimanas anew. The anti-gravitational science of orichalcum, of which Plato speaks, has been rediscovered.

After this all else is meaningless.”– page 134,  Miguel Serrano, Adolf Hitler the Ultimate Avatar,        


The first thing I came across when I looked into Otto Rahn at Montsegur is almost all accounts are based on Howard Buechner’s 1991 book Emerald Cup – Ark of Gold: The Quest of SS Lt. Otto Rahn of the Third Reich which has Otto Skorzeny assisting in the recovery of the Cathars treasure, even making a plane flight over the commemorators of the seven hundred year anniversary of the fall of Montsegur. There is no documentation and no witnesses that can put Skorzeny anywhere near the area and Wikipedia has him trying to blow a bridge on the eastern front. So regardless that personally I know bi-location is “Illuminati” 101 I cannot use Buechner’s account, not to mention the fact that he is a war criminal and should have been executed by firing squad long before he got to write any books. Further research turned up The Secret Glory as the definitive work used for reference by serious researchers, in fact Richard Stanly the film’s director is a direct descendant of the Stanly who said the famous quote “Livingston I presume,” a regular son of empire. The film is as objective as it gets… I myself have been taking the death of Otto Rahn story at face value but after my first viewing of the Secret Glory I was struck by the fact that there is a whole lot more to Rahn than meets the eye. From the top, part 1, Rahn’s father was a Magi and his mother a cold and domineering crypto Jew, a classical, and who knows better than me, Illuminati upbringing. Rahn did not go to France as a stranger he was tied in to some of the most powerful people in the country through Polaires, the Countess de Pujol Murat, Antonin Gadal, and Maurice Magre. At one point the local papers, no friends of Germany, started to question why Rahn and his colorful entourage, giant Black bodyguard, Karl Wolf sporting loud golfing outfits and acting as his chauffer, drunken French, German and Italian poets, were digging up their back yard. Rahn’s powerful friends, led by Gadal, immediately came to his defense writing into the paper and squashing the matter. Rahn just wrote them a letter telling them how to properly spell his name. Rahn’s mode of dress right down to the lightning bolts his mother sewed into his pull over shirt was prototypical SS, the fact that he was really reporting to Dietrich, Hitler’s best friend at the time, and not Himmler is also telling as is Rahn prowling the streets of Berlin and dressing down drunken SS officers, not to mention physically attacking a regular Wehrmacht officer at a wedding party because he had a better seat at the reception. This was no sensitive artist, although he is a great artist, this is a man in power and reveling in it. What I’m seeing here is the trip to Iceland was the forerunner of a trip to the Antarctic; he was not working as a guard at Dachau but rather training for the rigors of an Antarctic expedition. It’s all in the film; testimony from people who, with the exception of Christian Bernadac whose father was Rahn’s guide in Montsegur, have no idea. As Bernadac, who seems to know more than he says, does say; Rahn’s “death” was intell 101, no footprints, a badly decayed body. Please!!! Read what I have transcribed here then judge for yourself.

The Secret Glory part 1

Ingeborg Roehmer –Rahn, a psychiatrist and Rahn’s niece. “Otto’s father was a very religious man. I’m not saying he was a churchgoer. At old age yes but not before. He was looking for religion in nature. When there was a single tree he would say “this is god, it reflects itself in everything. Very early on he introduced this world to me which I already had within me but hadn’t lived consciously. From then on I lived it. I think this must have been a special talent he passed on to his children. Otto’s father was a man of few words. He expressed himself more by feeling. In the end when he was eighty years old he became blind. But he still went to the woods each day. He felt it. He often gave me his hand at that was all. He didn’t say anything but I understood him. I think, I hope he did the same with his children but I don’t know for sure. He told me “the angels are a reality, those seraphim, they exist! You only have to close your eyes and take my hand and you can sense it. Then he gave me his hand and it was like a flash of light. I had to take a deep breath. I didn’t know what it was. He said “you see? This feeling that is heaven!” That was an experience I had when I was six years old. This strengthened my relationship with my grandfather very much. My Grandmother I only turned to when I needed shoes. She was a little dictatorial. She had a good nature but it rarely came to the surface.”


The Secret Glory part 2

Professor Paul Ladame, Geneva University, “I knew Otto Rahn during my first visit to Berlin in 1929.I had just finished high school and I wanted to learn a trade with my hands to become a painter. Berlin was a marvelous city very poor but very gay. We were very young, dancing a lot loving the girls and music and everything enjoying life ten years after the end of World War I and ten years before the start of the Second World War. One night I received a telephone call from one of my pals who told me that he had the flu and couldn’t go the next morning at five to play in a film with Pabst somewhere on the border between Germany and Poland. Would I be kind enough to replace him? I said yes I’ll go there and I played there in the first film of Pabst; Die Vier von der Infantrie. And we were a group of about thirty young men in French uniforms of the war of Verdun playing war games against the Germans. One of my little pals came from Switzerland too and one of his great friends was German about four years older than we were who came to visit us and he was Otto Rahn. Why did he look at me and talk to me? For the simple reason that I taught French to him and he had with me a good exercise, I don’t see more than that in the beginning. At the time I met Otto Rahn I looked at him with awe and interest. I said that’s a chap who has ideas about things I couldn’t dream of.”           


Reich Historian Hans Jurgen Lange; “Throughout his life Rahn travelled without means but he was never a tourist. He knew everybody and was very well educated. His literary talent and charm enabled him to come into contact with the upper classes.”


Professor Paul Ladame, Geneva University, “He comes for the first time to Paris and has the chance to meet a man who is a Frenchman from the South, with the accent of the South who shares the enthusiasm of Rahn, and this is Magre, Maurice Magre who has already written books Le Sang de Toulouse, The Blood of Toulouse telling about the Crusade, about the suffering of the South, about the Inquisitors like one of the Inquisitors of Rahn’s hometown; Marbourg, who had been a terrible man in the middle ages, who had burnt people in the street because they didn’t interpret the bible like he did and he finds that such a thing happened also in France. And this idea of the young Rahn is to discover that France, about those who had been crushed, about the minorities, about the Cathari, about the quest for the Grail, the search for the wisdom of past centuries when Germany was a great and noble country and he imagines that this time may one day come back. And so came the idea of Otto Rahn. One day Germany and France must be united and united with England, united with Italy and united with all of Europe, to make a United Europe. I happened to be a witness to one of these talks between Otto Rahn and Maurice Magre at Leila in Montmartre in Paris. So I can tell you this; Rahn was fascinating when he talked and I believe that more people were fascinated than I was, especially maybe woman.”


Reich Historian Hans Jurgen Lange; “These Parisian contacts which led him to the Pyrenees acquainted him with a countess who lived there; Countess de Pujol Murat. It is assumed that this contact was made through Magre. The Countess thought of herself as the reincarnation of Esclarmonde do Foix, a historical figure who Rahn refers to in his first book as the guardian of the grail. It is also known that the Countess was a member of an esoteric circle, the so called Polaires. One can’t refer to them as a secret society, rather as an esoteric circle that concerned itself with Hans Horbigers World Ice Theory and speculation over the Atlantean and Aryan forefathers as well as the mysterious tribe of Hyperborean’s who were supposed to have lived at the pole in ancient times.”


The Secret Glory part 3

Suzanne Nelli, Centre d’Etude Cathari, “theCountess de Pujol Murat was a spiritualist who claimed she was channeling the spirit of Esclarmonde. One day she took Otto Rahn for a drive and on passing Montsegur she said “there, that is the castle of the Grail!””


Professor Paul Ladame, Geneva University, “and then Rahn asked me if I would accompany him because I knew something as a Swiss person, something about mountain climbing. I said alright I’ll gladly come with you if I have not to pay for it and it’s not too long…”  


Christian Bernadac, Investigative journalist, “the history of the Cathars wasn’t at all well known then, was that in 1928 and 1929 several international secret societies sent special envoys to the region. The first, it seems, was an Italian who wrote many books under the name of Zam Bhotiva and who founded the society of the Polaires in Paris.”

“Many saw in the treasure of the Cathars, not a monetary treasure but rather a horde of books that might hold the answers to the questions that men ask. Therefore in the same place you had within 5 or 6 kilometers of each other during that period around 1930 the secret society of Polaires, the secret society of White Eagle and the secret society of Thule. We already know at that time the secret services of these countries, which were already funding pro-Fascist, were funding this.”


Suzanne Nelli, Centre d’Etude Cathari, “theCountess de Pujol Murat united friends and sympathizers with interests in archeology, religion, the Grail and spiritualism. Otto Rahn arrived into this environment. He came here with a mission which was perhaps supported by the politics of his time, even then in 1930. Otto Rahn, its clear, was very happy in this environment especially since all these people were saying that the inhabitants of Ariege had Germanic origins. This pleased him a great deal because he was interested in the legends of Germany, in the origins of his nation which was Aryan. In this way a bond formed.”      


Emilie Couquet, Hotelier, “this house has been in my family since 1928 when it was first established as an inn and it was around 1930 when I was very young that my parents received M Otto Rahn. His room has been kept as it was then and people often ask to see the room where Otto Rahn lived.” 


Marius Mounie, Former mayor of Montsegur, “Otto Rahn was a man I knew when I was ten. He lodged at the Hotel Couquet. When he went about town in the street he made an impressive silhouette dressed all in black with a walking stick and long legs. It was because of the fact that he was German that he made this an impression especially as he wished to buy a field from my father in order to build a house with a view of Montsegur overlooking the castle. My father, a veteran of World War I, was more than a little reticent. There was no question of selling to Monsieur Otto Rahn. He was honest in his love for France. And he was very very sorry that the French did not return his love.”

Emilie Couquet, Hotelier, “Otto Rahn never manifested any ideological ideas on Aryanism. While he was here he was very kind. He was never any trouble to my parents. He stayed here until he obtained a grant to finish his book.” 


Suzanne Nelli, Centre d’Etude Cathari, “We could question whether Otto Rahn was really a Nazi. I think I was alone in understanding Otto Rahn’s sensitive side. He was probably a member of the National Socialist Party from the beginning but above all he was a poet. It is certain that he attended a wedding in the Pyrenees, at Montsegur and discovered the castle of Montsalvatch there, which possessed all the phantasmagoria of the Round Table, haunted his imagination. Sometimes in his poetic descriptions we can hear the voice of the old German romantics. Like them he lived in legends with mythic hermetic characters and it was often with a chimerical imagination that he saw Occitania.”


The Secret Glory part 4

Professor Paul Ladame, Geneva University; “he wanted to be admired. He admired himself most certainly. But who could take him seriously? Who could take seriously a man writing the books that he wrote? But I met then, a very strange man; Mister Gadal who was he director of tourism, and Gadal was the guru, the master of Otto Rahn.”


Christian Koenig, Museum Curator. “Antonin Gadal was born in 1877. He was a teacher who was interested in the history of Occitania and Catharism. During his youth in Tarascon he lived near Mister Adolf Garigou who was a great historian from Ariege. Thus we can speak of an oral tradition which was transmitted from Adolf Garigou to Antonin Gadal. In the rites of Catharism it’s said the tradition comes from the apostles and has been transmitted from bonhomme to bonhomme down through the ages to this very day. Gadal talks of a patriarch when it comes to Mister Garigou and Gadal himself became famous as a patriarch of the Cathars. I think on his journey through life he received a certain illumination and at the end of the road he found that through the caves. The caves played an important role in the initiation and formation of the Cathar spirit. The silence that reigns here is favorable to the opening of the mind. Gadal said “there are places where whispers the spirit.””


Christian Bernadac, Investigative journalist; “The relationship between Otto Rahn and Antonin Gadal is easy to understand as Gadal was the owner of all the caves in the region or so he claimed. The commune at that time had signed a contract giving over proprietorship for ninety-nine years. It was discovered only ten years ago that it wasn’t true and Gadal was not the owner. This was Gadal’s first lie. When Otto Rahn in the course of his research had to enter the caves he went and knocked at Gadal’s door. Gadal opened the door and little by little I believe he became a true friend of Otto Rahn. What is certain is that in Gadal he found a patron, a patron and a financer. Because we mustn’t forget Otto Rahn arrived in Ussat without any money whatsoever. My grandfather had, by an extraordinary chance, the only car in the region at that time. Obviously since Otto Rahn wanted to move about and since he was with Antonin Gadal who had been involved in Grail research for years they came to see my grandfather about the car, which was a Renault, a B14 I think. In this car they visited the places that were important for Catharism which for Otto Rahn meant Montsegur, Lordat, Foix, and the region of Albi and the cave of Bouiche, where my father acted as a boatman as the cave was only accessible by river in a dugout with a paddle. Otto Rahn admitted that he owed everything to Antonin Gadal and he told him “you are the key” and key in German is Dietrich. Dietrich was the man who, in the cabinet or headquarters of Heinrich Himmler the patron and creator of the SS, was responsible for sending money to Otto Rahn as well as to another man Karl Wolf, who was here in the same period. This cabinet was made up of very few people, just seven or eight people amongst whom featured Dietrich, Karl Wolf and of course Otto Rahn who was on the payroll and long before the creation of the SS.


The Secret Glory part 5

That is to say in 1931 and 1932 wore a pullover knitted by his mother that bore the sign of the SS.”


Ingeborg Roehmer –Rahn, a psychiatrist and Rahn’s niece, “That pullover was given to me as a gift when I was a child. It was a white pullover with matching white skiing gloves and white socks. My grandmother gave them to me not because I wanted to go skiing but as a gift. Children wouldn’t feel the same about wearing their uncle’s clothes but I thought it was an honor to inherit these things. And perhaps it will make you laugh but I made a pair of play trousers for my first son with this pullover.”


Christian Bernadac, Investigative journalist; “There begins one of the first mysteries. The SS existed for Otto Rahn two years before its creation, simply because these two barred S’s, these two barred lightning bolts were one of the signs of the Thule Society. It is probable even certain that Otto Rahn was sent to the area as an envoy of the Thule Society.”


Christian Koenig, Museum Curator; “Some say he was a spy. I think that if he was a spy he would have had more money. He would have had more money to live on when in fact he didn’t even have the money to buy himself a pair of shoes.


Christian Bernadac, Investigative journalist; “if Dietrich was sending him money then it was a miserly amount because Himmler wasn’t, at that time, the most powerful person in Germany as he was to become. So with regard to money equating it with a modern sum today that might be two or three thousand francs per month. It was obviously not enough to live or get around, to buy pickaxes for digging, cameras, a typewriter, things like that. It was really a small sum for someone who had no money at all, like Otto Rahn. It was a lot of money all the same. When he came to negotiate the deposit for the hotel Des Marronniers in Ussat-les-Bains, it is certain that Gadal put forward the money.” 


Reich Historian Hans Jurgen Lange; “As Rahn’s research took a long time he had an idea of leasing a small hotel in Ussat. But Rahn was anything but a business man. Otto Rahn quartered himself in Ussat-les-Bains on the national highway to Andorra, in order to be close to the caves of the Lombrive where he pursued his daily investigations. In these caves he believed lay hidden the so called treasure of the Cathars.” 


Christian Bernadac, Investigative journalist; “Gadal showed Otto Rahn one of the most important caves which is a fortified cave close to Ussat-les-Bains. It is the fortified cave of Bouiche. It is certain that Otto Rahn felt there was a mystery about it. This cave is quite mysterious with its slits and battlements. It is a closed cave, a veritable castle in a cave. It is without doubt that Gadal explained to him that this is where the Cathars had hidden their treasure. For Gadal the treasure was not monetary. It was perhaps a collection of books but might also have been the Sangraal. For Gadal the Grail was a stone that had fallen from the moon, from the sky. The ancients called it Lapis Excoris which was essentially a kind of meteorite and this area of the Arierge is very rich in meteorites. There is something quite extraordinary about these meteorites in that they consist of a form of hematite, lapis extraordinaire a mineral from outer space that is extremely pure iron, up to 99.99% pure. It is an absolutely pure mineral that doesn’t rust. It is very smooth, very beautiful and it is certain since prehistory, these stones, fallen from the sky have possessed a genuinely mysterious property, that if you take two of these stones and rub one stone against the other drops of blood fall from them. Why do these stones weep blood? Simply because they are made of iron oxide and when you add liquid to iron oxide which is red one can believe it is the blood of Christ.


Extract from Rahn’s correspondence;“Gadal has given me the key. I found what mankind had lost for seven centuries…”


Christian Koenig, Museum Curator; “in fact it was found in a hollow stalagmite carved out with a chisel. Me, I always knew of this vase that held the meteorite. It was exhibited in the Gadal room of the Tarascon museum. It was a very dense stone with magnetic properties. Gadal described it has the object of a cult and even spoke of the Sangraal, the blood of Christ. It’s curious if we look closer we see that in the manuscript of Wolfram von Eschenbach who was a troubadour, in his text the Grail was a stone and it is said that one who sees that stone will have eternal life and will be healed. In his text there are many interesting things such as this Grail being called the Pyrenean Grail by Gadal. The stone from the sky symbolized the fall of man the fall of matter and the fall of Satan.    


Narration (?), “The density of matter and hence the position of an element on the periodic table is determined by the local conditions prevalent at the time of the big bang. On earth the heaviest available element is uranium which can be artificially enriched to form plutonium although far heavier stable metals exist in deep space some of them dense enough to bend the fabric of space time itself, each one with the energy of the big bang, the original light still trapped within it.”


Professor Paul Ladame, Geneva University, “But to be very frank I was not mobilized with the enthusiasm of my friend Rahn. He was in heaven and I thought all the time I have a girl waiting for me in Paris. So I didn’t make it too long.”


Christian Bernadac, Investigative journalist; “The first time that Otto Rahn came to Montsegur he was sent which implies that he already had contacts very close to Himmler, in particular the man known as Colonel Weisthor. The true rise of Himmler didn’t come till 1935 or 36 but already everything was ready, the SS were ready, the concentration camps were ready, the concentration camps rather than the extermination camps like Auschwitz. In the formation of the symbolism of the SS and the master race Otto Rahn played a role. It is certain that he did not describe this role to his friend Paul Ladame, it was a secret, not just a mystery. It was a true secret and if one betrayed such secrets at that time one could be killed.”




The Secret Glory part 6

Reich Historian Hans Jurgen Lange; “Rahn had written the Court of Lucifer in Homberg and was invited to a wedding where SS uniforms appeared. He was very hurt that he was seated with the other young people whilst an ordinary Whermacht officer was seated higher up at the table. During the festivities he intentionally started a fight and attacked the officer.”

“Professor Frise writes about different events. Rahn would often walk through Berlin at night and when he came across a drunken SS man in a nightclub or in the company of loose woman he would salute him and shout “you are besmirching our Honor!”


The Secret Glory part 7

Albert Von Haller, Publisher;“My relationship with Rahn came to an end when he tried to blackmail me politically. He was always in financial difficulties. This was certainly the case the year in which his book was published [1933]. I had told him in advance that he would not earn a lot of money from the book. Rahn phoned me one day and said he had to speak to me urgently. He said he was in trouble and asked me to meet him at a coffee shop in Alexanderplatz, a very well known literary café frequented by authors. I went and to my surprise I found Rahn sitting with three high ranking SS officers. They were colonels or squad leaders of the highest order surrounding Himmler. This was of course suspicious to me. Now Rahn came out with his request and said that he urgently needed money. He claimed that his book was a personal favorite of Reich’s leader Himmler. He felt that I should give him an advance. He urgently needed a few thousand marks. I then looked at the officers who told me they thought I should pay him…” 


Christian Bernadac, Investigative journalist; “the problem of Otto Rahn is very complicated. He is surrounded by mysteries. The only certainty is that Otto Rahn was a National Socialist. It is unimaginable that in Himmler’s cabinet someone could be pretending…”


The Secret Glory part 8

Ingeborg Roehmer –Rahn, a psychiatrist and Rahn’s niece, “Otto was sent to Dachau at the end of 1937…


Reich Historian Hans Jurgen Lange; “Dachau was relatively new at the time and couldn’t yet be called a concentration camp, nor did it have the characteristics. This was only after Kristalnacht. Rahn had nothing to do with the guard troops but was trained with the SS utility group. Commander Eickels assessments from this time say Rahn found it difficult for purely physical reasons to go through the exercises. It shows again and again that the Nazi’s were interested in hardening Rahn…”  


Professor Paul Ladame, Geneva University; “I had planned to take a flight to Leningrad or Moscow. I went to take a visa and then my aunt told me ‘your friend Rahn has called several times.’ So I ring back and he gives me the order ‘Paul come as quickly as you can to meet me!’ And I took the car of my uncle, drove through Berlin to his flat and discovered Rahn in uniform. And he was quite a bit drunk. He had a flask of French Cognac.


The Secret Glory part 9

And he said ‘Paul you have been at the Russian Embassy at ten minutes to twelve. You have been out ten minutes later on, proof that you are a spy! I have been asked to follow you every day and report who you might meet, who you see, what telephone calls you get, what mail you get. Paul I can only give you one advice. Get out of Germany as quickly as you can.’” 


Ingeborg Roehmer –Rahn, a psychiatrist and Rahn’s niece, ‘and then in the spring of 1938 he was advised to either with the help of a good friend return to service at the concentration camps or commit suicide. This is how I know it. I don’t know about any evidence. This is internal.”–Qk


The Secret Glory part 10

Professor Paul Ladame, Geneva University; “And that was the day that Otto Rahn had to take the decision, when the war broke out, to commit suicide.”


Reich Historian Hans Jurgen Lange; “He travelled via Kufstein to Sol. He got off the bus and went into the forest, close to Wilde Kaiser Mountain. Deep in the forest lived a farmer and his children he arrived there late in the afternoon and the children saw him. He asked them for the time and they had the opportunity to talk a little. After dark the children started to wonder about the stranger’s whereabouts. They started to search for him which was pretty easy as the snow was one meter deep. But finding no footprints they could only wonder.”

“After the snow melted in the spring while playing in the bushes only a few hundred meters from the house they found the corpse of Otto Rahn. Next to his body were two bottles containing tablets, one empty, the other half empty. They called the police and now it was clear why they hadn’t seen the footprints. He had walked upstream along the river bed and lay down beneath the fir tree to take his pills. He didn’t die because of the sleeping pills. He froze to death…”


Christian Bernadac, Investigative journalist; “From this moment it would have been easy to give him a second or third identity. There were many examples in WW II that the British and Germans declared false bodies. It would be necessary to dig to reconstruct and exhume the skeleton of Otto Rahn to see if it corresponds with his teeth, his height, his bones, maybe his hair. It’s the ABC, the most well known ploy of the intelligence services…”   


Suzanne Nelli, Centre d’Etude Cathari; “There were a few faithful of Montsegur who decided to celebrate the 700thanniversary of the fall of Montsegur. They could have been thrown in prison or even sent to Germany. They did it all the same. Seven or eight of them went up. It was cold. Well it was the 16thof March. Someone read a poem after that a plane was heard overhead. It is here that the myths and legends start. This plane certainly came. Maybe it was the command at Tours that sent the fighter plane to see if a crowd was gathering in Montsegur to start a revolution, that sort of thing. Around this myths started to accrue. It is said there was someone German who was behind the pilot, maybe Himmler, I don’t know. Someone who saw the plane said it circled above making Celtic crosses. Why a Celtic cross because the origins of the Germans are Celtic. The proof is that when the plane was sighted they came down they took the car and they went to eat a hearty dish of beans at then Couquets, that’s a detail that proves it’s true.”  


The Secret Glory part 11



By May of 1932 Rahn purchased “a three year lease on the Hotel-Restaurant des Marronniers in Ussat-les-Bains. Among the guests he was said to have invited were Josephine Baker and Marlene Dietrich…”   


Graddon, Nigel. “Chapter 3.” Otto Rahn and the Quest for the Grail: The Amazing Life of the Real “Indiana Jones”. Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2008. Web.


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Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god Paperback – January 5, 2021

The Tragic Flaw of the Rightwing


The Tragic Flaw of the Rightwing

by Jack Heart   

A few days ago, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul made an impassioned speech to the Republican National Convention, endorsing Donald Trump’s bid for a second term on the grounds that he is the only president of his generation legitimately attempting to unentangle American troops from foreign wars. He pointed out that President Trumps opponent Joe Biden voted for the Iraq war, supported the war in Serbia, Syria and Libya and will continue to spill American blood overseas. 
At the end of the convention, a couple of days later, as Senator Paul left the building at midnight, he and his wife were accosted by a “crazed mob” who shouted incoherently at him “to say her name!” They were referring, as best as can be surmised, to Breonna Taylor, a Black Kentucky woman who was senselessly gunned down by police, like so many have been in America, both Black and White. (1)
Taylor is just another tragedy in a long list of them, including my own which I related in Jack Heart: Disband the police and elect sheriffs, caused by police departments that never should have been. 
What does any of that have to do with assaulting one of the few in Washington that does not belong on the end of rope? The answer is of course nothing, these are not “peaceful protestors,” but an incoherent mob, protected and mollycoddled by the very same police they would have you believe are their enemies. 
Twenty years plus as a bouncer in some of the toughest night clubs in this country has taught me that the only answer to unreasoning violence is greater violence. In the nineties, these mass demonstrations of violent hysteria in America would never have been possible because they would have been met by armed militias in the street and their participants gunned down, just like the mad dogs they are. But now, because the police infiltrated those militias and in many cases fabricated evidence against them, bringing trumped up felony charges against every one of them possible, and jailing their leaders forever, America has no answer to these twenty-first century Marxist Vandals.
The police along with the even more corrupt FBI, if that’s even possible, have done no such thing to ANTIFA or Black Lives Matter. This lack of response is in spite of the fact that these communist organizations are attacking the very same taxpayers who pay these malingerers salaries. 
Kyle Rittenhouse should be freed today and never should have been arrested. Organizers of the riots in Wisconsin clearly stated that they intended to riot and destroy property before they even began. In fact they told their own supporters not to show up if they were expecting a peaceful protest. 
Thirty businesses in Kenosha were burned to the ground and Rittenhouse himself was pursued through the streets by an angry mob and knocked down to the ground with the mob intending to do further bodily harm to him. That’s when he opened up, it’s all on video. It’s outrageous that he ever was even arrested but who arrested him? Well that would be the police once again siding with the Bolshevik insurrectionists, just like I watched them do in New York for months.
When I asked him if BLM had permits to demonstrate, a cop at the scene in NY told me they didn’t, but the police department had to work with the protesters because of all the recent trouble. Yes and work with them they did, to threaten the counter protestors, many with athletic scholarships on the line, that showed up waving American flags ready to beat the scrawny Bolsheviks senseless, with arrest if they didn’t disburse before BLM got there. 
Our heroes, according to the treasonous “right wing” media, then used their squad cars, paid for by those very same business owners taxes they were economically assaulting, to block the main roads of Kings Park. This they did five separate times according to the cop I questioned. This was all done so that some White women posing as disadvantaged Blacks could sit in the filth, because they are too obese and out of shape to stand for six hours. I personally witnessed these criminal actions of so said law enforcement and know for a fact they further crippled middle class entrepreneurs already hamstringed by Governor Andrew Cuomo’s viscous response to a COVID pandemic that may or may not even exist.
Unfortunately for Rittenhouse, a seventeen year old kid who thinks he supports Blue Lives Matter, just like all the rest of the ignorant Blue Lives Matter clowns out there, is now going to find out the police are nobodies friend but the guy who signs their paycheck. Understand this, if you have never understood one single fact in your life outside the lies spoon fed to you by a media which under Ronald Regan was allowed to be bought up by the very globalists who think they are going to ram communism down Americas throat; the police are mercenaries. As they are the police must be disbanded and reorganized under duly elected sheriffs or America will be a Soviet Socialist Republic. Mark my words carefully.
Which brings us to New York City’s animal of a Mayor; Bill de Blasio an ex-Sandinista hell bent on taking down Americas greatest city. The police in NYC give lip service to their friends and family about how much they hate the “pinko fuck.” But meanwhile de Blasio, known to his Sandinista comrades back in the eighties as Wilhelm, walks the streets of NYC unmolested by the very taxpayers he is sodomizing because the police are protecting him. 
In NYC, it is very clear that the police are the are the enemy within who for the sake of their pensions have laid the city to waste. More so even than de Blasio, who on his own would have been physically removed from office when he first started painting graffiti on NYC streets with his crack baby constituents months ago. 
At the same time Rand Paul was giving his impassioned antiwar speech to the RNC, de Blasio was ridiculing the plight of NYC restaurant owners in the face of his obscene COVID laws. According to the New York Post, which real New Yorkers consider a far more legitimate source of news than the rabidly globalist New York Times: “De Blasio set tongues wagging on Tuesday when he pooh-poohed the struggle restaurateurs face by describing their business as an “optional” activity for people with money that can wait…” (2)
Americas history has been contrived by Jewish communists, who now dominate the educational system in the same way Blacks dominate its basketball courts. They virulently hate America, and in many cases it is they who are leading the mobs out in the street. Perhaps Americans need a little lesson in real history and not communist propaganda.  
In the aftermath of the WW I, Bavaria was careening wildly out of control. Career subversive and draft dodger Kurt Eisner was speaking before huge audiences promising socialist reforms. On November 7, 1918 he mobilized a mob of some sixty thousand demonstrators in Munich and the tottering House of Wittelsbach, which had ruled Bavaria for seven hundred years, collapsed. The king fled into exile. The very next day Eisner proclaimed himself the new ruler of the Bavarian “free state.” He was shot dead in the street three months later by Anton Arco-Valley a German Jewish aristocrat closely affiliated with the Thule Society which was now mobilizing all of Germany against the Bolshevik menace. The police were not nor were they ever going to be any help at all.
By early April 1919, a collection of crazed Bolsheviks under the direct command of Vladimir Lenin in Moscow proclaimed, “a revolution of love” and Bavaria a “Soviet Republic.” In between wiring Lenin that Bavaria’s interim government had fled Munich, taking with them the keys to the ministry toilet, Bavaria’s new government issued a proclamation making the private ownership of guns a crime punishable by death which the Munich police duly enforced. The new Soviet Republics foreign minister: Franz Lipp, an ex-mental patient who had once been institutionalized, declared war on Switzerland for its refusal to lend him sixty trains.
Hostages, reputed to be members of the Thule Society, were taken from among the leading citizens of Munich. By the time these Russian born “German” Bolsheviks, instigated by Lenin, celebrated Walpurgis Eve by brutally murdering their hostages, Germans had seen enough. Battle hardened volunteers called Freikorps, organized by the Thule Society, were already encircling Munich. 
Among the murdered victims were Prince Gustav of Thurn and Taxis and the Thule Society secretary Countess Heila von Westarp. Also slain was Jewish German nationalist professor Ernst Berger. It would turn out badly for the Bolsheviks. The prince was not only one of the most powerful men in the Thule Society he was one of the most powerful men in all of Germany.
Three days later, thirty thousand enraged WW I veterans stormed Munich. In viscous street fighting they made short work of the makeshift red army and its leader, Russian born, Eugen Leviné. A thousand Bolsheviks were killed in the fighting and almost a thousand more would be executed, including Leviné. Nowhere and do mean nowhere did the Munich police ever lift a finger to protect Munich.
Stop! Stop already you newbie right wing Militia people, whom I will gladly fight side by side with against the communists, with your historically untenable belief that the police are your friends. As it stands now, they are a far a more dangerous enemy than the scrawny homosexuals and three hundred pound Lesbians with blue hair that seem to make up the bulk of the ANTIFA and BLM strike force. For the sake of freedom, learn what freedom is…

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Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god Paperback – January 5, 2021

1 – ABC 7 Los Angeles. 2020. Sen. Rand Paul Tweets That He Was Attacked By ‘Angry Mob’ When Protesters Confronted Him After RNC. [online] Available at: 

Smashing Globalism and the Return of the Jedi

Smashing Globalism

 Globalism has ridden its one legged jackass of a lie about the “Nazi’s” just about far enough. 

Yes the National Socialists committed atrocities in a war they didn’t start, but they pale in comparison to the ones Great Britain and the United States along with their dog of war the Soviet Union committed in a war they did start.

Globalism has chosen Communism for its system of world domination.

As Anthony Burgess, a high ranking British Intelligence officer in WW II pointed out in his masterpiece A Clockwork Orange, this has been their endgame since WW II ended. It was instituted covertly, systematically, and relentlessly.

No one but Burgess really saw it coming. But now in its final push, every sentient being still left after seventy-five years of MK Ultra can see it as easily as they can see the palm of their own hand. Again there is a simple solution, a cure, complete the circle and go back to where it all began…

“In the West where industrially advanced societies existed, Liberalism became the chief social mechanism for controlling mass populations. By breaking down cultural norms and thereby cultural health and integrity, the elite sought to undermine national spirit. By breaking the cohesiveness of European cultures, they sought an accelerated globalization process as a consequence. Hitler considered modern liberalism as a hijacking of European culture, therefore he promoted Germany’s self-sufficiency and independence. His party advocated the sovereignty of nations. While classical liberalism was the social mechanism by which the European people shed the feudal monarchial system that had ruled for centuries, its greatest legacy was making people conscious of their individual human rights. Although National Socialist propagandists publicly acknowledged the contributions of liberalism, they warned that without controls, the free reign of personal ambition would always lead to abuse.”

“Hitler argued the absence of sufficient state control in a Democracy enabled the wealthy class to manipulate the economy the press and elected officials for its own gain.”

“National Socialism was diametrically opposed to Marxism. As it emphasized National pride while still promoting individualism. Property ownership was a human right…”

“Hitler withdrew Germany’s money system from the gold standard. Gold was the recognized medium of exchange for international commerce. Over centuries, it had become a commodity as well. Financiers bought and sold gold and speculated on its fluctuations in price and loaned it abroad at high interest. Hitler substituted a direct barter system in foreign dealings. German currency became defined as measuring units of human productivity. The British general JFC Fuller observed (that) Germany is already beginning to operate more on the concept of labor than on the concept of money…”

The mainstream media has been hard at work for their globalist masters, convincing Americans indoctrinated by an educational system answerable to the very same masters as the MSM, that Socialism is the same as Communism. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

German National Socialism fought an apocalyptic war to the death with Communism, while American and British Globalist Capitalists financed the latter leading up to WW II. 

In just a few short years, the National Socialists dragged Germany from economic ruin to the pinnacle of power by merely following the precedents laid out by the Great Adam Smith, without poisoning them as Alexander Hamilton did the American Revolution. 

Mercantilism, the economic formula still used today to enslave the common man, postulates that wealth is gold. Smith, a prodigy who was the smartest man in England by the time he was fourteen years old, disagreed. He said a country’s wealth was in the labor it could generate, and National Socialism took it from there. This video supplies the details. 

Smith set all his tenets down in plain English in his seven hundred page plus Magnum Opus, The Wealth of Nations. The problem is, the only one who has ever really understood them outside of Gottfried Feder, the “Nazi” economic genius, is David Ricardo. He added that “Rent Seekers, those who take from the economy without producing, must be eradicated.

America has instead made Rent Seeking the very foundation of its economy and called it Capitalism. But there are even more vile interpretations of Smith’s work. 

Marxism, based on the completely untenable premise that all men are created equal, egalitarianism, is the worst of them. It now threatens the West with a transhuman nightmare where individualism will be virulently eradicated, and mediocrity persistently cultivated. The National Socialists knew full well the dangers this system posed to the higher souls. Below in three comments Mike Kay (MK), a man who Understands the human soul as well as anyone ever did, explains the irreconcilable spiritual differences between National Socialism and Marxism, erroneously called Socialism by the uneducated. – Jack Heart

August 8, 2020 at 10:43 AM

National Socialism was opposed to Communism on a deep spiritual level. Any effort to study the two reveals that both cannot exist together, except in conflict.
The rise of National Socialism is, and has been equated with fascism, but as Evola explained at his trial, it isn’t fascist, it’s super fascist. If one considers his point, one realizes he was referring to a deeply spiritual condition, not simply a political system smeared by today’s carefully conditioned beliefs.

Communism is very much a child of the abrahamics, in the sense of a monstrous offspring that magnifies the appetites, terrors, and objectives that the parent was able, at least temporarily, to hold in check.

National Socialism derives from a native European origin, one which kindled both a genuine identity and heritage. Referencing our previous message regarding the Great Conundrum, National Socialism attacked this problem with a deep comprehension of identity, whilst Communism, which shows zero understanding of the Great Conundrum, dives right in and becomes indistinguishable from the abyss.

It should be mentioned that just because one is too stupid to understand the conditions of existence, doesn’t correlate with avoiding them.

Communism introduced a number of thoroughly Jewish perspectives which have never been accurately described as Jewish, because organized Jewry has an aversion to being tagged with its invention. The primary example here is deception. Deception is the method behind double entry banking, and creating money via debt, it is the avenue by which mass murdering of the native inhabitants of the Levant is labeled self-defense, it is the lever by which blood and treasure is extracted from a people, and it is central to all communist endeavor.

Contrast the path of knowledge with the path of deception, and one can clearly discover why the tool of globalism is Communism. Today, we are treated to incoherent babble concerning socialism in America. This is both idiotic and wrong. Communism is here, it’s been part of the education system for decades. It’s comfortable in the minds and hearts of many. It is the template for globalist objectives and agendas. Unfortunately, Americans are not perceptive enough to grasp this, and thus they are subject to it. – MK

August 8, 2020 at 5:38 PM

There are several aspects of National Socialism that cannot be examined due to a complete lock down upon it by the globalists, and their Pavlovian lackeys in key positions around the world. They lock it down because of several reasons, but certainly one of the most significant is fear. Should National Socialism be allowed to rise anew, the hegemony of the political, economic, criminal, and ideological network, most of which is completely opaque to the casual view, would be directly threatened.

Why? Because by its very nature National Socialism is built upon the crux of the very issues that define the struggle of the human species, whilst globalism and globalists can only succeed through opposition of this struggle.

The destructive nature of globalism finds a home in the violence and depravity of holding down human development. The best way, they reason, to prevent any threat to their positions and plans, is to reduce human activity to its most basic physical forms.

Any honest examination of this direction reveals its basis in fear.

Fear based systems are fundamentally abrahamic, as they condition the user to develop an opinion of the cosmos that is ultimately bereft of any value.

Thus, Communism is at war with deep identity both in order to affirm the supremacy of the state, and its leaders who are awarded an unearned godlike status. Thus the world of Communism is the abrahamic world in a very real, degenerative sense.

The Frankfort School, a group of Communist ideologues who left Russia due to Stalin’s determination to murder them, inserted themselves into higher education across America in the 1950s, bringing with them the messianic message of Communism to receptive ears. This is considered the watershed event, where treasonous forces began eroding the strength of the USA. This assessment is very, very wrong. The promotion of, and justification for Communism in the USA began with its very inception, as the primary financier of the Bolshevik hijack of the Russian revolution was Wall Street.

What is always missed about Communism, is its inherent elitist and invasive nature.

The attractive nature of Communism to globalists is directly related to its elitism and arrogance. For an example of this, one need only look at the structure of industry in modern China, and its relationship to the Communist party. Indeed, the abrahamics can be equitably described as an anti-spiritual religion. In all branches of abrahamism, spirituality is reduced to supplication and subservience, which paradoxically in flames and aggrandizes the physical aspect of the self. This is what Plotinus was getting at, in his examination of matter, and its activity as a thoroughly inhibitive state.

Ultimately, the attempt of Communism to replace genuine spiritual values with ersatz props dooms it to the condition of opposition to everything that makes humanity human.

Next up, a review of some of those suppressed qualities of National Socialism that the middle eastern nukers don’t want you to know. – MK

August 9, 2020 at 11:36 AM

Jack, this was written in response to the 9 contingent, struggling to come to terms with living in what is no longer their country. All of us, now facing this situation, can better navigate this if we understand the nature of the forces at work.

However, there is a wild card in all of this, actually several wild cards, and we can study the rise of National Socialism as a result of these forces at play.

First of all, National Socialism arose through the avatar that was repeatedly signalled to arrive long before he actually made his appearance. This prophetic nature to the rise of N.S. is documented in art, mysticism, and philosophy.

This immediately removes the entire phenomenon of N.S. from the sphere of concrete politics, and places it into the realm of cosmic time. The significance of this is impossible to overestimate, because we are now dealing with forces that are far beyond the mental math of the modern mind.

Of course, this also makes significant realizations and perspectives that cannot be controlled or diminished by the abrahamics, only destroyed by them.

Most of know here that the primal forces of the cosmos are alive, and have their own will. Humanity, and its path is deeply and intrinsically linked to these primal forces. In effect then, N.S. was the definitive movement of recognition of the human role in the cosmic waves of destiny.

Communism, in contrast, is the chameleon that always adopts the most convenient outer form, whilst never changing its fundamental destroyer nature. For those who only see surfaces, labeling communism neoconservative, globalist, socialist, is akin to describing different things, and thus the essential nature, the deceptive destruction, is missed almost entirely.

In the 1920s and 1930s, Communism in America was nurtured through it Utopian fantasy. It was fed to America in a time when the banking clan was eagerly stealing property, as foreseen by Jefferson. A time when 7 million Americans died of starvation, which witnessed the establishment of organized crime as a tool for political and economic control.

I have already described the inherently abrahamic nature of Communism, and it is due to this profile that Communism so easily slides into modern society, hiding in plain sight, as it were.

Now, in conclusion, National Socialism defeated Communism in Germany because National Socialism was not Abrahamic, because it was moving in accord with cosmic forces and because it rode the invisible wave of destiny.

In response to this, the abrahamics mounted the most unprecedented response of lies, deception, and crime to destroy the remembering and return the world to the dark abyss they glory in.

The last saving grace of the abrahamics was tossed to the earth and defiled by nincompoops in 1917. We are all doomed to play out the result of placing faith and destiny in the hands of those who neither comprehend it, nor deserve it.
We now have so much to look forward to, this long empty train, speeding into the dust. – MK

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Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god Paperback – January 5, 2021

Post-Apocalyptic Nutrition

Image by cattalin from Pixabay

Post-Apocalyptic Nutrition


You all need to start facing some facts, this here is what’s called an Apocalypse in Greek. Only a fool would think anything is ever going to be the same again. Every religious text ever written told you this was coming. Technically apocalypse, although it does carry connotations of biblical destruction, means Revelation. I don’t know how many are going to survive to learn the revelations secret but if I had my way it wouldn’t be to many that’s for sure. 


Accepting the predicate of the “black goo” is unavoidable at this point. Common sense is an anachronism as we lurch around in our masks in a ship crewed by devils. We are infected and we will not make port until we purge the pathogen. Oil cleanups are a bitch and Google has infected most of the world with their greasy slime. But as predicted by the Georgia Guide-stones there will be some who survive this. 


The guide stones were composed by what Aleister Crowley called “Rascally Rosicrucian’s,” I call them other things far less flattering. Crowley has broken all their spells and replaced them with his own, but Crowley’s most influential book is The Book of Lies. Orage and I haven’t lied to you yet, and never will. We’re going to put up our own guide stones right here in cyber-space in hope that like everything else we have thus far covered it will work itself into the collective consciousness. 


One merely just has to visit the local Walmart to observe firsthand the evolutionary decline of the human form. Man may very well have been created in gods image but for most after nineteen it’s all down hill till they look like they have been created in the image of a rotten fruit. Good genetics are imperative but after that maintaining vigorous good health is contingent on a few other things, one of those being diet. 


We would like to introduce Mario Rolando​ as our in-house dietician and nutritionist. This one is for free but in the future, they will be published only on our Patreon page. Mario is also on Facebook and available, at a fee of course, only Orage & I work for free, for consultations. Have a read I am sure you will be as impressed as I was… 

Mario Rolando: On The Principles of Nutrition


Throughout generations we’ve been fed food which for all intents and purposes is deficient in minerals at best and poisonous at worst. “Problems of old age” have been normalized, one of the reasons people are so afraid of old age is because associated images of disease, constant pain, loss of memory, a weaker body, a cane or a wheelchair. 


We are told these conditions are inevitable and that we should do things to prevent that from happening, like avoiding junk food, quit drinking, and quit smoking and hit the gym. While these things do help somewhat, we can still see millions of people who are diseased, fat, lazy, can’t sleep or are unable to rest. We even see cases of people who were the embodiment of what is typically considered Health contract weird diseases all of a sudden. Doctors are baffled and give out treatments which ease at first yet make things worse in the long run. Next thing you know even these people get the chemo, the insulin, or the hemodialysis. 


I’ll tell you a very important fact you have to burn into your heads: The world at large has a seriously messed up problem of malnutrition. The images you see coming out from Africa are just the very extreme, but in the West malnutrition has become the norm and most of the time is being passed as healthy. It is one of the main reasons as to why despite all the so called progress and much better hygiene than other periods in history, we seem to be getting more and more diseases, chronic and acute all the same.


What about weight loss? We have people and so called nutritionists all over the world obsessed with calories, giving out diets which leave their clients unsatisfied, feeling hungry the whole time. On the surface it seems to work just fine, but it comes at a tremendous effort and next to insane regiments, eat a little bit and then hit the gym. No wonder people struggle to maintain it long term engaging in battles of restraint.


The real concern shouldn’t be calories, but the nutrients the body needs to keep functioning properly. What good is it to lose weight because we eat a little bit and then force our bodies to burn the fat it has a stored in an attempt to not drop dead? 

The fact of the matter is our diet is composed of food which has been compromised in one way or another, from dirty chemicals or inorganic minerals which have no place in our bodies to foods which will wreck our insulin levels, there are some things which despite being edible will inevitably cause us harm. 


So what’s one of the keys for health improvement and even efficient and sustainable weight loss? WHOLESOME FOODS.


Let’s begin at the basic foundation of it all: There are two types of minerals in nature, those which are inorganic and those which are organic. Inorganic minerals are those which come directly from the soil while Organic minerals are those which are found in living things like plants and animals. Our bodies are only capable of processing the Organic minerals while the Inorganic ones will inevitably poison our bodies or cause an accumulation of sediments in places like our joints.


Things like multivitamins and so called medicine are very high in inorganic minerals so their long term use brings more pain than relief. What about those meds that come from fully organic minerals you may ask? While they may be preferable to meds with inorganic minerals, we still have a big problem, it is not Wholesome, meaning the components which are deemed to be the active principles of a plant will be isolated and isolated compounds can and will cause damage long term. As far as I know, to this day no one knows (or at least no one has come forward to shed light) how the other compounds found in a plant serve as buffers rendering the plant harmless for humans. 


Take aspirin for instance, is it well documented how it came about from isolating compounds found in Willow Bark, yet if anyone becomes a frequent user of Aspirin they risk things like strokes or gastrointestinal bleeding, whereas taking a Wholesome Willow Bark will never cause harm, not unless you start taking over exaggerated doses, yet a daily aspirin for long periods of time can give you even heart disease… yet it doesn’t stop at meds or multi vitamins, we also have them in supplements, protein shakes and worse of all in the Fortified Foods. That’s right when you eat anything which is fortified, you are effectively consuming inorganic minerals and thus harming your body. Only Plants are able to process inorganic minerals.


So what to do? Stick to Natural Law and try to consume Organic Minerals only which come exclusively from Wholesome Foods, never consume isolated compounds. So what kind of foods should I eat you may ask? Let’s explore the general principles which will provide benefits like losing weight and sustain your ideal weight long term, improve your health and even reverse diseases which are supposed to be impossible to reverse.


Simplifying the matter, our bodies can use two sources of fuel: Glucose and Fat, out of the two it is accepted even by the mainstream that Fat provides twice (at least) the amount of energy than Carbohydrates/Glucose does. So out of those two Fat is the more efficient source of fuel.


Yet we are told that all fats should be avoided or minimized when one wants to become healthier or lose weight. Low fat intake brings a lot of side effects which can only harm the body, things like inflammation, mental problems, cancer, etc.

The fact of the matter is that losing weight and excess body fat is overly complicated because people keep pumping insane levels of glucose/carbohydrates into their bodies, not only that but such intake contains very little to zero nutrients. Since the body has to put up with such excessive quantities it prioritizes the burning of glucose, if glucose starts to run out it proceeds to burn fat as a source of energy. Yet in a culture where people consume such excess of carbs, then body seldom gets the chance to burn fat, as a consequence the very first symptom is excess weight and eventually obesity and along the way a body more prone to disease and a myriad of chronic conditions. One of the reasons why people crave sweet food so badly is because they usually have a deficiency in Potassium or Magnesium and many times they lack both. 


The problem doesn’t stop at high carbs, on top of that one has to add things like fortified foods (inorganic minerals), food preservatives, additives and who knows what else… furthermore we have to add the probability of those foods having even fewer nutrients when they go through a heat process, so at the end we are eating products which are extremely high in glucose or carbs and which have very little nutritional value no matter what the label says.


Now, should we entirely avoid carbohydrates? No, even vegetables have carbohydrates and besides some exceptions they tend to possess lows carbs which then become even fewer if one considers the amount of fiber they contain. What we should avoid are foods which are extremely high in glucose which in turn are next to dead in terms of nutrients. When your body is able to burn glucose efficiently then it will start burning fat next.


So the very simplified “formula” is low carbs/low glucose and high fats & oils.

Now let’s get into what should be avoided:


Dairy of all kind, that includes yoghurt, even the so called natural one. Dairy has a myriad of problems, if we talk about the commercial products there are issues like Insulin Growth Hormone, which is used to force cows to produce more milk at faster rates, that hormone will inevitably end up in your body and in turn can cause a lot of problems to arise and even make pre-existing conditions way worse than before. Then we have Lactose which is basically a kind of sugar, if anyone is in the habit of consuming dairy daily then that Lactose will accumulate and begin to cause insulin related issues; what about lactose-free milk? Even worse since most of them extract the natural Lactose and replace it with a synthetic one. The other problem with Dairy is Casein which is an adhesive so to simplify matters, the casein found in dairy will make the toxins in your body become stuck, making the process of elimination way harder than it should be; Casein is especially troublesome for people with Asthma. 


If you can’t take the plunge, then take out milk completely and consume cheese and butter moderately, I said butter, avoid margarine like the plague because it’s even worse. Ideally if you still consume cheese and butter they should be organic. Goat cheese is preferable to cow cheese.


Salt of any kind or to be more precise, Sodium Chloride. Yeah this may be a tough one, but your body will welcome the change. The problem is that this is an inorganic mineral so besides the well-known side effects of excessive consumption, it can also form sediments in various parts of the body. If you must, then stick to sea salt and use is sparingly. You can get your organic sodium from other sources and if you get creative you may come up with superb substitutes of salt in terms of flavour and nutrition. 


Sodium Bicarbonate or Baking Soda. Despite what many may say about its benefits, they are only short term because this is an inorganic mineral, it has no place in our bodies. If you really have nothing else at hand then use it as a quick fix, but never rely on this thing for long term use, it can only poison when its use is prolonged. There are things which will do a much better job than Baking Soda which cause no harm, feed, and actually go to the cause of a problem.


Some of the worst things one can eat: Potatoes, Soybeans and Rice. Avoid them like the plague, oh but what about Brown Rice? Avoid it like the plague, Wild Rice? Same answer. These 3 things while edible have extremely high carbs even the ones which are not processed. So long term consumption will inevitably cause many problems. What’s worse is that one of these or a combination of them are staples of many countries and have become the cultural standard of many cuisines around the world, these 3 foods also cause nutrient deficiencies which is one of the reasons why you’ll find fortified products, but we already know what happens when we eat fortified foods. Obviously you should also avoid by-products of these things.


No grains nor their by-products, so things like sorghum, corn, wheat, quinoa, amaranth, coffee, etc. In broad terms some of them contain gluten which do cause harm long term, it’s not just a hipster trend. What about whole grains? No; we have two types of whole grains: Those which are called whole because of marketing campaigns and those which are actual whole grains.


The commercial ones and their by-products besides being riddled with chemicals go through Dry Heat Processing which leaves whatever nutrients those grain may have possessed at very low levels, then depending on what by product you are consuming things go from worse to worst; suppose you are having bread which is made with flour which came out from a refinement process out of these dry heated grains and then to this bread you add things like sugar. You know effectively have consumed a time bomb, tasty as it may be.


What about Gluten Free Grains? While some grains do not contain Gluten from the get go and while it can be eliminated in things like wheat, they still contain other compounds which are harmful like Glyphosate if we talk commercial ones, but even if you eliminate glyphosate and gluten and their associated problems, that makes the carbs on grains go even higher so you will still end with multiple inflammatory conditions and put on weight and on top of this you also have to consider for how long things like wheat flour were stored for, it usually goes through a process of oxidation which reduces nutrients even further. So ideally one should be Grain-Free.


No canned food, besides all the issues I have previously described you have to add the fact the cans are made of aluminum which will inevitably detach particles with will enter into the food. Those particles are inorganic minerals and in the case of aluminum it can cause neurological diseases to name one of the issues. You should also avoid processed juice, the stuff you find at supermarkets which passes as orange juice or any other type go through pasteurization which kills off many of the fruits nutrients so you end up with very low minerals and a ton load of carbs, sugars, preservatives and what not.


You shouldn’t be eating refined sugar of any kind; it is one of the key components in poisoning the body and one of the causes for chronic disease not to mention weight gain. Check out how many sugar canes are needed to come up with just a teaspoon of refined sugar. You can check a video on how sugar is made, and you’d be forgiven for thinking you are eating some sort of construction material. If you must sweeten something it is preferable that you use things like unpasteurized honeybee, Liquorice Root or even the damn juice directly from the sugar cane in moderation. When excessive levels are present your immune system will also be compromised since it will be busy trying to eliminate it from the system and if you keep eating more and more the strain on your body will reach insane levels. This one of the reasons as to why people can’t sustain weight loss long term.


You should also be careful with products which claim to have no sugar, while most of the time it is true they don’t use refined sugar they tend to use sweeteners which are even worse, like high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, sucralose, etc. and many times these sugar free products also mess with the metabolic rate.


If you are taking meds of any kind, then pepper of any kind should be avoided. Pepper by itself causes no harm and it is one of the best foods, but it has the capacity to amplify the effects of other foods and when it comes to meds it amplifies their side effects. So pepper only after cutting out meds and some time has passed where they have been eliminated from the body.


Eggs: I mean the commercial white ones you can find everywhere, take them long enough and don’t be surprised if you get cancer. A bit of research on how chickens are made to produce so many eggs should inevitably lead you to that conclusion.

Now let’s get into what one should eat:


Vegetables of any kind with the exception of those I mentioned before or those with high carbs like those orange pumpkins, but your greens should be the staple. These ideally should be eaten raw, no exceptions or steamed at the most. The more you heat veggies the more they lose their properties so if you are going to make some soup try to not let it boil. You should be eating plenty of these veggies in terms of quantity and variety, some would argue 5 to 7 cups a day are what should be consumed, feel free to juice some of them if chewing is too much of a hassle. Legumes will be expanded in another paragraph, they are vegetables, but there are other factors to consider.


Fruits should be consumed occasionally and in season. Fruits do have nutrients, but they also contain fructose which in excess will cause problems for the liver. If we talk commercial fruit there is a problem there in the sense that they have been going through selective processes where they keep getting sweeter and sweeter, thus eating high quantities will prove troublesome. As a general rule of thumb you always eat way more veggies than fruit. Although as far as I know there are 4 exceptions which can virtually be eaten “without limit”: Avocado, Lemon, Tomato and Coconut, as usual they have to be Wholesome. So if you are eating big bowls of fruit every day, you are doing it wrong and will also have trouble dropping weight.


Legumes should be consumed, but in small quantities since their nutrients are very concentrated, if we eat too much too often we risk problems like renal conditions or digestive ones. A good measurement I’ve found from my personal experience and with clients is half a bowl one or two days a week at the most, one type or you can mix them. Now while Legumes are also considered vegetables, these are the exception for the way they should be consumed, if you eat them raw you will have trouble, the general recommendation is to soak them first and then cook them in water and a moderately high temperature. Sprouted are best.


Nuts are one of the best nutrient sources, but since they are very concentrated then only small quantities should be taken daily, I usually recommend 7 daily from a single type or a mix of them. Now nuts should ideally be free of salt (I mean the inorganic sodium) and should be germinated, if you manage to get them salt free and germinated (you can do it yourself) then have them daily. The ones I recommend the most are Walnuts, Pistachios –Which have the benefit of having a salty taste for those who find it hard to quit salt- and Almonds. Why sprouted? You get rid of the enzyme inhibitors and anti-nutrients that are present in them.



Eggs: Yeah not a mistake, you should be eating the eggs which come from properly fed chickens which are not being injected with who knows how many diseases, aren’t stressed and have a wide variety of food available to them. Eggs when properly laid, are one of the most complete nutrient sources you can find, just make sure they aren’t fertilised.


Oils and Fat, except those that came from the things you shouldn’t be eating. I can’t stress enough the paramount importance of fats and oils, if you are not consuming them in generous quantities then you are doing it very wrong especially since these changes will have your body use Fat for fuel. The only exceptions to the rule are those which are by-products or extracted from the things you should not eat, aside from that you’d have to research a bit more for some of the oils, Safflower oil for example will wreck someone who suffers from Hypertension, but will be great for someone who is relatively healthy. Word to the Wise: Never ever fry your food, not even when using proper oils, frying kills nutrients regardless if you use healthy stuff or not.


Distilled Water: Ideally the only kind of water that should be getting into your body, avoid tap water like the plague. Distilled Water is free from inorganic minerals and one of the real functions of water in the body is to be a medium in which organic minerals become soluble and thus arte able to reach whatever part of the body they are needed at. If you can’t get your hands on it, then I suppose bottled water is your best next option, although I’m not sure if that’s fluoridated in first world countries like their tap water, if they are then do everything to get distilled water or just make your own.


Red Meat, Chicken and Sea Food can still be eaten as long as they are not seasoned or eaten along with all the things you shouldn’t be putting in your body, but there are factors to consider: The ideal is to consume them organic; in the case of Red Meat you should be looking at grass or nut fed, chicken shouldn’t be given grains, I’m not really sure if they can process it just fine but even if that is the case those harmful things in grains will end up in your body and Sea Food ideally should come from the sea and not farms, although sea food may carry more risk of inorganic minerals. Avoid these animals if they are being fed with inorganic minerals, the problem is that even some of the best cared for cattle is given inorganic minerals to fortify them, so do your due research into the product you are buying.


Now I’d have to put more research and experience into the whole thing when it comes to the subject of meat, all the commercial processes aside I didn’t develop any sentimentalism for those animals and I think cattle is their function, but some would argue that consuming their meat and thus their blood (even if organic) can have some messed up consequences, not out of sentimental non sense, but as a part of a Natural Process, but again I’d need more time and experience to relay a good enough report on my findings. One thing is clear to me when it comes to chickens though: By virtue of Natural Law it is way more efficient to care for them and eat the eggs than to kill the chicken and eat it, a living healthy chicken will provide way more nutrients via their eggs than their meat, one could even establish an efficient system that considers Soil, Plants, Worms and Chickens.


As you may have deduced already, the ideal thing is to get these foods fully organic with no foreign chemicals or pesticides in them which also includes non GMO stuff.


Doing all these things as best as possible will yield great results and will also result in weight loss. Initially I recommend people to eat 3 times a day, the portions of their plates on the first and second meal should be generous and they should eat until they are satisfied, the third meal can be more relaxed, but then again it depends on the person.


What else is a great source of food and also medicine? If you paid attention to Jack’s and Orage pieces, then you did notice George Berkeley and his Miraculous Tar Water, now I never tried it but I’m sure it works the wonders attributed to it, but Tar Water is far from being the only thing out there capable of curing diseases, that kind of knowledge has been revealed to me.


I’ll just give the example of two herbs which you can use to aid you in providing nutrients as well as excellent aids in weight loss: Dandelion and Horsetail Grass. So if you are one of those who thinks Dandelion is a pest in your backyard and are actively pulling them out or pouring chemicals only to be left with grass which you cannot eat, then you are doing it very, very wrong. 


I prefer to take them in tea or if you want to get more technical, I prefer decoctions because they save time and get more nutrients out of these plants. Always use a stainless steel pot to make your decoctions or infusions, ideally use Distilled Water. Put the Wholesome Herb (no supermarket tea bags) into your pot, pour water, as soon as it boils decrease the intensity and simmer for 10 minutes although Horsetail may take up to 15 or 20 minutes since it is harder to draw out its nutrients, so I recommend chopping it into little pieces and cut them open, strain and enjoy. Preferably no sweeteners or use unpasteurized honey bee or a bit of Liquorice Root. As for the dose imagine you are using 1 or 2 tea bags, drink twice or thrice a day alternating them for 6 days a week, on the seventh day you don’t take any teas at all.


The subject of herbs is rich, figuratively, and literally, but that will perhaps be another topic on its own for another time, but a lot can be accomplished by applying the right knowledge. As the fake, but truthful quote attributed to Hippocrates says: “Let thy Medicine be your Food and let your Food be thy Medicine”. 


In general terms I’ve been able to relieve and even cure some diseases, even those who are supposed to be degenerative with only means to slow them down or chronic ones which are supposed to be only manageable until something goes very wrong, in one of those instance a client of mine who had a severe case of Gout was told he needed to have hemodialysis pronto or risk death, I applied this knowledge and he’s fine now, never had to go through that annoying procedure.

For the members on this page, realize something very important: Jack and Orage have touched on 3 very important Natural Laws: Frequency, Energy and Vibration, you need only re-read their pieces and observe how they play an important role in Reality Crafting. 


One of the reasons as to why food and its industry is so compromised at almost every conceivable level is because Food can and does affect Frequency, Energy and Vibration. Why do you think Hemp is illegal to possess while Datura can be hoarded by ton if one wishes to do so? There’s a lot at stake and even if you think you live in a false world, a simulation created by whoever, realize that Natural Law permeates everything and as such, provides the tools for you to implement the necessary changes.


 Jack Heart & Mario Rolando © 2020

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Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god Paperback – January 5, 2021

Disband the Police and Elect Sheriffs

Disband Police


The right wing, just like the left wing, has been hijacked by a cadre of globalists who cannot tell enough lies or inflict enough pain to fill the hole left inside of them by their vacated souls. The newest lie from the right is their historically untenable position that police departments are indispensable to Western civilization. The facts say different, in fact they say nothing could be further from the truth.

Here is a brief summary of the historical reality of the police in America and the tremendous contribution they are now making to the dismantling of everything sane Americans hold dear. Like the song goes “everybody’s talking but few of them know.” Well I know and I know from personal experience unlike these faggot news casters spewing their prefabricated talking points. This is an open post, consider it a community service, a service most of you have never paid a dime for… – Jack Heart

It’s the morning of July 8 in Fort Salonga New York, an affluent Long Island community about twenty miles outside of N.Y.C. It’s hot and I’m hungry. Last night I couldn’t eat dinner because of yet another disturbance by the absurdity that has become Black Lives Mater. Black street toughs being led around by the nose ring by White Jewish Lesbian school teachers. B.L.M. is like Marlon Brando in On the Waterfront: “You don’t understand. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let’s face it…”

They had the organization; they had the issue and they had the floor but once again Blacks find their voices overdubbed by their own oppressors. It’s hard to imagine that the Black intelligentsia that organized B.L.M. did not notice everything they had worked for, and many other Blacks had died for, was being coopted by the vicious dyke disciples of Howard Zinn a few years ago when it was happening. I’m inclined to believe that just like Marlon Brando’s character in On the Waterfront; Terry Malloy, they took a dive for the mob and now find themselves an ugly circus sideshow, “a bum…”

Speaking of bums I digress. I’d eaten a light breakfast and lunch and figured I’d get something heavier in a place called Relish about a mile east of me on Main Street in the center of Kings Park. You can get a good meal there for twenty-five dollars. To the west is Fort Salonga and Asharoken where the price of restaurants goes up with the price of real estate. When I got there I found the town cordoned off by police. We were diverted down a side street where we found all access to the town of Kings Park, the sight of at least a half a dozen other substantial bars and restaurants, denied by a swarm of Suffolk County Police.

We could see over the police cars that there were about fifty to a hundred people sitting and standing in the intersection at the center of town. This so said demonstration had begun at three in the afternoon when a bunch of eighteen to twenty-year old local kids carrying American flags and awaiting B.L.M.s arrival were told to go home by the Suffolk County Police Inspector Romagnolli or face arrest themselves.

Playing stupid we asked a sheepish looking Black cop what was going on. He explained to us that it was a B.L.M. rally and they should be finishing up soon. We asked him if B.L.M. had permits and he said: “no we’ve got to work with them with all that’s going on. This is the fifth time we’ve had to do this for them…”

The Suffolk County Legislator Steve Bellone is of course a Democrat, as is party zealot and governor of N.Y. Andrew Cuomo. Right now it is in the democratic party’s interest for the mayhem to continue in order to make Trump look as bad as possible before the elections, dam their constituents. All across America in areas where democrats control the police department, like Suffolk and Nassau Counties along with N.Y.C. under the stewardship of Mayor Bill de Blasio, an even more radical democrat than Cuomo, the police are being used as security to enable unlawful B.L.M. “rallies” to terrorize the very communities the police say they “protect and serve.”

Six months ago I was on the other side of Long Island in Long Beach, N.Y. when the democratic party on behalf of their globalist overlords in London recklessly decided to politicize the biological attack of unknown origins that is COVID. Helplessly I watched in horror as they closed down the beaches and boardwalk, all local commerce ground to a halt and hypochondria was inculcated into pop culture. I watched the police in black uniforms on big black horses ride up and down the street and the boardwalk enforcing “social distancing,” and the ridiculous mask laws, while planes from every COVID infected corner of the world passed slowly overhead awaiting clearance to land in Kennedy Airport a few miles away.

What COVID has really done to the N.Y.C. economy won’t be felt till the unpaid rent for six months comes due at the end of August. But it’s safe to assume N.Y.C will be returning to its late seventies and early eighties ambience when parts of the Bronx were known as Fort Apache, and the city had a higher murder rate than most war zones. New Yorkers, of which a half a million have already fled the city, can thank their “brave” men in blue who have served their democratic masters well.

Using the police as a political weapon is hardly unprecedented. The democrats are simply following a long held precedent of the republicans who have been using the police for years to enforce illegal land grabs and break strikes. The Floyd incident was not just randomly staged in Minneapolis. The city has a tradition since the days of Al Capone and even before that of being an open city. Minneapolis was run for decades by Mayor A. A. Ames, a thirty-third degree mason and a Democrat until it suited him to become a republican at the turn of the twentieth century. Ames Police Chief was his brother and Chief of Detectives his pimp. The police were his salaried thugs who ran his brothels, gambling parlors and opium dens.

By 1934 under the Citizens’ Alliance, an organization of local business leaders, Minneapolis was a notorious anti-union city. But its recently elected mayor was an ineffectual actor turned politician much like Americas current president. “By May of 1934, General Drivers Local 574 of the international Brotherhood of Teamsters had organized members of the trucking industry into a union with 3000 members.” All that summer there were violent clashes between police, who were no more than the goon squad for the Citizens’ Alliance, and the teamsters. It culminated on July 20 when police opened fire on unarmed strikers, wounding sixty-seven and killing two, in a day still known as “Bloody Friday.” (1)

The police force itself is hardly the time honored and indispensable American institution that right wing pundits would have their audiences believe. “The first publicly funded, organized police force with officers on duty full-time was created in Boston in 1838. Boston was a large shipping commercial center, and businesses had been hiring people to protect their property and safeguard the transport of goods from the port of Boston to other places.” According to the right wing propagandists it was good business that these “merchants came up with a way to save money by transferring the cost of maintaining a police force to citizens by arguing that it was for the “collective good.” (2)

Boston was quickly followed by N.Y.C. in 1845, Albany and Chicago in 1853, New Orleans and Cincinnati in 1853, Philadelphia in 1855 and Newark and Baltimore in 1857. “By the 1880s all major U.S. cities had municipal police forces in place.” (3)

Not then, not now nor ever have the police been for the collective good of anybody except the elite. The “thin blue line” propagandists like to use as a slogan is only to divide the public from those who fleece them for a living. Slumlords, usurious moneylenders, environmental plunderers, sweatshop proprietors and indeed all those who parasitize the urban infrastructure, all love the police. 


In N.Y.C. as chronicled in Gangs of New York, the book and movie, the police were immediately put to work as a private army of skull crackers by the criminally insane Tammany Hall political machine and later the infamous Boss Tweed. In the nineteenth century street gangs stole everything from N.Y. harbor that wasn’t nailed down and extorted shopkeepers at their leisure, but the gangs were in turn extorted by the police.

In 1894 some of this was exposed by the Lexow Committee. So lucrative was it to be a cop in N.Y.C. that the price of promotion was sixteen hundred dollars to become a sergeant and up to fifteen thousand to be a captain. This is nineteenth century currency…

The Lexow Committee was followed by the Curren Committee in 1913, the Hofstadter Committee in 1932, then a Brooklyn grand jury investigation into gambling payoffs in 1949. The Knapp Commission of 1972 was the result of the career of Frank Serpico, spanning from 1960 to 1972 as a whistleblower and an undercover cop.

The rampant corruption of the N.Y.C. police department is vividly chronicled in the 1973 book and movie Serpico, with iconic movie star Al Pacino playing Serpico. After word got out of his whistleblowing activities Serpico was set up by his fellow officers to be murdered in early seventy-one, taking a bullet in the head in a deliberately blown drug bust.

Serpico lived to become a legend, but nothing changed in the N.Y.C. police department. In 1993 the Mollen Commission exposed pervasive drug corruption, organized theft by police officers of drugs and money, excessive use of force, and the cavalier use of drugs by the police department itself. In October of 2014 Serpico did an interview published in well-known left wing journal Politico. The title was The Police Are Still Out of Control… I Should Know… 


In Chicago after the fire the police department would fashion the city into the underworld capital of America and be instrumental in forming the Outfit, supposedly Al Capones gang. Although the never solved Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre is blamed on Capone, witnesses all saw uniformed cops entering the garage which was the site of the legendary machinegun slaughter. Fifty years later detectives Stephen Caracappa and Louis Eppolito would set up shop murdering people all over N.Y.C. for the Italian mob.

“It is incorrect to say the late 19th and early 20th century police were corrupt, they were in fact, primary instruments for the creation of corruption in the first place..” Three of the more flagrant abuses of the police force are listed by Dr. Gary Potter, renowned professor of Justice Studies, who is extensively quoted in the previously cited Time Magazine article:

“(1) the formation of a prostitution syndicate by Los Angeles Mayor Arthur Harper, Police Chief Edward Kerns, and a local organized crime figure, combined with subsequent instructions to the police to harass this syndicate’s competitors in the prostitution industry; (2) the assassination of organized crime figure Arnold Rothstein by police lieutenant Charles Becker, head of the NYPD’s vice squad; and, (3) a dispute between the Mayor and District Attorney of Philadelphia, each of whom controlled rival gambling syndicates and each of whom used loyal factions of police to harass the other…” (4)

No constitutional traditionalists ever wanted the police, not in America, and not even in Great Britain from which America imported the idea. In America we have Sheriffs elected and answerable to the people who gave them the job. This is how the most lawless land the world has ever seen; America’s Wild West was tamed, not by police. The sheriff has deputies and if need be they can deputize their entire constituency. If that’s not enough through the governor they can call in the cavalry, now rapid response federal troops.

Law enforcement unanswerable to the people it is supposed to serve leads to the excesses we are seeing now, with civil servants playing dress up as if their ready for the eastern front, rolling down the streets in tanks and thinking because they got punched in the nose they now have a right to shoot an unarmed man.

I am so weary of cops, their psychopathic unions and all their apologists rationalizing the cavalier use of deadly force by the police department that I really just want to punch somebody in the nose myself. For years I was a bouncer at some of the roughest clubs in N.Y., Gaslight and Bogarts when they were the clubhouse for the infamous Pagans Motorcycle Gang, to name a couple. From machetes to baseball bats, to some drunken Latin King pulling his pistol from out of nowhere and capping off a couple of rounds not a foot away from my ear, I have seen it all. I do not recall anyone ever having to be shot or stabbed, and nobody ever was, not on my watch.

According to the online dictionary Wikipedia American police killed 1,536 people in 2019. In India, a country with four times the population, wracked by desperate poverty, and readily available state of the art firearms from Pakistan and Afghanistan, police killed 1,736. That’s 12.54 people killed by police for every ten million in India. America works out to 46.6 for every ten million, about one more per ten million than Iraq. Clearly there is something very wrong with both the police and their supporters who feel their badge entitles them to go around killing people like they are in a war zone.

B.L.M. unfortunately for Blacks who bear a disproportionate amount of this assault on human decency, has lost the narrative. They have allowed calculated divisive globalist rhetoric to hijack a platform that could have united every economically downtrodden American, all those who know what its like to fear the police more than criminals. Which should be every sentient American in days where now even just not wearing your mask to appease the ready to stampede herd is enough to get you thrown in prison.

No self-respecting White man is going to sit there and listen to a Black man chanting White privilege at him, just like no self-respecting Black man is going to tolerate being called Nigger by a White man. There is nothing you can say more racially insulting than telling a White man who has worked himself up from poverty, as many have, to a financially tenable situation that he has been privileged.

In fact the term “White privilege” shows utter contempt for impoverished Whites who when the rust belt is factored in make up a greater percentage of Americas poor than Blacks. These two words make everything B.L.M. says after that of no consequence to any serious discussion of a new America for Americans…

As someone who identifies as White European I have my own White Privilege story. One where I get tagged with a felony and end up spending four months in jail for trying to help Black people.  It takes place in the mid-eighties when I was in my mid-twenties and living in Suffolk County about twenty miles outside N.Y.C. The “block,” at the time, was a notorious hub run by Blacks for wholesale cocaine being funneled into Queens and the Bronx.

Nietzsche’s most famous maxim is “what does not kill me makes me stronger.” Freebase cocaine did not kill me. It became inevitable that I would give it up. When I did kick the habit I was angry. I had sat in a front row seat and watched sorrow and human misery be distributed in a highly addictive and smokable form. At the time I was naive and blamed the Suffolk County Police Department. I was streetwise enough to know that cocaine could not be sold that cheap, illegally, for a profit. I knew it was coming in at the Chinese restaurant on the south corner of the Block and I thought I knew who was bringing it there.

I contacted Geraldo Rivera through one of my mother’s clients; Dr Frank Fields, who was the Science Editor for WABC, the network Rivera was working for at the time. Having grown up in Babylon, the neighborhood adjacent to the notorious “Block,” Rivera took an immediate interest in the story. After confirming that there was an open air drug market in the middle of suburbia Geraldo set me up with his brother, Craig. In those days they were a team. Craig did all the field work, principally the filming and Geraldo took care of the production and presentation.

I took Craig into Jonathon and Renee’s house where we placed a duffel bag rigged with a camera in a prominent position on the dresser. One of the crackheads became fixated with the duffel bag and started asking questions about it and Craig’s abstinence. Craig started stammering an answer that he had to keep an eye on the bag, but I put an end to the whole matter by telling the crackhead that if he was going to smoke and get paranoid he would have to leave. We stayed for hours and when we finally left Craig talked incessantly about all the great footage he had and how none of it would have been possible without me. Craig asked me to go for dinner and drinks, but I declined. I was there to do a job not socialize.

Craig spent days filming the Block and the Chinese restaurant with a film crew hidden in a van in the parking lot of the Social Services center across the street. He was very excited about the footage he had acquired of the police ignoring blatant transactions as they sat in a squad car next to his camera crew across the street. He had also caught some of the mysterious comings and goings at the Chinese restaurant. The restaurant was frequented by two or three middle aged Black men who seemed incapable of dressing without finishing off their ensemble with some off-white raincoats they had purchased from central casting of the Pink Panther. One of them had a large birthmark on his face that made it impossible for him to go unnoticed. We figured the raincoats had to be from a precinct in the city which had worked a deal out with Suffolk County PD.

Craig seemed to think we had the story of the year. He said that this would be a one hour special but when the show finally aired it was less than fifteen minutes and used none of the footage I had got them and never even mentioned the Block. I was told that’s just the way the TV news business is. The studio made the final decision on what would be aired. The next time I saw Geraldo it was on TV as I watched along with the rest of America and he failed to produce the ‘hidden treasure of Al Capone.’ He made a fool out of himself and the station which had relentlessly promoted the one hour special before it aired.

By then I was already charged with second degree assault on a police officer. My life would never be the same again. I remember how much I enjoyed watching Geraldo tarnish his career forever on national TV. At the time I did not know that he had been fired from his job at ABC over his criticism for their refusal to air investigative journalism that was critical of the government. All I knew then was that I needed to get my teeth capped.

When the show had not aired I had not been disappointed. I picked at least half of my labor up from the Block every morning. I had enjoyed living in Suffolk County and still did some work there even though most of my jobs were in Nassau County. I continued living my life as if nothing had happened because nothing had. I pulled into the Block one day and I was stopped by Suffolk County PD. Two cops about thirty five years old each got out of the squad car and I got out of my International truck.

The two of them belligerently asked what I was doing there, and one climbed into my truck and started fumbling around. I really had no answer for them. I was there every day frequently mingling in the crowd. It was as if I had showed up for work and was suddenly asked what I was doing there. One of them began poking me with his nightstick. He poked me quite a few times before I decided to disarm him, wrenching the club from his grip, and tossing it away. His partner came around behind me and grabbed me in a chokehold with his nightstick. I grabbed the club and used his grip on it to whirl him over my back at the same time dislodging the stick and taking possession of it, which I dutifully tossed away.

I was well aware that they could shoot me. All the while more cops and people were arriving. The crowd was becoming openly hostile witnessing the police assault one of the few reliable employers in the area. They had to be forcibly restrained by the arriving cops. Suddenly a guy comes running out of the crowd and starts throwing powder puff punches at me. It was none other than birthmark still wearing his raincoat.

I brushed him aside and looked around. I thought about letting Mr. Hyde loose but I knew it could only end in my death, so I let them handcuff me. The two cops I had disarmed took me in their squad car and as we pulled out of the parking lot the passenger cop said take the long way and with that turned around and proceeded to knock almost every one of my front teeth out. He struck me viscously as many times as he could and with as much force as he could generate with the nightstick within the cramped quarters of the car.

Every time he smashed me in the face I would sneer fuck you and spit blood and teeth at him. When we finally did arrive at the station house I figured the commanding officer would want to know how my face got like that but instead I was taken to his office and the door was shut behind us. He mocked me as the beating continued all night hidden from view of the other cops.

I was bailed out the next day. When the case went in front of the Grand Jury I chose to testify. By now my regular lawyer, Sidney Chase, had been disbarred for accepting stolen merchandise for his services. Chase had sued the Amityville Police for me, and he had sued a lot of other cops during the course of his career. I guess they got tired of him and set him up; at least that’s what I heard. He was steering all his clients to a legal lightweight named Bruce Torino. I believe it was under Bruce’s advice that I did not mention Geraldo Rivera at the grand jury hearing. In retrospect Bruce was probably Sidney’s brother-in-law.

The two cops showed up looking only slightly less gay than Don Johnson in Miami Vice. Charlie Bartle, the one that had done most of the clubbing, was even wearing Topsiders with no socks along with some kind of theatrical plastic caste. Many of the people in the grand jury were Black and made it obvious that they did not believe either the cops or the heavy hitter District Attorney who was assigned to prosecute me. They were deadlocked for hours which I was told is very rare at a Grand Jury hearing. But she did finally get the indictment.

The Reagan administration was perhaps the most corrupt in American history. Gary Webb chronicled the drug dealing in his 1996 expose book; Dark Alliance. The CIA was trading guns for cocaine with the contras in Nicaragua and bringing the coke into America for distribution as crack cocaine in America’s cities. In response to Webb’s book Reagan’s successor Bush senior appointed an Inspector General to the CIA. The newly minted Inspector General Frederick Hitz issued two reports in 1998 containing devastating admissions about the CIA’s knowledge and protection of contras known to be active in the cocaine trade.

In Volume Two, published on Oct. 8, 1998 Hitz identified more than 50 contras and contra-related entities implicated in the drug trade. He also detailed how the Reagan administration had protected these drug operations and frustrated federal investigations throughout the 1980s. The reports were ignored by the media in favor of by now President Bill Clinton’s sex life. Webb ended up committing suicide by shooting himself twice in the head.

Me? I had four signed statements from witnesses all of whom were Black and all of whom would be forced by corrupt Suffolk County cops to recant their statements. I would end up pleading guilty to a felony and doing four months in jail rather than face certain conviction from the equally corrupt Suffolk County Court and do seven years in prison.

It had never made sense to me that a police department, even ones as well-heeled as SCPD or NYPD could shut a reporter of Geraldo Rivera’s stature up. At the time he was the biggest thing on television. Only after reading Webb’s book around the turn of the twenty-first century did I realize what exactly had happened to me.

My book is  


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Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god Paperback – January 5, 2021


1 – Goodrich, Beth. “Minneapolis Teamsters Strike of 1934 | Minnesota Digital Library.”

2 – Waxman, O. B. (2017, May 18). How the U.S. Got Its Police Force. Time; Time.

3 – Potter, Dr. Gary. The History of Policing in the United States, Part 1 | Police Studies Online. (2013). Eku.Edu.

Not for Nothing


Even I may be guilty, we should not forget the Black Goo is out there. Before any violent revolution such as John Kerry of the Skull & Bones has just called for can take place, this bacterial pestilence must be eradicated and along with it the bloodlines of those who are genetically susceptible. Whether by accident or careful calculation, Bill Gates and company have created a “vaccine” that at the very least will sterilize them, and according to this doctor here, alter their DNA. The people they are testing it on are not allowed to have sex. According to the other 160 doctors in this video, the vaccine by any medical determinate has no business being injected into human beings. But for the most part it will not be, except for maybe in Africa; but the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan had already warned them today. Americans and Europeans, Aussies and Kiwis too, will be expected to fight until the death, as is traditional, rather than take the vaccine. As Michael Savage, the best of the mainstream right wing commenters just said the other day; “I will shoot my way out of the building before they give me that vaccine.” Savage is in his late seventies and just had a heart attack. Watch the video  carefully and teach your children well.

My book is  


Buy it NOW!

Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god Paperback – January 5, 2021

Manufacturing Dissent (with Video)

Jack's thoughts on George Floyd fallout

Frankly, I do not believe George Floyd is even dead. The photo of the cop kneeling on his neck has obviously been staged. The cop’s sunglasses are up over his head like a Hollywood starlet posing for a photo-op, his hand is in his pocket and his badge is strategically crooked as if to say “I’m a crooked cop.” One look at that picture and I don’t even need to know the cop and Floyd knew each other well, that Floyd was a porn star and his transvestite girlfriend looks suspiciously like the cop in drag…

Last night we had another shooting in the practically all Black mega city of Atlanta. In the middle of the worst race riots America has seen in decades, and certainly the most widespread ever, two cops decided it would be a good idea to roust a frail looking Black guy sleeping one off in the parking lot of Wendy’s.

Of course they decided to arrest him for drunk driving even though he was sleeping in the car when they got there. He resisted, and this small and slightly built Black man got the better of two burly cops, managing to rest the cop’s taser from him. As he ran away firing the taser wildly in the air, the White cop ran after him firing three times point blank center mass in the back, killing him.

There just happened to have been a mysterious “masked White girl” in the vicinity carrying what looks by the aftermath to have been a thermite bomb. There is nothing left of Wendy’s but a few burnt bricks…

There is a reason why this all looks scripted, it is. There is also a reason why the top brass of the military has recently distanced itself from Trump. This is a military intelligence operation, the end game is to declare Martial Law, unseat Trump and arrest the Senate and the Congress. Personally, I wish them luck and godspeed… – Jack Heart BLM protests Smithtown 6/9/2020

George Floyd was allegedly murdered while I was in Mississippi. Black Lives Matter (BLM), and the rest of televisionland’s pseudo revolutionary groups were just getting started when I left for Crossville Tennessee, over five hundred miles north. Crossville serves a good part of Tennessee’s veteran community and seems to have been targeted early on for just those reasons in the media’s ongoing efforts to make the Floyd “killing” into their next COVID pandemic. Crossville is either a small city or a very large town centered around its numerous Veterans memorials and a municipal building that services those veterans.

Minneapolis and New York were already aflame by the time BLM, replete with military intelligence styled agitators as assessed by their own, had showed up a couple of days earlier than me, focusing their demonstration of course on the building. There are almost no Blacks living in Crossville, which serves as a marketplace for the some forty miles of rural farms that surround it. The farmers, with the blessing of their sheriff, fearing the building would be burned, organized to meet the BLM invasion.

A thousand armed men kept order and not even the most insignificant monument was damaged.

After some incoherent shouting, the largely female demonstrators, with their twenty something male organizers, one Black, one White who had been seen having an animated phone conversation during the demonstration, left town the next day. They were gone by the time I got there. Vandalism, even at the twenty-five dollar an hour rate some say the agitators are being paid, is just not worth it when you are in the sights of a rooftop sniper.

A couple of days later, on Sunday June 7 BLM brought its travelling circus of disaffected housewives, fat hateful lesbians, street thugs and would be (if they were not illiterate) Martin Luther Kings to Smithtown, New York. Smithtown is a Middle Class community whose surrounding enclaves like Nissequogue and Fort Salonga are quite well to do.

Residents had been speculating that the working class neighboring town of Kings Park between Fort Salonga and Smithtown had been on Al Sharpton’s radar since the 2000 New York City shooting of Amadou Diallo by a police officer who lived there. Like Crossville the racial demographics of Smithtown and its surrounding areas are almost entirely White.

An eclectic assortment of off duty cops, business owners and their sons all showed up early Sunday to meet BLM in Smithtown, along with about thirty to forty members of a notorious outlaw motorcycle gang. My cousin, who lives in Fort Salonga was there along with his friend and sidekick, a ranking Nassau County cop.

They estimated the original greeting committee to be about three to four hundred, in two distinct and uncoordinated groups. Like many others they left by four because only about a hundred disaffected housewives and fat hateful lesbians had showed up and there was minimal danger to the local businesses.

As if on cue, or as directed by some unseen and highly efficient coordinator, an estimated thousand thugs arrived in a caravan of cars at five and it immediately got ugly. Chants of “White privilege” were answered with chants of “nigger” which in turn were answered with chants of “suck my dick.”

Sporadic skirmishes broke out as police struggled to hold the thin blue line between White and Black. One of the BLM protesters/thugs was beaten with Nun chucks, a martial arts weapon and the media immediately broke into their own chant of “White Supremacist.”

Elements professing to represent BLM swore vengeance on twitter threatening to burn Smithtown to the ground when they returned ten thousand strong on Tuesday. When they did comeback at 6 PM Tuesday, police sealed Smithtown off to prevent opposition protests and BLM had to content itself with marching up and down rural residential streets in the dark chanting “White privilege,” which they did with gusto until a massive police response, involving both Nassau and Suffolk Counties drove them out at eleven.

Most insidiously, as BLM howled in the streets, a few miles away Robert Roden, 33, showed up in the emergency room of Stoney Brook University Hospital wearing a tactical vest from the hospital’s emergency department. The ammo clips protruding from his pockets gave him away and the police were called. When he was searched, the cops found a BB gun and three explosive devices. Later it was found the bombs were not built properly and could not have detonated.

I’ve been back in the Smithtown area for a few days now but Ironically enough, in oh so many ways, the Roden display would not be the last word on this. Three days later and about ten miles to the southwest of Smithtown, in the sprawling Black ghetto of Wyandanch, seven Blacks were shot and one stabbed at a house party…

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Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god Paperback – January 5, 2021