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Black Sun Rising- Die schwarze Sonne geht auf


Was genau hat den Kometen ISON zum Verschwinden gebracht? Was kann man sehen, wenn man durch den Spiegel nach oben schaut? Was entstand vor 12.000 Jahren in Göbekli Tepe? Woher hatten die Templer ihr Silber? Wir tauchen ein in den schwülen Amazonas-Dschungel, um Spuren verborgener Ursprünge zu finden. (Mit diesem Artikel von 2014 fing alles an. Wir werden nach und nach die wichtigsten Serien übersetzt anbieten.) – Orage


Black Sun Rising- Die schwarze Sonne geht auf


Von Jack Heart & Orage 

(zusätzliche Übersetzung KH)


Teil 1


“Wir werden sie in der Epoche der Revolution wiedersehen.”

– Abbé Louis Constant (Éliphas Lévi)



Der Komet Ison wurde am 21. September 2012 von den Astronomen Artyom Novichonok und Vitali Nevski entdeckt. Woher das 2 Kilometer breite Projektil kam, war den Wissenschaftlern damals ein Rätsel und ist es bis heute. Es gab Spekulationen, dass der Komet bereits 1680 von einem deutschen Astronomen gesehen wurde, aber aufgrund der Flugbahn des Kometen, die ihn nach dem Vorbeiflug an der Erde aus dem Sonnensystem schleudern würde, ist diese Spekulation nichts weiter als das Wunschdenken von intellektuellen Eunuchen, die versuchen, “wissenschaftliche” Kontinuität einzubringen, wo keine vorhanden ist. 


Fast zweitausend astronomische Beobachtungen wurden verwendet, um eine Lichtkurve zu berechnen, die Ison heller als den Vollmond machen würde, wenn er Ende Dezember an der Erde vorbeizieht. Sozial herausgeforderte Eierköpfe aus aller Welt freuten sich, dass sie die Feiertage damit verbringen konnten, vergorenen Apfelmost zu trinken und durch ihre Teleskope zu schielen. 


Doch die pragmatischeren Wissenschaftler befürchteten, dass der Komet tatsächlich mit der Erde kollidieren könnte. Diese Befürchtungen wurden zerstreut, als Ison auf unerklärliche Weise zerfiel, während er die Sonne umrundete, bevor er sich Ende November endgültig der Erde näherte. Am 18. Dezember richtete die NASA das Hubble-Weltraumteleskop auf das, was von dem Kometen hätte übrig bleiben sollen, und fand nichts bis zur Größenordnung 25. Der Komet Ison ist nun galaktischer Staub. 



Am dreißigsten Oktober 2013 veröffentlichte der bekannte politische Kommentator und renommierte internationale Intelligence Analyst Gordon Duff einen sehr seltsamen Artikel mit dem Titel Was kann erzählt werden in seinem Flaggschiff-Publikation ; Veterans Today. Das kurze Stück warnt seine Leser in keiner unbestimmten Weise von einer möglichen bevorstehenden Katastrophe von biblischen Ausmaßen. VT-Leser, von denen viele Soldaten, Veteranen und Geheimdienstmitarbeiter sind, wurden gewarnt, im “Prepper-Modus” zu bleiben. Es wurden dunkle Anspielungen auf den Kometen Ison gemacht und Mr. Duff zitierte eine ungenannte Quelle, die den Beobachtern versicherte, dass “sie nicht verrückt sind, dass wirklich etwas sehr Falsches vor sich geht.” Ein Foto, das angeblich von der chinesischen Raumfahrtbehörde stammt und “Anomalien in der Nähe des Kometen Ison” zeigt, begleitete den Artikel. Die Anomalien scheinen zwei sehr große künstliche Strukturen zu sein, die wie rechte Winkel oder Ls geformt sind und im Raum schweben. 

Anomalien in der Nähe des Kometen Ison (Chinese Space Agency)

Vom ersten bis zum siebzehnten Oktober wurde die NASA heruntergefahren, wobei weniger als sechshundert ihrer achtzehntausend Mitarbeiter arbeiten durften. Die Social-Media-Accounts der Agentur, Profile, die sich mit Missions-Updates und Raumfahrzeugen befassen, wurden alle dunkel. 


Die Arbeitsniederlegung war Teil eines Regierungsstillstands in Amerika, bei dem 800.000 der 3.300.000 Mitarbeiter der Bundesregierung angewiesen wurden, nicht zur Arbeit zu erscheinen. Der Grund für den teilweisen Shutdown, der von Amerikas lobotomisierten Medien angegeben wurde, war ein Machtkampf zwischen den Demokraten und den Republikanern über das Ausgabenbudget. 


In dem Artikel deutet Herr Duff an, dass diese Gründe bestenfalls vordergründig waren und dass der herannahende Ison der wahre Grund sowohl für den Shutdown, die systematische Bewaffnung der Strafverfolgungsbehörden, als ob sie ein Zweig des Militärs wären, die Errichtung von FEMA-Lagern, das Verschwinden von nuklearen Beständen und die Entfernung von Top-Atomkraft-Kommandeuren war. Er fährt fort, seinen Lesern ominös zu sagen, dass “Waffensysteme bereits gestartet wurden” in einer kooperativen Operation mit dem Rest der Nationen der Welt “genau wie Präsident Reagan in seiner UN-Rede vorhergesagt hatte.” 



Am zwanzigsten Oktober 2013 postete die schnell wachsende alternative Nachrichtenquelle secureteam10 ein Video auf YouTube, das vorgibt, ein geheimes Interview mit einem NASA-Whistleblower zu sein. Der Informant mit dem Pseudonym Dr. Norton sagte, er sei ein externer Berater, der derzeit mit dem Meteoroid Environment Office der NASA arbeitet. 


Dr. Norton begann, indem er kryptisch auf Wissen innerhalb der NASA anspielte, das die Grundlage des Glaubenssystems der Menschheit verändern würde. Dann gab es das, was auf dem Video als “mysteriöse Unterbrechung” bezeichnet wird, was vielleicht in Wirklichkeit nur eine theatralische schwangere Pause war. Das Interview wird mit Dr. Norton wieder aufgenommen, der sagt, dass er am 22. Januar 2012 zum McDonald-Observatorium in Texas gerufen wurde, dem zweitgrößten optischen Teleskop auf dem Kontinent. 


Als er mit dem Flugzeug in Texas ankam, wurde er am Flughafen abgeholt und von Agenten der Homeland Security zum Observatorium eskortiert. Dort traf er sich mit vier anderen Wissenschaftlern, die für das Observatorium arbeiteten. Sie luden ihn ein, durch das Teleskop zu blicken. Als er das tat, veranlasste das, was er sah, sich kurz hinzusetzen. 


In der Linse befand sich “eine Reihe massiver dreidimensionaler schwarzer Strukturen; im Raum, in geradliniger Formation, die sich in Richtung des Planeten Erde bewegten.” Dr. Norton sagte, dass die Objekte bereits drei Monate zuvor beobachtet worden waren, aber sie hatten sich in den letzten Monaten um Millionen von Kilometern angenähert. Die Strukturen waren nun nahe genug, um sie mit Hilfe einer hochentwickelten Detektionsausrüstung zu untersuchen, die von der NASA zur Verfügung gestellt wurde. 


Den Zuhörern wird dann gesagt, dass die Strukturen aus einem künstlichen, metallischen, kohlenstoffverstärkten Material bestehen, das schätzungsweise mehrere tausend Mal härter ist als das, was von der bekannten Wissenschaft hergestellt werden kann. Die Objekte scheinen durch eine Ablenkungsvorrichtung, ähnlich dem Magnetfeld um die Erde, vor Weltraumpartikeln geschützt zu sein. Dr. Norton beschreibt die Objekte Form als ein dreidimensionales L, genau wie die Objekte in Gordon Duff Veterans Today Artikel sieben Tage vor der Veröffentlichung der Videos abgebildet hatte. 

Am 18. Januar 2014 wurde die gleiche Form bei den Koordinaten 22°42’38.46N 142°34’44.52E auf Google Moon aufgenommen

Niemand außer den eifrigsten Lesern der Huffington Post braucht General Michael Hayden, um ihnen zu sagen, dass Ison ein sehr dünnes Anagramm des Wortes Sion ist, wie in Zionist. Astronomische Körper werden normalerweise nach ihren Entdeckern benannt, aber nicht in diesem Fall. 


Ison ist das Akronym für International Scientific Optical Network; Novichonoks und Nevskis Arbeitgeber, ein Programm zur nächtlichen Durchmusterung mit zwanzig Observatorien und dreißig Teleskopen auf der ganzen Welt. Aber ISON ist in erster Linie um das Schwarze und Kaspische Meer herum angesiedelt, ein Gebiet, von dem bekannt ist, dass es die Welt mit dem aschkenasischen Juden beschenkt hat; der Inbegriff des Zionisten. 


Wie ich schon einmal gesagt habe; die autorisierte Version der Geschichte ist darauf ausgelegt, Sie dumm zu halten. Sie beginnt im antiken Griechenland mit dem “Vater der Lügen” Herodot und endet mit dem abscheulichen, verurteilten Kriminellen Dr. Zahi Hawass, der sie nach Belieben im Fernsehen erfindet. 


Die Täuschung, die sich Geschichte nennt, wird in meinem abgebrochenen neunteiligen Essay Behind the Bush eingehend untersucht: Aleister Crowley, Yeats, der Antichrist & Armageddon. Die Tatsache, dass die Serie auf dem Höhepunkt ihrer Popularität von Veterans Today bei sechs eingestellt wurde, spricht für sich selbst. Der Dreh- und Angelpunkt der Lüge ist, dass die abrahamitischen Religionen, die die Grundlage der westlichen Zivilisation bilden, das Produkt eines winzigen Stammes von nomadischen Ziegenhirten semitischer Abstammung sind. Was sie in Wirklichkeit sind, ist das aktuellste reaktive Mittel einer Bosheit, die seit zwölftausend Jahren über diese Erde herrscht. 


Die Pest begann in Kleinasien an einem Ort namens Göbekli Tepe und breitete sich wie ein bösartiges Krebsgeschwür aus, das den Kaukasus und den Nahen Osten umhüllte, dann die edlen Zivilisationen Ägyptens und Indiens verschlang und die alten Zitadellen der Götter in Amerika verwüstete. Die Veden und das Avesta erzählen die Geschichte des Unheils; Schlachten, die von den edlen Stämmen der Erde gegen die Nachkommen der Hölle und ihren Dämonenkönig, den seine Diener jetzt Jahwe bei den Juden und Gottvater bei den Christen nennen, geschlagen und verloren wurden. 


Diese Armeen der Finsternis waren riesig und vor der Zeit, als ihre Schriftgelehrten die Geschichte neu schrieben, unbesiegbar. Als sich die Gezeiten des Krieges schließlich gegen sie wandten und sie auf den Schlachtfeldern besiegt wurden, griffen sie zu List und Tücke, um ihre bösartige Hegemonie aufrechtzuerhalten. Seit Tausenden von Jahren haben sie sich auf Geheimhaltung und Täuschung verlassen. Wie der große französische Dichter Charles Baudelaire, ein Mann, der das Böse wirklich kannte, einmal sagte: “La plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu’il n’existe pas.” Der größte Trick des Teufels ist es, Sie davon zu überzeugen, dass er nicht existiert.


Kolumbus’ theatralische “Entdeckung” der Neuen Welt würde für mehr als ein halbes Jahrtausend als die größte Psy-Op der Geschichte in Erinnerung bleiben, bis die Bushs dreitausend Menschen verbrannten und das halbe Finanzzentrum der Welt zerstörten, um dann die Schuld auf einen todkranken Familienfreund zu schieben und den Dritten Weltkrieg zu beginnen. 


Die Juden waren schon seit Tausenden von Jahren in die Neue Welt gekommen. Es gibt biblische Berichte, die sich auf sie als Ophir beziehen, das Land, in dem Salomon sein Gold plünderte. Seine Entdeckung und Besiedlung wird von keinen geringeren Autoritäten als Aristoteles und Didorus von Sizilien berichtet. Es gibt eine Vielzahl von archäologischen Beweisen. All dies finden Sie in Teil 2 meiner Serie Hinter dem Busch. Es gibt auch genetische Beweise, die in Teil 3 vorgestellt werden. Die Tempelritter begannen bereits im zwölften Jahrhundert in der Neuen Welt zu verkehren, was das Thema von Teil 4 und 5 ist. 


Im französischen Nationalarchiv befindet sich ein Siegel, das die Präsenz der Templer in der Neuen Welt dokumentiert. Es wird als Teilabbildung in Colon Llego Despues gezeigt; ein Buch, das von Jacques De Mahieu und Martinz Roca mitverfasst wurde. Das Siegel trägt die Inschrift SECRETUM TEMPLI. In der Mitte ist eine indianische Figur zu sehen, die mit einem Lendenschurz bekleidet ist und einen Kopfschmuck aus Federn trägt. In der rechten Hand trägt die Figur einen Bogen, darunter ein Hakenkreuz mit geschwungenen Armen und daneben eine “Othala”, die Rune des Odin: 



Othala – “Oh-thall-ah” – wörtlich übersetzt: “Heimat” oder “Ahnenreihe” 

Esoterisch: Erbe, Gut, Adel 


Regiert: Rechtmäßiges Erbe aus dem Besitz der Vorfahren


Sammlung von numinoser Kraft und Wissen aus vergangenen Generationen


Erwerben von Reichtum und Besitz 


Rechtes Verständnis der globalen Einheit


Sicherheit, Geborgenheit, Schutz, die Mauern von Asgard


Aufstieg zum König unter den Menschen


Verwirklichung des Paradieses


“… Es bezieht sich auf eine Transzendenz der Geographie, sowohl der planetarischen als auch der kosmischen… Man ist überall zu Hause. Wir sind einfach der menschliche Stamm.”


Oder Sie nehmen die ADL beim Wort, die das Othala als Hass-Symbol listet. Entscheiden Sie selbst. 




1536 berichtete der Konquistador Don Mendoza von einer gut ausgebauten Straße, die von der brasilianischen Meeresküste durch das Cerro Cora Gebirge in Paraguay bis nach Potosi in Bolivien führte. Potosí wurde 1546 als Bergbaustadt für Spanien gegründet. In den nächsten 200 Jahren wurden mehr als 40.000 Tonnen Silber aus der Stadt verschifft und machten das spanische Reich zu einem der reichsten der Welt. 


Doch zuvor hatten die Templer ab dem zwölften Jahrhundert Europa mit Silbermengen überschwemmt, wie sie die westliche Welt noch nie gesehen hatte. Cero Cora ist ein kleiner Gebirgszug, der sich 50 Kilometer nach Westen und 250 Kilometer nach Süden erstreckt. 


Überall auf dem Gebirgszug wurden Beweise für die Besiedlung durch die Wikinger aus der Zeit vor Kolumbien gefunden, wie z.B. eine Festungsruine, ein versunkener Tempel, überdimensionale Stufen und tausende von Runeninschriften. Viele der Runeninschriften wurden entziffert und entsprechen dem schleswigschen Dialekt, der in Norddeutschland und Dänemark gesprochen wird. Es gibt Hinweise auf eine Silberverhüttungsanlage auf einem Berg, der als Cerro Kyse bekannt ist, etwa zwanzig Meilen südlich des Cero Cora Nationalparks. Inschriften, die auf dem Cerro Kyse gefunden wurden, ähneln denen, die auf Templer-Gebäuden in Spanien gefunden wurden und die in El Misterio de los Templarios, einem Buch von Martin Walker, abgebildet sind. 


Die Konquistadoren berichteten von den frühen mündlichen Überlieferungen der Indianer, die das Cero Cora-Gebirge bewohnten, und bezeugten die Existenz eines weißen Königs, den sie Ipir nannten. Etwa zweihundert Meilen südlich des Cerro Kyse befindet sich ein Berg namens Cerro Ipir. Es gibt ein unterirdisches Gewölbe innerhalb des Cerro Ipir, das sich etwa dreihundert Meter erstreckt und eine Grabkammer zu sein scheint. Aber bis heute sind alle Versuche, dies zu bestätigen, gescheitert, weil das Gewölbe aus einem undurchdringlichen Beton besteht, der sowohl Bohrern als auch Sprengstoffen widersteht.

Mit diesen Münzen überschwemmten die Templer im 13. Jahrhundert Europa.

Seit Francisco Pizarro und einhundertdreiundachtzig Konquistadoren zum ersten Mal wie wilde Götter durch das Inkareich zogen, gibt es Gerüchte. Erzählungen von Indianern über ein riesiges unterirdisches Tunnelsystem, das den südamerikanischen Kontinent vernetzt, unterirdische Städte, die von gottgleichen Wesen bewohnt werden. David Hatcher Childress berichtet in Subterranean Tunnels and the Hollow Earth glaubwürdig über diese Erzählungen und seine Erkundungen auf der Suche danach. Die Welt hat einen unerschrockenen und gelehrten Forscher verloren, als er die Schekel nahm, um der geradlinige Mann zu dem orangefarbenen Kerl mit den Pompadour-Haaren in National Geographics Comedy-Duett-Fernsehshow zu werden; Ancient Aliens. 

 Die Diener des Gottes dieser Welt sind Experten darin, die Fakten zu verschleiern und die Beweise zu zerstören. Der Paraíba-Stein, der die frühe phönizische Besiedlung Brasiliens beweist, wurde gestohlen, bevor ihn jemand zu Gesicht bekam. Das Internet wurde von Schreiberlingen überschwemmt, die in jüdischer Pseudowissenschaft geschult wurden und wehleidig behaupteten, es sei eine Fälschung, obwohl die Tatsache, dass die Phönizier vor über dreitausend Jahren in Brasilien waren, jetzt so sicher ist wie die Doktortitel von Jahwes Agenten, die intellektuell nicht beeindruckender sind als gebrauchtes Toilettenpapier. 


Kaum hatte ich vor über zwei Jahren über den Narragansett Runestone geschrieben, war er verschwunden. Er wurde jedoch zurückgebracht. Wie sollten sie einen zwei Tonnen schweren, von Zisterziensermönchen beschrifteten Felsbrocken ins Ungewisse schmuggeln, während jeder Polizist in Massachusetts nach ihm suchte? Aber wie ich Ihnen schon sagte, dass Schlomo niemals aufgibt, so gilt das auch für alle anderen Diener des “Herrn”. Scheitern ist bei ihrem Gott keine Option.

Die Inschrift ist in Paläo-Hebräisch, Phönizisch, dasselbe

Nirgendwo ist diese kakerlakenartige Pathologie der bösen Bruderschaften, sich vor dem Licht zu verstecken, offensichtlicher als im Fall von Pater Carlo Crespi, einem katholischen Priester in Cuenca, Ecuador, der sich mit den örtlichen Quechua-Indianern anfreundete. Der Priester lebte in Armut und diente ihrer Gemeinschaft mit heiliger Hingabe. Als Zeichen ihrer Dankbarkeit brachten ihm die Indianer Geschenke aus den Tiefen des undurchdringlichen Dschungels, den sie ihre Heimat nennen. 


In Vater Crespis Sammlung befanden sich goldene Tafeln, die größer als Tafeln waren und unheimliche Szenen von Pyramiden, Zikkuraten und Tempeln darstellten. Überall wimmelte es von Schlangen, Griffiths, Elefanten und Dinosauriern, alle graviert auf Gold, Silber, das nicht anlief, und einer verformbaren Metalllegierung, die der modernen Wissenschaft unbekannt war. Eric von Däniken zeigt in seinem 1973 erschienenen Buch Gold of the Gods das Bild einer Steinscheibe aus Crespis Sammlung, auf der ein Löwe und eine Schlange abgebildet sind, in Übereinstimmung mit Aleister Crowleys Liste der gnostischen Heiligen, den tapferen Männern, die den Krieg gegen die Dunkelheit durch ihre eigene Epoche getragen haben. Crowley nennt seine Heiligen “Söhne des Löwen und der Schlange!” 

Alle Artefakte sind Tausende und Abertausende von Jahren alt. Wenn man die Indianer fragte, woher sie sie haben, erzählten sie Geschichten von Tunneln mit Wänden so glatt wie Glas, versteckt im östlichen Dschungel, groß genug, um mit Lastwagen durchzufahren. Fantasievoll verzierte Wände und verlassene Städte, die noch immer in einem unheimlichen blauen Glühen erstrahlten. 


Die Artefakte haben ein deutlich ägyptisches, sumerisches und phönizisches Aussehen und sind in Hieroglyphen und Paläo-Hebräisch beschriftet. Wayne Hamby zeigt in seinem Buch Voices From The Dust (Stimmen aus dem Staub) von 1977 ein Bild einer etwa eine Elle langen, massiven Goldplatte, die eine Pyramide darstellt, flankiert von Flora, Elefanten, Katzen und sich windenden Schlangen auf jeder Seite und einer Sonne darüber. Die Inschrift ist in Paläo-Hebräisch und sollte ein für alle Mal beweisen, dass die Juden die Phönizier waren. 


Wenn Sie versuchen, das Buch zu googeln, werden Sie feststellen, dass die Suche mit Exkrementen vollgeschmiert wurde. Diesmal ist es Donnie Osmond; Voices in the Dust. Google hält den drittklassigen Sänger, der vor fast einem halben Jahrhundert in die Bedeutungslosigkeit verbannt wurde, offenbar für relevanter als den wichtigsten archäologischen Fund aller Zeiten. Und das ist noch nicht alles. Das Museum von Pater Crespi in Cuenca wurde zweimal niedergebrannt; 1962 und 1974, wobei ein Großteil der unbezahlbaren Sammlung zerstört wurde. Nach seinem Tod beschlagnahmte der Vatikan den Rest und ließ ihn verschwinden, aber die Bilder bleiben einige am Ende dieses Links. Immer noch nicht zufrieden, verbreiteten Jahwes Diener das absurde Gerücht, dass der zierliche kleine italienische Priester der entkommene Adolph Hitler und die Artefakte ein verlorener Nazi-Schatz war.

Der Mann auf der linken Seite ist eindeutig Adolph Hitler

Im Jahr 1624 veröffentlichte ein Mann namens Francis Bacon ein Buch in lateinischer Sprache mit dem Titel “The New Atlantis”. Francis Bacon ist nicht nur weithin als Vater der empirischen Wissenschaft bekannt, sondern wird von vielen verdächtigt, die wahre Identität von William Shakespeare zu sein, dem Dichter der Rosenkreuzer. Das Buch ist seltsam und untypisch für Bacon, eine Geschichte von Reisenden, die sich vor der Küste Perus verirren und auf eine unbekannte Insel stoßen, die von einer Rasse von Übermenschen bevölkert wird. 


Nachdem sie zunächst abgewiesen wurden, zeigen die Übermenschen Gnade mit ihnen, geben ihnen zu essen und gewähren ihnen eine Gnadenfrist zur Rekonvaleszenz. Während dieser Zeit lehrt sie ein Sprecher der Übermenschen die Geschichte der Insel und der vergangenen Epoche der Erde. Der Sprecher erzählt ihnen, dass die Inselbewohner größtenteils Christen sind, aber zähneknirschend Juden dulden, die wiederum zähneknirschend sie dulden. 


Der Sprecher scheint die Gentechnik zu beschreiben, wenn er über die Tiere der Insel sagt: “Wir haben Mittel gefunden, um Mischungen und Kopulationen von verschiedenen Arten zu machen, die viele neue Arten hervorgebracht haben, und sie sind nicht unfruchtbar, wie die allgemeine Meinung ist.” 


Der Sprecher fährt fort: “Darin finden wir viele merkwürdige Wirkungen: wie das fortdauernde Leben in ihnen, obwohl verschiedene Teile, die man als lebenswichtig ansieht, zugrunde gehen und herausgenommen werden; die Wiederbelebung von einigen, die scheinbar tot sind, und dergleichen.” Von den blühenden Bäumen und Früchten der Insel sagt der Sprecher, dass sie “größer und süßer gemacht werden, und von unterschiedlichem Geschmack, Geruch, Farbe und Gestalt, von ihrer Natur. Und viele von ihnen ordnen wir so, dass sie von medizinischem Nutzen werden.” 


Die Wunder der Insel beschränken sich nicht nur auf die Pflege der Flora und Fauna. Der Sprecher sagt: “Wir haben auch schöne und große Bäder mit verschiedenen Mischungen zur Heilung von Krankheiten und zur Wiederherstellung des menschlichen Körpers von der Fäulnis; und andere, um ihn in der Stärke der Sehnen, der vitalen Teile und der eigentlichen Säfte und Substanz des Körpers zu bestätigen.” 


Und Hunderte von Jahren, bevor Flugzeuge und U-Boote auch nur von Leonardo da Vinci erträumt wurden, sagt der Sprecher, dass sie Fahrzeuge haben, die “auch Flüge von Vögeln nachahmen; wir haben einige Grade des Fliegens in der Luft. Wir haben Schiffe und Boote, um unter Wasser zu gehen und die Meere zu durchqueren.”


Die Bewohner der Insel besitzen auch die Macht der Illusion und können die Uneingeweihten sehen lassen, was immer sie sie sehen lassen wollen. Sie werden auch von einer Priesterschaft verwaltet, die sich Salomans Haus nennt, benannt nach Salomon, dessen verlorene Bücher sie besitzen. Sie erinnern sich an längst vergessene Zeiten der alten Weltgeschichte, als die Tyrer, Phönizier und Chinesen mit großen Flotten die Erde umsegelten und die größte aller Nationen Atlantis war. 


Ein Kontinent, der heute Amerika heißt, der in einer Sintflut ertränkt wurde, als seine Flüsse und Ströme über die Ufer traten. Alle Tiere, die sich nicht über längere Zeit in den Baumwipfeln aufhalten konnten, wurden ertränkt, ebenso wie die meisten Menschen, die auf den Gipfeln langsam verhungerten. “Wundert euch also nicht über die dünne Bevölkerung Amerikas, auch nicht über die Grobheit und Unwissenheit der Menschen; denn ihr müsst die Bewohner Amerikas als ein junges Volk betrachten, mindestens tausend Jahre jünger als die übrige Welt, weil zwischen der allgemeinen Flut und ihrer besonderen Überschwemmung so viel Zeit lag.” 



Peter Wilhelm Lund und Charles Darwin waren Zeitgenossen. Lund, der Gründervater der brasilianischen Archäologie und Paläontologie, erforschte gerade die Provinz Rio de Janeiro, als sie Darwin 1832 durchreiste. Es ist zweifelhaft, ob sich der brillante dänische Wissenschaftler durch ein Treffen mit dem englischen Scharlatan überhaupt beschmutzt hat, obwohl Darwin Lund während seiner eigenen Karriere vergöttern würde. 


Lund fand und dokumentierte Beweise für die Besiedlung durch Wikinger vom Orinoco-Fluss bis zum Rio de la Plata. Dies wird von der Wissenschaft anerkannt, doch niemand scheint in der Lage zu sein, diesen Beweis zu erbringen. Noch seltsamer ist, dass Lund, damals der bedeutendste Archäologe seiner Zeit, bei der Ausgrabung einer Höhle, die 1843 durch Trockenheit freigelegt wurde, Beweise für die Koexistenz von Menschen mit längst ausgestorbenen Tieren fand. Die Auswirkungen seiner Entdeckung waren so beunruhigend, dass Lund sich noch im selben Jahr zurückzog und sich auf seine schlechte Gesundheit berief. Er lebte weitere siebenunddreißig Jahre und kehrte nie wieder nach Europa zurück. 


In einem verschollenen Brief, der vor kurzem gefunden und in dänischer Sprache veröffentlicht wurde, beschreibt Lund, wie die Knochen, ungestört von ihren alten Schichten, sortiert wurden, mit den Schädeln in einem Stapel, den Fingern in einem anderen, jedes Körperteil zu seinem entsprechenden Stapel. Alle Schädel waren mit einem mächtigen Schlag mit einem axtähnlichen Instrument sauber gespalten worden. Die Überreste wurden bis heute nicht richtig datiert, und man kann darauf wetten, dass sie es auch nie werden. 


Aber nirgendwo wird die Verzweiflung, die Geheimnisse zu bewahren, die in Südamerikas brodelndem Dschungel verborgen sind, deutlicher als in der Geschichte von Akakor. Es ist schwer zu sagen, wo die Geschichte beginnt. War es vor fünfzehntausend Jahren, als der Himmel mit schimmernden, goldenen Schiffen gefüllt war, die die Ebenen unter ihnen mit Feuer versengten und die Erde mit ihren donnernden Geräuschen zum Beben brachten? 


Oder war es in der Dunkelheit der frühesten Stunden des Zweiten Weltkriegs, als SS-Männer und ihre Familien an der Mündung des mächtigen Amazonas aus U-Booten stiegen und sich heimlich auf den Weg in das unerforschte Innere Brasiliens machten? Es gibt nur wenige Bilder, die dies dokumentieren, und keine Augenzeugen mehr, die darüber berichten könnten, sondern nur noch Geschichten, die an die nächste Generation von Brasilianern weitergegeben werden, die an dem ungezähmten Fluss ihre Heimat haben. Aber der deutsche Geheimdienst Abwehr hatte viele Geheimnisse und die Deutschen sind effizient. Die Deutschen waren schon immer effizient.

“Angels fight, angels cry / Angels dance and angels die” – Doors


“Ya Fritz ve vill tell the jews ve vent to the Antarctic”

“… Diejenigen, die der Energie von Othala die Treue schwören, kommen zu der Erkenntnis, dass das Hinarbeiten auf den Himmel auf Erden der Himmel auf Erden ist. Diese Vision der Runen von einer vereinten Welt ist ein unausweichlicher Antrieb durch die Kraft gewöhnlicher, alltäglicher, friedlicher Menschen, die auf eine profane Art und Weise zusammenwirken, die in ihrer Einfachheit tiefgründig ist…”




“Sauroman glaubt, dass nur große Macht das Böse in Schach halten kann. Aber das ist nicht das, was ich gefunden habe. Ich fand heraus, dass es die kleinen Dinge sind, die alltäglichen Taten gewöhnlicher Menschen, die die Dunkelheit in Schach halten. Einfache Taten der Freundlichkeit und Liebe.”

Gandalf in Der Hobbit



Behandle andere so, wie du selbst von anderen behandelt werden möchtest

Die Goldene Regel



Wir unterbrechen jetzt Ihre Lektüre für eine schamlose Werbeankündigung. 

Mein Buch ist  VERFÜGBAR! 


Kaufen Sie es JETZT!

Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoiren eines erwachenden Gottes Taschenbuch – 5. Januar 2021



I. Pet Goat II

Cueva de Los Tayos video from Crespi museum  


The Bormann Faction Part II by Jack Heart & Orage


Regardless of what you think about COVID, whether you like it or not it has now supplanted racism as the most divisive issue facing America. The not so United States is a nation whose populace is armed to the teeth and heavily laced with trained soldiers already on the brink of a second Civil War due to the former issue, the cause of the first one. Depending on whose statistics you want to believe, there is no COVID, so says the right, or its going to kill us all if we don’t do exactly what the government tells us, so says the left, who not surprisingly are in power right now.

As a man who was illegally evicted from his beach house in Long Beach New York in May of 2020 and wandered practically every state East of the Mississippi since then, including three different epicenters for the alleged virus; New York City, South Texas and Tennessee, I think I am in a better position than anyone else in the media to tell my readers that there is definitely something out there, something that kills, but not always. I’ve seen relatively healthy people die in a day or two after being diagnosed with COVID and I’ve seen people diagnosed with it repair a tractor in a hundred-degree heat while being under quarantine.

The real statistics, if you can call them that, are all over the place. I’ve had two different people who would know; one a well-known professional spy, the other a career military man on location, tell me that sarin gas is being used to skewer them even more.

I’ve heard the story, from a religious order legendary for their political acumen, that America first attacked China with a weaponized strain hoping to follow it up with the massive fleet sent into the South China Sea last summer and simultaneously in preparation for Chinas inevitable counterattack released a milder strain in America to build up “herd immunity.” I’ve also heard the Trumpian version. Who hasn’t? ‘It was China’s negligence that is the cause of the COVID pandemic.’ I am satisfied with neither. I am only certain that COVID is a biological weapon.

That COVID originated naturally from bats is nothing but a cover story by a group of deluded lackeys of the defense industry hell-bent on continuing their insane practice of taking naturally occurring viruses and enhancing them in a lab supposedly so they can back engineer their Frankensteinian pets and find cures for the natural virus. The first piece of propaganda blaming the dreaded mystery bat for unleashing COVID was published in the Lancet on February 19, 2020, far too early to reach a scientific conclusion. Yet it was eagerly accepted as gospel by the current crop of corporate media clowns pawning themselves off as journalists, probably because it used their favorite words, Conspiracy Theory.

“It later turned out that the Lancet letter had been organized and drafted by Peter Daszak, president of the EcoHealth Alliance of New York. Daszak’s organization funded coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. If the SARS2 virus had indeed escaped from research he funded, Daszak would be potentially culpable.” (39)

Less than a month later and still too early for conclusions: “A second statement that had enormous influence in shaping public attitudes was a letter (in other words an opinion piece, not a scientific article) published on 17 March 2020 in the journal Nature Medicine. It too claimed the virus was naturally occurring and it too was “full of absurdly large holes…” (40)

That the virus accidentally escaped from a lab is another science fiction story. Assassins masquerading as doctors like Peter Daszak know the second one of their pets gets loose playtime is over. There will be no more government grants in their future and possibly a much-needed long stay in a mental institution. Security at these labs is stringent, nothings getting out of them by accident.

COVID was used as a weapon just the way it was always intended to be used by the people who funded its development. As to the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question of who would use such a weapon it would be prudent to use the first principle of detective work; follow the money. – Jack Heart

Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) reckons Transhumanism will be an integral part of “The Great Reset.” The shriveled old German globalist has said the fourth industrial revolution would “lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” which in his book he clarifies is implantable microchips that can read your thoughts.

Schwab’s book, Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution which should be read as Shaping the Future of the Fourth Reich, is “particularly popular in China, South Korea and Japan, with the South Korean military alone purchasing 16,000 copies.” In the book, Schwab gleefully explains how upcoming technology will allow authorities to “intrude into the hitherto private space of our minds, reading our thoughts and influencing our behavior.” (41)

The Director of Engineering at Google; Ray Kurzweil, yet another genetically defected Jew from New York City, who has inexplicably risen to the pinnacle of money and power, predicts: “In the 2030s we are going to send nanorobots into the brain that will provide full immersion virtual reality from within the nervous system and will connect our neocortex to the cloud. Just like how we can wirelessly expand the power of our smartphones 10,000-fold in the cloud today, we’ll be able to expand our neocortex.” (42)

Kurzweil whose vague predictions of the future are lauded by the Jewish media as prophecy reminds one more of a dime store psychic. He is seventy-three years old and has been kept alive since he was thirty-five only through constant medical attention and literally hundreds of pills a day…

Norbert Wiener

But before there was a Kurzweil there was Norbert Wiener. Wiener, a prodigy and direct descendent of Maimonides, was in college when he was twelve. He had a PhD from Harvard by the time he was nineteen. But in spite of his prodigious academic achievements he was barred from the Harvard staff due to the efforts of the great American mathematician George David Birkhoff, who also saw to it that Einstein never taught at Harvard. Of course for this Birkhoff is accused of Anti-Semitism, ignoring the fact that Birkhoff’s protégé and favorite student Stanisław Ulam was a Polish Jew.

After collaborating with the seemingly omniscient Jon von Neumann on the mapping of neurons Wiener would pen Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine in 1948, now considered the bible of Transhumanism.

A year later in 1949 von Neumann: “using only a pencil and graph paper designed a self-reproducing computer. Von Neumann’s rigorous mathematical analysis of the structure of self-replication anticipated with uncanny accuracy the structure of DNA; discovered a couple of years later…” (43)

In acknowledgement of von Neumann’s genius the next year Weiner would publish The Human Use of Human Beings as an addendum to Cybernetics and Transhumanism was off and running. By the time José Delgado, often cited as one of the leading scientists in MK Ultra (44) and an outspoken proponent of mind control, published Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilised Society in 1969 Transhumanism was an out of control mad dog howling in the street and needed to be put down appropriately. It never was…

Both von Neumann and Wiener attended the University of Göttingen in Germany to study at the feet of legendary German mathematician David Hilbert. Von Neumann attended on a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation even though his father was a filthy rich Hungarian aristocrat. By the end of 1927 his Habilitation, a qualification required in many European countries to teach at universities and obtain professorship, was complete. He became the youngest PhD ever to teach at the University of Berlin and for two and a half years he wrote approximately a ground breaking paper a month, an astounding rate. In October of 1929 he received a better offer to teach at Princeton University in New Jersey.

Jon von Neumann

Once there, von Neumann would almost singlehandedly turn America into a technological powerhouse. Von Neumann was a gregarious man who owned the largest house in Princeton which he used to entertain and throw parties. He delighted in telling jokes in Yiddish to his Jewish friends, the closest of which were Stanisław Ulam and Theodore von Kármán his fellow Jewish aristocrat from Hungry. Von Kármán immigrated to America almost simultaneously with von Neumann. He would co-find Jet Propulsions Laboratory, the progenitor of NASA, with Jack Parsons… (45)

But it was very clear to everybody who knew von Neumann that he was also a fanatical Nazi. He had a pathological hatred for Einstein and when they had adjoining offices at Yale delighted in playing Prussian marching music full blast on his Victrola to harass him. It’s said that famed movie director Stanley Kubrick’s iconic Nazi character Dr. Strangelove was modeled after him when he was stricken with cancer and wheelchair bound yet still running the Atomic Energy Commission.

There can be little doubt that von Neumann was in America at the behest of the Rockefellers and by then the Rockefellers Standard Oil was IG Farben and IG Farben was Standard Oil…

Under the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 the Rockefellers original trust; Standard Oil Company of New Jersey was dissolved in 1911 creating many smaller regional companies. Among them were Standard Oil of New Jersey (Exxon), Standard Oil of New York (Mobil), Standard Oil of California (Chevron), Standard Oil of Ohio (Sohio), Standard Oil of Indiana (Amoco), Continental Oil (Conoco), and Atlantic Oil (ARCO). But like any good parasite that has not been thoroughly eradicated the Rockefellers rebounded nicely after being treated for and reinfected their host with a vengeance.

By 1941 Standard Oil of New Jersey was the largest oil company in the world, controlling 84 percent of the U.S. petroleum market. It was surreptitiously joined at the hip like a Siamese twin to the largest chemical consortium to ever exist; I.G. Farbenindustrie, the economic engine that drove the Third Reich.

IG Farben was founded in December 1925 as a merger of six German companies: BASF, already a chemical colossus then and currently the largest producer of chemicals in the world, owned 27.4 percent of the equity capital. Bayer, whom need no introduction also owned 27.4 percent as did Hoechst, another chemical giant already replete with pharmaceutical subsidiaries; Cassalla and Chemische Fabrik Kalle. Agfa, the cutting edge in photographical development, owned 9 percent. Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron owned 6.9 percent and Chemische Fabrik vorm. Weiler Ter Meer owned 1.9 percent.  Farben’s supervisory board members became widely known as, and were said to call themselves, ostensibly in jest, the “Council of Gods [Rat der Götter]”… (46)

It was no coincidence that the coalition of Germany’s chemical giants coincided with the rise of Hitler and National Socialism. Down the hallway footsteps were coming for Germany’s capitalists and they heard them loudly and clearly. In order to understand the two immutable forces that were being set in motion against each other in Germany it’s necessary to provide a brief history of economics.

Western history, the part that’s indisputable, begins when marauding Conquistadors aligned themselves with the papacy and overran what we now call the “New World,” slaughtering the native inhabitants by the millions. Tons of plundered gold and silver would flood Spain and within less than fifty years collapse its economy like a wet taco. Its people faced famine. You cannot eat gold and silver and when all is said and done their just another commodity, the more you have, the less their worth. Spain’s economy proved unable to sustain the infusion of all that gold and silver and “Spanish kings were continuously in debt and forced to declare bankruptcy in 1560, 1575, 1596, 1607, 1627, 1647 and 1653.” (47)

Europe learned a basic law of economics the hard way. A strong economy is insured when you maximize your exports while minimizing your imports. Adam Smith would later dub this practice mercantilism.

Sweden would be ruined in its war with Russia and using this system the French and British, along with the Dutch whose populace was vastly outnumbered by the other two competing nations and only won their independence from Spain in 1581 but compensated for these handicaps with “a strong work ethic, a restraint from conspicuous consumption, and a vigorous trade regiment,” would become the preeminent economic powers of Europe. The first one to set down the rules for the as of yet unnamed practice of mercantilism was Englishman Sir Thomas Mun, whose evaluation of the Dutch was just quoted.

Mun was the Director of the East India Company. He would promulgate the doctrines and practices that would give rise to the most powerful company the world had ever known. He wrote two books A Discourse of Trade from England Unto the East Indies in 1621 and England’s Treasure by Foreign Trade in 1628 where he chastised his countryman for not being as thrifty as the Dutch. Mun laid out a list of policies which he urged England to follow.

In his book, England’s Treasure by Foreign Trade Mun urged the British to ban all imports that can be produced within England. To convince English people they wanted English luxury goods. Mun advised the monarchy to lower taxes and tariffs on businesses producing goods for export and charge more money on goods for which England had a monopoly on the production. Mun advised England to cultivate her unused real estate to avoid having to import goods and increase her own production, along with this he wanted all imports to be completed by British shipping.(3)

Mun would die in 1641and ten years later Thomas Hobbs would justify every atrocity that was ever committed in the name of British imperialism when he wrote the dehumanizing bible; Leviathan. In France Jean-Baptiste Colbert under the auspices of the Jesuits would rise to the pinnacle of power in the court of the Sun King Louis XIV. While Colbert’s benefactor Cardinal Mazarin “became the richest man in the world” and Louie amused himself fighting war upon war, otherwise immersing himself in the dark scandal that was “L’affaire des poisons,” (48) Colbert ran France.

As Louie’s Comptroller-General of Finances Colbert would work tirelessly for over twenty years to increase the states hold on the economy until finally expiring in 1683. Colbert’s basic premise was to maintain a ‘favorable balance of trade’ in which products were exported for gold and to guard against an ‘unfavorable balance of trade’ where gold would flow out by using the power of government to strictly regulate French trade.

Colbert tried to undermine the Dutch wherever possible and stressed higher quality for French products, levying fines on those that produced shoddy merchandise. He closely regulated the manufacture of every conceivable product and built a strong merchant fleet to carry those products to the rest of the world. To the dismay of independent entrepreneurs he encouraged trade coalitions and cartels, organized under his own central bureaucracy, to which he extended monopoly privileges.

Although Colbert built France into an economic powerhouse eventually his system, dubbed Colbertism by economists, would leave France stranded in the seventeenth century. France was unable to keep up with the nimbler freer enterprise systems of the English and Dutch and its people, now starving in the streets, would overthrow the monarchy in the late eighteenth century. Astoundingly enough around the same time the French were beheading King Louis XVI for it Alexander Hamilton with his Report on the Subject of Manufactures was making a case for Colbertism in the fledgling American republic.

France would reinstitute a form Colbertism after WW II called Dirigisme from the French word diriger, meaning to direct. For thirty years the French economy was the envy of the world but by 1975 France was once again lagging behind her competitors in technology. China currently practices a form of Dirigisme, as do Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan.

By the latter part of the seventeenth century England was being overwhelmed by the seemingly endless industriousness of the Dutch. This quickly led to a war in 1653 where the English won several major naval battles in their home waters but led to the larger Dutch fleet blockading the Baltic and Mediterranean seas. The stalemate, detrimental to both empires, was broken when England passed the Treaty of Westminster which would evolve intoa series of laws known as the Navigation Acts. The acts, regulating trade for England and her colonies, largely turned the precepts laid out by Sir Thomas Mun a quarter century earlier into law.

The British Empire prospered under the tighter regulations but by the eighteenth century the acts were being modified by subsequent amendments, changes, and additional enforcement mechanisms and staff with an eye towards generating colonial revenue. Although its estimated that at most the changes cost colonial traders about 4% four percent of the net is a lot of money. It would lead to the American Revolution and it would also become the economic foundation of the National Socialist one.  

The Wealth of Nations would be published in 1776 the same year Americas founding fathers declared King George a tyrant and passed The Resolution for Independence in the Second Continental Congress giving birth to the United States. The author of The Wealth of Nations; Adam Smith, a prodigy at fourteen, was by then recognized as the smartest man in the British Empire, if not the world.

Adam Smith

Smith, a man of such intense intellect that he once walked eighteen miles immersed in his thoughts only to be made aware of where he was by a towns church bell, figured out what every great mind before him had missed. A countries wealth was not in bullion, which is essentially just another bought and sold commodity, but in the labor that country can generate. Productivity is the true wealth of nations. Innovation and invention with the elbow grease to set them in motion were the true measure of a nation’s economic power.

Smith’s disciple David Ricardo would follow up Smiths revelation by coining the term rent-seeking to be used as a label for the economic parasites currently murdering the world.

Rent-seeking is when one seeks to increase their share of existing wealth without creating new wealth. American Robert J. Shiller, winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize for economics, gives the classic example of rent seeking as; a feudal lord who installs a chain across a river that flows through his domain then hires a collector to charge passing boats a fee to lower the chain. There is no improvement to the river nor the boatmen’s journey. Nothing has been produced except ill begotten wealth for the lord. In an article titled The Best, Brightest, and Least Productive Shiller lamented that “7.4% of total compensation of employees in 2012 went to people working in the finance and insurance industries.”

In 1848 German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels would publish Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei (The Communist Manifesto) loosely based on Smith’s ideas and the whole world would be set ablaze with fires that still rage today. Marx and Engels reasoned, without considering the innovation and invention part of The Wealth of Nations seven hundred plus pages let alone Ricardo’s freeloader defining concept of rent-seeking, that all the upper classes were exploiting the workers and were useless baggage that were no longer needed, if they ever were. They called for the abolition of private property and the ruthless suppression of those that owned it which they labeled the bourgeoisie.

By the early twentieth century the communists had already burnt the existing social structure in Russia to the ground and were making it very clear Germany was next. Into the maelstrom stepped Germanys own economic genius Gottfried Feder. The German State on a national and socialist foundation is Feder’s unabridged manifesto. It was first published into the turmoil that was 1923 Germany.

It was in that same year Count Coudenhove-Kalergi would bare the venomous fangs of the German aristocracy with the publication of Pan Europa. Recruitment for the Pan-Europa movement from the ranks of wealthy German Industrialists like the ones that would become IG Farben in two years was begun immediately from the highest pedigrees of free masonry. The year would culminate with Adolf Hitler’s infamous BeerHall Putsch.

Gottfried Feder

Feder reasoned that the entire international monetary system was a rent seeker that Germany could no longer afford. The whole world said Germany was broke but using the basic premise established by Smith that labor is wealth Feder pointed out that “Every nation is as rich as it is able to organize work.” (50) In fact Germany was filthy rich, regardless of whatever the self proclaimed financial centers of Wall Street, London, Paris, and their paid hyenas in the press had to say. Feder stated boldly that “the interest slavery of the nations means the rule of the bank and stock-exchange” and breaking that “interest slavery is by far the greatest task of National Socialism.”(51)

One of the examples Feder gives demonstrating the burden acquired by the state through the burrowing of money with interest is the construction of the German Railway System. Feder calculates the total cost of construction: “amounted to around 25 billion gold marks up to 1914. The interest payments for this amount, with an average interest of 31/2 – 4%, amounted to around 800-900 million gold marks.” This consumed almost in its entirety the net revenue of the railway which after deducting labor and material “amounted to around 800- 1100 million marks.” Feder laments: “the gigantic army of German railway workers up to the highest positions with a head count of 782,731 persons has received for its work only exactly as much income as the completely inactive hand of loan Capital has pocketed.” He sighs: “The entire amount for our entire army amounted in 1913 – thus in the last full year of peace, to 775,385,300 marks…” (52)

Citing the work of Oskar Pöbing a Bavarian mechanical engineer who worked in the Technical University in Munich and published two in-depth studies on the cost Feder points out that in the two decade development of the “enormous hydro-energy existing in the mountain rivers, in combination with the large mountain lakes” of Bavaria the interest on the loans increased the final production cost for a kilowatt hour to the Bavarian people 500%. Feder asks why if the Bavarian state is solvent enough to guarantee the loan and the interest to its creditors on the “800 million for the Walchensee hydro-energy and the Middle Isar” it “cannot use its financial sovereignty and finance these works through its own authority.” (53)

The state could have issued “this cash in a way vouchers on the basis of its credit. Why should anybody have less regard for the credit of the state than for the credit of any banks, especially when the state is producing useful works for the welfare of the community?” Feder pointed out that vouchers could be backed by electrical credits upon completion of the project. He scornfully writes: “indeed Bavarian engineers, Bavarian workers, Bavarian foremen and entrepreneurs; Bavarian factories supply most of the machines and equipment – and for that which is not produced in Bavaria itself Bavarian grain or cattle must be given, thus Bavarian work must once again be given in exchange” for a globalist loan that involved for the bank no more than the signing of a check. (54)

Feder howls: “Is this not madness? Is this not an economic crime? of the people who have done nothing but at one time set their pen in motion and written out a cheque or directed their banker to sign the Bavarian hydro-electric loan, these receive for that, year after year, interests paid by the Bavarian people.” (55)

The money the state earned through running its own infrastructure without cutting in foreign banks would be more than enough to finance a utopian society. Feder emphasizes that when he writes: “the main goal of the National Socialist state is: the state without taxes.” He concludes that: “One who raises himself above the degradations and surveys from an elevated standpoint the Connections described: interest Obligation of the state – tax – ‘Inflation, one who has recognised the interest Obligation of all nations of the Western cultural circle as the fact dominating everything, one who has recognised that we live in an age of a complete reversal of the healthy and reasonable conditions between work and wealth, one who can no longer avoid the pressing logic that especially the state, by virtue of its financial sovereignty, is not completely bound to the loan route but that it can creatively finance through its own right all large public state tasks, for him it is only the last Step into a financial political New World to demand a state in which the state financial administration does not consider it as its first task to extract as much tax as possible from the state citizens but, on the contrary, to remove every burdensome tax pressure and to fertilise the national economy.” (56)

Feder was everything Karl Marx wasn’t, a wizard with numbers and facts who clearly states before his proposal to invent a financial and political New World: “National Socialism fundamentally recognises private property and places it under government protection.” (57) As opposed to the ongoing Soviet practice of murdering Ukrainian farmers  and stripping them of their land  Feder promises German farmers: “National Socialism will support and promote agriculturists through all means as the foundation of a powerful nation and of the nourishment of the population.” (58)

But he does not mince words with Germany’s generationally wealthy landgraves or their Jewish bankers in Berlin whom he promises a particularly hard time under National Socialism, mentioning Rothschild by name. Wealth accrued through rent seeking which he defined as those who were getting wealthy yet not producing anything would be confiscated, stockbrokers and moneychangers beware. He also stipulates: “It will however be the task of the legislation to draw the limits with regard to the hoarding of immoderate wealth in the hands of individuals at the expense of the whole…” (59)

There was nothing to stop Feder’s plan for using Germany’s labor as money from financially burying the rest of the world. It was a lightning stroke of pure genius and indeed a decade later Hitler would use it to build the bankrupt Weimar Republic into the National Socialist economic powerhouse that was the envy of the world in five years. But not before as the price of assuming power in 1933 he replaced Gottfried Feder with Free Mason and professional weasel Hjalmar Schacht.

Schacht was a German whose hobby was studying Qabalistic Hebrew a dead giveaway that he was a gift from Count Coudenhove-Kalergi and the Masonic lodge, including the Rothschild’s and Warburg’s. Hitler shrewd as he was could not have not known this but by then IG Farben along with the Rothschild’s and Warburg’s were his sponsors. The battle lines had been drawn in 1923 and the seeds of treachery sewn a decade later in 1933. It was these events that set the world on a course for a hundred year odyssey that would end here and now balanced on the periphery of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum’s transhuman abyss.

The Bormann Faction, part I by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

The Borman Faction III, Rat der Götter by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (


Cover Picture – Pinterest

39 – Wade, Nicholas. “The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan?” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.5 May 2021. Web.

40 – Ibid.

41 – Watson, Joseph. “SCIENCE & TECH” Klaus Schwab: Great Reset Will “Lead to a Fusion of Our Physical, Digital and Biological Identity”.” Summit News. 16 Nov 2020. Web.

42 – Boran, Marie. “Nanobots will live in our brains in the 2030s, says Google boss.” The Irish Times. 19 Oct 2017. Web.

43 – Heart, Jack and Orage. “Peter Pan Meets Pyramid Head I.” The Human: Jack, Orage & friends. Jack Heart writings. 23 Mar 2017. Web.

44 – Heart, Jack and Orage. “MK Ultra – Cybernetic Mutation, Remote Controlled Slaves, Dragon Soldiers and a Zombie Empire; Paint it Blue.” The Human: Jack, Orage & friends. Jack Heart writings. 4 Feb 2015. Web.

45 – Ibid.

46 – Tammen, Helmuth (1978). Die I.G. Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft (1925–1933): Ein Chemiekonzern in der Weimarer Republik (in German). Berlin: H. Tammen. ISBN978-3-88344-001-9.

47 – Mun, Thomas, “Introduction to England’s Treasure by Forraign Trade, or The Ballance of Our Forraign Trade Is the Rule of Our Treasure.” England’s Treasure by Foreign Trade,1629. University of California Press.

48 – Ibid.

49 – Heart, Jack and Orage . “Human Sacrifice among the Catholic Clergy II (the Khazar-Nazi Antichrist III) .” The Human: Jack, Orage & friends. Jack Heart writings. 9 Apr 2020. Web.

50 – Feder, Gottfried. Translated with a Preface by Alexander Jacob, The German State on a national and socialist foundation. A World View Foundations Project, 1923. p137. Web.Gottfried Feder The German State On A National And Socialist Foundation : Gottfried Feder : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

51 – Ibid, p109.

52 – Ibid, pp127-129.

53 – Ibid, pp130-136.

54 – Ibid.

55 – Ibid.

56 – Ibid, p148.

57 – Ibid, p72.

58 – Ibid, p74.

59 – Ibid, p72.

Below are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make more, I actually make the most from Amazon E books, but because you will avoid giving Amazon any money. Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.

Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® ( Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god: 9781736288016: Heart, Jack: Books

Puharich Primer


The video is “One Step Beyond”: The Sacred Mushroom. (Best 5 Episode), an early sixties ABC screening of Puharich’s second expedition to find a clairvoyance inducing mushroom.

I have a reader who runs a retreat on a Caribbean island where he supervises the ingestion of hallucinogenics, had him for eight years. He pops up in the emails every couple of years, but he’s always reading. He just wrote me to tell me Blaze and Drudge are now finally getting around to telling their audience about the Skinwalker ranch.

Stan who somehow seems to know and I am being sarcastic, what is in my unsecured emails puts this link up on Shadow in the Human where he is always lurking. All our extensive research on Andrija Puharich, the father of mind control, never turned this up. It’s a half hour television show featuring Puharich in his prime traipsing about the jungles of South America with a crack team of scientists, no doubt supplied by the CIA who worshiped at Puharich’s feet, hunting pharmaceuticals to enhance clairvoyance.

In 1947 Andrija (Henry) K. Puharich received his medical doctorate from Northwestern University through the Army Specialized Training Program. While he had still been in school, he had burst into the field of cognitive science with his ground-breaking paper: Theory of Nerve Conduction. The paper postulated that neuron units radiate and receive waves of energy in the ultra shortwave bands below infrared and above the radar spectrum; effectively making them a biological radio, a receiver-transmitter.

Interning Puharich carried out experiments with drugs that were sponsored by Sandoz Chemical Works, the pharmaceutical company that developed LSD.

During that period he was influenced by the pioneering work of Joseph Banks Rhine, the founder of parapsychology and upon completion of his Internship Puharich studied ESP as an extension of his work with nerve conduction at university.

Always in the mood for ‘explanations’ he once remarked that what he was “trying to establish is that the brain is an area wherein is localized the cell energy of the body. I shall label this cell energy ‘dynamics.’ I further venture to say that transference of dynamics from one person to another is possible.” (1)

Puharich pointed out that it was common knowledge “that there are people who can thrill and exhilarate one, and that there are others who simply bore and fatigue one. This implies that there is a wireless, touchless transfer of this vital substance.

If dynamics can be transferred from one organism to another, why cannot that other function of the mind – thought, also be transferred from one mind to another mind? It is also conceivable that dynamics not only passes freely between persons, but also dissipates out into the atmosphere.” (2)

In 1949 Puharich met Eileen Garrett, the founder of the Parapsychological Foundation in New York City . She would introduce him to John Hays Hammond, Jr., the man who would be his closest friend for the next decade and, in Puharich’s own words, his “mentor.” (3)

Wikipedia hails Hammond as “The Father of Radio Control.” That’s sending signals to remote controlled devices. A product of Yale and filthy rich from birth, Hammond passed away in 1965 at seventy-six, owning 800 foreign and domestic patents on more than 400 inventions, primarily in the fields of radio control and naval weaponry.

By 1929 Hammond had built his own castle replete with drawbridge overlooking Gloucester Harbor in Massachusetts. It’s now a museum offering guided tours of its legendary Roman, medieval and renaissance art collection.

Another of Puharich’s earliest benefactors and lifelong friend was Henry Wallace; America’s vice president in the critical war years from 1940-1944. It was Wallace who as Secretary of Agriculture was largely responsible for putting the Great Seal on the back of a dollar bill in 1935. In 1934 he would write of the missing capstone on the pyramid: “It will take a more definite recognition of the Grand Architect of the Universe before the apex stone is finally fitted into place and this nation in the full strength of its power is in position to assume leadership among the nations in inaugurating the new order of the ages.”(4)

With substantial grants from a fund set up by Wallace and a military body called the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, primarily concerned with atomic weapons, Puharich would set up the Round Table Foundation in Glen Cove, Maine in 1948. Shortly before that he had been ‘discharged from the army for medical reasons.’ There, using technology’s that may yet still be classified; he tested famous psychics from all over the world for the next ten years.

At the same time, Puharich was secretly doing research for the intelligence agencies into psychological manipulation and hallucinogenic drugs, which he would selectively recount in The Sacred Mushroom published in 1959. Puharich was also tasked with researching the intelligence gathering capabilities of psychic phenomena, what would become known twenty years later through the SRI as Remote Viewing.

Work for the Round Table Foundation was interrupted when Puharich was redrafted in February of 1953 as a captain at the Army Chemical Center in Edgewood, Maryland. Edgewood is the Army’s experimental center for chemical and psychological warfare and neurophysical research. He served there until April 1955. He would have undoubtedly, as would Edgewood, been collaborating with Fort Detrick, seventy miles away in their notorious MK-Ultra Project supposedly under the direction Dr Sidney Gottlieb’ head of the CIA’s Technical Services Division .

From the Fifties to the late Seventies Puharich was a member of Essentia Research Associates in New York, an organization of scientists and businessmen that did psychic research for the Pentagon, NASA and the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). All the way back in November of 1952, Puharich presented a paper on Essentia’s behalf to the Pentagon titled “An Evaluation of the Possible Usefulness of Extrasensory Perception in Psychological Warfare.” (5) The paper got him redrafted three months later.

As would be expected of the man who redefined the word spook, unauthorized documentation on Puharich is hard to come by. It is known that he engaged in some undisclosed work for the AEC in 1968 under the direction of Paul Henshaw, head of biophysics and the man that led the American team studying the effects of the Hiroshima bomb.

It was 1968. Puharich was doing surreptitious work for the AEC. At the same time the AEC was analyzing data from the Joint U.A.R.-U.S.A. Pyramid Project that it was financing. That same year Puharich would acquire a publicist and direct liaison to the likes of the Rockefeller’s and Bronfman’s in the form of a man named Ira Einhorn.

When Puharich took Einhorn under his wing, Einhorn was an obscure twenty-eight year old middle-class Jewish hippie. By 1970 Einhorn would be addressing the thronging masses as the Master of Ceremonies at Fairmount Park in Philadelphia for America’s first Earth Day rally, a day he had just invented.

Einhorn was Guru to the rich and powerful and facilitator of all things occult for corporations like AT&T and McDonald Douglass. By the early Seventies, Einhorn, who called himself the Unicorn, had put together a global association of scientists, industrialists, writers and philosophers who were the cutting edge of innovation in physics, parapsychology, psychology and various other fields.

The association boasted three-hundred and fifty experts from twenty different countries, with Einhorn circulating information to the members and acting as what he called the planetary catalyst. The group was funded by Bell, and Einhorn sometimes joked that he and Puharich were in the psychic mafia. A 1978 study by the Diebold Corporation, which attempted to figure out how he did it, compared Einhorn’s group to the ‘Invisible College’ of Seventeenth-century England.

It would all end badly with the Seventies when police would find the decomposed body of Einhorn’s cheerleader girlfriend Holly Maddux stuffed into a trunk in the closet of his Philadelphia apartment. It was March of 1979 and she had been missing since the summer of seventy-seven. She had left an amorous liaison on Fire Island, with one of Puharich’s employees rushing off to Philadelphia to placate the jilted Einhorn. That was the last anyone saw of her.

But Einhorn’s powerful friends, led by Puharich, had stonewalled the investigation. By the time they found the body everyone knew Einhorn did it. When the cop pried open the putrid smelling trunk and saw its ghastly contents he turned to Einhorn and said “It looks like we found Holly.” Einhorn casually replied “You found what you found.” (6)

He was arrested, but at that point the Bronfman family intervened. Heirs to the Seagram liquor fortune and some would say Meyer Lansky’s Jewish criminal empire; the Bronfmans make their own laws. The ‘Unicorn’ would have no less than Arlen Specter, a soon to be senator for thirty years and already, as a lawyer, the inventor of the ‘magic bullet’ for the Warren Commission. Time Magazine would note “Bail was set at a staggeringly low $40,000.” (7)

Barbara Bronfman promptly paid and after jetting about America for a while, between staying in the Bronfman’s palatial home in Montreal, Einhorn was whisked off to Europe days before his trial in 1981. He would spend twenty years living like royalty in the South of France before finally being extradited back to the United States in 2001, after exhausting his legal options. Claiming he was framed by the CIA, Einhorn was sentenced to life without parole in 2002.

In 1978 Puharich’s estate at 87 Hawkes Avenue in Ossining, New York was burned to the ground in a suspicious fire. He also blamed the CIA. Ossining is an upscale community on the Hudson River about twenty miles upriver of Manhattan and forty miles downriver of Esopus Island, where Crowley had performed the Amalantrah Working over half a century before.

Sing Sing, arguably America’s most notorious maximum-security prison, is in Ossining; but Puharich had other business there. Children from all over the world that had shown exceptional psychic abilities, dubbed ‘Uri’s kids’ after Uri Geller, were flown in to be housed on Puharich’s estate in a commune called the Turkey Farm. There they were tested, analyzed and even hypnotized in Puharich’s quest to find the source of their powers.

Unsatisfied with just a Turkey Farm Puharich and company were also running Lab Nine out of Ossining. Lab Nine, considering whom Puharich was, was an extremely dubious series of communications channeled by mediums like Uri Geller and Phyllis Schlemmer from the nine ancient Gods of On, whom it turns out are space gods…

Schlemmer would go on to write The Only Planet of Choice, a popular new age tome recounting the teachings of the Nine. Dr. JJ Hurtak, whom the Nine designated as the spiritual leader, would write the introduction.

Puharich with Uri Geller

During the Seventies, the estate in Ossining, featuring resident gurus like Puharich, Einhorn and Hurtak along with a Turkey Farm, was frequented by just about everybody who was anybody in the New Age movement. People like Gene Roddenberry, Barbara Bronfman and Arthur Young; philosopher, author and inventor of the Bell Helicopter, who sometimes filled in for Puharich as ringmaster, were regular visitors to Ossining.

One is reminded of the 1999 movie scene from the Matrix where Neo goes to see the Oracle, and she is running her own Turkey Farm in her living room. In Hudson Hawk, the 1991 mega budget flop about Alchemy, Secret Societies, the CIA and the Vatican, actor Bruce Willis who plays Hudson Hawk is asked where he got his tattoo of a Hawk from. He answers “in Ossining, New York…” (8)

Hudson Hawk is what they call the cold wind that blows down the Hudson River. That Puharich left indelible memories in a Hollywood community saturated with drugs and thoroughly infiltrated by both secret societies and legitimate intelligence operatives should come as no surprise to anyone who has heard the name Puharich more than once.

In 1953, Puharich began collaborating with R. Gordon Wasson in evaluating shamanic hallucinogens. By May of fifty-seven, Wasson would publish an article titled Seeking the Magic Mushroom in Life Magazine. The article recounted Wasson’s hands on explorations into mushroom use among the Mexican Indians in the state of Oaxaca. Berkeley alumni and Harvard lecturer Dr. Timothy Leary would read it and in August of 1960 travel to Mexico to sample Psilocybin Mexicana for the first time.

When he returned to America Leary and some colleagues founded the Harvard Psilocybin Project. Leary would become the high priest of LSD and in universities all across the western world students would adapt Leary’s mantra to “tune in, turn on and drop out.” The Sixties were born. Before they would end President Richard Nixon would label Leary as “the most dangerous man in America.” (9)

Back in Maine, the Round Table Foundations resident medium Harry Stone ‘channeled’ information about a plant, used by the ancient Egyptian priesthood, which could separate consciousness from the physical body enabling it to travel through time and space to access knowledge hidden from the physical world.

Puharich somehow deduced that the plant was Amanita muscaria, a mushroom that he conveniently managed to find in abundance in the nearby woods of Glen Cove.

Famed Dutch clairvoyant Peter Hurkos would get some of Puharich’s magic mushrooms. He reported limited success in enhancing his precognitive abilities. Puharich also tested the mushrooms out on thirty-five subjects deemed to have no psychic abilities. The mushrooms had no effect. Stone however was another story altogether. He went into an almost convulsive trance and scored a perfect ten out of ten in psychic testing.

Aldous Huxley, perhaps the English language’s most important author of the twentieth century, was there during these experiments.

He gave this account: “I spent some days, earlier this month, at Glen Cove, in the strange household assembled by Puharich […] Harry, the Dutch sculptor, who goes into trances in the Faraday Cage and produces automatic scripts in Egyptian hieroglyphics […] whatever may be said against Puharich, he is certainly very intelligent, extremely well read and highly enterprising.” (10)

“His aim is to reproduce by modem pharmacological, electronic and physical methods the conditions used by the Shamans for getting into a state of traveling clairvoyance. At Glen Cove they now have found eight specimens of the amanita muscaria. This is very remarkable as the literature of the mycological society of New England records only one previous instance of the discovery of an amanita in Maine. The effects, when a piece as big as a pin’s head, is rubbed for a few seconds into the skin of the scalp, are quite alarmingly powerful, and it will obviously take a lot of very cautious experimentation to determine the right psi-enhancing dose of the mushroom.” (11)

In 1967, Wasson published Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality, a hypothesis that Soma, the intoxicant of the Vedic Gods that was the source of their powers, was in fact Amanita muscaria.

For further reading on NASA and Dr. J J Hurtak Puharich’s protégé:


1 – Coppens, Phillip. “Chapter 1. A Man for All Psychics.” The Stargate Conundrum The US Government’s Secret Pursuit of the Psychic Drug. Web.

2 – Ibid.

3 – Ibid.

4 – Picknett, Lynn, and Clive Prince. The Stargate Conspiracy. (1999): n. pp 339-340. Web. July 2015.

5 – Ibid. p337.

6 – Marrs, Texe. “Environmental Guru Has Friends in High Places.” Power of Prophecy : Web.

7 – Ibid.

8 – Coppens, Phillip. “Chapter 1. A Man for All Psychics.” The stargate conundrum The US Government’s secret pursuit of the psychic drug.

9 – Mansnerus, Laura. “Timothy Leary, Pied Piper of Psychedelic 60s, Dies at 75 (1996-06-01)” The New York Times. Print.

10 – The Stargate Conundrum: Chapter 1. A Man for All Psychics.

11 – Ibid.

We are living in a post-apocalyptic era where the only constant is the millstone of isolation that weighs down upon the sentient like the world on the shoulders of Atlas. Speak and no one hears, cry and no one cares, laugh and surely you are as mad as those who have brought us here. Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan is an inside account of how and why they did. Long Island is “an evil dirty place.” The Montauk Project, Flight 800, and the Amityville Horror, I am a witness to all of them and this book is my testimony.

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Guest post: Duff UFO disclosure confirmed as Underwater Base now likely (not kidding)


I was asked to publish this. Call it a Public Service Announcement. – O GD on Coast to Coast with George Noory

VT:  When I agreed to go on network to discuss UFO issues, after years of retirement from (name withheld for reasons of personal safety) I received a bit of a startle soon afterward.

“Please don’t do that again…”

The questions:

  • Is there a secret space program?
  • Do aliens have bases under the Pacific Ocean?
  • Are the Chinese allied with an alien race?
  • How many alien races plague earth?
  • Is Men in Black real?

Would have been nice to fish out someone in the comments who knows what time it is.

Hovering ‘Craft’ Swarming US Navy Vessels Possibly ‘Coming from Underwater Base’

A stunning 18-second clip allegedly from July 2019 of “spherical” unidentified craft swarming a US Navy destroyer, the USS Russell, at night had earlier been sent anonymously to filmmaker Jeremy Corbell. The footage was supposedly part of a classified briefing led by the Pentagon into Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).

Documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell claims that some of the mysterious so-called Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) captured in grainy images and shown ostensibly swarming US Navy vessels over the years could be coming from the Earth’s oceans.

Furthermore, the possibility that many of the objects are manifestations of “transmedium” vehicles, which are able to operate both in the air and underwater, has been discussed between US Navy officials, he claimed in an interview for the Daily Star.

“They can move from one medium [air] to the next [sea] with ease,” said the filmmaker, adding:

“As you would have an embassy in a foreign land, it is possible that there’s a congregation or a station or a location underwater, where UFOs could be transiting from once they’re here, wherever they come from. That is a possibility that UFOs are transiting from a localised place underneath the water.”

The Los Angeles-based mixed media artist believes this theory of such a potential underwater base might be true in relation to the now-famous “tic-tac UFOs” and other enigmatic “craft” captured on footage “swarming” US Navy vessels over the years.

The filmmaker, who in 2015 launched his investigative film series titled, “Extraordinary Beliefs presented by Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell”, made it into the headlines after releasing the now-famous “pyramid UFO” video, ostensibly taken by the crew of the USS Russell off San Diego in July 2019.

Furthermore, he made public images of an object seemingly hovering above the USS Omaha before “descending into the water” in the same month.

Corbell published the images, confirmed by the Pentagon as genuine, on his website

The footage echoes similarly authentic videos of encounters by USS Nimitz fighter jets in 2004, as well as sightings of unidentified craft in 2015.

Referred to as the “Pentagon UFO videos”, the visuals are recordings of cockpit instrumentation displays from United States Navy fighter jets based aboard the aircraft carriers USS Nimitz and USS Theodore Roosevelt in 2004, 2014 and 2015, which were leaked to the public.

The three grainy, black and white videos created a furore in the media in 2017.

In September 2019, a Pentagon spokesperson confirmed that the videos were made by naval aviators and were “part of a larger issue of an increased number of training range incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena in recent years.”

Subsequently, the US Department of Defence formally released the videos in 2020.

Seemingly feeding into Jeremy Corbell’s current claims is the fact that all of the leaked UFO videos confirmed as genuine by the Pentagon have occurred over the sea.

The filmmaker refers to the USS Nimitz encounter, where Commander David Fravor, a fighter pilot from the strike group, first witnessed the so-called “tic-tac” shaped object hovering above an “ocean disturbance”, or “boiling water” on 14 November 2004.

“There was an object under the water and it appeared to be cross shaped. And it was right under the water where the tic-tac UFOs were descending to, and they were dropping in from above 80,000 feet, all the way down to sea level in less than a second without a sonic boom,” said Corbell.

He cites witnesses of the encounter as apparently describing the “craft” descending and “docking”.

“They were docking somehow informationally maybe with whatever was happening in the water or under the water,” points out the artist.

According to him, other explanations have also been offered by officials in an attempt to figure out where they are coming from, such as “another planet”.

“That’s one of the options that’s definitely on the table. But importantly, there was this implication that there might be a base or location like an embassy that they could go and maybe fuel up their starships… who knows I’m speculating jokingly, I have no idea,” concluded Corbell.



by Jack Heart & Orage

What follows has been largely excerpted and edited from a Shadow of Nemesis 4: NASA and The Prophet of Ascensionism(Black Sun Rising 66 part 3)originally published in early September of 2015.

Much ado has been made that the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines are delivering messenger RNA directly into the genetic transcription process. Transcription is the synthesis of RNA from DNA. The Genetic information then flows from DNA into a protein, the substance that gives an organism its form.

Messenger RNA (mRNA) is fragile and “would be chopped to pieces by our natural enzymes if it were injected directly into the body. To protect the vaccine, Moderna wraps the mRNA in oily bubbles made of lipid nanoparticles.” Upon injection into their human host “the vaccine particles bump into cells and fuse to them, releasing mRNA. The cell’s molecules read its sequence and build spike proteins.” Moderna calls these “so-called spike proteins,” also naturally produced by the COVID virus, “a tempting target for potential vaccines and treatments.” (1)

Technologically we now stand at the threshold of the new man. The only question left is will he be Friedrich Nietzsche’soverman or a squid better suited to serve HP Lovecraft’s Cthulhu. The council of nine, whom were referred to as the Nine Lords of the Night by the Aztec and were the Nine Gods of On (Heliopolis) in Egypt, would prefer the latter… 

Lords of the Night in Codex Borgia (1a) Tlaloc, (1b) Tepeyollotl, (1c) Tlazolteotl, (2a) Centeotl, (2b) Mictlantecuhtli, (2c) Chalchiuhtlicue, (3a) Piltzintecuhtli, (3b) Tezcatlipoca, (3c) Xiuhtecuhtli. The actual reading order of the panels is boustrophedon and begins in the bottom right: 3c, 3b, 3a, 2a, 2b, 2c, 1c, 1b, 1a. (2)

The council of nine first came to the attention of pop culture through the writings and channeling’s of Phyllis Schlemmer, a disciple of Andrija Puharich. If any of our readers still have any doubts that the Devil can and will incarnate in human form they need only examine what can be known of the career of Andrija Puharich. He is at the bottom of every rabbit hole in the new age movement and from just what can be proven was the original lead scientist for MK Ultra. (3)(4)

According to Puharich the nine were first conjured into the twentieth century in 1952, through telepathic experiments conducted by him. Using his inner circle, which seemingly included everybody who was anybody following WW II, Puharich would calculatingly spread the council of nine as a new religion with uncanny success. He said “the Nine presented themselves as a kind of collective intelligence or gestalt, consisting of nine entities or aspects that together made up a whole. Puharich said that the Nine are ‘directly related to Man’s concept of God’, and that ‘the controllers of the Universe operate under the direction of the Nine.” (5)

I don’t remember when exactly it was I first met Dr. J.J. Hurtak the successor of Puharich. It was somewhere in the aftermath of the events chronicled in my recently published book; Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan, available through Amazon. Like everyone else I didn’t get to meet the ringmaster till I took in some of the circus.

I was out on bail and in a wheelchair at the guest room of my mother’s house with my head being my only appendage not in a cast. My now ex-wife Michelle and my most loyal friend Geir were there with me. We had just got through talking to a psychiatrist sent by my lawyer Ed Wolf to evaluate my sanity. After hours of explaining the events related in the book to him he made it clear that he believed none of it. He thought we were making the whole story up and even said to me “little green men are not a legal defense.”

He had just left and we were looking at each other with disgust. Geir was convinced that he should have stabbed him to death right in front of my TV. I just resigned myself to the fact that no sub creature was ever going to believe the truth so why bother telling it to them anymore. Into the room tumbled the circus, my mother arm and arm with her boyfriend Marty Myers, Hurtak’s acting Court Jester at the time.

She’d been on again off again with Marty for a couple of years now but this was the first time I had ever met him. After discerning through the sublime powers invested in him by their guru; Hurtak that I was in tremendous pain Marty announced that he would heal me. He ran his hands all around me chanting while Geir growled in the corner. After what seemed like an eternity of holding back my laughter he gave up when I didn’t bounce out of the wheelchair and start dancing.

I wouldn’t take any of them seriously again till I met Preston Nichols; progenitor of the Montauk Project mythos about four years later. But for the next half decade Hurtak was always around teaching my mother and Marty the deepest secrets of the universe. I had no idea who he really was even though he told us bestselling author at the time Sydney Sheldon had written a book based on him. It wouldn’t be till in our investigation of the Giza Plateau I read the Stargate Conspiracy by Lyn Picknett and Clive Prince and talked to Dr. Collette Dowell on the phone that I would realize he was the supreme puppet master of the intelligence community and guiding light of NASA.

Unfortunately even though it was she who contacted me Dowell got me to sign a nondisclosure form before she would talk to me so I won’t talk about Hurtak’s role in the pyramids on Mars fiasco. But Picknett and Prince call Hurtak the “single most influential — but largely unknown — individual in this book’s investigation.” They introduce Hurtak as an “American polymath and mystical philosopher, and founder of a California-based organization called the Academy for Future Sciences (AFFS), at whose feet many of the movers and shakers in this story are happy to sit.” (6)

Hurtak was all over the Giza Plateau during the late seventies coordinating covert activities while orchestrating the maintenance of the narratives; both alternative and mainstream.  But Hurtak just like his mentor Puharich had already been in contact with the disembodied entities they called the council of nine for a long time when on January second and third of 1973, by Hurtak’s  own account, Master Ophanim Enoch, acting in the capacity of a liaison for the nine lifted him up in a Merkabah.

Hurtak, as have many would be Magi that have come after him, has his own definition of Merkabah. “Divine light vehicle used by the masters to probe and reach the faithful in the many dimensions of the divine mind.” (7) Ben Yehudas pocket Hebrew dictionary defines the ancient Hebrew word MRCBH, spelled Mem, Resh, Caph, Beth, Heh, as meaning chariot.

In the ensuing two days Hurtak would be taken by Metatron to meet YHWH (Yahweh) himself and be given The Keys of Enoch. Over the next few years he would formulate a commentary and publish it all in The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch. The book features YHWH’s name emblazoned in gold in an English alphabet capped with decorative Hebrew style Yods across a white background. The four letters constitute the only thing written on the cover. Just as Hurtak intended when he wrote the book it has become the bible of the New Age intelligentsia and the source of much of its doctrines and lore.

Hurtak was given sixty-four keys of understanding and told by Enoch “the first fifty-four Keys are to be the foundation for the Ten Commandments – the ten final keys that will give the grid system of life and the resurrection and the respatialization of the collective humanity that will proceed into the universal I AM THAT I AM.” (8)

The Keys of Enoch foretell of impending dissolution for all that is and the preparations to be made for it. Those who have been chosen will carry forth the evolution of the collective consciousness — what in Qabalism is called Adam Kadmon — into a higher dimension of form, one that encompasses the previous one, one that is as god to the consciousness that it was.

Enoch goes on to tell Hurtak “the last ten Keys – the Ten commandments- are pyramidal grid structures of light coordinating the dynamic vibrations, the gravitational vibrations, and the vital cycles according to the Divine Plan of YHWH.” (9)

According to Master Ophanim Enoch, by way of Hurtak, the Judeo-Christian god’s divine plan is written in pyramids of light. On its way to a greater creation each lesser creation must pass through the eye of YHWH which dwells in the center of a pyramid of light that connects them.

The entire multiverse described by Hurtak is interconnected with pyramids of light. “This is a cosmological constant which enables every realm of intelligence to be reprogrammed into a higher level of creation when they can go through their pyramidal energy field of creation.” (10)

At the time of the formulation of his book Hurtak had not exactly gotten around yet to predicting a sphinx on mars. He does say in Key1-0-8 that there is a “Pyramid-Sphinx in the middle of the earth.” (11) He explains that the Pyramid-Sphinx “shows how the face of Higher Evolution is able to travel through our sun system and embody its consciousness in our solar evolution, in the body of our Lion-Sun.” (12)

In an addendum next to Plate 3 in the book, captioned “Enlargement of Elysian Quadrangle on Mars showing ‘Pyramidal Formation’ Mariner 9. – JPL/NASA,” Hurtak writes pyramids were established on Mars to be used as informational grids by “artificial intelligence. They were built for the gathering of information deciphered from the magnetic lines of force attuned with thinking servomechanisms or computers existing in our solar system.” (13)

It was 1973; nobody was talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI) yet. It would be another twenty-five years before Colonel Corso introduced it into serious discussion with his book The Day After Roswell. There was Gene Roddenberry with Nomad the planet destroying self-aware space probe featured on episode two in the second season of Star Trek. After that there were comic books.

It would also be about twenty-five years till David Icke would first start ranting about reptilians, twenty before Icke held a press conference announcing that he was the son of god.Nevertheless, The keys of Enoch describe a battle for man’s soul between the dark extraterrestrial forces originating from Alpha Draconis and the Brotherhood of Light out of the Pleiades and Orion.

In the commentary for Key 1-0-9, Hurtak is already laying the groundwork for both Icke’s reptilians and the greater Israel of the neo-cons. “The Sons of Light, the B’nai Or, have established a light pyramid functioning on this end of the light spectrum in relationship to the Pleiades and Orion. Conversely, the Black Cube functions with Alpha Draconis for the Children of Darkness. (14) The Black Cube is symbolic of all the anti-matter which passes through our planetary system of creation. It shows ‘alpha and omega’ tracings of sub-atomic decay and dying star properties. (15)To save the peoples of the world who are under the energies of the Black Cube is to bring them the Torah Or, God’s program of Light.” (16)

Just so there are no mistakes as to who the children of darkness are Hurtak, on behalf of YHWH, writes in Key 1-0-9: “THE ANTI-UNIVERSE IS COMPOSED OF STAR FIELD ENERGIES REVEALED ON THE BLACK CUBE IN MECCA WHICH SHOWS THE FUNCTION AND DESTRUCTION OF THREE DIMENSIONAL UNIVERSES.” (17)

Apparently YHWH does not approve of Islam, and just so there are no mistakes about the way his son Jesus feels about Islam, Hurtak adds in the commentary “so we see in the Kabba, the key geometries of the anti power of life, the anti-Christos, and the anti-Zohar, we see this even in the very language of the Islamic scholars and leaders who gathered at the Kabba who bowed down to the Black Stone as they prepared to ‘liberate Jerusalem’, which is known to be the place of the coming ‘Pyramid Capstone of Light.’” (18)

Messianic ranting aside, Hurtak was talking about the 1973 Arab–Israeli War, taking place as he was writing the book. America would inexplicably side against her own corporate interests in what has become known as the October War. The Nixon Administration rushed billions in arms supplies to Israel shifting the balance of power in a war the Arabs were winning. In response Saudi Arabia declared an oil embargo against America facilitating the 1973 energy crisis. From that time on American prosperity began to erode and till this very day Israel has had America’s unquestioning support.

YHWH’s alleged revelation is militantly Judeo-Christian ascensionist, if not just a bit self referential. The human race will be passing through a neutral zone in the cosmos which will bring great calamity to the three dimensional world. Death is coming to all in this world that cling to it, particularly the Islamic multitudes that are toxic to Adam Kadmon; the universal human soul. “Xoikoi, the clay people” are hindering Adam Kadmon’s evolution into a higher multidimensional world.

According to the Council of Nine by way of their prophet Hurtak a new race must be achieved to carry forth human existence, a race capable of existing in the plurality of worlds that spawned this one. This will and is being accomplished by recombining and resequencing genetic codes in accordance to permutations of the letters in the Tetragrammaton.

The Tetragrammaton is any one of the twelve possible four letter combinations of the Judeo-Christian god’s name such as YVHH, the right way to spell Yahweh, or YHVH which would be Jehovah. Some of these permutations and the importance of them to the Qabalist, such as the one represented on America’s Great Seal, have been discussed in our previous writings.

The six pointed star, the “Star of David,” is naught but a cube folded into itself. If you lightly trace a perfect six pointed star on paper then draw a line connecting each of the points on the perimeter you will have a hexagon. Then draw diagonal lines internally connecting the right and the left points and draw a vertical line from the top point of the star to the bottom point. You will have drawn a cube.

According to the Sepher Yetsirah, god uses the letters in his name Yod, Heh, and Vav to seal the six infinite directions and create cubic space where Cartesian existence is possible. The infinite height is sealed with YHV, the infinite depth with YVH, the infinite east with HYV, the infinite west with HVY, the infinite south with VYH, and the infinite north with VHY. The Sepher Yetsirah is said to have been written by Abraham himself. So YHVH has long held the copyright on the cube.

Hurtak is talking about nuts and bolts genetic engineering to be performed by entity’s he refers to as bioengineers. Phil Schneider and the underground alien base in Dulce New Mexico dedicated to just that purpose were right on the horizon. It would be followed by the Human Genome Projectbut there is also the ethereal.

Hurtak writes “The primal face code is the Hebrew letters of the Tetragrammaton which are the fire geometries (i.e., thought geometries, not originally letters) triggering reactions within the DNA-RNA letter combinations. These letters from the image components which extend from the world of the Adam Kadmon through the world of negative mass, bringing the image necessary for the imprinting of the divine life upon the primitive units of the DNA-RNA.” (19)

With just a little tweaking of the DNA and RNA the nines newly engineered race of Zion will no longer require a sun. In fact they will be able to live on the sun.

Hurtak writes they will “demonstrate the ability to live in high frequency light radiations (i.e., waves that can go faster than the speed of light) and will exemplify the mutation of the physical form that is necessary for those beings that plan to survive the great changes in light radiation when our sun goes into an electromagnetic null zone.” (20)

Key 2-0-3 reads in partial “THE KEYS TO THE FUTURE BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMICAL GENETICS ARE GIVEN IN MANY DOUBLE HELIXES.” (21) But only those of Zion, the people of the light, will be transfigured. The “Pneumatikoi;” the few chosen to work with the light, “must begin to concentrate on the double helix pattern that expands towards death – where the magnetic repulsive force separates two strands of the double helix.” (22)

By working with the discorporating double helix forms”(23) and by altering the structure of the hydrogen bonding the helix itself, bodies can be evolved “that are capable of living in other chemical environments, including non-earthly environments consisting of ammonia, methane, and formaldehyde atmospheres.” (24)

The people of the light will be able to “grow multiple arms, heads, and organs necessary for life in other environments.” (25) They will come in stock silver and blue “or almost in any combination of color patterns desired for membrane coverage.” (26)

Hurtak speculates “a miniature specie can be evolved which can absorb less physical substance in interstellar flight or a gargantuan specie can be evolved which can have greater resilience to live in the atmosphere of the Jovian-like planets.” (27) Ancient Atlantis will have nothing on the new Zion whose elect will “live under water in different planetary environments where the Higher Evolution can build “cities” with special environments for the training of their offspring.” (28)

The nines crack team of subterranean “bioengineers will have the ability to use laser-like light projection (e.g. by optical rotation) to demodulate a complete physical form into an energy form which can be projected to a vehicle or an environment in the lower heavens where it can be remodulated into the same physical form. This is called biolocation.” (29)

“Specie forms can be created having an intelligence which is directly connected to a parent mind.” (30) Hurtak gives further clarification. “In other words, just as the higher mind can experience many worlds simultaneously, this new creation will also possess the ability to occupy these realms by multiple physical embodiments all connected with one mind.” (31)

In direct opposition to Hurtak; Miguel Serrano, in all likelihood the official spokesman for the breakaway German civilization that now occupies an interdimensional (32) area of the Antarctic called Neuschwabenland, (33) writes in his magnum opus : “Above, in the top floor of the North Tower of Wewelsburg, still not finished, would one day preside the Gral King, Monarch-Warrior-Priest, in the Siege Perilous, the number 13, from which he gave the order to begin the definitive attack against the extraterrestrial Demiurge, the Lord of Darkness, Jehovah with his galactic and planetary legions… (34)

Wewelsburg Altar of the Black Sun

Shadow, NASA the Final Insult… | Jack Heart on Patreon


1 – Corum , Jonathan and Carl Zimmer. “How Moderna’s Vaccine Works.” The New York Times. 22 Mar 2021. Web.

2 – Wikipedia:

3 – Heart, Jack and Orage. “MK Ultra – Cybernetic Mutation, Remote Controlled Slaves, Dragon Soldiers and a Zombie Empire; Paint it Blue.” The Human: Jack, Orage & friends. Jack Heart writings. Everybody who was anybody in the alternative media, 4 Feb 2016. Web.

4 – Heart, Jack and Orage. “Shadow of Nemesis 5: Weird Scenes Inside the Goldmine.” The Human: Jack, Orage & friends. Jack Heart writings. 21 Sep 2015. Web.

5– Prince, Clive and Lyn Picknett. “Chapter 4 – Contact? .” The Stargate Conspiracy. New York: Berkley Books, 1999. p164. Web.

6 – Ibid.

7 – Hurtak, J. J. “The Book of Knowledge: The keys of Enoch.” Glossary. (1977): n. page 590. Print.

8 – Ibid. Introduction page xiv.

9- Ibid.

10- Ibid, Key 1-0-4, verse 1and 2page 33.

11- Ibid, Key 1-0-8 page 73.

12 – Ibid, verse 1.

13 – Ibid, Key 1-0-4, verse 12 page 34.

14 – Ibid, Key 1-0-9, verse 9 page 86.

15 – Ibid, verse 10.

16 – Ibid, verse 11.

17 – Ibid, Key 1-0-9, page 85.

18 – Ibid, verse 4.

19 – Ibid, Key 2-0-2, verse 23 page 193.

20 – Ibid, verse 78 page 197.

21 – Ibid,Key 2-0-3 page 201.

22 – Ibid, verse 2.

23 – Ibid, verse 3.

24 – Ibid.

25 – Ibid, verse 6.

26 – Ibid, verse 10 page 202.

27 – Ibid, verse 7 pages 201-202.

28 – Ibid, verse 20 page 203.

29 – Ibid, verse 16 page 202.

30 – Ibid, verse 13.

31 – Ibid, verse 14.

32 – Heart, Jack and Orage. “Ragnarök III Loki’s Revenge II.” The Human: Jack, Orage & friends. Jack Heart writings. 16 Sep 2018. Web.

33 – Heart, Jack and Orage. “Twin Peaks & the Return of the White Queen.” The Human: Jack, Orage & friends. Jack Heart writings. 11 Feb 2018. Web.

34 – Adolf Hitler the Ultimate Avatar, page 484.

Guest Post: The Young Gods by Joe Wentrup


For Mahakala, the enlightened demon

When Pope John Paul II visited Cuba in 1998, he crowned the patron saint of Cuba, the Virgen de la Caridad de Cobre (Virgin of Charity of Copper). Every Cuban knew that as a matter of fact he was not crowning the catholic virgin, but the orisha who was represented by her: Oshún, our deity of sensuality, fertility, lakes and rivers. What the Pope knew and very few Cubans understood was, that a catholic virgin always represents Isis, the Egyptian deity of sensuality, fertility, lakes and rivers. A circle finally closed.
When Fidel Castro in 1961 declared the socialist character of the revolution, many were surprised. Some had thought he was a fascist, due to the Spanish Jesuits who used to educate the children of the wealthy. Others had the suspicion he was a CIA-asset, used to set up a new front in the Cold War. He was certainly more a Jesuit than a fascist. If he was a CIA-asset, I guess it was him who used the CIA. Because every Cuban would risk a war, even a nuclear one, even this sick, cold and still persisting one, to set their country free because Castro was, above all, a Martian, a follower of José Martí.
To understand Cuban thinking and mythology, you don’t have to be a communist, nor a catholic, nor a Spaniard. But you have to grasp the mind of José Martí. It was him who defined that special form of inclusive Cuban patriotism: Patria es humanidad. He died for this fatherland in a fight where Cubans had to pit machetes against well armed soldiers. They were close to victory against the Spaniards, when the US blew up the Maine in the harbor of Havana and joined the war to “help” Cuba. A trick the US pulls off about every twenty years. Cuba became a semi-colony, a state that only ended with the revolution. Another circle finally closed.
Cuba is a catholic country that isn’t catholic, a communist one that isn’t communist, and a country with frequently opposing African, Chinese and Native American roots, though in the end it is something totally different. Much like other Latin American Countries, one might think. But in Cuba the old hierarchy of money, race and church is too weak to maintain the classic order. Its multiple layers melt horizontally into a multidimensional amalgam of opposite believes that coexist without the traditional suppression and defamation (except everything that gets torn up by that brainless political dichotomy, which in Cuba is becoming less and less important).
This amalgam, built upon Martian thinking and multiple ethnical, religious and political frontlines, is the ground on which the young gods stand only recently freed from folkloric kitsch and limits of race and class. Cuba is the only western country where pagan gods dwell in huts AND palaces. Their origins go back to the colonies from where the powers took their slaves. The Spaniards exploited Nigeria and took the highly developed Yoruba. Their belief system, after fusing with Catholicism, became regla de ocha or santería. But one can easily tear apart this syncretism and discover purer states. In fact, in Cuba survived more orishas than in Nigeria, where one of the two highest deities is under grave threat of todays monotheism: Oloddumare, the female counterpart of Olofi; both too far away from human existence for communication, not to speak intervention.
This happens instead with the orishas, divinities of different aspects and very human strengths and weaknesses. In fact, they all mount back to human beings, be it divine incarnations or exceptional humans. One of them is Oshun, the fertile river goddess, deep in love with Shango, the warrior dancer, lord of thunder and war. You can count a dozen of them easily, though there are many more. They are attended by priests, but a clerical hierarchy does not exist, everybody can become a santero, while it is reserved to heterosexual men to become a babalawo. In everyday’s life though, their ability and authority is not much different. Both have the power to initiate the adept, the orisha’s presence being assured by recipients with ritual content, frequently a stone from a river forming part.
While Santería generally works with white magic, there’s a strong influence from voodoo which swept to our shores from the neighboring island of Haiti. It’s my impression that voodoo differentiates less between gods and demons than Santería does and that Malachi Martin is probably right when he points to the weakness of Haitians to be easily obsessed by entities. The cause might be that there’s less dialogue. In voodoo, there exists plenty of headroom for trickery on both sides and you can’t always tell who you’re dealing with. The gods, or loas, are rather treated as abstract energies that can be directed by branches of certain trees and bushes (I wonder if the similar looking fasces, which gave fascism its name, had a similar function). And there are also stones. And there’s blood.
Morally and spiritually, this can become an indissoluble contradiction, because in santería, one has to feed the orishas. Until the Third Temple is erected, Havana is the world’s capital of blood sacrifice and a portal to gods … and demons. In Cuba, voodoo is known as palo monte or palo mayombe and black magic is mostly derived from that practice. Adolfo Constanzo rendered invisible the deliveries of Mexican drug cartels and didn’t shrike back from human sacrifice. On the run, surrounded by police, he saw on TV how they burned his protecting altar and only then decided to die by an aid’s bullet. Fidel Castro, during the Angolan war, is said to have visited his African ally where he bathed in the blood of an elephant, obtaining the power to kill at distance. I would drop this into the urban legend drawer, if it was not for the person that told me so.
Again, we live in a multilayered and multidimensional world, where the same fact can be right and wrong. Absolute truth is unknown, as it is in the arts. My wife’s father was a born Haitian, occultist and Freemason. He was also the director of a dancing company. Lidia Cabrera, the most important chronologist of palo monte, was a poet, as is Rogelio Martínez Furé, maybe the deepest in the knowing alive. My wife, when she entered santería, was told she had to find her father’s stone. We’re still looking for it.
Music, arts and gods walk hand in hand. If they let go, they enter demon land…

Below are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make more, I actually make the most from Amazon E books, but because you will avoid giving Amazon any money. Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.

Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® ( Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god: 9781736288016: Heart, Jack: Books

Matilda, the Devils Mommy (Devils and Gods Among Us II) by Jack Heart & Orage


Special thanks to Joe Wentrup

At the “School of Arts and Archeology at Zhejiang University – one of the oldest, most selective, and prestigious universities in China,” students are taught that the West has fabricated their entire history. Professor Huang Heqing is teaching his elite students that the “Pyramids of Khufu, and the Great Sphinx of Giza, were made of concrete, and constructed in the 19th century.” Dr Huang alleges “that from the 19th to 20th centuries, the West was rampantly forging historical and cultural relics, and spending huge sums of money everywhere from the Mediterranean to India, fabricating fake ancient artefacts…” (12)

In Russia they’ve been questioning the authenticity of the Primary Chronicles, just about the sole source of their history, since Nikolay Karamzin wrote the History of the Russian State in the early nineteenth century. Dmitry Likhachov, who died in 1999 at age ninety-two and is still considered the world’s foremost scholar of the Old Russian language and its literature called the Primary Chronicles unintelligible due to the all pervading presence of “fillers” added post factum by the Eastern Orthodox Church. He said they “destroyed the narrative’s logical progression.”

The prominent Ukrainian historian A. P. Tolochko states the chronicles are more or less fictional in nature and written to justify Viking domination of Russia through Kiev. He concludes that “there is absolutely no reason to continue basing our knowledge of the past on its content.” His conclusions are backed up by hard science. Both the Primary Chronicle and the Novgorod Chronicle, a fourteenth century Kievan addendum, date Kiev back to the middle ninth century. But modern archeological dating methods, the most important and most accurate being the tree ring dating method since Kievan houses were made out of wood, show it only dates back to the late tenth century.

Nikolai Morozov and Anatoly Fomenko are not aberrations but the culmination of two hundred years of dogged and honest Russian scholarship. But here in the West plodding and willfully stupid academics still fanatically cling to the narrative of a religion that floats on an ocean of blood. The Royal Frankish AnnalsAnnales BertinianiAnnales FuldensesAnnales Xantenses, and to a lesser extent the Annals of Quedlinburg, have obviously all been pasted together long after the facts by Christian monks whitewashing the churches past.

Anything written in Latin must be arbitrarily dismissed as church propaganda. The Norwegians and Swedes that fled to Iceland did not go there to catch codfish. They were political dissidents, writers and poets, fleeing the New World Order of their time; Bruno’s Catholic Church. The cadre of literature they preserved in the prose Edda, recorded in Old Norse, is what they could save of a past where men asserted their freedom with a sword and a battle axe and no king or even god would dare tell them what to think.

In The Hervarar Saga King Heithrek calls Odin an evil wretched creature and draws the magick sword Tyrfing to kill him. Odin turns himself into a falcon as Heithrek slashes at him with the sword and he ends up cutting off Odin’s tail feathers as he flies out the window. Odin, safely away, then causes Heithrek to be murdered by his servants soon after. It should be noted here that the founder of the Ottonian dynasty, said to be Bruno’s father, was called Henry the Fowler and he would die abruptly from a hunting accident right before he could be crowned Holy Roman emperor.

The Swedes and Norwegians have a raw account of their past in the Eddas and Sagas but the Danes who had no representation in Iceland have had their past scrubbed. Through the sagas Norwegians trace their dynastic lineage to the Jötunn and the Swedish to the Vanis but somehow the lone Danish saga; called the Skjöldunga saga, focusing on Danish dynastic lineage and integral to the storyline of the Old English poem Beowulf, has been lost to posterity. All that can be known about the Danes has been Latinized, a euphemism for sanitized.

The pre-Christian history of the Danes is recorded not in Old Norse like that of their close cousins in Sweden and Norway but only in Latin in the Gesta Danorum by “Saxo Grammaticus…”

Although scholars are dazzled by Saxo’s (Saxo the Saxon?) knowledge of Latin, particularly for someone writing in the thirteenth century, there is little to no record of Saxo Grammaticus ever even existing until Christiern Pedersen’s Latin edition of his complete work was printed and published in 1514 by Jodocus Badius under the title of Danorum Regum heroumque Historiae (“History of the Kings and heroes of the Danes”). Pedersen supposedly obtained the original manuscript from Archbishop Birger Gunnersen, but magically that manuscript just disappeared before anyone else could see it. There are only four fragments attesting to the early authenticity of the Gesta Danorum and those absurdly have been dated only through paleography.

Using carbon dating methods on the organic material comprising a manuscript should be a scientific layup. However, that is not how it’s done. It’s done through paleography, defined as the study of ancient writing systems and the deciphering and dating of historical manuscripts. This academic pseudoscience was scandalously invented by a Benedictine monk; Bernardde Montfaucon who lived from 1655 to 1741. In 1708 he published the bible of paleography; Palæographia græca, sive de ortu et progressu litterarum græcarum (“Greek palaeography, or the origin and progress of Greek literature”)…

Scandalously not only because it provided standardized directions on how to forge an ancient manuscript but because de Montfaucon had to have been well aware that his contemporary and the most brilliant scholar of his day; Jesuit librarian Jean Hardouin had just accused the Benedictine Order, which he called the black monks, of fabricating the entire history of Greek and Roman civilization. Hardouin also the premier numismatics expert of the times said, just like the Chinese are saying now, they had faked it all; coins, inscriptions and manuscripts. He said the only authentic classical works were Homer, Herodotus, Cicero, the Natural History of Pliny, the Georgics of Virgil, the Satires and Epistles of Horace and the New Testament which was originally written in Latin. (13)

Sourced in Old English, the Anglo Saxon Chronicles, although much tampered with, have greater credibility than anything sourced in Latin. In the very first lines it’s stated that England was originally settled by Armenians who became the Britons. Then later the Picts came from Scythia and were given land to settle. This is inconvenient to their narrative and academics squeal in unison that the Saxon author copied it wrong from Bede’s Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum, or An Ecclesiastical History of the English People, pointing out that Bede said Armorica. (14)

There are three problems with this explanation. Bede, supposedly writing a couple of centuries before the Anglo Saxon Chronicles were begun, was a Benedictine monk. The Saxons were well aware of who the Armenians were. They had settlements with them on the Black Sea, as the language Crimean Gothic attests too. The author knew just what he was saying. And, finally, no one has accounted for the Armenians fellow Russians, the Scythians, being treated like comrades and not invaders.

There is an account in Old English by a man named Wulfstan who took a ship from England sailing up the coast of Northern Europe to a place called Truso now in Poland. Back then Truso was in Estland, the land beyond Denmark. Wulfstan describes Estland as being “very large, and there are very many walled towns, and each walled town has a king.” (15)

He gives a vivid description of Estland funerary rites where the dead are left uncremated, sometimes for months depending on their stature in the community, while their friends gambled and drank away their possessions in the company of the corpse. He explains that they are able to do this because they are able to freeze the body, even in the summer. He writes “If one puts down two vessels full of ale or water, it happens there that both become frozen over, whether it be summer or winter.” (16)*

So much for the “Dark Ages.” Back at Malmesbury Abbey in England, from high atop their dark citadel the black monks were teaching themselves to fly. Writing in Latin in the Gesta regum Anglorum William of Malmesbury commemorates mans first actual attempt at flight made by a monk named Æthelmær (Elmer) a thousand years before the Wright Brothers were born:

“He had by some means, I scarcely know what, fastened wings to his hands and feet so that, mistaking fable for truth, he might fly like Daedalus, and, collecting the breeze upon the summit of a tower, flew for more than a furlong [201 metres]. But agitated by the violence of the wind and the swirling of air, as well as by the awareness of his rash attempt, he fell, broke both his legs and was lame ever after. He used to relate as the cause of his failure, his forgetting to provide himself a tail.” (17)

That Europeans were in the Americas long before Columbus slaughtered his first Taíno Indians has been well documented. (18) There are huge pieces of history missing in the centuries following the Ottonian dynasty and what we have before it is mostly the concoction of the church.  The Royal Frankish Annals, the Annales Bertiniani, the Annales Fuldenses and the Annales Xantenses are what western historian’s call their Primary Source; it’s not coincidental that they correspond to the four synoptic gospels.

Three can be traced directly back to the Benedictines as can the Gesta Regum Anglorum and the Gesta Pontificum AnglorumNobody knows where the Royal Frankish Annals came from, but the Annales Bertiniani simply turning up at the Abbey of St. Bertin, a Benedictine monastic abbey renowned for its Latin cartulary, upon the abbey’s final completion in the sixteenth century is a dead giveaway. You can date them all from there because that’s about when they were manufactured. Attempts to trace any of them into the all too convenient quagmire of the dark ages are a tautological proposition. The circumstantial evidence is overwhelming that they are, to a Latin letter, a product of the black monks and they must be read with the utmost of skepticism.

The Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum covers the relations between the Saxons, Vikings and Wends. It turned up around the late sixteenth century like all the other Latin manuscripts but shows far more integrity, recording that by the eleventh century the Vikings were already on the coast of North America. It was supposedly written by Adam of Bremen in the late eleventh century and purports to chronicle the church’s deeds in Hamburg-Bremen. At the time the bishops of Hamburg-Bremen had jurisdiction over all missions in Scandinavia, and the entire scope of Viking expansion in Russia, Iceland and Greenland, in all likelihood making the Gesta Hammaburgensis a less sanitized source of Russian history than the Primary Chronicles of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Res gestae saxonicae sive annalium libri tres or Deeds of the Saxons, recounts the history of tenth century Germany. It’s said to have been written by a monk named Widukind in the monastery of Corvey. Duke Widukind is, and has been for over a thousand years Germany’s greatest folk hero. He is said to have led the Pagan Saxons against the rabidly evangelizing Charlemagne and the Carolingian Dynasty and fought them to a draw for decades, exacting a heavy toll.

Widukind the monk, apparently just as proud of his people and their history, begins not with Rome but with a short synopsis taken from the orally-transmitted history of the Saxons. Widukind’s work is marked by its failure to ever mention Italy or a pope, even in its detailed account of Henry the Fowlers rise to absolute power in Europe…

Widukind dedicated his three volume work to Abbess Matilda of Quedlinburg, one of the three true architects of western civilization. Traditionally three is the occultic number of royalty in Northern European lore. There were three Bruno’s; three Otto’s and three Matilda’s. In the Hervarar Saga western civilization is founded by the shape shifting Valkyrie Hervör, her demigod son King Heithrek, and his son Angantyr.

Quedlinburg, the womb that gestated the last thousand years of darkness, according to the official narrative is where the Carolingians first offered to cede Germany to Henry the Fowler. It has been called, and for good reason, the “cradle of the German Reich.” (19)

Castle and Collegiate Church in Quedlinburg, Germany

The Quedlinburg Abby is where Saxonicae Annales Quedlinburgenses or the Annals of Quedlinburg would be written. The Annals of Quedlinburg are the official history of the Holy Roman Empire, written by what scholar Hannah Burrows calls supernatural woman: the “women on the mighty mountain,” the “maids, who fight weaponless around their lord,” the “white-hooded ones, and those women do not have husbands,” the woman of Odin’s riddles in the Hervarar Saga. (20)

According to the Deeds of the Saxons and her two hagiographical biographies, Matilda of Ringelheim or Saint Matilda was the wife of Henry the Fowler in a marriage arranged by her grandmother. The most desirable woman in Europe by birth and said to be descended from Duke Widukind himself, Matilda would be raised by her grandmother abbess Matilda I at the Herford Abbey. The powerful abbess would negotiate her granddaughter’s marriage to Henry Duke of Saxony, soon to be known as Henry the Fowler. Their union would be parlayed into the Holy Roman Empire and it would bear five children. The oldest and the heir to the throne would become known as Otto the Great and his younger brother Bruno the Great.

Upon Henrys early demise, Otto would assume the throne and Matilda would retire to the Quedlinburg Abby. It’s said she favored his brother Henrys claim to the throne because Henry was born after his father was king and truly born to the purple. After half a dozen or so years of bitter internecine warfare the family reconciled and recognized Otto as the rightful king.

Matilda would live out her life as a saintly matron with a reputation for charity. She is the patron of the St. Matilda church in Laatzen and the St. Matilda church in Quedlinburg. Perhaps tellingly she is also the patron of the Melkite church in Aleppo, Syria. In ancient times, Aleppo was called Nephîlā′, the biblical city of the Watchers…

Henry the Fowler captured a Hungarian prince early on in the hostilities with the Magyar and parlayed him into a ten-year truce in which he agreed to pay them annual tribute. With his dukes he used that peacetime to build fortified towns and to train an elite cavalry force. When he was ready Henry cut off their tribute and the Magyars resumed their raiding. Henry met them in the Battle of Riade and crushed them so badly that they would never again return to his northern lands.

In the Hervarar Saga; Heithrek captures Sifka, the daughter of King Humli, and the princess of the Hun. She has a son with him named Hlöth and he sends her and the boy home to the Hun.

The reign of Otto the Great is marked by war upon war. There was war with his brothers, war with his dukes, war with the Slavs, war in Italy, and civil war with his first born son. Finally there would be his great victory against the Magyars at the Battle of Lechfeld then more war in Italy. He would be the first of three Otto’s to be crowned Holy Roman emperor. His second wife Adelaide of Italy, in an unprecedented papal gesture, was crowned empress right alongside him.

Of Burgundian nobility and married at fifteen, Adelaide’s first husband Lothair II, the nominal king of Italy was poisoned by his usurper Berengar who then tried to force her to marry his son while holding her prisoner. She escaped hiding out in the marsh grass and making her way to a fortified city where she sent an emissary to Otto asking for protection.

Otto could do better than that. He married her and sacked Italy no less than three times killing both father and son Berengar’s and installing his own pope. When Otto wasn’t killing Slavs and Magyars on the eastern frontier for empire he was in Italy killing Italians for Adelaide. The two spent almost the entire first decade of their marriage in Italy and while they were away Bruno the Great, Otto the Greats younger brother, acted as regent.

Adelaide would have four children with Otto, among them Otto II the next Holy Roman emperor but even more importantly would be Matilda, the third Matilda, the first Princess-Abbess of Quedlinburg to whom Widukind dedicated Deeds of the Saxons.

At eleven years old, her Grandmother Saint Matilda gave her the Quedlinburg Abby and her father Otto arranged for an extravagant ceremony electing her “suae metropolitanae sibi haereditariae, a title that suggests episcopal powers, which she certainly wielded in nonsacramental matters. As an adult acting as regent when her brother Otto II went to Italy she governed, as the approving chronicler said, “without female levity using the skills of her talented ancestors and parents to restore the stubborn officials of the barbarian kings to peace and obedience.” (21)

The narrator then praises her for being able to use prayer to get what she wants even though the swords of the empire were at her disposal. As regent, Matilda held a reforming synod at Dornberg concerning the church in Germany. But the true extent of her power over the empire is revealed when she would later call for an Imperial Diet at her Abby.

With his idiot son Otto II safely out of the way in Italy and young Matilda running the empire with his brother Bruno, Otto married Otto II off to Theophanu, a Byzantine princess and not Otto’s first choice. Otto’s first choice was Anna Porphyrogenita, as was everyone else’s. Anna was a “Porphyrogenita,” a legitimate child of the Byzantine emperor born in the special purple chamber of the palace where his children must be birthed while he is in power. It was constructed solely of porphyry, and is where the term born to the purple comes from. It was the highest pedigree royalty could have and Anna Porphyrogenita was going to Vladimir. She would become queen of the Kievan Rus, some say it was for her that Vladimir sold out the old gods…

Porphyry sarcophagus, Istanbul Archaeological Museum

As Adelaide was before her, Theophanu was crowned Holy Roman Empress Theophanu on the same day she married Otto II because he had already been crowned emperor. With that they all went back to Germany and Otto the Great promptly died, leaving Theophanu after she pushed Adelaide out of the way, effectively running the empire.

Like a salmon but with less personality, Otto II spawned Otto III with Theophanu and then himself promptly died at twenty-eight. There was another family scrum for power when Henry the Wrangler, not to be confused with his father Henry, Otto the Greats brother, claimed to be the rightful heir of the Holy Roman Empire. An Imperial Diet was held by Matilda in the Quedlinburg Abby (22) where Matilda successfully defeated his claims and secured the election of her nephew Otto III as Holy Roman Emperor, therefore “holding the empire together” (23)

Theophanu would now rule openly as regent for the toddler emperor but she too would die young at thirty-one, much to Adelaide’s approval who as the boy’s grandmother took over as regent. By the dawn of the eleventh century Otto III came of age and carried on with the family tradition of invading Italy and installing a pope. This time the pope they would install was German; Pope Gregory V born Bruno of Carinthia…

Otto III would then conveniently die at age twenty-one and the Ottonian dynasty would fade into the very history it would for now on write. Köln would become Rome and a thousand years of darkness would take care of the rest.

In the twenty-third riddle of the Hervarar Saga Odin asks King Heithrek: “Who are those women, who go all together to the curiosity of their father? They are seldom gentle with the host of men, and have to wake in the wind.” And Heithrek correctly answers him: “That’s Ægir’s daughters; they go three together when the wind wakes them.”

Adelaide and Matilda would both supposedly die in 999 but the Quedlinburg Abby would continue as the true womb of Christianity. There the Annals of Quedlinburg would be written by what scholars concur was a woman. It’s a safe bet to conclude that woman was Matilda, whom cloistered amongst the white frocked daughters of Ægir atop the castle hill of the Abby would also write the synoptic gospels. She would write them in the Latin that would so impress Jean Hardouin centuries later. It was a language that should have been long dead but then again so should have Matilda.

In the eighteenth riddle Odin asks King Heithrek “Who are those women on the mighty mountain, woman begets with woman? Maid with maid begets a son, and those women do not have husbands.” And he asks him again in the twenty-first: “Who are those ladies, who go sorrowing, to the curiosity of their father? They have pale hair, the white-hooded ones, and those women do not have husbands…”

According to Tacitus, a fraud by the revelations of Hardouin, the Germanic people whom he called Suebi worshiped Loki whom he called Mercury. Tacitus was adhering to his scripted role of being an ancient Roman historian when he invented names for the German people and their gods. According to the testimony of Hardouin, who as the Jesuit Librarian would know better than anyone, Tacitus was a Benedictine monk writing a century or two before he did.

Tacitus further attempts to obfuscate the past by pedantically adding Suebi tribes. With a theatrical flourish he names them: “the Langobard, Ruedigni, Aviones, Anglii, Varini, Eudoses, Suarines, and Huitones…” He said they worshiped Nerthus a goddess indigenous to their lakes and rivers.

Of course there is no archeological evidence for Nerthus and because The Old Norse name of the god Njord is what the Proto-Germanic name Nerthus would look like if it were rendered in Old Norse, academics connect her to Njord. But there are problems with this. Njord is a god, a Vanir or nature god. He is the father of Freyr and Freyrs female counterpart Freyja.

After the Æsir–Vanir war Njord, Freyr and Freyja came to live amongst the Æsir as royal hostages and co-rulers to ensure lasting peace between the Vanir and the Æsir. The Norse celebrated Freyr in much the same way as Tacitus claims the Suebi celebrated Nerthus but again the problem is Freyr is a god and Nerthus a goddess.

In the Hervarar Saga Hervör is able become Hervarth, a man. She uses this ability to shape shift into a man to persuade the Vikings to take her to Samsø to acquire the magic sword Tyrfing and then to insinuate herself into the enchanted kingdom of Guðmund of Glæsisvellir. Hervör, who in the Pagan Hervarar Saga founds western civilization, is metaphorical to Freyja, who in the Christian Orea Linda is credited with the same. Freyja and Freyr are synonymous with Hervör and Hervarth. Tacitus, a monk from Köln not Rome, confused by the Norse custom of kenning or name substitution was talking about Freyja.

There is a Nordic tradition of worshiping the goddess and her sylphs and nymphs by flowing water. Balkh the capital of Bactra in ancient Afghanistan, one of the oldest of human civilizations, is known to have been a sanctuary dedicated to Anahita the Zarathustrian Goddess of water and fertility. Some scholars believe Zarathustrianism is over eight thousand years old.

In Arcadia, a region in the central Peloponnese of Greece, long geographically isolated and consequently able to retain the Eleusinian mysteries in their purest form, Poseidon is the river spirit of the underworld and he appears as a horse. In northern European folklore it was typical for gods to be horses. Poseidon mates with the mare, Demeter and from their union she bears the horse god, Arion, and an enigmatic daughter who originally also had the shape of a mare.

This nameless, shape shifting, horse goddess “is perhaps the first Celtic deity, which has a long history with several gods and goddesses of the Celtic people. Particularly, there seems to be a measured provocative intent in the strategic development of religious iconography of the equine goddess. In Gallo-Roman religion, the fertility goddess Epona worshiped as ‘The Divine Horse’ and ‘The Great Mare’ is protector of horses, riders and travelers.

Epona from Gannat (Allier, Auvergne, France) [Reinach 1898 #2a; Magnen & Thévenot #79 and plate 21]

An altarpiece from continental Europe depicts the goddess seated side saddle on a mare in the usual pose. Nevertheless her nimbus veil is an attribute of Venus Celeste, while a rudder in her right hand is an aspect of Isis-Nemesis (0.1). In fact, the drapery swirling around her head adorned with the stars covers the cosmos. By elevating Epona to the sky, the horse deity becomes one with Punic Tanit, Roman Venus and Egyptian goddess Isis worshiped as the ‘Star of the Sea’.” (24)

Along with Mercury Tacitus said the Suebi worshiped Jupiter and Hercules, dutifully assigning “Roman” names to “ancient” Odin and Thor respectively. But Tacitus may have been slipping out of character when he mentioned the Suebi also venerated “Isis.”

As a learned monk Tacitus no doubt would have known the great dome of St. Gereon’s Basilica in Köln had been built to cover over a temple of Isis that once overlooked the Rhine. Constr›uction for St. Gereon’s had begun a half century after pope Urban II under the sublime guidance of Bruno of Köln finished slaughtering the indigenous inhabitants of Jerusalem, clearing the way to fabricate the new “Holy Land…”

St. Gereon is one of the twelve great churches that grace Köln; it was finally finished in the early thirteenth century, inexplicably taking over seventy-five years to complete. It now stands a few blocks from the Rhine but before it was a Christian church it likely commanded the view of the river.

Like every other important archeological site in Germany it was damaged by American and British bombs in WW II. Armin von Gerkan, a seminal figure in ancient architectural history who’s “Griechische Stadtanlagen” (1924) is still consulted today as the basic text for ancient city planning, was given the job to go in and fix it. After excavating in forty-nine and fifty in 1951 he reported finding “an Isis altar, probably of the 2nd century, with” an inscription… (25)

Isis oh Isis you’re a mystical child
What drives me to you is what drives me insane
I still can remember the way that you smiled
On the fifth day of May in the drizzling rain – Bob Dylan, Isis

In the Hervarar Saga Höfund and Hervör have two sons. Heithrek, who takes after his mother Hervör, kills Angantyr who takes after his father Höfund. Count Liudolf, the progenitor of the Ottonian dynasty had two sons with the hundred and seven year old Oda whose dowry included much of what is present day northern France. Bruno was killed in battle and Otto the Illustrious went on to marry his son Henry off to Saint Matilda.

Young King Heithrek is not a natural child. His mother is a Valkyrie, a Swan Maiden; “those women on the mighty mountain, woman begets with woman? Maid with maid begets a son…” After killing his son, Heithrek rejects Höfund outright as his father resolving always to do exactly the opposite of what Höfund would do. Heithrek has no real father his mother is one of “those women do not have husbands.” It is mentioned in the saga that Heithrek’s “foster-father was called Gizur.” In fact it would be Gizur who at the council many many years later would tell the Hun prince Hlöth, Heithrek’s son,  that his mother Sifka was naught but a bondswoman, provoking war between the Goth and the Hun. (26)

Something ugly was born back there in the tenth century; something that still walks the earth today as the lies believed by every Christian, Muslim and Jew. It starts with religion, the evil spell of amnesia, and the books they have written. We have no memories but the ones the church has given us. The Crusades would be fought to purge the human race of its past and now Isis is just a song and a name that is given to men who chop off heads.

It’s the same old story. The goddess attempts to procreate without her male consort and she gives birth to an abomination who thinks he’s the one true god. He makes her his whore and the whole world his slave. Sages told it before the empire and they will tell it long after the empire is gone. It is the Implicate order manifesting in the explicate, the sacred in the profane, and it’s as certain as death to happen in the dream.

Matilda knew what she had done almost from the day she did it. All her praying, the very praying that had bent Barbarian kings to Ottonian rule, could not stop him, nor could her nun eyed Jesus mitigate his evil. There is an old story of how Mary Magdalene brought Christianity to the South of France. If she did it was at the beginning of this millennium and it was not his brand of Christianity. His brand had been transplanted to Rome by the time Bruno of Carinthia had been installed there as pope.

Back then the South of France was called the Midi and it was radically different from the rest of the world. They were Cathars, enlightened beings. Women were treated as equals and nobody cared whether you were a Christian, Jew, or Muslim. It was as close to utopia as Europe ever got but he came. He came with his pointed hat and his mercenary hordes and by the time the Albigensian Crusades were over there was no one left to remember what they had ever believed…

As legend has it she appeared to a group of Knights Templar as Isais near the ancient city of Nineveh during the crusades. After the fall of the Cathar stronghold at Montsegur she would appear to them again and again back in Germany on the Untersberg Mountain. Besides The Revelation of Isais (27) she gave them some artifacts, among them a black stone said to have escaped the pope at Montsegur.

They were told the stone would play a crucial role in the final battle between darkness and light. It was back there somewhere in the thirteenth century when she consecrated an elite order from the Knights Templar to guard it till then. This order, shrouded in shadows even to other Knights Templar, was to be known as Die Herren vom Schwarzen Stein or the Lords of the Black Stone, SS being the abbreviation for the German acronym.

She would surface in sixteenth century Venice as Julietta Montefeltro the high priestess of the Ordo Bucintoro, an order that traced its pedigree back to Geoffroy de Saint-Omer one of the nine founding members of the Knights Templar. The Ordo Bucintoro was named after a bejeweled boat used by the fabulously wealthy Venetians in an annual celebration of the marriage of the goddess, Venus or Venice, to Poseidon, god of the sea from where their riches came.

Montefeltro’s beauty was legendary in the courts of kings and queens throughout Europe and it was said she did not age. She could be in Rome and Madrid on the same day she was seen being carried on a litter, escorted by two armed men, through the Piazza San Marco.

The order possessed secrets that allowed them to ‘walk through the times’ to the past, present or future. They were dedicated to the fruition of a “Roman-German Empire” that would sweep away the unbalanced patriarchy and insane avarice of the pope and replace it with a utopian world based on spiritualism and equality between the sexes.

After Fatima she resurfaced again as Sigrun a medium for the Vril Society, an occult group that would end up collaborating with the Die Herren vom Schwarzen Stein or the SS in an attempt to travel to Aldebaran; a giant red star in the Taurus constellation. Sigrún is a Valkyrie immortalized in the Poetic Eddas.

The Vril Society was comprised entirely of stunningly beautiful women. Most wore their hair as long as possible, believing a woman’s hair acted as a psychic antenna, but the one who served as a priestess of Isais wore her hair short like a boy. The tradition stems from the story of how Isais managed to steal the black stone from the god of this world who is the devil by cutting her hair short like a boy so she could gain access to it.

The Vril girls were able to make contact with a praetor human intelligence that relayed plans for a vehicle that could transverse the ether. The plans were recorded through the girl’s automatic writing of Sumerian cuneiform. Thule Society scholars were able to translate the writing and by as early as 1924 Winfried Otto Schumann used them to build a Jenseitsflugmachine or “Afterlife Flying Machine.” When the war ended Schumann would spend two years at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in America as the guest of Operation Paperclip. In 1952 he would be credited with discovering the Schumann Resonance, the resonant frequencies of the earth’s ionosphere, a discovery for which he is still known today.

The dazzling women of the Vril Society all disappeared without a trace after the war, said to have went to Aldebaran with elements of the SS. In March of 1945, right before their disappearance they predicted that they would return in 1992/93 or 2004/05. Their agenda upon their return would be to promote the impeding final battle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness.

The Year of the Dragon, “Let Us Pray…” By Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

The Hervarar Saga or How the West Was Really Won… by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Devils and Gods Among Us by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (


* This may not be the proper translation. The original sentences were cut and pasted from a Yale site that was taken down immediately after we published Of Freyja and Lilith, Goddesses and Demons & the Lie of Judeo-Christianity I. They read: “there is a tribe among the Este that knows how to cause cold, and this is why the dead men there lie so long and do not rot, because they keep them cold. If two containers are put out full of beer or water, they can cause one of the two to be frozen over whether it is summer or winter…”

Defunct site: ( )

12 – Charlier, Phillip. “Chinese professor: There were no ancient western civilizations; just modern fakes made to demean China.” Taiwan English News [Taiwan] 11 Feb. 2021 Web.

13 – Heart, Jack and Orage. 2019. The Year of the Dragon, “Let Us Pray…”. [online] Esoteric Evolution. 3 Jan 2019. Web: The Year of the Dragon, “Let Us Pray…” By Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

14 – “The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle : First Century.” The Avalon Project. Yale Law School, Web.

15 – “The Voyage of Ohthere and Wulfstan. 11 Feb 2006. Web. The Account Given By Wulfstan | Anglo-Saxon Archaeology (

16 – Ibid.

17 –  William of Malmesbury, Gesta regum Anglorum / The history of the English kings, ed. and trans. R. A. B. Mynors, R. M. Thomson, and M. Winterbottom, 2 vols., Oxford Medieval Texts (1998–9)

18 – Heart, Jack and Orage . “Black Sun Rising part 1.” The Human: Jack, Orage & friends. Jack Heart writings. 11 Feb 2014. Web. Black Sun Rising VI, the Black Madonna and the Swastika by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

19 – Antz (ed.), Christian (2001). Strasse der Romanik (German). Verlag Janos Stekovics. ISBN3-929330-89-X

20 – Heart, Jack and Orage . “The Hervarar Saga Or How the West Was Really Won….” Esoteric Evolution; a primer for the New Gods…. Patreon , 17 Mar 2019. Web. The Hervarar Saga or How the West Was Really Won… by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

21 –McNamara, Joanne Kay. “Family Ties.” Sisters In Arms. Harvard University Press, 197. Web.

22 – Ibid.

23 – Jansen, Sharon L. (2002). The Monstrous Regiment of Women: Female Rulers in Early Modern Europe. p153, Palgrave Macmillan.

24 – Sengupta, Arputharani. “Horse Goddess: The Shape Changer in Celtic, Buddhist and Hindu Lore.” Academia , 3 Mar 2021. Web.

25 – From Gerkan, Armin. “St. Gereon in Cologne.” Germania. Bulletin of the Roman-Germanic Commission of the German Archaeological Institute 1951: 2015-2016. Web.

26 – “The Hervarar Saga Or How the West Was Really Won….”

27 – “Isais Revelation.” SCRIBD. Orage, 16 Apr 2014. Web. Apr .

Below are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make more, I actually make the most from Amazon E books, but because you will avoid giving Amazon any money. Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.

Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® ( Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god: 9781736288016: Heart, Jack: Books

Devils and Gods Among Us by Jack Heart & Orage


You have been taught a great lie. You have been trained, like Pavlov’s dogs, to trust only what your five senses tell you. Discounting the fact that any magician worth the rabbit in his hat can deceive the five senses, the five senses are inherently flawed by the brains reticular activating system. The reticular activating system spans an extensive portion of the brainstem and one of its jobs during the waking state is to filter out all perception that is not related to the bestial needs of human existence, gratification and flight or fight. On a battle field filled with gods and devils you would not see them. You would sooner see a cheeseburger.

Philosophers with the most superficial of understanding like Baruch Spinoza and Thomas Hobbs have founded a new religion based on the deception of their own senses. Once called Materialism and Rationalism, it has metastasized to its logical conclusion in Marxism and Transhumanism. In order to debase the human race enough so they would except their fate of being robot slaves at best, nutrition being more likely, to a race of beings who are not hindered by their biological needs it was necessary to convince them that those beings did not exist. As the saying goes the devils greatest trick was convincing man he did not exist.

In the days of Sumer and Babylon these beings walked among men as kings and queens, demigods like Gilgamesh and devouring demons like Pazuzu. After the Promethean rebellion against them and the deluge that drowned Atlantis they became wiser. Outside the goddess, who as Ishtar swore vengeance against Enlil for the flood, they stopped showing themselves to what they consider their livestock. They concealed themselves in an endless succession of palace mayors posing as kings and queens and invented a reformed child sacrificing prophet on whose story they could found their false religions.

At Fatima the pope, who is the devil of Revelations that would hold sway over the human race for a thousand years, was told by the Goddess his time was up. He will not go quietly into the endless night that is his villainous fate and predictably war has followed, a century of warfare between humans and a century of warfare between gods.

I am intimately acquainted with these beings and those that know me know my credentials. Let me tell you about these so said gods. Reality around them can and is altered to better suit their needs and thereby they create yours. They have no existential need for man to worship them, they are independent of their human hosts. But their kind do require humans for sustenance. Most are contented to feed upon their emotions, love, hate, arousal, and fear. They sift it through the ether like a clam sifting water for nutrients. Others drain them like vampires.

They have farmed the human race since the days of Sumer and On, now called Heliopolis. They are the Council of Nine of J.J. Hurtak, Andrija Puharich, Hal Puthoff and MK Ultra proper. They were the Nine gods of Heliopolis in Egypt and the Nine Lords of the Night in Mesoamerica. The Australian aborigines called them Wandgina and southwest Native Americans Kachina. The Northmen knew they existed and called them Jötunn, Aser, and Vanir. Christianity has written them out of its carefully contrived reality for slaves, but Islam still knows them well as the Djinn.

It was they who wrote the Qur’an as evidenced by the narrators who frequently refer to themselves as We. In Surah 18, verse 7-8 the dictators of the Qur’an say: “Indeed, We have made that which is on the earth adornment for it that We may test them [as to] which of them is best in deed.” They then go on to promise “And indeed, We will make that which is upon it [into] a barren ground.” (1)

In what many Islamic scholars consider the oldest sura in the Qur’an, called An-Najm or the Star, the prophet implores the wealthy merchants of Mecca not forget the three goddesses whose intercession is the long-awaited salvation of man. Because they could not simply erase the revelations of the prophet the drooling monotheists that followed Mohammad like the ape that follows Thoth did what they could to deface the entire sura, even going so far as to change the name of the three verses dedicated to the goddesses from the Crane Verses to the Satanic Verses. In the closing lines of the sura the narrator of An-Najm then promises, as the Lord of Sirius, to raise the dead and bring about a Second Kingdom… (2)

The slaves do not know who they are, but the slaves human masters do and still make sacrifice to them. They are the sons and daughters of Asherah and Anu. The offspring of An which is what Anunnaki means. Just like Elohim in the bible means the sons and daughters of El.

The Ugaritic texts, which are by far the earliest and least tampered with of the Semitic texts, prove that beyond debate by any scholars who don’t have vested interests in saying otherwise. “The word Elohim is derived from l-h-m which is repeatedly found in the Ugaritic texts and is used to denote the entire pantheon of Canaanite gods descended from the mother Goddess and the father God.” (3)

According to Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning ‘God [Elohim]’ created the heavens and the earth…” God is El and nowhere in the Ugaritic texts is he called anything, but El. Elohim is also “not used for Aṯiratu or Elat, the Mother Goddess, also called Asherah in other Semitic texts where she is identified as the consort of the Sumerian god Anu by scholars.” (4)

The translation of Elohim into El is a misnomer at the very least. In light of the Ugaritic texts, stumbled upon by yet another lost shepherd boy in 1928, translating it as god singular is a blatant lie but then again why should not the original book of lies begin with a lie?

Dead Sea Scrolls hoax aside (5), they’ve been digging for over a hundred years now and have yet to find one shred of evidence that anything in the bible, called tanakh by the Jews, is true. The archeological evidence indicates that the bible or tanakh is a bastardization of Mesopotamian history, written no earlier than the early eleventh century, which is about as far back as the “old” testament can be dated through the Leningrad Codex.

Human history, as we know it, is not much more than a thousand years old. No less a scion of empire than Isaac Newton himself thought the dates for Greece and Rome should be moved up at least three centuries going so far as to say that the Egyptian Pharaoh Menes reckoned to reign three thousand years before the common era by the now completely discredited Scaliger- Pétau chronology, more likely reigned less than a thousand years before the common era.

Throw in the testimony of the eighteenth-century Jesuit Librarian Jean Hardouin, the work of Professor Anatoly Fomenko and the mathematics department at Moscow University, combined with the research of Edwin Johnson, Forster Arbuthnot, Heribert Illig, Gunnar Heinsohn, Uwe Topper and a host of others not beholding to the academic trough and an irrefutable fact emerges. There were no dark ages. (6)

We are not that far out of Babylon and Sumer where she was worshiped as Ishtar and Inanna respectively, fifteen hundred years, maybe less and one catastrophic event. We just published the Hervarar Saga or How the West Was Really Won because unlike the Oera Linda, which also pays tribute to her as the founder of Western Civilization, the Hervarar Saga is unabashedly Pagan. There is no need to sanitize Freyja, as the Oera Linda surely does, and make her a mortal woman who lived two thousand years before a Jesus that she herself invented.

In the Hervarar Saga, Hervör is a Valkyrie, a supernatural woman who has the power to shapeshift into a man and it is her who founds the Holy Roman Empire with Tyrfing, the cursed sword of destiny which was the actual artifact so sought by Hitler. She is the mother of King Heithrek whom Christianity has sanitized to Henry the Fowlerthe progenitor of the Ottonian dynasty.

Count Liudolf appeared right before the dawn of the tenth century and married Oda, a member of the Frankish House of Billung. She supposedly lived to be a hundred and seven years old. Their combined estates would be the beginning of the Holy Roman Empire. Among their children were Bruno, said to have been killed in battle against the Vikings, and Otto the Illustrious.

Otto’s son Henry the Fowler would first defeat the Magyar at the Battle of Riade, halting the invasion of the eastern hordes into western Europe. In the Hervarar Saga King Heithrek first defeats the Huns when he puts King Humli to flight and wins the hand of Sifka, princess of the Hun. Henry’s son Otto I or Otto the Great, first in the Ottonian dynasty to be crowned Holy Roman Emperor, would defeat the Magyars for good at the Battle of Lechfeld, recorded in the Hervarar Saga as Heithrek’s son Angantyr’s resounding defeat of the Hun. Otto would be followed as Holy Roman Emperor by Otto II and Otto III.

Henry’s other son Bruno, Otto the Great’s younger brother would become Bruno the Great, the Archbishop of Cologne, a euphemism for the pope, the very first one. At the prodding of Bruno’s successor Archbishop Poppo a monk from Cologne named Ruotger meticulously set forth in writing the events in Bruno’s incarnation as Bruno the Great. In The Life of Archbishop Bruno of Cologne Ruotger writes: “Threatening that kingdom [France] was the savage destruction of the Northmen. There is no one more knowledgeable when it comes to piracy. The people, which was already to a great degree devastated by them, was used to dissension and disaster. They had consumed what remained to them through civil war. Our leader’s [Bruno’s] prudent arrangements were active: he arranged that all could flee to him, as to the calmest port, since he understood himself to be a human, thus thinking nothing human being foreign to him. He mitigated the immense and intolerable wildness of those barbarians…”

Ruotger deems it necessary to assure his readers that Bruno understood himself to be a human, indicating there were legitimate reasons not consider Bruno human. The civil war Ruotger is talking about is the Stellinga or Stellingabund, a movement of the lower two of the three Saxon non-slave castes. Its aim was to recover those rights the two castes had possessed before their conversion from Germanic paganism. The Northmen were the byproduct of this Goth civil war…

Bruno would supposedly die and a few years later Bruno of Querfurt emerged in the court of Otto III. The shiny new Bruno was rumored in the court to be Otto’s relative, and at fifteen years old Otto made the twenty-one-year-old Bruno his court chaplain. Bruno “of Querfurt” would be dispatched as a missionary by Otto and would end up in in Kiev under the auspices of none other than Duke Vladmir I, (Valdemar) the man who would convert the Northmen and thus all of vast Russia and Scandinavia to Christianity.

Varangian trade routes

Vladmir in turn then dispatched Bruno, ostensibly to make Christian converts among the Pechenegs. Bruno would end up with all of thirty converts but what he was really doing, among other things, was working out the details of the Old Testament or Tanakh with the Pecheneg sages, the high priests of Tengrism who would later come to be known as Rabbis. (7)

The Pechenegs were a savage and unconquerable tribe of nomads, nominally Khazarian, living between the Danube and the Don river and although Vladimir’s father Sviatoslav I Igorevich had subdued and indeed obliterated the Khazarian Empire the Pechenegs would still end up using his skull for a drinking cup.

Perhaps even more importantly than forging the Wests new holy books from accounts poisoned with rabbinical ressentiment of what happened in Babylon and Sumer, Bruno was acting as an emissary for Otto. They were following the recommendations of Emperor Constantine Prophyrogenitus in De Adminisrando Imperio. Constantine whose name Prophyrogenitus means born to the purple is no doubt the Constantine for which Constantinople was really named.

In De Adminisrando Imperio Constantine cites the Pechenegs fearsome reputation: “The Pechenegs are neighbours to and march with the Russians also, and often, when the two are not at peace with one another, raid Russia, and do her considerable harm and outrage.”  No one was immune to Pecheneg depredations. “The tribe of the Turks, too, trembles greatly at and fears the said Pechenegs, because they have often been defeated by them and brought to the verge of complete annihilation. Therefore, the Turks always look on the Pechenegs with dread, and are held in check by them…” (8)

Constantine goes on to elucidate all the damage Pecheneg raids do to floating Viking caravans going down the Dnieper and Volga rivers bound for Constantinople and the Black Sea. He implores his audience, supposedly his son who would be his successor, to come to a mutually beneficial arrangement with them. (9)

Some say Bruno miraculously survived his stay with the Pechenegs only to be martyred by the Prussians. “Peter Damian, one of the inner circle of cardinals of Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085), even claimed that Bruno died among the Pechenegs.” (10)

Vladmir would convert to Christianity and the Varangians Slavic slaves would have Christianity beaten into them, just as the Vikings had done to each other. Otto III would march a ragtag army up an Italian Peninsula and occupy some old ruins of a long-forgotten civilization that had once flourished around the Mediterranean and Saxon scribes were set to work in Cologne manufacturing a glorious past for Otto’s fake Rome.

It must be remembered when trying to remember; there never was a Rome; there was Köln, what is now known as Cologne. The scriptorium where the Saxons converted their tales of yore into “Roman” and “Greek” lore have recently been discovered underneath Köln. Unfortunately, the inventory has long since been removed and all that is left is niches in the “cupboards built to house an ancient library’s roughly 20,000 Scrolls.” No such library has ever been found on the Italian Peninsula or the Greek Archipelago, only in Ephesus, Turkey…(11)

The Onoğur, the ten war like tribes called Scythians by Herodotus that dominated the Russian steppes, would become the ten northern tribes of Israel in the “good book” of Bruno and the Pecheneg priests. The Pechenegs themselves since they were nomads would of course become the Tribe of Levi, who had no land allocation, and were a tribe of priests.

The proverbial wandering Jews would reinvent themselves as god’s chosen people and through what the foggy memory of history recalls as the Radhanites, would control the West’s overland trade routes. The Saxons and Frisians would control the West and the “Kievan Rus” or the Vikings would control Russia and the sea routes from the Baltic to the Black Sea. There would be peace among the Saxons, Vikings and Pechenegs. They would share Constantinople and all of the lies that went with it.

The supposedly martyred Bruno of Querfurt would be superseded by Saint Bruno of Cologne, an extreme ascetic who liked to play with human skulls. He would found the Carthusian Order. The third edition of Bruno is one of the most revered of the Catholic saints although never formally canonized. He was a celebrated teacher at Reims and an influential advisor of his former pupil, Pope Urban II, better known as Odo of Châtillon or Otho de Lagery. This Otto was the head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal states at the dawn of the eleventh century. It was he who would initiate the Crusades.

And what of the three merciful Goddesses of the Star Sura, the three Norn of the Yggdrasil, and the three Goddesses of the Eleusinian Mysteries? They were the three Matilda’s who would compose the synoptic gospels in an attempt to mitigate the evil spell of Bruno and his ilk…

The Year of the Dragon, “Let Us Pray…” By Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

The Hervarar Saga or How the West Was Really Won… by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Matilda, the Devils Mommy (Devils and Gods Among Us II) by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (


1 – Heart, Jack, and Orage. The Satanic Verses (the Khazar-Nazi Anti-Christ Part II), The Human: Jack, Orage & Friends. Jack Heart Writings, 13 Mar. 2020, The Satanic Verses (the Khazar-Nazi Anti-Christ part II) by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

2 – Heart, Jack and Orage . “The Khazar-Nazi Anti-Christ: “In the Beginning” part I.” Esoteric Evolution; a primer for the New Gods…., 3 Mar 2020. Web. The Khazar-Nazi Anti-Christ: “In the Beginning” part I by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

3 – Ibid.

4 – Ibid.

5 – Heart, Jack and Orage. “Breathtaking: Jack Heart & Orage, Ragnarök I.” Veterans Today. 9 Jun 2018. Web. Ragnarök I – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (

6 – Heart, Jack and Orage. 2019. The Year of the Dragon, “Let Us Pray…”. [online] Esoteric Evolution. 3 Jan 2019. Web:The Year of the Dragon, “Let Us Pray…” By Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

7 – Heart, Jack and Orage. “Of Freyja and Lilith, Goddesses and Demons & the Lie of Judeo-Christianity I.” [online] Esoteric Evolution. Patreon, 19 Apr 2019. Web. Of Freyja and Lilith, Goddesses and Demons & the Lie of Judeo-Christianity I by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

8 – GY., Moravcsik and R. J. H. Jenkins. “1 – Of the Pechenegs and how many advantages accrue from their being at peace with the emperor of the Romans.” “1-3, 9.” Constantine Porphyrogenitus De Administrando Imperio.Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies Trustees for Harvard University Washington, District of Columbia, 1967. 49. Web.

9 – Ibid.

10 – –Mako, Gerald. “Chapter Three: Latin Proselytization among the Pechenegs The Mission of Bruno of Querfurt, Page 55.” Two Examples of Nomadic Conversion in Eastern Europe: The Christianization of the Pechenegs, and the Islamization of the Volga Bulghars (Tenth to Thirteenth Century A.D.), 2011,

11 – Solly, Meilan. “Cologne Archaeologists Unearth Foundations of Germany’s Oldest Known Library.”Smithsonian Magazine2018 Jul 31. Web.

Below are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make more, I actually make the most from Amazon E books, but because you will avoid giving Amazon any money. Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.

Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® ( Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god: 9781736288016: Heart, Jack: Books

The Hervarar Saga or How the West Was Really Won… by Jack Heart & Orage


It was the Hervarar saga that fueled the mind of J. R. R. Tolkien, author of the Lord of the Rings and father of modern “fantasy,” so much so that his son Christopher became an academic and made one of the more respected translations, which he titled The Saga of King Heidrek the Wise. There are two manuscripts for the Hervarar saga; the oldest is dated to the early fourteenth century and goes up to the second riddle, the other is dated at the fifteenth and cuts off at the end of chapter twelve and the war with the Huns. After that, the saga has been pieced together from inferior seventeenth century paper manuscripts. The sixteenth chapter contains a list of Swedish Kings that is used by historians, but even academics agree it’s an addendum after the fact. That it’s been tended to that way perhaps attests to its historical accuracy. The saga switches from Swede to Goth seamlessly and makes no distinction, perplexing academics who are attempting to date it back to a fourth century that never existed. In actuality, it is an authentic account of the birth of what would come to be known as the Holy Roman Empire, far more authentic than the made for TV version given in the Annals of Quedlinburg.

Arngrim the Berserk is a descendant of the benevolent god king of the Jötunn; Guðmund of Glæsisvellir and assorted other supernatural beings. He carried off Eyfura, the daughter of the King Svafrlami after killing him. Svafrlami was the grandson of Odin. It was he who first acquired the cursed sword Tyrfing from the dwarfs which Arngrim also took when he slew him. Arngrim and Eyfura had twelve sons; all Berserkers and legendary warriors and all slain in a battle with other legendary warriors on the malevolently enchanted island of Samsø, where they were buried together in a mound along with Tyrfing. One of them; Angantyr the strongest of the brothers and the one who had wielded Tyrfing begat a daughter  with the daughter of the Earl Bjartmar before embarking on the fatal voyage to Samsø with his brothers. “Everyone advised exposing the child, saying that if she resembled her father’s kinsmen she would not have a womanly disposition. The Earl, however, had her sprinkled with water; and he brought her up, and called her Hervör, saying that the line of Arngrim’s sons would not be extinguished if she were left alive.”(1)

Hervör grows into a woman of extraordinary beauty, but she is more Valkyrie than she is human, stronger than most men and causing exceeding mischief in the Earl’s fiefdom, even taking to the woods for a while and murdering passerby’s to support herself until the Earl had her retrieved. When she finds out who her real father is, she joins up with a band of Vikings and makes her way to the haunted island of Samsø, where she fearlessly disembarks and confronts the ghost of her dead father, convincing him that he must turn Tyrfing over to her. From there, cursed sword at her side, she makes her way to Guðmund of Glæsisvellir, taking on the male persona of Hervarth and impressing Guðmund with her skills at Hnefatafl, a strategic board game played by the Vikings, from which in all likelihood chess evolved. But soon enough, she beheads one of his men with Tyrfing and flees back to the Earl’s fiefdom where she settles down and starts acting like a woman instead of a Berserker. Höfund, the son of Guthmund and perhaps even wiser than his father, “heard of this and went and asked for the hand of Hervör, and was accepted; and he took her home.” (2)

Guðmund of Glæsisvellir is a recurring character in the Forndaldarsögur; Norse sagas supposedly composed before the colonization of Iceland whose original manuscripts can mostly be dated to the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Scholars, in a blatant attempt to undermine their historic credibility through nomenclature, call the Forndaldarsögur “Legendary Sagas” and snivel that they are not realistic, preferring the Icelandic sagas which conform more to their notions of rationalism forged by a thousand years of confinement in a three dimensional existence. But the literal translation of Forndaldarsögur is “the story or history of the ancient era…”

“King Guðmund appears in several of the fornaldarsögur. In the legend of Helgi Thorisson, he is pitted against the Christian King Olaf Tryggvason as a representative of the new and true doctrine. King Guðmund of the Glittering Plains represents the older heathen doctrine.” According to Saxo Grammaticus “King Guðmund is the giant Geirrod’s (Geruthus’) brother. His kingdom borders on Jotunheim and on the kingdom of death. The saga of Thorsteinn Bæjarmagn places Guðmund and the Glittering Plains in a tributary relation to Jotunheim and to Geirrod, the giant, well known in the mythology. The author of Hervör’s saga identifies Odainsakur, the acre of the not-dead, as a heathen belief, and gives reasons why it was believed that Odainsakur was situated within the limits of Gudmund’s kingdom, the Glittering Plains. This is because Gudmund and his men grew so old that they lived several generations. Gudmund alone lived five hundred years. Therefore the heathens believed that Odainsakur was situated in his domain.” (3)

Most of the Forndaldarsögur agree that the jump off point for a journey to the Glittering Plains and Odainsakur is the extreme North, but it must be kept in mind that in medieval geographic descriptions of Northern Europe like The Accounts of Othere and Wulfstan, north is east and east is north. “Hervör’s saga says that the Glittering Plains and Odainsakur are situated north of Halogaland, in Jotunheim. ”In contrast to the Christian proselytism of the Saxo Grammaticus portrayal of him as the malevolent inn keeper for the Hotel California, “where you can check out any time you’d like but you can never leave,” King Guðmund is depicted in the Forndaldarsögur as “pious in a heathen sense. With these qualities are united wisdom and great wealth.  He rules a domain which winter cannot penetrate. Within that domain is an enclosed place, whose bulwark neither sickness, nor age, nor death can surmount. It is left to his pleasure to give admittance to the mysterious meadows where the mead-cisterns of the lower world are found. There is an obvious correspondence of King Guðmund and his realm to Mimir the keeper of the wisdom well which Odin gives his eye to drink from. Stanza forty five of the Vafþrúðnismá predicts that Man shall rise again in the aftermath of Ragnarök from Hodd-Mimir’s grove:

“Lif and Leifthrasir

are concealed

in Hodd-Mimir’s grove.

Morning dews

they will have for nourishment,

From them are born (new) races.”(4)

Höfund and Hervör have two sons, one; Angantyr takes after his father whom is loved by all and the progenitor of judges in legal matters, the other, Heithrek takes after his mother and is full of murderous mischief.  He may be illegitimate because the saga makes reference to him having a step father; “His foster-father was called Gizur.” Heithrek kills Angantyr with the cursed sword Tyrfing, which earlier had been given to him by Hervör and is banished by Höfund, who at Hervör’s insistence gives him advice on how to handle matters that will come up in his future. Hervör goes back to Heithrek and repeats Höfund’s advice to him. Heithrek, having no use for his father, replies: “This advice must have been given me in a spiteful spirit. It will not be of any use to me.””(5)

Heithrek resolves to always do the opposite of Höfund’s advice and makes his way to the kingdom of King Harold whom he ingratiates himself to by using Tyrfing to slay Harold’s enemies. “King Harold had a son in his old age. Heithrek also had a son, who was called Angantyr. Presently a great famine began in Reithgotaland (which is now called Jutland) and it threatened to destroy all the inhabitants. So they tried divination, and the answer was that there would be no plenty in Reithgotaland until the noblest boy in the land had been sacrificed. Heithrek said that that was King Harold’s son, but the King declared that Heithrek’s son was the noblest; and there was no escape from this dilemma save by referring it to Höfund, whose decisions were always just.” Höfund advises that it is indeed Heithrek’s son who is the most noble and as compensation for his son Harold must give Heithrek half his army which Heithrek accepts but then treacherously uses it to renege on the deal and instead slay both Harold and his son. “Heithrek was now accepted as King throughout the realm.” (6)

King Harold, like Matilda, Henry (Heithrek), Otto and Bruno is a recurring theme in the history of Northern Europe. Mentioned throughout the sagas as King Harold the Blue Tooth he is credited by academia with converting Scandinavia to Christianity and erecting the Jelling monument. In the Icelandic sagas as Harold the Fairhair, he is the first king of Norway and the son of Halfdan, who in the Hervarar saga is his son, either way, Heithrek has them both killed… The Jelling monument is enigmatic not only in the difficulty scholars have with deciphering its runic inscriptions but in the fact the one side appears to depict a rampant version of the Mushhushshu-dragon, symbol of the god Marduk, as it appears on the Ishtar Gate of Babylon, another side of the Jelling monument shows a crucifixion in space notable for its absence of crosses…

Jelling monument

As the new King of the Goths “King Heithrek went out raiding and marched against the land of the Saxons with a great host. The King of the Saxons sent men to meet him and they made peace with one another, and the King invited Heithrek to a banquet. Heithrek accepted the invitation. The result of this banquet was that Heithrek sought the hand of the King’s daughter and married her, receiving much property and land as her dowry; and with that King Heithrek went home to his kingdom.”Although it’s stated in the manuscript that Angantyr is her stepson the wording is more than likely custodial subterfuge among the royal bloodlines. No maternity line is given for Angantyr and the Saxon princess clearly has custody of him because Heithrek has to steal him back from her and the Saxons when he catches her cheating on him with a bondsman during one of her all too many visits to her native Saxon kingdom. Heithrek also has another son with a pedigree, this one with the princess of the Huns. “One summer as Heithrek was away raiding, he went into the land of the Huns and harried there, and Humli his father-in-law fled before him. Heithrek there captured great booty and also Sifka, the daughter of King Humli, and then returned home to his kingdom. Their son was called Hlöth, as we said before. He sent her home shortly after.”(7)

Always meticulously doing exactly the opposite of his father’s advice and prospering wildly from it, Heithrek, who Höfund told in his original advice to Hervör not to take on the upbringing of the son of a king greater than himself, does just that by requesting and taking on the upbringing of the son of the powerful King Hrollaug. Then by faking the prince’s murder at the blade of Tyrfing, he tricks the enraged king into fighting a battle he has prepared for and of course emerges once again victoriously, ambushing and slaughtering all two hundred and forty of the men King Hrollaug sent to hang him and ending up with the kings still very much alive son as a bargaining chip. Messengers were sent accordingly to King Heithrek to bring about reconciliation. A council was held and a reconciliation effected by Heithrek’s marrying Hergerth, the daughter of King Hrollaug; and she brought him as her dowry Wendland, the province which lies nearest to Reithgotaland. Now king of the Goths and the Wends with a son with a claim to the Saxon throne and a son with a claim to throne of the Huns: “King Heithrek settled down in his own kingdom and became a great sage…”(8)

Chapter 10 opens with the smoking gun and the fingerprints of the Quedlinburg Annals all over it. Without ever explaining except maybe in riddles who they are it begins: “They had a daughter called Hervör who was brought up by a man called Ormar. She was a most beautiful girl, but as tall and strong as a man, and trained herself in the use of bow and arrows.”(9)

The narrative then just continues on about how a riddle contest, which will be his death, develops between King Heithrek and Odin. Hervör, who is a most beautiful girl, but as tall and strong as a man, and trained herself in the use of bow and arrows, is already King Heithrek’s mother. This enigmatic passage marks the third incarnation of Matilda; suae metropolitanae sibi haereditariae, anointed when she was eleven years old, the Abbess of Quedlinburg and as the daughter of Otto the Great, undisputed ruler of the empire during its most formative of years in the late tenth century. In her second incarnation she had been Saint Matilda wife of Henry the Fowler and mother of Otto the Great, Henry the Wrangler and Saint Bruno, Archbishop of Cologne.  All also have repetitive rolls in the academic narrative. Matilda’s first incarnation is as Saint Matilda’s grandmother and namesake Mistress of the Herford Abbey and Saint Matilda’s custodian. Academia needs to manufacture clones in order to account for how the most influential figures in medieval history remained in power for over a century and seemed to be in two places at once.

The fornaldarsögur, since they are not bound by evil spells, and are composed from eye witness accounts have no problem telling it just like it was; King Guðmund lived to be five hundred years old, King Heithrek had praetor human powers of perception and wielded a sword that was not of this world, and Hervör King Heithrek’s mother who gave him that sword was a supernatural being who, just like Julietta Montefeltro the high priestess of the Ordo Bucintoro in fifteenth century Venice, was twice born.

The Norse language, particularly if it is written in the runic alphabet, has yet to be fully understood. But I have little doubt that because the Sepher Yetzirah and the Yggdrasil have been drawn from the same well the same codes and ciphers used in Qabalah like Gematria (GMTRIA), Notarikon (NVTRIQVN) and Temurah (ThMVRH) can be used to crack the multiple meanings in the texts of the sagas. In the same vein the texts of the saga narratives themselves are full of easily discernible double entendres. Fortunately unlike the old testament in the bible this has not escaped the attention of scholars like Hannah Burrows who throws everything academia has at it in “Enigma Variations: Hervarar saga’s Wave-riddles and Supernatural Women in Old Norse Poetic Tradition.” (10)

King Heithrek deals with his enemies by either trying them in a kangaroo court sure to hang them or engaging them in a riddle (gátur) contest, which with his praetor human intelligence he is also certain to win and hang them. One such enemy, Gestumblindi, is stood for by Odin, who unknown to King Heithrek takes Gestumblindi’s form and a riddle contest ensues between Odin and King Heithrek. It’s really unprecedented in the sagas and what comes out in it is the truth. In a series of riddles, the supernatural woman that permeate the pre-Christian lore of the Norse, the Valkyries, the Norns or as Burrows calls them; Wave Maidens are described as natural phenomena such as pieces on the board game Hnefatafl, birds and plants which are the solutions correctly given by King Heithrek to the riddles of Gestumblindi, who is really Odin.

The contest reaches its inevitable climatic revelation when in the eighteenth riddle Gestumblindi (Odin) asks King Heithrek: “Who are those women on the mighty mountain, woman begets with woman? Maid with maid begets a son, and those women do not have husbands.” King Heithrek gives a correct solution by answering wild angelica, a plant native to northern Europe which produces sideshoots after its first year. The “women” word in line 1 is rýgjar, playing on two layers of imagery: the angelica growing wild on the mountainside, and giantesses (supernatural females) in their traditional dwelling-place. In this riddle, the line ok eigut þær varðir vera “and those women do not have husbands” is not only apt, but the key to the whole riddle: as the prose response expands, þat eru hvannir tvær ok hvannarkálfr á milli þeira “That is two [female] angelicas and a young angelica between them”; the line creates the paradox of apparent reproduction between females without male involvement.” (11)

That is why the parentage of Hervör in her second incarnation at the beginning of chapter ten which opens the story of the riddle contest between the king of the gods and the god king is not given right then and there, as is customary in the sagas. It’s given here in the riddle. For the same reasons referring to King Heithrek in chapter six; the line “His foster-father was called Gizur” has been inserted. Gizur is a kenning –a name substitution commonly found in the sagas– for Höfund, who is not Heithrek’s real father. King Heithrek does not have a father. He is a demigod, the spawn of the Valkyries, which also explains the contempt he has for Höfund…

Themighty mountain” or the lofty mountain as it is sometimes translated is a reference to the Quedlinburg Abbey on the castle hill of Quedlinburg, mighty because at the time the Hervarar Saga was written, in a reality unchained by academic constraints, in the early tenth century; like the center of the board in the game of Hnefatafl (chess) the Quedlinburg Abbey was the very beating heart of the empire.

The board game is in fact referred to in the very next riddle, numbered nineteen by Burrows. Scholars contest how many riddles there are in the original manuscript but not their chronological order. Gestumblindi (Odin) asks “Who are those maids, who fight weaponless around their lord? The darker protect during all the days, but the fairer go forth [to attack].” Here the solution is pieces in the board-game hnefatafl. Their personification as warrior maidens in a riddle using the same structure and language as the stanzas previously discussed reinforces the connection between this poetic formula and the evocation of supernatural females…” (12)

Hnefatafl board

Odin follows by asking his twentieth riddle: “Who are those playmates, who pass over lands to the curiosity of their father? They bear a white shield during winter, but a black one during summer.” The solution to the riddle is ptarmigans, the skildir “shields” referring to their seasonal plumage; but the martial imagery is unavoidably reminiscent of the shield-maiden and her place on the battlefield. (13)

Odin seemingly growing frustrated at his inability to stump King Heithrek now asks him a series of riddles all with the same answer. In the “oldest extant manuscript, Hauksbók” (14) dated at the beginning of the fourteenth century Odin poses only three of these riddles with the same answer but when the Hervarar Saga is pieced together from other fragments and copies there are four. Hannah Burrow’s gives all four.

For his twenty-first riddle Gestumblindi asks: “Who are those ladies, who go sorrowing, to the curiosity of their father? They have pale hair, the white-hooded ones, and those women do not have husbands. King Heiðrekr, think about the riddle.” For his twenty-second riddle Gestumblindi asks: “Who are those girls, who go many together to the curiosity of their father? To many men they have caused harm; with that they must spend their lives. King Heiðrekr, think about the riddle.” For his twenty-third riddle Gestumblindi asks: “Who are those women, who go all together to the curiosity of their father? They are seldom gentle with the host of men, and have to wake in the wind. King Heiðrekr, think about the riddle.” And for his twenty-fourth Gestumblindi asks King Heithrek: “Who are those brides, who walk in the surf-skerries, and have a journey along the fjord? They have a hard bed, the white-hooded ones, and play little in the calm. King Heiðrekr, think about the riddle.”(15)

The twenty-third riddle is not included in translations based on the Hauksbók manuscript. But the answer to all the riddles, be they three or four, is Wave Maidens, Ægir’s daughters or as they are routinely manifested in this world; the crests of waves, the billows as is the usual translation of King Heithrek’s answers. Scientists, real scientists not the ones that think energy can only be created by blowing things up, know that what the human race calls reality is in fact is a hologram, a signal that emanates from a source. The Australian aborigines have always known this and call the source of the signal the Alcheringa. David Bohm, once a disciple of Einstein and the school of thermodynamics that still worships the steam engine, also managed to figure it out in spite of Einstein and Choo Choo Trains. He said there was an Implicate and Explicate order with the implicate, which is the source or Alcheringa, revealed only fragmentally due to the limitations of “matter” or more correctly form in the explicate order. Like breaking waves on the shore the daughters of Ægir are relentlessly destructive while at the same time infinitely seductive. With their mastery of Magick, perfect bodies and glowing hair they are most desirable as wives but “they are seldom gentle with the host of men” and “they have a hard bed.” “To many men they have caused harm…”

A wimple as shown in Portrait of a Woman, circa 1430-1435, by Robert Campin (1375/1379–1444), National Gallery, London.

The crests of waves are white but so were the veils or wimples on the habits of nuns in the Holy Roman Empire. The plumage of ptarmigans is white in the winter and black in the summer but traditionally novice nuns wore white and when they were ordained they switched to black. Count Liudolf, Henry the Fowler, Otto the Great and the two succeeding Otto’s, all obtained power through the extensive dowries which came with their marriages and all died abruptly in many cases very young leaving their wives or daughters to rule the empire. In Count Liudolf’s case, together with his wife Oda who lived to be a hundred and seven years old, they established Gandersheim Abbey which as the Imperial Abby would become the heart of the Saxon Empire. The first abbess was Hathumod, a daughter of Liudolf, as were the two succeeding abbesses. In Henry the Fowlers case, he married Saint Matilda then conveniently died right before he was to be crowned Holy Roman Emperor leaving Saint Matilda to next establish the Quedlinburg Abbey where her granddaughter Matilda would be its abbess. From the time of her inexplicable and unprecedented coronation by her father Otto the Great when she was eleven years old that Matilda, with Empress Adelaide of Italy and Empress Theophanu of Constantinople both taking turns at the helm, would establish a Holy Roman Empire that would last a thousand years, with both its history and its gospels being fabricated by the supernatural woman cloistered within the Abbeys walls.

There are four primary sources for Dark Age history and there are four gospels. It is no accident that there are four riddles that’s answers are Wave Maidens in the Hervarar Saga. This is a spell to seal the four directions. But every surfer and seaman knows waves come in sets of three. This isn’t lost on the Hervarar Saga either. The full answer to the twenty-third riddle is “þad eru Ægis dætur; þær ganga iij samann, er vindur vekur þær “ That’s Ægir’s daughters; they go three together when the wind wakes them.” (16)

In the Vafþrúðnismál, the wisdom king of the giants tells Odin, once again in disguise, that after Ragnarök three maidens will move over the sea and “enter the settlements of mankind, the only guardian spirits of those in the world, though they are brought up with giants.” (17) This is a touching story of the goddesses coming to the survivors in their hour of need if one does not realize that they are the same “three giants’ girls [þríar þursa meyiar!]” who are said to be the harbingers or inciters of Ragnarǫk in Vǫluspá.” (18)

This is their modus operandi. In Surah 18 of the Qur’an, just like the gospels written by the Djinn, they promise the “faithful” that they have created everything in this world and they will inevitably destroy it. In the Benedictine monk; Plato’s Timaeus the hypothetical aged Egyptian priest tells Solon, the hypothetical Greek philosopher predating Plato, that civilizations have arisen and been destroyed many times throughout mans existence. In what’s euphemistically called by them the circle of life just when civilizations seem to arrive at the pinnacle of their knowledge they are smashed down by some unseen hand and forced to start all over again as ignorant savages.

The riddle contest ends when Odin goes to his old standby and asks King Heithrek what it was he whispered into Baldur’s ear before he was placed on his funeral pyre. Since Odin is the only one on this side of Hell that would know that, King Heithrek immediately recognizes him jumping up and saying: “I am sure it was something scandalous and cowardly and thoroughly contemptible. You are the only person who knows the words which you spoke, you evil and wretched creature. Then the King drew Tyrfing, and struck at Gestumblindi [Odin]; but he changed himself into a falcon and flew out through the window of the hall. And the sword struck the tail of the falcon; and that is why it has had a short tail ever since…”

Odin takes his vengeance that very same night and King Heithrek is dead by morning, killed by nine of his own slaves. Angantyr takes his own vengeance on the nine then assumes his role as the heir of King Heithrek and becomes king himself. Hlöth shows up and demands his fair share of his father’s kingdom, or by now empire, and King Angantyr is amicable toward him but Gizur, King Heithrek’s “foster father,” who by now it should be certain is really Höfund, although a very old man is at the council. Gizur insults the Hunnish prince telling him King Angantyr is being generous with him and his mother Sifka was naught but a bondswoman. From there things get ugly and Hlöth returns with King Humli and all the hordes of the Hun. The mightiest battle of the millennium before the last one ensues between the Goths and the Huns with Hunnish bodies said to have been so many that they dammed up rivers. King Angantyr and the Goths are victorious. In the aftermath “Angantyr ruled Reithgotaland as King for a long time. He was powerful and generous and a great warrior, and lines of kings are sprung from him…” (20)

Academics do monkey flips trying to put the battle between the Goths and the Huns so exquisitely described in the Hervarar Saga in the fourth or fifth century, but try as they may they can’t get it to fit. That is because the war between the Goths and Huns (Maygars) took place in the tenth century with Henry the Fowler and Otto the Great, the Saxon kings, victorious at the Battle of Riade and the Battle of Lechfeld respectively. That would have been shortly after Henry wiped out the Slavic army in what was basically an ambush of an expected attack at the Battle of Lenzen. It will be recalled that in the saga King Heithrek wipes out King Hrollaug’s army in the same fashion. Then marries “Hergerth, the daughter of King Hrollaug; and she brought him as her dowry Wendland…”

In the account of Wulfstan, which outside the sagas is the only reliable eyewitness account of what lay beyond the German frontier in the late ninth century, he says sailing north, or is it east, on the Baltic Sea: “Wendland was to starboard the whole of the way to the mouth of the Vistula.” (21) That would put it on the coast of Poland in an area traditionally Slavic that separates Nordic East and West Prussia…

This is a first draft; it was put on Patreon only for the benefit of our Patrons in 2018 but now I see those who have brought the Apocalypse down upon all your heads jammed it so it can’t be shared or even used as a source, forcing me to put it up in public to be used as a source for another piece where I am explaining my recently published book; Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. If I was to go over it again, which I do not have time to do, I would point out that if it was written by Pagans, as academics vacuously assume, then the Earl of Bjartmar would have seen no need to baptize Hervör when he “had her sprinkled with water.” I would also emphasize that Heithrek first defeats the Huns when he puts King Humli to flight and wins the hand of Sifka corresponding perfectly to Henry the Fowlers defeat of the Magyar at the Battle of Riade. Then Heithrek’s son Angantyr finishes them off for good also corresponding perfectly with Otto the Great Henry the Fowlers son finishing the Magyars off for good in the Battle of Lechfeld. There is more, so much more but I think J. R. R. Tolkien covered much of it…

An Apocalypse carries biblical connotations of great slaughter and that is as it should be for those who have done Lucifer/Apollo a great wrong as Otto Rahn points out in The Court of Lucifer. But the true meaning of the word Apocalypse is a great Revelation. Whether you want to face it or not we now find ourselves in the middle of a Transhuman Armageddon that has been inevitable since 2016. More than half of what we are dealing with as our friends and family are no more human than a package of Brussel Sprouts on a Walmart shelf. Come to think of it that’s probably why MK Ultra was originally called Artichoke. As that noted artichoke Dubya would say:“mission accomplished…”

The West has been Googlized and the East Huaweid.The majority of the Human Race are now bacteriological automatons, agglutinations. It’s in your best interests, in the best interests of your immortal soul, to get away from them. If you’re not infected by now, you’re immune so agglutination contagion is not a physical danger. As abominations they are a malaise to the soul. For what it’s worth if you’re consolidating your remaining ancestral linage, the Djinn tell me immunity is inherited through the mother and contingent on the ability to “filter the poisons through the mouth…”

Trying to rationalize with them is the last thing you need to be doing. Beijing Biden or Donald Trump, American corporatism or Chinese socialism, it makes no difference, you are still slated to die. They have all been dead for some time now and death is far more contagious than any virus. I suspect in the moment when you become the Thing from John Carpenters movie, your soul leaves your body, and you are no longer you. Vaccination can be expected to accomplish the same, the replacement of the living biological organism with a dead synthetic one. The long-anticipated Zombie Apocalypse has arrived and the only reason most “people” can’t see it is because they are the zombies.

The book which I have kept in my back pocket since 2012, while I wrote piece upon piece, all the while suffering the indignities of the human devils attending this Vampires Banquet where you are the main course, trying to avoid what you see before you now, has now been published. In it you will find your Revelation.

The book is available in the United States: right Here, but if you are from another country as at least a quarter of those who have already purchased it are, I suggest you go to your local Amazon outlet. Amazon has done everything it can, as expected, to slow down sales and avoid showing the sterling reviews it has gotten, particularly from Europe and Australia. In spite of the malevolent efforts of its distributor the book has already sold hundreds of copies. – Jack Heart

The Year of the Dragon, “Let Us Pray…” By Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Devils and Gods Among Us by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (

Matilda, the Devils Mommy (Devils and Gods Among Us II) by Jack Heart & Orage – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and Friends (


1 – Kershaw (translator), Nora. “The Saga of Hervör and Heithrek- Chap 4.” The Complete Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda Legendary Sagas of the Northland in English Translation. Translated by Nora Kershaw 1921. Web.

2 – Ibid, Chap 6

3 “King Guðmundr of Glæsisvellir “King Gudmund of the Glittering Plains” .” The Complete Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda Legendary Sagas of the Northland in English Translation2010. Web.

4 – Ibid.

5-Kershaw (translator), Nora. “The Saga of Hervör and Heithrek” – Chap 6.

6 – Ibid Chap 7

7 – Ibid Chap 8

8 – Ibid, Chap 9

9 – Ibid, Chap 10

10 – Burrows, Hannah. “Enigma Variations: Hervarar saga’s Wave-riddles and Supernatural Women in Old Norse Poetic Tradition.” Web.

11 – Ibid, page 13 – 14

12 – Ibid, page 17

13 – Ibid, page 17 – 18

14 – Ibid, page 3

15 – Ibid, pages 27 – 28

16 – Ibid, page 10

17 – Ibid, page 15

18 – Ibid, page 16

19 – Kershaw (translator), Nora. “The Saga of Hervör and Heithrek” -Chap 11.

20 – Ibid, Chap 16

21 –  “The Accounts of Othere and Wulfstan.”Ohthere and Wulfstan at the Court of King Alfred | Viking Archaeology (

Below are two links where you can purchase Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan. I would suggest you buy it in hardcopy, not because I make more, I actually make the most from Amazon E books, but because you will avoid giving Amazon any money. Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.

Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan by Jack Heart, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® ( Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan: Memoir of an awakening god: 9781736288016: Heart, Jack: Books

Sage of Quay™ – Jack Heart – Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan (Jan 2021)

37 Alt audio, remastered

Early on I learned to fear the night. The voices they heard when I was alone in my room in the dark were ignored. I told them about the hooded apparitions at the foot of my bed, the scratching inside my pillow and the incessant nightmares. My dog wouldn’t even go in that room. When I woke up on the floor with a broken collar bone I was taken to the doctor, put in a cast and sent to school.

Seduced by hedonism and lost in the labyrinth of materialism I would later forget. I became a landscape designer by day and a bouncer in the toughest bars in the New York City area by night. I met her there, the one the Jews call Lilith and the Pagans Freyja. As noted by no less a scientist than C. G. Jung in his prologue for Miguel Serrano’s book The Visits of the Queen of Sheba she’s very real: “clearly discernible, but the least similar to the spontaneous products of the Unconscious with which I am familiar…”

She is the muse of the sirens and the seduction of the flesh, the whore and the holy one of The Thunder, Perfect Mind. Cursed to wander through time in the brothels of man she carries with her the keys to the kingdoms of Heaven and Hell. As Jung said you cannot marry her and by her own admission she is cruel. She told me herself they call her a demon and curiosity kills if you can’t read the signs. Its twilight now, “shadows of the evening crawl across the years.”  Darkness falls…